Bill Maher: American ninja warrior—Democracy edition
True Colors: How Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ended up in politics
Biden—Harris 2020:
- Trevor: Biden laps Трамп in fundraising
- Keith Olbermann: Terrorist Трамп tips parts of plan to keep oower
- Larry Wilmore: What are “gettable” voters, and how do you get them?
- The New York Times: This U.S. election could be the most secure yet. Here’s why.
- Samantha Bee: The nightmare before election day pt. 1
- Bad Lip Reading: Debate night:
- Samantha Bee: The nightmare before election day pt. 2
- Trevor: Трамп & Biden spar over Lincoln, child detention & race
- The Late Show: Rudy, the Russians, and Hunter’s lappy yop
- Keith Olbermann: The Dotard runs out of bullshit
- Songify the News: THE LAST FIGHT—Трамп vs. Biden
- J-L Cauvin: Pence roasts Kamala on her birthday
- College Humor: What undecided voters look like to everyone else
- Bruce W. Nelson: Reject the dictator
- Jimmy Kimmel on Трамп and Biden’s final debate
- Roy Zimmerman: Vote him away (version 3):
- Desi Lydic Foxsplains Hunter Biden
- Stephen: Desperate Dotard attacks Dr. Fauci, dances for votes on the campaign trail
- Larry Wilmore: Трамп has abandoned his core voting bloc…old white people
- Trevor: Early voting sets records as The Dotard trashes Dr. Fauci
- Robert Reich: How to stop Трамп from stealing the election
- The Late Show: The Dotard’s microphone calls him out
- SNL: Dueling town halls
- Jimmy Kimmel: 3-Year-Old Billy Kimmel is what this election is about:
- Amber Ruffin: Kamala Harris’ name isn’t that hard to pronounce
- Samantha Bee: Every vote counts—Panel of losers
- Trevor: Why is Lindsey Graham Begging for money? And tales of other likely 2020 roadkill
- Stephen: The Dotard trashes New York, Joe unveils ‘Bidencare’ at final debate
Amber Ruffin: The one constant in these “uncertain times”
Robert Reich: What happened to the Voting Rights Act?
Francesca Fiorentini: Socialism—Republicans keep being forced to love it
The Dotard Трамп and Other High Level Grifters and Deplorables:
- Trevor: Трамп’s border wall—A four-year saga
- Jimmy Kimmel: OF COURSE the Dotard has a secret Chinese bank account
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard never heard of Borat or Rudy
- Seth Meyers: Трамп ignores COVID spike, says he’ll leave the country if he loses
- Keith Olbermann: Rudy caught with his Borat hanging out
- The Late Show: The White House’s cut of Трамп’s “60 Minutes” interview (exclusive preview)
- The Daily Show: How to spot a Трамп lie
- Bruce W. Nelson: We’re rounding the corner on COVID
- Vox: How America could lose its allies
- John Di Domenico: Трамп rants—My favorite people are vulnerable seniors, etc.
- Seth Meyers: The Dotard leaks embarrassing 60 minutes interview before second debate
- Lauren Mayer: If I wrote a song (every time Трамп said something stupid):
- Full Frontal: The worst four years ever
- The Late Show: Instagram gods respond to Dotard Трамп, Jr.
- Trevor: Трамп’s first term trips abroad
- Bruce W. Nelson: “Reading with Mangy”, lesson one, the “TR” and “UMP” sounds.
- Stephen: Cruelty was the plan—Chilling news about the human toll of Трамп’s child separation policy
- SNL Weekend Update: Трамп stuff
- Seth Meyers: Трамп storms out of 60 minutes interview, attacks Lesley Stahl
- WaPo: The Dotard keeps taking credit for Obama’s Veterans Choice Act
- Bill Maher: From Russia with yuck
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп reviews HBOs 537 Votes
- Bruce W. Nelson: Трамп ain’t as tall as he seems
- The Late Show: Learn to dance like The Dotard Трамп
- Roy Wood Jr.: Трамп’s top 100 scandals—100 to 76
- Keith Olbermann: Трамп’s errand boy Rudy Guliani is exposing “corruption”…
Mainers for Accountable Leadership: Susan Collins’ final sct
Seth Meyers: Back in my day….
