Stephen: After a rocky week, Stephen finally gets to celebrate the Georgia senate wins by Warnock and Ossoff
Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Try Telling the Truth This Time (A tip to Republican leaders) ♬
Jonathan Mann: ♫ Alex Jones Breaks Up With QAnon ♬
The Twice Impeached Dotard Трамп and His Fellow Seditionists and Insurrectionists:
- Keith Olbermann: Twitter’s Трамп-whack-a-mole is fun. Its warning about Трамп coup II isn’t
- The Late Show: It’s too late to jump ship now
- John Di Domenico & Mikalah Gordon: Melania’s photoshoot during Capitol invasion
- LegalEagle: The 25th Amendment?
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Dotard Трамп, Our Greatest Mistake ♬
- Stephen: House votes to impeach and McConnell provides cover for GOP Senators to break with The Dotard
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard unveils his impeachment legal team
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп’s bananas border speech & crazy conspiracies
- Seth Meyers: Трамп defends his sedition speech
- The Daily Show: Saluting the heroes of the insurrection
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ I Would Visit Трамп in Prison ♬
- Stephen: The fascist threat grows as Biden’s inauguration approaches
- LegalEagle: Will Трамп lose his pension?
- Samantha Bee: It shouldn’t have taken an insurrection for social media to block The Dotard
- Jonathan Pie: Twitter bans Трамп
- Rocky Mountain Mike: ♫ I’d Really Love Impeachment Tonight ♬:
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп impeached AGAIN after inciting violence at the Capitol
- The Late Show: Former Presidents really got a kick out of Трамп’s second impeachment
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ The Mangy Fetlocks Political PTSD Relaxation Video ♬
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard issues a message on the emergency broadcast system
- Keith Olbermann: Трамп must take his phony call for “healing and unity” and shove it up his ass
- LegalEagle: The Dotard is impeached again!
- Mark Fiore: EZ-Leave
- WTFBrahh: ♫ Trial by Combat (remix) ♬
- Stephen: The terrorists who attacked Congress at the President’s direction came prepared to kill
- Michael Kosta: Why is the alt-right so angry?
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ The Invertebrate Mike Pence ♬
- Seth Meyers: Трамп is now the only President to be impeached twice
- LegalEagle: Can Трамп pardon the rioters?
- Schmoyoho: ♫ Animaniacs Storm the Capitol (They Pushed Me Out And Maced Me) ♬
- John Di Domenico & Mikalah Gordon: ♫ Orange Acres ♬
- Samantha Bee: Sam’s (sick) Трамп burn book
- Michael Spicer: I hear you.
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard makes a desperate late night call to Steve Bannon
- Lauren Mayer: ♫ What Will a Twit Do Without Twitter? ♬:
What Will a Twit Do Without Twitter? - Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ What Baby Has to Say ♬
- Keith Olbermann: Трамп lost his ability to pardon any coup conspirators—including himself
- Robert Reich: Without accountability, the next coup will succeed
- LegalEagle: Incitement—Is the President guilty of inciting the riot?
- The Late Show: This is the new app for suspended Twitter users
- The Daily Show: In Memoriam—The real victims of the insurrection
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Democracy was Breached ♬
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп is almost gone
- Spitting Image: The dynamo, Jared Kushner
- A glimpse of the mind of the nutburgers
- Samantha Bee: It’s a little too late for Republicans to denounce Трамп Pt. 1
- Samantha Bee: It’s a little too late for Republicans to denounce Трамп Pt. 2
- LegalEagle: 14th Amendment, Section 3 apply to Трамп?
- Stephen: Трамп is slithering off to Mar-A-Lago but the MAGA menace isn’t going away
- John Di Domenico: Трамп has a Twitter tantrum
- Amber Ruffin: ♫ White Supremacists Facing Consequences Fills Me With Joy ♬
- Rocky Mountain Mike: ♫ She put them all in bathroom limbo ♬
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Put on Your Big Boy Pants ♬
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп is furious Bill Bellichek refused the Medal of Freedom
- Keith Olbermann: Don’t relax yet. The coup is still alive
- Seth Meyers: After second impeachment, Трамп begins moving out of White House
- Governor Schwarzenegger has something to say about fascists
- The Late Show: Lex Luthor joins Republicans in calling for unity
- Founders Sing: ♫ Impeached Again, Naturally ♬:
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Trump’s Going Down ♬
- The Daily Show: ♫ The President had a clear message for Mike Pence ♬
- Rocky Mountain Mike: ♫ Impeached Again (Naturally) ♬
- Parody Project: ♫ The Lawless and the Capitol ♬
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп booted from Twitter & maybe the presidency
- The Founders Sing: ♫ 25th Amendment ♬
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ We Don’t Negotiate with Terrorists ♬
- LegalEagle: Can Twitter ban The Dotard?
- Jordan Klepper: Jordan Klepper sees it all at the Capitol insurrection
- WTFBrahh: ♫ The Words Of A President Matter (remix) ♬
- Keith Olbermann: In a boring letter, Speaker Pelosi demands Трамп’s surrender within 48 hours
- Seth Meyers: House Democrats move to impeach Трамп for insurrection
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ The Трамп Retirement Song ♬
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard is excited to have the most impeachments of all time
- The Daily Show: Трамп history of Condoning White Supremacy
- LegalEagle: Lawyer reacts to lectern-rioter’s lawyer
- Stephen: FBI—The MAGA maniacs who tried to overthrow the government are going to pay
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ The GOP is Killing Me ♬
Stephen Colbert: Samantha Bee on the challenges of making a comedy show when the news is so upsetting
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship
Brent Terhune: Bruce Willis’ statement on refusing to wear a mask
Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Let the Voters Decide (The Republican Plan) ♬
Samantha Bee: Congratulations, Georgia!
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The second impeachment is the most bipaetisan impeachment, ever.
@1 Impeachment is a toothless tiger. What this country needs is electoral college reform so trailer park states can’t elect presidents with millions fewer votes than the other candidate got.
