Amber Ruffin explains 2020 to a time traveler from 1793
Trevor: Columbus Day
Really American: Two-faced Lindsey.
Biden—Harris 2020:
- Songify the News (with Blondie): One heartbeat away – Kamala vs. Pence
- Americans for Decency: Kamala the MAGA slayer (& friends)
- The Daily Show: Mail-in voting dos and don’ts
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп refuses to do a virtual debate with Joe Biden!!!
- Our Cartoon President: COVID-positive Cartoon Трамп watches the VP debate
- Roy Zimmerman and Laura Love: My vote, my voice, my right:
- Seth Meyers: Hey! Kamala Harris and Mike Pence’s 2020 VP debate
- Robert Riech: Four key takeaways from the Harris-Pence VP debate
- Jimmy Kimmel: Jaime Harrison on Lindsey Graham’s hypocrisy & helping the community
- Meidas Touch: Трамп devastation
- Stephen: Washington, confused about voting in the 2020 election? “Better know a ballot” is here to help!
- SNL: Presidential debate
- The Late Show: Taylor Swift backs Joe Biden in her new single
- Jimmy Fallon: Mike Pence prepares for his debate against Sen. Kamala Harris
- The Daily Show: Scowls, smirks, eye rolls
- Randy Rainbow with Patti LuPone: If the Dotard got fired:
- John Oliver: Election 2020
- Trevor: Трамп refuses a virtual debate
- Now This: Fact-checking the 2020 Vice Presidential debate
- Seth Meyers: Трамп has election meltdown as White House covers up COVID-19 outbreak
- Larry Wilmore: What the fuck, undecided voters?
- Jimmy Kimmel: Jimmy Kimmel breaks down Pence Harris VP Debate
- Jonathan Mann: Mr. Vice President, I’m speaking
- Really American: Man of the moment
- Roy Wood, Jr: Are harsher vote-by-mail laws really just voter suppression?
- The Foundation Singers: The fly song:
- Lauren Mayer: Has Mike Pence ever let a woman finish?
- Trevor: Pence’s fly and Harris’s expressions steal the debate
- Meidas Touch: I’m speaking
- J-L Cauvin: Mike Pence discusses his new friend, debate fly
- Seth Meyers: Late night’s October surprise predictions
Stephen: Mayor Pete Buttigieg has a message for Justices Alito and Thomas as they attack marriage equality.
Bruce W. Nelson: Moscow Mitch revisited
The Dotard Трамп and His Band of Grifters, Scofflaws and Tax Cheats:
- Stephen: Like flies on what?
- Americans for Decency: Donald and miracles
- Robert Reich: How you can stop America’s slide toward tyranny
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп attacks the Nobel Peace Prize
- Amber Ruffin: I’ve got $20 more tThan the President:
- Americans for Decency: Donald and smoke—Coronavirus, wildfires, and protests
- The Daily Show: Won’t you help an American President in need?
- Stephen: Mayor Pete Buttigieg on Pence’s debate performance, “He’s pretty comfortable telling a total lie”
- Bruce W. Nelson: No one tells me what to do
- Keith Olbermann: Трамп’s holy grail just disappeared
- Robert Reich: Empathy for the world’s least empathetic person?
- The Daily Show: Melania Трамп Hates Christmas
- The Parody Project: End of the world:
- Meidas Touch: Трамп is not America
- Sarah Cooper: How to drugs
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп furious over plot to kidnap Michigan governor!!
- Americans for Decency: Abuzz with GOP hypocrisy—Flying under the radar with Mike Pence
- Stephen: John Brennan—Трамп’s failure to denounce White supremacist groups has fueled their rise
- Keith Olbermann: Трамп’s plan to nullify the election
Vox: How US schools punish Black kids
Amber Ruffin: The week in review
Trevor: Facebook bans QAnon & Instagram hides negative comments
Typhoid Трамп and Other Super Spreaders like Melanie:
- Stephen: Трамп expected to resume hosting indoor mask-free campaign rallies
- Trevor: The Dotard has coronavirus & the White House does damage control
- Bruce W. Nelson: A get well song for The Dotard
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп updates the nation from Walter Reed on his car ride
- Jonathan Mann: Getting COVID to own the libs!
- Americans for Decency: Donald and Delirium—Walter Reed melodrama
- Mark Fiore: Get well soon, Mr. President
- Foundation Singers: I’m so sorry (Трамп apologizes!)
- Meidas Touch: Трамп Virus
- Now This: GOP lawmakers are possibly spreading COVID-19
- Seth Meyers: Трамп leaves hospital, says “Don’t be afraid of COVID”
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп announces a cure for COVID
- Jimmy Kimmel: Superspreader Трамп is ready to rally again!
- Stephen’s Zoom interview with Трамп
- The Late Show: Secret Service agent irate over Трамп’s joyride
- James Corden: Maybe I’m Immune’:
- Stephen: Трамп sends stocks tumbling with hostage-style threat to block covid stimulus package negotiations
- Seth Meyers with a corona-monologue
- Jimmy Kimmel: Dotard’s Трампumphant return to COVID infested White House
- The Late Show: Is Трамп tripping on Dexamethasone?
- Trevor: Трамп is home and back to comparing COVID to the flu
- Don Winslow Films: #TrumpIsPatientZero
- Stephen: John Brennan—A reckless President taking covid drugs is a dangerous cocktail for the White House
- The Late Show: Achoober—The ride sharing service for contagious covid patients
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп on no COVID relief bill
- Seth Meyers: Трамп stages maskless photo op while still infected with COVID-19
- John Di Domenico: Трамп 4am post hospital press conference on steroids
- Jordan Klepper: Трамп’s COVID rally
- Americans for Decency: Donald and losing—Let us remember
- Keith Olbermann: Worst Person No. 1. The Dotard Трамп—Mass murderer who will kill 150,000 more of us this year
- Bruce W. Nelson: A song of Hope (Hicks)
- Stephen: Трамп says “Don’t let it dominate your life,” returns to the White House still infected with covid
- Трамп has a loaded COVID gun
- SNL: Weekend Update
- Trevor: Coronavirus spreads rapidly through the White House
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп’s inner covid monologue as he returns to the White House
- Jonathan Mann: Is Tucker Carlson ok?
- Seth Meyers: Bob Woodward says Трамп was confident he would not catch COVID-19
- The Late Show: Трамп’s new roommate, covid-19!
- Francesca Fiorentini: How COVID is weaponized to kill public schools
Larry Wilmore with Bomani Jones: Why are police exempt from the consequences of killing people?
Trevor: Alex Wagner on why Americans feel anxiety and heartbreak.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The fly definitely stole the show. Missed that part, since I was listening on a radio app.
@1 Now the most famous fly in the world. Meanwhile, the Biden campaign sold out of 35,000 “Truth or Flies” swatters at 15 bucks each in hours.
A swish of the horse’s tail is all it takes to get Bob off the horse’s ass. He’s a small man, not much bigger than an insect.
This is interesting. There’s now statistical analysis that strongly backs up the subjective impression that militarizing police departments leads to increased police violence against citizens.
A data analysis by the Atlanta Journal Constitution found a “strong relationship” between police departments receiving surplus military gear and fatal police shootings. After adjusting for other factors, these departments kill 4 times as many people.
“Wayne McElrath, senior investigative advisor for the Washington-based Project on Government Oversight, said more violent confrontations with police track with a change in how police departments view their role. ‘The cost that we are dealing with now is a highly militarized police force that is no longer looking like police but [is] looking like they are patrolling a hostile foreign nation,’ he said.”
Instead of that inkblot on the sidebar of this blog, I think Goldy should change it to a fly.
As Trump/GOP’s prospects continue to fade we should all probably anticipate some sort of peak Trumpalo lunacy in the weeks ahead as the best window of opportunity to profit off the madness begins to close.
Makes me worry a little bit for Jacob Wohl, Jack Burkman, and that weird guy on Fox, what’s his name, you know the one with the bow tie who inherited TV dinners, what’s his name?
You were warned.
Turns out the dudes who went after Whitmer were the same types of dudes who created the Durkan Kill Zone.
It’s gonna get ugly in November no matter who wins the presidential election. Stay away from crowds, and check your equipment and supplies. If you can, get all the ammo you can for your firearms because you will be needing them very soon just to survive.
Look at it this way:
Voters don’t deserve to know how Biden feels about court-packing in the same way that gays don’t deserve to marry.
So were you. But you’ve been warned for the last time.
If you believe it’s just fine for right-wing terrorists to try, convict and execute Whitmer, then I’m sure you’ll have no problem if a loyal, patriotic American does the same to your treasonous ass.
You’ve run out of time, traitor.
Wrong. What Steve has is a .451 magnum and a really bad attitude.
Think about it, Dumbfuck.
Only an issue for already decided voters.
“If in this hypothetical the GOP hypothetically carries out what they said in 2016 was against tradition and Senate decorum and something they would never do I’m not going to say what I would do in response, hypothetically. I’ll review those options when and if the time comes. Ask me again when the GOP has decided to uphold their own stated principals or not.” Team Biden, consistent message
There is literally not a single voter that will change their mind if Yertle rams Barrett through or if Joe Biden explicitly threatens to rebalance the court if he does. Except maybe suburban moms and women who were thinking about staying home but have an an abortion story of their own and don’t want they’re kids to lose that safe and legal option.
Anti-Abortion women are showing up either way.
@ 10
Wrong. What Steve has is a .451 magnum and a really bad attitude.
Think about it, Dumbfuck.
What Steve has is a penchant for channeling Sharron Angle.
@ 10, redux:
Wrong. What Steve has is a .451 magnum and
areally badattitudehygiene.ftfy
@ 12
If you have to use a sentence beginning with “Except…” immediately after using a sentence beginning “There is literally not a…”, you should never have used the word literally.
Still has absolutely no fucking idea what the Boogaloo movement is.
Pay attention Dumbfuck. Not that complicated.
It’s ultra far-right anarchy hoping to conjure up and participate in the violent collapse of civil authority and government.
There’s plenty of diversity beyond that, with some groups vehemently insisting that “The Boogaloo” should be a race war that brings about a permanent apartheid between whites and African Americans. Many of the most virulently white supremacist Boogaloos are keenly interested in encouraging BLM activism with an eye toward promoting greater extremism and a shift toward violence and terrorism as a way to bring the races into armed conflict. Another tactic has been for Boogs to turn up at BLM protests dressed as “Antifa” to engage in vandalism and arson both in order to discredit BLM and to inspire conflict between largely African American BLM groups and largely white Antifa groups. One fine example is Aryan Cowboy “Umbrella Man” during the BLM protests in Minneapolis.
Only one major US political party has national leadership outspoken in their support for violent white supremacy and apartheid. Yours.
And plenty of people other than Democrats despise you and your authoritarian FailPresident.
