I have no idea if a $3.5 million settlement is correct for the Charleena Lyles case. It seems like a poor substitute to having her around. And I can’t imagine how difficult it would be for her children who were there. My goodness.
But given that the police killed her, a large settlement is in order. I have trouble wrapping my mind around any large amounts of money.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.
Why do we care what they say at the abortion case? What matters is how they rule next year. Given this set of judges, if they are going to overturn it, Mississippi could read the product reviews from Amazon for an hour and the judges would over turn it. Nothing anyone says matters.
Why do we care what they say at the abortion case?
Because Sotomayor just came out publicly as inhuman.
Add the $3.5 million settlement to the $1 or $2 million the city already spent on the first trial and the appeal that they lost. Then ask yourself if Pete Holmes, a bankruptcy attorney, was really “representing the people of Seattle”, or just the SPD when he decided to fight this lawsuit.
Raise your taxes. Settle the suits. And fix your fucked up police department.
P.S. You don’t need robot drones or MRAPs to prevent a death like this. You need batteries and accountability.
Sotomayor, to every expectant mother:
“You know, that clump of cells kicking you from inside doesn’t mean it’s a living being or anything.”
Sotomayor just left a big, steaming dump on the Vatican floor.
Like you really care. You champion death every chance you get.
@ 3
You need batteries and accountability.
And a firearm.
@ 6
You champion death every chance you get.
And you champion black deaths every time there’s a cop involved. Otherwise, not so much.
I’m pro-choice, within the limits of the Constitution. If this, ultimately, means that it’s permitted in some states and forbidden in others, that’s what it means.
You want to blame someone for what will happen? Blame Hillary Clinton. Not me.
Not only a Pussy Grabber, but a damn liar, cheat and Fuckwad….but we already knew that and still know it, as with many fuckwad Repukes and Repuke Trolls…..change your fucking name Bob to something more accurate, like Fuckwad Troll.
If every American voter expects the courts decision to be based upon politics instead of on the law, and if the questions asked by the anti-privacy majority confirm that, then people will conclude that “conservative” judges are not bound by the law.
That’s why the oral arguments matter.
Months from now when Roberts selects Thomas to write the majority opinion, Thomas will cherry pick a history of legal decisions affirming state’s authority to regulate, and ignore the underlying issue articulated in Griswold v Connecticut. In doing so the anti-privacy majority will camouflage the direction this leads. And that’s also why Sotomayor is asking the kinds of questions she’s asking today. To strip away as much of that camouflage as possible in advance.
Because where it leads is straight to 1960 and empowering the “conservative” men in the Ohio state legislature to restrict birth control.
Somebody should start a pool for the date of Chris Cuomo’s return to the chair on CNN.
If CNN won’t protect women who work for it from unwanted sexual exposure by people like Toobin, why would it care to protect women it doesn’t like from targeting by people like Chris Cuomo?
@8 “And you champion black deaths every time there’s a cop involved.”
This is a blatantly false statement, I’ve never champion a death based on skin color.
“I’m pro-choice, within the limits of the Constitution.”
So am I. However, I don’t believe the Constitution should be changed based upon one particular religious belief system. We are not a theocracy. If I’m going to blame anyone it would be the judges that seem to forget we are not a theocracy. They should know better and Hillary has nothing to do with that.
You really are a dumbfuck.
You know what the Muslims would do….sure he cares.
Which limits he will never say.
And neither will Thomas when he writes the decision.
Let’s not forget that Bob here is pro-choice in the sense that he supports the “choice” of his fellow mouth-breathers to decline highly effective, life saving vaccines because his completely fake “FB friends in CO” received a “bad batch”.
Imagine the argument that a living, healthy Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg could have made today. What we heard today was far from it.
Now imagine the concurring opinion that Justice Clarence Thomas will pen.
#CrookedHillary made this possible. Think on your sins.
Changing the laws of abortion, based on one religious belief system, is just the beginning. – Just a stepping stone for the American Taliban. Freeedom!! Don’t Tread on Me!!!!
Bunch of Fuckwads – Breeding will not save them!
Let’s also not forget that Bob here is for Freedom in the sense that he likes to have someone to compare to that is even further to his right, that makes it look like he’s for freedom.
@ 14
And neither will Thomas when he writes the decision.
See my comment @ 15. No way will it go to Thomas. My guess is CJ Roberts leans left and AJ Alito gets the nod. Although an incredibly thoughtful, diplomatically negotiated majority opinion by the Chief Justice would really be something to remember.
Hey, remember when y’all libbies made Martha-Ann Bomgardner cry?
That was a mistake.
The forthcoming decision will be the result of too many years of Democrat support for the likes of Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton.
If you don’t understand the nexus between a Supreme Court decision reversing Roe and losing access to birth control then you just haven’t been paying attention.