Loren Culp dropped his fact-free election fraud lawsuit after the state threatened to make him pay its legal expenses.
Our Putin-lovin’ traitor says he’s “guilty”, as in, “as guilty for creating an environment permitting the rise of Trump as liberals are for permitting an environment that enabled the survival of Hillary Clinton.”
This is not “A start.” It is fucking pathetic. Perhaps if he were to create a hashtag along the lines of “#I’mGuiltyofTreasonAndI’mSorry” and posted it 5,000 times, someone might give a flying fuck. But it won’t be me.
I don’t forgive traitors like the dumbfuck. I’m want them in front of a firing squad or swinging from a rope.
NPV will undoubtedly get a boost from all this.
Arizona, having been flipped at the state level, is now poised and ready. All that stands in the way is an historically unpopular governor among a half dozen targeted for destruction in 2022.
Joining him will be Brian Kemp, another Republican governor from a state that now despises the Republican Party for having betrayed the United States and sought to install a dictator.
States like Georgia and Arizona were never really among the prime next targets for the NPV movement. But Trump, the GOP, and their Pipe Bomb Army of Fascists have delivered them to us. Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota are now primed and ready as well. With the state total now standing at 196 electoral votes, those states are enough to surpass the 270 threshold for enactment. A big push effort over the next four years with the Biden/Harris administration leading the way in educating the voters can push it over the top.
With the right coordinated effort the 2020 election could be the last “winner-take-all” election. And wannabe fascist dictators will just have to look for some other political playground.
3)Was looking forward to see how he overturned a 500,000 vote gap.
With all of these lies, it’s not a statistical calculation about the election itself.
It’s a statistical calculation about return on investment.
Trump’s bankrupted himself more than half a dozen times fucking that up. Now he’s bankrupted the GOP. Culp just chickened out I guess.
Now it looks like everybody wants Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron to hang. Sad!
Far-right extremists call for the execution of ‘coward’ Trump after he asks for calm following riot: report
Sweet! Do it, Joe!
Bundy warns he will ‘walk toward guns’ if Biden tries to collect 28 years of unpaid grazing fees
@9 drop a cluster bomb on the ranch, easy solution.
People will be like, “he ain’t fucking around”.
If we can drop bombs on other countries why not drop one on your own country when required, what were bombs made for? Don’t waste them, put them to good use.
The black guy couldn’t do it because he would have been called a racist by the right.
Be a lot easier to take his fucking cows and auction them off when he’s passed out drunk which is nearly every weekend.
Family of degenerates.
For the next four years, it’s important to remember:
1. Stay away from crowds.
2. When it comes to equipment and supplies, it’s good enough and plenty of it”.
Ben Sasse: “I waited until after my party staged a failed coup attempt to denounce the four years of non-stop lying”
Tara: “I waited until after my party staged a failed coup attempt to denounce Trump. I refuse to denounce lying.”
75% of Republican voters: “Nothing has changed. The election was stolen.”
The most important thing for you to remember is to stay away from surveillance cameras and anyplace that requires you to show ID.
Don’t worry. It’ll be “cool”. Just like Jason Bourne.
Sure. You betcha!
“Loews Hotels on Saturday said it would not host a fundraiser for Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), expressing horror at the Capitol siege and stating its opposition to ‘all who supported and incited the actions.'”
Hmm, they didn’t explicitly clal Hawley an inciter of violent insurrection against the government of the United States, but you sure could read that implication into their statement, with a minimum amount of effort.
Meanwhile, I read elsewhere that Missouri’s two leading newspapers are calling on Hawley to resign, and his biggest donor doesn’t know him.
Things aren’t exactly going as he planned.
In case the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck needs a new pillow to cry on, the promo code is ‘QAnon’.
The MyPillow website has an active promo code “QAnon” which gets you a $45 discount.
For America’s traitors, tomorrow is another day…for treason.
Armed capitol rallies “will continue” as planned, Boogaloo group member says
And there you have it.
Republicans haven’t given up on any of it.
The only thing they are prepared to let go of is the violent Pipe=Bomb-Coup. A few (including PillowCrackHead) are still working on violent Pipe-Bomb-Coup II. Everything else, from Stop the Steal, to HuhrDuhrham, to BabyCannibalism remains part of the cult orthodoxy. The GOP remains a party entirely devoted to developing and promoting insane destructive cult lies.
@5 Republicans are trying to give “disenfranchised” a whole new meaning: If they don’t want, they’re disenfranchised.
For the rest of us, disenfranchised means prevented from voting. To a Republican, that means prevented from “cheating.”
You see, if you don’t vote for them, you’re cheating and your vote is “fraudulent.”
If you’re black, your vote is “fraudulent” even if you do vote for them. I hope Puddy is taking note of that.
@ 15
Things aren’t exactly going as he planned.
Hillary Clinton spent two terms in the White House as First Discarded Vagina, and all those years planning and then running two failed presidential campaigns, before it was clear to her that she is poison and that her presence in any situation makes things worse.
Josh Hawley will achieve similar clarity far earlier in life. And likely in the process will cause far less damage to his party than Hillary caused to hers.
Do you still consider yourself qualified to judge the quality and effort of other comments?
Yeah. After that you should not. Aside from being Pudiot grade word salad, it’s dated, irrelevant, and fails to even produce any hint of wit, unless you think “unwanted pussy” qualifies.
Tara, only a couple of weeks ago you were chortiling and masturbating over Tiger Beat posters of your GOP “deep bench”.
Today those not facing felony warrants are losing the leases on their district offices. And those that chose to distance themselves sufficiently from the Pipe Bomb Coup now get to look forward to perpetual bomb threats and lynch mobs.
Harris isn’t even sworn in yet as VP, and thanks to you, Hawley, and David Dennison she’s already polling toward a walk home win in 2024. Nobody but you and your 4chan girlfriends can ever know what Hillary Clinton has to do with any of that. Long after the heat death of the universe she’ll still be living rent-free in your head. But thanks to you and the rest of your cult-of-personality, before that Kamala Harris will be living rent-free in the White House.
