Trevor: Militias—If you don’t know, now you know
Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s best Christian: Nonsense junkies
Vox: How the US poisoned Navajo Nation.
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Biden—Harris 2020:
- The Daily Show: Why you should help save democracy by working the polls
- Lauren Mayer: Suburban women
- SNL: VP fly debate
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard explains that his Town Hall crushed Joe Biden’s Town Hall
- Meidas Touch: Don’t gamble on Трамп
- The Daily Show: Who will get the Blackwote: Трамп or Biden?
- Founders Sing: Karma goes round in circles:
- Parody Project: The Spooky Mens Chorale—Vote the bastards out
- Trevor: The Dotard obsesses over Hunter Biden and a looney-tune Bin Laden conspiracy
- Our Cartoon President: First post-COVID rally
- Roll Call: 2020 Projection—Biden and Democrats poised to win big
- Meidas Touch: The Quaranteenies—Game
- Songify The News: The cancelled debate, but we un-cancelled it
- Bill Maher: Dueling grandpas
- Comedy Central: What voting is like in a nudist colony
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп & Biden’s dueling town halls
- Lauren Mayer: Landslide:
- College Humor: Why I’m voting for opposite man
- Keith Olbermann: Trump admits he’s losing; “Unmask-gate” fizzles
- Trevor: Anita Hill on why she chose to endorse Joe Biden
- Meidas Touch: Believe in America
SNL Weekend Update: Pete Davidson on J.K. Rowling’s transphobic comments.
Larry Wilmore with Nikole Hannah-Jones: Reparations are necessary to bridge the racial wealth gap.
Now This: People commemorate George Floyd’s birthday
The Dotard Трамп and Other Drug-addled Imbeciles:
- Bruce W. Nelson: A Russian message to Трамп
- Keith Olbermann: GOP Senator Sasse gives a huge “fuck you” to The Dotard
- Meidas Touch: Трамп the grave dancer
- WaPo: The Dotard pushed phony ‘unmasking’ conspiracy theory for years
- Don Winslow Films: #MemoToTrump
- Now This: How government agencies are failing under Трамп
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп’s voter fraud, sexy superspreading & Biden-bashing
- J-L Cauvin: The Трамп dance
- Demi Lovato: Commander in Chief:
- Don Winslow Films: #TrumpAttacksBlackWomen
- Keith Olbermann: Mitt Romney is an enabler of Трамп’s terrorism
- Really American: Трамп projection
- Meidas Touch: Bye Tiffany
- Bruce W. Nelson: Hating can be fine
- Americans for Decency: Save America—Radical right terror must go
- The Daily Show: The Трамп administration’s first term corruption
- Keith Olbermann: Трамп! Get Fauci’s face off your SCUMBAG TV ADS
Vox: How the next president could change policing.
The Daily Show: The what/why/how of the Columbus Day debate
Now This: A Veteran discusses the Russian bounty scandal.
TyphoidТрамп and Other Superspreaders:
- SNL Weekend Update: Dr. Wenowdis on Трамп’s televised health exam
- Meidas Touch: “Don’t Worry” | #AmericaNeedsHealthcare
- Bruce W. Nelson: Don’t let COVID dominate your life
- Jimmy Kimmel: Trump is only MENTALLY ill now
- Really American: Blame Трамп
- John Di Domenico: Трамп ranting press conference becomes hallucination musical with the governors demanding more PPE!:
- Larry Wilmore: Трамп is a virus and disinformation superspreader. Will America finally drop him over it?
- Francesca Fiorentini: Should the U.S. invade…itself?
- Jimmy Kimmel: Droplets of love in the air at Трамп’s return rally
- Bill Maher: Fareed Zakaria on ten lessons for the post-pandemic world
- Trevor: Why Трамп is threatening to kiss you
- SNL: Enough is enough!
- Meidas Touch: Трамп kills—The travel ban hoax
- Trevor: Did Трамп’s rich friends get a heads-up about coronavirus?
- Keith Olbermann: Трамп owned stock in regeneron
- Roy Zimmerman and Molly Bauckham: Feed the birds (Трамп Pence and MAGA):
- Songbird: Pursuing a vaccination
- Jimmy Kimmel: Senator Elizabeth Warren on Trump’s COVID Failure,
- WaPo: Superspreader events explained
- Trevor: Gov. Andrew Cuomo on New York’s pandemic response in hindsight
- SNL Weekend Update: Трамп leaves the hospital
The Daily Show: Obama’s Unmasking Scandal—2017-2020.
Americans for Decency Medicare for all explained with Kara Eastman
SCOTUS Tragedy:
- The Daily Show: Трамп’s first term SCOTUS appointments
- Mark Fiore: Conservative court relief
- Now This: Amy Coney Barrett dodges questions
- Bill Maher: New Rule—Nut pick
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard reacts to day one of the Amy Coney Barrett hearings
- Founders Sing: ROE, ROE, ROE V. WADE—RBG reappears to confront Amy about her true intentions!
