Stephen: “The rules were fairly clear” in Nina Totenberg’s friendship with Justice Ginsburg
John Oliver: Law & Order
LegalEagle: Legal in the US, but not…
Robert Reich: How billionaires got so powerful
The Dotard Трамп, MAGA Republicans, and Other Flavors of Traitors, Liars, and Grifters:
- Chris Hayes: DOJ subpoenas 40 Трамп associates over Jan. 6 investigation
- Alex Wagner: Трамп goal of discrediting courts plays out in Mar-a-Lago Special Master case
- Seth Meyers: FBI seizes Mike Lindell’s phone at Hardee’s & DOJ issues 40 Трамп-related subpoenas
- Joy Reid: Mark Meadows now has “hot potato” of culpability for Mar-a-Lago docs
- Tommy Campbell: Lauren Boebert hilariously fails to debate Adam Frisch
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп reacts to Roger Federer retiring
- Alex Wagner and Jen Psaki: Republican power grab in the judiciary warps midterm election dynamic
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп probes ramp up, MyPillow Mike’s new career in fast food & GOP Governors pull migrant stunt
- Lauren Mayer: ♫ Karma’s a Bitch and She Votes ♬:
- Alex Wagner: GOP governors follow shameful history with cruel stunt abusing migrants
- Stephen: We predicted every insane, criminal step down nutball treason highway to January 6th
- Rachel Maddow: Barr ENDS Трамп’s entire career after ‘meddling in SDNY’ confirm…helps Pelosi with probe
- LegalEagle: Трамп’s very Special Master
- Stephen: DeSantis owns The Libs by making them look compassionate
- Alex Wagner: Lindsey Graham hands Democrats a gift with federal abortion ban proposal
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard REJECTS invitation to Queen Elizabeth’s funeral
- Ari Melber: “Substantial escalation” in Jan. 6 probe as DOJ seizes phones from “top” Трамп aides
- Tommy Campbell: Steve Bannon busted, Mike Lindell’s space movies and Трамп’s horse
- Alex Wagner: Victims of DeSantis’ cruel migrant plane prank appear to have law on their side
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard’s first time meeting the Queen
- Ari Melber: Трамп’s nightmare? Feds seize another MAGA insider’s phone as Jan. 6 probe escalates
- John Di Domenico: “I was secretly knighted by Queen Elizabeth!”
- Stephen: DOJ fake elector investigation brings subpoenas and Mike Lindell loses his phone
- Liberal Redneck: Immigrant shipments:
- Alex Wagner: How one law firm became the engine behind Трамп’s war on the judiciary and democracy
- Seth Meyers: Mark Meadows complies with DOJ subpoena and Brett Favre scandal texts revealed
- Jimmy Kimmel with Beto O’Rourke: Abbott & DeSantis busing migrants, abortion ban, gun laws & voter suppression
- Katie Phang: Трамп faces a deluge of legal woes
- Alicia Menendez: Investigations into Трамп’s actions to overturn the 2020 election widen
The Late Show: ♫ Guess Who Saved The Trains? Joe Biden ♬
NY Times: OB-GYNs confront legal impact of abortion bans
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
One aspect of the railroad labor negotiations, was how out of touch tge CEOs and shareholders were with the policy they enacted. They didn’t expect the bill to come due. Some Railroads that enacted PSR have done it better. At Florida East Coast tge trains are scheduled for real, with specific departure times, and yard cutoff times for shippers. The FEC isn’t covered in these negotiations, they are not a class I, and except for interchange traffic, only operate within Florida.
Sexual assault that conservative can believe in, and which build SC Justices’ resumees.
Friends of Bob.
He’ll probably regret sawing off his leg after he snaps out of his Jesus Christ or Satan trance, whichever it is.
Personally, I think some people have a bad case of cabin fever.
@4 poor child. What a fucking Neanderthal. But we all know that it could have been worse – she could have two dads.
Even worse – Bob could have been her dad!
Larry Klayman has been stripped of his licensed to practice in DC.
Kalyman become aggressively gropey and stalked a client he represented in a workplace sexual harassment lawsuit that was eventually unsuccessful. He continued to stalk the former client after she fired him and continued to represent himself as her attorney in filings to the court and in person.
