Stephen: Inflation Reduction Act is great for the environment
Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian: What does the Bible *really* say about marriage?
Robert Reich: The real freeloaders in America? The super-rich
Vox: The fall (and rise?) of unions in the US
The Dolts, Dimwits, and Deplorables that Defend The Dotard:
- Bruce W. Nelson: Mr and Mrs Mangy Fetlocks in Astounding CPAC Duet
- Ari Melber: Трамп warrant revealed—Receipts show search was valid
- WaPo: What to know about the FBI search of Трамп’s Mar-a-Lago home
- Bill Maher: The contents of Трамп’s safe
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard reacts to the FBI raid of Mar A Lago
- LegalEagle: Alex Jones obliterated on cross because his lawyer sent his cell phone to opposing counsel
- Tommy Campbell: Marjorie Taylor Greene goes to jail and Трамп raided
- Liberal Redneck: FBI raids Mar-a-Lago
- The Founders Sing: ♫ The FBI Raided ♬:
- Stephen: Does Трамп have rats in his inner circle?
- Ari Melber: “Secret stuff”—Трамп had docs at Mar-a-Lago intended only for government facilities
- Alicia Menendez: DOJ calls Трамп’s bluff, moves to unseal search warrant “absent objection”
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп’s Hideout Raided Donald Aggravated ♬
- Lauren Mayer: ♫ (Let’s Get) Rid of ‘Em ♬
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard Jr ACCUSES FBI of stealing his baking soda from Mar-A-Lago
- Inside Edition: FBI allegedly seized 15 boxes in Mar-a-Lago raid
- Ari Melber: Трамп’s legal nightmare—AG Garland faces down MAGAWorld vowing justice
- Trevor: Трамп pleads the Fifth & conservatives claim the FBI planted evidence
- The Late Show: The “What Crime Is It?” game:
- Trevor: FBI raids Трамп’s Mar-a-Lago home
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Suxtabee Tucker ♬
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Only way it gets worse for Трамп is to be charged
- Stephen: “Civil war” trended on Twitter after Mar-A-Lago raid
- Bill Maher: The Mar-a-Lago raid
- Rob McElhenney: FBI search at Трамп’s Mar-a-Lago
- Ari Melber: Heat on Трамп—Warrant cites three big felonies
- Tommy Campbell: Mike Lindell’s ridiculous ultimatum to Jimmy Kimmel and Трамп donors dress Melanie
- Winlar: ♫ A hot Nazi (is still a Nazi…) ♬:
- LegalEagle: Huge verdict against Alex Jones
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Introverts, Extroverts and Трампerverts ♬
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп DESTROYS FBI claim that he has nuclear secrets
- Lawrence O’Donnell: “There is no uprising” for Трамп after FBI search
- Ari Melber: Трамп becomes first President on record to plead the 5th
- Jordan Klepper vs. Wisconsin Трамп supporters
- Steve Hofstetter: The truth of Herschel Walker’s violent past
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ When You’re Guilty as Hell, Plead “The Fifth” ♬
- The Late Show: Mar-A-Lago has some new rules after the FBI raid
- Songbird: ♫ The Ballad of 45 ♬:
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Questions Asked by Трамп’s PR Team Over the Years ♬
- Ari Melber: Трамп reeling—Pleads the 5th after FBI search for “criminal evidence”
- Mark Fiore: The Perp-in-Chief
- LegalEagle: Трамп search warrant for nuclear weapons documents?
- Stephen: Librarians come for the former President
- Ali Velshi: “Documents relating to nuclear weapons” among targets of FBI search of Mar-a-Lago
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трампers are NOT (just) Stupid ♬
Jonathan Mann: ♫ I’m So Glad The Starbucks Workers Are Unionizing ♬
Mother Jones: The racist law targeting America’s mothers
John Oliver: Monkey pox
The Late Show: President Biden had some interesting symptoms during his bout with covid
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I’m thinking if Judge Reinhart sues Brian Kilmeade, he’ll likely get more than MAGAteen did. He has a better case.
Although his admission that use of the faked photo was witting and intentional harms his defense, Kilmeade is uniquely positioned to rebut that.
He’s too stupid to have formed requisite intent.
Moreover, taking on News Corp in such a lawsuit, even just to produce discovery, will have a price tag starting in the millions.
Fed magistrate judges aren’t paid that much.
“I was far too busy at the time conspiring to overturn a lawful election to pay any attention to which nuclear secrets I was stealing.”