@20 “First Discarded Vagina”
Your rehabilitation tour has gone off the rails already. And even with that it’s boring as all fuck.
@6 He sued SoS Kim Wyman in King County Superior Court, but I couldn’t find any filings in the case with an online search. News reports suggest he claimed, among other things, that dead people voted and the Attorney General responded that “counties had contacted the people Culp claimed were deceased and found the voters were alive, or had died after voting.”
Culp’s lawyer, Stephen Pidgeon, is a certifiable nutcase with ties to the Christian Taliban.
Pidgeon “is a far-right conspiracy theorist who has … spread discredited theories that President Barack Obama was a secret Muslim who intended to impose an Islamic caliphate on the United States.”
According to the WSBA website, Pidgeon was admitted to practice in 1995, is a solo practitioner with an office in Everett, and lists his practice areas as “Appellate, Civil Rights, Constitutional, Criminal, Estate Planning/ Probate/ Wills, Immigration & Naturalization, Non-Profit/Tax Exempt”.
According to this website, ” Dr. Stephen Pidgeon is a political scientist with a Doctorate of Philosophy, and an active attorney with a Juris Doctorate in the state of Washington. In collaboration with a group of students of scripture, he is responsible for the creation and publication of the Eth CEPHER; a comprehensive restoration of sacred scripture in the English language.
According to SoS records, Pidgeon ran for state attorney general in 2012 and was crushed in the primary, receiving little over 10% of the vote.
According to the Washington State Democratic Party, the “active attorney” part of his resume may disappear, as the party “announced Friday it had filed a complaint with the state bar association against Pidgeon, arguing he should be disciplined for violating several professional-conduct standards for attorneys.”
@8 Seems fair to me. He threw them under the bus.
But I have a question: Does the fact they’re now threatening to kill him mean he won’t pardon them for their Capitol insurrection crimes?
I can’t think of two parties to a bad marriage who deserve each other more.
That bench of his didn’t even last a week. Hawley, Nikki and Ivanka will never be president because they’re so…awful.
@11 According to Bundy they’re feral, so nobody’s name is on them and they’re free for the taking anyway.
@17 I’m curious how they plan to get past fences topped with razor wire, armored vehicles, and 25,000 National Guard troops.
This guy couldn’t. Maybe they have more realistic-lookikng fake inauguration credentials?
You know, if people like Bundy and the Boogaloo Bois want to walk into razor wire and machine guns, like the British Army did on July 1, 2016, maybe we should let them.
The British were our friends, and that was a tragedy. These guys aren’t our friends, and this time it won’t be a tragedy.
What a difference 104 years makes.
“A woman who had a violent altercation with a black security guard prior to the storming of the U.S. Capitol has been fired from her hospital job after her daughter outed her on Twitter. …
“Duke was identified after Helena, 18, tweeted video of the confrontation, adding a caption that read: ‘Hi mom remember the time you told me I shouldn’t go to BLM protests bc they could get violent…this you?'”
Man, when your own daughter rats you out, maybe you’re on the wrong side.
7)He could always go back to his old job in Republic. Forgot, the city council dissolved it and contracted with the Ferry County Sheriff.
His attacks on mail in voting mirrored Trump, even though we have been doing it for years. I arfyed on Facebook with one of his supporters that said he didnt need a mail in ballot because he always vited absentee.
I’ll give Trump Credit, thanks to his wrecking the USPS, King County was not the last county with ballots to count.
23)One of the reasons Wyman didnt say much about the suit, hadnt been served yet.
@30 Speaking of giving credit, an article in this weekend’s Barrons about the Trump economy says he doesn’t deserve credit for its positive aspects.
Trump has less than 83 hours to pardon the 15,000 terrorists who attacked Congress. If he doesn’t, they’ll eat shit.
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock …
Daddy is a jerk. For now on, my pussy is off limits.
“An entirely predictable study has found that Americans who support traditional stereotypes of toxic masculinity are more likely to back Donald Trump.”
I remember the press release the proud boys sent out about the proud girls telling them to get back in the kitchen and make babies
@35 just like what I like to call them – Neanderthals. Unevolved apes, wiht shrinking brains.
No military parade for Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron. Sad!
Pentagon refuses Trump request for military-style farewell parade to accompany his White House departure
We can all join in the fun!
But please do so responsibly:
For ongoing and up to the minute try #SeditionHunters on the Twitter:
Trust me when I tell you that nothing is more terrifying to the GOP than this right now. Let’s all scare the fuck out of them!
Given what’s going on at Coup Klux Klan events all around the US today and through Wednesday, I think a review of Brandenburg is in order (Brandenburg v. Ohio). You’re all big kids. You can look up the cases and history if that’s your thing.
1. The speech is directed to incite or produce imminent lawless action;
2. The speech is likely to produce that lawless action.
So a two part test and both of the truth conditions must be met in order for government action infringing on speech to proceed.
First what it isn’t.
There’s no blanket pardon or protection just because something is said to be “political” or “religious”. The test is entirely neutral as to content (as it should be). It isn’t relevant to the private sector. Twitter or whoever can do whatever the fuck they like. The test doesn’t apply to them. It isn’t about “us vs. them” or political viewpoint. Again, the test is neutral as to content in such regards. The test only cares about content relevant to the two prongs. And the courts are generally unwilling to entertain arguments suggesting that a particular political viewpoint is more or less likely to meet either truth condition.
So the first prong requires that the speech be not merely intentional, but directed. That means time, place, and circumstance matter. It must do more than persuade in terms of belief or ideology. It must call for action. And that action must be distinctly and clearly lawless. The language used may be vague or imprecise. But the intended meaning must be clearly lawless. And the action must be imminent. That doesn’t have to mean “right now”. But it does mean it has to be certain.
