Now This: Is Congress ready for Gen Z?
Alex Wagner: In Obama portrait unveiling, an important reminder of Democratic transitions of power
Trevor with Labor Sec. Marty Walsh: The future of work in America
WaPo: Obama’s portrait unveiling in 2 minutes
This Week In The Трамп Crime Syndicate and Cult:
- Joy Reid: The GOP uses un-American “fascist techniques”
- Alex Wagner: Michigan example exposes dishonesty of GOP insistence on abortion as a “state issue”
- The Late Show: Want to protect your elections office? Try the new Election Interfere-Ring Doorbell
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп reacts to Serena Williams losing and retiring
- Steve Hofstetter: Ron DeSantis caught cheating
- Zerlina: More details come out on Трамп docs
- Stephen: His reputation for stiffing lawyers leaves Трамп struggling to find good defenders
- Tommy Campbell: Marjorie Taylor Greene’s rally fails and nuke secrets drop
- Alex Wagner: Assessment of foreign nation’s nuclear capability among seized Mar-a-Lago documents
- The Daily Show: ♫ Come On Judge Aileen ♬:
- The Late Show: OKCousin—Dr. Oz’s new family dating app
- Jimmy Kimmel recaps Трамп’s terrible summer
- Trevor: Secret extremist group 101—maybe don’t keep a list of everyone’s names?
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Defendant Трамп “Has no reputation to protect”
- Seth Meyers: FBI seized nuclear docs stolen by Трамп at Mar-a-Lago, GOP hypocrites shrug
- Alex Wagner: New report on right-wing extremist group shows alarming penetration of civic institutions
- Stephen: Why Is Judge Cannon giving Трамп special treatment?
- J-L Cauvin: Better Call Трамп (2024)
- WaPo: Book bans in America are rising
- The Parody Project: NO SURPRISE (Student Debt):
- Chris Hayes: Material on foreign nation’s nuclear capabilities seized at Mar-a-Lago
- Alex Wagner: Трамп Judge’s Special Master ruling wreaks havoc on damage assessment of Mar-a-Lago stash
- Desi Lydic FAUXsplains: The Трамп documents scandal
- Stephen: “How do we explain this to our allies?”
- Vice News: Former spy assesses Трамп’s Mar-a-Lago documents
- Good Liars: If Трамп and Hillary committed the same crime…
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard reacts to a Special Master being appointed
- Alex Wagner: Dubious court rulings show consequences of Трамп’s judicial confirmation spree
- Seth Meyers: Трамп’s month of mounting criminal scandals intensifies as Biden surges
- Ali Velshi: New documentary looks at how GOP leadership traded rule of law for political power
- Lauren Mayer: ♫ Hypocrisy, Thy Name is GOP ♬
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп lashes out at the FBI, nuclear secrets stashed at Mar-a-Lago & Don Jr’s saddest video yet
- Joy Reid: Legal expert on Трамп-appointed Judge, “This is more like food court than judicial court’
- Stephen with Alex Wagner: “This could take a very long time”
- Stephen with Alex Wagner: “Other people have gone to jail for this”
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп reacts to the death of Queen Elizabeth II
- Tommy Campbell: Mike Lindell blaming his failed summit on the internet is so funny
Bloomberg Law: Clarence Thomas and oral arguments—Taciturn to talkative
Mark Fiore: Exceptions to American exceptionalism
Robert Reich: A tribute to the teacher who changed my life
Now This: Obama cracks jokes at the White House
Trevor Noah (throwback): How gerrymandering invalidates many Americans’ votes
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The parties have nominated their special master candidates, one of which is an obvious throwaway, and Judge Cannon has an opportunity to thoroughly discredit herself as a biased partisan hack by picking that one. I say sixty-forty she will. Otherwise she’ll have to go with Dearie despite his Carter Page record, as she dare not pick one of DOJ’s nominees. The boss wouldn’t like that.
@RR @ #1
Well, at least some good news is there about one of Fat Donny’s little leagalistical tantrums.
The man is so fucking DUMB it’s pathetic. He has got to be about the stupidest individual who could ever stumble into a position. Another thing, this particular dismissal includes the very real possibility of heavy sanctions by the Judge on his Lawyers, including disbarment or suspension of their licenses. This is one reason Lawyers of any real reputation and acumen are flat refusing to work with him. The man is an utter fucking idiot.
1)Especially if she wants a promotion.