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week.
Robert Reich: How to beat Republicans at their own game
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The Dueling towm halls, looks like the ratings battle did not go Trumps way.
@1 Does anything go Trump’s way? Well, Doctor Dumbfuck does. He’s reliable. Reliably dumbfuck, that is. Show me a railroad track with one rail labeled “dumb,” the other labeled “fuck,” and the doctor will be pumping his way down that track for all he’s worth toward a distant mountain of red MAGA hats.
Results in from New Zealand. NZ First, one of Ardens partners didn’t get a district seat, or clear 5%, but she don’t need them. She got, based on latest reports, 64 seats out of 120. First time since New Zealand switched to Mixed Member Proportional this has happened. The Greens made gains, inc.uding a district seat in Auckland Central.
Here’s an article on 1 NEWS I thought you might be interested in.
Labour landslide: Jacinda Ardern sweeps back into power at election 2020
ACB will get on the SCOTUS.
AOC will get on the SCOTUS.
The dumbfucks made videos.
Disturbing footage of Whitmer kidnapping suspects’ training drills with assault rifles released by Feds
Also being voted on in NZ, are two Referendums on Legalizing Canabis and the End of Life Choice Act. Won’t know until Nobember on those.
Republicans were initially horrified to learn their party had destroyed 215,000 embryos since March!
They were relieved to discover it was only 215,000 sentient human beings with families, friends, memories and careers.
From Matt Taibbi:
The day before the 2016 election, when Goldy wrote @ 11 about “bullshit polls”, Steve, I think this
is the kind of poll to which he was referring.
I won’t link because Cz-252 never does, but FWIW Trafalgar is predicting Trump’s re-election with an EV count in the mid-270s.
Bullshit “polls”.
Garbage In, Garbage Out: Are Republican “Pollsters” Gaming Poll Aggregators with Bullshit “Polls?”
Still no denial from Team Biden that the emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop are real.
The emails written by John Podesta were real, too. Gloriously real.
For those of you who basked in the joy of Trump’s leaked tax returns, this is the flip side of that coin. The unmasking of The Biden Crime Family.
This is far from a denial:
@ 13
I had no idea that CBS News always asks Joe Biden questions intending to smear him.
Isn’t it Hunter Biden’s corruption that is smearing his father, rather than a reporter doing his job by asking a simple question about it?
It wasn’t even @CBS_Herridge asking that question.
Wonder how saying $471m I debt isn’t much money plays in the rust belt?
Accepting cash from an Egyptian Bank to use in a Presidential Campaign is illegal.
Wow four posts on the same subject.
Trying so hard this morning.
Is it possible that only Trafalger has accurate polling right now. Sure, it’s possible.
Picking up the straight flush on the River happens from time to time but you’re going to lose a lot of hands shooting for it with nothing else.
@ 17
It was in 2016, wasn’t it?
Is it possible that only Trafalger has accurate polling right now. Sure, it’s possible.
Gloriously possible.
Trafalgar has James + 1 in Michigan as well. FWIW.
For a socialist, Bernie Sanders sure is wealthy.
Source on alleged Hunter Biden email chain verifies message about Chinese investment firm
No word on whether ring-kissing was involved. But The Biden Crime Family is about to get a little more famous.
So far this week:
• Nancy Pelosi attacked Wolf Blitzer, CNN
• Joe Biden attacked Bo Erickson, CBS
Things voters care about:
Second wave of Covid-19
Losing their health care
Unemployment checks
Their kids back in school
Things voters don’t care about:
Hunter Biden
New York Post
Stock market
Things Doctor Dumbfuck cares about:
Stocks he doesn’t own
Trafalgar polls
Amy Comey Barrett
Horses’ asses
Looks like desperation has nudged the doctor’s dial from “dumbfuck” to “stupid”.
Whatever. Dumbfuck or stupid, he’s still going to hang for treason. Nothing can stop it now. Sweet irony that it was solar panels that sealed his doom. Of all things.
Anyone care to guess how many solar panel installations there are on Whidbey Island? Just hold up a few fingers and you’re close.
@11 Wherein doc aspires to become a laughingstock.
Of course, the polls could be wrong. Even way wrong. Then, a lot of big names on Wall Street will be laughingstocks:
“In the past month, at least five of Wall Street’s top strategists have sent reports to investors predicting a Democratic sweep. Goldman Sachs told clients in a research note earlier this week that the odds of Biden winning the presidency and Democrats gaining a majority in the Senate is roughly 65%.”
Oh, and this, too:
“Analysts with the investment bank pointed out that stock prices have been rising since September, coinciding with political polls tilting increasingly toward Biden.”