The second truth condition is somewhat less complicated, but often the greater source of argument. The speech must be “likely” to produce the action described in the first truth condition. “May mighty Jupiter in his wrath reign terrible fire down upon the General Manager of the Seattle Seahawks tomorrow morning for trading away their first round draft pick” does not describe likely action. “Likely” may not be clearly understood, but it also isn’t entirely subjective. And it is not “likely” as that idea is understood in the mind of the speaker at the time of the speech. Nor as the speaker might choose to describe their mind at a later date. It means “likely” as that would be perceived by a reasonable observer.
Did Trump’s calls for his mob to storm the capitol meet both of those truth conditions? I don’t know. But I can certainly think of similar cases that have been made. And beyond this, there are questions about under which of various criminal statutes he might be charged. So the short of it is that this is absolutely not any kind of “open and shut” or “slam dunk” case. And if such a case is ever brought it will be in the courts for a while and go through a few appeals.
I’d hate to see another president do anything like it ever again. So I think it’s worth going forward with it.
And in the mean time, from what I’m seeing there are plenty of Coup Klux Klan radicals speaking at events all across the country whose speech is sailing over Bradenburg with room to spare. They play with fire. Because if any lawless action should directly follow these should be easy cases to make.
Lock ’em up.
38)I wouldn’t trust internet sleuthing from Reddit though, after the Boston Bombing.
@37 Military honors are for patriots like me who served and defended America, not draft dodgers or insurgents.
Speaking of which I think Retired Colonel Zip-Tie should be recalled to active service and court-martialed for mutiny.
Retired officers retain a status as members of the military, as they can be recalled to active service, according to the needs of the service, so if he neglected to resign his commission before committing acts of insurrection he technically mutinied.
@39 The hell with Brandenburg, that’s liberal claptrap; let’s try Trump under Republican law, i.e. Dennis v. United States.
@30 The sheriff offered him a deputy job (why?), which Culp turned down. Nevertheless, I’m shaken by what might have been. I have little reason to visit Ferry County, and even less now that I know the sheriff there is willing to hand a badge and gun to a nutjob like Culp, as I definitely wouldn’t feel safe there.
44)At least Okanagon County was home to Peter Goldmark. Sad what happened to his brother and his family. Probably should be taught as an example of where political rhetoric, red-baiting, and name-profiling can end with.
As for Pend Orielle County, at least Seattle provides a few jobs there.
Legal query: Is the appropriate charge arson, or merely blocking a parking space, when you torch your own pickup in protest of something or other?
Approximately a dozen insurrectionists, one of them armed, showed up today for the violent overthrow of Michigan’s government.
Doctor Dumbfuck will be heartened to learn a violent “leftist” is off the streets. (Biden supporters will be, too, because this guy is a bipartisan hater.) In terms of proportionality of threat, the Trump uprising had 15,000 violent supporters; the Kurdish uprising, so far, has 1.
47)Shouldn’t be too much work for the enhanced security, if they get violent. Ironically, the State Capitol was moved to Lansing because of fears of a British Invasion of the old one.
I wonder why some people feel so threatened by black teenagers selling coffee that the baristas at the drive-through window have to be protected by bulletproof glass? There must be some very easily frightened people out there in the community. I sure wouldn’t want to be in the same foxhole with them facing real enemies.
I’m not sure just any former United States Attorney could ever go on to sell pardons.
But if one was top of that list would be Rudy. He’s been pure scum his entire life. And most importantly, as a lawyer, he’s built his entire career out of lying. The lying, aside from ruining his ability to gain trust, I think set him on the course toward irredeemable corruption.
Now his freedom hangs by a thin, frayed orange thread.
I don’t think Trump will come through for him.
Not for nuthin:
there’s a pretty clearly documented record of Donald J. Trump supporting, encouraging, approving of, and complimenting mob violence over the decades. And quite a lot in just the last four years. I think the only clear records of him decrying mob violence came under pressure in the ten days. That’s something his defense lawyers will absolutely have to contend with both in the Senate and afterward.
That’s useful information that other Republicans ought to take in and consider. But they won’t. Because… Republicans.
After killing a police officer, injuring another with a fire extinguisher, crushing a third in a doorway, and beating up another, Republicans can never again credibly claim to be pro-cop. They only support cops who murder black people and assault peaceful BLM demonstrators. The Republican Party is a KKK franchisee.
“A New Mexico man who had been wanted for his role in the January 6 riot was arrested blocks away from the US Capitol on Sunday, according to an FBI spokeswoman. The US Capitol Police detained Couy Griffin on the 400 block of North Capitol Street NW, and later notified the FBI, according to a statement.”
New Mexico is a long way from Washington D.C., so I doubt he’s back in town to get a haircut or do some casual sightseeing. But ya gotta think “attaboy” when criminals hang around the crime scene and loiter outside the police station. Makes ’em easy to catch.
We are all The Even Bigger Fucking Moron now.
New York City Schools To Eliminate Entry Exam For Gifted And Talented Programs
Before you know it everyone will structure sentences using YLBonics.
55 Godwin concern trolls for kindergartners in another state. Since when has Godwin ever cared about kids except the use them as a cudgel to beat on liberals with. shut up Godwin until you apologize deeply and sincerely for your sins.
“Lauren Boebert Sued for Blocking Constituents on Twitter”
She cannot take criticism. What a snowflake.
@55. If every one, including you were me, or at least voted like me, this would be a progressive paradise.
“GOP Nightmare of Senate Budget Chair Bernie Sanders About to Come True”
“When Republicans controlled the Senate they used the reconciliation process to provide huge tax breaks for the rich and large corporations,” said Sanders on Saturday. “We’re going to use reconciliation to protect working families, the sick and the poor.”
“Time to face the harsh reality, socialist Bernie Sanders will become the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee. He has vowed to use his position to enact his progressive agenda on healthcare, climate, infrastructure spending, and cutting defense spending,” Nikki Haley tweeted Saturday.
Doc: Oh my god karen. Healthcare and infrastructure!