I do think it’s important to recognize that while The Boogaloo movement is not uniformly aligned with movement Republican goals for authoritarian white nationalism, they share common roots.
The fervor for the abandonment of democratic principles shared by both movements arose during the Obama administration largely in reaction to the essentially racist outrage over an African American family living in the White House, and an African American man presiding over a democratically elected government system.
These movements may start with “Tea” but then, owing to the fundamentally irrational ideology inspiring them, they devolve quickly into paranoid obsessions with violence, conspiracy, identity, and even a little baby cannibalism.
And The Q Clearance Cat Lady still thinks there’s some way of walking back from that side of Teh Orange Event Horizon.
There is not.
I think I’ll remember this phenomenal collapse of movement conservatism in America as being perfectly encapsulated by this.
Laser-like focus on an opponent’s rhetorical flaw trees that blinds them to the forests of suburban women marching on them like Ents. The Q Clearance Cat Lady even still believes that the Associate Justice Gang Rape confirmation was a big political win. Saruman thought the Grima Wormtongue confirmation was a big win too.
When gay people don’t have the right to marry in this Country, then nobody has any rights in this Country. You choose dumbfuck, as one of the straights.
Also consider yourself as in alignment with other radical Islamists.
When any straight complains about anything, all that has to be said is “really?”. The dumbfucks do themselves in. Who are The dumbfucks worst enemies? Themselves.
@4 It’s a bullet hole, not an ink blot. We’re being shot at by snipers.
@6 Biden has said he’ll make his views on court-packing known after the election. Read whatever you want into that. I think I know what it implies. I think you do, too. Play by your own rules while you still can.
@7 It’s not news that Boogaloo Boys attend BLM protests, or that they kill cops.
Say, how did
BenitoDonald hastily organize a Balcony speech attended by a few hundred people And then manage to get them all to dress in the same color?Did Soros bus them in and pay for the screen printing?
@8 Yeah, better lay in 10,000 rounds, because in a shooting war that’s about a one week ammo supply. Figure about 140,000 rounds expended for every “enemy” killed. Expect a kill ratio close to 1:1, i.e. one of yours for every one of theirs. That’s the reality of what war is like.
I doubt the rightwing militias reckon in those terms, though. They’re probably thinking in terms of attacking an unarmed population that can’t put up any resistance — 10,000 bullets to the head = 10,000 kills, with no casualties on their side.
In other words, they aspire to be einsatzgruppen.
@10 You have a God-given right to defend yourself.
MO Governor announces he will pardon the McCloskey’s.
And nothing says ‘Rich White People are above the law” quite like making sure they don’t even have to defend themselves against criminal charges before a Republican says, “S’all Good, Man!”
He must not think it’s so much of a slam dunk case for acquittal.
@12 The real reason Biden won’t talk about the Supreme Court is because he wants to keep voters focused on Trump’s failures, and not let Republicans create a distraction. It’s simply a matter of debating on his terms, rather than letting Trump set the terms of debate.
My guess is that if Barrett isn’t confirmed before the election, court-packing is negotiable, and Biden won’t support it if a lame-duck Senate respects the wishes of the voters.
@13 The rules are the same for everyone, whether you want them to be or not. In light of that, Ms. Angle and the militias may wish to think about revising their draft rules.
@15 He could’ve been more articulate, but it’s obvious what he meant. He should’ve said “plus,” which implies “in addition to,” rather than “except,” which implies “subtracting.”
In other words, a shitstorm is heading your way. A really big one.
@19 “When gay people don’t have the right to marry in this Country, then nobody has any rights in this Country.”
That’s not true. When the Jews were rounded up and gassed, the Aryans weren’t. Depriving people of their rights (and lives) is always selective. Only synagogues and mosques get bombed. The bombers don’t bomb their own churches. They wouldn’t deprive themselves of marrying their sisters, either.
@26 They’ll still be pardoned felons, not innocent victims.
I believe America needs conservative and progressive major political parties, seeing it as kind of a ying and yang kind of thing. What we don’t need is the demise of conservatism, with it being replaced by fascism. The fascist have to go. Line up traitors like the dumbfuck against a wall and shoot them all,
Or to expedite matters, and to be green about it, mass vaporization. Turn Walmart stores into death camps.
High-Powered Plasma Turns Garbage Into Gas
The Traitorblaster. Traitors walk in, but they don’t walk out. Heh.
Looks like BC voters will be weighing in at the polls soon. Premier Horgan called a snap election for this month, seeing if he can strengthen his government, witbout the need for Green support. It appears the New Democratic Party has an 18 point lead on the BC Liberals, who are the conservatives in the province.
I’ll share with you one of the mistakes you made, Dumbfuck.
Solar panels. On Whidbey Island.
Think about it.
Interesting Story about the MV Coho and the impact of the border closure. When it is running, its a key link in the transportation network. Don’t want to lose it.
Too funny. The orange ‘roid-crashin’ raging man-baby pooped out after only 18 minutes.
Touting that 2,000 would attend, only 400 showed up. Heh.
What a loser.
Meanwhile, “Sleepy” Joe was knocking it out of the park in PA.
OK, go ahead and scoff. For the rest of you, remember this:
1. When it comes to equipment and supplies, good enough and plenty of it is the way to go.
2. Stay away from crowds.
@37 Let’s say the Boogie Bois are the only armed people. Nobody else is armed, nobody shoots back. Who will they shoot at? Cops? Helpless crowds? There won’t be anyone else. Every shot fired will constitute murder or attempted murder. The law will hunt them down. If they’re lucky, they’ll get the death penalty. If not, long empty years in ADX.
When you say, “Ginmie any damn health care worker who will say nice things about me and give her a speaking slot at the convention” the results may not work out.
And through it all our dumbest troll will insist this is how best to run a country. It would be Tooo Damn Funny if it weren’t tragic.
Antifa“An idea” kills another one.One dead, two in custody after gunfire at downtown Denver rallies
Bazillions of police within steps when he did it, too.
Can Lindsey Graham get more vile?
“Lindsey Graham … asserted Friday evening that Black people ‘can go anywhere in this state’ provided that they are ‘conservative, not liberal.’ The remarks came during Graham’s discussion of police reform and the anti-racism protests that have swept the country. ‘If you are a young African American, an immigrant, you can go anywhere in this state, you just need to be conservative, not liberal.’”
In other words, have your Republican Party membership card ready when the police profile you, a Karen accosts you, or three guys in a pickup truck plastered with Confederate flags pull up and wrap a chain around your neck. Because these people always check I.D.s first.
I get a feeling Lindsey will be really upset if a black guy replaces him in the Senate.
Denver Post having trouble getting its story straight. This, from the story’s reporter:
And yet this, from the article on the web:
Guy’s standing right there and still fucks up the story.
Kinda like pulling up a yard sign …
“A Dalton man has been arrested for allegedly burning a display of hay bales showing support for Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.”
Also of note:
Mike Pence is head of the Administration COVID response effort. Today he held a mask optional event.
Don’t you miss a country run by competent people even if you disagreed with or even hated them?
@42 It appears the shooter and shootee are white, and a couple sources say a Patriot Muster dude maced an antifa dude, who then shot the Patriot dude point-blank, dropped his handgun, and was promptly arrested. A second person also was arrested, but it’s not clear what for. Only one shot was fired, obviously by only one individual. The shooting was caught on video, but from a distance.
I expect if the shooter claims self-defense that’ll work for him like it will for Kyle Rittenhouse. The Patriot dude was more armed than Rittenhouse’s victims were, but not by much. You can’t shoot someone for pepper-spraying you. Even less for throwing a plastic bag at you.
Doc’s gonna move to Miami and buy a house on Trayvon Martin Avenue. He likes the house, not the location.
This is what failed leadership and Dumbfuck Bob and his Dumbfucks get you.
But, but, but, but, bubbubububu, but I shut down the Airplanes form Gina.
Bunch of dumbfucks! Letting Russia win!!!!! Dumb motherfuckers!!! Pizza parlor pedophiles.
@42 The “story” is that a Patriot Muster dude who sprayed mace was shot by a private security guard hired by a Denver TV station to protect its news crew and two guns were found at the scene, one of which didn’t belong to the security guard.
Those are the dots. How you draw the lines is up to you.
You just made Doctor Dumbfuck cry. He so wanted it to be antifa.
I’m sure this will help.
Donald Trump is supported by White Nationalists, the KKK and the Taliban.
The Taliban…very fine people.
@ 48, 49
Yup, a “security guard”. Not Antifa.
This is the type of behavior, apparently, that gets you shot in the face and killed in this day and age.
@ 51
The link apparently didn’t paste correctly.
Two things about this photo:
1. Bullet is in flight or may have already entered the victim’s skull – the shell casing has been ejected and is in the air just above the firearm.
2. If the shooter was trying to protect himself from mace, shouldn’t he have his sunglasses covering his eyes instead of a few inches below them?
Better quality photos at Daily Mail website here:
That photo was taken by a Denver Post photographer a split second after the shot was fired. If you look closely, the gun is a semi-auto, the slide is back in recoil position, the ejected casing is flying through the air, and the victim is clutching his chest. News reports say he was shot in the chest, not head, and no head wound is visible in this photo. The gun is pointing at his head because of recoil.
The security guard worked for Pinkerton, so he was a trained professional, and not someone likely to act impulsively. Police recovered two guns at the scene. However, the victim doesn’t appear to have a gun in any of the photos published thus far, although he’s clearly assaulting the guard with mace.
I don’t think we’ve got the whole story. I suspect the victim objected to being filmed and advanced on the TV crew, maybe making verbal threats, and the guard thought he was acting in self-defense when he was maced. The cops arrested him and charged him with murder, but we’ll have to see what charges, if any, they pursue after the investigations are completed.
The second person arrested was a TV producer who was detained as a “person of interest” but was released without charges a short time later.
In the debate with Montana US Senator Steve Daines tonite, Democrat Steve Bullock came out in favor of packing the Supreme Court.
Too bad it wasn’t a face-to-face debate.
@ 53
News reports say he was shot in the chest, not head, and no head wound is visible in this photo. The gun is pointing at his head because of recoil.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, if I show you a photo of the guy laying on his back on the concrete with his head covered in blood, will you stop trying to improve on your Fleeing Felon stupidity?
Here’s the answer to question # 2 @ 52
Victim slapped the shooter in the face.
@54 If Republicans do things simply because they can, then I don’t see why Democrats shouldn’t do things simply because they can. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
If the Republicans change their minds and decide to abide by the principle they imposed on the Democrats, then I would argue the Democrats should back off.
Under that principle, if Biden wins and Democrats take the Senate, there would be a 4-4 split on the Supreme Court with conservative-leaning Roberts the swing vote — essentially the status quo that existed before Ginsburg’s death. That’s not a bad deal for Republicans if they get their asses handed to them in the election.
If they do get their asses handed to them in the election, and still don’t like that deal, their alternative could be a 7-5-1 court.