Vox: Why American public transit is so bad
Superspreading ТрампPlague:
- The Daily Show: The Dotard doesn’t understand corners
- John Oliver: The World Health Organization
- Lauren Mayer:
- Keith Olbermann: Трамп’s TIRED of covid? I’M tired of him KILLING us
- The Late Show: The Dotard dances with Covid-19 and the Grim Reaper
- Bill Maher: New Words for 2020
- Noah Lindquist and friends: Wear a mask:
- Samantha Bee: Declaration of incompetence
- Our Cartoon President: The Dotard declares war on COVID-19
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп attacks Fauci as COVID cases spike
- Stephen: Joy Reid notes that the pandemic has magnified Трамп’s worst qualities and ruined the GOP’s political fortunes
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп is firing Dr. Fauci
- Jimmy Dore: Chris Christie got COVID!
- Trevor: The week in coronavirus
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship
Trevor: Sen. Elizabeth Warren on fighting Republicans’ threats to democracy
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Wierd way for Christie to come around on masks.
Friday, there was a low key cerremony on 6th Ave outside of Metro’s Atlantic Base. It waz not just the retirement of Metro’s 1100 series coaches, but the end of an era dating back to the feeder buses of the old Seattle Municipal Street Railway. These buses were Metros last non-electric or non hybrid drive buses.
Except for 13 Hybrids on order for RapidRide G, it’s mostly battery electrics on order. Continuing a tradition of electric transit in Srattle going back to 1889.
The Rudy video…disgusting!
Heh. Tucking in his shirt.
225,000 dead Americans.
225,000 reasons to not for Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron.
Reason 225,001? Putting an end to our nation’s pandemic response being led by a dumbfuck radiologist.
Dumbfuck radiologists. Seems to be a thing these days. What’s up with that??
Looks like COVID has claimed another international trade show, Innotrans, in Beelin. I ave followed it in various publications for years, seeing the newest variants of trains until recently, would never see on American Rails. The last weekend, the new rolling stock display was actually open to the public. It’s held every two years, was delayed until next April, they will now wait until 2022 when the next one would have been held. The Aviation equivelants are Paris and Faenborough.
Trolls4Trump need a uniform polling error of 7 points to win.
Or put another way, with over 54 million votes already cast they need about a ten point swing in their favor among votes still out.
Or put another way, with over 23 million votes already cast they need a fifteen point swing among Democrats in their favor.
Or put another way, with over 4 million ballots already cast they need a twenty point swing among African Americans in their favor.
As you can see, Trolls4Trump have many paths to victory.
One reason Biden might have let on that his administration will be looking at fossil fuel industry, and a reason he maybe shouldn’t have: Moscow Mitch’s Senate Leadership Fund stepped up in the last week with about a $55 million pull they will be dumping into vulnerable races. Over half that cash came from a Cheney family controlled dark money, tax exempt non-profit operated by Karl Rove that works for the domestic drilling, fracking, and polluting industry.
It still wasn’t enough to overcome the small donor campaign fundraising program of Democrats. So Dems should definitely stay the course and go after the oily bastards. The industry chose treason, death, and pollution. The industry should pay for that choice.
@4 – Don’t worry, Steve. Those 225,000 votes will go for Democrats. I’m sure election entities such as King County Elections are working on making sure those dead folks vote the correct way, which is for Biden and every other Democrat on the ballot anywhere in the US.
@8 Relax. You can rest easy knowing that those 225,000 dead Americans killed by the Trump Plague who will be voting for democrats from the grave this year are hardly enough to make up for GOP voter suppression. Hell, it wouldn’t even cover Georgia alone.
And you’ve got some new voter suppression methods this year. Clever though obvious move, Jerry Jeff, fucking with the USPS the way you’ve done. So how many voters trying to exercise their right to vote do you hope to stop with that? Millions?