The shit Trumpers believe:
“In Denver, demonstrator Larry Woodall told CNN … he’d accepted that Biden would be president, calling it ‘a done deal. We just have to live with that and hope that it doesn’t turn out the way that people are saying it’s going to turn out … that they’re going to take our guns, they’re going to force us to do this, force us to do that.'”
It’s hard not to live in fear when you’re having head explosions.
@59 “America will never be a socialist country” for 3 more days. Heh.
@55 If it doesn’t take brains to get into med school, why isn’t that good enough for NYPS gifted programs, too?
Judging by Doctors Atlas and Dumbfuck, apparently they steer the ones without brains into becoming radiologists.
@ 58
If every one, including you were me, or at least voted like me, this would be a progressive paradise.
And if everyone were like Stalin the communist Utopia would be the order of the day, and 80% of us would be starving right now.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, if everyone were like you the wheel would not yet have been invented, and Grog over there in the next cave would have bashed your low-sloping-forehead skull for trying to bugger him while he slept.
68. Yer funny. Now do a Steve timeline.
I’m a liberal. ALL my buggering is consensual. And i practice Safe Buggering.
@ 65
Steve timeline:
Age minus 9 months: Fathered by a Nazi.
Age 10: Lost his mom.
Age 17: Was fortunate enough to be around some pretty creative local music.
Age 23: Last time he was laid.
Age 25: Last time he was able to see his feet.
Age 30 on: Claims not to like presidents of either party. Puffs out his chest on occasion and only he doesn’t realize that his pecs still don’t stick out nearly as far as his navel.
Age 59 or so: Stopped being able to complete a sentence in an HA spew without the word “Putin” in it.
The Doctor is having himself a sad. Must have seen Melania’s 42% approval numbers. Michelle left the WH with 69% approval.
Wait a sec. Weren’t you born when she was 24?
@ 67
Michelle left the WH with 69% approval.
And with Ruth Bader Ginsburg still on the Supreme Court.
The communists are coming for you Bob, you nut job. But you’ll probably be dead of COVID before that, you piece of shit.
Has anyone else noticed how sickly Clarence Thomas is looking these days? He looks like he might drop dead at any moment.
Hillary Clinton’s favorability when Bill was campaigning was in the 30s. She was unlikable even then. Dissed the same women who ended up supporting her 24 years later. Proving that women deserve what they get. ’cause they could have supported Bernie. Or Martin O’Malley. Instead they supported The Unflattering Pantsuit.
Her favorability plummeted from 56% just after Al Gore conceded to 44% in March of 2000.
So I suppose we should revisit Melania’s favorability in a couple of months, and compare it to Hillary’s.
Isn’t that right. Steve.
The saddest thing about Steve isn’t that he was fathered by a Nazi.
It’s that his mother was never able to figure out which one.
Looks like someone pushed the traitor’s button. Looks like that someone was me.
Hillary way higher than Melania? Ouch! That’s gotta hurt.
@ 71
He looks like he might drop dead at any moment.
RBG looked that way a decade ago. Liberals were so worried they made her an action figure.
Steve loves HA. It provides him with the feeling of comfort and camaraderie necessary for him to joke without fear @ 71 about the relatively shorter lifespan of a black man in America.
You’re obviously slow on the uptake, Doctor. My father killed Nazis. Lots of them. Seeing as how these days there are Nazis like you around and you’re trying to violently overthrow our government, I’m thinking of following in his footsteps.
And it still doesn’t make the documents real.
Project much? You just described what you’ve been doing here for years, cracking lame, snide jokes without fear about black men and children who died too young.
Failed coup leaders also have short life expectancies. In case it hasn’t sunk in yet, your coup failed, Doctor.
If a woman can give a BJ to a mayor and later become president, is it possible that someday we might see a Mayor Lewinsky?
Now do the birth certificate.
Metro, the Commuter operator for Northeastern Illinois, and parts of Wisconsin, announced an order this week for 200 new coaches, and options on another 300. It’s a departure in design, abandoning the Gallery car concept they inherited from the Burlington, Chicago and Northwestern, and the Milwaukee.That concept was easy on conductors, but not necessarily passengers.
This model, the Alstom Coradia Multilevel might be on SOUNDER someday. Depends if Alstom keeps the Bombardier design in their catalog.
Patriot steals computer from Pelosi’s office to sell to Russian intelligene services.
Patriotism was defined differently when I was young and military age.
83)Republicans love Russia now, to Own the Libs.
Everyone remember how “moderate” Republicans and “EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE” would pinkie promise that if base Democrats would only agree to abandon key constituencies and agree to nominate a “blame-the-poor/old/minorities” “conservative” Democrat they’d jump on board and support him?
Remember how that always worked out?
So what do we think the chances are now, that if we agree to drip the prosecution of treasonous insurrection and ignore the important role that Republican lawmakers all played in getting it off the ground they’ll pivot to “healing” and work with President Biden to help America recover from TrumPlague?
‘Bout time for a new thread, dontcha think, Carl?
Let’s finish with something from FB’s Politically Unhinged:
I tolerated 44 (Obama) for 8 years. Here is my issue with the whole, “let us all be a United States again” that we heard from Joe Biden. For the last 4+ years, the Democrats have gone and scorched earth. You have salted the fields and now you want to grow crops. The problem is 75 + million of us have memories longer than a hamster.
We remember the women’s march (vagina hats and all) the day after inauguration.
We remember the 4 years of attacks and impeachments
We remember “not our president” and the “Resistance…”
We remember Maxie Walters telling followers to harass us in restaurants.
We remember the Presidents spokesperson being kicked out a restaurant.
We remember hundreds of Trump supporters physically attacked.
We remember Trump supporters getting Doxed, and fired from jobs.
We remember riots, and looting.
We remember “a comedian” holding up the President’s severed head.
We remember a play in Central park paid with public funding, showing the killing of President Trump.
We remember Robert de Niro yelling “F” Trump” at the Tony’s and getting a standing ovation.