Reversing Roe sweeps aside the implied right to privacy that would otherwise bar a state from directly interfering with (burdening) a person’s private medical decisions reached in consultation with their physician. If states are empowered to regulate one private medical decision for arbitrary reasons then states are empowered to regulate any and all private medical decisions for arbitrary reasons.
Reversing Roe legally undoes Griswold by definition. It would not stop with abortion. Nor even would it stop with birth control. Physician assisted suicide would obviously be included. As would trans gender medicine and sexual assignment. This is not to make a slippery slope argument. I think these kinds of restrictions are quite obviously intended ultimately. I’m sure there would be some limits to how far socially “conservative” men would go. They probably would never regulate or outlaw Viagra.
Will homosexuals save abortion?
@ 21
They probably would never regulate or outlaw Viagra.
Um, Viagra is regulated.
I feel your pain, QoS McHillbilly. Roe v. Wade is constitutionally indefensible, so stare decisis, except for all of those awful decisions which fortunately have been since overturned because stare decisis was ignored.
You’re in a bind. I understand why it hurts.
Interesting story, Saskatchewan wants to amend their provincial constitution to eliminate a tax break for Canadian Pacific Railway. Wouldn’t be the only case of such special breaks that CP got when it was being built. The Kicker had to be Crows Nest Pass, where in exchange for Federal money, CP agreed that grain rates would be frozen at 1890s levels, forever. Repealed in the 1990s.
Shorter 20:
“As payback to women for for not letting me buy them drinks, overlooking my hair loss, or laughing at my tasteless jokes, I’m going to seize control of their bodies.”
But you just can’t say how or why.
It’s not a question.
And Viagra is not arbitrarily regulated.
A sufficiently woke SCOTUS knows when and when not to pull a Brown v. Board of Education.
@ 25
“…I’m going to seize control of their bodies.”
“My body, my choice.” Unless the government wants me to vaccinate.
We can do this all day long.
Who the fuck is she? I didn’t make her cry.
It’s interesting, isn’t it, that so many committee chairpersons in the House of Representatives are choosing to retire.
Because there’s no reason an establishmentarian would need to question the state’s approach.
This argument at SCOTUS was going to happen eventually. It’s because the DNC put its thumb on the 2016 primary scale in support of #CrookedHillary that it happened today.
Think on your sins.
You can do bumper sticker slogans all day. I’ll stick with doing law.
You can’t articulate a governmental interest in interfering with a private medical decision to terminate a 13-year-old’s pregnancy arising from rape/incest.
It’s not a question.
In order for the law to work, it has to be more subtle and more complex than bumper stickers. Otherwise we’d have idiots like you concluding that the ADA guarantees driver’s licenses to the legally blind.
And whether it’s Thomas or Alito, what matters is that neither will be able to articulate a legitimate governmental interest supported in reason for granting unlimited authority to the states to arbitrarily interfere in private medical decisions.
States have a legitimate governmental interest supported in reason for workplace safety and public health orders. It’s mind-numbingly stupid to ignore that. It’s bumper sticker stupid. We might even say it’s “Bob” stupid. It’s also you pussying out because you don’t want to admit that you support religiously based restrictions on medicine.
Question for Democrats:
How would an Associate Justice Kamala Harris have improved today’s oral arguments?
Asking for a friend.
@ 32
You can’t articulate a governmental interest in interfering with a private medical decision to terminate a 13-year-old’s pregnancy arising from rape/incest.
It’s not a question.
The question arises with the interference with the transport of said minor across state lines to another state in which abortion is legal.
’cause that’s where we are headed. You are correct @ 21 about the slippery slope, just not in the way you think you are.
@ 17
Let’s also not forget that Bob here is for Freedom in the sense that he likes to have someone to compare to that is even further to his right, that makes it look like he’s for freedom.
I had to do a double-take to realize this wasn’t written by QoS McHillbilly.
Good one, Gman.
27 what are you implying? That the supreme Court won’t overture an abortion cuz Republicans make too much money in votes off of just promising to but never doing it?
@ 36
27 what are you implying?
I’m implying that you should stick with How A Bill Becomes A Law until you understand it, before moving on to other things.
Republicans do not want people to have to get vaccinated even though it could mean those people infect and kill others yet
they demand women to be forced to give birth against their will even if it could kill them.
It’s not just All Cops who Are Bastards.
So is First Vegetable Joe Biden’s granddaughter.
Biden Family Christmas Stocking Photo Leaves Out Hunter Biden’s 3-Year-Old Daughter, Born Out Of Wedlock
Shouda unloaded in her mouth, dude. That’s what they expect in strip clubs.
If vaccine mandates are ruled illegal and it’s perfectly fine to infect and kill other people, the rules that allow TB patients to be committed and forced to take their treatments should be removed from the books. Laws that make it a felony to knowingly infect others with HIV should also be struck down.