There’s a second alternative: Biden might decide to live with a 6-3 court if the conservatives aren’t a gang of fucking obstructionists who don’t let him govern. FDR backed off packing the court when the court backed off blocking his efforts to save the country. It’s been said that Supreme Court justices read election returns, too, and a little flexibility on their part might be the path of prudence for them.
@ 53
News reports say he was shot in the chest, not head, and no head wound is visible in this photo. The gun is pointing at his head because of recoil.
Clearly, the victim was shot in the chest, fell backward and hit his head. And all the blood from the gunshot wound in his chest bounced upward from the force of him hitting the concrete, and landed on the victim’s face.
Isn’t that right. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
I do agree with Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 53 that we don’t know the whole story.
There’s some reason the victim slapped the shooter before macing him. With all of the cameras and recording going on, and the prior history of all of the Denver protests, it would not be surprising to see the “security guard” playing a very convincing role of a far-left protester.
Maybe not. But with police all over the place during that encounter, if you’re trained security why are you discharging your firearm in that situation?
@58 I don’t see anything in your link that has anything to do with this incident.
@ 60
Click the link again, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Then click on the word “View”.
@59 Dumbfuck is now wandering into the desert called “assumptions.” The quote marks he placed around “[Pinkerton] security guard” are precious. I see no blood on the pavement here:
@55 Yes, please do show me your photo of his blood-spattered face.
@61 There is no word “View,” just a string of tweets, only 1 of which has anything to do with this incident.
Get someone else to wipe your ass for you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Meanwhile, please continue to insist the victim was shot in the chest because you can’t open a link to a photo that proves otherwise.
You could even soil with your firearm analysis. Don’t forget your perception that the victim was clutching his chest, which clearly indicates that he was shot in the chest, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@64 Your useless links aren’t my problem. I’m not your tech support.
There may have been Skittles involved. Right? Or the ice cream?
At the very least, we can all agree that sadly, for reasons none of us may ever understand, the victim insisted on “assuming a bladed stance”. As we should all know by now that’s a license to open fire.
Discuss. Or disgusting.
Isn’t it ironic that the “Job Creators” do everything they can to make a profit at the expense of employing someone.
Yesterday the FailPresident’s treating physician declared that he had been “fever free” for well over 24 hrs.
Which means that as recently as this Friday he still had an elevated temperature.
Dr. Strangelove also announced that the FailPresident’s body is still producing active virus, but that somehow, amazingly, in total defiance of known medical science, he was “no longer communicable”.
In times like these, staying away from crowds really is good advice.
Even better advice is staying away from crowds of Rapepublicans.
London’s Sunday Times announces this morning that the UK government will now write off the FailPresident and seek immediately to begin cultivating ties with the campaign of Vice President Joe Biden.
This in the aftermath of Biden offering warnings about UK plans to breach the Good Friday Agreement in order to pave the way for Brexit. Biden, along with other US lawmakers, insisted that any US/UK trade agreements would hang on respecting the GFA and on UK honoring its commitments to it.
Meanwhile the FailPresident rage-tweeted about stale hot dogs and criticized Gwen Stefani’s hair.
While it is true that at yesterday’s latest Trump2020 rally in Jacksonville only a few dozen supporters turned out to hear from Eric Trump and fam:
It must also be acknowledged that billions of COVID-19 virions also attended.
ABC news reports discovering that Trump2020/RNC funneled money to Candace Owens’ “Blexit” so that she could cover travel and lodging and pay members to attend yesterday’s COVID-19/TRUMP2020 super-spreader rally on the south lawn.
Owens herself collects a 10% honorarium against the gross.
It’s a living, I guess.
This is the Vice President of men’s footwear for Versace:
Stop-and-frisk, even pretextual, has only one purpose and goal:
to humiliate, dominate, and control.
“Pedestrian enforcement stops” do not, under any circumstances, approach the threshold to justify and body search.
But believe it or not, this is what most police believe it is their duty to do. “Checking out” “suspicious looking” individuals who “appear out of place” is how they think the deter crime. But the only evidence is that such tactics, being focused nearly exclusively on people-of-color and the poor only result in resentment, fear, and reduced community engagement with law enforcement.
And of course, they expose people-of-color and the poor to massively increased risk of injury and death at the hands of hyper-aggressive, paranoid, violent police.
The saddest part is, in the immediate aftermath of this Bembury is faulting himself for not paying more attention and focusing more on his surroundings. As if BH would have stopped and frisked a white woman jogging across the street in Lululemon.
“Stop-and-frisk, even pretextual, has only one purpose and goal:
to humiliate, dominate, and control.”
Yeah, so is repealing the Second Amendment.
There was a Seattle Times fluff piece on Medina about a decade ago that opened with the idea that Medina Police routinely pull over cars that look too cheap.
The reporter apparently didn’t find this blatantly illegal behavior troubling at all.
Now imagine being black in any car outside of a minority neighborhood.
Let’s take the way back machine to 2016 and see Sen. McCain and respected right wing media Suggesting shrinking SCOTUS rather than tilt the court with a nominee that isn’t to the right of Scalia…
45 years ago someone held a mainstream position on a political issue that isn’t the same as the position they have 45 years later.
Film at 11.
45 years ago I though Sweet was going to ride ‘Ballroom Blitz’ to arena rock stardom, Lear Jets and more cocaine and hookers than they could imagine. The riches would be unending.
“Eric Trump on Sunday danced around questions from ABC News’ Jon Karl about an explosive New York Times report that hundreds of entities patronized Trump properties and scored federal contracts and favors from President Donald Trump and his administration.
“In its investigation published Saturday, the Times found that more than 200 companies, special interest groups and foreign governments were ‘reaping benefits’ while spending money at various Trump hotels, golf clubs and other businesses.
“‘Lots of specifics in this story,’ Karl told Eric Trump, the second eldest of Trump’s three sons. ‘You guys didn’t respond to The New York Times. Here’s your chance. What’s your response?’
“Eric Trump didn’t deny any of the specific allegations laid out in the Times report, which was based in part on President Trump’s tax records and the membership records of at least two of his properties. Instead, Eric Trump, an executive vice president of the Trump Organization, said that his family has been hemorrhaging money in recent years.
“‘My response is, we’ve lost a fortune,’ Eric Trump told Karl. ‘My father’s lost a fortune running for president. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t care. He wanted to do what was right. The last thing, I can tell you, Donald Trump needs in the world is this job.'”
Ladies and gents, the problem before us is how to summarize these five paragraphs in one sentence. Here’s my submission:
Donald Trump is such a shitty businessman he can’t even turn a profit from corruption.
@68 Yes, the system forces them to be cheap labor conservatives and tax avoiders, doesn’t it? I mean, they really have no choice, because every single expense comes out of their profits.
Brutal competition, not their free will, compels them to get as much for free as possible, and extract taxpayer subsidies if feasible. In order for them to make the profits to which they’re accustomed, it may be necessary for the public to reimburse them $1.25 for every $1.00 of their incurred expenses.
After all, every business — no matter what form it takes — is an extraction industry. What’s extracted is profits, and the money for profits comes from wherever money is to be found. One can’t afford to be particular; it all spends the same when one needs mansions, yachts, mistresses who require jewelry and designer gowns, etc.
@74 It’s not really the same thing. The purpose of repealing the Second Amendment is to take military-style assault rifles easily converted to machineguns out of the hands of profoundly disturbed millionaires who sit in hotel towers picking off 500 concertgoers in 10 minutes, profoundly disturbed teens who slaughter elementary schoolchildren, and profoundly disturbed trailer trash who join militias and plot to kidnap governors and overthrow state governments. Oh, and before I forget, to take your guns away, too. Clearly, you are someone who shouldn’t have guns, for civilized society’s sake.
@ 79
…an explosive New York Times report that hundreds of entities patronized Trump properties and scored federal contracts and favors from President Donald Trump and his administration.
See Clinton Foundation, The. Pay careful attention to contributions prior to the 2016 presidential election, and after the election.
Had she won, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you’d be defending the practice right now.
QoS McHillbilly claims @ 66 the victim was in a bladed stance at the time the bullet was fired.
Which is an interesting claim, as serial photos demonstrate that the victim had retreated in the seconds beforehand, as the shooter was drawing on him, and that in the photo of the two individuals captured at the time the spent shell had just been expelled from the firearm the victim was leaning slightly backward and his rear foot was not in contact with the pavement.
At any rate, sooner or later we’ll see the whole thing take place.
This incident occurred beneath a city police surveillance camera and police confirmed they have footage of what happened.
Perhaps that is why Denver Police this morning described the investigation as first-degree murder.
Meanwhile, social media postings by the shooter make it clear that he was closely aligned with left-wing interests and a hater of Trump supporters. What his social media postings don’t provide any evidence for is that he has any type of military, LE, or security background.
If I’m not mistaken, and I know I’m not, shrinking the Supreme Court, the circuit courts, and the district courts is precisely what Moscow Mitch did throughout the Obama administration without any Congressional authorization, or even a single vote.
Nobody batted an eye when one single elected official from a fucking backward, trailer trash, tire dump state like Kentucky unilaterally changed the courts, including the SCOTUS.
If one single shit-heel Senator who represents fewer people than Mauritania can do that unilaterally to 330 million of us, then a democratically elected majority in Congress can vote to enlarge the court without blinking an eye.
Fuck conservatives.
I also claimed he had Skittles you fucking imbecile.
It hasn’t been remotely established that the current presiding interpretation of the 2nd Amendment precludes public health and safety oriented regulations to reasonably restrict the types of weapons gun-humpers like The Q Clearance Cat Lady are allowed to get naked and masturbate with.
I think the right federal law, modeled closely on the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986, is worth testing, especially in an expanded Court.
I agree with this National Review article about the Supreme Court in October 2016. That is, Congress should unpack the Supreme Court by shrinking it from 9 to 6 justices, the original number, with retention based on seniority of course.
Wrong link, Rog.
@82 Don’t look here, look over there!
This is deflecting, not responding and certainly not rebutting, and can reasonably be deemed off topic.
@88 Shit happens when you’re trying to do multiple things at once.
@83 “the spent shell had just been expelled from the firearm”
I’m pretty sure Doc is unarmed, because nobody involved with firearms ever uses the term “shell” to describe a cartridge casing (or “casing” or “case” for short) or the term “expelled” to describe an expended casing being ejected from a firearm by the extractor in the breech. Clearly, he’s never been exposed to firearms nomenclature.
On the other hand, it’s conceivable he bought a gun without knowing the names of its working parts or functions, and when the instructor tells him to engage the safety, he flips back the trigger instead, owing to not knowing the difference.
Because dumbfucks can’t help being dumbfucks.
@83 “Perhaps that is why Denver Police this morning described the investigation as first-degree murder.”