We remember Nancy Pelosi tearing up the State of the Union Address.
We remember the total in the tank move on the mainstream media.
We remember the non-stop and live fact checking on our President and his supporters.
We remember non-stop in your face lies and open cover-ups from the media.
We remember the President and his staff being spied on.
We remember five Senators shot on a ballfield.
We remember every so-called comedy show turn into nothing but Trump hate fest.
We remember 95% negative coverage in the news.
We remember the state governors asking and getting everything they ask for and then blaming Trump for their problems.
We remember a Trump top aid verbally assaulted in two DC restaurants.
We remember people banging on the Supreme Court doors.
We remember that we were called every name in the book for supporting President Trump.
We remember that Hollywood said they would leave after Trump was elected but they stayed.
This list is endless, but you get the idea. My friends will be my friends, but a party that has been on the attack for 4 long years does not get a free pass with me.
I’ve never called you a fascist traitor. Until now.
You’re a fucking fascist traitor who should be tried and then hung by your neck until dead.
I’m okay with skipping the trial part.
But I’d rather offer you some flattery…
Although you’re dumber than a stump, you still have more on the ball than most radiologists.
Remember the John Irving novel, how Garp’s mother was impregnated by the soldier, T.S. Garp?
When Steve deteriorates to the same mental state, he won’t be uttering, “Aaaaaaaaaaa”.
He’ll be uttering “fascist traitor”. And he won’t be fucking at the time.
Steve won’t be fucking, ever again. Undoubtedly because of a fascist traitor somewhere. Or maybe just because, well… it’s Steve.
“When President Bill Clinton bypassed regular Justice Department channels to pardon financier Marc Rich, there was resounding and repeated outcry from conservative editorial boards — the Wall Street Journal, in particular. But they have been largely silent about Trump’s corrupt abuse of the pardoning power to date.”
Hypocrisy is erasing the last shreds of any moral authority the GOP ever could have pretended to claim …
you already have posted that idiotic copy-pasta twice before and it didn’t work any better then.
Face this one thing, now, before it’s too late, or there will be no redeeming you, your party, or “conservatism”:
Trump did it all to himself.
Trump’s Acting AG appointed and oversaw the Special Counsel.
Trump’s own party conducted the hearings, called the witnesses, and chose the questions.
Trump’s own United States Attorneys brought all the inductments, and secured the criminal convictions.
Trump’s hand picked lawmakers ran the elections that you and he claim are fraudulent.
Trump’s campaign funded the PACs that arranged the events on Jan 6th.
Trump paid for the jumbotrons, the staging, the PA system, the bleachers.
Trump even paid for some of the bus charters and hotel stays.
Democrats spent the first three years of the four years you are sobbing about doing absolutely nothing about Trump except trying to ignore him. Knowing he couldn’t win without corruption he invited Russia into the election in 2016. Knowing he couldn’t win he invited Ukraine into the election in 2020. And knowing he didn’t win, he invited traitors with pipe bombs to lay siege to our nation’s capitol.
Now you want us to ignore him?
Cry more pussy.
You fucking lost. You got your asses kicked back in November and again on Jan. 6th. You asswipe traitors are in no position to dictate terms to anybody. Even with the backing of the White House and the Republican Senate you fucktards can’t manage to coup. Losers don’t fuck. Losers walk.
Here are your terms bitch:
Learn to be a good citizen or go to jail.
@90 You’ve deteriorated to the mental state of a John Irving character.
@87 That’s quite a list of grievances. Next to you, Joe Btfsplk is a good luck charm. You’re one of those people who can’t walk to the mailbox without tripping on a sidewalk crack. Maybe you should stay indoors more.
“We remember that we were called every name in the book for supporting President Trump.”
I’ll admit that was overkill. “Stupid” is sufficient.
Last laughs to be had at the faylepreznitcy..
You heard of Schindler’s List? Hmmm?
Soon: Orange Dear Leader’s List..
How long will this list of criminals, grifters and always wrong wing traitors be? It’s gonna be hilarious.
Looks like DeSantis just increased the Covid whistleblower’s future settlement. Now Florida taxpayers get to pay her for false arrest and malicious prosecution, too.
teh dimfuk read something other than always wrong wing grift trash?
At one time maybe.. That Irving novel is a late 70’s relic..
Roll tape….
I never read Irving. Was that character a dumbfuck fascist traitor?
You Have the Right to Remain Silent Dep’t
“A New Mexico county commissioner who heads Cowboys for Trump was arrested Sunday in Washington, D.C., by Capitol Police after vowing to bring back his guns for Inauguration Day.
“Couy Griffin was wanted on an arrest warrant after storming … the Capitol [on] Jan. 6 …. He drove back from his New Mexico home in time for the inauguration Wednesday, a journey he chronicled on Facebook.
“Griffin said in a chilling Facebook video clip on ‘Inside Edition’ last Monday that ‘there’s going to be blood running’ from the Capitol when rioters return. ‘There will never be a Biden presidency,’ he vowed in an interview on the program. ‘We’re not going to allow it.’ …
“On Thursday, Griffin told his fellow commissioners that he planned to travel with his guns back to Washington for President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration … in a videotaped meeting ….
“‘I’ve got a .357 Henry Big Boy rifle, lever action, that I’ve got in the trunk of my car and I’ve got a .357 single-action revolver, the Colt Ruger Vaquero, that I’ll have underneath the front seat ….’
“He told FBI agents who interviewed him that he hoped a change in leadership could be accomplished ‘without a single shot being fired.’ But he noted if that was not an option, ‘that’s off the table for the sake of freedom,’ the affidavit stated. …
“Threatening messages concerning the inauguration have also been posted on his Cowboys for Trump Facebook page. …”
Watch Griffin being taken into FBI custody here:
Sovereign immunity. So long as the arrest warrant was issued in good faith, and she is afforded her right to due process, there is no tort.
Is it possible that FDLE swore an affidavit with information they knew to be false? Sure. And if that turns out to be the case, different story.