I’ve been reading for some time now that Wall Street considers the election a done deal.
Wherein kidnapping a governor constitutes “First Amendment activism.”
These lawyers should get paid extra for their creativity.
@ 23
Anyone care to guess how many solar panel installations there are on Whidbey Island? Just hold up a few fingers and you’re close.
There are a lot, Steve. More solar installations per capita on Whidbey than in King County would be my guess.
There’s a large solar farm installed at Greenbank Farm.
I think he means 520 megawatt hours.
Steve, rather than worrying about how many there are, worry about what condition they are in, and what is to be done with them when they begin to fail and need to be disposed of, my friend. Look at what happened with Silicon Energy panels. They were gorgeous and I almost bought them. So glad I did not, and elected to go with a more standard panel type.
You sure you aren’t talking a hydropanels?
It’s totally the same, right.
Stable Genius.
Was watching the stream from TVNZ last night. Not much of a Blue wave in NZ. They say National has only ever dropped below 40% twice, but not as bad as this election. One of those times it was only 39%. One of the reasons I follow this one is to see this system nearly immune to Gerrymandering. The 120 seat House of Representatives had 65 General District Electorates, 7 Maori Districts, and 48 List Seats.
26)Must give them points for creativity.
Headline: Leaked Russian generated texts between Joe Biden and Hunter backfire on GOP
Trolling: “This story honesty just makes Biden seem like a great dad.”
What our country has come to:
“Dan Rather Explains How Actual Rats Are Better Than Trump-Supporting Republicans
“It’s ‘just not fair to rats’ to compare them to Republicans now attempting to escape the sinking ship of Donald Trump, the former CBS News anchor tweeted.”
Of course WE are not responsible for this pathetic state of affairs. Doc and Puddy are. So are Pars and A1, and Thomas Jefferson, and the other third-tier HA trolls. It’s THEIR fault rats are now held in comparatively high esteem.
Q: What do Anthony Weiner and Hunter Biden have in common?
A: They both had child porn on their laptops, and the FBI found out about it.
Do you think Hunter Biden diddled the children of the woman he fucked who was married to his dead brother?
Do you think Joe knows about it, and that’s why he doesn’t have a response when questions are asked about Hunter’s laptop?
Hey Joe Biden, have you held your illegitimate grandchild, the product of Hunter’s tryst with a stripper, yet?
And if you have, was that listed as an event on your official calendar? Or was it more of an “informal scenario”?
Y’all libbies recall how the early voting numbers looked good in 2016 and were spun as favoring The Chardonnay Lady 2.0, right?
Nobody treats a woman more viciously than another woman.
Isn’t that right. YLB.
On Election night, keep this number in mind, HA libbies:
It just might save your life.
Masked Antifa asshole sucker-punches a black conservative in the face, knocks out two of his teeth.
It’s on video. I’m sure all the n-word slurs were directed at the white guy he was protecting and not at him.
@ 40
Black Lives Matter. Their front teeth, not so much.
Good points for sure.
But the again, “hack and leak” are not at all the same thing as “fabricte, translate, and plant”.
So one good point deserves another. Still waiting for The Q Clearance Cat Lady to make one. Or Matt Taibi.
P.S.: BIRTH CERTIFICAAAATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not if you made it all up.
And you did.
You’re a liar.
It’s been demonstrated herein many times before this.
Tara Reade was not digitally raped in the middle of a week day in the busiest corridor in the capital. You said so. It was a lie. She made it up. You went there. You’re a liar.
There is no global Jew/Democrat conspiracy to dine on the livers of babies. You made it up You’re a liar.
Nobody believes you now. Ever.
Character is destiny Bob. Heh.
@ 42
It is certainly unfortunate for Hunter Biden that he has an ex-partner unhappy that Biden is not in prison along with him.
That unhappy ex-partner has turned over some damning emails.
Biden ex-business partner provides access to MORE emails documenting Hunter’s trading on father’s influence
It’s Hunter Biden. The ONLY way he has to make any money is to trade on his father’s influence. We’ve seen rich crackheads way too many times otherwise to find it entertaining.
I think they’re hydrosonic panels. They make energy from the sound of water.
Climbing down from lies about Rudy’s Ukrainian Drug Deals to bitching about the children of powerful people trading on their parents power can’t dig you out of that hole you’re in as long as Ivanka, Eric, Donnie Jr. and company are still shoveling.
And since you made the poor decision to go all-in on GOP, that rain of dirt will never, ever end. This is who you are now. Forever.
@ 46
…that rain of dirt will never, ever end.
As long as the reign of The Notorious ACB lasts 30 years or more, it was worth it.
Early vote trends are not a good indicator of candidate support.
But they are demonstrated to be a good predictor of turnout.
You should pay attention to that before you go any further.
