Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week
Seth Meyers: Sen. Bernie Sanders reacts to his image becoming a meme
Andre Antunes: Kenneth Copeland goes Heavy Metal!
President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris!
- Stephen: Meet Joe Biden
- Maestro Ziikos: ♫ Joe Biden TEQUILA Inauguration Ceremony ♬
- Mother Jones: Watch Amanda Gorman’s moving inauguration poem
- The Late Show: President Biden’s Peloton instructor has some weird requests
- Samantha Bee cleaning: White House edition
- Trevor: Presidential inaugurations—If you don’t know, now you know
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Goodness Has Been Gone for WAY Too Long, The Inaugural Version ♬
- Jimmy Kimmel: John Oliver on Biden’s inauguration, Трамп’s bizarre departure & becoming a U.S. citizen
- The Late Show: Welcome home Democracy
- Seth Meyers: Rachel Maddow predicts how the Capitol riots will affect Joe Biden’s presidency
- SongBird: ♫ Oh What A Beautiful Morning ♬:
- Amber Ruffin: Who is President Biden’s cabinet, exactly?
- Trevor: Biden’s inauguration has U.S. Capitol on high alert
- Jimmy Kimmel: Joe Biden is finally President & we feel great again
- Stephen: Biden moves on masks and workplace safety
- Seth Meyers: Biden gets to work undoing Трамп’s damage
- Lauren Mayer: ♫ Biden’s Lullaby ♬
- The Daily Show: Meet The 46th President of the United States
- Stephen: Officially in charge, President Biden begins dismantling his predecessor’s legacy
- Mark Fiore: Boredom is a treat
- Seth Meyers: Biden sworn in as 46th President after Трамп leaves White House
- Trevor: Biden’s first day of clearing Трамп’s extremely low bar
- Samantha Bee: Democrats—They (can finally) get the job done! Pt. 1
- Samantha Bee: Democrats—They (can finally) get the job done! Pt. 2
- Jimmy Kimmel: Charles P. Pierce on Biden becoming President, Трамп’s many pardons & needing normalcy
- AJ+: Bernie Sanders reacts to inauguration mittens meme
- Robert Reich: 10 bold moves President Biden can make
- The Daily Show: Biden’s day-one scandals
Amber Ruffin: Why are 1/3 of Black Americans suddenly anti-vaxxers?
LegalEagle: NRA goes bankrupt
The Twice-Impeached Dotard Трамп and His Band of Treason Weasels
- Founders Sing: ♫ Impeached again, naturally ♬
- LegalEagle: Crimes the Capitol rioters committed
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Who Will Do the White Guy Dance? Who Will Buy the Mayonnaise? ♬
- Trevor: Presidential concessions—If you don’t know, now you know
- The Daily Show: Unpacking the Capitol riot & four years of Трамп’s bullshit
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ The Marjorie Taylor Greene Song ♬
- WTFBrahh: ♫ The Dotard’s farewell speech (REMIX) ♬
- Orange Acres: First day back at Mar-a-lago bouncing off the walls
- Jimmy Kimmel: Biden inherits the mess of a lying madman
- Seth Meyers: The end of a presidency
- Brandon Ethridge: ♫ “I Got Maced,” from the musical, “Capitol Insurrection!” ♬
- The Late Show: “MyPillow” is the secret weapon of the insurrection
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ New and Improved Трамп! Now with “Instant Irrelevance” ♬
- Maestro Ziikos: ♫ The Dotard Трамп sings “Leaving on a Jet Plane” ♬
- Winlar: ♫ January 20th 2021! ♬:
- The Daily Show: The UPDATED list of Трамп’s most tremendous scandals
- LegalEagle: Trump won’t Pay Rudy?
- Jimmy Kimmel: The final full day of Трамп’s presidency
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ #Insurectums ♬
- Jonathan Mann: ♫ All That She Wants Is A Pardon ♬
- Amber Ruffin: A fly on the wall for Трамп’s last week in the White House
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard’s farewell speech
- Roy Zimmerman: ♫ Drain the Swamp! ♬
- Seth Meyers: Трамп is leaving behind a legacy of insurrection, corruption and chaos
- Trevor: Biden’s inauguration & Трамп’s pardon spree
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Mike Lindell, Take Your Pillow and Stuff It ♬
- Parody Project: ♫ Hail to the Chief Sendoff ♬:
- Lou Bortone: ♫ One=Tripper ♬
- Rufus Wainwright: ♫ The Nicknames of Donald Trump on Jimmy Kimmel Live ♬
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ White House (Escort the Shit Out of It) ♬
- Lynzy Lab: ♫ A Scary Time (for Трамп) ♬
- LegalEagle: Last parting shot of corruption
- The Daily Show: A look back at Jared & Ivanka
- Jimmy Dore: What POMPEO does after Трамп administration
- Seth Meyers: Rachel Maddow’s favorite Dotard story
- Jonathan Pie: The Dotard’s last day
- Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian: Excuse our coups!
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard’s reign of terrible is finally coming to an end
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Stephen Miller, Трамп’s Beloved Pet ♬
- The Late Show: ♫ With a song in her heart, Melanie Трамп returns to New York ♬:
- Parody Project: ♫ A Ballad of the Republic 2021 ♬
- Bill Maher: Bye, Propecia!
- Seth Meyers: Chris Hayes thinks barring Трамп from public office is a no-brainer
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп Drained the Swamp Today (An Inauguration Day Song) ♬
- Jimmy Kimmel: Congressman Adam Schiff on Трамп leaving, Capitol attacks & impeachment
- The Late Show: This inauguration playlist definitely doesn’t have a hidden message
- Rocky Mountain Mike: ♫ Pardon Party ♬
- LegalEagle: Can pardons be revoked or rescinded?
