Meidas Touch with Heather Gardner: State TV is in trouble
LegalEagle: What’s the deal with “packing the court”
Roll Call: Three defense takeaways from the massive spending bill
President-elect Joe Biden and VP-elect Kamala Harris:
- Daily Show Rewind: Трамп and FAUX News struggle to attack VP-elect Kamala Harris
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп will not Be missed at the inauguration ♬
- Robert Reich: What election day revealed about progressive policies
- The GOP has no proof of election fraud
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ I love to think about inauguration day ♬:
- Vox: Why Biden’s presidency hinges on one last election
- Daily Show Rewind: The Dotard Трамп, loser-in-chief
MoveOn: These activists made history in 2020
LegalEagle: Did John Roberts scream at the other Justices?
The Dotard Трамп and His Co-seditioners:
- Daily Show Rewind: Remembering Трамп’s WALL
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп is furious at Mike Pence over the 2020 election
- LegalEagle: When Трамп’s lawyers tell the truth
- Now This: Трамп admin rushes executions before Biden’s inauguration
- Don Winslow Films: #EverybodyIsTurningOnТрамп
- Keith Olbermann: After Трамп’s pardon orgy, we need a Special Counsel to prosecute them all
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп BATTLES Mitch McConnell over stimulus checks
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ A modern lullaby (presenting a perplexing question) ♬
- Really American: Трамп issues sweeping pardons for a murderer and other criminals
- Pramila Jayapal on Трамп derailing covid relief talks—Democrats wanted $2000 checks
- Maestro Ziikos♫ The Dotard Трамп sings I will survive ♬
- The Founders Sing: ♫ Free-loader ♬:
- Don Winslow Films: #TrumpsGreatWall
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard wants to declare martial law
- Daily Show Rewind: Remembering The Dotard’s India visit
- LegalEagle: Special Counsel Sidney Powell?
- SNL Weekend Update: A look back at Трамп’s presidency
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Where the hell is Dotard Трамп ♬
- Keith Olbermann: Rep. Mo Brooks confirms the coup plotters met at White House with Трамп and Pence
Drunk History: Best of Teddy Roosevelt
Now This: Texas ranch owners organize “Say their names” memorial
Desi Lydic: Arizona daylight savings time opt-out
Holiday Politics:
- Parody Project: ♫ Twelve stains of Трамп’s mess (revised) ♬
- J-L Cauvin: Merry Christmas from Mitch McConnell
- Rocky Mountain Mike: ♫ We fleece MAGA clods ♬
- Missy Model: ♫ Climate change is killing our town ♬
- Robert Reich and family: How to win arguments with your conservative uncle Bob
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ The Dotard Трамп Christmas song ♬
- Roy Wood, Jr.: CP Time—Black Christmas
- Now This: President-elect Joe Biden addresses America for Christmas
- Desi Lydic: How to talk to racist family members during the holidays
- Jonathan Mann: ♫ Santa’s “evil” twin ♬
- Full Frontal’s ♫ 2020 Yule Log ♬
- Robert Reich: ♫ Stealing DeJoy out of Christmas ♬:
- Maestro Ziikos: ♫ The Dotard Трамп sings underneath the tree ♬
- LegalEagle: “Merry” Christmas* [from] a lawyer [sic]
- Parody Project♫ Sigh in the night ♬
- SNL: ♫ Christmas morning ♬
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard wishes Americans a strong Merry Christmas
- Lauren Mayer: ♫ Guess I picked the wrong year to quit sniffing glue ♬
- John DomenicoТрамп goes off the rails during Christmas speech claiming Biden hates Santa, Elves & baby Jesus
- The Late Show: Holiday message For 2020
LegalEagle: Massive changes to copyright?
Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Man up and go away (MAGA song) ♬
Roll Call: Three tech takeaways from the massive spending bill
The Week in ТрампPlague:
- Meidas Touch: How the COVID-19 vaccine works
- Now This: President-elect Joe Biden gets first dose of COVID-19 vaccine
- SNL: Pence gets the vaccine
- Keith Olbermann: Трамп screws up Covid-19…again…But, emerging suggestions on how to PROSECUTE him for it
- BuzzFeed: Doctor answers your burning questions about COVID-19 vaccines
- Roll Call: Top 3 health care things to know from the spending bill
- Meidas Touch with Heather Gardner: WTF?! GOP covid-deniers get vaccinated first?
- Now This: Dr. Fauci gets the COVID-19 vaccine
- Jimmy Kimmel: Fauchi on a Couchi
Blaire Erskine: $600 is more than enough!!!!!
Mark Fiore: The year in bad
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Here’s Puddy’s “pension bailout”:
“Congress provided $150 billion to state and local governments to help them cover coronavirus-related expenses. … Most of the money has been used for health-related expenses, economic relief, education and child care, and government expenses.”
Republicans like Pudidiot are good at BULLSHITTIUM. Competence? Know what they’re talking about? Fuggedaboutit.
@ #1 RR:
It’s pablum for dung beetles. Turd-rollers like SpittlePuddles there have nothing in their lives other than to make sure that the people that serve them their food in restaurants are living in tents next to I-5, on food stamps, and the people who make cities function are constantly disparaged and ridiculed for holding patronage jobs. Anyone making less than them is a criminal, anyone making more is a God.
What is now known is that there are 70 Million people in this country who are visibly very psychologically disturbed and incapable of making good decisions.
What Republicans believe:
That paying cash directly to the President of the United States in return for pardons is acceptable.
That the President may solicit donations from a candidate for Attorney General of a State to a shell charity in return for political support for that candidacy.
That the President of the United States may commit any felony in the course of his administration and then pardon himself.
Justice will not be served until that man and his crime family are all kicking at the end of a rope. Treason, Sedition and using the office for personal gain cannot be tolerated.
In Fat Donny’s world, every accusation is a confession.
This little bit of news will surely brighten Doctor Dumbfuck’s day.
Bodycam footage shows Ohio cop killing unarmed Black man for sitting in his own car
@2 “What is now known is that there are 70 Million people in this country who are visibly very psychologically disturbed and incapable of making good decisions.”
Yeah, and you’re one of ’em!
PDF consistently and exclusively whines whenever a Republican is being ridiculed.
(Probably a Pudiot sock-puppet)
How are we supposed to parody “conservatives” when they all parody themselves?
The Nashville bombing is probably the work of more than one criminal.
@ #6:
No, I voted for the guy who isn’t a complete fucking lunatic.
Fat Donny should have been convicted and put in prison thirty years ago. Now, he’s straight-up eligible for the death penalty.
Speaking of complete fucking lunatics.
In a just world this guy would be tackled to the ground and frog-marched all the way to the local Police Precinct. Funny how Right-wingnutters are such children about everything.
The Q Clearance Cat Lady has a bowl of 100 Christmas candies made by her beloved FailPresident.
One of them is a deadly poison that will kill you.
The other 99 will make you quite ill.
About twenty five of them will put you in a hospital for a few days and cost you about $9000 out of pocket.
About ten of them will leave you sick for many years to come.
The Q Clearance Cat Lady would like you to stop “exaggerating” and just try one.
For you, “hotpants” Fat Donny.
Yep, a Real American Hero® right there.
the case fatality rate from infection by the Wuhan is < 2%. By the time all this is done it will be < 1%.
the freak from widbee bleats from its safe space.
# of deaths from ebola in this country on the black guy’s watch..
# of deaths from “teh wuhan” on orange dear leader’s watch:
331,561.. at a 9/11 clip every day..
Shall we change the subject? or is it: yay for repuke governance! How’s about that stock market?
COVID relief is socialism, but no Repuke has the balls to utter the word at this time.
@6 Why do you say that? He doesn’t fit the profile. You, on the other hand, are actively suspeted on this blog of being one of those 71 million deranged people who inexplicably voted for Trump.
@8 At the moment, it appears to be the handiwork of a lonely 63-year-old incel who dabbled in computers, electronics, and alarm systems before deciding to blow himself up.