Actually, even the conservative Denver Post didn’t describe the investigation as first-degree murder. It said he was arrested “on suspicion of first-degree murder” and he’s “being held as a suspect in a deadly shooting.”
No charges filed yet, doc, and may never be. All you have right now is police investigating a fatal shooting to determine whether a crime was committed, with no conclusion about that having been reached.
You’re having a bad day today. Stumbling all over the place. Were you drinking last night? Or maybe this morning? Before lunch?
The “security guard” purportedly hired from national security company Pinkertons was not licensed.
9NEWS said 30-year-old Dolloff was a private security guard contracted by them through Pinkerton, but when FOX31 reached out to Denver’s Department of Excise and Licensing we were told there is no one by that name who is or ever has been registered as an active security guard in the city.
Not possessing a proper license seemed to be a big deal when it pertained to a 17 year-old kid in Kenosha, I recall.
All I know is it’s pretty fucking obvious the freak harbors some very intense and disturbing nearly sexual fantasies about gun play and street duels with firearms.
Which as far as I’m concerned establishes a priori that he does not know what the fuck he is talking about.
Not possessing a proper license…
All I recall is pointing out that this is part of a fact set that typically influences prosecutors in their charging decisions, as it can be introduced at trial, in one way or another, without fear of being excluded.
Being in unlawful possession of a deadly weapon does not deprive an individual of their legal right to use it in order to defend themselves against imminent physical assault. But it does deprive that individual of some credibility. As it should.
Kyle Rittenhouse, as an emotionally disturbed teen drop-out rejected by the US military as being unfit who brought an illegal weapon from Illinois to use on the city streets of Kenosha Wisconsin has a great big credibility problem. And shitty lawyers to boot.
At this point I don’t really know enough or care enough to speculate about “Pinkerton dude”‘s specific legal peril. But if he was carrying illegally it will probably affect the prosecutor’s charging decision and hurt him with a jury if he ends up going to trial.
@ 91
I have used a firearm once in my adult life. Haven’t felt the need, yet, to concealed-carry. Of course, I haven’t met Steve or ‘froggy face-to-face, either. Each of them is sufficiently homocidal that I might have to rethink that. We’ll see how the election goes.
I own a cap-and-ball Remington revolver from the 1860s, some ball projectiles and some sketchy-looking gunpowder. Gift from an in-law a few years ago. I’ve held it twice. One of these days I’ll visit a guy on north Whidbey Island who owns a business centered around restoring and supplying ammo for these antique weapons. Sounds like less fun than hanging around a horse with my wife, to be honest.
My use of the word “expel” probably reflects my professional background. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, when that grape you ingest without chewing slides down the wrong pipe and you asphyxiate while your family gathers around you and collectively, silently, decides not to provide you with assistance, they are choosing to let you choke to death rather than to attempt to expel that foreign body from your trachea via a Heimlich maneuver.
Who could blame them, really. You’re a massive waste of food, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Benjamin Crump has been retained to represent the family of the man shot in Denver yesterday.
“He was my brother, my only sibling,” Suzan Keltner said. “He also served our country.”
She declined to provide more details.
“There’s going to be a lawsuit,” Suzan Keltner added. “So, I don’t know how much we can let out.”
Actually, I don’t know if that’s true. I read it on
Just throwing this out there.
I have been far better off, at each of those time periods, even though 16 of those years were under Democrat presidents.
No matter who wins, the gap between Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit and me will grow ever wider, YLB will still be unserious, Steve won’t be able to get laid or even find a date, and The Even Bigger Fucking Moron will not have the least clue.
Bring it on.
@ 99
If Biden promises to treat you like family, he just means you’ll be repeatedly embarrassed by the public and private conduct of your father before you die well before your time.
I can’t imagine why Kamala Harris and Joe Biden aren’t willing to say it again before the election.
Here’s a nice time-lapse of the photos just before and after the shooting.
It’s clear that the victim is retreating, as the shadows from the fence and the unusual concrete pattern make it easy to follow his the positions of his feet. At the time the shooter is reaching for his weapon both of the victim’s hands are at waist level and he’s not in a “blade stance”, or anything close to that. He’s doing nothing threatening with the mace at the time the shooter is reaching for his concealed firearm.
Of course, had this happened in Portland the shooter would have already been released with all charges dropped. Alas, this isn’t Portland.
You liberal progressives are doing OK. The polls say Biden is definitely going to win in November, and Trump will be out for good. So, the Republicans are going to get one more small victory: they’re going to get ACB on the Supreme Court. That’s not so bad, in the scheme of things. Consider ACB on the Court the price you have to pay to get rid of Trump. Hey, look on the bright side!
@ 103
What he said.
Three SCOTUS justices, 300 in lower courts, and Mitch McConnell telling you explicitly that what Reid was doing was gonna bite you back, and sooner than you expect.
You were warned.
To me losing control of the federal government after that kind of judicial success is a very good exchange for the right. Moreover, see @ 98.
@93 “Not possessing a proper license seemed to be a big deal when it pertained to a 17 year-old kid in Kenosha, I recall.”
In what respect? Not being a licensed cop? Not having a concealed weapon permit? Or being a minor in illegal possession of an assault weapon, which is not a licensing issue, but an underage issue?
The Kenosha Kid is a poster boy for why it’s a bad idea to let someone who lacks the maturity, experience, and judgment of an adult run around with an AR-15, in a riot zone of all places, with no supervision. Even trained police officers are supervised.
You truly are a dumbfuck. I wonder about your maturity and judgment, too, which has nothing to do with your biological age.
@96 “I own a cap-and-ball Remington revolver from the 1860s, some ball projectiles and some sketchy-looking gunpowder.”
If it looks like this, it’s a reproduction.
It it looks like this, nobody in their right mind would give it to you.
@96 Expel is what happens when you eat your own shit. Eject is what happens when you go into a grocery store without a mask. I wouldn’t do either of those things.
@97 “I read it on”
If you did, why don’t you provide the link? I need the traffic more than New York Post does.
@98 “I have been far better off, at each of those time periods, even though 16 of those years were under Democrat presidents.”
Folks, don’t expect a dumbfuck to see a correlation there.
@99 Who’s Darlene? and when did watching ads become postworthy?
@101 If McConnell can pack the courts, so can the Democrats. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
@102 “It’s clear that the victim is retreating”
Yeah, he fell backwards after being shot.
This is what happens now that Trump has made it okay to be racist and endorsed violence.
You’ve got it.
Once The Majority wins in November and retakes control of the Senate and White House the overwhelming majority of voters (and it will be an overwhelming majority) will very quickly come to see the legislation authorizing expansion of the SCOTUS and key circuits as entirely appropriate “re-balancing” in the wake of precisely equivalent actions on the part of Trumpaloompas going back a decade.
Long overdue. Good timing.
Fuck conservatives.
Watching the video and looking at photos of the Denver shooting incident, here’s what I see. The victim is in a belligerent argument with a guy wearing a BLM shirt. They’re on the verge of fighting. The victim physically bumps him, and the BLM guy says “don’t touch me.” A third individual pushes them apart and keeps them separated with his outstretched arms. Then the victim steps out of the video frame, and within a couple seconds slaps or punches the security guard, steps back and maces the security guard, and is shot. All of this happens in less than 90 seconds, and the altercation with the security guard lasts less than 10 seconds. He probably sucker-punched the security guard. Sure looks like the victim wanted to fight, and when he couldn’t fight the BLM guy, he attacked the security guard.
And you, Bob, will have invested four long tedious years of your rapidly declining years into propping up and defending the greatest most unsurpassed human failure in modern history. In the process you and “your ilk” will have reduced your party to a cheap tavern joke, flipped Arizona and perhaps even Florida, permanently sealing yourselves off from Electoral College success, and turned your party leadership over to a mob of toxoplasmosis hosts.
And we’ll simply swamp your court picks with a bunch of our own.
TBH without you, Trump, the Pudiot, Sean Hannity, and Kellyanne we never could have done it. So thanks, I guess.
By midweek a certain TV station in Denver will pronounce itself shocked, shocked! I tell you! to learn that a contracted security guard is not, in fact, a security guard at all.
And a certain reporter and a certain producer will have some serious ‘splainin to do, Lucy.
@ 115
Watching the video and looking at photos of the Denver shooting incident, here’s what I see.
Last night, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you saw the victim clutching his chest and denied that he was shot in the face.
Why in fuck would we waste time on what you think you see now? Particularly since you have not acknowledged your error of yesterday.
You’re a fucking clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. A failed, festering, slovenly clown.
@ 113
Hey Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, when you read descriptions of perpetrators that contain as much detail as this:
what does that tell you about the perpetrators?
It tells you that more information is known but that it’s not PC to share it.
@117 “And a certain reporter and a certain producer will have some serious ‘splainin to do, Lucy.”
Yeah, because when they hire Pinkerton to provide security for their TV crew, and Pinkerton sends over a security guard, they always ask to see his security guard license and probably his shot record, too. Doesn’t everyone?
Oops. He’s not a licensed security guard. In Denver. The license he doesn’t have is a city license. “Denver is one of three cities in Colorado where security guards are required to have a license to operate, and there is no requirement to have a license in the state.” In other words, him not having a license is sorta like not having a hot dog stand license.
Everywhere else in the state, except those other two cities, he’s a security guard. Maybe that’s why Pinkerton thought they were sending over a “security guard” when they weren’t.
However, there’s a silver lining for the victim’s family. Between that oversight and the fact the “security guard” is something of a flake, the victim’s family possibly can hope for some compensation from deep-pocketed Pinkerton, which is good, because they probably won’t get much from a guy who makes his living by peddling wildflower honey at gun shows. Heck, the victim might have been one of his customers.
@ 120
You knew this was coming, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Yeah, because when they hire Pinkerton to provide security for their TV crew, and Pinkerton sends over a security guard, they always ask to see his security guard license and probably his shot record too. Doesn’t everyone?
He’s not with Pinkerton.
Pinkerton, however, said it does not actually employ Dolloff – Pinkerton did not share the name of the company for which Dolloff worked.
Pinkerton may have subbed out the work (same link):
“We are in the process of still gathering information to better understand the incident that occurred in Denver on October 10 involving a contractor agent,” the statement says. “The agent in question is not a Pinkerton employee. Pinkerton is fully cooperating with law enforcement authorities in their investigation of this matter.”
See @ 117. And Jesus H, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, for once in your life quit when you’re behind.
@119 What does this tell you about the perpetrators:
“In August, the NYPD announced the creation of an Asian Hate Crime Task Force after an increase in racist attacks against Asian Americans during the Covid-19 pandemic. The NYPD said it is not currently investigating the attack as a hate crime, but some local politicians have condemned the attack for being motivated by hate. New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer said in a tweet that the incident was ‘horrific.’ ‘We can’t tolerate acts of hate and we must fight bigotry on all fronts. My thoughts are with Tadataka Unno and his family as he recovers,’ Stringer said.”