- Desi Lydic: Melania Трамп—A look back
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ The Big Lie ♬
- Stephen: Giuliani peddles $2M pardons while The Dotard spends his final days in dubious company
- Amber Ruffin and Tarik ♫ freestyle a “Goodbye, Trump” song ♬
- Seth Meyers: Chris Hayes explains the Трамп presidency’s bizarre silence surrounding COVID-19
- Randy Rainbow: ♫ Seasons of Трамп ♬:
- Parody project: ♫ Slip-sliding away ♬
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ A Song for Ivanka and Jared ♬
- Maestro Ziikos: ♫ The Worst Day of My Life ♬
- Roy Zimmerman: ♫ MAGA (a parody of “My Girl”) ♬
- Jimmy Kimmel: ♫ Goodbye Dotard Трамп ♬
- Bill Maher: Hello, douchebags!
- LegalEagle: No more immunity for The Dotard
- Orange Acres: Out of the White House, $400 million in debt & need a job
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп reacts to Joe Biden’s inauguration
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ They’re Clearing Out The White House ♬
- Stephen: After four challenging years, America is ready for The Dotard to hit the road
- The Daily Show: JetCoup—Alt-flight for the alt-right
Samantha Bee: The activists who helped save our democracy!
Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Kickin’ Tucker’s Ass ♬
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Two Stories, One Conclusion
Story #1: “Justice Department lawyer Jeffrey Clark nearly convinced then-President Donald Trump to remove then-acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen and use the Department of Justice to undo Georgia’s election results, The New York Times reported Friday.”
Story #2: “The path in the Senate to convict Donald Trump is extremely slim, with a growing number of Republicans expressing confidence that the party will acquit the former President on a charge that he incited the deadly insurrection aimed at stopping President Joe Biden’s electoral win.”
Conclusion: The entire Republican Party is incorrigibe and cannot be rehabilitated.
1.Seems to get worsw every day. Will be interesting to see when the trial starts.
@ 1 RR:
With nearly $2 Billion in outstanding debt coming due over the next couple of years, plus his tax bills in the State of New York also coming due, he’s in some very deep shit. That’s back taxes. He hasn’t paid his full amount there in two decades at least. His businesses are down 32% from what they were five years ago, and the Scotland properties are under investigation for possible money laundering because he’s never revealed the financing companies he borrowed the money from, which is required by Scottish and British Law. It’s all hidden behind shell companies with zero apparent assets.
He deserves it. How a lifelong criminal could ever end up as President of the United States is still a mystery to me. He’s committed practically every financial and tax crime we have a law for, and gotten away with it for decades.
Aww. The racists, bigots and thieves are having a sad.
Won’t somebody think of the Children?
Fuck these AssHoles.
Like there were many. And yeah, they kept there mouths shut……why? Because they did agree with those policies!
They have to tread soooo lightly because they don’t have a black face to assoicate that comment with. Biden being white, they don’t want to upset the white folk.
@#5 G:
They do that because Conservatives read politics as being best defined in the simplest terms the Madison Ave executives can agree on. Those are, race, religion and financial status. Nothing else matters. More subtle demographics elude them entirely. It’s one of the main reasons they oppose a government system of general public education.
They’re basically Guerrillas. Their whole program is about chopping the economy up into big chunks that they can trade amongst themselves and take turns pretending that they matter. They’re turning the whole country into a company town.
More so the party is in full self-destruct mode.
The decision to acquit Trump is predicated on the belief that his misdeeds can no longer do House and Senate Rapepublicans any further harm. It’s a very risky belief.
Biden and Harris hold the cards when it comes to any further exposure. The Prism capture of the conversations between Stone and the GRU, and between Stone and Trump are in their hands. The Prism capture of the coms between Trump and Manafort where Trump instructs him not to cooperate. All the official notes and calendar entries from the meetings between McGahn and Trump. All the official notes and calendar entries of the meetings between Trump and Sesh. Perjury and obstruction galore, and we’re only getting things started.
Unredacted transcripts of “The Perfect Ukraine Extortion Call” accompanied by inter-agency memoranda, emails, and official documents detailing the illegal quid pro quo. The orders to conceal the transcript. The orders to alter the transcript. The orders to deny the existence of the transcript. The orders to stop the whistleblower investigation from proceeding. The orders to fire the whistleblower. The orders to fire the IGs.
The slut payoffs using stolen campaign funds that were then later misreported on sworn tax filings. The orders to diver the funds from the campaign treasury. The orders to conceal the payments. The orders to falsify the tax and accounting records.
The bank fraud spanning decades now open to full disclosure in Trump personal and business tax records. The decades of self-dealing tax fraud surrounding the charities that sweep in his adult children.
The list of potential exposure just goes on and on and on. And we haven’t even gotten to the Coup Klux Klan yet.
Trump is entirely without power in these things. When he left office he left all that behind. He can pardon no one. He can issue no orders. If any deals are to be made they will be made by Biden, Harris, and Garland. They are the only people in this ongoing drama with favors to grant. In less than 48 hrs after Trump’s departure we’ve already learned that he was orchestrating an internal criminal plot to use the DOJ to stage a coup and overturn the election. More will undoubtedly be revealed in the weeks and months ahead.
Rapepublicans who vote to acquit will be securely lashing themselves to that criminal legacy, whatever it may turn out to be. And at this point, they really don’t know. McConnell is mostly desperate to regain the Senate majority. The party also nurtures hopes of flipping the House. Their chances of making those things happen may well rest on what we learn about the Trump administration in the months ahead. Rapepublicans are once again staking their political future on another high risk bet. The kind of high risk bet that has not paid off for them in the last four years. And the last time it did, it was only because the casino was rigged in their favor.
Must suck for our treasonous fascist trolls.
President Biden Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 57, Disapprove 32 Approve +25
Broadcasters shouldn’t give liars a platform. Tucker Carlson is a serial offender, and Fox should take him off the air. The First Amendment has nothing to do with it; it has to do with journalistic integrity.
@3 “How a lifelong criminal could ever end up as President of the United States is still a mystery to me.”
It has something to do with the lack of character of Republican voters, and the lack of character of Republicans in general.
@9 As for the 32 percent, well, somebody’s got to be in the lower third IQ distribution in the bell curve.
32 must be their average IQ, bolstered somewhat by Pars coming in at 96 and the dumbfuck at 82.