Cannon’s order would grant Trump’s lawyers immediate and ongoing access to all of the recovered stolen classified documents during the Special Master review process she scheduled to take place until November 30th.
One of those lawyers is a registered agent for a socialist/Marxist dictator.
Shit is wild.
@6 He also sued the bar association that just suspended him.
Dr. Oz has refused to tell Pennsylvanians how he’d vote on the new Senate Republican bill to ban abortion nationwide for:
Republicans: Voters having hard economic times will vote instead for Forced Birth Republicans to take rights away from themselves, their wives and daughters and privatize their social security. “My paycheck trumps my daughter being treated like livestock.”
That’s not a great selling point.
@ 9
Dr. Oz has refused to tell Pennsylvanians how he’d vote…
Moobs Lurch McDroolski has refused to tell Pennsylvanians why scoring the same as a high school graduate on a cognition test is good enough to be in the Senate, rather than buying a case of Rolling Rock for Saturday night.
Moobs Lurch McDroolski has refused to tell Pennsylvanians the score of that other cognition test he took. The one in which he scored the same as a turnip.
I’ve got some soiled pantyhose to sell you if you’re interested.
Call me!
@ 10,
I’ve got some old hard drives I found in Rudy Giuliani’s recycling if you’re interested.
Call me!
@ 10,
I’ve got cases of unused dildos still in their original packaging if you’re interested.
Call me!
@ 10,
I’ve got an unused Delta voucher and a cousin near Pittsburgh I can stay with if you’re interested.
Call me!
@ 10,
I’ve got dozens of vials of semen I stole from a lab and a box full of dresses from the Goodwill.
Call me!
98%…is that good?
It’s like you’ve gone down swinging three times on the same cutter away but you’re 0-2 and swung at it again to go 0-4 on the day.
@ 10,
Hey man. I can doctor photos or drag a developmentally disabled little girl through shit if it would help.
But I’m dead. So maybe don’t call me.
@ 10,
I’m not dead. Call me!
But hurry. I’m about to go to prison.
I got turnips for my Crudite. They were outrageously expensive here at the Park Slope CoOp. I got them on my way home. Gonna blend them with some tequila. Maybe have some Fois Gras.
Pennsylvania voters really love the Fois. Goes great on Crostini.
Send me money.
Greedy racist incel,
the forced birth republican’s solution to the drug problem is to put people who use drugs in prisons.
Why don’t republican solve the illegals problem by putting the people who use illegals in prison?
Can someone explain like I’m five. I went on the Jim “Bear Sterns is 100% fine” Cramer show and blamed our loses on supply chains and rising fuel costs. Lots of stocks got it. My own especially. I did it for the GOP in the midterms. Wanted to make shit look really bad.
But then gas prices dropped another cent overnight. Maersk didn’t fold. Even the US Postal Service is doing better than us and they got kneecapped. I look the total fool. Somebody help me. I said fuel was going to rise sharply. WTI barely moved at all. How does the global economy work? ARE WE NOT THE WORLD LEADER IN ALL THINGS SHIPPING? (Narrator: They are not)
Momala will be the 2024 standard-bearer of the Democrat party, gentlemen and YLB.
I do have to give her credit for calling Joe Biden a racist motherfucker in that primary debate, before bailing rather than facing the primary voters in her own party.
Book-Banning Efforts Rising at Unprecedented Rate, US Libraries Report.
“We’re truly fearful that at some point we will see a librarian arrested for providing constitutionally protected books on disfavored topics,” said one free speech advocate.
Ron DeSantis literally banned math books because he felt that, specifically, white kids couldn’t emotionally handle them.
Free speech! – Conservatives
Ban books! – Also Conservatives
“Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills, critical thinking skills and similar programs. They challenge the student’s fixed beliefs and undermines parental authority.”
@ 21
Even the US Postal Service is doing better than us and they got kneecapped.
You know that’s United Parcel Service and not the USPS, right?
I look the total fool.
No argument.
@22. The greedy racist incel is fantasizing about powerful black women again.
Dude. Keep it inside the thought bubble. I don’t post about Idris Elba or Michael B. Jordan. Be respectful.
8)Is he representing himself in said lawsuit.
I am so embarrassed by that gotcha. I don’t even know my own company name. I cannot handle this relentless conservative criticism over a typo, so I will shut down Purolator and never be seen again. /s
@ 27
…criticism over a typo…
USPS instead of UPS is a typo.