@3 It’s all theater, intended to open the MAGA suckers’ wallets, and he doesn’t give a shit what happens to the lawyers, figuring there’s always more where they came from.
@4 It’s customary, but not required, for sitting presidents to invite former presidents to join the official U.S. delegation attending a funeral of a foreign head of state.
Trump no doubt will go; he’s busily posting photos of himself with the Queen. The only question is whether he’ll go on Air Force One or British Airways (his own jet being out of commission).
Biden gets to decide that.
Right after i posted this on the previous thread
Bob posted this, “Not exactly accepting responsibility, is it, asswipe?”, regarding another comment. I found that extremely ironic and hypocritical, as Bob is. He’s an asswipe always accepting responsibility (sarcasm)
Here’s a Neanderthal Bob blows.
I’d have clapped too. More so if the scum bag broke a leg or something.
Pretty intelligent woman, obviously not a FuckHumpsting Horse
Yup, Troll a Troll
Another smart woman
Yes – family troubles, like your daughter not letting you grab her by the pussy. Very hard decision. I’m sure he’d been a lot tougher in his negotiations with The Bare Chested one.
@ 1
I say sixty-forty she will.
I say sixty-forty the Dumbfuck Rabbit family shithole is foreclosed upon before he bites it.
Saw my first Rivian EV today, a truck parked in a grocery store lot.
Looking forward to a few years from now, when all of the energy sucked out of the grid in the country’s warmer large cities by the EVs owned by rich people cause blackouts for all of the other taxpayers whose taxes support the subsidies that encourage the rich to buy EV toys.
Or, ya know, maybe later this weekend in California.
We’re good with what we’ve got.
Two polls of AZ Senate. Emerson has Kelly up only 2, while a poll that by name libbies should hate has Kelly up 6.
Each poll has a MOE of ~ 4, so there’s essentially complete overlap at the polls’ opposite margins.
This could get more interesting.
Those silly cherry-picked crime reports – y’all have posted the same one twice so far this year – might actually gain more traction if a trend of major cities not sharing crime stats with the FBI continues.
It’s understandable why cities don’t trust the FBI. In recent years the FBI has done much to undermine historic trustworthiness.
As we head into what will likely be an increasing focus on the debates this Fall, I’d like to share a few memories from the 2016 election season:
Like this one:
And this one:
Why would Hillary need Brazile’s help if she was such a strong candidate? She was facing a broken down old man, after all. A fucking socialist, even.
Oh, those are the same memory? My bad.
Right now 538 has GA Senate 50:50.
On June 14 it was 63:37 in Walker’s favor, so it’s not like the GOP has been killin’ it. Still, WTF was that poll that had Warnock up 10 – polls like that are aimed at The Even Bigger Fucking Moron and his ilk of stupid people who will believe anything.
538 has shifted more toward Democrat control of late. Its model’s mode currently sits at 51D:49R for the Senate in the next Congress.
This is what Democrat Congressmembers tend to think when their approval numbers are underwater by a point.
OK, it’s a NH poll from August 15. Still, for these three Democrats, reason for concern:
It’s been a long time since a NH Senate race poll has been published.
Oh, and Kuster? She’s in such bad shape that the Democrats are trying to pick her opponent:
Dems interfere in GOP primary in New Hampshire
A Democratic group is airing cable TV ads boosting a pro-Trump candidate in one of New Hampshire’s competitive House districts.
Just think, libbies, weak-ass Democrats in New Hampshire get extra influence to choose your 2024 presidential nominee.
British Prime Minister Truss lifts fracking ban amid energy crisis
This is from Elise Stefanik’s husband, to her Democrat opponent.
I doubt Mayor Pete’s husband has spine like this. Of course, Mayor Pete didn’t marry the dude for his spine.
Now, husbands inserting themselves into the affairs of their spouses doesn’t always go so well. This is what happens when the husband of a Democrat does it:
Shaheen: Did Obama sell drugs?
One of the reasons that Biden should invite Trump to the queen’s funeral is that if Biden publicly shits his pants while attending, he’ll at least have an excuse other than senility.
Railfan, if there is a rail strike prior to the midterms, will it affect election results?
It always does. Polls narrow. Lots of data to indicate that 2020 Trump voters are avoiding sampling right now. That may change. And it provides a good example of challenges facing polls. Should they oversample those voter groups now? What if they grow more enthusiastic about responding as election day gets closer? What if some of them skip voting in this cycle?
You’re an especially weak and useless Democrat, running for re-election in a state in which the largest Christian denomination is Catholic. What do you tweet?