What a loser. Sad!
Palm Beach County rejects Donald Trump’s dream of having an airport named after him
Yesterday Hank Aaron, today Larry King.
The entire Republican Party is incorrigibe and cannot be rehabilitated.
The entire Democrat Party are a bunch of cheerleaders for totalitarian communist government and have extremely low IQs, just like Steve.
NPR learns that it, too, is racist.
An antiracist future: a vision and plan for the transformation of public media
Pushing out Juan Williams might not have been the smartest move, y’all.
@ 16
I beg to differ. Steve has a quite-high IQ, I am certain.
It’s not Steve’s IQ that I think is problematic.
It is that Steve has sold out.
“Sorry y’all Guardsmen have to spend the night in this unheated parking garage. Here’s a cookie.“
Now, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron?
There’s a low IQ.
YLB’s happy that HA has The Even Bigger Fucking Moron to kick around. ’cause there’s now someone on HA with an IQ lower than YLB’s.
Now, remember: “The entire Republican Party is incorrigibe [sic] and cannot be rehabilitated.” See @ 1.
Confidential to Evergreen Railfan.
A few questions about your “patriotism”:
How’d your armed assault on the democratic legislature go?
Any idea why your pipe bombs failed?
How come you didn’t manage to kill more police?
If you had managed to capture and assassinate Vice President Pence, how long would you have left his corpse swinging from the scaffolds you built?
That’s your patriotism in action.
You did that. Just like you voted for a guy who bragged to you about his decades of violent sexual assaults.
That’s who you are. And it’s who you will continue to be until you decide to change. Democracy has endured your treasonous assault just like it endured your four years of misrule by a demented idiot. Democracy will endure. And it will still be here waiting for you if you ever decide to return.
The only thing you have to do is agree to share that democracy with women and non-whites. It’s no longer optional. That’s the point. That’s the whole point. You’ve had fifty years to prepare for this day. It has finally come. You don’t have to go along with it. But by now you understand that this is the cost of democracy. You can no longer have democracy as a white set-aside. It’s all or nothing. As I said, and as we’ve all seen, democracy will endure and survive you and your assaults. You can’t win. You and your fellow angry “Western chauvinists” can either adapt or go to jail.
Steve’s out being fitted @ 9 for kneepads. He dashed off in such a rush that he failed to notice that
1. It’s an online poll
2. Just under half of the respondents are Democrats.
3. Fewer than 9% of the respondents are independents.
I still remember Steve breathlessly posting that poll in SC Senate race last October. It was the one that demonstrated that if you pack the poll results with an additional 7% of black voters, the Democrat was leading.
It’s not that Steve is too stupid to understand how rigging a poll affects its results. (In this case, by packing the poll with way too many Democrats and stripping out way too many independents, Reuters/Ipsos is trying to convince you that Biden has a slim majority of net approval.)
It is that Steve has sold out. See @ 18
Pew Research, 2020:
Democrats 33%
Republicans 29%
Indepdents 34%
Steve’s silly-ass @ 9 poll:
Democrats 48%
Republicans 33%
Independents 9%
So by adding 15% to the Democrat respondents and stripping away 25% from the independent respondents, Steve is able to gin up a narrow majority approval for Biden.
Nothing says unity like skewing a poll so that you can claim majority support.
Does it. Steve.
From beneath the slime at the bottom of the rapey troll barrel it bleated about “tiers”…
The champion of Susana Martinez, Martin O’Malley and Epstein guest Bill Richardson, not to mention its misogyny, greed and addiction to always wrong wing horse krap bleats about
Heh. Keep at it sherlock. Oh and Hunter Biden not being on the ballot. How’d that work out for you?
Oh high IQ dumbshit is still at it!
Amnesty for Trump Rioters? Hell, no. This guy should be locked up in ADX with the other terrorists.
Follow the crosstabs on Steve’s silly-ass @ 9 poll and you learn that while Democrats approve of Biden at a 92% rate, independents barely approve of Biden at a 52% rate (and only 15% of them give Biden a strong approval rating). Because the GOP approval of Biden is so low at only 21%, it was necessary for the Democrat respondent percentage to be greatly inflated, and for that inflation to be stolen from the independents, in order to get Biden over the 50% hump.
You really showed us who’s got the goods, Steve. Well done, sir!
This lawyer/history professor argues for a Kumbaya approach to Trumpers, similar to the policy applied to former Nazis in postwar Germany.
The problem is, the situations aren’t comparable. The Nazis were totally defeated, their leader was dead, and the movement was never coming back (except in small gangs populated by Trump followers). Whereas Trump is alive, his followers are still armed and haven’t surrendered or rejoined civilized society, and they’re still waging civil war against the democratically elected government of the United States and plotting to assassinate its leaders. Therefore, they must be treated as enemy combatants, not a defeated enemy.
Every morning I wake up and pray they do. And every evening I lay my head down and thank heaven they did.
An unblemished record of remarkable failure that will not change until they do. And it’s very likely that they can’t.
The only people they hate more than “The Blacks” and “The Libs” are “Themselves”.
@28 As I’ve pointed out before, only 50% of us can be in the top half of the IQ curve, so there will always be a nearly even split between those of us who have brains and those of you who don’t.
Biden, October: “I have a plan.”
Biden, January:
From the Department of Now The Story Can Be Shared:
Hey, remember when the CDC’s test for the virus was contaminated and botched? Good times, good times.
32, 33,
You’ve got to shovel a pile of bullshit 500,000 corpses high through that Overton window before it closes.
Heh.. Hi! IQ dimfuk will be remembered as the troll that pooh-poohed a kop killin’ mob that votes repuke..
and bustin’ a rape fantasy..
@ RR @ 31:
“Think about how stupid half the people you know are, and realize that half the people are even stupider than that.”
– George Carlin
@32 Trump, 2017-2021, had no plan.
“… But in the immediate hours following Biden being sworn into office … sources with direct knowledge of the new administration’s Covid-related work told CNN one of the biggest shocks that the Biden team had to digest during the transition period was … a complete lack of a vaccine distribution strategy under former President Donald Trump ….”