But not on our account. I’m only pointing it out in order to heighten your shame.
How so?
Go on. Explain to us all now how a two vote majority on a legally constrained review panel that may only last five or six years can “Make America Safe for Angry Old White Men Again”.
You can’t legislate. And in all likelihood you never will again in what little remains of your lifetime. Maybe every two years you stand a chance of closing the gap in the Senate. Which allows you to stall appointments and hold show trials dominated by lunatics like Tom Cotton and David Perdue. That’s it. That’s your brightest possible future.
Yup. You did.
@ 48
But they are demonstrated to be a good predictor of
turnoutthe amount of fear that all of the stories about postal service cutbacks, lawsuits about extensions of time for vote-counting, and stories about ballots found in ditches are creating in the voting population.ftfy.
Whatever it means this year, it’s not the same as what it meant in prior years.
This year is different. You know that.
@ 49
Oh, look. We’re getting the “Permanent majority!” chant again.
Your last one lasted two years. You used it to ram through Obamacare and you’ve spent 90% of your political capital since then trying to keep it intact, even though it has fucked up health care far worse than was the case at the time it was 1) passed and 2) put into effect.
There is a difference.
And you are assuming that the difference is temporary.
Because you neeeeeed to.
For your two most glorious years in modern political history you had unified control of every branch.
And not only were you unable to roll back ACA, but you chose instead to use that time on WALL!!!, Space Force, and investigating your own White House.
We have you instead.
Are you losers actually accomplishing anything with this ridiculous blog?
John Cornyn wisely complains that a resolution for statehood for DC and Puerto Rico are in the offing.
Hey Fun Fact:
The only reason there are two Dakotas is so Republicans could gain 4 Senate seats instead of only 2.
Seems to have worked humiliating you.
Admittedly not much of an “accomplishment”.
@ 55
Thanks for the fun fact. Learned something.
Trafficking on Daddy’s name.
Let’s do some Whaddaboutisn.
How did a Michael Reagan end up with a lucrative syndicated radio show? Hard work?
He was expelled from Loyola High School after a short period of time at the school[9] and in 1964, he graduated from the Judson School, a boarding school outside of Scottsdale, Arizona.[10] He attended Arizona State University for less than one semester and Los Angeles Valley College[11][12] but never graduated.
On September 20, 2012, Reagan and two associates were sued by Elias Chavando, a fellow partner, for allegedly withholding Chavando’s interest in an e-mail business built around the domain name.[29][30][31] In 2015, a Los Angeles Superior Court jury found Reagan liable for conversion and breach of fiduciary duty. Reagan and his business partners were ordered to pay $662,500 in damages.[32]
Dumbfuck fails to understand that ‘Hunter traded on Dad’s name’ is totally negated by Ivanka, no discernible talent Dad wants to duck though and thinks she’s an ambassador, Jared, slumlord turned infectious disease expert, Don Jr, no describable job or career, Eric ‘Fredo’ and….wait what does he do for a living again…
Poster family for nepotism wants you to worry about Hunter Biden.
Also, Ivanka and Jared are under criminal investigation for securities fraud related to the financial health of several real estate developments that bear the name….wait for it…..Trump.
@54 Are you, by coming here and joining in?
@55 Personally, I think there should be a North Puerto Rico and a South Puerto Rico, to maximize Puerto Rican self-government.
@ 58
Trafficking on Daddy’s name.
If only it were that. Hell, that’s something they all do. Chelsea Clinton paid $600k to do reports for NBC. Jenna Bush is on morning TV, last I heard. And yeah, at best Ivanka uses her father’s name to push all sorts of merchandise.
Those are different from this situation. Joe Biden got the guy investigating his son’s company fired, and bribed a foreign nation with a billion dollars to do it.
That’s what is being alleged with some credibility in this case.
You are conflating corruption at the very highest levels of our nation’s government with selling lipstick under the Trump name.
One is not like the other.
Wherein it is argued that Trump and Giuliani aren’t Putin dupes; they’re traitors.
Doctor Dumbfuck, on the other hand, is too stupid to be held legally responsible for aiding and abetting treason. But that needn’t stop us from holding him to account.
Things happen outside Teh Orannge Event Horizon you know absolutely nothing about. Real things (not imaginary Baby Cannibalism Feasts or invisible pizza dungeons) that have impacts or real events and circumstances. Real things that reduce your credibility, the credibility of your absurd claims, and the credibility of your entire political party to smoldering cinders.
Seriously, you’re asking Americans to ignore the historical record as documented and verified by literally thousands of high ranking officials from independent nations with no interest in our domestic political squabbles in preference for…
*Shokin’s most prominent role in any Burisma “investigation” centered on negotiations with then Burisma owner Zlochevsky for bribes to himself and Poroshenko in exchange for stalling or closing the “investigation”.
