Did you catch the big debate last night? I did. It made me glad that I already voted for Marko Liias. Oh, was there another debate?
Seriously, the Lieutenant Governor debate last night was gloriously dull. It wasn’t too much of a contrast between the bearded monotone Democrats. Heck tried to talk about being an outsider (DC and the private sector) while also touting his time in the legislature and as Booth Gardner’s Chief of Staff. Liias was more focused on his legislative record. Either would be good in the job.
The moderators were less impressive. Maybe there aren’t an hour of questions for the position. Still the first 2 questions were about Republican voters and how will you work with Republicans in the legislature. There was no equivalent question about Democratic voters, despite the fact that we are a lot more of the state.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now.
“I take full responsibility, it’s not my fault!”
I don’t think any other short quote can more fully encapsulate the complete denial of reality that is the Trump Presidency.
I think what’s even more devastating is that the WSJ completely destroyed Giuliani’s lying Hunter Biden/Ukraine story and totally contradicted the very opinion piece the MAGAverse was screaming about the entire day.
Their whole October Surprise fell flat and got outdone by Borat 2. LMAO.
I’m a single issue voter. My issue is window size. #bigwindows2020
TRUMP: “You had 8 years. Why didn’t you get it done?”
BIDEN: “We had a Republican Congress.
TRUMP: “…”
Denny Heck is running for lieutenant governor because, assuming Biden wins, Heck is become governor as Inslee is looking to be the new Secretary of the EPA. Heck probably plans to run for the Senate, replacing Cantrell in the future. Inslee will do his bit at the EPA, and then run for Patty’s seat as she nears retirement.
Wouldn’t it be great if we had a mechanism to keep these political careerist away from the government trough? Wouldn’t it be great if these careerists like Heck and Inslee were forced to get jobs in the private sector and have to work under the at-will employment scenario?
We need term limits now!
@ 4
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, both houses of Congress were controlled by Democrats in 2009-2010.
Team Obama decided to remake health care. 83% of Americans polled liked their health care plan, and Team Obama used all of its political capital to change it. That’s what Team Obama decided to do instead of all of the other things it could have accomplished.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, the reason you are so enamored with “short quotes” @ 1 is they leave little room for the truth.
Short quotes are for the low-information voter. You have self-identified, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
I hear he’s gonna move next door to famous self-described WA millionaire Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Gene Simmons puts his longtime Beverly Hills mansion up for sale for $22MILLION as his family moves to Washington State
Why is he moving? Taxes.
@7 a Republican who doesn’t want to pay their fair share of taxes. I expect he wants to get it down to $750.
To be fair, he isn’t any better with 2A topics, either.
“Don’t know much about election law, don’t know much biology…”
Michael Moore Swipes Microphone From David Hogg After He Asks Canadians To Vote In U.S. Elections
But he’s one of The Even Bigger Fucking Moron‘s most prized talking heads.
@ 8
@7 a Republican who doesn’t want to pay their fair share of taxes. I expect he wants to get it down to $750.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron‘s definition of “fair” changes by the day.
Pretty sure “them/their” is not Gene Simmon’s preferred pronoun, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. You should venture out more.
10 When you have lost the argument, critique spelling and grammar. .
Godwin i accept your concession.
@5 “Wouldn’t it be great if we had a mechanism to keep these political careerist away from the government trough?”
Yes, and we should keep careerists away from the professional sports trough, too. We need players who don’t even know what the rules are, or if they do, ignore them. We also need more drivers passing stopped school buses, and more embezzlers working as bank tellers. Honesty and competence suck! We especially need more fucking idiots like you, because there aren’t enough of you to elect the crackpots you vote for.
@ 11
Given your preference for short quotes, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, there’s not much to critique except the noun and the verb. Spelling and grammar is pretty much all there is to discuss, when you come into a room and want to hold a third-grade level discussion.
Another 5-year-old militia demobilized by Second Amendment Rights.
Here is a longer quote
“I don’t want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people, they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down.”
Paul weyrich republican strategist
They Always Tell the Judge They’re Sorry Dep’t
“A 17-year-old Georgia girl accused of plotting to attack a predominantly Black church in 2019, apologized in court on Thursday before being sentenced to four years in a juvenile facility and probation. …
“The student had a notebook in which she wrote about hurting people at a Black church …. In her backpack, the teen had two T-shirts, one of which said, ‘Free Dylann Storm Roof,’ and had swastikas drawn on the sleeves. ‘I do believe myself to be a white supremacist’ was written on the other side of one of the shirts, Greene added.”