Nobody can be stopped from infecting and killing others. It’s their freedom.
@27, 37. You didn’t answer the question. Are you afraid to answer?
#39. Prove to me that she wants to be, and is being shut out.
Lunden Roberts declined to comment on her ties to Biden. “She really values her privacy,” her attorney told the Democrat-Gazette in 2019.
Are you demanding the Biden’s publicly force a relationship on someone who doesn’t want it?
You republicans sure are into forcing less powerful people to do things against their will. Ask republican Ex Governor Greitens about that or the republican ex speaker of the house, Dennis Hastert.
He’s terrified.
Because in doing so he would have to admit to feelings he can’t explain or justify. That’s why he’s responding to all of this with diversions and changing the subject.
He probably doesn’t think that he supports religious based grounds for state laws interfering in private medical decisions. But he also doesn’t think that he’s a bigot.
He just has all these feelings and they have to come out.
@7 Now tell us which one you’d use first, as if we don’t already know.
Look, human life is expendable. Doctors see death all the time. They learn to shrug it off, especially when they cause it. Not pointing fingers, just sayin’ …
Sobbing will become a new Republican thing, now that they’ve seen how well it worked for Kyle. (Who, by the way, was crying for himself, not the people he shot, which lines up well with Republican self-pity and victimhood.)
“Epstein’s former pilot Lawrence Visoski testified this week during the trial against Ghislaine Maxwell, the convicted sex offender’s former confidant, that Trump had flown on Epstein’s plane years before his presidency.”
Three times Republicans voted for that piece of shit. Even after Trump bragged to them on a hot mic that he had a lengthy history of violent sexual assault.
“Aside from Trump, Visoski noted that he had also spotted political heavyweights such as former President Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, as well as U.S. senators like John Glenn and George Mitchell on the plane. Hollywood stars including Chris Tucker and Kevin Spacey as well as violinist Itzhak Perlman were also named.”
$3.5 million is just a toll. The shootings will continue.
@42 Don’t forget to factor in the double standard. Republicans want a country where others have no rights and they have no restraints.
@34 The solution to that, of course, is to move to a blue state before she’s impregnated by her father, brother, uncle, or whoever. This kills two birds with one stone. One, she won’t have to illegally cross state lines to get an abortion. Two, she won’t need one.
Stacey Abrams is running for Georgia governor.
51 Good. Hope she wins
It’ll help that Brian Kemp doesn’t get to count his own votes this time.
Barrett said that banning abortion is not an undue burden since the woman can simply drop the baby off at an orphanage.
This is what Desperately Pussy Troll is so afraid of:
At the end of the day this is your alcoholic brother in law trying to say you can’t order wine with your dinner because he’s in recovery. White male xtian “conservatives” have a problem with women. They intend to make their problem everyone else’s problem.
It is so understanable why Bob, the failed Doctor, wants to talk about Abortion.
Insurrection Day is so much less interesting. Just hugs and kisses. No Cop killings! No assaults on LEO (as Bob loves to effectionatley refer to them as).
They’ve coopted the Constitution.
That needs to be played on a billboard.
Looks like Jeffrey Clark is now tacitly conceding that he criminally conspired with Trump and others to overthrow the elected U.S. government. Innocent people don’t need to invoke the 5th Amendment.
It’s been my understanding that Clark has not invoked his 5th amendment right on the record as part of sworn testimony before the hearing or before any independent judicial authority.
That matters because nobody has a generalized right to decline to testify under oath in a judicial or quasi-judicial proceeding. Our right to decline to testify is strictly limited to questions that might be incriminating to ourselves. We may not decline to give testimony that might incriminate others. And any court may at its discretion give a limited grant of immunity for self-incriminating testimony. Clark has dodged this so far. And that’s why he is facing indictment for contempt.
Under the law he has to appear, be sworn, and then specifically invoke for each question he or his counsel conclude would be incriminating. Then counsel for the committee can decide, on a question by question basis, whether or not to grant immunity.
@ 58
Innocent people don’t need to invoke the 5th Amendment.
Five of #CrookedHillary’s crew invoked the Fifth Amendment, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Apparently it means that they criminally conspired with #CrookedHillary.
Didn’t seem to concern you in 2016. Didn’t concern the DNC then, either. Which clearly was a mistake.
pp24-5 of https://www.supremecourt.gov/oral_arguments/argument_transcripts/2021/19-1392_gfbi.pdf
He’s right. Gays marrying doesn’t result in dead babies. Might even result in more live ones, come to think of it. Two of them might even be in the White House in 2025.
Democrats: If you overturn Roe, the Supreme Court has been politicized!
Also Democrats: Breyer must retire right quick so our guy can nominate his replacement!
Page 43.
What a concept. Let the people decide.