@121 The TV station called Pinkerton to supply them with a security guard and Pinkerton sent over a guy who’s not a security guard and isn’t employed by Pinkerton.
(slaps head with forepaw)
Now why didn’t I think of that? After all the media reporting that he worked for Pinkerton? More to the point, why didn’t the TV station think of that?
I wouldn’t admit employing the guy, either, if I was a Pinkerton loss prevention manager. Or their lawyer. The guy isn’t a security guard, but he is an independent contractor, or “independent agent,” choose one. Of course he is.
Sounds to me like the TV station has a lawsuit against Pinkerton, too.
One word for pos rapey mcdimfuk:
Just think:
In a hundred years or so President Obama will be re-imagined into something ghoulish or otherwise unacceptable to all right-thinking people, and his memory and any memorials to his existence and presidency will be trashed.
Like the Antifa motherfuckers did to the statues of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt in PDX tonite.
Hey, Joe, what else are ya gonna refuse to tell the American people until after the election?
State lawmakers decided last year that Colorado should join 14 other states and Washington, D.C., in the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which pledges their Electoral College votes to the presidential candidate who gets the most raw votes nationwide.
On Nov. 3, Coloradans will get the chance to affirm or reject that decision when they vote on Proposition 113, which was put on the ballot by opponents of the movement.
’cause maybe Coloradans think differently than Californians, Joe.
It would be interesting, wouldn’t it, if some of the blowback from the way Democrats have behaved is seeing the NPV effort grow further from its goal, instead of closer.
@126 Did you notice Colorado’s legislature is letting the people decide whether their state will participate in the NPVIC while Pennsylvania’s legislature plots to render the people’s votes for presidential electors meaningless?
So let’s delve into what might explain the 2 states’ different attitudes toward democracy:
Colorado Senate: 19 Democrats, 16 Republicans
Colorado Assembly: 41 Democrats, 24 Republicans
Pennsylvania Senate: 28 Republicans, 21 Democrats, 1 Independent
Pennsylvania Assembly: 109 Republicans, 93 Democrats, 1 Vacant
“Oddly enough” with all the hard work you, Trump, Brad, Stephen Miller, The Crying Nazi and the Pudiot have put in the last four years, and with Florida, Arizona, Ohio, and even Georgia poised to flip, I find myself far less enthusiastic about NPV these days. Who’da thunk, right?
Like this?
Something about statues….
Like this?
Bob, you “lost control of the federal government” twelve years ago.
We’ve got Disney, Insta, Blake Lively, Star Wars, Leo, taco trucks, The Lakers, Steve Harvey, and lots more.
Eventually, whether you like it or not, you all get to think like Californians at least a little bit. You already do.
Criminally desperate move:
California GOP Field Director caught distributing fake “Secure Ballot Drop Boxes” as part of an illegal ballot harvesting scheme in hopes of stealing one or two Southern California CDs.
To quote Jim Wright
“One choice for president is loudly endorsed by the Klan, Confederates, Proud Boys, White Supremacists, Nazis, domestic terrorists, Wall Street banks, failed politicians, disgraced holy men, the wretched bitter dregs of talk radio, religious fanatics, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, Bin Laden’s niece Wafah Dufour, and the goddamn TALIBAN.
The other choice …
isn’t.” is Biden.Godwin, Puddy, A1 and anyone who votes republican. Remember that when you vote who’s side are you with?
Looks like the Denver killer of a Trumpo supporting US veteran is in big do do. And of course Antifa thugs cheered as he died.
Some previous twats from the killer.
#youbuiltthat libtardos Now you have more death on your scum hands.
dummocretin and their antifa acolytes are scum!
More reasons Puddy rightly KNOWS dummocretin are scum!
Now antifa scum attack people of color when they won’t kiss the antifa ASS.
dummocretin are scum!
Found this in the reservoir of Oregon dummocretin filth. When you are antifa in Portland, you have a free pass. Seems
The 182 “pending review” will skate also because Mike Schmidt is one lazy dummocretin who does not care for the rule of law. His own mouth has confirmed this from before.
dummocretin are scum!
Richard Spencer, a prominent racist and Duke University alumnus is for Joe BiteME!
You seemed to forget this in your scream above dead&deformed@133.
dummocretin are scum!
FACTS dead&deformed@133
dummocretin are scum. All they want is power!
It’s fascinating to read conservatives endlessly whine about “Democrats something something Rule Of Law.:
But not a word about republicans try to steal elections
California GOP installed unofficial ballot drop-off boxes. State officials say they’re illegal.
“‘Appalling Criminal Conduct’: California GOP Accused of Operating Fake ‘Official’ Ballot Drop Boxes | “Apparently they’re trying to prove voter fraud is real by committing actual election fraud.””
Typical hypocrites. Cheap Labor Conservatives want minority rule Like 1980s South Africa.
The modern day most terrifying words in the English language are: “I am from the Republicans and I am here to make sure the government hurts you.”
@133 – I don’t think the Wall Street banks are supporting Trump for the 2020 elections. They’re making some serious donation to Biden’s campaign.
@141 More importantly is a huge grassroots support via ActBlue. Bank CEOs is what, a couple of dozen votes, while ActBlue has millions of people AND THEIR VOTES putting their money where their passions are, and supporting democrats.
The modern day most terrifying words in the English language are: “I am from the Republicans and I am here to make sure the government hurts you.”
134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139,
Your FailPresident’s antiobody “miracle cure” is made from “murdered babies”.
How sad for you.
Now is another very good time for you to lie to yourself.
Surprise! Guys who can do continuous stochastic calculus to drive high frequency trading can also read polls.
Even if you can’t.
Must be time for your next bleach injection.
144 – I don’t worry about the polls because they have no effect on for whom I will be voting. I will not be voting for Trump or Biden.
There is a lot of Wall Street money going to Biden, though.
Almost all of Wall Street Big Banksters (PortaPotty word) are for Je BiteME! Seems that is the antithesis of antifa and socialism!
Strange bedfellow you dummocretin scum are!
Ahhhhh dot bombed@143 is on Ted Lieu’s twatter thread. Sadly you like Lieu are full of BULLSH^TTIUM.
So why hasn’t DeFacedBook or Twatter removed the false comments from their websites? Puddy thought they were tracking and removing fake news? Ohhh… it’s only if Republicans make the fake news are they removed!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa
So once again dot bombed is played the FOOL! It’s October 12 Indigenous Peeps Day and 1103 times so far dot bombed been played the FOOL just this month!
Puddy don’t know what your day job is; butt if your “occupation” demonstrates the same level of futility and moronic stooooooooooooooopidity as your everyday posts on this blog, then it must really suck to be your boss!
Big tech companies are just like Ted Lieu and dot bombed; dummocretin scum!
Another prime example dummocretin are scum. Pictures are here Attacking a wheelchair bound person. dummocretin have no boundaries on anybody anymore on anyone anywhere anytime!
We seem more and more every day indoctrinated young dummocretin peeps are scum!
This seems noteworthy:
If that number is real,
1. Well done. Seriously.
2. It’s too bad that money goes into the coffers of political consultants and advertisers rather than somewhere direct where it can do some good for people who could use it.
This demonstrates dummocretin can’t claim they are the poor representatives party anymore anytime!
The S&P 500 is up nearly 2% on the day.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s fave GE shares? They’re down.
Don’t be a dumbfuck. Don’t listen to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, unless it’s so you can do the opposite of what he recommends.
My Notadumbfuck Method of Investing.
Proven to work, time and time again.
The longer Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit stays healthy, the longer this investment method is golden.
So it seems Comey lied again. No wonder dummocretins love Comey!
Amazing this dummocretin scum plot BULLSH^TTIUM!
Yet more proof that Republicans are degenerate skanks!!!
They don’t care.
Yet more proof that Republicans are shameless reprobates!!!
@ 153, 154
Yet more proof that Steve really, really needs to get laid.
A few more weeks and even gman will look appealing to Steve.
You need to read more than copy dot bombed wrong turds!
DEBUNKED already!
Pudiot wont hear it when the CEO of Regeneron happily shares that the FailPresident’s “SUPERMAN” cure is made from murdered baby cells.
But Pudiot does not deny it either.
Merely tries to shift attention away.
Away from the appalling truth that his beloved FailPresident is only alive today because of the murder of helpless innocent babies.
Walls are closing in. States are falling one by one. Trump is circling the drain. Pelosi and Schumer are poised to expand the courts. Puerto Rico and DC on the verge of statehood. And his Great Leader is feeding on the corpses of precious innocent tiny babies. Maybe Pudiot isn’t on His side after all?
Still doesn’t understand how ActBlue works. Or where the money comes from.
The Q Clearance Cat Lady’s last four years:
A few more weeks and Trump will be president in name only, Moscow Mitch will be moving offices, and thousands of dirty hippies will be dancing and singing naked in the streets. Including the streets of Whidbey Island, Tucson Arizona, Cleveland Ohio, and Jacksonville Florida.
Without a daily helping of orange throat-yogurt, what will The Q Clearance Cat Lady swallow?
Sympathy tears.
“Kim Jong-un sheds tears as he delivers rare apology to North Korea over failings”
My prediction – The Hump starts to tear up. And then Bob starts to tear up too.
Sometimes wingnut projection informs you of things you’d rather not know about them. Other times it’s something you already knew but didn’t want to know. This one falls in the latter.
I suggest you go out to the barn, Doctor. Relieve some tension, maybe come back. And try to do the right thing and stay away from chicken coops when you’re like this.
I only saw post 159, and don’t have time for the whole thread.
But hey Steve has better taste than a horse. What can you say.
Wrong again dot bombed. Puddy uses left wrong USA Today to DEEEEESTROY you and Ted Lieu’s lies!
So to. dot bombed, aborted unborn human babies are properly consented individuals
Who knew?
Meanwhile in Arizona…
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Guess they were worried more Trump supporters would be there!
Yes, young dummocretin are scum! Follow a young dummocretin home and watch what opens the door. Probably even worse dummocretin scum. As of today the mother said while he stood there like Nicholas Sandmann and didn’t retaliate, the female spitter is going to be charged with a felony; especially since Denver is a libtard covid hotbed! Not sure if dummocretin girl #2 will be charged with yet. Remember this is the same police that claimed the Trump supporter killer was a private security guard without actually checking the databases they have immediate access to in their cars!
Why isn’t this domestic terrorism? We see all those commercials on teevee on bullying yet, leftist dummocretin scum do it all the time. She purposefully deposited human fluids on someone! Probably learned it watching videos of antifa in Oregon!
Go back to the video of the lady of color being accosted and her hair pulled on while holding an American flag!
#yourbuitthat dummocretins!
dummocretin are scum!
How true how true.
Keith Olbermann has blood on his hands. Will any dummocretin loving news outlet ask this question of Keith?
Olbermann is dummocretin scum!