On CBS Saturday Morning, the host said “The question now is whether Trump had the ability to declassify the documents.”
That’s not “the” question. Because, obviously, a guy who was removed from office more than a year-and-a-half prior, even if he ever had that unilateral authority (he didn’t), no longer has it. And moreover, if he had it it would not be a retroactive authority he could exercise from thousands of miles away to declassify documents he can’t even describe using “the power of his mind”.
You probably noticed as I did that the low IQ Nazi traitor had no wind in his sails yesterday.
1)Reinhardt probably won’t re-up as a magistrate. These guys aren’t appointed for life like most federal judges.
I did notice that he was rather silent and absent.
No sense in trying to defend the indefensible. He even said as much.
That doesn’t stop other Trumpalos from trying to obfuscate with wild-ass stories and theories.
A useful timeline, with apologies for relative brevity, spelling errors, etc:
Trump was first contacted about his illegal retention of classified material at MAL in May of 2021. The initial point of contact was the same person from the White House Counsel’s Office who had been designated prior to the end of Trump’s term. What followed were months of continuous negotiations, communications, and dialog between NARA and former and current Trump attorneys.
Finally in January of this year, a year after Trump left office while sparking a pipe-bomb/assassination riot, NARA was allowed to retrieve 15 boxes. NARA, perhaps out of frustration, discloses that the boxes contained documents showing clear evidence of attempts at destruction, as well as some documents with classification markings. After reviewing the materials and with consultation from United States Attorneys, in February of 2022 NARA formally refers their findings to the DOJ for further investigation, but keeps this referral from the media. NARA continues to negotiate with Trump over return of Presidential Records, classified documents, and records destruction with little result.
In April of 2022, again perhaps out of growing frustration, but also to increase pressure, NARA reveals to the media that the matter has been referred to the DOJ and that FBI agents have conducted interviews with MAL staff about the retention of classified documents and the destruction of records, documents, and communications. In May NARA discloses that with the referral to the DOJ they had also sought and obtained a DOJ subpoena which was served to Trump in April.
In June a team of DOJ counterintelligence attorneys visit MAL to interview Trump staff about the document theft, and destruction and the securing of classified material. Trump visits briefly with the DOJ attorneys. Trump staff are persuaded to place a padlock on one of the rooms where stolen classified documents are stored. A second subpoena, this one from a criminal grand jury*, is served demanding return of stolen documents. Near the end of June a second criminal grand jury* subpoena is served seeking MAL surveillance video to show who had access to the areas of MAL where the stolen classified documents were stored.
August 8, search warrant executed.
*This is probably a significant detail. The obtaining and serving of grand jury subpoenas coincides with the direct involvement of Unites States Attorneys from the counterintelligence division as well as FBI special agents from counterintelligence to perform service. Such a federal grand jury would be impaneled in SDFL not in Washington DC, since SDFL is the federal judicial district in which any alleged violations of the espionage statute would have occurred. This may give some indication as to the state of any DOJ investigation into espionage violations. They have impaneled a grand jury to look at evidence, issue subpoenas, and perhaps, eventually prepare charges against individuals. Lots of federal grand juries are excused without ever issuing indictments. But what this does indicate is that a decision has been made at the highest level that pursuing criminal charges is appropriate. And that this decision was reached as early as June.
No sense in trying to defend the indefensible.
Fuck that degenerate motherfucker.
So, when is the DOJ and FBI coming for Sandy Berger?
@10 Done and dealt with dumbass:
In April 2005, Berger pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of unauthorized removal and retention of classified material from the National Archives in Washington, D.C.[23]
Berger was fined $50,000,[24] sentenced to serve two years of probation and 100 hours of community service, and stripped of his security clearance for three years.
a government fine of 50k might as well be a sentence of death to an always wrong wing nut.
Try and stick to the real issue. Sandy Berger has nothing to do with Fat Donny Two-Scoops.
Same with Hillary, you had your shot and couldn’t even come up with a parking ticket.
Berger paid his debt, get over it.
You are simply ashamed of yourself, and seeking some weak and cowardly means of distracting from your own disgraceful and humiliating behavior.
Highly sensitive classified documents were unlawfully removed from secure systems and premises and hidden in the unsecured basement of a Florida sex club. The persons in control of those stolen classified materials lied to government agents for months about the condition and whereabouts of those stolen classified materials.