This is what you’ve been defending for 4 years, dumbfuck. Are you proud of that?
@ 37
… a complete lack of a vaccine distribution strategy under former President Donald Trump…
He turned it over to the states. This is why it’s going well in some places and why it’s going horribly in Gavin Newsom’s California.
California now ranks dead last in administering COVID-19 vaccines
I can see how Trump’s decision to trust Newsom and Cuomo is flawed. But the Trump distribution strategy was to let the states do as the states deemed appropriate. It has worked for South Dakota.
It has worked for South Dakota.
population 885 thousand or so? 46th most populous state. Wow what a heavy lift! A role model for Wyoming.
Heh. Oh and the 47th most populous state is Delaware. Joe Biden’s state..
Delaware has FEWER recorded deaths from Covid19 than South Dakota.. But Kristi is tight with Jarvanka.
The GOP (Trump and the GOP Senate) actively obstructed and prevented the transition on-boarding in order to breathe life into the insurrection. Seventy five days in which critical preparations might have been made, but which were prevented owing to false claims of WHITE POWER.
So in every respect Biden and Harris will have started on Wednesday at square one, having only on that day obtained access to whatever actual data and records exist. And in many cases the data and records are highly suspect because it appears that Trumpalos and the GOP either damaged or neglected record keeping. Weeks will pass as landing teams and acting officials re-create or create from scratch the basic information needed to make sound decisions to move forward. And in that time a hundred thousand Americans will die.
Yes, Fuckface. It’s true. It’s emblematic of how liberals treat the military in this country.
Instead, they showed that respect to the National Guard.
how liberals treat the military in this country.
Next thing you know Hi! IQ dimfuk will blame this:
Many of the 127 projects the president canceled would have improved the quality of life at work or home for military service members and their families. When our friends and neighbors commit to serve our country, they agree to constantly uproot their families to go where necessary to defend our borders and our freedoms, both at home and overseas. In turn, our nation makes a sacred promise to provide for them and support their families.
on Biden and liberals.. Just what Orange Dear Leader would do.
SD and WY – their future of their party.
Tara’s proposal for the 2024 primary will be a traveling series of mud wrestling matches between Noem and Cheney backed by Laura Branigan’s Gloria with DJT as Vince McMahon and Don Jr. and Eric as the corner men.
It’s perfect. Has it all. Violence. Rape. Mud. Beer. Plenty of hooting and cheering. Bad 80’s disco. Maybe some Hooker Pee. Plenty of contagion. They may never recover their lost political influence. But they’ll dominate network reality ratings.
@44 Heh. I like it.. No end of entertainment from these freaks.
41, 42,
It’s fun to watch him struggle to recall why 5000 National Guard troops are there in the first place.
Who forgets planning and carrying out a giant assault on the Congress including pipe bombs, cop killing, kidnapping, mass murder, and attempting to assassinate the Vice President?
The guys who fail. That’s who. Republicans.
Keep going. Trust the plan.
@46 Heh. I hear that white supremacists and neo-nazis are actively recruiting disaffected Qanon kultists..
Awwww. Things didn’t go according to “plan” Be all you can be – join teh nazis…
Here’s your chance dimfuk to hook up with Tammy Towers Parry…
Biden would treat the troops better if he ever had to serve. The geezer got the wheezer exemption.
We’ve traded President Bone Spurs for President Wheezer Geezer.
But Hunter! to the rescue. Hunter served with distinction. He was distinctly kicked out of the military for drug use.
A President Mayor Pete wouldn’t have treated the troops this way.
Too bad he was hated by so many black people. He’d make a green, but probably good president.
G-clown was a predictable gay-cheering idiot in his slavish, overly homophilic devotion to Mayor Pete, of course. But that doesn’t mean G-clown chose his preferred candidate poorly.
@ 46
… why 5000 National Guard troops are there in the first place.
I believe it’s because the 2300-strong Capitol Police proved itself incapable of stopping a couple of hundred “largely peaceful” protesters merely two weeks earlier, QoS McHillbilly.
Just imagine how kick-ass a Mayor Pete/Fauxcahontas team would be right now.
There’d be no fucking cookies. Because there’d be no National Guard still hanging around.
Instead the Democrats chose for themselves the two people in America most responsible for the long-term incarceration of black men. ’cause Black Lives Matter, or something.
Tim Matheson:
Also Tim Matheson:
Liberals don’t like immigrants from south of the border. They just can’t make this comment about those types of immigrants.
A viral video forced a wealthy Texas suburb to confront racism.
A ‘silent majority’ fought back, unwilling to give up their racist lifestyle.
Conservative white racists show their true feelings about being told to stop being racist to the non white kids.
What is wrong with those people?
Instead the Democrats chose for themselves the two people in America most responsible for the long-term incarceration of black men. ’cause Black Lives Matter, or something.
Last November Black men voted 88 percent AGAINST drumpf.. But two percent or so were moved to team Orange because???
Kanye West? Dems in the 90’s triangulating the John Carlson three strikes crowd? Remember that Hi! IQ dimfuk?
Again with the greedy racist incels attempting to “concern troll” that liberal politicians are really secretly racist republicans.
Go pedal your lies on 4Chan or Parlor. Those are your people who will swallow that crap because they want the lies.
The pipe bombs, zip ties, tasers, and executioner’s scaffolds would like a word with you as soon as they finish burying the dead.
Don’t stop now. You’re defending a massively violent failed coup attempt by blaming the police for not stopping you.
Not a bit unlike blaming Democrats for not stopping you from electing a violent rapist who would go on to lead that failed coup attempt.
It’s a fine line between protest and trying to topple the government. Bellingham, yesterday:
It’s either this or expose the Biden incompetence. So it’ll be this.
Heh. Hi! IQ dimfuk’s feckless bleats today reminds one of the incoherent babbling of late Dino 4-time Lossi “idea man” Lou Guzzo.