Amy Ford, Nurse Who Spoke For Trump At RNC, Arrested In Shooting
Republicans are skanky reprobates!!!
Movie theaters are dead.
Cinemas ‘shocked and dismayed’ by Disney decision to launch Soul on streaming
I can’t believe I’m typing this, but I’m interested in what Cz-252 has to say on the topic of this shift to streaming and bypassing theaters.
Threw up in my mouth just a bit while typing that, I did.
Jake Tapper finally kicking some dummocretin campaign peeps ASS! Can’t tell anyone how it is unconstitutional.
And again! Can’t tell anyone about court packing!
Butt blame Trump!
A random act of CNN journalism! Tapper didn’t act like most dummocretin scum today! What will Don LeMon or Chris Fredo Cuomo say later?
What about that 6 foot distance rule dummocretins?
dummocretin are scum!
RCP average increases to Biden +10.2
Why? Because Republicans are reprobate skanks!!!
Republican skankiness in action.
Republicans are skanks!!!
The most vicious attacks on women are always from other women.
YLB, why is that?
“Back then I was on the ticket with, with, that Senator who was a Kenyan, that clean and articulate colored fella.”
@170 Typical Pudiot stupidity.
@166 Pudiot’s “source” for this silly quote: QAnon wacko Marjorie Taylor Greene!
What a babbling fool!
@138 In other words, Trump is so corrupt and incompetent even Nazis can’t stand him. It figures.
But if Spence really did endorse Biden, and it appears he did because, “I simply recognize how ineffective, useless, and traitorous the GOP is,”
it’s safe to say his endorsement was unsolicited and is unwanted.
@141, 146 True enough. Trump is so repulsive Wall Street prefers higher taxes on corporations and billionaires to four more years of his wrecking-ball governance. A taxed capitalist society is better than a smoking cinder of a destroyed capitalist society.
@145 What I’m picking up from my libertarian contacts is they’ll vote third-party across the board. Trump has lost a key conservative bloc.
@98 “Bring it on.”
Trust the polls, doc. It’s coming. Even McConnell sees it.
Watch it here:
All you have to do is probably google that and you’ll probably find that that already occurred, or something similar, like parading him around in effigy during a 4th of July Day Parade in some honkytonk town.
Oh Bob, now that the shoe is starting to be on the other foot, you are going to start to care? Maybe your concerns are a tad bit too too too late.
Don’t they just try to jump on the wagon that they think they need to be on?
ok, now that Bob put the Cheerleading skirt on…….time to sell, maybe give it a few days.
@182 That too.
We know you would prefer to be with a horse alone.
@182 – Maybe.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News –
Non-Demented Joe Biden-Einstein Surprisingly Enters Senate Race, Vows To Beat “The Mormon.”
Helpful Hint For Demorat Loons-Whatever you do, don’t compare a bumbling Biden-Einstein rally with a vigorous Trump rally; (starts approx.4:01)
Joe Biden is not well. That marks one of several dozens times I’ve opened an article in that fashion or similar, yet those words have become no less relevant with time. The former VP is only getting worse and that was on full display today as he attempted to give a speech to auto workers.
To be clear, when I say “full display,” I mean that it went beyond just the clips I’m about to share. As RedState reported earlier, Biden forgot who Mitt Romney was while getting off his plane, instead calling him “the Mormon.”
He sounds more and more like my grandpa before his dementia diagnosis every day.
— Bethany S. Mandel (@bethanyshondark) October 12, 2020
As I said, though, things got progressively worse throughout the day. Once he finally got to his speech, the “gaffes” began to total up to the point where you wondered whether his handlers would just pull the plug. Here’s a taste of how that went.
Joe Biden: “I’m running as a proud Democrat for the Senate”
— Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) October 12, 2020
So you need another source on Keith Olbermann’s words dot bombed because the true clarity of Marjorie Taylor Greene is lost on you because The Atlantic calls her QAnon?
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Puddy was joking about you getting your daily marching orders from The Atlantic. Now we all see you really do get your daily marching orders from The Atlantic.
Not too impressive!
Natasha Bertrand of the Atlantic is a goddess.
Republican women are reprobate skanks!!!
Doctor Dumbfuck is my bitch!
So apparently Pinkertons contracted with…
… the shooter himself.
Someone has pointed out that when the Denver TV producer, who was with the shooter, was on his knees with his hands up as police surrounded the two, he had a cell phone in each hand.
They are speculating that the shooter handed his phone to the TV producer so that he would have both hands free to attempt to disarm the victim – photos suggest he may have been reaching for the mace can in the victim’s right hand when he was slapped by the victim’s left hand.
Which would make the shooter something other than “security”. It would make him an instigator.
I’m also reading that all of the texts and emails between the shooter, the TV station’s reporter, and the producer will be available for prosecutors to review.
And, of course, all of this happened in view of the city’s security cameras, so the footage is available.
I can wait.
The “antibody cocktail” given to Trump is a combination of two human-made proteins and was developed using a decades-old cell line derived from embryonic kidney tissues obtained from an aborted human fetus in 1973.
Your FailPresident is kept alive with MURDER!
Satan’s Reign on earth is yours now.
@191 ” … speculating … suggest … ”
Waiting for facts isn’t your style, but yes, you probably should wait.
So dotbombed still hasn’t figured out that not all abortions are murder.
Some abortions are beloved and honored in His eyes.
Abortions from fifty years ago are not murders.
They are merely “tissue” for use by superior men.
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Oooops! I pooped my pants!
@191 He had a concealed carry permit.
But they can get him for a license violation. And maybe manslaughter for using too much force against an attacker who had just punched and maced him.
I certainly understand why a dumbfuck thinks the guy who got punched, not the guy who threw the punch, is the “instigator.” Because he’s a dumbfuck, that’s why.
@ 192
The experimental antibody therapy Trump received was not directly made from fetal or embryonic stem cells, rather antibodies obtained from SARS-CoV-2 human survivors and immunized mice engineered with a human immune system.
I do think it’s cute the way you refer to antibodies as “proteins”. Well, yes, they are proteins. So are enzymes. So is insulin.
All of this nit-picking is bullshit. Stick with the outrage of Trump outside the church holding up a bible. I thought that was outrageous, too.
@196 I’m surprised you think anything is outrageous.
ABA: Well qualified.
@ 197
You were surprised that the bullet holes in the “Fleeing Felon” were in the front of his body, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
It’s official: The Denver shooter is claiming self-defense.
“Dolloff saw Keltner reaching into his shirt and feared for his safety, family attorney Doug Richards said.
“‘I think it’s important to recognize that this is somebody who is at the protest working to protect First Amendment rights,’ Richards said …. ‘You can see in the images that he put his body in between the protester and the reporter. Matt was doing everything he was supposed to do and everything he was trained to do.'”
We still don’t know who the second gun recovered by police belonged to. If it was Keltner’s, the felony case against Dolloff is over, and all he’s facing is a municipal licensing violation.
I’ll wager if an antifa punched and pepper sprayed a Proud Boy and got shot in the face, Doctor Dumbfuck would be dancing on the antifa’s dead body, because he relishes political violence.
@199 I’m not surprised the bullet hole in Mr. Keltner is in the front of his body. That’s what happens to thugs who frontally attack an armed security guard.
Don’t overlook the fact Keltner assaulted a BLM protester seconds before he was shot by the security guard. This was a big guy who liked to go around assaulting people. Or that the attack on the security guard was unprovoked. The jury, if the case gets that far, will take that into consideration.
No one should celebrate someone’s death and I surely don’t. I wish Mr. Keltner had better self-control and was still alive. He didn’t and isn’t. That’s a tragedy, but he instigated his own death.
You can get Covid-19 twice.
HEK293Tis a cell line that is derived from human fetal embryonic kidney tissues. The Murdered Innocent Human Babies are being used to create a “pseudovirus” that mimics a spike Protein found in SARS-CoV-2 in order to test the drug’s ability to neutralize the novel coronavirus. According to Regeneron’s own statements.
Nitpicking indeed. Maybe it’s laziness. Or maybe there’s just no other practical way to produce the trillions of imitation spike proteins needed to test the treatment. But either way, by the consistent, albeit entirely misguided logic of the modern Trumpublican movement, the treatment is derived from the use of Murdered Innocent Human Babies. And unless I miss my guess, your concern is a lot less about the picking of nits or the use of aborted fetus kidneys to create medically useful cell lines, and a lot more about options trading profits.
But Pudiot is a true believer. So it’s wrong of you to mislead him like this. The FACT is his beloved FailPresident is only alive because MURDERED INNOCENT HUMAN BABIES provided the cells needed to make his “miracle cure”. I just think Pudiot and the millions like him are entitled to know the truth before they attend their next maskless, spittle-flecked COVID Rally.
Stick to the outrage of minor municipal officials in random coastal cities enacting ordinances that virtue signal to non-conforming identity groups. Because the Pudiot loves that shit. And nobody else really cares.
@ 201
I’ll wager…
See, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, uninformed and moronic wagers are why you’ll never be a millionaire.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 200
We still don’t know who the second gun recovered by police belonged to. If it was Keltner’s, the felony case against Dolloff is over, and all he’s facing is a municipal licensing violation.
There was a second gun, it was the victim’s, it was holstered under the left side of his vest, and the victim never reached for it, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
If you watch the video in this link, you’ll see that the victim was retreating and his hands were at his waist at the time Dolloff drew on him. There are still a couple of missing frames but when they appear they’ll show that the mace can was not raised until the victim was facing a firearm pointed at him, and that while it was happening the victim was still in full retreat.
A weapon holstered and not visible won’t be an issue here, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Only a dumbfuck would continue to make any type of a self-defense claim while facing the quickly mounting photographic evidence to the contrary.
Pretty soon Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will be arguing that Markeis McGlockton deserved to die because he shoved the shooter shortly before he bought it.
There’s a need to be very clear about this (because apparently “nitpicking”) but according to the Heritage Foundation, Texas Alliance for Life, and Pro-Life Action League some abortions are actually okay/just fine:
Abortions to save the life of a mother, or to relieve a child rape victim of carrying her rapists offspring to term are still MURDER.
But abortions to create “immortalized” cell lines for medical testing are not a problem when they are used to save the life of King ShitMidas.
Further updates to expand the list of exceptions to the ABORTION = MURDER rule will be issued as needed when they are announced by the Piety Angels who decide such things on behalf of women everywhere.
We’ve heard that Durham has begun investigating The Clinton Foundation. Now this:
Federal tax judge allows whistleblower case against Clinton foundation to proceed
Y’all libbies seemed to like whistleblowers a year or so ago.
@ 206
It’s worth noting that Denver Post withheld two photos from what they initially released, known as # 872 and # 873 in the series. People quickly noticed that what they had initially released jumped from 871 to 874, without explanation.
Upon being called out, those two photos were released. They show the shooter drawing his weapon while the victim was clearly in retreat, with his hands at waist level.