And you foolishly and impulsively sought to criticize the Attorney General and the FBI for retrieving and securing those classified materials. You called for their arrest. You called for violence against them and their families.
Had your efforts been successful, highly classified materials would have remained unsecured in the damp basement of a private sex club in Florida where clearly identified foreign espionage agents would have access to them.
And you refuse to accept responsibility for what you did and to apologize.
You are a “good” Republican, and you are hereby qualified for a trusted position of grave responsibility in the next Trump administration. Bring plenty of lube and some Playtex gloves.
It was learned yesterday, and reported today, that during the initial June visit to MAL by United States Attorneys for the DOJ counterintelligence division one of Trump’s attorneys signed a sworn statement declaring that all documents bearing classification marks previously removed from secure government facilities and systems and stored in boxes in the basement of Donald Trump’s private sex club in Florida had been returned.
That will earn that attorney an indictment. It is a catastrophic error. The statement was ill advised under any circumstances. And it should not have been made in the way it is being described. But it should also be admitted that the attorneys Trump has representing him in Florida are all uniformly in the fine tradition of the now disbarred felon Michael Cohen. Since the offense occurred in the SDFL the indictment will be brought in that district. But as part of a complex investigation that indictment will be filed under seal. In fact, this person may already be under criminal indictment. The seal will remain in place until such time as a cooperation agreement is either completed, or terminated.
It really looks like this criminal investigation is actually a lot further along than it appeared to be yesterday.
Fuck that degenerate motherfucker.
Indeed. He’s a democracy-hating fascist, a racist, and a fan of Russian cover bands. One can’t get much more fucked up in the head than that.
Trip down media memory lane that seems appropriate right now, for some reason:
Federal authorities are reportedly probing potential Chinese spying efforts at Trump’s Palm Beach resort.
I imagine the FBI is already taking fingerprints off the TS and SCI documents.
They live like fucking animals.
‘She’s loaded. They all have guns’: Lauren Boebert neighbors forced to call 911 over speeding and property damage
“I’m sure he’s loaded to the hilt. Do you know who his wife is? Lauren Boebert. She’s loaded. They all have guns. He just got chest to chest, face to face, looking to fight.”
Solar, her in DE. Got my monthly electric bill….$16.00.
Inflation! Locker her up! Benghazi, Benghazi!
But are you better off than you were two years ago (August of 2020)?
When you see these C-SPAN clips of member remarks entered into the record during debate, keep in mind that these are carefully scripted, he’s reading a written text off the teleprompters, the chamber is empty of all but a handful of staff, and that the Minority Leader and his staff poured over these words in preparation for weeks.
Kevin is a Republican. Of course he feels he was better off two years ago when nobody could board an airplane, you washed your groceries when you got them home, and the bodies of his neighbors were being piled up in open air stadiums.
As I see it right now, and I’m open to having my mind changed about this, but the assertion being made by Republicans that these documents can’t be “classified” if Trump didn’t want them “classified” is precisely equivalent to arguing that any former POTUS is precisely equal in authority to any current POTUS.
Even if the absurd claim that FPOTUS “declassified” every item he removed, simply by removing them, were stipulated at the outset,* then that declassification was just as clearly rescinded by the very same mental processes, when the current POTUS, acting through his executive branch agencies, repeatedly identified those materials as “classified”, demanded their return, and served multiple subpoenas ordering their return. If a former POTUS can merely “deem” something declassified in any manner they like, then a current POTUS may rescind that classification just as easily and with the same effect.
The only way around this would be to argue, as Republicans now appear to be doing, that the prior declassification decisions of a former POTUS somehow supersede the rescission decisions of a current POTUS. This implies that their authority is at least equal in real time. Which is preposterous, but also entirely fits with Republicans.
*It also may partly explain the patience and exasperation exhibited by the DOJ about all this. They negotiated for more than a year, issued multiple subpoenas, and held lots of in-person meetings. There could have been no doubt in the minds of Trump’s lawyers that the current POTUS considered these materials classified and wanted them recovered. This was never any sort of devious trap sprung on unsuspecting half-wits.
Half-wits perhaps. But never unsuspecting.
Steve Schmidt can rip fascists a new orifice with the best of them. He goes after Cruz as well.
‘He betrayed America’: GOPer Mike Lee buried by Steve Schmidt for obedience to Trump ‘above all’
Our low IQ Nazi traitor has the opportunity to be the first Republican fascist in America to thank the Blue in Ohio.