@10 Probably one of those guys who goes around pronouncing “nuclear” as “nukular,” and is pissed about getting a rejection letter from the Mensa admissions office.
“I got a 93 on the test! That’s an ‘A’ grade!”
We’re hearing more from ‘froggy this week.
Which makes sense, actually. With all the holidays no one is around to make sure he spends his time applying for jobs in order to keep that unemployment check every week.
So he can hang out here, engaging in just some of the behavior that makes him habitually unemployable.
@ 19:
Y’know, the problem with being a one-trick pony is that as such, you can only turn one kind of trick. If you had any real imagination you’d learn a different lick. Not all your customers are Baptists, y’know.
Hey Steve @ 5
No one provided aid to Hill. There’s far less of an issue with why he was shot than with what was not done for him after he was shot.
Unfortunate that he was killed. He was clearly told to show his hands. He showed one of them.
Since you didn’t click past what Rawstory told you, Steve, I’m sure all of this is news to you.
Had you clicked past what Rawstory told you, you could have found another video, providing the audio and video of the commands given by the officers.
Taking Rawstory at face value repeatedly ends up embarrassing you, Steve. When are you going to learn to find a second source?
@ 21:
That doesn’t change the basic fact that he was shot dead, unarmed and posing no threat to the cops, all within ten seconds of their arrival.
They went there to do a killing. They got their bag for the day. They probably went home to have the best sex of their lives.
@ 22
They knew he was no threat… how?
He could have shown his right hand. Then they would have known.
Looked to me like LE approached Hill awfully quickly. You have no idea when they arrived relative to when the handgun was fired, ‘froggy. This isn’t Tamir Rice territory, in which video encompasses the vehicle and both parties. Neither do I. The difference between us is I’m not regurgitating Rawstory.
Medical aid was not rendered for minutes. That’s why this is a story.
@ 23:
They assumed he was from the get-go, based on the color of his skin. If he was White it is highly probable that they wouldn’t even have drawn their weapons at all, and even more probable that they wouldn’t even have been called in the first place. He was committing no infractions, nor acting in any manner that would have been considered threatening to anyone.
Notice that they’re shining their flashlights right into his eyes and shot him from a distance of about 25-30 feet. He didn’t know what was going on. The only thing they didn’t do this time was high-five each other.
Funny how someone being approached from the street by a cop is required to act cool, calm and collected, and the Cop is not just permitted, but required to act with the most violent reaction in the shortest possible amount of time to certain stimuli, such as a black skinned human being out in view of the public.
I suppose it’s better to just murder someone if they don’t instantly offer a “correct” reaction to one’s presence, if one is Police Officer. Better safe than sorry, right? A dead cop is a reason for national days of mourning and the flag being kept at half-staff for a week, but another dead black man at the hands of a Cop is only dead entirely through his own actions and should have behaved differently if he didn’t want to be summarily executed in his own goddamn house.
@ 24
They assumed he was from the get-go, based on the color of his skin.
Now you’re behaving like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, assuming you have total command of an event because you read the first few paragraphs of a story.
Here’s one image of the guy:
Here’s another image of the guy:
This guy looks like me. Now take his skin color and wash it out with the flashlight they shined into his face. Tell me how that translates into black man.
‘froggy, you’re a fucking clown. Just like Roger Rabbit, only with less propensity to bloviate at the drop of a hat.
The cop will be fired, quickly. Notice nobody is talking about charging him with murder, or charging him with anything else.
Ben Crump, the attorney representing Hill’s family, said he will be bringing a wrongful death civil lawsuit forward.
“Until we get justice for Andre’ Hill, there won’t be no peace in Columbus, there won’t be no peace in Ohio, there won’t be no peace in America,” Crump said.
Ben Crump wants to get paid. No payoff, no peace.
17)Suicide bombing, fits the profile of certain mid-east groups. Although in Season 2 of the Handmaids Tale, the bombing of Red Center by Mayday was carried out by onr Handmaid.