Probably was trolling for peer approval or something like that.
So far in 2020, 1,063 children younger than 18 have been killed and 2,926 have been injured by firearms, according to the nonprofit Gun Violence Archive.
It’s weird. You think pro-lifers would be demanding some sort of regulations or laws so that kids wouldn’t be murdered
@6 ” … are for the low-information voter”
As this excuse clearly doesn’t apply to you, what’s your defense for being a fellow traveler, shill, and propagandist for a baby raper regime for four years?
@7 Could be. He heard about the Islands, then learned you’re there, and wanted nothing to do with island life. The houses on my block typically go for about $1.2 million, so he can afford my neighorhood, and I already have prominent entertainment industry neighbors, so he should fit right in.
No wonder the debate commission didn’t want to talk about foreign policy.
In response to this announcement, the Palestinians have picked up their toys and have gone home.
Rabbit, rules, norms, fair play, ethics are things cheap labor conservatives demand others do, never themselves.
@9 From your link:
“I think Canadians can donate to political campaigns in the U.S.? They can’t? Well, uhh, vote here. Learn from us, don’t let this happen here. We’ll need to come to you guys if we stay on this track.”
Sounds to me like he was urging his Canadian audience to vote in Canadian elections in case he has to flee to there from the dictators dumbfucks like you vote for.
This is what happens to dumbfucks who don’t read their own links.
@13 “there’s not much to critique except the noun and the verb”
Well, you’re not in that category. Spelling and grammar are the least of your deficiencies.
Next godwin posts that Israel and Greenland have ceased hostilities.
Building on #15,
“We’re not a democracy. Democracy isn’t the objective; liberty, peace, and prospefity are. We want the human condition to flourish. Rank democracy can thwart that.” — Sen. Mike Lee, R-UT
Some people really are against majoritarian principles. The GOP, for example, thinks elections should be “won” by the losers.
@20 Did Israel agree to withdraw its troops and settlements from Sudan? Asking for a curious Palestinian acquaintance.
Not just two Senate committees that want to speak with Hunter Biden’s former partner.
So does the FBI.
Hunter Biden partner speaking to FBI today after accusing Joe Biden
@24 I thought they already did. They didn’t? How did Biden overlook a Trump foreign policy failure of that magnitude?
@ 24
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron thinks Greenland is a Middle East country.
@28 ” …
two Senate committeesGOP witch hunts … ”BTW, how’s the Durham witch hunt coming along?
Polls will tighten.
The first thought about Bobulinski that pops in my mind is, if Hunter Biden is as corrupt as they say, then what kind of person does business with him? And, more to the point, how reliable a witness is that kind of person? Isn’t this somewhat like trying to get a jury to believe Trump’s accountant?
#32 He gave them 30 years to learn it. The planet may give them less.
@ 27
Lemme help you out, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
From Israel’s ambassador to the US:
From the Prime Minister of Sudan:
More breaking news: Soleimani still dead.
It’ll be a couple more days before the polls tell us whether “Hunter’s laptop” overcomes Biden’s 5-point lead in Wisconsin, his 7-point lead in Pennsylvania, and his 9-point lead in Michigan, or helps Trump among the 45,286,956 voters who’ve already voted as of this morning.
@ 33
The first thought about Bobulinski that pops in my mind is, if Hunter Biden is as corrupt as they say, then what kind of person does business with him?
Er, Jim Biden. Brother to Joe.
I don’t think your question helped, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. The whole fucking Biden family is corrupt.
@37 The point is, doc, when you tar Hunter Biden you also tar your star witness.
By the way, what public office is Jim Biden running for? I want to make sure I don’t accidentally vote for him.
@37 “The whole fucking Biden family is corrupt.”
That was great. Now do the whole Trump family. Or piecemeal, if you wish.
There are at least a couple of reasons the Palestinians are unhappy about Sudan’s decision to recognize Israel.
1. Sudan won’t be aiding Palestinian terrorism anymore.
2. Sudan joins a growing list of former state supporters of the Palestinian “cause” that have decided they’ve seen enough of Palestinian failures.
3. Mass exodus from the Palestinian territories to someplace not a self-created shithole.
That last one flummoxes Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, who has lived in a shithole for so many years he is now comforted by the stench.
Everything you need to know about “Hunter Biden’s laptop” in one sentence:
“NBC News requested a copy of the hard drive, but Rudy Giuliani, the president’s lawyer, who had possession of the hard drive, has yet to respond.”