Ohio GOP Congress Members Won’t Even Thank Ohio State Troopers
The armed man who attacked the FBI office in Cincinnati led police to a dangerous standoff. Where was “Back the Blue” in the Ohio Congressional delegation?
Radio Hannity reminding Republicans today that there is nothing in the constitution to prevent Trump from running from a jail cell.
Just try and imagine Fat Midget attempting to preside over and unify a 2024 Republican ShitShow featuring Candidate Ankle Monitor and his nail gun army.
I can wait… barely.
So Tulsi filled in for Tucker on Fox? Putin and our low IQ Nazi traitor must be proud.
Usually people that are convicted of anything other than a traffic violation, or that have serious financial issues, are not granted security clearances.
Sure, he can run from a jail cell, but he will be knee-capped because he won’t be able to get a clearance. That would be a serious issue for the courts to decide. Just because you are CINC and POTUS, does that give you full and unrestricted security clearance? It shouldn’t, especially with someone that is a risk to the security of those classified information documents.
Trump spent more time with his lawyers and on the golf course than he did doing his real job.
To vote for Trump really is a vote to end democracy.
@22 Schmidt called Mike Lee a “doofus”…
We used to have a troll here we called “doofus”, an xtian punk who prayed for the rapture, prayed for doofus voucher schools, never saw a tax cut for the rich or a vote suppression scam for the repuke’s benefit that it didn’t like. Its first bleat here was mimicking a black guy in prison who praised Chris Gregoire after Dino Lossi’d his lawsuit. Classy. It loved war.. the more swarthy people died because of Bush’s endless war policies, the happier it was.
This asswipe believed that Karl Rove would ensure permanent occupation of the White House by corrupt, war-mongering repukes..
It made the mistake of calling itself “Jane Balogh’s dog”, thinking we gave a shit about a troll woman who got caught registering her dog to vote. Got caught doofus.. Get it? As in the law worked? We responded by mocking it as a coprophagous cur.
I don’t remember seeing it much after the Dems took back the House in 2006 and it all but disappeared when it became obvious that Obama would win in 2008..
It crawled out from under its rock when Scott Brown hustled into Ted Kennedy’s seat and then was gone for good after PPACA prevailed.
Good f’ing riddance, troll loser..
Rudy Giuliani says Trump will ‘raid every one of Biden’s houses’ if the former president wins the 2024 presidential election
However, I don’t believe Biden will have stolen nuclear secrets stored at his house, but that wont’ matter to republicans. They are driven by vengeance for having Rule of Law applied to them. I feel republicans have reached the stage in the war of fascism vs the US Democracy, where republicans will plant evidence like a laptop provided by russia.
The greedy racist incel’s favorite safe white female politician made the news
Vindman Calls Gabbard ‘Agent of Russian Disinformation’ After Fox Segment
Do you think that’s enough to make the greedy racist incel stop gasming over her?
A “good” modern Republican is just a plain old, salt-of-the-earth, traditional, “no pronouns” guy who buys a cordless framing nailer and uses it to commit suicide-by-cop because the former host of Celebrity Apprentice was prevented from keeping the classified documents he stole.
More please.
No. Ne’s jerking off to it right now. He’s a busy Dumbfuck.
@30 easier to just say Nenderthal Hetero.
32)Or the line from Blazing Saddles.
@33 I have to admit I’ve never watched the movie fully. What is that line?
This interview didn’t go as they had hoped.
Newsmax Host Flips Out When Bolton Says We’re Safer Under Biden
John Bolton – yes, that John Bolton – schooled Newsmax host Eric Bolling on the right-wing BS over Trump’s foreign policy.
The low IQ Nazi traitor has lost heart. My money is on his never coming back. His keyboard courage has turned into keyboard cowardice.
34)Gene Wilder’s character describing the Townsolk as simple people, salt of the earth, then said, You Know, Morons.
@37. Hahaha, that be the repukes
Good fucking grief.
Mar-a-Lago smoking gun footage may mean DOJ may not have recovered all the classified material: legal experts
I don’t know what Trump got for selling out our country. What I do know is that the low IQ Nazi traitor sold out our country for a fucking tax cut.
@2 A Texas school librarian is taking on the haters who called her a pedophile and groomer, with funding from GoFundMe donations. But then, those assholes aren’t Fox News. They’re little assholes.
Anyway, I’m thinking he should just sue Kilmeade, not the Fox organization. Kilmeade has millions, too, just not as many. And if MAGAteen can get a lawyer and bring defamation suits against giant media companies, why can’t Judge Reinhart do the same?