Er, probably not this, especially when your party is already hemorrhaging Hispanic voters.
In Nevada, the right to abortion services was passed as a general referendum and can only be overturned by another vote by its residents. Since we’re told that people overwhelmingly want a right to abortion, this is a nothingburger to the citizens of Nevada.
Of course, if she doesn’t tweet about abortion she’d have to tweet about shit like inflation, illegal aliens flooding into her state, and her Democrat colleague’s recent murder of an investigative journalist.
So, abortion it is!
@ 26
Lots of data to indicate that 2020 Trump voters are avoiding sampling right now.
I can’t go there. Turns into lots of silliness about “skewed polls” from HA’s dumbest twat.
We’ll see if she chastises you for going there. It would be like a third-grader telling off a graduate student, but that’s why we love our YLB. She’s as juvenile as they come.
@ 25, 28
Now, in defense of HA’s dumbest twat, I will share my observation that YLB, bless her heart, posts much less about “skewed polls” ever since Goldy got his ass handed to him for his bullshit polls post on HA
Garbage In, Garbage Out: Are Republican “Pollsters” Gaming Poll Aggregators with Bullshit “Polls?”
just one day before, er, those polls turned out to be accurate. For YLB, it was a stunning and traumatic loss of innocence for one of her local heroes to be proven absolutely wrong and in such a public manner. I was hopeful that she’d actually learn from it and that her ovotestes might masculinize a bit. Sadly, that has not been the case, as our darling YLB is as shrill and unserious as ever. As long as other peoples’ money keeps rolling in to sustain her she has not a care in the world.
Such a frilly twat is our YLB.
ding, ding, ding.. livin’ rent free in a silly kreepshit’s head…
that “skewed poll” shit worked out great for kreepshit back in the day when it gave sloppy blow jobs to the “unskewed pollster”…
everyone remember that loser??? where is it now one wonders?
Goldy got his ass handed to him for his bullshit polls post on HA
Wasn’t David Goldstein’s call more or less the same as Darryl’s? David was just reacting to what looked like a repuke outlier..
Most everybody got the final outcome wrong.
Drumpf won by like 70k dumbasses in 3 states.. that noise couldn’t even fill the Rose Bowl..
As usual kreepshit bends history to dole out free rent for its empty skull.. yawwwwn..
btw, “Goldy” is a freak that kreepshit kreeps to… a perfect “goldy” for the kreepshit..
not a care in the world.
Hmmmm… opm… like what floats the orange dear leader of kreepshit’s degenerate crowd… zzzZZZzzzzzzzz
@ 30
…livin’ rent free …
If there is one thing YLB is an expert on, it’s living somewhere while somebody else pays the bills.
“Today, the business of our work is for the council to report on the work that has occurred since our last meeting across these areas. We will, today, also discuss the work yet ahead — the work we must still do to continue to move forward.“
Sage words from Momala.
@33.. you can’t stop dolin’ out that free rent… you need a tenant for your empty skull..
that last paying tenant fucked you in the ass while you were ogling its baby momma..
@ 31
Wasn’t David Goldstein’s call more or less the same as Darryl’s?
What Darryl did was devise a statistical model and stick to it, for months. He accepted every poll that met his reasonable criteria without preferential weighting, and ran 100,000 tests for each state, based on the model-included poll results.
What Goldy did was engage in hyperbole as it began to dawn on him that a race Hillary could not lose might, in fact, be lost.
It’s no surprise, YLB, that you do not understand the difference, but to be honest through your misunderstanding you do Darryl a disservice by comparing the two.
What Goldy did was engage in hyperbole
I remember it clearly… and I repeat.. He responded to a repuke poll that called the election for drumpf and he detailed why it was off..
take it or leave it..
Darryl based on his analysis didn’t once call it for drumpf..
Both thought Hillary would win a close election.. big whup..
25)A couple unions have settled, then again, the electricians and train dispatchers aren’t facing the same issues that hedge funds that took a potentially good operating philosophy and ruined it for corporate greed. Precision Scheduled Railroading was sold as a way to benefit the operating crews, supposedly it would be predictable work. Then they thought fewer but longer trains helped tge balance sheet. It backfired on the employers and tge employers want more. Possibly the future of the conductors are on the line, although the way US freight trains are run, we should never go to one man crews. In Europe and Japan tgey tend to have one man freight trains, but they are shorter, because the freight trains have to give way for passenger trains, especially in Japan.