A man arrested after allegedly threatening to kidnap the mayor of Wichita, Kansas, over the city’s public mask ordinance. The man expressed the desire to “kidnap” and “cut the throat” of the mayor.
Try this:
Name a partisan GOP piece of national legislation you expect to see passed in the next eight years.
Ask any Democrat you care to and they’ll gladly list a dozen already in the hopper ready to go on Jan 2nd two months from now in time for signing right after the inauguration. Ask the Urban League, the League of Women Voters, the Brennan Center for Justice, Demand Progress, The AFL-CIO and their postal unions, Roots Action, the Congressional Progressive Caucus Center, or Common Cause. Ask Nancy or Chuck. Ask them about a three and a half trillion dollar TrumPlague stimulus package they’ve had sitting on Moscow Mitch’s desk since May.
It’s a nice thing, having a future.
Oh BeerPong, did the FBI prove it? Just like they ‘proooooooved” the Steele dossier was real!
Cool cool.
Has anyone proved the Hunter Laptop story is real?
Walked right into it.
A hyper local story that really only plays in PA but speaks to ‘common man’ voters a lot in PA.
The “Ballots for Biden” bus made an unplanned stop this morning at a Sheetz to get some mozzarella sticks. If you’re from PA you know WaWa for hoagies and Sheetz for road food. It’s kind of like being from Texas and knowing Buc-ees. If you know you know.
Sheetz is especially beloved in Western PA. Donald has never pumped his own gas and grabbed a Sheetz Melt. No one on team Donald sees a Sheetz up ahead and knows to make the stop.
Last year US intelligence agencies at the highest levels repeatedly warned the White House and the GOP that Rudy Giuliani was being actively manipulated and fed disinformation by clearly identified Russian intelligence assets. It had been going on for months. It would continue to go on for another year.
Trump/GOP response was If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer.
That’s not just because they are all imbeciles who delight in being made to look foolish. It’s mostly because without Rudy’s Ukrainian/Russian Drug Deal they had no defense to impeachment charges of abuse of office. Either way Trump was getting the vote he needed out of the Senate. But the fake Russian disinfo story out of Ukraine was crucial political underpinning for that vote.
The recapitulation of the Russian Drug Deal now by Bannon via the New York Post is more than anything a signal of the campaign’s desperation. Not only is the underlying claim an old story with no “October Surprise” potential and already well debunked, but it actually points back to the impeachment and the White House corruption that initiated it. Trump was obsessed with smearing Biden, a plot line that was well explored during the impeachment. Anyone paying any attention saw how unhinged the efforts were. More than a year ago Trump was terrified of Biden and was desperate for a way to land blows. Over the next twelve months all of Trump’s most feared political nightmares would come true one by one.
Now the campaign is wide open for any and all tactics. Even willing to credit and support a disgraced corrupt felon like Bannon and his cronies at the NY Post. Even willing to revive the impeachment. Not only will Rudy’s Ukrainian/Russian Drug Deal not have the desired effect on swing voters, I’m expecting it to have the opposite effect. Trump’s fingerprints are all over all of it. Everyone knows the campaign is behind it and approving it. And it just reminds voters of how desperate and corrupt Trump/GOP really are.
Watch the poll gap widen. And then remember, like all the rest – like Mueller, like the impeachment, like the TrumPlague, like 25 million out of work – they did this to themselves. And Trolls4Trump did their part.
TrumPlague? Riiiiiight! It’s the Wuhan Virus, brought to the World by Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party.
Neil Bush, anyone?
Must be prudent! Oh and no, NB is not running for president either.
Trolls4Trump are highly advised to look away right now and concentrate your attention aonthe lube-smeared film of sticky, orange semen that makes up Teh Orange Event Horizon Bubble. The following information can only undermine your confidence in your beloved orange ShitMidas.
Early voting turnout is already six times what it was in 2016.
Registered Democrats have so far accounted for 53% of that early vote, compared to only 36% for Rapepublicans.
Even more troubling for the GOP, older voters – a key GOP constituency – make up more than 70% of the votes cast so far, and they are mostly not Rapepublicans. And six times as many African Americans have voted early this year compared to 2016.
Quick reminder: in 2018 following the disgraceful forced-march installation of Associate Justice GangBang McBeerBong, Arizona and Texas exceeded their 2014 total turnout in early voting alone. And while it wasn’t enough for O’Roarke, it got the job done for Sinema in AZ.
Conservative Trumplo/GOPers are insisting that the early vote is merely “cannibalizing” day-of/in-person voting. If so, we should then expect to see early turnout tailing off very steeply in the next week or two.
Trends and updated statistics with some data analysis can be found at U of Florida Professor Michael McDonald’s (not the Doobie) Github page:
And more at his United States Elections Project page:
I should ask my friend “Jack” as his company did many of them. Went to his house in Mill Creek area and saw his inverter system. Very impressive as his electric costs are pretty much nil. He advertised on his car all the time. Very successful! Quite a few Steve!