Greedy racist incel, you are lying and you know it. By your logic, Hillary should have been president because more people chose her than the impotent, bankrupted, twice impeached, failed reality television actor who hires prostitutes to jerk him off with rubber gloves. When a majority of Americans chose Biden to be president, the republicans tried to over throw the government.
Republicans: The blood of dead school children is a small price to pay for our freedom.
Also Republicans: Any requirement to wear a mask during a deadly pandemic is tyranny!
What a concept. Let the people decide.
Heh. Maybe the tiki torchers can take over West Virginia and “decide” to prohibit jews.
“Liberty”, ya know..
Let the “people” decide.. FREEDUMB!
Republicans: Schoolteachers should be required to be armed with guns!
Also Republicans: Schoolteachers shouldn’t be allowed to teach the history of racism, slavery and inequality in America.
Better troll is on a roll.
@ 64
Twice, in one spew, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron alluded to the presidency as a popularity vote contest.
# 1:
# 2
It is not. This is why @ 36, 37 I won’t answer his questions.
Republicans: Outlawing guns won’t stop gun violence.
Also Republicans: Outlawing abortion will stop abortion.
I just read today’s SCOTUS argument. The solicitor general performed most poorly.
The attorney for the respondent, I thought, made the best arguments from difficult material.
AJ Kavanaugh’s questions were closest to my own perspective. It’s a states’ rights issue. Abortion prohibited in some states and permitted with nearly no restriction in others fits best with the Constitution.
Casinos are commonly located on state lines. Abortion clinics can be, too, for the same reasons. I’m OK with package deals. I just won’t use the jetted tubs in stateline casino hotels with an abortion clinic next door.
We Republicans would drink the blood of dead schoolchildren to own the libs. Added bonus: What blood that might fall from our lips shall refresh the tree of liberty.
AJ Kavanaugh’s questions were closest to my own perspective. It’s a states’ rights issue.
Beerbong didn’t take “states rights” into account when it wanted to prevent that 17 year old girl from getting an abortion.
Because further delay was clearly unacceptable, we asked the full court of appeals to review the case. It did so, and reversed Judge Kavanaugh’s decision, ordering the government to allow Doe to have an abortion without further delay.
That 17 year old had already gotten an ok from a TexASS judge.. Wow, those were the days before the vigilante law.
Beerbong is an asshole.
Speaking @ 72 of uncontrolled hemorrhage:
“She had blood coming out of her….
whereverPR office.”Abortion prohibited in some states and permitted with nearly no restriction in others fits best with the Constitution.
Rich “pro-life” assholes in “prohibited” states will transport their wives, mistresses, daughters etc where ever convenient for their abortion needs..
Not so rich? Not so much..
“Liberty” for some. The rest, too bad.. Jeebus says no..
After forcing your pie hole repeatedly to form the magic words “stare decisis” you failed to ascertain the concept.
What is the legal precedent in Roe that Stewart seeks to reverse? Upon what constitutional right is the precedent based?
It is the right, and the precedent found in Griswold. It is upon that precedent that Roe was decided. You don’t know this because for all your faithless genuflecting to “dead babies” you’ve never bothered to read either one. You’re too stupid for that. So instead your lips move silently as you dutifully read the misguided pronouncements of other “conservative” xtian white men.
Stewart lied. He was invited to do so by Associate Justice Opus Dei. But nobody who knows the law is fooled. Sweep aside the precedent, reverse stare decisis, and the right to privacy is removed from the law. And with it goes all the other decisions that hinge upon that right. It’s not about reversing Roe. It’s about how they do it. And that is precisely how they intend to do it.
They just said so right out in the open. You may be too dumb to understand it. But we aren’t.
Associate Justice Opus Dei
Holy krap.. Nice name. Never crossed my mind that she was that way..
Only too obvious..
The aghast of Bomber Harris strikes again. Usually the Polizei and Bumdeswehr have time to disarm them, as the discovery of UXO in Germany is almost a daily occurrence. Four injured in Munich when a WWII bomb went off at a construction site On Election Day, one delayed opening a polling station in Wuppertal.
@ 76
What is the legal precedent in Roe that Stewart seeks to reverse?
My understanding is that Casey already reversed it.
It’s the precedent of fetal viability as the cutoff time in gestational age beyond which the life of the fetus is controlling, undue burdens excepted.
The legal precedent is the fetal age as established in Casey. The Mississippi law will reduce that to 15 weeks.
Has nothing to do with the right to privacy. Has to do with the pregnancy stage beyond which “privacy” will no longer include the right to kill an unborn fetus under cover of law.
It’s the MS law’s constitutionality that is being argued, but what is being asked for by the state is that there be no gestational date.
The Court can always uphold the MS law as constitutional, setting the pregnancy stage at 15 weeks for MS, and go no further. It’s an option.