@5 I wondered what that object was bobbing in the water off Whidbey Island. I thought maybe it was a dead whale carcass, but I guess I was wrong.
@8 Allow me to add this detail: An as-yet unnamed attorney for Trump “signed a letter in June asserting that there was no more classified information stored at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence.”
The inventory list of items removed from MAL “contradicts the attorney’s letter. The removal of … classified information after the letter was sent could explain why prosecutors cited an obstruction law in their search warrant request.”
The obstruction, of course, was committed by the attorney.
Oh, reading further, I see you picked up on that @14. Glad you’re up to speed. My apologies.
@12 “Berger paid his debt, get over it.” He’s now dead, too. The dumbass @10 didn’t bother to look that up.
@ 12
Berger paid his debt, get over it.
And Hillary paid hers. Bigly.
Actually, Berger never paid for refusing to permit the CIA to take out OBL when it had the chance, in the ’90s.
More than 3,000 Americans paid for it on 9/11, tho.
@ 19
Solar, her[e] in DE. Got my monthly electric bill….$16.00.
That’s what happens when you buy a second residence and visit infrequently – had the same low bill for energy use when Whidbey was a second residence. Not much energy use. Likely has much less to do with solar than it does with absence.
@21 I certainly don’t see why anything that’s been declassified can’t be reclassified.
How does The Even Bigger Fucking Moron describe @ 29 the first voting Samoan-American and first Hindu in Congress?
…safe white female politician…
Gabbard’s skin is probably darker than Momala’s.
@25 How did she get away with calling herself a “Democrat” for so long?
@ 48
How did she get away with calling herself a “Democrat” for so long?
Perhaps it had to do with her endorsement of Bernie Sanders in 2016.
Or possibly her endorsement of Joe Biden in 2020.
You’re a weak man, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@49 I’m a rabbit, and I climbed over 1,000 stairsteps today.
Yup. Tulsi’s skin is darker than Momala’s skin.
@39 I guess that means they’ll have to go back to get the rest.
Words @ 39 that make Steve moist.
@39 I doubt he did it for a tax cut. He’s living on his wife’s Social Security until he’s old enough to collect his own. I think he did it because he has a secret crush on a Putin asset named Tulsi.
One of the things I like about For All Mankind is the Alternate Space Race has on America and the world, but it’s not a Utopia. Although events have been building up to where 9/11 won’t happen, but after the Season 3 finale, not so sure. In the finale, domestic terrorists attack the Johnson Space Center, as NASA has been at the center of conspiracy theories since the Jamestown shootout/near Nuclear meltdown on the moon in S2, and tge commercalization of Nuclear Fusion. The latter hasn’t been well received by the other major employer in Texas.
In tge show, the attack on Mission Control happens the same day the OKC Federal Building was hit in real life. The Death toll is going to be higher., just the number employed at JSC as a whole suggests that.
Reason why I thought 9/11 won’t happen, is the Soviets didn’t invade Afghanistan, and we don’t send troops to Saudi Arabia in 1991.
On Aug. 5, a house fire in Pennsylvania killed 10 people, all of them members of an extended family. State police are conducting a “complex criminal investigation” of the fire’s cause.
On Saturday, Aug. 13, a man drove a car into a crowd attending a fundraiser for families of the fire victims, killing 2 and injuring at least 17 more.
A short time later, the driver of that car was involved in an accident, and beat a woman to death with a hammer. He is in custody.
Police said the driver is not a suspect in the house fire at this time.
Meanwhile in Texas, a grinning Kyle Rittenhouse was photographed with a smiling small-town cop. The police chief can’t understand the criticism his department is getting. After all, the vigilante killer was acquitted by a jury, and in America doesn’t a “not guilty” verdict mean justified?
Partly true but I am not a high enegy user even if I were full time here. I still had an empty fridge (which is less efficient empty) at a low temperature, as well as pump for daily irrigation, and a pump for dehumidification, as well as an operating security system (low voltage). I kept the temperature set to 80 degrees when not here, and when I’ve been here I only kept it to 75 degrees – at a time during the hieight of the cooling months – central AC.
I have gas for cooking and for hot water, so that will not change in the future.
As a single person my usage will always be low.
The $16.00 bill was for 100% of a Customer Charge.
I’ll be able to better tell with next months bill but it looks like I banked 82 KWH last month and now 104 KWH this month.