@9 – I didn’t vote for Trump, Steve. There are people out there who don’t vote for Democrats or Republicans, but we certainly know a bunch of cheating assholes and lying like you and your ilk when we see them.
(BTW, it’s the Wuhan Virus. The Chinese Communist
Party deployed it on purpose to fuck with our election. They are working for Biden. The Russians might be supporting Trump.)
How to deny being a racist while being a racist in a town full of ignorant racist fucks: “Nice family you got there. Would be a shame if anything happened to it.”
See? Doesn’t use the “n” word.
@8 More proof your side is out of ideas, and all you have left is lies.
@10 “I didn’t vote for Trump, Steve.”
Just what we need, another troll who won’t take sides in a fight. Grow a pair, dude, and fight for something. Bobby Lee’s soldiers, whatever might be said about their cause, weren’t shirkers like you.
@10 “(BTW, it’s the Wuhan Virus. The Chinese Communist
Party deployed it on purpose to fuck with our election. They are working for Biden. The Russians might be supporting Trump.)”
This is more like it. Better to be racist, stupid, ignorant, and wrong, than a knot in a piece of firewood.
What a squawking rooster flapping its wings looks like:
“A lawyer for Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner threatened legal action against the Lincoln Project over New York City billboards that depict the pair as showing “indifference” toward the toll of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a letter shared by the anti-Trump Republican group.”
Do I need to explain New York Times v. Sullivan?
Or how to draw vastly more attention to the message you object to than it would otherwise get by making empty threats?
People are finding it difficult to publicly admit being pro-Trump racist Nazis.
That said, people are entitled to not live in fear, and not have their homes or cars vandalized, merely because they’re stupid, ignorant, racist, and anti-democracy. Nor should they be ostracized at work or play; just don’t socialize with them, that’s all. And, of course, dating is out of the question — unless you’re one of them.
Even Lou Dobbs can’t stomach Lindsey Graham.
Not that it matters. But she’ll win in Alaska in 2022 no matter how she votes. Might as well vote for a deserving candidate.
She objected to the process. That part is over and done with. No reason to object to a qualified candidate herself.
I had to remind gman that he sucks cock for fun.
Chelsea Handler ‘I had to remind 50 Cent that he was a Black person’
Yesterday I posted a satirical joke that Mark Kelly had threatened to put a bullet in his wife’s brain.
Mark Kelly is understandably unhappy, and wants to make absolutely clear that he would only shoot his wife in the head if he finds out that she’s a Jew.
Trump’s now tweeting on the DHS site, too.
To be fair, Politico is an excellent fiction writer.
Going with Senile was a great strategy.
Joe Biden went on a year about Hillary Clinton and her emails at a campaign event. Moved on to how stupid calling half of America deplorable was. Then asked, “Can you imagine if I lost Iowa?”
He was in North Carolina.
And also that was Donald ‘Sharp as A cotton swab’ Trump
There’s some noise today about the 18-26 early voting totals.
500k already in Texas. Just under 700k in that group was the final total in 2016 certified final count.
MI reporting 120% 18-26 than this time in 2016.
Nationwide 3.9m have voted. 1.4m at this point in 2016
If this is the year youth finally turn out there’s no saving Donald.
Keep in mind all the polling has low youth turnout bakes into their modeling. We’ll see but this could be very ugly for GOP if the kids have finally had enough. I have a theory. Wanting Bernie twice but not voting in the primary woke some people up. They don’t like Joe but holy shit they hate Donald.
The choice this year isn’t lesser of two evils. It’s an actually evil party or a cup of coffee when you were hoping for Kombucha.
Of course she will. So will Collins. They all will.
And we will.
@20 “Yesterday I posted a satirical joke that Mark Kelly had threatened to put a bullet in his wife’s brain.”
Yesterday I didn’t post a satirical joke that Trump had threatened to put a bullet in his wife’s brain.
That’s one of the differences between you and me, doc.