US Postal Service instead of United Parcel Service @ 21 is akin to Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit defending GE based on the strength of its dividend. Each are inexcusable misunderstandings of business and the markets.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 25 will tell you that the following is an example of a Hispanic man demonstrating disrespect for a black woman.
Texas Congressman: “The border is not secure”
Kamala Harris is an incompetent chickenshit. Small wonder she’s advanced in the Democrat party.
Being barred from practice means he can’t take clients or offer advice to others. But he can still represent himself. For what little that is worth.
Degen demanding we secure our border against the existential threat of young, healthy, productive workers is nearly as peak Stoopid as his demand for zero percent inflation.
@29 The greedy racist incel must have started day drinking early. He’s transitioned to being telepathic and prophetic.
Kamela Harris is a good vice president but I doubt she will be the nominee. Primary voters know she is too black for the scared racists and too woman for the scared incels to get elected im the general.
31 Put everyone who hires an illegal in prison. Problem solved. As a bonus There would not be enough forced birth Republicans who could vote left to swing an election for dog catcher.
I wish I had negotiated a contract with that retailer up there in Seattle that ships millions of packages a day like USPS did. I thought we were too big for that and here we are with the GERMAN post office nipping at our heels.
This is priceless
The Adorers of the Blood of Christ, a religious order whose sisters say that the building of a section of the Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline on their land in Lancaster County violates their religious practice under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act,
The Natural Gas Act governs pipeline construction and distribution of natural gas, which is overseen by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act prohibits government agencies or officials from interfering with an individual’s religious expression.
Transco told the court the Natural Gas Act applies to all issues surrounding the transportation and distribution of natural gas, which must supersede religious freedom act.
The nuns argue that being pro life means they are anti abortion and against climate change. The pipeline that was forced on them through imminent domain, is interfering with their religious expression. The religious beliefs of the sisters, whose work in Pennsylvania goes back to 1925, includes protecting God’s creation by preserving the environment for future generations
If a baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a same sex couple is within their rights, then the nuns are within their rights not to have a pipeline across their land is within their rights
Republicans: “No, not like that.”
I am 100 percent pro White Power fueled by cheap eggs and beer.
Go SEATTLE Seahawks!
Alito: “No, not like that.”
Associate Justice GangBang: “Yes, exactly like that.”
Chief Justice MoleHunt: “Fuck’s sake, you guys.”
Biden: “Larger court would provide greater diversity of viewpoint and encourage engagement and compromise.”
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit squeezes his to feel something – anything – while Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit is off with her BBC.
@38. There is so much abnormal in that post. Normal men do not fantasize about stuff like that. Get mental health help, please. Do it for your wife.
33)Probably don’t have enough jails for that.
So, 2024 will be The Fat Midget vs. The Fag Midget.
The horse would appreciate it too.
Sounds like you, and other Neanderthals,
are afraid. Pussies.
First assaulting LEO. Then denigrating a veteran. What next? Eating babies?
@43. He’s gay. That negates his humanity to homophobic assholes like greedy.
This would be ironic if it happens. Germany buying Israeli Arrow 3 ABMs. Germany is probably third biggest supplier of arms to Israel behind the U.S. and Israel tge early days, the IDF was using Czech copies of the Me-109 and Arabs were using Spitfires.
In the past, the US has vetoed the sale of the full Arrow ABM system, especially the missile itself, too much range it could violate a treaty, the Missile Technology Control Regime.
Would be interesting if Ukraine captures any Russian S-350
and S-400 SAM systems intact. The US Army and Raytheon would probably love to look those over.
It seems the Supreme Court’s conservative majority lied about more than where the praying coach was praying. It also lied that he was fired when he wasn’t. It ordered the school to give him his $5,000 a year job back, but he’s too busy being a conservative celebrity to coach kids anymore.
46)At O’Dea, we had post-game prayers, being a Catholic School, but it was in the Locker Room, never in the view of the other team. Then again, usually tge otger team was trying to get out of there after a shellacking.
Today was my company’s annual picnic, first since before the Pandemic. Held it at Saint Edward State Park. Never knew the land and The Lodge was linked to my schools namesake.
So here’s what we know about Ron DeSantis’s Martha’s Vineyard escapade, based on news reports.