I am producing more than I use. Even If I were to use more for lighting, etc., I still don’t think I’d use that much or it would be offset by the banked production.
It will be interesting to see how the “banked” production builds and continues to pay for that future usage.
Regardless, it is all relative – a family of four is going to use more, a bit, but they will also share some of the usage between the multiple individuals, and they’d still be saving quite a bit. So if a single person used say 1000KWH then a family of 4 would have to use 4000KWH for apples to apples comparison. And I think the family of 4 would probably use less than the equivalent ratio.
I posted about this at 14.
I believe it provides credible evidence that a crim grand jury is already impaneled in SDFL and reviewing this evidence. That lawyer may already be in plea negotiations. But the investigation is much further along than I had previously assumed.
Words @ 39 that make Steve moist.
The low IQ Nazi traitor must have been admonished by Putin to get back to work.
Degen, our very own expert on weakness crawls back after hiding out the worst disgrace of his miserable trolling career to give us all energy tips and call a few names.
A garbage human being utterly lacking in character or principles.
No Republican voter is more richly deserving of the failure and disintegration that now awaits them all.
Their slavish piety to the fat orange traitor has certainly secured re-election for Cortez Masto, giving Dems a one seat pickup, and maybe even two. Worse still, their party’s disgraceful and violent attacks on dutiful federal law enforcement will further narrow their House path and greatly reduce their gains now close to dead even.
It’s the blind hubris of a cult. And they still can’t get out of it. Even now, whichever way the turn it is Trump. Over the weekend, while Senate and House Republicans cowered in liquor-filled porn bunkers their party chair hosted a series of media explainers on one of their failing propaganda channels that focused exclusively on Trump.
What on earth could possibly be more weak than to be inescapably enthralled to a morbidly obese, liver-spotted failed reality tv celebrity for all eternity?
Degen, our very own expert on weakness crawls back after hiding out the worst disgrace of his miserable trolling career to give us all energy tips and call a few names.
The low IQ Nazi traitor is too fucking stupid to realize that he isn’t any good at name-calling.
What a fucking loser.
It was not declassified. And the proof that Trump knew this arises from the June meetings with United States Attorneys from NatSec who delivered notices to Trump and his lawyers advising them.
They did ask. And Trump had his attorney sign a statement swearing that all the classified documents had been returned.
Caught in a lie to federal law enforcement is very bad.
Caught in a lie to federal law enforcement about the theft of nuclear secrets is what got Julius and Ethel Rosenberg tried and executed for treason.
“Unprecedented” my ass:
It would probably be the best thing in the world for Republicans to have Trump arrested, tried, and convicted for stealing and retaining the defense secrets. It would rid them of him in a way they could blame on Biden, and that would justify even further excesses by their base and to their moderates.
But they won’t stop defending him. It’s the perfect way out of the cult but they will not take it.
It would be great to see Bill Clinton and all of Jeffrey Epstein’s guests to be going on trial, too. While you’re at it, take a good look at Bill Gates and his visits to Epstein’s island. Maybe Gates could benefit from being a “guest” of the prison system.
@65 It would be great to see you shot dead and buried in a cow pasture. The cows could shit on you whenever they want.
Update on Doctor Dumbfuck’s investments:
“The Northwest Multiple Listing Service states Island and Ferry counties are the only ones in the state to see their home prices drop between July of 2021 and this July. … Home prices in Island County have dropped … 7% lower on Whidbey Island ….”
With 39 counties to choose from, and Ferry County a no-brainer, it takes effort to pick a place to settle where home prices go down. I’d like to know how he did that, so I can do the opposite, if I ever harvest the colossal appreciation of my now-million-dollar hole in the ground here in King County. By having Three Percenters as neighbors? Just wondering.
“Russian propagandists stated that if former President Donald Trump was indeed hiding classified documents related to nuclear weapons at his Mar-a-Lago compound in Palm Beach, Florida, the Kremlin has already seen them.”
While this would seem unlikely if Trump were someone else, say Hillary Clinton, given how Trump looks after our national security interests it’s certainly possible there’s more to this than Kremlin bragging.
@65 You want the two Bills, you can take ’em (providing you can get past their bodyguards), and I don’t care what you do with them.
@62 Kash Patel went on Softball Teevee today and told Trump sycophant Maria Bartiromo, “He can literally stand over a set of documents and say these are now declassified and that is done with definitive action immediately.”