@ 56
Not a bit unlike blaming Democrats for not stopping you from electing a violent rapist who would go on to lead that failed coup attempt.
Singular. Not plural.
Who in the fuck is Tim Matheson, other than I guess “a liberal”?
Really. I have no fucking idea who this person is.
Is he a celebrity?
Could he at least pretty please be a major celebrity?
Hard to imagine being any more diminished than to find herself now whiling away a lovely Saturday nursing a grievance against what I can only presume must be this month’s Kathy Griffin.
If we define them by their enemies what does this say about Tara and her 8chan GFs?
Now you claim to be a Berner?
We don’t believe that either, Tara.
22)Penn Central should. not have been approved. The ICC made a big mistake, learned from it, and rejected the Santa Fe-Southern Pacific merger. Congress then abolished the ICC next time the Republicans were in charge.
As for cleaning up Penn Central, Congress did a good job, by reactivating the WWI-era USRA, and pretty much staying outcof the way. The mandate included, the USRA not listening to affected members of Congress when deciding which routes the resulting Consolidated Rail Corporation would keep. Amtrak got the NEC, but I think they made a mistake with what they charged Conrail to run freight on the corridor. With skin in the game, the Staggers Act passed Congress, deregulating the industry. As for Conrail, went public in the eighties, and CSX and Norfolk Southern paid alot for it.
All of us “Commies” who have devoted our lives to the careful study of Ho Chi Minh and Fidel Castro take it as axiomatic that step one in “toppling the government” means traveling to a remote provincial village on the frontier to seize control of a four-way-stop.
Is Tim Matheson the Mayor?
No. Seriously. Is he?
@61 An actor who played the smooth guy in the Animal House. He also played a former VP who got caught shacking up with an under-aged girl while running for President in The West Wing.
I don’t recall his career doing all that much better than that.
@ 62
Naw. I blame Hillary. Hillary made Trump’s victory possible.
@ 65
He also played a former VP who got caught shacking up with
an under-aged girla reporter and feeding her classified information…ftfy, YLB.
You’re confusing that TV character with Bill Clinton fucking underage girls on Jeffery Epstein’s island and airplane.
Sorry irrelevant crackpipe sucker @ 67. No evidence of that.
Better evidence of Bill going after Ghislaine Maxwell.
I understand your Dem-curious crush on Bill Richardson is tainted by Richardson’s stays at Epstein’s NM ranch.
As always and until the day my kids draw straws with Mary Kay, sux to be you.
Somebody trigger the doctor? Whoever it was, well done!
@38 Last I heard SD has the 2nd highest infection rate in the country.
“Biden’s executive order will put ‘a huge dent’ in America’s food crisis”
Trump could have done this, but didn’t, because he and the rest of the Republican tribe don’t care if poor kids are going to bed hungry. And then Trumper trolls come on here and tell us we are awful human beings and rabbits.
Meanwhile, everyone coming within Trump’s orbit is asked to do something unethical or criminal, and there will be no pardon if they do, so it’s not surprising when they refuse.
Yeah, right.
It was your fault, You could have had Jeb. You could have had Walker. You could have had Christie. You could have had horse-face woman. But no, you and the rest of the GOP decided that a raging orange man-baby best represented your interests.
You own it. You own all of it. It’s all your fault.
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“A Colorado geophysicist accused of dragging a police officer down steps to be beaten by an American flag outside the US Capitol on January 6 was ordered held without bail Friday after a prosecutor said the man afterward tried to flee to Switzerland and commit suicide.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t see why he needs to kill himself in Switzerland. He can just as easily do it here.
I see you acolytes learned well from me with all this news about attacking those who served in the Trump Administration – no jobs for them, no book deals, constant harassment when these people appear in public. I’m proud that you accepted me as you’re Personal Savior, and Beria would be proud, too.
Steve, you treasonous traitor to the incompetents! Hahaha. How could you leave that!?
What do all of the 900,000 South Dakotans do? Babysit cars and walk dogs?
@76 We treat Nazis and Communists like shit, too.
Where is it going so well? Please tell.
North Dakota? South Dakota? West Virginia?
North Datoka – 86,750 doses delivered. 74,055 doses administered with 14k being of the second shot. 85.4% shots used. What happens when they run out of delivered supplies, in that event? Do some poeople have to not get their 2nd shot in a timely manner? Or do they steal it from another state?
What or which state would you say is having great success? Given the restriction of supply?
Please tell us why you think that the state you name is doing a great job?
I don’t necessairly dispute your claim, just wondering what you definition of doing a good job is and what you base it on. Educate me if you can.
Is it easier to administer 1 shot or 1o shots. California has to administer 4,906,525 shots and North Dakota 74,055. Sure things are relative, but which is easier to do? Any difference? And why speed it up if the supply can’t keep up with demand, and when the Federal government hasn’t provided the funding need to administer it?
Heh. What can I say? I have my price. I’m a card-carrying communist now.
I’m getting to be really worried about Pars. He’s going batshit insane on us. Maybe he should be reached out to. You know, “healing” and all that? Who wants to go first?
Um, don’t look at me, guys. I’m a communist now. I don’t do that healing shit.
Uh-oh. If that’s the case, then I just quit the Communist Party. I’m just a socialist now.
Didn’t the Fuckhump Administration pull a reversal and later say that they weren’t holding back on the alloted distribution? But then there was reporting thta they didn’t even have the supply to do so? Weren’t States taken aback when the vaccine was first approved and told they weren’t going to get all the vaccine at once.
You can’t adminster if you don’t have the delivery…nor can you even plan correctly if you don’t know when you are getting a supply. With something that requires coordinating a second dose and refrigeration. States are tossing the shit out because people aren’t keeping appointments. Would it have been so hard for the Federal government to better coordinate delivery and to better advise on how to administer it as recommendation. Or did they not want to fail? Were they too busy planning an insurrection?
Maybe, I’ll give it a try. He does seem like he could use some help. He seems a bit jittery lately.
What happen in Bellingham?
Any links that identify the perps? Did the police make any arrests? Or did they let the Fasicsts go so as not expose them?