It’s also an invitation, but that can be punted.
@ 76, 79
“Our consideration is limited to the present circumstances.” is not something we will likely see.
15 weeks does the least damage, given the inherent problems with Casey and Roe to begin with. Unfortunately, it also sucks for
a lot ofsome women in MS.The rebuttal did make a reasonable point. An abortion in MS runs $600, minimum, plus travel and accommodations, etc. Contraception is cheaper. Even though it infringes on “liberty”.
OK, that last sentence is mine, not his.
I really did read the whole thing. Not clear on Alito, and Gorsuch had little to say, but I think I understand the others.
5-4 to overturn. Alito opinion. Thomas, Kavanaugh concurrences. Three-four dissenting opinions.
Desperate to avoid blame, Kamala shifts it to the black chick.
It wasn’t even a real cold sore.
Bzzzzt. You are wrong again and still and forever.
You didn’t articulate the constitutional right.
You articulated one state interest. You don’t even understand the difference.
Remember earlier when I mocked your stupidity because you’d moronically conclude that the ADA forces states to grant driver’s licenses to the blind? There you managed to see the right. But you failed to see the governmental interest.
The constitutional right cited in Roe is the implied right to privacy held in Griswold. Without a right there is no case. Something must be at stake for the Court to hear such a case. Think about it.
“fetal viability as the cutoff time in gestational age beyond which the life of the fetus is controlling” describes a balancing test. Balancing against what? Controlling against what? Burdening what?
Individual privacy.
Have you really allowed yourself to be this bamboozled?
Or are you just letting Jesus take the wheel?
And he cheers for really bad things to happen at the expense of America. He isn’t American. He’s a traitor. He’s a fucking Nazi.
Ethan Crumbley was the Oxford High shooter. There is a photo.
Two separate videos were recovered from the suspected shooter’s cellphone in which he talked about shooting and killing students the next day at Oxford High School.
In addition to the cellphone, a journal was recovered from Crumbley’s backpack detailing his “desire to shoot up the school,” Willis said.
Crumbley began firing outside the bathroom, prosecutor Marc Keast said. After students started running away, he proceeded down the hallway at a “methodical pace” and shot inside classrooms and at students who hadn’t escaped, Keast said.
The video shows Crumbley “methodically and deliberately” walking the hallways, aiming a gun at students and firing, Keast said.
Video from the school shows the assailant was “shooting people at close range — oftentimes toward the head or chest,”
When deputies arrived, he set down the gun and surrendered, authorities said.
What could have mitigated this? Mental Health treatment? Given how quickly he and his family lawyered up, expect the family would have rejected it in the name of FREEDOM!
Gun regulations? how do you make the parents do the right thing and secure their guns.
Hope the parent and the shooter go to jail for a long time.
Wonder if Tucker and Gaetz will rally around him? Will he also become a conservatives celebrity?
What is Susan Collin’s forrowed level today?
86. …Forrowed brow.level …
Not as deep as it will be next June.
When the decision is announced it’s going to immediately have a massive impact on the mid term elections. The plans of swing district Republicans to make their races about inflation and CRT will be swept aside as dozens of Republican controlled state legislatures are called into special session to enact abortion bans.
@ 86, 87
Furrowed. Not forrowed.
Yeesh, indeed.
@ 88
When the decision is announced it’s going to immediately have a massive impact on the mid term elections.
It won’t.
32% of Americans want abortion without restrictions. It’s a safe bet that those Americans overwhelmingly already vote Democrat.
The others either oppose abortion and are pleased with yesterday’s arguments, or are somewhere near Daniel Patrick Moynihan in their feelings about it.
Abortion will still be legal, even in Mississippi, if the law is upheld.
QoS McHillbilly, it’s a massive forthcoming decision for you. For the vast majority of Americans, the economy is what counts.
32%. In 1992 it was 34%.
Some of the evidence indicates the gun-humper parents purchased the gun with the purpose of supplying it to the boy.
They were exercising their freedom.
@ 83
The constitutional right cited in Roe is the implied right to privacy held in Griswold.
Read yesterday’s arguments by petitioner and SG. They didn’t come down on privacy. They came down on multiple implications, most strongly liberty as protected by 14A.
Maybe dispense with what you learned from one instructor when you were a 1L, Turow, and read the arguments.
There’s still an implied right to kill the unborn under protection of privacy in the Mississippi law. Right up until the end of the 15th week.
Aside from the fact that there is no data to support this conclusion that you long for, when it comes to the mid term elections in swing districts what matters is how swing voters in those districts feel about abortions and how the campaigns in those districts address those feelings. Because they know “the vast majority of Americans” will not decide their suburban district elections. White women between the ages of 30 and 50 will.