@21 The Nazis weren’t leftwing or rightwing, either. They were simply violent extremists. And, like you, they joked about shooting Jews in the head.
@22 Hillary was off by 8%. Only 42% of America is deplorable.
@23 He doesn’t think the GOP’s senate chances look so hot, either.
50-64, down 2.5% as a share of total turnout.
65+, down 1.2%
40-49, up 1%
30-39, up 2%
18-29, up 2%
This in a surge turnout cycle is a bad combination for the White Supremacy Party.
It’s a demographic trap that has been closing on Trolls4Trump’s throats for more than a decade. This year it snaps their heads off.
@ 23
If this is the year youth finally turn out there’s no saving Donald.
I feel an “absolute lock” coming on.
@ 27
@22 Hillary was off by 8%.
Democrats were off by three SCOTUS associate justices. And counting.
Apparently at least one tape of Hunter Biden having sex and smoking crack cocaine is available for viewing on a Mandarin-language Chinese TV station website.
1.65 million views so far. Won’t load for me. Not yet.
Hunter Biden getting a foot job, and whatever he’s smoking it isn’t a Marlboro.
The only job Hunter ever got on his own is the handjob he’s giving himself right now.
Meanwhile, on Reddit:
Posted byu/Ralphusthegreatus
5 hours ago
Hunter Biden Sex Tape has just dropped.
You sure? I thought they unleashed it upon the world to fuck with Wall Street and its great rise, and to manufacture the lowest unemployment levels in centuries. Those crafty Chinamen. You suppose some of them are pedophiles too? Nooooo!
@35 what’s wrong you need more than just a horse’s cock? Isn’t the horse’s cock enough?
Hey Bob at least Biden’s kids weren’t fucking retards!
And you, Bob, rape a horse.
By the way, your brother sucked dick for fun too.
She’s not wrong.
It’s not working any better than TARA did.
But lots less sympathetic.
I mean, sure obviously it was really horrible to exploit a vulnerable, mentally ill woman for a campaign smear.
But to exploit Rudy?
He’s the Corky Thatcher of GOP politics.
@ 41
It’s not working any better than TARA did.
It’s been only six hours, and TARA DIDN’T HAVE VIDEO.
Snap election in BC tonight. So far the NDP is approaching majority territory, but it is early. The Greens were ahead in 6 seats but down to 4. There will be a lot of Mail in votes, snd the Liberals are in 2nd.
The CBC has called it, rhe New Democratic Premier calling the election taking his poll numbers for a spin, paid off. Apparently the NDP was too far ahead in too many BC Liberal seats. NDP Majority. Not like 2017.
Just rip the Band-Aid off and it will only hurt for a second.
Every day for the next 40 years.
@32 “1.65 million views so far.”
1,649,998 of them were 15-year-old boys. The other 2 were you and Donnie Trump Jr.
@45 We don’t want her to be lonely, so we’ll enlarge the court and appoint some more justices to keep her company. How’s that sound?
Just don’t forget, we offered you Pence/Haley and you turned it down.
It’s your call if you want to go down this way, pimping Macedonian DeepFakes, trafficking Chinese hookers, raving about global cannibalism rings, and exploiting mentally disturbed people. Before the next 24 hr cycle is complete you’ll be insisting that there’s a vast gaslighting conspiracy to prevent you from choke-fapping to porn that doesn’t exist. And it isn’t just “anonymous” you. It’s your whole fucking movement, from Matt Schlapp to Crazy Uncle LIberty at the end of the bar. It’s being noticed, btw.
A re-branding strategy is a good move in the face of widespread public condemnation and rejection. But I think you may be working with the wrong consultants.
Still your call. Always has been, from Mueller, to Pizza Cannibal Dungeon, to “just a flu”, and now “invisible porn”. These are your decisions emerging from your decision making process.
If he understood it, The Q Clearance Cat Lady could look on with envy at the prospect of a fractious, more politically strident and distinct opposition party in a multi-party system finding its footing in regional races in order to gain greater national influence.