Maybe states could do a better job if they Feds didn’t gum up the works, and on purpose. They want the Fuckhump virus to kill.
But we shall overcome!
“far short of the last administration’s goal of administering 20 million vaccine doses by the end of 2020.” the Fuckhump Adinistration that is.
Ah. Animal House I know of course as the film that placed Doug Kenney and John Belushi squarely on the road leading to their own demise. But also launched the MEGA career of John Landis. Meh.
Proving that not every high IQ innocent farm boy can handle a hot shot of “Hollywood” directly injected on their first trip out of the gate. But strangely enough some can.
This Matheson guy must have resonated with Tara back in the hippie days then, eh? I can imagine.
That’s what I said.
You claim to be a Berner now.
Still don’t believe you.
Which is truly remarkable when you consider that there’s literally seven miles of social distance separating any two citizens of that state. Add to that forty three cows and four or five pump jacks they’d have to climb over just to meet long enough to infect each other.
Once again I find myself taking comfort in knowing that Rapepublicans are better at killing themselves.
Republicans should quit that?
I dunno. My dog’s not in that fight. But for what it’s worth you might want to set your sights a bit lower and more realistically. Last I checked Proud Boys, Groypers, and The Boogs were organizing lynch mobs and kill teams.
Next time be more choosy about your drinking pals.
Keep in mind the data in the Bloomberg link of the vaccine are running totals.
So without know the daily supply or the committed scheduled quantity of supply of vaccine on a daily basis, how can one understand why or why not a state can do better. Beyond not given the assistance in Federal funds to administer.
I guess now that California has an unsed balance of about 2,000,000 dosese that they should go out and put in place and spend a ton of money to adminsiter without the furture promise from the federal government on the supply? And then take the risk that what resources are put in place are being wasted (money wasted) because the supply isn’t keeping up with the resources put in place at that time, and yet get no money from the federal governement when they were the cause of your problems by not being able to supply you with what they needed to do a good job.
Let’s say you are going to have a large party or celebration that was going to require x amount of days for 400,000 people to be fed. And I am going to delivery you the food, all you have to do is hire the help to hold the trays to walk around and pass out the food. I promise you enough food for ultimately 400,000 people but can’t give you a regularly scheduled known amount of that food on a daily basis ahead of time. Nor do I have any money or the adequate amount of money to help you hire those people that are passing out the food.
Now remember – all you have to do is be the gracious host and smile at your guests and give them a little wave from afar, at times. You can’t possibly speak with all 400,000 guests!
But before all that, you have to plan how many to hire, and with the little money that you have. So I say, I’ll start you off with 30,000 units of food. Good luck! See you next week!
Do you hire enough people to feed them in one day, two days, or three days….they’re fucking starving!
@85 People protesting city action against a homeless camp broke into city hall and the mayor fled, or something like that.
@81 Going?
@93 Sturgis. 400,000 people needing food and booze, above all booze, and no seven miles of social distance or cows separating them.
I’m proud that you accepted me as you’re Personal Savior, and Beria would be proud, too. I’m proud that you accepted me as you’re Personal Savior, and Beria would be proud, too.
Little Maxwipe , indian name, shoots itself in the balls, I presume.
As a point of reference. The dixie chicks said one bad thing about bush and conservatives ran them out of country radio. Conservatives invented the concept of a black list during McCarthy era. But you conservatives don’t want any consequences for your actions now.
88)The same John Landis whose actions led to the death of Vic Morrow and 2 child actreses on the set of Twilight Zone:The Movie?
98)I saw Trumbo. Loved the irony about the arogant HUAC Chairman.
Right now watching a classic war movie, famous one too. Ironically, the screenplay was wriiten by Dalton Trumbo.
Arizona Republicans have figured out how to make a big splash. It goes like this: First you douse yourself in gasoline, then you light a match …
@97 It’s gotta be Little Maxie. It can’t spell “your.”
Poor Rudy is “being portrayed as ‘some kind of money-grubbing ambulance chaser’ …”
101) One of McCain’s sons is in the AZ National Guard, hope Ducee doesn’t have him dismissed to make nice with the party.
So sad. Who wants to be in the presence of a weak loser. I know Vlad could help him find a good spot some where I’m Siberia.
“shoots itself in the balls,” with Taser!
Trump has chosen AZ as the place where he is beginning his march to 2024. He’s calling it the MAGA Party, and RINOs need not apply. The test for MAGA-membership will be total loyalty to the Election Fraud Lie and the Violent Pipe-Bomb Insurrection. Ducey is target one. Kemp is to follow.
Somewhere David Brooks is laboring over a column about “disunity” within the Democratic Party as evidenced by a group of seventy five affluent, professional student white kids done up in Haka face paint “occupying” a tiny school administration office closed for COVID vaguely demanding “social justice”.
@108 – Well, that should thin out the crowd a bit.
Here is Bob’s plan for how the States are doing with distribution of the Warpped Vaccine.
Rand Paul being an inciter.
@107, 108 – Now what kind of people turn out for illegal street racing? This isn’t a meeting of your local “Drinking Liberally” chapter.
Good that Tacoma’s “finest” is keeping BLM from teh widbee kreeper…
Shivering in its safespace..
I wonder how many pipe bombs were recovered.
Just a reminder: The United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia felt no hesitation bringing more than 200 defendants to trial for the crime of having been present during protests of the Trump inauguration when windows were broken.
Charge stacking convinced 21 defendants to accept plea deals. 25 defendants won acquittal at trial. And after two years of pre-trial delays and stalling the DOJ quietly dropped charges against all the other defendants after the court warned prosecutors they would face sanctions and jail if they could not proceed to trial.
The facts at pre-trial, and at the trials that resulted in acquittal indicate that DOJ had no direct evidence linking any of the charged defendants with specific crimes. All of the evidence presented either at trial or through discovery, was circumstantial, mostly establishing the defendant’s’ presence near the locations where crimes were committed. Other evidence implied criminal intent, such as texts and other communications in which defendants declared their willingness to commit crimes, or efforts to plan or coordinate activities adjacent to some crime.