A little known Oregon company was paid $615,000 to fly 48 migrants from Texas to Massachusetts.
The money came from interest earned on federal Covid relief funds.
All the migrants were from Venezuela, and it’s unknown at this time if any of them were ever in Florida.
The migrants were persuaded to make the trip by being falsely and fraudulently assured housing and jobs were waiting for them.
DHS agents falsified their addresses on official paperwork.
Those addresses were for random homeless shelters in Tacoma, Washington D.C., and other distant cities.
The migrants are required to report to the nearest ICE office in those cities Monday morning or face removal.
They were instructed to report to a different agency to ensure they would be no-shows.
Lawyers representing the migrants are demanding a criminal investigation.
I wonder what Repukes in the Northeast and on the Vineyard think and how they feel about shipping the migrants to their communities. Hehehehehe.
Keep it going.
Desantis should send oneway trip vouchers to Florida, with the immigrants, to pass out to the locals.
Nice bumper sticker on some alpha males Ford F-150
Bob has a litter box in his brain like this guy.
“Y’all are scared,”
Maybe not scared enough yet.
But they will be.
It’s nice to see MSNBC letting slip a bit of the truth now and then.
This, of course, makes it easy to goof on the “human trafficking” shrillness coming from 2024 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
Say it with me, libbies: President. Ron. DeSantis.
Over in r/conservatives they are claiming its hypocrisy when Martha Vineyard follows protocols around the dumped asylum seekers. Doesn’t seem like the law and order party knows what Rule of Law is, above and beyond all the laws broken by Forced Birth republican to do this political stunt. Wonder how many Florida voters enjoy money that could have been spent on them is spent on Desantis’s campaign?
Gavin Newsom has challenged Ron DeSantis to a debate.
Not surprising. Newsom knows that in the Fall of 2024 it will be a 77 year-old Hillary Clinton debating DeSantis, not him.
@ 54
Wonder how many Florida voters enjoy money that could have been spent on them is spent on Desantis’s campaign?
This from The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, who never wondered whether voters who paid off their student loans enjoy money that could have been spent on them instead being spent to pay down student loans owed by useless fucks who spent six years getting that B.A. in Critical Dance Studies.
Say it with me, “This is how you get four more years of Trump”.
“When the decision is announced it’s going to immediately have a massive impact on the mid term elections.”
“It won’t.”
56. Fair point if it were valid. Which it’s not.
3,254. GROWING 6.17%
AVERAGE WAGE $61,316 GROWING 2.61%. Working teachers are paid less than working dancers. Tells you something. Forced Birth Republicans despise teachers more than they hate dancers.
Do you hate it so because it has the word “Critical” in the name?
Greedy racist incel, I cannot understand why you have not taken up my cause of putting all the law breakers who hire illegals in for profit prison for at least a year and take away their right to vote. Demand would dry up, illegals workers wouldn’t come and the Border Wall would only need to be a 6 foot high chain link fence.
“He’s gettin’ ready for The Pain.”
Xtian zealots like Degen took Arizona, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and Colorado off the board, and put Ron Johnson and maybe even Ohio on the bubble. Using the same reasoning as Degen they shot their money wad before Dobbs was published. So now they are going to run out of gas before they can get across the finish line in Georgia and Arizona. Their House wave just turned into a ripple. And McCarthy is going to be overthrown by a lunatic torch mob of jealous social media warriors fighting for parking spaces.Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer punched through with the full legislative agenda to a resounding chorus of Republican tears about the price of cat food.
And thanks to Dobbs and Lindsey Graham women’s right to bodily autonomy is now on the ballot in all 50 states.
When Degen threatens with a good time, he delivers.
@ 58
35%. In 1992 it was 34%.
Turns out the SG and other devoutly Xtian lawyers lied just like Satan:
He was never fired. The district never failed to rehire him. The prayers were loud, obnoxious, performative affairs attended by ultra-MAGA lawmakers and other conservative celebs, surrounded by adoring mobs of up to 500 evangelical zealots praying to be “raptured”. Since being placed on paid leave the coach has spent all his time on the celebrity ultra-MAGA speaking circuit and won’t even return phone calls from the district holding his job open for him.
It’s clear what purpose this is supposed to accomplish.