Instead like most Rapepublicans, The Q Clearance Cat Lady will now be forever consigned to living in their 1980s safe place surrounded by Nagel prints and pouring over the latest faxes informing them of their triumphs.
“It was really a terrible feeling to know that you are this stupid and this wrong.”
Apparently some people can get used to it.
More Obummer scum acting with impunity getting exposed.
dummocretin are scum
A Black veteran was attacked by dot bombed, BeerPong, senile idiot wabbit, PortaPotty, gleeman, Dead&Deformed, etc. friends.
Watch the video and see how demented dummocretin scum let everyone know only certain black lives matter to them.
dummocretin are scum
Awwwwww, the Oklahoma snowflakes are triggered! Safe spaces are threatened!
Meanwhile another university with many snowflakes were triggered too.
Seems this person is right about caucasian assesHorse dummocretins
We view that violent legacy in the dummocretin posts led by the senile idiot wabbit:
Better get cracking on that 12 step process!
Nuff said suckas!
Steve, seems the closer November 3rd comes, the dumber you act on this blog. You are way better than this. Why do you hang with these dummocretin morons?
So the Lincoln Project is a newspaper senile idiot wabbit? You really think the “actual malice test” works here senile idiot wabbit? The Lincoln Project has demonstrated actual malice in their tweets and teevee commentary where the NY Slimes back in the 60s hardly at all per SCOTUS!
Did you forget the tweet from the Lincoln Project last week where Rachel Madcow got caught too from FAKE NEWS? Was that covered above in the Friday Night Comix?
Oh wait you are senile so you forgot that too!
Wow, my son is way smarter than you. Well… any four legged animal is way smarter than you let alone bipeds!
Not per you and other assesHorse dummocretins over the years senile idiot wabbit! You’ and your ilk here called Bush, Romney and Trump supporters NAZIS for more than a decade senile one!
The merits don’t even rise to the level of Sullivan.
It’s nothing but a demand letter, so first of all there’s nothing to be analyzed. And my money is on them being too cheap/fake-rich to spend the money to go any further. The’ve already done themselves enough damage by drawing attention to the Times Square ads. But they are Republicans, so we should not underestimate their stupidity.
If they are dumb enough it gets dismissed pre-trial for failing nearly all legal tests. Read the demand. As far as anyone can tell Kasowitz is alleging that the statement attributed to JarJar is false, and that the image depicting Holocaust Barbie is false. They are not. The image is taken from her own Insta. Several witnesses present in the meetings have confirmed that Kushner made the statement. And that’s just for starters. Kasowitz is a clown who performs idiot dances for fools.
But I think discovery might be a both costly and devastatingly humiliating experience for Holocaust Barbie, DollarStore Slenderman, and the Trump empire. Let’s all find out precisely who said what in JarJar’s TrumPlague planning sessions. What could go wrong?
I’ll give to that GoFundMe.
A “Black” veteran…
But The Q Clearance Cat Lady told us ALL lives matter. And the GOP FailPresident told us veterans were “losers and suckers”.
Moving on now.
The yeah butts@60 are so tiresome! BiteME! called soldiers ‘stupid bastards”. He also called a young woman a “lying dog-faced pony soldier”.
Yeah that’s your man!
49)In the show “For All Mankind” tgey may have gotten Reagan a little early, but not much pushback to equal rights. A result of the Soviet moon landing, Nixon looses in 72, to Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachussetts, and pushescthe ERA through to ratification. The shows done by Ronald Moore, who did the Battlestar Galactica reboot. They don’t entirely dump on Nixon entirely, to boost NASA’s budget, he makes a push in Vietnam to get the Norrh to the negotiating table,ending the war earlier. Also, when the Soviets put a woman on the moon, Nixon wanted an American Woman on tbe moon, thinking it would be easy. A couple clashes over it, put Deke Slayton on Nixon’s Enemies List. Didn’t think I would like the show, hate alternate history shows.