Puddy wonders if Steve is back on the Stupid Solution Slurry!
My bad. The “Ballots for Biden” bus with various surrogates made the stop. We regret the error.
But still, a Sheetz ham and cheese melt is really tasty y’all
Last week GOP FailPresident ShitMidas was asked about his sweeping promises for working class populism, economic nationalism and big, big, big investments in infrastructure and why nothing was ever accomplished in four years, including two in which he was in complete and total control of all branches of the government.
He responded by pointing to his chunks of border wall and saying:
“We consider that infrastructure,”
The chunk he refers to was part of an illegal Ponzi scheme operated by one of Trump’s former campaign managers to bilk donors out of tens of millions to buy luxury yachts and mansions and to reward a big Trump supporter’s sand and gravel business.
The other chunk of wall, the one the government actually built with money diverted from veteran’s family support, has already fallen over.
@ 67
Has anyone proved the Hunter Laptop story is real?
You know, that was exactly what the standard was with the Steele dossier.
All those publications proved it was real before any of them wrote about it.
Here’s my question in response:
Has anyone from Team Biden claimed that the emails the NY Post says are on Hunter Biden’s hard drive are not real?
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit in the news again.
More prostate cancer cases diagnosed at later stage, study shows
Survival among useless, bloviating fat fucks was 0%, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Your family is counting on that. Praying for it, to be frank.
Joe Biden, 2020: “I have no response.”
Joe Biden, 2021: “I have no remorse.”
Has anyone proved that Steve Scully wasn’t hacked?
Cz-252 in 2016:
“Has anyone proved that Hillary Clinton did not turn over each and every one of the emails that pertained to her role as SoS?”
Cz-252 in mid-2013 or so:
“Has anyone proved that if you can’t keep your health care plan if you like it?”
Remind us all again what the “standard” was for Christmas Tree Cock Rings, Whitey Tape, Birfer, and AF1 Boner-Pants.
For starters.
Then do Invisible Pizza Baby Cannibal Dungeon.
So much national disunity and polarization:×900
@ 82
Remind us all again what the “standard” was for Christmas Tree Cock Rings, Whitey Tape, Birfer, and AF1 Boner-Pants.
Pretty sure the standard was that Twitter and Facebook blocked all of that, too. /sarc
We are now receiving BREAKING NEWS REPORTS that Ron Johnson and Rudy Giuliani made and stored copies of illegal child pornography supplied to them by Russian spies.
What an awful group the GOP has become.
Something should be done about it.
Have you ever claimed that you’re not a dumbfuck? A stupe? A fascist? A racist? A traitor?
No, you haven’t. Huh!
@84 The operative word being, “too.”
It’s about time social media platforms began blocking child pornography, Russian disinformation, and rightwing kidnap plotters.
It’s like complaining that PETA wouldn’t publish your article about improved techniques for skinning baby Harp seals in their quarterly mag.
People disagree with you.
They get to do that.
This may be the moment we have feared. When the entirety of the modern clownsurvaturd movement turns into a pack of simpering crybabies demanding that their lunatic ideas about global Jew/Democrat conspiracies and billionaire tax cuts deserve equal time.
Any fucking second now we’ll hear them proposing some sort of law enforcing it. Some sort of “Fairness Doctrine” maybe…
Along with turning into a whiney bitch, I’m afraid The Q Clearance Pussy’s future will also include a seemingly endless series of just this sort of self-own.
Character is destiny.
@70 Xi propagated it, Trump spread it. They’re a brotherhood of crime.
My God, are you fucking stupid. Are the odds better at finding a needle in a haystack (King County) or in a handful of straw (Island County)?
You needn’t fret about my homicidal tendencies, Dumbfuck. I’m an engineer. I’m comfortable doing my thing and then turning it over to contractors to do their thing. You have been doxed to BLM, antifa and the resistance.
You fucked up, Doctor. You fucked up because your fucking stupidity is even bigger than your stupid fucking ego.
@77 “Survival among useless, bloviating fat fucks was 0%, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
Guess I’m dead, huh? I see why they don’t ask you to help out in the coronavirus wards. A problem with your diagnostic skills. Reputable mortuaries don’t want the live ones.
@83 Democrats are notorious for fighting among themselves. The only thing that’s ever united them is Republicans, and Trump has united them like never before.
@90 Doxing him is easy. Just trace the call to SPCA from a horse back to its source.
Okay Gramps, try this then:
When was the last time you sent an email that relied on your hard drive or was cached on it?