In not one single case was there actual recorded video and audio of the defendants actively committing crimes and proudly confessing to those same crimes while committing them.
In the case of the inauguration day protests, the 188 defendants whose charges were later dismissed petitioned the court, and were granted an order that the charges be dropped with prejudice, making it impossible for the US Atty to refile later.
Any declination decisions made with respect to the 800 or so pipe-bomb wielding violent white supremacists who attacked the Congress and sought to assassinate the Vice President should be made with the expectation that they will file later. Absolutely none of those people should be granted a pass. If they so much as entered they should be charged.
@111 Rand Paul is the polished racist king. He was the advent of the Teabagger Party. It won’t be long, if he hasn’t already, like next Sunday to talk about the Defiict. But for the last 4 years he kept the Deficict tucked in his asshole.
I’ve decided that’ll be my response when #BLM advises me that you’re swinging from a rope for your treason and hatred of blacks, and that video has been posted for my viewing pleasure.
105)He increased the membership fee when he became President, wonder if he will lower it now.
China starts to collect on all those advances handed out to The Biden Crime Family.
China sends warplanes into Taiwan’s airspace: report
Ya think?
China’s got receipts for every dime it handed out to Hunter and Jim. It’s not the docs on Hunter’s laptop that Biden needs to concern himself with anymore. It’s the check stubs and bank statements in China.
It’s for the children.
NYC teacher traveled to Florida to have sex with underage teen: cops
The worst thing Hunter ever did is hide me in his daughter’s coochie.
So far 1.2 million California residents have signed the petition to recall Gavin Newsom. By Fall we’re gonna have a Governor Based Stickman, the way things are going for Gavin.
@119 “China starts to collect on all those advances handed out to The Biden Crime Family.”
Do tell. Does that also explain the 380 PLA sorties into Taiwan airspace from January to November of last year?*
* Now wait for this idiot to argue that China knew all along that Biden would become president, because they rigged the nomination and election in his favor.
Anyone who thinks the Biden administration will coddle China or look the other way at Chinese aggression has his head up his ass.
The Beijing leadership considers Taiwan unfinished business from China’s 1949 civil war. Not different from how Lincoln saw the Confederate states. A domestic matter, none of our business.
They’re actively building a military capability to invade the island. They react to the U.S. selling weapons to Taiwan as bordering on an act of war. From their point of view, that’s like selling guns to criminals to use against cops; those weapons would take the lives of Chinese soldiers acting to restore China’s legitimate sovereignty over a renegade province.
What will the U.S. do if China invades Taiwan? What could any U.S. president do? Marshal the western democracies to express outrage and impose sanctions. But that won’t deter Beijing.
Would the American public be willing to sacrifice a large number of American lives to defend Taiwan? And possibly risk a nuclear war with China that could imperil U.S. cities?
Is military intervention even be possible? Taiwan is 80 miles from China’s coast, and 7,500 miles from our own. Just getting onto the island could be impossible if China seized the beaches and airfields in the initial hours.
Tough questions, no simple answers. Biden can strengthen deterrence by rebuilding our alliances and diplomatic relations with other countries, so we can present China with a united front of opposition if it moves against Taiwan.
The key question, of course, is whether Xi will gamble on an invasion. The odds appear greater now. The former status quo may not hold. Biden or his successors may have to choose between committing more to Taiwan’s independence, or letting it fall under Chinese subjugation.
This is the sixth such effort in two years.
Five other efforts in the last 24 months failed to clear the lowest barrier of any state to make it onto the ballot. Five times, more than there have been elections, An average of once every four months for the last two years California Republicans have raised money (mostly from out of state click-bait campaigns) to circulate petitions and failed to meet the very low signature requirements to make it on the ballot.
Why not just tase yourselves in the balls instead?
At least it would be quicker.
Oh, look, America a harsh word for Putin. It’s been what, four years since that’s happened?
The United States strongly condemns the use of harsh tactics against protesters and journalists this weekend in cities throughout Russia. Prior to today’s events, the Russian government sought to suppress the rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression by harassing protest organizers, threatening social media platforms, and pre-emptively arresting potential participants. This follows years of tightening restrictions on and repressive actions against civil society, independent media, and the political opposition.
The United States will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our allies and partners in defense of human rights – whether in Russia or wherever they come under threat.
As much as he loves himself some Putin, Doctor Dumbfuck will most definitely have a sad over this.
@121 “1.2 million California residents have signed the petition”
Great, you have 15% of what you need to overcome his total vote in his last election.
Fascinating watching Steve, so Trump-focused, completely unaware that the US foreign policy toward Russia under Trump was more hawkish than it was under Obama.
While Trump was president, sanctions against Russia were expanded.
Trump’s personal like of Putin was quite obvious, but Obama’s approach to Russia was far more gentle. There was Obama’s mic’d conversation with Medvedev, which undoubtedly was “transmitted to Vladimir”. There was Obama’s dismissal of Romney’s contention that in 2012 the biggest geopolitical foe of the US was Russia.
Obama was quite dovish toward Russia, compared with foreign policy under Trump. Steve is completely unaware of this.
Foreign Policy:
If it’s not in RawStory, Steve hasn’t heard about it. Sad!
Did the tacoma cop “fear for his life” (TM)?
126 to 128. Yup, the greedy racist incel had a sad.
Uh huh. Now tell us all about the kiddie sex dungeon under the pizza restaurant where Tom Hanks dines on the adrenal glands of infants.
Where’d you come up with that “BREAKING NEWS”?
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, more people turn out to vote in a recall election than turn out in the gubernatorial election. When Gray Davis was recalled, that increase was 11%.
People turn out for a reason. In Newsom’s case, it won’t be to support him. They’ll bounce him and replace him with a less obnoxious Democrat, maybe even one with spine.
You’re a fucking clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. A spineless, slovenly clown.
What perplexes me about Newsom is why he hooked up with that nutcase Guilfoyle. It was easy for her next ex to foist her off on Don Jr., though; he has the brains of a gnat.