The restrictions proposed in Mississippi would establish an arbitrary gestational period. Most voters who have not thought deeply about the issue for the last four or five decades might be unmoved by that. But the Mississippi law would also ban abortions in cases involving rape, incest, and young children. That’s going to get noticed, especially by women, since pretty much every woman you know has either been raped or has a close friend who has.
Because this is America.
Two more people have spontaneously aborted from Team Kamala.
92. Thats a new spin. Liberty? The government has the right to take liberty of a woman and force her to give birth?
@ 93
Not quite.
Same “out” as always.
This is sophistry. It’s “just so” reasoning incapable of persuading.
It makes a lot of sense not to lean too hard on Griswold under these circumstances, since that’s precisely what no fewer than four of the nine have gone on record to say they’d like to see removed from the law. But also you have to read Griswold, because the reasoning in that decision is rooted in the same arguments and the same amendments.
There’s still an implied right to kill the unborn under protection of privacy in the Mississippi law.
What’s protected in the Mississippi law isn’t what’s at stake. What’s protected in the constitution is. A “right” that may be burdened arbitrarily is no right at all. A constitution that places no limits on how a state may violate a right does not protect that right.
@ 95
Am I the only one who finds The Even Bigger Fucking Moron‘s perpetual grade-school approach to EVERYTHING rather tiresome?
Liberty is a new spin in that it has only been around since, oh, the signing of The Declaration of Independence, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
Liberty is what your side pointed to yesterday. There’s nothing “new spin” about it.
@ 97
Arbitrary is the argument against 24 weeks, QoS McHillbilly.
Go down that road and you will be faced with a binary choice that is unfavorable to womb worshipers.
That’s largely why this tip toeing up to the line with hallway widths and calendars is so politically fraught. Regular folks don’t think, know, or maybe even care, including probably most women. But what almost all women do know is that they don’t want men mansplaining to them about their own bodies and dictating their private decisions about their bodies, and that includes fucking with or without a condom or a diaphragm.
Roe is a compromise. Casey is a subtle modification of that compromise. T2 was a compromise. The fetal viability standard is a compromise. If you discard that compromise you discard the right that it seeks to protect. You get a binary choice between no implied right to privacy in the constitution or unlimited and unrestricted abortion. I don’t think most people want either of those two outcomes. However, forcing a choice between those two outcomes, which is what “conservative” xtians are doing, will lead most women to choose the later.
Now do your “unlubricated barebacking” bit. That one kills.
Then you can close with fake “FB friends in CO”.
After Abortion is no longer the law of the land. Birth control. Pornography. Marriage equality.
You know, it’s almost funny. If you look at the voter file data out of VA and elsewhere it’s very clear that Republicans clawed back a lot of ground with suburban women, white women in particular, but also women of color. And the panel responses all indicated that it was the focus on public schools that made the difference.
Now, the way that worked made it clear to me at least, that there was potential for some campaigns to fuck that strategy up. Youngkin was tailor made for it. And he and his campaign handled the messaging perfectly while in contrast VA Democrats did everything possible to fuck up their response. But I think skilled Republican candidates and their campaigns really could have counted on that fucked up response from most Democrats.
The last two years have left most school aged parents deeply frustrated with their public schools. Perpetually under resourced and with a White House and many state governments that were committed to their failure, public schools could not adjust to the pandemic without plenty of failure. And because of the pandemic most of that failure was taking place right in front of parents in their dining rooms.
With public education, public school unions and teachers closely associated with Democrats this creates an “outsider” opportunity for Republican candidates and campaigns. And it’s an opportunity laser focused on the demographic they most need to win back in order to win elections. Voting age women.
Now, thanks to an unrepresentative base minority in their party pushing a largely dead agenda, they are poised to throw that opportunity away. Dr. Oz gets to answer questions about abortion, to which there can be no “good” answers. And it’s unlikely that social media misinformation peddling can come to their rescue in the case of abortion. Meme wars over doctored fetal photos driving extremism will not serve these candidates or their campaigns. And in a “conservative” political ecosystem addicted to clickbait and grift it will be impossible to avoid that extremism.
Birth control almost certainly.
But the other two probably not. Marriage equality is rooted directly in Equal Protection. And of course porn is rooted in freedom of expression.
The effect of overturning Roe will be more narrow and specific. And where “conservative” xtian male state lawmakers are concerned, I expect they will focus their new found authority over people’s bodies on the bodies they hate the most. Women for sure. But also trans.
More than a little funny to see Democrats begin to call for a suspension of the gas tax.
This is necessary due to the suspension of pipeline construction.
And because the SPR release was a silly gimmick that did nothing to help lower gasoline prices.
Marriage equality doesn’t involve the purposeful termination of life.
It also has majority – and growing – public support.
It is a silly comparison although admittedly I have never been legally forbidden to marry. I appreciate the angst despite believing it misplaced.
Birth control already limited in some states. As is abortion.