Ya gotta remember, too, these allegations come from Republicans, and everything Republicans say is a lie.
Always consider the source:
“Keenan Chen, a First Draft researcher who has been monitoring the spread of the Hunter Biden rumors, said that they appeared to have originated from Dinggang Wang, an anti-Chinese government YouTube personality known for spreading misinformation about Covid-19.
“Wang is connected to Bannon, the 2016 Trump campaign CEO, and Giuliani through Guo Wengui, a billionaire who fled China amid accusations of bribery and other crimes. …
“Guo, who is a member of Trump’s country club Mar-A-Lago and was once the world’s 67th-wealthiest individual, befriended Bannon, a former Trump campaign and White House aide, in 2017, according to The Washington Post. Bannon was arrested by federal agents on Guo’s yacht in September and charged with fraud, tied to an alleged scheme to defraud donors to a social media campaign called We Build the Wall.”
It’s what you might call an interlocking web of bullshitters. Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t a member, only a grain of sand orbiting around it.
“The Trump administration is weighing a proposal to brand prominent human rights organizations as ‘anti-Semitic’ and to discourage governments from supporting their work, five congressional aides and a Department of State official told NBC News.”
I’m surprised they aren’t labeling Amnesty International a “terrorist” organization, like Black Lives Matter. I suppose the Uighurs in Chinese detention camps will be next to get a one-star review from the Trumpdictator regime.
Godwin i am impressed by your single minded devotion to endlessly promote Russian propaganda.
Repeating the lies over and over and over doesn’t make us think they are somehow true, we are not fox viewers after all, but bless your little heart for trying so hard.
@ 41
Everything you need to know about “Hunter Biden’s laptop” in one sentence:
“NBC News requested a copy of the hard drive, but Rudy Giuliani, the president’s lawyer, who had possession of the hard drive, has yet to respond.”
1. Giuliani’s lawyer responded that the request is under consideration. Click the link in your link.
2. If there are images of child pornography in the hard drive, that would be a reason not to share it, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. People go to jail for disseminating that sort of stuff.
“A Utah man accused of digging in Yellowstone National Park while looking for the Forrest Fenn treasure faces two federal charges, prosecutors said. The treasure, a chest containing jewelry and gems, was hidden by an art collector a decade ago, with seekers trying to decipher clues left in a book he wrote before it was found in June.
“Rodrick Dow Craythorn, 52, was looking for it and dug in the Fort Yellowstone Cemetery inside the national park between Oct. 1, 2019, and May 24, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Wyoming said in a statement. Craythorn, of Syracuse, Utah, was indicted by a grand jury Sept. 16 on two federal counts ….
“He was indicted on charges of excavating or trafficking in archeological resources, and injury or depredation to United States property.”
The fucker was digging up a cemetery.
Who ya gonna believe, Joy Reid or your lyin’ eyes and ears?
“1. Giuliani’s lawyer responded that the request is under consideration. ”
Is that like trumps taxes are under audit and will be released when they no longer under consideration?
Every one knows its fake.
Godwin: “they are black. They are guilty of something”
@47 Some people can tell the difference between this …
… and this …
… but you’re not one of them …
… because you’re a dumbfuck.
@ 48
Every one knows its fake.
The FBI has the original hard drive. The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, you are probing new depths of stupidity this morning.
@45 Then I guess Giuliani can’t prove his case. You’ll just have to take a known liar at his word. But that shouldn’t be difficult for a dumbfuck.
@51 Number of “lock them up!” chants led by Trump since 2016: Six figures.
Number of Clintons and Bidens locked up by Trump regime: Zero.
Number of Trump associates locked up by Republican prosecutor appointed by Trump: I’ve lost count, but I’m thinking somewhere around two dozen.
@ 53
Number of SCOTUS justices nominated since 2017: 3
Number confirmed: 2
Number confirmed by the time Hillary’s next birthday ends: 3
There’s really only one number that counts, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. For you it’s the unattainable $1,000,000.
For the right it’s the three SCOTUS justices not nominated by Hillary Clinton.
@10 @13
Also with a still existing voice over career, occasional acting gigs, reality TV appearances and the general celebrity party circuit….
AND that she is mentioned in the article….
Gene Simmons and wife Shannon Tweed. THEY will be moving THEIR residency to Washington.
Oh look on the ground….there’s a nit and I don’t understand pronouns.