It looks like Congress will have to weigh in, and adopt the Presidential Emergency Board recommendation. Probably after a few days. It benefits both labor and management, and also doesn’t give both sides all they want. Future of two man crews may be better determined on the local level. If it weren’t for these 3 mile long or longer freight trains, could see intermodal trains be one person crews. Unless State DoTs are willing to bridge the streets that cross tracks, should never go for no-man crews. Not like a commercial airliner where I can see that planes over 10 seats should never go below two persons. BTW, airlines and pilots unions should be watching this, they are governed under the Railway Labor Act.
Love my EWU Eagles, but I think the FBS/BCS opponent we got this week, we have no chance against. A bunch of Webfoots down in Eugene. Oregon is a powerhouse, usually, although we’ve beaten a PAC-12 school once, then again, it was the Cougars.
@ 36
In the last sentence please replace “comparing” with “likening”.
I now realize that what I did @ 36 was compare the two.
I see that First Vegetable Joe Biden has declared war on Texas.
Overcrowded processing center has Border Patrol releasing more migrants on El Paso streets
Yabbut they promise – pinky-swear – to show up years from now, when it’s time, for their immigration hearing.
Anyone who believes that is a gullible as Joe Manchin after extracting a promise from Chuck Schumer.
More Goldy:
A corrupt nominee victorious in no small part due to collusion with the corrupt DNC is still the nominee!
To Goldy, the end justifies the means. If corruption be the means, so be it.
Noticed the Huskies are playing Portland State. The Vikings are one of my EWU Eagles biggest rivals. I think the Huskies have this one, last time we played Hillsboro State(PSU campus is in Portland, but the home games are played in Hillsboro, thank Timbers FC), more Eagles fans than Vikings. PSU students seem to be fair weather fans. I could make it to a game of theirs, it’s simple, take Green/Yellow/Orange line to Pioneer Courthouse, switch to Blue Line.
My nominee for Post fin de Semaine is @ 38.
Light dusting of ash over everything on Whidbey. I’d imagine it’s similar to the coating of feces all over everything in the Dumbfuck Rabbit master suite.
Bob knows too.
Yabbut they promise – pinky-swear – to show up years from now, when it’s time, for their immigration hearing.
If not they’ll be spitting into your hash at the local widbee greasy spoon that you whine about not being open enough to your liking…
i.e. how ya gonna keep wage push inflation in check if you don’t have surplus labor?
Breeding will not save them.
And they lived happily ever after till death do them a favor.
@12 “I say sixty-forty the Dumbfuck Rabbit family shithole is foreclosed upon before he bites it.”
I paid mine off, idiot, so it can never be foreclosed. And you think you’re some kind of financial guru …
@13 “We’re good with what we’ve got.”
Then I trust you don’t mind paying five bucks for gas.
@15 From your link: “Maryland’s Republican Gov. Larry Hogan is using his final weeks in office to launch a new ‘tough on crime’ offensive to chart a political future as a mainstream alternative to former President Trump.”
Since he’s been governor since 2015, voters could fairly ask why he waited 7 years to get tough on crime.
Meanwhile, in a state where 2 of every 3 voters is a Democrat, his GOP would-be successor is a QAnon nutcase who favors criminalizing marijuana and legalizing ghost guns; I wonder how that will turn out?
I suspect that statehouse might flip from red to blue.
@19 What should German Social Democrats have called the Nazis, a civic improvement association?
Republicans are fascists. Not semi-fascists, but full-blown fascists. They’re white supremacists who parade with guns in public buildings, threaten election workers, reject election results, try to overthrow democratic government, and talk up civil war. Biden calling them semi-fascists was exercising restraint. Calling them Nazis would be calling them what they are.
@21 More of a no-brainer than “smart,” and doesn’t add to emissions if it merely replaces Russian gas, and it’s no panacea for Britain’s immediate energy crisis.
Speaking of Russians, the Ukrainians drew their reserves to Kherson, then kicked their asses in Kharkiv and Donbas. The Russians appear to be in full retreat, their lines broken in several places, with key junctions in Ukrainian hands.
@22 See response here.
@23 This is what happens when a retired doctor living on five acres on Whidbey Island fucks his horse: “Do you fuck the goat, too?”
@27 Liars posing as abortion clinics to suck in women in crisis are a bigger deal than you apparently think they are.
@33 “If there is one thing YLB is an expert on, it’s living somewhere while somebody else pays the bills.”