The people reading this are all quite well informed about the data surrounding public support for women’s access to unrestricted reproductive health services. And more than that, there’s the very obvious distinctions between the men’s understanding of the issue and women’s understanding.
So I take enormous comfort whenever I see “conservatives” ignoring the data, and the strong signaling in the data, to their own self destruction. It heartens me greatly. Watching Rick Scott burn through over $150 million dollars before the Dobbs decision was officially announced brought great joy to me. Watching Lindsey Graham introduce a nationwide abortion ban last week made me feel briefly dizzy.
I don’t want them to notice. I want them destroyed by their own hubris. And it appears certain they will be. So let’s all enjoy the spectacle of an idiot engaging in public self-soothing with cherry picked, imprecise data. It’s good for us, and very bad for them. It’s how we keep the Senate and maybe even the House, while “conservatives” natter on among themselves about cat food prices and the terrible existential threat of willing, healthy, productive guest workers.
The GOP now enjoys the distinction of being the only U.S. political party to defend a Congressional seat held by a member who sought a pardon for sex trafficking children.
They keep finding innovative ways to give the voters a choice this November.
Do you consider yourself prolife?
In 2021 it was 47% now it’s 39%
Maybe the terms “prolife” and “prochoice” are a lot less meaningful than Rick Scott thought they were.
At least not as meaningful as having to have your uterus removed because a Republican dudebro forced you to carry a profoundly deformed, non-viable pregnancy to full term.
Repukes have to be wondering how this can be. How can the bare chested one, whom they cherish, be having such a problem – he is the epitome of leadership and conservatisim.
If you don’t want to talk about Forced Birth, don’t forget that Republicans want to privatize your social security and get rid of Medicare and Medicaid.
Just think, if you vote for republicans, after the next crash, your boomer parents are going to need to move back in with you and you get to help pay their massive medical bills,
Repukes new motto: “Birth Defects R Us”
Migrants sent to Martha’s Vineyard say they were duped by a woman named ‘Perla’ who paid them $200 and promised a better life in Massachusetts
Others told Reuters that they were promised jobs and help resettling once they arrived, but were not told where they were headed.
DeSantis lied to them, for a campaign stunt. Hope he goes to jail. They are legal asylum seekers who have paperwork and court dates to make their claim.
Just watch – soon conservatives will be laughing about what suckers liberals are for helping other people. Watch how quickly they shift from “Dems are hypocrites who won’t help asylum seekers,” to “Dems are idiots for helping asylum seekers.”
The obviously performative cruelty alienating to swing voters is just a price Fat Midget must pay if he hopes to be in the running for the GOP nomination.
It’s why people like Mike Pence, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, and Glen Youngkin can’t really be taken seriously. And won’t be taken seriously by GOP primary voters in 2024.
@53 Of course they are. They’d much rather be in Martha’s Vineyard, where they’re welcomed, fed, and steered to housing and medical care, than stay in Texas or Florida, where they’re exploited as political props and then thrown on planes and buses without food or blankets for “removal.”
By analogy, who wants to stay in East Germany, if the East Germans shovel you across the “Bridge of Spies” into West Germany? I mean, how many people who left from East Germany ever went back? Or just ask the Ukrainians if they want to be Russians …
Sure, lots of people are moving to Florida and Texas. Notice they’re all white, and a lot of them are retirees who don’t want to pay taxes for schools? Have you noticed how bad the schools are in those states, and in Arizona? No place to raise kids, even straight kids.
@54 “Doesn’t seem like the law and order party knows what Rule of Law is.”
They know what it is. They did their homework. As in, “First, we find out what Rule of Law is, so we’ll know it when we see it. Then we hunt it down and destroy it.”
@56 “six years getting that B.A. in Critical Dance Studies”
What level of idiocy does it take to fall for such transparently flimsy propaganda?
Kids who have the luxury of majoring in Critical Dance Studies (or some equivalent) don’t need student loans. They come from families headed by rich doctors, or affluent families where a job in the family business is waiting for them after they graduate and then spend a couple years knocking around Europe or trekking in Nepal.
Kids who take out student loans go to college to learn job skills and earn a better living than they can at McDonalds, Starbucks, or Amazon. They become teachers, engineers, accountants, nurses, or go to professional schools in medicine, law, dentistry, etc.