@52 I don’t see any long ears sticking up in that picture. Where am I in that scrum? Can you help me out with this? I don’t even remember being there. Frankly, I don’t think I was.
While Puddy is somewhat late to the party of making-shit-up, he’s falling in line with the rest of them, most of all his leader, because it’s all they’ve got left now.
@54 I don’t see what the ruckus is. After all, she hasn’t said anything new for 25 years. Giving pep talks to the suckers who pay her is how she makes her rent. Just a working girl making a living.
@55 Why shouldn’t liberals arm when Trumpalos are buying up millions of military assault weapons designed for war, openly talking about “civil war,” brandishing guns in public, murdering cops, etc.? If we don’t arm, how will we defend ourselves after the “patriots” have killed all the police?
@56 “You are way better than this.”
You aren’t, so why should he be?
@57 “So the Lincoln Project is a newspaper senile idiot wabbit? You really think the “actual malice test” works here senile idiot wabbit?”
Ask your son if libel laws apply solely to masthead newsprint and everybody else is fair game for frivolous lawsuits. While wasting his time, also ask him if truth is a libel defense.
If you don’t want to take up your son’s time with these silly questions, which he may well resent, causing irreversible damage to your relationship with him, read @59.
You’re right about the malice, though. It’s very hard not to feel at least some degree of malice toward the entire Trump ensemble after the endless grift and 220,000 dead. Wasn’t it Jared who tried to corner the market on PPE as the pandemic hit? Republican senators had to settle for insider trading profits.
For the first time ever, the U.S. has a black Catholic cardinal.
Not being Catholic, I’m not sure what cardinals do besides elect popes, and as they’re appointed by popes, and popes don’t run for reelection, they basically elect one of themselves pope. Kinda like the electoral system Republicans envision for all of America. I don’t think Puddy is a leading candidate to become USA Pope, though.
A 3-year-old militia demobilized himself with a
properly secured and unloadedgun that fell out of a family member’s pocket.“Authorities did not say whether the gun owner acted in an improper or irresponsible manner when it came to safely securing the firearm.”
They reportedly also declined to say whether water is wet.
Putin doesn’t have Trump’s back anymore.
“MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Sunday that he saw nothing criminal in Hunter Biden’s past business ties with Ukraine or Russia, marking out his disagreement with one of Donald Trump’s attack lines in the U.S. presidential election.”
Apparently he knows a bankrupt enterprise about to be displaced by a hostile takeover when he sees one.
The Pudiot lives in an alternate history show.
The Q Clearance Cat Lady will be joining him soon.
But it does make me wonder a bit how things will work out for the Trumpublican Party over the next few years. The behavior of a Congressional GOP minority is predictable as hell. But I’m curious to see where FOX and the clownsurvaturd media-sphere puts all this rejection. I’m sure they’ll seek to delegitimize it. But I’m very curious to see how conservatives go about that.
At first they’ll downplay the vote counts, both popular and electoral. And they’ll portray the losses of controlling majorities as less significant and meaningful than they really are. But they also have to carve a path forward in a commercial universe. Can they do that without suburbia? Can they do that without college educated women? Can they do that in a society where white people are no longer the clear majority? Whatever they do, it’s bound to be ugly and mean.
“While Puddy is somewhat late to the party of making-shit-up…”
The Pudiot is a pathological liar. Always has been.
The Pudiot apparently concludes that he is absolved of all immoral acts committed in service to his performative battles against those groups he deems “scum”. So he can make shit up all day about Democrats, Mexicans, Chinese, obstetrician-gynecologists, etc. And he does.
“In her three years as a federal appeals court judge, U.S. Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett has consistently sided with police or prison guards accused of using excessive force, a Reuters review of cases she was involved in shows.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Doctor Dumbfuck likes Supreme Court nominees who like cops who beat the shit out of black people. Does that make him a racist? Asking with Puddy’s welfare in mind.
@73 has dimfuk ever seen a police killing of an unarmed person of color it didn’t like?
The Pudiot is a pathological liar.