You seem to enjoy being the landlord under those circumstances, because you keep inviting him back.
I’m curious why Doctor Dumbfuck is reliving the 2016 election tonight. Perhaps because he thinks he has nothing to look forward to in the future?
With the air quality issues this weekend, great call by Metro to dieselize the Trolleybus routes. Actually, the weekend dieselization m, usually due to construction is planned weeks in advance. The construction crew has to put up a deposit, for the electricians overtime, as it’s not just done at the base. They do it manually, shutting down and locking out individual substations, and putting running jumps on specific span wires to stop any current left in the line.
Calling them Nazis would be calling them what they are.
As we know, Nazis have very low IQs, and all of them are fucking traitors.
I’m curious why Doctor Dumbfuck is reliving the 2016 election tonight.
The low IQ Nazi traitor needs a ‘safe space’.
Doc bitches every time I bring up stuff from the past when he is spewing his nonsense about the present (such as in a recent spew about high interest rates), yet Doc just loves to live in 2016.
“Fearlessly, the idiot faced the crowd, smiling” – Pink Floyd “Fearless”, seems to describe Doc on a daily basis.
I have been informed that The Even Bigger Fucking Moron wishes that we refer to him as neurodiverse instead of moronic.
@ 62
Doc bitches every time I bring up stuff from the past when he is spewing his nonsense about the present (such as in a recent spew about high interest rates), yet Doc just loves to live in 2016.
That might be because we don’t hear from Ronald Reagan bitching about his primary season loss to Gerald Ford the same way we hear about Hillary Clinton bitching about her general election loss to Trump, Newt.
Make y’all a deal, Newt: When #CrookedHillary shuts the fuck up, so will I.
High interest rates are nonsense to Newt, and yet for some reason he takes seriously the absolute investment recommendation garbage that comes out of Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s computer.
What Goldy prefers instead of thinking on his sins.
“Make y’all a deal, Newt: When #CrookedHillary shuts the fuck up, so will I.”
That is a sucker bet if I have ever seen one.
You won’t shut up. You can’t shut up. Your ego won’t let you.
“and yet for some reason he takes seriously the absolute investment recommendation garbage that comes out of Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s computer.”
Pure bullshit again from you. You are like most of your Republican friends, repeat a lie enough hoping it becomes true.
I’ve never taken investment advice from anyone on this blog. For all I know it could be true, it could be false, you and RR are the same to me, I view it as an opinion, not advice.
I do know most of what you post is myopic, misogynistic, homophobic, and generally full of shit, but it is entertaining.
@65 Of course you’re for artificially low interest rates set by the government instead of the market that screw savers and encourage reckless borrowing, either because you’re a dumbfuck, or you’re making ends meet on low-interest loans, or both (most likely both).
What kind of swine informs his wife he’s leaving her for another woman by holding a press conference?
Todd Beamer’s dad is a ranting idiot.
@ 71
Todd Beamer’s dad is a ranting idiot.
So is Casey Sheehan’s mom, but that didn’t stop your ilk from giving her a megaphone until she turned it on Pelosi.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s childrens’ father is a bloviating, useless POS.
It’s past 11 a.m. and not one of y’all has compared 9/11 to January 6.
Don’t tell me y’all are growin’ the fuck up. I’m sure it’s just ’cause Steve isn’t out of his ethanol-induced Saturday night coma yet.
Apparently 20 years ago a couple of lesbians put out a song called All The Things She Said. Saw it on FB and heard about it just now on KUOW.
So did Simple Minds. In the ’80s.
If those chicks were not lesbians we would not be hearing about this.
It’s past 11 a.m. and not one of y’all has compared 9/11 to January 6.
Why should we? The first was a proto-fascist Republican president who was reading children’s books instead of Presidential Daily Briefings, and then invaded the wrong fucking country. The latter was a full-blown fascist Republican president who incited a violent resurrection, an ongoing coup, and has been caught stealing our nation’s most “Top Secret” documents…for reasons he won’t divulge.
And you don’t want to talk about any of this shit, so go find yourself a better safe space, asshole.
It’s past 11 a.m. and not one of y’all has compared 9/11 to January 6.
9/11, 21 f’ing years ago. Trillions of dollars and many thousands of dead bodies later, the country’s moved on.. Almost all of it anyway. Airport security may be a bit better now.
When all the fucking perps of Jan 6 have had justice served to them, we’ll move on from that too. It’d be nice, in the not too distant future, if some lying, orange piece of shit sociopath can’t do any more damage than it’s already done.