Capital punishment does.
Discuss which constitutional “right” is implicated.
Let’s contrast this with Bob’s typical performance following a successful campaign by any random Republican to win a Democratic held seat on a water commission.
Notice any difference?
Even the incel troll recognizes the political peril this decision will entail. So he resorts to non sequitur and diversion while soft peddling the import. Fucking corn row braids are already “limited” if you buy this nonsense. Sushi is “already highly restricted”.
So no big deal. Right?
I get how this would work with some beer drunk dudebros sitting around at the local sports bar swapping off color jokes about “the blacks”. It gets nowhere with voting age women in swing districts. They already know far more about birth control and unwanted pregnancy than most male physicians, let alone the random Chad wearing his hat backwards.
@ 109
Second stage of grief.
He’s gettin’ ready for The Pain.
Meanwhile, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is looking into investments in stateline abortion clinics in the Southeast.
Remain in Mexico is a thing again. Trump was right.
The First Vegetable is weak.
Nine minutes @ 109 after diverting the abortion conversation to capital punishment @ 108, QoS McHillbilly accuses me of diverting the abortion conversation.
Just to be clear, the House Jan 6 committee should not hold Clark in contempt if he appears and pleads the 5th. Not only because it would be wrong under the circumstances but also because when referred the DOJ would not prosecute.
I’m not sure why they wouldn’t already be working on a negotiated grant of limited immunity. But even short of that, getting Clark on the record stating under oath that answers to specific questions would criminally implicate him is a huge win for the committee all by itself. It means and it tells the world that the guy Trump selected to spearhead his efforts to use the DOJ to overturn the election broke the law in doing so.
That would be a big step forward toward appointment of a Special Counsel.
This is bad faith nonsense.
You attempted to change the subject, as you have done consistently, by trying to shift to a discussion about “the purposeful termination of life.”
This is you unable to respond in any other way.
I mean, you didn’t even bother to specify human life.
This leaves you arguing that “life” – a thing you cannot define in anything other than arbitrary terms – “begins” – another term you cannot define in anything other than arbitrary terms – at “conception” – a final thing you are also unable to define in anything other than arbitrary terms.
The result is an ideological movement committed to establishing state authority over women’s reproduction on a purely arbitrary basis.
It’s either about a recognized, safe, and therapeutic medical procedure or it’s about some superstitious gobbledygook about “the sanctity of life”. And if it’s about the later (and clearly at this point given all your comments that’s what you want it to be about) that “sanctity” is no less arbitrary than your concept of “life”.
Like I said, bad faith nonsense.
Stupid maybe. Lazy for sure. Nice? Not so much.
@86 Furrowed to a flinty squint, and smelling like dead fish.
@89 They need to make the virtual keyboards on phones larger.
@106 “Marriage equality doesn’t involve the purposeful termination of life.”
Your attitude toward due process and police brutality does, though.
@110 “Meanwhile, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is looking into investments in stateline abortion clinics in the Southeast.”
You thought of it first.
If precedent no longer matters, and the law arguments don’t matter, then the Supreme court can do what ever 5 people agree to. If the five don’t want Marriage Equality, it’s gone once some conservative lawyer reads the product reviews from Amazon for an hour and the judges would over turn it. The judges don’t care how correct the opposing arguments are.
Mark Meadows is a subversive POS.
Yes, I agree that ideologically this court could soon overturn Obergfell. I think there are four justices who would like to do so. But they’d have to win over both Roberts and Gorsuch to do so. So any shift of position along those lines would probably require a change in the current makeup of the court, as opposed to any change in the law.
If Kamala was sincere that last sentence wouldn’t have been needed.
Nobody treats a liberal woman more viciously than another liberal woman.
Well, she couldn’t very well choose fake Indian. Liz Warren already cornered the market on that lie.
So fake Jew it is for Kamala.
@ 100
Roe is a compromise. Casey is a subtle modification of that compromise. T2 was a compromise. The fetal viability standard is a compromise. If you discard that compromise you discard the right that it seeks to protect.
15 weeks is a compromise. Isn’t it.
122, 123,
Just trying to work out how many of Vice President Harris’ staff have been asked to resign because they beat the shit out of some girls they were fucking or slipped some RU486 into their Ovaltine?
Asking for Jason Miller.
Is this your example of “non-grade school approach”?
Asking for an HA Hero.
15 weeks is as arbitrary as your definition of “life” or the “sanctity” thereof. Just ask any one of the likely hundreds of unvaccinated people who contracted COVID after encountering the vaccine disinformation you eagerly spread.
15 weeks can just as easily be 15 hours, once the right articulated in Griswold is swept aside. And adopting an arbitrary standard does just that.
@ 125
Why defend her staff? Shouldn’t you be defending Harris?