It’s a lameass argument, because if that’s true, Biden can say “these documents are now classified again,” and that is definitive immediately; and the fact the FBI and DoJ are treating these documents as classified indicates Biden has done so, or done something with like effect.
Has to be another FuckHump Neanderthal.
all of Jeffrey Epstein’s guests
Like your fav defense attorney Dersh… and your fav prosecutor Starr..
Update on Doctor Dumbfuck’s investments:
“The Northwest Multiple Listing Service states Island and Ferry counties are the only ones in the state to see their home prices drop between July of 2021 and this July.
I gave lord kreepshit the best advice on this:
1) Host a fund raiser for his new black “friends” John James and Larry Elder..
2) Ask them the favor of standing in for it while its horsey hobby ranch is valued.
3) Make big munee selling and trade up to the pristine whiteness of Orcas Island..
I read all about this here.. It’s a cinch..
Go for it, kreepshit!
Don’t hear much climate denial from Repukes anymore, as they watch wildfires burn their homes, drought dry up their farms and ranches, reservoirs empty for lack of snowpack, and ever more intense storms flattening coastal communities. Their climate policies are still suicidal, though.
“The cows could shit on you whenever they want.”
Why should we have all the fin?
The legal key to that is that the NatSec Chief of DOJ went to MAL in June and did just that, delivering to Trump a legal notice that the items believed to be still remaining in his possession were classified and retaining them was an ongoing violation of the law.
This is a normal step in these kinds investigations intended precisely to rebut such claims and to clarify the law for idiots like a former staffer for a cow congressman.
“Institutional racism is a made up thing because you can’t show it to me”
-Roughly half of all white people
Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), a former FBI agent, is getting death threats from his own side.
Updating @56 re the guy who plowed a car into a fundraiser for families of fire victims, then beat a woman to death with a hammer: The victim of the hammer attack has been identified as his mother.
Bumper sticker suggestion: “Defend Your Local Librarian”–what-happens-now/
I used to live in a country where librarians weren’t treated as ogres and teachers as Satan-worshippers. A significant percentage of people were ignorant as fuck then, too, but weren’t as organized as now.
How the low IQ Nazi traitor and friends support the Blue.
FBI and DHS warn threats to federal law enforcement have spiked since Mar-a-Lago search
An FBI and Department of Homeland Security intelligence bulletin advised officials that the threats are coming from online and other platforms, two senior law enforcement officials said.
The FBI also warned that it has seen personal identifying information of possible targets of violence, such as home addresses, as well as identification of family members as additional targets, the official added. All three sources spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal matters.
Fucking asshole.
Why does the low IQ Nazi traitor hate America? Because there isn’t a woman in America who will fuck him.
Speaking to CNN on Sunday, former Homeland Security adviser Olivia Troye said that she was “disgusted” with Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH), who appeared earlier trying to make excuses for Donald Trump amid the scandal that he may have stolen classified documents upon leaving office.
“I found the entire interview insane. These are the type of people that are fueling this kind of dangerous sort of narratives, dangerous rhetoric, fueling violence, potentially, political violence across the country as we are seeing it directed at FBI offices today and we’re seeing the protests outside of the FBI again.”
God bless Raw Story.
Look who’s inciting the fascist mob.
Trump launched a late-night attack on the FBI after latest damaging Mar-a-Lago revelations
Lock him up!
@83 hang him by the balls, along with all the traitors and Fucksters!!!!!
God bless Raw Story!!
@82 People like Troye need to stop talking in D.C.-speak and use language ordinary Americans understand and relate to. For example,
“This is crazy. People like him are pouring gasoline on the fire and inviting violence. They’re going to get FBI agents and their families killed. How can he say he didn’t provoke the attack on the Cincinnati FBI office last week?”
Republicans Bashed For Attacks On IRS Agents After Targeting FBI
Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley is wildly claiming IRS agents armed with assault-style rifles are preparing to show up at Americans’ doors to audit their taxes.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) falsely warned that a “new army of 87,000 IRS will be coming for you” if you “make $75,000 or less.”
Lock these bastards up as well. If they resist arrest, shoot the motherfuckers.
It’s a potential swing that benefited the incumbent when it was redrawn after 2018.
It would be ironic if the assholes lose that one because of Cheetolini.
Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), a former FBI agent, is getting death threats from his own side.
If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
In this case it just happens to be 74 million “aggrieved, culturally insecure, aging white male conservatives” crawling all the way up Clifford’s ass with face-painted Degen, naked and shirtless, leading the parade.