If the shooter was a conservative and the victim was a libbie, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit would know what to do. Instead, he wishes @ 200 that the second gun was in play, rather than being pulled from the dead victim’s holster by LE.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit wants you to believe that the shooter committed nothing more than a municipal license violation. It’s analysis like his that explains why his family suffers financially from the effects of his failed career, and why subsequent to the death of its founder has become such a fucking joke.
Even the normally shrewish YLB has to give ACB credit for unscripted responses like this.
I suppose it might have been funny, too, had she instead answered, “It’s dogma.”
The Ginsburg Precedent.
Stare decisis, bitches.
More on the second gun @ 200 that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is just cocksure will give the shooter a Get Out Of Jail Free Card.
That gun belonged to the victim and it was holstered.
Here’s enhanced photo evidence of the shooter reaching for the victim’s legally concealed gun in the few seconds before he instead decided to shoot the victim in the face. That’s why the shooter was smacked in the face by the victim. Shooter attempted to disarm the victim, who had never made any move for the holstered weapon.
There goes dot bombed again not fully copying the Regeneron statement in its entirety.
You forgot that dot bombed. Now to your “bloated argument” over the use of a 1973 aborted Netherlands baby kidney to test the REGN-COV2 cocktail. You have a slight problem with your argument. It wasn’t illegal back then. Now Trump has made it illegal. So research on tissues derived from 1973 miss the mark. In fact you missed the mark for the 1103th time now. Keep going and you’ll approach the train wreck total of BeerPong!
Another of your sad attempts EPICALLY FAYLES again!
And no one cares about the other election items we’ll see November 3rd right?
Really senilie idiot wabbit?
Puddy wrote about this earlier. All the Denver Po-Po 5-O had to do was use their car computer and determine Matthew Doloff was illegally hired. Instead the dummocretin loving Police Chief put forth BULLSH^TTIUM and Puddy already covered that!
Puddy also thinks it’s strange the libtard jockstrapping Denver Post still calls him a security guard 31 minutes ago while CBS above already determined he was not a licensed security guard in Denver yesterday.
The dKos whining about Barrett’s confirmation hearing is a delight.
Thank you ever so much, Hillary Clinton. Three justices!
The right’s deal with Trump is now complete.
@213 “That gun belonged to the victim”
Looks to me like the security guard is pushing the assailant away from him after being punched. Btw, I was mistaken; the “victim” wasn’t clutching at a bullet wound in his chest, he was reaching inside his shirt for a gun when he was shot. For which — I’ll take a wild guess here — the “victim” didn’t have a concealed carry permit.
@215 “Puddy wrote about this earlier.”
So did I. It’s a municipal licensing violation that has no bearing on the issue of self-defense.
He didn’t need to be a licensed security guard to have the right to defend himself from a guy who assaulted and maced him and was pulling a gun.
He didn’t need to be a security guard to have the right to defend himself from a guy who assaulted and maced him and was pulling a gun.
Your grandma has the right to defend herself from a guy who assaulted and maced her and was pulling a gun.
So do you. Or I. Everyone has that right, no license required.
Wow watching the dummocretins attack the judge. Then Cornyn asks that great question.
Meanwhile, one of dot bombed’s female friends in Portland realizes she’s in deep doo doo.
She looks like someone dot bombed would swoon over especially for her “politics”.
Just taking a quick run through this morning’s posts, now that the second gun is revealed to have been in the immediate proximity of the victim’s reaching hand at the moment he staggered backward upon being shot, doc is on the defensive.
Thanks for the info about the gun, doc. Now do the approximately 3.5 seconds that elapsed from when the “victim” exited the altercation in which he physically assaulted the BLM protester to the fist in the face of the security guard, followed by mace in the face of the security guard, followed by reaching for a concealed holstered gun for which — let me guess — the “victim” didn’t have a concealed carry permit.
What verbal exchange ensued in that time frame which caused the security guard to “instigate” the fatal confrontation? Perhaps something along the lines of, “You’re dead, newsman …”?
Senator Graham: “How’s it feel to be a Supreme Court nominee?”
The Notorious ACB: “Well, someone’s gotta bitch-slap the dumbfucks who think Fleeing Felon Doctrine applies to thugs in the process of bull-rushing cops.”
I might have paraphrased the response part a little. It’s my inner Cz-252 talking.
“An armed security guard hired to protect a television news crew at a weekend protest shot and killed a protester after he reached into his shirt, causing the guard to fear for his safety, according to a lawyer representing the guard’s family.”
And what was inside the protester’s shirt again? Louder, please. I can’t hear you.
Here’s something not covered on CNN: A recent Gallup poll found 56% of Real Americans find themselves better in 2020 than in 2016 under Joe BiteME! and Barack Obummer. So this happened:
He was illegally there senile idiot wabbit.
Doloff was reaching for Keltner’s gun not Keltner senile idiot wabbit! Watch the video again senile one.
The video especially the one lower shows Doloff pulling out his weapon while Keltner is reaching out with his mace. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh you are moronic this morning1
More proof the senile idiot wabbit doesn’t know what he’s blogging regarding Doloff… wait a minute, that’s been true for the last decade!
I suppose if my head were up my ass it would look like the victim reached for his gun to me as well. I can only suppose because I have never assumed that posture.
Nobody on HA has more experience with self-craniorectal inversion than Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Hey, y’all HA libbies, as you watch the hearings you may be comforted if this is playing in the background.
You don’t even see the blade.
In which the Pudiot finally admits that he’s okay with legal abortion.
Hail Satan!
BTW godwinha,
They interviewed Keltner’s sister because Keltner’s son was near his father when Doloff off’d him. Butt to the senile idiot wabbit it’s self defense. Keltner had mace while Doloff had a gun! Keltner’s son is battling depression right now as he witnessed his father dying.
Right now the senile idiot wabbit is searching the nets for a response. Video don’t lie since multiple views have it from multiple angles. The agitator, calling someone white a nigger has everyone focused on the area.
Isn’t it amazing how the dummocretin just use the word “nigger” like it’s their personal friend?
What does dead&deformed have to say about that since she was married to “one” for 20+ years? Remember we blacks can use it as a pejorative, greeting, curse, question, etc. After all blacks to Joe BiteME! and other dummocretins are just niggers in the woodpile!
Last butt not least is if found guilty of murder, which prison will Doloff be sent to. One where dummocretin rule and Doloff will be a “cult hero” because he killed a Trump supporter or will Doloff be sent to a conservative one where Doloff will be some gleeman’s bitch?
See ya!
Wrong again dot bombed. Puddy hates all abortion. Being from Philadelphia and seeing where the racist Margaret Sanger’s legacy are located is very sickening. You realize that Al Gore would have been president if all dem babies could have grown up instead of being aborted!
One has to also follow the laws of the land. That’s being called a law-abiding citizen, something fools from Portland have no idea about!
@225 He was not “illegally there,” idiot. He had a right to be there. The fact he was out of compliance with a city licensing ordinance doesn’t impair that right in any way. It doesn’t even mean he couldn’t carry the gun he was licensed to carry. It means he will pay a fine for a licensing violation.
@230 If you’re gonna bring a gun and mace to a gunfight, you’d better use the gun, not the mace. Lesson learned.
Notice I haven’t said Dolloff will get off. That’s because
“Whether Dolloff’s decision to fire was reasonable will depend on myriad factors, attorneys said, such as his state of mind, what words were exchanged and whether he knew Keltner was armed with pepper spray or thought he may have had a gun.”
Also notice the police haven’t filed charges against Dolloff. And if Dolloff thought Keltner had a gun, he was right, Keltner did have a gun. Keltner also was the aggressor, and had just assaulted someone else.
A lot of prosecutors wouldn’t even bother taking this case to a jury. We’ll see if this one does.
Conservatives support abortions that help conservatives. No suprise there.
This might sway the prosecutor’s decision to charge or not charge:
“Matthew Dolloff, 30, who was working as a bodyguard for a local TV news crew, claims he feared for his life and opened fire when the alleged victim reached into his shirt, his lawyer, Doug Richards, told the Associated Press.”
And what was in Keltner’s shirt? Louder, I can’t hear you.
Still to be answered: Whether Keltner had a permit for what was in his shirt. And whether Keltner possibly had a record that would preclude him from having a gun at all.
@ 233
@230 If you’re gonna bring a gun and mace to a gunfight, you’d better use the gun, not the mace. Lesson learned.
OOH! Let’s apply this to Kenosha, shall we?
Joseph Rosenbaum: If you’re gonna bring a plastic bag to a gunfight, you’d better have a gun in that bag. Lesson learned.
Anthony Huber: If you’re gonna bring a skateboard to a gunfight, you’d better mount an A40 rifle to the top of it. Lesson learned.
Gaige Grosskreutz: If you’re gonna bring a gun to a gunfight, you’d better use it the first time, ’cause you might get your arm half blown off before you think twice. Lesson learned.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, that was fun! Thanks!
Three exclamation points. One for each exoneration Rittenhouse will eventually receive. I think YLB will like that.
Not as a “security” guard senile idiot wabbit!
Doesn’t matter what Keltner had or not as Keltner didn’t draw his weapon. Doesn’t matter what his lawyer sez after the fact since the video is already out there from many angles!
Try again!
I live in a conservative small town outside of St Louis. I’m not seeing trump signs. I expected to NOT see any Biden/Harris signs because I expect property damage from the maskless. But not seeing any trump signs either. They put up signs for local state republicans but nothing about trump. They may be voting for trump, but they don’t want to admit it. Same with Biden, they don’t want to admit it.
For those of you who find it nonsensical to mount an A40 to a skateboard, here’s what the Black Rifle Coffee Company mounted to a Prius:
Black Rifle Coffee put an M61 Vulcan F-16 cannon on a Prius – Yes, you read that right
Even Steve would fap to that vid. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit wishes he could, but the necessary equipment hasn’t worked since the turn of the millenium.
@ 239
I live in a conservative small town outside of St Louis. I’m not seeing trump signs.
Tell your friends to stop stealing them, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
@237 I see why the guidance counselor steered you to a Caribbean medical school instead of a law school.
The difference between shooting someone with a gun and someone with a plastic bag is too nuanced for a dumbfuck to figure out. That requires analytical skills dumbfucks lack.
If Dolloff isn’t charged, the Grievance Militia will have their own Breonna Taylor, and there will be mass gatherings of 5-10 protesters in cities across America.
@240 I guess you can do that if you have an advertising budget to play with. And a BTF license. But they can’t drive it into Denver without a security guard license, or they’ll have to pay a $500 fine.
P.S., it looks like they spent about $200 on ammo to make that ad.
This is from the senile idiot wabbit. Well this did happen in Denver, libtard city, lovers of the antifa. This isn’t a black life “that mattered” as your ilk claim senile idiot wabbit. This is a white guy who was killed in cold blood witnessed by his son and many others! Even CNN and MSDNC will have a hard time covering this one up! There won’t be any “Grievance Militia” as you claim senile idiot wabbit because the guy wasn’t a threat.