@132 Looks like Doctor Dumbfuck has a new screen personality, one more in keeping with his indulgences.
@132 Looks like Doctor Dumbfuck has a new screen personality, one more in keeping with his indulgences.
Actually I prefer powdered cocaine, not crack.
@ 136
You can’t buy a T-shirt of Hunter and a straw.
Come to think of it, you can’t buy a T-shirt of Hunter holding Joe Biden’s bastard grandchild, either.
Maybe my screen name should be
@ 137
You can get some pretty cool Biden gear on Amazon, too.
Hunter wasn’t impressed. He’s holding out for a banner that says Fuck Biden’s Dead Son’s Widow.
So was yours. Hard not to notice.
That is so stupid. I might have to start calling you “shit-fer-brains”.
You and your raging orange man-baby betrayed our allies, the Kurds. For Putin. You two should be scorned the rest of your miserable fucking lives for that alone. But there is so much more. Isn’t there?
Let me help you with this.
@ 140
You and your raging orange man-baby betrayed our allies, the Kurds.
Hey, Steve, remember when Joe Biden wanted to carve Iraq up into three separate countries?
That was after Biden voted against the good Iraq war and voted for the bad one.
Keep it up, Steve. Eventually you will understand that America traded one moron in office for another.
The good one? You mean the Jobs, jobs, jobs war? If you were the least bit honest, you’d admit they were more like multi-generational Bush family fuckups.
Democrats fuck up?? Geez, news to me. I’ve only posted umpteen times since you’ve been here that Democrats have done nothing but disappoint me. But they were always better than Republicans.
You mean like when Pars shows up and we trade one dumbfuck for another?
@142 Some people evolve. Others never do.
The doctor fits false equivalence and minimizing into eight words. Impressive.
I wonder if he can do that with victim-blaming and a conspiracy theories?
Was reading part of a good article in TRAINS Mgazine’s series “Coal is Not Dead”, and this month, it’s the Powder River Basin that was the focus. As late as a Decade ago, it was forecasted that tonnage out of the PRB would only go up. So much tonnage, that parts of the Union Pacific/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Joint Line was four tracks, now with traffic dropping, that 4th track is being removed. No one is throwing in the towel, but cheap natural gas ha won the battle.Also being built in the PRB, wind farms.
I will say that at 142 I think that’s the first time Tara admitted that she lost.
No doubt blaming Trump. It’s all the rage.
McSally, Gardiner, Loeffler, Perdue, just more “bad luck” I guess.
With two open seats and Ron Johnson riding soap film.
The “bad luck” may never end.
“A growing number of Republican senators say they oppose holding an impeachment trial”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course they do. The GOP is organized crime, and Trump is a fellow gangster. Their unwillingness to convict him of inciting the violent overthrow of our democratically elected government and the murder of policy officers and members of Congress is typical of what they are now.
“More than two-thirds of Americans approve of President Biden’s response to the coronavirus pandemic days after he was inaugurated, according to a poll released on Sunday.”
The other third are the usual suspects.
Trump has been an ex-president for only 4 days, but it feels like forever. What a difference being rid of him makes! This country is so much better now.
This passage reminds me of how I imagine the greedy racist incel spends his days.
It does offer a good example of the contrast between objectivity and whatever the fuck passes for Republican ideology these days.
The propositions that these people offer and defend are not subject to any truth conditions at all. So it’s entirely pointless to debate them about any of it. How does seeing “the light” in someone else’s a priori falsehoods produce progress if that person demands as a premise of debate that no truth conditions shall exist?
If I say to you “A is greater than B. And B is greater than C.” You can proceed to a deduction that “A is greater than C”. What value is there in listening to an idiot who demands that “C is greater than A because Lizard Men”? If a modern “conservative” could, they’d address the initial conditions given about the relative values of “A”, “B”, and “C”. They might object to one or both of those statements. They might offer evidence to overturn those conditional statements, such as examples where “A is not greater than B”, for instance. And a reasonable person with enough patience could engage on those terms and either persuade or be persuaded over time.
But instead the modern “conservative” rejects one or both of the initial conditional statements because of “bias”. “You’re biased”. “Your source is biased”. These are now hallmark crutches of modern “conservative” argument. Inviting them to state the error in the initial condition is met with both blank stares and a reiteration of “bias”.
You can show them dozens of examples where “A” and “B” are carefully measured thousands of times under identical conditions using the same highly sensitive measuring instrument and in all cases “A” is always measured to be greater than “B”. You can show them careful analysis of the component properties and essential qualities of “A” and “B” in which the sums of those properties and qualities are compared, and where those sum of “A” is always greater than the sum of “B”.
And they’ll just say the magic word “bias”. Your measuring instrument was built in the wrong place. The person measuring is a “Commie”. Or you failed to measure some essential property or quality that they refuse to define. You can request that they explain or demonstrate the flaw in the instrument itself, or the error introduced by the “Commie”. But it will avail the debate nothing. Because as pure tribalists animated by hate, the “bias” alone is all that is required. It’s recursive pattern that you can not break with evidence, or reason.
I think what lies at the heart of it all is the truth that as tribalists they hate all of us. Hate. Really hate. All of us. All of us who are smarter, and better off, and willing to accept and embrace the inescapable reality that democracy can not be sustained in a diverse society if it doesn’t include everyone. Objective reality does not align with their hate. The modern information age has obliterated centuries of specious arguments they previously offered challenging initial conditions. Which leaves them with no other option but to reject objectivity itself.
As long as the hate is there, I don’t see that changing. Talking it over with them isn’t going to lessen their hate. And the only way you can ever convince them to trust you is if you agree to share their hatred. That’s been the price of admission for “moderate” “Third Way” Democrats for nearly five decades. But as we’ve seen time after time it isn’t sustainable.
@152 “If I say to you ‘A is greater than B. And B is greater than C.’ You can proceed to a deduction that ‘A is greater than C’.”
Are graduate schools weeding these people out now, or are some of them still running around with “M.A.” and “Ph.D.” and “M.D.” after their names?