More on the guy who mused about killing Joe Biden:
He’s a Berniebro. Not a Trump supporter.
So to recap, a Bernie supporter who also loved him some child porn thought killing Joe Biden might save his preferred candidate Bernie Sanders.
It’s a Daily Beast piece. There’s not one word about Trump in it.
So for Godwin: corruption doesn’t matter, power by any means matters. okay Keep flogging that laptop
It’s like they’re all little gman clones, just from south of the border. It’s not that their families can’t be found. Their families just don’t want the little turds back.
gman, you can’t even claim that your story is unique anymore. You’re not the only POS whose parents never want to see you again.
Chuck Schumer forced the Senate into a closed session.
The first thing they did was vote to open it back up.
58. Godwin you let your racism for brown people escape your thought bubble. Again.
Don’t mess with Texas.
‘Will you remember that Texas?’: Key moments from the final Biden-Trump presidential debate
Headline in the Dallas Morning News.
Team Biden will spend the remaining days before the election trying to explain that he meant he’d kill oil ‘subsidies’ but not the oil industry. What it means to be a Democrat: Hoping that all of your party’s voters are as gullible as The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
A lesson they should learn from the coal industry. Within my lifetime, maybe not yours, you will no longer be able to purchase a new internal combustion driven automobile. And that’s a combination of government intervention OUTSIDE the U.S. and free markets.
India, UK and Europe will not sell gas cars after 2030. Manufacturers are gearing up to drop gas engines altogether before that date including Volvo and Volkswagen and Audi. GM and Honda will release a joint venture EV in 2021. Mercedes will add 10 electric vehicle options for model year 2022. How long do you think European car manufacturers will continue to make one product for the American market and a different product for most everywhere else. That’s not efficient. Have you seen the new electric Corvette? Someone at Ford sees what’s coming.
The oil industry can transition to clean energy quickly or it can die over decades from slowly increasing irrelevance. To be sure, it will be a long time before international shipping and air travel will be oil free but ever increasing fuel efficiency and the coming death of the gas car industry is going to put a huge huge dent in their revenue. It’s in the interest of Cosco, Hapag-Lloyd and Maersk to shave $20 of the fuel burn of every trip if they can and they continue to do so.
The GOP position that everything is fine BP, not to worry Chevron is laughable.
Behold the easiest fact-check ever. CNN:
Fact check: Biden falsely claims he never opposed fracking
Soon to be the easiest political ad ever. Paid for by Big Oil-affiliated PACs, probs.
@ 62
And the energy to charge those EV batteries will be supplied by…
wait for it…
@64. Renewable energy
” … Trump portrays the hundreds of people arrested nationwide in protests against racial injustice as violent urban left-wing radicals. But an Associated Press review of thousands of pages of court documents tells a different story.
:Very few of those charged appear to be affiliated with highly organized extremist groups, and many are young suburban adults from the very neighborhoods Trump vows to protect from the violence in his reelection push to win support from the suburbs. …
“Some of those facing charges undoubtedly share far-left and anti-government views. Far-right protesters also have been arrested and charged. Some defendants have driven to protests from out of state. Some have criminal records and were illegally carrying weapons. Others are accused of using the protests as an opportunity to steal or create havoc. But many have had no previous run-ins with the law and no apparent ties to antifa, the umbrella term for leftist militant groups that Trump has said he wants to declare a terrorist organization.”
Another Republican argument blown to hell.
This is a silly distinction to draw. Mr, Guiliani is right now, he claims, knowingly and gleefully in possession of child pornography. That is a crime. And he wouldn’t have to provide the whole drive, just forward the actual emails with the metadata. Open it up, and forward them. Still no. Still a PDF and only a PDF created at some point when the laptop, not proven to be Hunter Biden’s so far, was in the possession of a computer repair person.
Also weird that this alleged Hunter Biden dropped off said laptop right before Rudy’s felonious associates from Ukraine got picked up at the airport where they were flying to Vienna to meet Rudy and traffic in Russian intelligence that might aid the impeachment defense and 2020 election. What’s up with that?
The Wall Street Journal is not requiring a subscription to read this:
The Biden ‘Family Legacy’
This is the guy meeting with the FBI today, and who was supposed to meet with two Senate committees, although those were postponed in deference to the FBI meeting.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 48 desperately wants to believe it’s “fake”.
It’s very real. By Sunday Martha Raddatz will accidentally refer to “The Biden Crime Family” just as she accidentally referred to “Crooked Hillary Clinton”. It’s just a natural thing to callz it like ya seez it.