So where is your BiteME! sign dead&deformed? Be the few, be the proud, be for BiteME! No one will steal, piss on or deface your sign. That’s what dummocretin do and teach their spawn to do!
Let’s drill a little deeper into this. It costs $180,000 a minute to fire an A40, excluding acquisition and platform costs. That’s beyond the reach of your average trailer-park beer swiller with time on his hands to devote to militia activities because he doesn’t have a job to go to. He might cobble together enough savings to fund 1/10th of 1 second of trigger time, if someone lends him the use of an A40.
The government he’s trying to overthrow, on the other hand, has an unlimited ammo budget and F-16s, A-10s, and tanks that can outrun the Prius.
Gonna be a short civil war.
Why there are not a lot of Biden signs
KKK ‘social visit’ cards left at Biden supporters’ homes
Trumpers: Liberals are taking our signs.
Biden people: The KKK is threatening to kill us.
godwin: Both sides are exactly the same.
puddy: Put up your sign, get killed! I dare you!
@245 How can you shoot someone whose blood is boiling “in cold blood”? do you apply dry ice first?
@224 “A recent Gallup poll found 56% of Real Americans find themselves better in 2020 than in 2016”
Is that the same 56% telling pollsters they’re gonna vote for Biden? Just curious whether there might be some other issues in this election, such as loved ones, friends, and neighbors dropping dead from an uncontained killer virus.
@239 Stores ran out of razor blades.
Thought For The Day
This election isn’t just about Biden vs. Trump. It’s also a referendum on democracy vs. anti-democracy. That’s why so many people are turning out to vote.
The arguments against democracy presume you can’t be trusted with self-government and must be told what to do.
How do you like them apples?
Lots of people don’t.
“The arguments against democracy presume you can’t be trusted with self-government and must be told what to do.”
The very essence of the Progressive Movement.
Can’t put a sign up because the HOA covenants and codicils prevent it. I put up a Bible Study sign in my window and was harangued by the board on it.
Seems Comey’s FBI didn’t do much due diligence on the crummy Steele dossier either.
Seems Comey’s FBI didn’t do much due diligence on the crummy Steele dossier either.
Yes, Bernie’s/AOC’s socialism vs Trump’s capitalism.
Plain truth!
BiteME! and Harris are beholden to the faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar lefties so they won’t be honest with American folk and tell the truth on court packing. Pelosi and Schumer wanna do it. AOC and the Squad wanna do it. So it will happen
@ 235,
Hail Satan!
Hail His Reign! Hail Regeneron Cocktail Parties!
Abortions for COVID parties! There’s nothing to worry about. It goes away! You feel bad for few days, they give you the Regeneron Antibody Cocktail and you feel much, much better! Better than ever, really. And then you’re immune. Maybe. Sort of.
But who cares. In Satan’s Reign we can always count on more ‘bortions. And so weall survive and live forever on the “immortal” cells of murdered innocent babies!
The Pudiot is down with it!
Barr’s “unmasking” investigation ………. pffft.
@253 Meow!
@254 Who the fuck is dumb enough to buy into HOA serfdom? Um, wait, I can think of one …
@255 What isn’t shoddy these days?
Joe…keep your hands off my man!
Slayer Pete’: Buttigieg emerges as Biden’s unlikely Fox News fighter | Pete Buttigieg | The Guardian
When you can get almost $560000 increase when you decide to sell your home senile idiot wabbit! People in this neighborhood are locking in those home value increases upon sale.
Life has trade offs! Sux to be you senile idiot wabbit. Be a toady again!
Remember all those calls by MSDNC and CNN for continued lockdowns? The WHO changed its mind on “lockdowns”.
Trump was right again months way ahead!
Hey Steve,
You want to know what is a crime to humanity? The fact that in June, 25% of the average Real American teenagers considered suicide from the lockdowns. Where is this information Steve? The CDC! Are these the Google, Amazon, Facebook peeps? Nope! Are these the latte sucking peeps? Nope! Are these the senile idiots? Nope!
Puddy decided to use it now with the WHO agreeing with Trump months later! Amazing how that works!
Now ain’t that the same group Joe BiteME! want to vote for him?
@267 Of all the dumbass rationalizations of GOP genocide against seniors, that one takes the cake.
Did you see Nancy Pelosi go off on Wolf Blitzer for asking real questions for a change?
You could see she did not expect of all people Wolfman Sleigh Ride from CNN to ask a real question or two. Her eyes bugged out too.
Pudiot is going to turn out the “Jake Paul” vote.
That oughta do it.
Really senile idiot wabbit@268. Cuomo and Newsom thanked Trump for his reaction to covid. But let’s visit Cuomo.
Here is Wolf in Pennsylvania
Here is Whitless in Michigan
Still demonstrating senility at your highest level yet!
Sad so sad! You are one of the dummocretin scum here on assesHorse!
Biden needs a thrice-daily Geritrol suppository.
Joe wears two masks. Hunter can’t even wear one rubber.
Wow dot bombed@270, that’s the best you got? Did you confer with your Portland antifa bud, Tracy Lynn Molina first?
See ya!
Apparently “sexual preference” is a bad term to use. I don’t understand why.
What’s wrong with that?
“Will vulnerable Republicans cut Trump loose to save themselves?” — CNN headline
Too little, too late.
@272 You’re having a really shitty election year: Barrett isn’t your candidate and Clinton isn’t your opponent.
A 2018 Republican primary candidate for governor of Idaho has been indicted in the cold case murder of a 12-year-old girl.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If he’s convicted he probably won’t run in 2022.
New developments in Denver shooting:
Attorney for TV producer says when victim saw the camera he approached his client and threatened to “fuck him up.”
D.A. gets 72-hour extension from judge for decision on filing charges.
“Keltner, reportedly a Navy veteran, worked as a hatter and was also a part of Colorado’s Motorcycle community.”
Translation: A biker.
Another friend who knew Keltner through the biker community called the incident a “senseless killing” and says nothing justifies the type of confrontation that led to Keltner’s death.
“Colorado court records show Keltner’s criminal history dates back several decades. His most recent charge came in 2016 for Disorderly Conduct/Fighting in Public. In 2008, he pleaded guilty to violating a protection order.”
With a criminal record as long as your arm. Betcha he didn’t have a concealed carry permit. Because he couldn’t get one.
Dumbfuck @213: “Here’s enhanced photo evidence of the shooter reaching for the victim’s legally concealed gun …”
Guess what, dumbfuck, a person with Keltner’s criminal record can’t have a gun at all, much less carry one concealed, so you mispelled “illegally concealed gun.”
Also, your very helpful link to that tweet shows beyond any doubt that Dolloff knew the man who had just physically assaulted him was packing a gun under his shirt.
Is it possible Dolloff, who had just been slapped and pepper sprayed, thought he was about to be shot?
Going into the fourth day following the incident, still no charges, and the D.A. has asked a judge for more time. At the very least, this case isn’t a slam-dunk.
Cunningham’s lead over Tillis in North Carolina’s senate race increased after news of Cunningham’s affair broke.
Sounds like voters have bigger fish to fry this year.
Trump’s “law and order” meme isn’t selling to voters.
Well, it is to the 43% who would vote for him even if he was Adolf Hitler. So he’s got that much.
Here’s an interesting article in Foreign Policy by Lee Drutman, a political scientist, about the history of parties in the U.S. and where he thinks things might go from here.
He argues that our system of electing presidents is responsible for the two-party system, that American politics have become more nationalized, and argues,
“The only way to break the democracy-destroying doom loop is by making it easier for more parties to compete.”
Drutman has also written a book (which I haven’t read) that argues American democracy can only survive by revamping its electoral system to a ranked voting system to enable more parties to compete.
It’s the Trump effect.
By nominating, and then voting for a candidate who bragged to strangers about a long history of violent sexual assaults, who engaged in multiple serial extra-marital affairs with porn hookers, who has been credibly accused by more than two dozen women of date rape, and who bragged repeatedly over many decades about his vast sexual conquests throughout his many broken marriages, Rapepublicans efficiently conditioned voters to stop caring about the candidate’s personal private sexual behavior.
Ranked choice is a good idea. But since the constitution explicitly reserves to the states the choice of method for choosing electors, and particularly since all but two states award their electors on a winner-take-all basis it’s not a good first step.
National Popular Vote’s interstate compact would break the winner-take-all cycle that reduces each national election to a two-party contest in fewer than 12 states. By making the presidential election a truly 50 state contest, third party candidates can amass regional support blocs that challenge nationally known candidates. Fewer Bush and Clinton dynasties, as media are forced to profile and report on candidates and ideas they’ve mostly ignored in the past. That creates the opportunity for third parties to gain traction and build a national presence over time.
Bear in mind with the Rapepublican Party on the verge of a huge crack up, likely to splinter along lines of populist white nationalism, reforms of this nature are only going to help them recover sooner.
Yesterday in Harris County, TX’s largest, most populous, single day turnout records. People brought chairs, snacks, and sunscreen prepared to wait out Texas state Republican’s best efforts to prevent them from voting.
Yesterday in Harris County, TX’s largest, most populous, single day turnout records. People brought chairs, snacks, and sunscreen prepared to wait out Texas state Republican’s best efforts to prevent them from voting.
This was known three days ago senile idiot wabbit. So you finally found something e-rag worthy of the senile mind!
Notice here everyone how the senile moron is blaming Keltner. In previous posts the senile idiot wabbit would go conniption SH^TSTORM when any right thinking person would victim blame. Seems that’s all the senile idiot wabbit has left in the argument quiver. Roloff shot Keltner IN THE HEAD and killed him. He didn’t aim for right right arm where the mace was held or a leg to immobilize Keltner. NOPE he went for the kill shot.
Doesn’t matter senile idiot wabbit. Keltner never reached for the gun. Roloff did. Still can’t blame Keltner for anything except pulling out mace when Roloff pulled out a gun. The video and the picture evidence is clear senile idiot wabbit.
Oh and there are witnesses that the photographer was with the BLM moron calling everyone a “nigger”. Strange coincidence you dummocetins continue to skip over.
As black man Puddy finds that very curious how white dummocretin use the nigger word so easily to attack their opponents character! You guys aren’t allowed to use that word per Jesse HiJackson and Al NotSoSharpton!
@289 “He didn’t aim for right right arm where the mace was held or a leg to immobilize Keltner.”
Now that you agree Dolloff had a right to defend himself, I see we’re only arguing about where Dolloff should have shot him. That’s progress, I guess.
“Doesn’t matter senile idiot wabbit. Keltner never reached for the gun.”
If it doesn’t matter that Keltner had a gun, then it doesn’t matter that Dolloff didn’t have a Denver security guard license, either, does it?