Instead of picturing The Q Clearance Cat Lady reading your well thought out rejoinders and digging desperately for some internet fallacy that can save him, I want you to consider an alternative.
A marginally obese, liver-spotted incel with receding hairline laying damp across his sweat-beaded forehead eagerly grinning like an idiot and violently choke-fapping as he reads your comments.
This shit is his porn, man.
A point by point dissection of the violent death of an unarmed African American male is VR porn fantasy for him.
Don’t give it to him.
Or at least make him work for it. Ruin it for him.
@21 “Unfortunate that he was killed. He was clearly told to show his hands. He showed one of them.”
That’s all the justification you need for taking a black man’s life, isn’t it? After all, it’s all the cops need — when the man they kill is black. Different story when he’s white:
Move along folks, no racism to see here, doc is just being a dumbfuck.
@25 So now flashlights turn black men white?
Guy goes into bowling alley, starts randomly shooting people; cops arrive, enter building while shooter is still inside, and …
… he’s in custody, not dead. I wonder if he’s black?
Called it.
Here’s some cop porn that our resident Badge Bunny, The Q Clearance Cat Lady should really enjoy:
From “Human Interaction Specialist” to #canceled in less than 24 hrs.
How does $1 billion to Egypt help struggling restaurant workers in this country?
@ 33:
How does $3.2 Trillion to oil companies, televangelists, warehouse sales companies, military suppliers and insurance companies help the struggling restaurant workers in this country?
What they’re doing is turning the entire country into a company town.
At any rate, the specialists in the field warned the Government about right-wing terrorists over 12 years ago, and were pointedly ignored. They did however, massively increase terrorist surveillance of environmental groups and other Liberal organizations, organizations that had no record of violent activity.
@33 “The United States will focus Foreign Military Financing (FMF) programs on improving Egypt’s ability to combat terrorism and protect its borders. Economic Support Fund (ESF) assistance will … reinforce Egypt’s long-term stability and efforts to reduce drivers of violent extremism.”
I dunno, maybe keep somebody from blowing your ass up? Also, feeding hungry people in other countries is beneath your dignity, isn’t it? After all, you make it a crime to feed hungry people on your own sidewalks. You’d jail a homeless person for asking for a sandwich on Christmas Day.
Happy day after day after Christmas, everybody!
No fruitcake left here.
No ham, either.
All gone.
Now do Wilbur Ross.
But before you do, try and keep up with how your Republican Leadership are running the Senate.
It was their decision to combine the pandemic relief bill with the year-end spending bill. A decision that had previously been approved by your impeached FailPresident. And now it will be their decision to go along with him and scuttle the whole thing because none of you can get over losing this badly.
And flipping Georgia.
The Venn diagram of religious psychopathy and narcissistic personality disorder is probably a nearly perfect circle.
Certainly we have at least one such example in this place.
Why all this grief about a $600 check? Yes, the pork is atrocious, but why not get the $600 checks out now and then pass a new stimulus bill, sans pork, for a $1,400 check a week later? This doesn’t have to be complicated, folks.
More Covidiot fun.
Pay attention. Or delete your account you fucking simpleton.
Having sat on and stalled pandemic stimulus since May, and with the impeached Republican FailPresident having thrown a tantrum, Senate Republicans ran out of time. So they combined pandemic stimulus with a year-end appropriation into a single vote. That’s what Trump is planning to veto. Appropriation bills are a pro-forma feature of the federal budget process. What you call “pork” has been authorized in an annual budget bill negotiated between the Republican White House, the Republican Senate, and the Democratic House months ago, before the beginning of the current fiscal year (October 1). The spending bill simply authorizes the Treasury to release funding to the various departments and agencies according to the schedule. Without that legal authority the Treasury may not release the funding and the departments and agencies may not spend it, regardless of whatever was agreed to in the budget previously before October.
Why is it complicated? Deficit hawk “clown conservatives” have made it so. They demand this process. They start by only offering short term appropriation authority. They do this during election years so that they can trick idiots like you into believing that they give a shit. That gets them “off the hook”. But only until after November. It’s all political theater. So that they can create just exactly this kind of cliff hanging drama which they use to conjure up votes and donations from mouth breathers just like you.