Web mail and IMAP not so much, although IMAP can be configured to keep a local cache to improve performance in search and offline. But that’s a feature mostly oriented to the older world of slow speed connections. Cloud content works blazing fast now. And has for years. And bear in mind these are emails fabricated to appear to be three years old. Don’t know about the Q Continuum, but here on Earth we’ve had fast connections everywhere for more than a decade.
It’s possible that a Gen X 50-year-old raised on computers with a career investing in tech would rely on Outlook implemented through a private company POP server. In which case if I’m not mistaken it would cache no more than a few months worth. But again, we’re talking about 2017. So normally web based clients connecting to IMAP servers store a cache of data relating to headers, etc. to improve search but no content.
It’s the kind of flaw in the story I’d tend to expect from a guy like Rudy with a consistent history of struggling with tech. On the other hand, if Hunter Biden were indeed some kind of globe trotting super-criminal, ordering his email client to store backups on his hard drive is the last thing I’d expect.
Again, none of this proves the claims are impossible, just very improbable. As with every other element of the larger claim, it requires some very improbable and unexpected circumstances to have precisely aligned – the shop owner’s blindness, the mysterious stranger, the lack of any records or receipts, the absence of all corroboration, the mysterious involvement of Rudy, etc.
Makes me think of someone claiming to have been violently attacked and digitally penetrated through panty hose in the middle of the day in the busiest corridor on earth without anyone seeing anything.
Strategic Deterrence Dep’t
“In Woodward’s book, based on tapes recorded with Trump’s permission, the president spoke to how close the U.S. had come to war with a nuclear-armed North Korea in 2018, and said the U.S. has since developed a new weapon at his direction.
“‘I have built a nuclear, a weapons system that nobody’s ever had in this country before. We have stuff that you haven’t even seen or heard about,’ Trump told Woodward, the longtime Washington Post investigative journalist.
“‘We have stuff that Putin and Xi have never heard about before,’ Trump added, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The question that immediately pops into my rabbit head is: What is the deterrent value of a deterrent the parties to be deterred are in the dark about?
Look, I realize you stupid humans aren’t the sharpest knives in the drawer when it comes to this stuff (see, e.g., SIOP circa. 1961-2003 and OPLAN 2003-present), but this is dumb even by human standards.
Poor poor dumbfuck and Piddles….
You really should stop lying about the Steele Dossier:
Team Biden went all out buying up spots in every market’s NFL game today to appeal to White Men ages 40-60.
Stooges, Breeders, Pixies, Beastie Boys…… Remember when you could see live music and not die?
Computer repair shop owner’s story changed for the fourth time today as he told a Senate Committee that he CAN positively ID Hunter Biden dropping off the laptop.
It was Hunter.
Well maybe it was Hunter not sure.
Well maybe it was Hunter, I can’t be sure, I’m legally blind.
Oh, yeah, definitely it was Hunter but no, I don’t have his signature on a work order, why?
Wonder how long it will take before the computer expert explains that you do in fact need some very specific external keyboard to access a Mac. One that has to come from the customer. That Mac keyboards are synced to individual Macs and they can’t be interchanged….because that makes perfect sense.
Oh….also even the tabloid reporters at the Post refused to put their names on the byline because the sourcing was so bad…
Black officers break from unions over Trump endorsements
And yet, puddy is still shilling for the republicans. He must think they think he’s one the good ones.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 100
How may black officers disagree? The FOP has 350,000 members. Are you saying that two or more of them do not support Trump? How many, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron?
While support for the Republican incumbent does not strictly fall along racial lines, many Black officers say the endorsements for Trump don’t fairly represent all dues-paying members.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, do you think that the endorsement of the NEA or SEIU represents each and every one of its members? How about the UAW? The AFL-CIO?
You’re too stupid for words, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
Maybe this is why no one from Team Biden has said the emails are not genuine.
Even a Biden surrogate on Fox today, answering the question “Can anyone say these emails are inauthentic, because I don’t think I have heard anybody say that?”, responded with “Yeah, I think that’s fair, I don’t think anybody’s saying they are inauthentic…” and then the clip ends.
Really covering yourself in orange glory this time, Bob.
With Tara you were just exploiting a disturbed woman. Something routine for you and “your ilk”.
But now you have made yourself into a Russian implement*.
At least Rudy gets paid.
*Think dildo or maybe even anal beads.
Wherein Camp Trump accuses Gov. Whitmer of encouraging his assassination.
Now we know why Defacedbook is blocking the BiteME! information. She worked for BiteME!
Think Streisand [dummocretin lover] song People loving People – ‘dummocretins… hiring dummocretins”
People “cannot believe that I’m undecided, and it pisses me off,” says Kurt Malz, 61, a boat salesman in Tampa. Malz voted for Trump in 2016, but has been turned off by his temperament over the last four years. But he distrusts Biden, “a career politician.”
Used to be, nobody could hate you for being undecided. But that was before they started killing us off and taking away our voting rights and ballot access.