As the weekend drags on some Republicans seem to be focusing more on a “defense” of Trump that is actually relevant and at least capable of being entertained in a court of law. Which is good, because it’s very abundantly clear that whoever the fuck Trump has had representing him up to this point, they are very, very, incredibly bad lawyers. The strongest evidence of this (and there is plenty) is that following the June meetings at MAL where the NatSec CounterIntel Chief of the DOJ delivered notices to Trump that the government believed he had highly classified national defense secrets in his possession, his lawyers appear to have done absolutely nothing to respond. Which led directly to the warrant. They were shown the road they were on and where it would lead. They were given an off-ramp. And they told the DOJ to fuck off. An even moderately competent attorney would have seen that train wreck and with no other options left, fired their client.
But here’s where at least some of MAGA land is finally getting it. Because now they are beginning to talk about the sufficiency and legality of the warrant itself. This is precisely where any competent criminal attorney would begin when presented with this set of facts. And it is at least a colorable legal argument, unlike the bizarre claims about telepathic declassification. A warrant like this must be challenged. Failing to do so would constitute legal abandonment.
And I wish them plenty of luck. I think it’s pretty unlikely that the warrant itself wasn’t poured over by some very talented criminal attorneys with an enormous amount of experience preparing, serving, and later defending warrants like this one. I’m not a great fan of police being allowed to force their way into people’s private spaces and grab whatever the fuck they like and then go back to their offices to see how they can build a charge around it. That’s a thing that does happen. But only when nobody is watching.
But putting that question aside let’s consider now what this defense really means. It is what the media like to describe as a “technicality”. Assuming that the FBI did in fact retrieve highly classified national defense secrets from basement rooms in Donald Trump’s private sex club in Florida, this defense argues you can’t use that evidence against him in court. The world of Trump media lawyers is now preparing a motion to exclude. That’s basically saying “my client did it, but you can’t prove it”.
In less than 72 hrs the Global Cheeto-Legal Braintrust has been forced to abandon substantive defense against charges of espionage for their next presidential nominee. The entirety of MAGAland and Every Republican You Know is now declaring unequivocally that they are totes cool with electing a criminal spy to the presidency.
This is the Locker Room Talk® we all knew they would settle on.
He’s a rapist? So? That was in the past.
He sold our national defense out to the Saudis? Yes, but you can’t convict him.
At a time when GOP leaders are calling for violence and assassinations, it just works on so many levels:
Whidbey Island is a dump. A pretend haven for the pretend millionaires sprinkled in amongst the hillbillies.
The real millionaires of Island County live in the San Juan Islands proper (Decatur, Stuart, Shaw, Lopez, Orcas, San Juan, and so forth). Whidbey is merely a wannabe playground.
Bob has been rather quiet the last few days. He must be trying to get his talking points from his handlers. Pretty hard to come out and support a treasonous moron for POTUS, but I’m sure they will find a way.
First they have to wait for Trump to get his story straight.
Nothing is worse than formulating a complex explanation for how the audio tape in which your candidate clearly admits to a long history of violent sexual assaults toward his employees has been faked by CIA agents, only then to have the candidate himself undercut you by telling the whole world it was real.
Degen knows exactly how bad that feels. He’s still feeling it today. And he’s still experiencing the damage right along with his party.
When I travel, go to a park, or in a public building, and have to take a rest break, I notice that roughly half the U.S. male population either doesn’t know what a flush handle or button is for, or don’t know how to operate it. I wonder which half?
@93 Whidbey is in Island County which is comprised of Whidbey and Camano Island. Guemes Island is in Skaget County. Orcas and the rest of the San Juan Islands are in San Juan County.
Regressive Nazi traitors live on that foul shithole Whidbey. Patriotic progressive liberals live on the paradisical San Juan Islands, Camano and Guemes.
Best advice I can give anyone is never mess with the Orcas Island Women’s Billiards Team.
@96. They know. They purposely don’t flush to annoy others, as they KNOW God told them they could do in the bible (somewhere). They also don’t return shopping carts.
So far it seems Trump is going with “Defund the Police”.
99 A variation of “fuck around and find out.”. Sounds like a thug criminal to me.
@97 My bad typo, thanks for correcting for other readers.
The point being Island County is were wannbe millionaires reside. It has a Naval Air Station, a former commune, hippies, 3%ers and Trump/Culp trolls.
The real money is to the northwest of Doc.