What was your undergraduate major? Horse Shit Studies?
@65 I don’t want women to resort to violence against these stupid, ignorant, white male conservative imbeciles. I’m against political violence in all forms. I think they should just withhold their bodies. No abortions, no sex.
As for nonconsensual sex, shooting rapists isn’t political violence, it’s lawful self-defense. And there’ll be a lot more attempted rape if women band together and refuse sex, so women must arm!
The same level of idiocy that demands a zero percent rate of inflation and a closed border.
IOW North Korea.
@ 77
I think they should just withhold their bodies. No abortions, no sex.
Just as he wants higher taxes on those with incomes he’ll never attain, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit wants women to penalize men by withholding a biologic function he cannot perform.
YLB doesn’t much like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s suggestion about withholding sex, either, unless there’s a cost-free way for the federal government to provide her with all the batteries she’ll ever need.
Hunter Biden has a disgusting lump above his neck, too, but his is a crack pipe.
Thanks, HuffPo, for sharing for low-information voters like The Even Bigger Fucking Moron and YLB the real reason that Fetterman always wears a hoodie. He’s trying to cover up The Dark Half.
@ 76
Kids who have the luxury of majoring in Critical Dance Studies (or some equivalent) don’t need student loans.
Any major which contains the word “Studies” is the equivalent of Critical Dance Studies in future marketplace usefulness, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
AZ Senate race down to a single point.
The MOE is twice the gap.
Listening to Mark Kelly stammer before finally coming up with “First of all, it’s not my job to give him a report card.” is priceless.
Given what the greedy racist incel posts, the greedy racist incel’s parents and the Biden’s have one thing in common, they are deeply saddened by what a failure their living son is.
As a point of reference this LMPD race patrolling took place four years ago.
Summary judgment and now LMPD shitbags have fair notice that you actually have to have observed a violation before you can stop someone for driving while black and then use every single means at your disposal to try to escalate the stop in to a sport killing.
Young man does a great job of staying cool and letting them spin their lies into a multi-million dollar settlement. I hope he uses the money to either buy lots of really good guns or to get the fuck out of Kentucky.
And for “science” here’s the full dash/BWC showing the complete turn.
Note: tree lined parking strip to the motorist’s immediate right and traffic to his immediate left. It was a pretextual stop for the purpose of teaching young black males to always be afraid.
What for.
A federal district court has stayed Arizona’s recently enacted Protect ButtHurt Pig Feels Act as being an abridgment of the First Amendment.
Yes thank you Governor DeSantis. Even though you dumped us without any kind of idea what would happen we met some honest and kind American. They got us something to eat. We got to see a doctor. Turns out not all Americans are total dicks. Then they took us to an INS facility. It’s a little bit nicer than the shit boxes they have us in in Texas. The officers here seem quite a bit less overtly racist. In All it wasn’t bad.
So why are you such a dick. Why can’t you be more like the other Americans?
I shouted NAY as loud as I could but this abomination passed anyway. The DEMOCRAT party is grooming kids and drinking their blood. Besides this is INconstitutional!
Anybody need any more evidence that the horrid, corrupt #CrookedHillary is running again in 2024?
They’re re-opening their bribery vehicle, for those who wish to be that she’ll win.
@90. Since she lives rent free in your head how much are you sending her?
She’s not running in anybody’s head but yours.
@89 Typical Republican, can’t spell his own name.
If not for two goal-line fumbles, and then a kick a couple of feet to the left on the last play, the Seahawks would be 0-2.
Shitty Seattle teams is why Railfan follows EWU.
Hey hey, Doctor Dumbfuck, meet a fellow radiologist. (The one in the yellow dress, not the idiot reporter.)
Watch the video here, then read the backstory here, look up the doctor (who refused to get sucked in) here, and read what Fox’s own medical correspondent said about this kind of shit here.
This is what Fox reporters do for a paycheck. It isn’t journalism. It’s prostitution.
Hey hey, Doctor Dumbfuck, meet a fellow radiologist. (The one in the yellow dress, not the idiot reporter.)
Watch the video here, then read the backstory here, look up the doctor who refused to get sucked in here, and read what Fox’s own medical correspondent said about this bullshit here.
This is what Fox reporters do for a paycheck. It isn’t journalism. It’s prostitution.