And Darryl concurs.. And calls it an imbecile…
And it posts links to a falung gong publication. Another kult – like the moonies and….
Sux to be that tool Pudiot.
Apparently only 1 in 6 Trumpalos are prepared to violently overthrown a Biden-led federal government armed with F-16s, napalm and cluster bombs, tanks, artillery, and infantry divisions.
Gonna be a shorter civil war than the last time.
76)They probably think the pilots would join them. I thought they should have used the Redbirds out of Portland against the Bundys. Have a few low altitude, high speed passes keep them awake at night. The problem was, they were occupuying a bird refuge. Planes and birds don’t go to well.
@ 75
And Darryl concurs..
No one is braver while hiding behind a moderator than YLB.
“Hunter Biden’s Alleged Sextape Leaked by Chinese Political Group Founded by Steve Bannon”
“Alleged ‘Hunter Biden sex and drug tapes’ posted on Chinese website linked to ex-top Trump adviser Steve Bannon”
“Alleged Hunter Biden sex tapes are uploaded on Chinese video site linked to Steve Bannon”
Gee, who could’ve guessed where this came from?
Remember when those lawyers in Maine tried to bring some history to fore about GWB and a drunk driving rap, during the 2000 election. This “alleged” this and “alleged” that BS happens every election, and it’s all crap.
“U.S. law enforcement failed to protect peaceful protesters from violent attacks by armed vigilante groups and counter-protesters in nearly 200 cases from May to September.”
Isn’t law enforcement supposed to protect us? Why have cops at all if they don’t protect us?
No one is braver while hiding behind a moderator than YLB.
No hiding dimfuk:
you don’t deny that you haven’t seen a killing of an unarmed person of color by the police you didn’t like..
Own it, rapey misogynist. Is that out in the open enough for you?
Y’all remember recently that Joe Biden had some sort of a convo with that noted political reporter Cardi B, right?
Well, today Cardi B’s cousin was arrested for pointing a gun at people attending a Trump rally.
While YLB was cowering behind a HA moderator earlier today, this happened:
Senior al-Qaeda leader Abu Muhsin al-Masri killed in Afghanistan
Abu Muhsin al-Masri, believed to be al-Qaeda’s second-in-command, was on FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists List.
At the top of FBI director Wray’s wanted list?
The Trump 2020 campaign.
@83 That oughta win California for Trump for sure. At least, a dumbfuck might think so.
@85 That was great. Now do QAnon.
Around these parts the least curious people are YLB and The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. Although for them it’s IQ-related. The words in print have just too many syllables.
Nice election you got there. It would be a real shame if anything happened to it.
Boy who cried wolf about ten thousand times, starting with accusing Speaker Wright of “getting a book deal”:
“Why aren’t more people curious about The Wolf?”
Heh.. As yours truly thought… rapey turns tail babblin’ its lame taunts..
Afghanistan? I hear drumpf made a diplomatic breakthrough there..
Indeed, drumpf should bring the troops home before those has-beens in Qatar “return to the battlefield”..
IOKYAR.. yawwwwn…
The GOP prayer:
That didn’t happen.
And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.
And if it was, that’s not a big deal.
And if it is, that’s not my fault.
And if it was, I didn’t mean it.
And if I did…
You deserved it.
It’s their fault they failed.
88. Shorter godwin: “Dammit liberals, why aren’t you blindly accepting my Russian propaganda?”
88. Shorter Cat Lady/Taibi:
“Smell my finger.
WHY NOT CURIOUS???!!!!!!!!!”
Now here is something libtards won’t like, people Google’ing how they can change their early vote.
Vote early vote often. Keep on until you get it right!
Wow Joe BiteME!’s campaign donors are crooks!
Who knew?
Who knew?
People with working brains knew!
Changing the vote
“But that doesn’t mean many people actually take advantage of the rules. The Oshkosh City Clerk’s office told CNN on Monday that no one has actually tried to use their three chances yet.”
As much as conservatives wish liberals would (please, please, please) change their vote to republican, there doesn’t seem to be much evidence of that.