The Biden Crime Family.
In my best Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 41 voice, I’ll sneer:
Everything you need to know about “Hunter Biden’s laptop” in
one sentencetwo sentences:Link @ 68
And the new coal fired power plants and petroleum based power plants under construction are….where?
Dumbfuck failed math too.
x-a = future fossil fuel demand
future fossil fuel demand < x
where x is current consumption of fossil fuel and a is consumption directly attributed to passenger and commercial Automobile platforms.
I guess dumbfuck thinks a Tesla battery charge uses roughly the same amount of fossil fuel energy to produce as say, 12 gallons unleaded for a pretty efficient 30MPG car engine.
eia 2020
Natural gas ate coal’s lunch. Petroleum is barely an apertiff. Renewables has gone from 700KWH today. Probably in the next five years renewables will pass coal (definitely) and nuclear and become the second most common electricity source.
As Joe Biden rightly pointed out, the natural gas industry is going to be around a lot longer than the environmentalists would like but it also won’t last forever. It’s still expensive to get at when you could build ever more efficient solar and wind generation at constantly decreasing costs.
How much was your solar installation? How much would a comparable Kwh generation array have cost in 2010? 2000? 1990? How big would those panels have been then?
Saying, “We want oil jobs!” isn’t going to save those jobs. Ask the coal miners about all those jobs Donald brought back. “Thousands of beautiful coal jobs I’ll get back. The war on coal is over and the doves are flying in Appalachia from all the riches I bring you.’
Forbes 2020
Not that I believe it, mind you, but Susquehanna has McSally 50, Kelly 47 in AZ.
Kelly lashed out angrily, and said that if anyone paid any attention to that skewed Susky poll, he’d put a bullet in his wife’s brain.
@ 70
Two questions:
1. How is natural gas extracted?
2. Fossil fuels were used to produce only 1% of electricity in 2019, but what about in 2030, when all those cars in southern US states without hydroelectric power sources will be running on electricity? Where will the electricity to run them come from when the requirements for electricity have skyrocketed because now we’re running all of our vehicles with electricity rather than fossil fuels?
You can’t use 2019 figures to explain 2030 usage, Cz-252.
@68 Keep fucking that chicken, dumbfuck. Maybe it’ll lay an egg one of these days.
@69 That’s a pretty bold assertion considering it’s not even established who’s laptap it is, or where it came from, much less what might have been downloaded on it during the months it was in the Trump supporter’s possession, i.e., a computer shop owner who knew exactly how to get ahold of Guiliani and did so with impeccable strategic timing. Seriously, do you think anyone believes you guys anymore? Besides your echo chamber, I mean.
Boy who cried wolf.
@ 70
How much was your solar installation? How much would a comparable Kwh generation array have cost in 2010? 2000? 1990? How big would those panels have been then?
A better question would be, “Is your solar installation still working?”
The answer is No. The company that installed it went under and everyone else is too busy installing new stuff to service the old stuff, so it sits on the roof, non-functional. When it stopped working shortly after install, while the company was still in business, it took two months for someone to come out and correct what turned out to be an incompatibility between panels and inverters. See Silicon Energy.
Sold the building so no longer my problem. What I will say is that I’ve done the rooftop solar thing, took advantage of the subsidies (which covered the cost of the install in about 5.5 years), but since the subsidies aren’t what they once were I’m not gonna do it again. I’ve also done the Nissan LEAF thing, 2013 model year. Wife and I learned that range anxiety is real, and we turned the leased vehicle in three months early because of it. Learned that for us, 150 miles of range is an absolute minimum for acceptability. That’s real-world, winter range, so even the new LEAF models aren’t acceptable. First car I ever leased, and very, very glad we did not purchase it.
I’ve done the solar dance. Because of what I learned, I’m sitting out the next several songs. By then a 2-year old Tesla Model 3 with 20k miles will possibly look pretty good.
@71 Yeah, you probably shouldn’t believe it.
Susquehanna 10/19 – 10/22 500 LV 4.3 47 50 McSally +3
Rasmussen Reports 10/18 – 10/19 800 LV 3.5 46 44 Kelly +2
Reuters/Ipsos 10/14 – 10/21 685 LV 4.0 51 44 Kelly +7
CNBC/Change Research (D) 10/16 – 10/19 LV — 54 43 Kelly +11
CBS News/YouGov 10/13 – 10/16 1074 LV 4.1 52 41 Kelly +11
You’re two tons of fun this morning.