Here’s the most likely scenario: The search warrant last November was invalid. The affidavit contained falsehoods. The challenge to the warrant will ultimately be upheld. The arrest warrant, based upon evidence collected during the execution of the search warrant will only hold up if FDLE can show parallel construction. That is if they can show that they would have found that evidence anyway. But the defense is still awaiting discovery on that evidence. So at this point nobody knows what the arrest warrant is based on. Eventually the search warrant is quashed, the evidence is excluded and the prosecutor drops the charges.
Ultimately there’s a good chance here that sovereign immunity holds up since it looks like, despite the search and arrest being vindictive, politically motivated, and carried out entirely under false pretenses, they followed minimal legal steps to legitimize what they were doing.
Yet another example in how the sweeping powers we cede to police and prosecutors do not serve us well. An arrest warrant should require more than just a bunch of assholes signing papers and kicking down doors.
Bravo. Thank you.
100)Unfortunately, it took the riot and this threat to arrest him. Didnt he call for arrest and execution of Democrats months ago?
The credibility and imminent nature of a threat become a whole lot easier to establish in court once the threat has been carried out.
I’m not excusing the nihilism, violence, and open fascism of the GOP here.
But neither would I welcome any vast government apparatus to impose prior restraint, even on expression that is nihilistic or fascistic. I think the biggest failures leading up to this have been granting credibility to the continuous, incessant lying. The reluctance on the part of far too many Democrats to simply label them lies is part of the problem. The fear that “people in my district/state” would turn on them if they openly and aggressively opposed the GOP lying.
But I’m not ready for a government that gets to decide who is lying, or whose speech is too “threatening”. That’s playing right into the hands of the fascists.
Biden cancels Keystone.
Cry more, fascists!
Pillow CryBaby got served today by Dominion Systems.
Looking forward to it. A potentially rare instance when joint and several liability may apply in a defamation case. There certainly appear to have been some coordination and/or cooperation among the offending parties. We’ll just have to wait and see what discovery produces.
The company they keep.
@99 “I never read Irving.”
Of course you didn’t. You have better literary tastes than Dumbfuck. While he was reading “The World According to Garp,” you were reading Elie Wiesel’s “Night.” Here’s a clue: The principal character in “Cider House Rules” is a doctor who secretly performs abortions.
Hmmm, what is Doc channeling?
@101 Good faith and DeSantis can’t coexist in the same sentence.
@103 See photo here:
Trump supporters were ‘doing Putin’s bidding’ with failed coup attempt: Speaker Pelosi
The traitor Doctor Dumbfuck served Putin without his bidding. It’s just what he does. He obviously got off more serving Putin here in these threads than telling us about how all black male Americans deserve death.
He was warned what he was doing. He kept doing it anyway.
109)So he tried to act on it, and got arrested. Probably waiting on his pardon.
@111 Might be a long wait. Trump doesn’t give a shit about him, because there’s nothing in it for Trump.
“Rand Paul says convicting Trump would ‘destroy’ GOP”
Then what are we waiting for? Do it!
113)His wing should leave the Party of Lincoln, not the Lincoln Project leaving the GOP.
One more day and a wakeup. I haven’t felt this giddy since wheels-up outta The Nam.
Business as usual:
“Police stopped a car of Black men and confiscated two of their guns at Virginia’s annual “Lobby Day” on Monday while white gun rights activists defied local laws unimpeded in the state capital of Richmond.
“Reuters witnessed the police stop of the African Americans, which stood in contrast to dozens of white pro-gun activists on foot and in hundreds of trucks that drove through Richmond’s streets flying ‘Guns Save Lives’ flags without police interceding.
They were stopped one block from Richmond’s memorial to Confederate General Robert E. Lee, less than an hour after a white, anti-government ‘boogaloo’ leader boasted on a megaphone that his group was violating gun and ammunition laws.”
What were those black dudes thinking? Packing heat in a city crawling with armed white insurrectionists? They could’ve been shot!
Jim Wright
I guess they’re waiting until tomorrow to roll out the Republican healthcare plan.
@117 What are you talking about? They rolled it out years ago. The Republican health care plan is: No health care, mass death, tax cuts for the superrich.
Trump’s Census Dir has resigned ahead of potential criminal charges.
“Conservative” FOX News is now regularly insisting to its 10 million average daily audience on television, radio, the internet, podcasts, and mobile devices that their “conservative” views are being silenced.
I wrote to them and asked if I could come on to one of their programs to say I think they are confusing their “conservative” views being “silenced” with their “conservative” views being unpopular, frightening, and abhorrent. They told me to fuck off.
Should I feeeeeel silenced?
TIL pardons can be revoked.
W pardoned a wealthy criminal campaign donor right before Christmas at the end of his failed presidency. Then the very next day when the media began to humiliate him over it, he revoked it in shame. The dude served 5 months.
In 1869, on his third day in office, President Grant revoked two pardons issued by his predecessor. And it held up in court. The court essentially said that if the Constitution grants the President the power to reconsider a pardon (and they held that it did) then it also grants the President the power to reconsider it at any time prior to it being “executed”. And they further held that it didn’t matter if it wasn’t the same person serving as President. It was “the office” that mattered.
As near as I can tell now, at the closing moments of the most unsuccessful Presidency in US history, the emerging “ideology” of “conservatism” will be:
– The merciless slaughter of all who oppose you;
– Crippling protective tariffs.
The emerging McConnell ideology consists of throwing Trump under the bus. Looks like Barr is on board for that, too.
When you fuck over your loyal allies, when the day comes that you no longer have power worth sucking up to, you’ll find yourself all alone, and people you assumed were friends are now revealed as enemies.
Today’s crop of arrestees include 3 terrorists who attacked cops with (2) metal baseball bats and (1) steel crowbar.
Roger, I really think it’s about time you stopped “marginalizing” the “legitimate grievances” of “patriots”.