Congratulations. You fell for it again.
Delete your account. And stop spreading misinformation designed to destroy the republic, you traitor.
33, 39,
There’s your struggling hospitality worker.
Delete you shitty Facebook account, stop voting for Republicans, and do something for her.
She doesn’t deserve your shit.
“What you call “pork” has been authorized in an annual budget bill negotiated between the Republican White House, ”
Wasteful spending is wasteful spending no matter what party does it or even if both parties do it simultaneously.
Why don’t YOU do us all a favor and delete your existence.
By the way, I don’t have a Facebook account.
The GOP’s lead election crybaby attorney is now calling for all Georgia Republican voters to “boycott” the Jan 5 US Senate runoff elections.
He says he has “secret” proof that the “Dominion algorithm” is designed to “steal” Republican votes and give them to Democrats. So if Republican voters don’t show up the “algorithm” will “steal” so many that the Republican totals will “go negative” and “prove fraud”.
But not to worry, SCOTUS upon seeing the fraud will vacate the results, throw Perdue, Loeffler, and Kemp in prison for treason, and friends of the impeached FailPresident can take their places.
It’s good to see The Fuckhump taking the UK variant of the Fuckhump Virus so responsibly and seriously.
Oh Thomas, you seem to have resurrected yourself after being dead for the last four years. Get your idiot brain back in the casket.
The Fuckhump why he won’t sign the bill?
I personally don’t get a dime, but sounds like you need the pork yourself.
Anti maskers just put a responsibly worker out on the street for fun, hope they’re proud of putting people out of work. Bet they didn’t see that coming.
They wanted an argument, they wanted a scene, and all they got was see you and don’t let the door hit you in the ass with your tail between your legs.
Kind of like blowing up your own downtown
They refused his service! Go damn it! They refused his service!
Is he gay? Must be!
No cake, no Walmart
@38 What a meltdown! Probably was snowed in at a remote cabin too long. Isolation gets to you stupid humans after a while. Rabbits don’t have that problem. It doesn’t bother us a bit to go through a whole winter without seeing a single wolf.
@39 Why not just pass what the country needs? Money for vaccine distribution, to run the post office, reopen schools, support small businesses, save jobs, etc.?
Not being assholes is even simpler, but apparently too challenging for your side to manage.
@43 Of course, the spending you want is never “wasteful” …
@44 I like his reasoning, and I’ll like it even better if Georgia’s Republican voters take it to heart and act on it.
@49 He probably doesn’t tip anyway; he’s probably one of these people.
Answering my own question @30, the Rockford bowling alley shooter is a white army guy, and at least one of the victims is a black guy. That may explain why he’s “in custody,” not dead, given that he was still in the building when the cops arrived.
I’ll bet Trump wishes he could do this.
@ 56 RR:
Several of the people arrested by the Secret Police during the Portland BLM/AntiFa protests in Portland, and Seattle, as well as the pipeline protests in South Dakota a couple of years ago were reporters. They were specifically identified and targeted. My cousin spent 2 days in a Federal Detention Center in Utah after she was arrested. She was pretty much forced to sign a waiver that stated that she would not speak of her arrest or detention, or she’d be brought up on Federal trespassing and obstruction charges. She was not alone in this. The Secret Police were staging roadblocks 40 miles from the protest and checking cars for “out-of State” driver’s licenses, anyone with apparent reporters credentials were
arresteddetained for questioning. The full force of Federal Law Enforcement was brought to bear on her and about 150 other people and nobody seems to know which agencies were in charge of this, nobody is even admitting that these “detentions” even occurred. So far the only thing anyone has seen is deny, deny, deny.This is why the Cops weren’t wearing any identifiers like badges or agency patches. She thinks they were private mercenaries.
Shit’s going to hit the fan in that regard come next February and March.
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@24. 28 Well said.
Doc is a racist incel. He confirms that every time he types here.