@67 That Hillary link was from 2019. Hillary will never stop living rent free in the greedy racist incel’s brain because he cannot stop clicking on a link from years back. He’ll have to die or the servers go cold before he quits her. Which is more likely?
If those chicks were not lesbians we would not be hearing about this.
If you weren’t such a loser we would not be hearing about this.
See @68, you prove my point about your posts: homophobic.
You are as predictable as the tides.
@72 Still trying to defend a war that cost $2 trillion and 4,400 American lives over WMDs that didn’t exist? Cindy Sheehan knew a clusterfuck when she saw one. She’s not a dumbfuck like you.
Interesting take on the Russian missile hitting Ukraine power stations.
208 years ago, a different 9/11, with British Troops besieging Baltimore. Now honored with a state holiday, Defenders Day.
The real contribution to victory came a few days earlier at North Point, where a sniper took out the British General. One of two events that helped defenders on Hempstead Hill, the other was the RN unable to get past Fort McHenry.
Interesting that Defenders Day came close to being forgotten, like Evacuation Day. The latter used to be the celebration of the withdrawal of the last Redcoats in 1783. Over 225 years later, and close allies.
80 – America’s foreign policy has been a clusterfuck for over 125 years. Now we have an overseas empire we can no longer afford.
Looks like the Center-Right block won in Sweden, but it remains to be seen if they can form a stable coalition. Although the Rightwing Swedish Democrats got more seats, the Moderate party leader is expected to be the new PM. Depends on how much they gives for support from the SD. Could lose the other two parties in his four party coalition. If they form government, it may not last. They only have 3 seats difference.
Sweden uses an open-list system, with seats apportioned to districts, but they are multi-member. A little better than Israel, where all 120 seats in the Kenesett are one nationwide district. I prefer the Irish, Australian, and the German systems over Winner Take All. The German system actually combines proportional representation with single seat districts, and the states have some good variations too.
Railroad labor negotiations seem to be down to just BLET and SMART-TD, which represents Engineers and Conductors. The PEB unfortunately left out some issues that impact these two crafts. One of the sticking points is an attendance policy that punishes for being sick or a doctors appointment. If that’s the case, hasn’t management heard of a doctors note? I remember once hearing that was how MUNI dealt with several days of sustained mass sick outs.
says the petty dumbfuck child. You can’t make this shit up.
“Buckingham Palace did not invite President Joe Biden to assemble a delegation to attend the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II next week, and instead extended a specific invitation for only the President and first lady, a White House official told CNN. The White House announced Sunday that Biden had formally accepted the invitation and would be accompanied by the first lady.”
” … other Americans will be invited directly through the palace, not the president.”
They’re not stupid.
@83 Where, pray tell, is this “overseas empire”? Hawaii? American Samoa? Diego Garcia? Some empire.
Th FBI’s 270-page dossier on singer Aretha Franklin contains “an April 1973 review pertaining to the Black Liberation Army showing one document bore the address of Franklin’s booking agency in New York City. The document described the BLA as ‘a quasi-military group … employing the tactics of urban guerrilla warfare against the established order with a view toward achieving revolutionary change in America.'”
That sure sounds familiar, if you delete the BLA part. It’s okay when whites do it (back then, they called the guerrillas waging warfare “The Klan,” which was fine in J. Edgar’s eyes), only bad when blacks do it.
Ivanka plans to crash.
Haven’t you heard?
Hawaii isn’t part of the United States.
@91 Of course it isn’t. It’s an offshore colony of Democrats.
92)Probably have as many Republicans in the Hawaiian State Senate as the Democrats have in Idaho’s.
It’s very interesting how the same people who want to be isolationist and close American bases overseas, are the same people who will scream bloody murder that China have been given too much influence over the world and the Democrats are not doing anything to stop them.
@93 Not even close. Idaho: 7 of 35 (20%); Hawaii, 1 of 25 (4%).
95)Those caucus meetings are probably boring.
Twitter is abuzz about Trump arriving in DC. Some speculation is it appears he was pulled off the golf course. Medical? Legal?
Moooooslim Democrats IIRC.
692)Once a monarchy. A descendant of Hawaiian royalty is a pilot for Alaska.
@97 Probably thinks he’s gonna seize the throne while Biden is out of country.
100)Wouldn’t put it past him.
Another Gym Jordan on a grand scale….sweet yungins!