America can only begin healing when we stop “mocking and ridiculing” “heartland” America’s violent paramilitary racist killers and begin to really listen carefully to their hate./s
Veeeerrry “Patriotic”:
Violent, ultra-white-nationalist, anti-American meme-sharing and coup-planning social media platform Parler re-emerged today hosted on a Russian/GRU web server.
You can’t make this shit up. Rapepublicans do it for you first.
MyPillow crackhead had the worst day yesterday.
Got served by Dominion Systems and lost about half of his retail sales in a single day. Vulture capital has begun circling.
Warnig to Women and Girls in the Washington, DC :
A habitual groper and serial hair-sniffer will be getting a high government position tomorrow. Be alert! If you are in his general vicinity, leave immediately because he can’t keep his hands to himself.
(He also generally does not know where he is most of the time and apparently suffers from dementia.)
@128 Nope.. The kreep you talk about has been impeached twice and once out of office (within hours from now) will face lawsuits from a host of women for its numerous sexual assaults.
Of course it doesn’t care about that. To the orange freak nothing matters next to being cut off its oxygen of rolling over its massive debt to next greater fool bank. It’s run out of fools.
@ 128,
Have you seen his birth certificate?
I haven’t. Nobody I know has seen it either.
How the fuck do we even know if he’s human?
I’m just asking questions. Nothing wrong with that.
Don’t silence me.
“They were provoked by the President and other powerful people.”
Damn! Who said that? Notice it didn’t use the word “incited”..
@128 “Warnig to Women and Girls in the Washington, DC”
You’re too late with your warning. The traitor Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron leaves the WH tomorrow.
You should have said something about it four years ago.
That admonition which was repeated countless times didn’t quite work out the way the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck thought it would.
@125 Here’s a pillow they can cry into.
@128 How come this 4-year-old comment is posting today? Darryl, check the software.
Josh Hawley is still doing what he does best: Jerking off.
“Sen. Josh Hawley blocked quick consideration of President-elect Joe Biden’s Homeland Security nominee, Alejandro Mayorkas, on Tuesday, leaving the third-largest federal department without confirmed leadership as it faces national security concerns, a pandemic and an incoming president prepared to roll out ambitious immigration plans.
“The Missouri Republican’s decision stemmed from an exchange with Mayorkas hours earlier during the nominee’s confirmation hearing before the Senate Homeland Security Committee.
‘Mr. Mayorkas has not adequately explained how he will enforce federal law and secure the southern border given President-elect Biden’s promise to roll back major enforcement and security measures,’ Hawley said in a statement. ‘Just today, he declined to say he would enforce the laws Congress has already passed to secure the border wall system. Given this, I cannot consent to skip the standard vetting process and fast-track this nomination when so many questions remain unanswered,’ he continued.”
“Stand back and stand by.”
@ 119
Trump’s Census Dir has resigned ahead of potential criminal charges.
Biden’s Vice President-elect has resigned her Senate seat ahead of potential criminal conduct.
400,000 dead under the hideous, incompetent, treasonous GOP FailPresident for whom Tara twice debased herself with her vote of support. Along with 5,000 pro-Putin hashtags declaring her love and affection.
A fitting close to an horrific run of perfect awfulness.
Kill yourself now, Tara.
It is time.
No need, The Hump Virus will get him.
@140 – It’s the Chinese Communist Party that’s responsible for the virus. It was done intentionally, primarily to kill white people because the Chinese are very racist and chauvinistic. Other races don’t offer much of a threat to their communist power, so the Xi Jinping crowd is not much worried about them at this point. Once the Chinese Communist Party establishes its New China Empire, they may turn their attention to harming non-whites.
Now do the Lizard Men who stole the ballots.
Of all the Neanderthals that stormed The US Capital, that day they murdered the cop, how many do you think were gay?
Does it matter? Why not?
@138 Just when we hoped you couldn’t get any dumber, you go and do it again.
@139 Now let’s talk about Mike Pence’s future:
“Politically speaking, Pence is a man without a country. He is FAR too Trump-y for those within the GOP who want a clean break from the soon-to-be-former president. And he is not Trump-y enough for the diehard adherents of the 45th president. That no-man’s land is a very tough place to be politically ….
“The Point: Pence’s big gamble failed. Because he bet on a guy in Trump who views loyalty as a one-way street (among other character flaws). Pence is now, almost certainly, done in national politics — another victim of Trump’s political poison.”
In short, he doesn’t have one, nor does he deserve one.
“Christian” website used to raise money for cop killers:
New artwork for the Capitol Rotunda
The Wailing of the Snowflakes, 2021
@145 Pence can’t do the white power! fist pump like Hawley.
The orange wailing snowflakes will pale to cadaver white and line up behind Hawley..
It’s a lock for 2024.
Let us Pray. Hail Mary, Mother of God……
Bob’s going to have a new Party, it will be called The Boogaloons
Just kidding, you could already predict that some MAGA related Americanism name will be selected, or maybe The Ivankans.
‘Fraid so. Trading Senate seats in 2018 was perhaps supposed to be seen as some kind of big win for the Crybaby Caucus. But instead, all it really seems to have done was closed down the lanes for aspiring Christo-authoritarians.
Pence would grow a beard now, if Mother would allow it.
First up on “Dear Orange Leader’s List”:
Sloppy Steve “It’s for the fucking Wall” Bannon..
Oh that fucking wall Mexico was supposed to pay for.
@152 Next time some Repuke mutters “Marc Rich,” just smile and reply, “Paul Manafort, Mike Flynn, Steven Bannon, and too many other traitors to name.”
Steve Bannon will never, ever be buried in Arlington National Cemetery. They don’t bury pardoned felons there.
I dunno. Maybe four children was just too many for Kellyanne.
President-Elect Biden and family are attending mass in preparation for this great day. The GOP Failure is now wheels up and speeding away from our nation’s capitol never to return.
A Great Day is dawning!
From crime scene to global cradle of democracy in fourteen days.
Something has changed.