This is a guy who voted for Trump to “go along”. Then he saw what he’d done. And he regrets it. Sort of. He doesn’t want to repeat the same horrible mistake and fuck over millions of his fellow citizens. He has a conscience, but it’s a broken one. Because those people are strangers to him. They don’t work with him selling boats or hang out at the marina with him drinking beer and making lewd and degrading comments to female servers. He needs his circle of friends and coworkers. And he doesn’t really care about African American men being snuffed out, women being sexually assaulted, or service members being abused. What’s more important to him is to be “liked”. So instead he tells people he’s still trying to make up his mind.
In the end, I don’t think this number is significant. I expect Trump to outperform 2016 in terms of total votes, even in states where he barely squeaked by. My sense is that if there are people out there who can’t vote for Biden at this point it is because, for whatever stupid fucking reason, they are unable to. They are not really “undecided”. They have decided. They just don’t want people to know what they’ve decided.
Wow BeerPong, did you get that from Vox or The Atlantic? Maybe the Huff comPost?
The keyboards are “synced” by bluetooth like Apple earpods are synced to your iPhone, Android, iMac, PC, etc by bluetooth. All one needs to do is “break” the connection.
Stooooooooooooooooooooopid as evah!
You should delete your account.
You should go on to your favorite gun-humper white pride websites and post idiocy encouraging them to delete their accounts.
Pointing this out to us, as you do, can only encourage us to support Facebook, You can see that, right?
After all, according to you, we are “scum”. So why would it bother us if a private business like Facebook hires and promotes Democrats. We’d support that. We’d want to encourage that. We’d like them for that.
Your pals at FOX hire and promote politically. They admit it. They even admit to pursuing a partisan editorial agenda promoting Rapepublicans and clownsurvaturds. Does that make you feel bad?
Does my pointing that out make you want to stop addictively watching Tucker and Hannity?
You’re being especially stupid. Your latest, recycled fake Biden smear has gone nowhere and you are frustrated about it. Your frustration is making you say and do stupid things. Stop and think. We like that Twitter and Facebook (and virtually every other private media company) refuse to participate in Russian election meddling this openly.
But if you think bitching like this will somehow result in a change of the rules, you should check with your pals at FOX first.
Thanks for the Toronto Star article from Puddy’s home town. Didn’t realize Toronto is soooooo interested in Philadelphia police activities dead@deformed.
My retired police lieutenant cousin can tell you what blacks think about BiteME!’s redirection of funds support from police. Butt even if Puddy gave you his personal phone number from Philly’s West Side where he lives you wouldn’t believe him, so why even bother. Seems the article got the most vocal BiteME! supporters and didn’t investigate Trump supporters. And some blacks are still in the reservation mentality because CNN and MSDNC said so. Puddy doesn’t think Puddy is a “good one” police officer. Puddy never been a police officer. Puddy does have Pinkerton Guards in the family history.
Are you one of the bad white ones for BiteME! dead&deformed?
Don’t have any pals at FOX dot bombed. Butt there was an erag article out last week saying if you worked at FOX you are “blacklisted” by libtard led dummocretin news orgs. So that’s why the dummocretin hire the dummocretin dot bombed! Your pals at CNN, MSDNC, ABC, CBS, PBS, NBC,CNBC, C-SPAN all hire and promote politically. Kristin Welker, parents big time LARGE dummocretins – 3rd debate moderator – NBC, John I WAS Hacked Scully C-SPAN, BiteME! acolyte.
FACTS don’t jockstrap your silly arguments!
You should stop posting on this blog dot bombed, because each time you waste pixels on the screen, you waste everyone’s time showing just how dumb you really are!
Puddy forgot to add BeerPong the Logictech portable keyboard on the PuddyPC is connected by bluetooth. Really simple connection. Bought a “logi” flat keyboard for Mrs. Puddy’s tablet. She didn’t like it because it was too flat with upward no angle so Puddy has it.
You really need to validate what you write BeerPong. Did you get those earpods connected to anything else yet? Did you press the “magic” button BeerPong?
Going nowhere? Puddy sees godwinha posted what Puddy was going to post; Biden surrogates are not rejecting the emails. Only calling it “smears” or Russian disinformation”.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The findings are so real when you read the deep dummocretin blogs there is real worry about that laptop since Hunter’s lawyer is now involved. Puddy guesses we’ll really learn about it being real or not when FBI Director Wray admits to having the laptop or not.
How do you know Adam Shifty Schiff is lying? His lips move on CNN or MSDNC!
Serial philanderer Cal Cunningham did not get the libtard endorsement of the Charlotte Observer. Firs time a dummocretin missed that in 22 years.
If Serial philanderer Cal Cunningham is wrong, shouldn’t Serial philanderer Donald Trump also be wrong?