Does anyone know where, a greasy wop bastard like me can find a job spewing liberal progressive bullshit and criticizing and belittling decent people?
Who’s defending anyone?
Bosses fire people. For all kinds of reasons. Some good. Some…
…not so good.
Failure can be measured in all kinds of ways.
It can be measured in terms of people whose personal ambitions surpass their loyalty.
It can be measured in terms of the kinds of personal character failures that have historically defined the last two Republican administrations, whether in the form of black eyes or “otter smooth 9 inches, uncut”.
And it can be measured in terms of the kind of personal weakness that leads to early career burnout and a life devoted to debating day trading strategies and mirthful mocking of dead children.
Bob’s “decent people” or holding on line 2:
If you’re gonna attack police officers, tatooing “Fuck You” on your middle finger doesn’t help keep you incognito.
This is what detectives refer to as “distinguishing marks.”
@128 Try Gateway Pundit, although they’ll like require you to modify your messaging. However, that aside, they welcome pundits of your character.
The greedy racist incel routinely refers liberal women and black women as “cunts” and denegrates the appearance of black women. Would that be popular on the gateway pundit?
It’s to be expected that when a school imposes a strict moral code against premarital sex, and enforces it by punishing students who report sexual assaults, its professors will abduct and rape students.
Arbery killer’s GoFundMe accounts are being shut down on every platform. “Woke leftists!” his racist attorney screams.
Boo-fucking-hooo, sayeth the rabbit sage.
TheMichigan school shooter is white, alright. (Whew! Did I take a chance on that one! Can’t trust photos.) His mommy wrote to Trump thanking him for supporting gun rights (thank you for letting me carry a gun to work!) and blaming her son’s struggles in school on Common Core and … illegal immigration.
She complained about paying a tutor because she herself can’t understand fourth-grade math. She apparently dropped her car insurance to pay for it. (Isn’t driving without insurance illegal in Michigan? Yes it is!) She complained about illegal immigrants getting free tutors and tablets. She claimed “moswt of their parents are locked up.”*
* Statistics show American citizens are twice as likely to be incarcerated as illegal immigrants.
What a piece of work. The best news we’ve heard today is this asswipe and her husband are likely to face criminal charges for their laissez-faire attitude about kids’ access to guns.
@136 Wallowing in her victim hood. “Immigrants get everything, they get nothing! So unfair. ” Someone undeserving like an immigrant somewhere (maybe Canada) might be getting something more than they are getting. SO UNFAIR!
@137 More likely wallowing in the realization that her kid isn’t the only one facing serious jail time.
Just think, if he’d waited for a BLM protest to take his aggressions out on, he could’ve walked. His mom should’ve hired Tutor Kyle to give him pointers.
139)Surprised he hasn’t asked why I haven’t said anything about the Metro bus accident today. The injuries came on the other vehicles. The bus had finished a peak tripper run, Route 102, Downtown Seattle-Renton-Fairwood and was deadheading back to base.
DeSantis proposes a new civilian military force in Florida that he would control
St, Petersburg, Florida (CNN) Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis wants to reestablish a World War II-era civilian military force that he, not the Pentagon, would control.
In a nod to the growing tension between Republican states and the Biden administration over the National Guard, DeSantis also said this unit, called the Florida State Guard, would be “not encumbered by the federal government.” He said this force would give him “the flexibility and the ability needed to respond to events in our state in the most effective way possible.”
This will end well.
Probably why he made calls for unvaccinated cops cause he’d have the most easily corrupted and loyal force available. Maybe ensure a “fair” election?
A doctor who is dumber than me, that’s what fucking Bob is.
He criticized me for relating Truvada (PrEP) as possible protection against COVID. He referred to it as silly for me to think it was a “twofer”!
Well, the new medicines being researched are similar to HIV medicines
“ Both Pfizer’s and Merck’s treatments are pill regimens that people take for five days after a positive Covid test. The pills prevent the virus from replicating inside the body and are broadly similar to treatments that revolutionized H.I.V. care in the 1990s.” NY Times
So it wasn’t a stretch for me to think the way I did. Only a stretch that Bob even has a fucking brain.
Ggggggeeee Money!, don’t bother getting upset. It lies constantly.
The conservative vegetable will type anything, regardless if it believes it or not, if it thinks it will piss off a lib.
Evidence of seriousness is… …claiming tweens have a constitutional right to build ghost guns.
No Biggie!
Here are the states where abortion would be severely restricted or banned immediately upon overturning of Roe/Casey:
North Dakota
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
All of these states currently have on their books either pre-Roe laws banning abortion, or post-Roe trigger laws banning abortion held in abeyance by Roe. Overturning Roe puts these laws into full effect immediately.
“A doctor who is dumber than me, that’s what fucking Bob is.”
Correction scheduler-guy, nobody is dumber than you.
and cross dressing will not save you….or pay your rent.