@93 Did somebody have expectations of the Seahawks for this season? Isn’t this what they call a “rebuilding” year?
@ 95
It isn’t journalism. It’s prostitution.
CNN’s brothel seems to be closing of late. Too many viewers end up with the clap.
@ 96
Democrats had a rebuilding quadrennium. During which they saw three Supreme Court seats filled. Including RBG’s.
Oh, the cost of looking the other way while #CrookedHillary bought the DNC and tried to buy the presidency.
@83 Doesn’t say much for the intelligence of 45.4% of Arizona voters, does it?
The White House is mopping up after First Vegetable Joe Biden’s drool about Taiwan on 60 Minutes tonight.
Texas A&M paid Appalachian State $1.25M to play them, and then lost.
Notre Dame played Marshall $1.5M to play them, and then lost.
#CrookedHillary out-spent Trump by $600M after openly wishing for him to be her opponent, and then lost.
@82 Let me guess: You majored in Radiology Studies, and the government made the hospital keep you on until your student loans were paid off.
@79 “Just as he wants higher taxes on those with incomes he’ll never attain”
You’re right. I think billionaires should be in the same tax bracket I am.
@99 Did he also drool something about not disbanding NATO?
The thing that we ditched because it would be at least a little unethical to have donors to our private foundation be able to give to the potential president is coming back means I’m running? I’m sorry what planet are you on? Do you not know that our finances and the investigation thereof are a big deal? Whitewater, where we lost a bunch of money, got turned into a ‘scandal’ about us NOT losing as much as some that led to a five year random investigation on theories about Vince Foster’s, ahem, murder, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, the Travel Office, my law firm, AND chasing down a rumor about misusing the FBI? You don’t remember ANY of that? Really?
And restarting that conflict of interest means I’m running for President? Boy, did your moma hit you with the stupid stick daily?
But hey, it’s not like I billed the secret service for rooms at rack rate in the hotels I owned when I stayed there. Hundreds of times. It’s not like I got the military to book and pay for hundreds of empty rooms in one of those resorts. Maybe I should buy a hotel. Turns out renting rooms that never get used to the Saudi Royal family is a good con.
Any major which contains the word “Studies”
Remarks to the Georgetown University Center for Strategic and International Studies on United States Assistance for the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance:
…. Yet despite the brutal and totalitarian nature of the Sandinista regime, the struggle for freedom inside Nicaragua continues. By the thousands, men and women have moved into the countryside and taken up arms. Indeed, today these democratic resistance forces number some 20,000—four times the number of troops the Sandinistas had in the field when they themselves seized power. In full knowledge, the members of the resistance have chosen to separate themselves from their families and homes, to live in conditions of immense hardship, often with scant water and food, and to expose themselves to the dangers of battle. They fight to liberate their country from a regime that is loyal only to Communist powers. They fight for freedom.
An “unserious” speech made at a place of “unserious studies“.. where are the contras today?
Heterosexual Neanderthals still at it.
I was busy and not on TOP of things and wasn’t keeping up on all the killings. The Hetero STD continues. No vaccine for this one.
The NRA is grooming these individuals to be murderers. Priests are involved too.
Since the pandemic is over, there’s no difference between Carl telling us to wash our hands and Carl telling Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit that he really, really needs to do a better job with general perineal hygiene if he’s gonna continue to be welcomed at those Tuesday night DL gatherings.
10-year Treasury crossed 3.5%. 2-year Treasury nearing 4%.
Thanks, First Vegetable Joe Biden! Thanks, Democrats!
104. Forced birth Republicans like greedy racist incel will never apply the rules they apply to Hillary to trump. Trump provably broke laws constantly but they don’t care. I think it gives them a special joy to watch thump break laws, anything to own the libs.
@ 109
Trump provably broke laws constantly but they don’t care.
#CrookedHillary provably violated a federal statute but Comey looked the other way.
We learned from Comey that a statutory violation is not all that is necessary to result in prosecution for same.
We learn from you, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, that you possess the intellect of a third-grader.
@110 It’s obvious to a third grader, so what does that make you?
Forced Birth Republicans felt that Hillary broke a law and got away with it so Forced Birth Republicans use that excuse over and over to let trump break any and all laws with impunity.
First Birth Republicans claim to be the Law and Order party but actions show you lie. Nobody believes you anymore.