“Who Mister Bobulinski believes to be Hunter Biden’s chairman.”
A child using his family name to make as much as possible….where have I seen that before.
Bicyclists in Washington can now treat “stop” signs as “yield” signs, i.e., roll through them instead of coming to a complete stop if there’s no car or pedestrian traffic.
Bicyclists still aren’t allowed to run over old people with walkers in crosswalks, though.
Also, free King County bus passes for poor people.
The Democrats’ embarrassing performance in the Kavanaugh hearings left them with nothing this time around. Graham is willing to lose his Senate seat over making sure ACB’s nomination is successful.
McConnell filed cloture.
Say it with me: Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett.
@ 78
Bicyclists still aren’t allowed to run over old people with walkers in crosswalks, though.
No, that’s behavior permitted only for Antifa and other #BLM protesters.
@80 “Graham is willing to lose his Senate seat over making sure ACB’s nomination is successful.”
Is that the same Lindsey Graham who wants an investigation of who’s behind the small donations pouring into his opponent’s campaign fund?
Meanwhile, in North Carolina, Cal Cunningham demonstrates the bravery one has come to expect from a Democrat:
@80 “Say it with me: Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett.”
Will she be sitting to the left or the right of Associate Justices Obama, Warren, Garland, and James?
Until I’m informed otherwise, I’ll assume to the right.
@81 Damn. Those Canadians. They play hockey rough, too.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News –
He Was Almost Out, But They Sucked Him Back In. Non-Demented Joe Biden-Einstein Vows To End Airplane Industry; “Everybody knows that if we were meant to fly we would all have wings.” Kamala Harris-Superspreader later explained; “When he said that he would end the airplane industry he was talking about ending airplanes with only one wing, which are very unsafe.”
Barack Obama was right when he said “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*ck things up.”
On Friday, Kamala Harris played clean up crew when reporters asked her about Biden’s vow to shut down the oil industry.
“Let me be clear, Joe Biden is not going to ban fracking!” Kamala Harris told reporters after she deplaned in Georgia.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have both repeatedly promised to ban fracking if they win the US election.
Dear Demorat Loons: I know that it was tough on you and because I have a heart I’m not including a video. It looked like dear old Joe was going to stumble through, then he checked his watch, and you must have known that he was probably going to blow.
Jesus. I wouldn’t have even gone there and I have a DARK sense of humor.
As we approach the election remember the most important survival tip: stay away from crowds.
This is good advice for after the election, too. At least for several months.
@87 Doc will go anywhere, especially when he’s drinking.
How’s the share of women vote going?
The only thing worse than a socialist is a GIRL socialist. Nice work, Donny.
“A King County judge on Thursday found probable cause to hold a 49-year-old Renton man … for allegedly pointing a gun at an artist hired to paint a mural in Renton’s Cascade neighborhood … The man, who lives with his mother about two miles from the mural location, was arrested at his residence on Wednesday …
“Renton police Cmdr. Dave Leibman said Thursday the mural was conceived and commissioned by the City of Renton earlier this year …. The suspect arrested Wednesday appeared to believe the mural is related to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, since he is alleged to have yelled, ‘All lives matter,’ on at least two occasions while driving by the location …. But … the mural, covering a large retaining wall …, has nothing to do with BLM, though it does depict a diverse group of people.
“On Sept. 29, a man in a silver Honda Accord stopped his car in the street, raised a handgun, racked the slide and pointed it at the 30-year-old artist, who ran for cover …. The man yelled, ‘All lives matter,’ then drove away. The artist and a city parks employee helping with the mural told officers the same man had driven by and yelled, ‘All lives matter,’ at least twice before ….
“On Oct. 9, a Renton police officer was providing traffic control at the mural site when a man in a muscle car stopped alongside the artist and yelled expletives at her before taking off; the officer followed the 67-year-old driver to his house and determined the incident was unrelated to the Sept. 29 alleged brandishing ….
“The mural was defaced with the words ‘Trump,’ ‘LAM’ and ‘BOO’ in red spray paint around 2 a.m. on Oct. 12 …. A Renton police detective sent a photo of the ‘LAM’ tag to a law enforcement data base and the next day, a crime analyst with the King County Sheriff’s Office notified the detective that ‘LAM’ had also been painted on the window of a pet food store on Oct. 12 in Fairwood, in unincorporated Renton …. A man who witnessed the vandalism provided police with a partial license plate number, which ultimately led police to identify the 49-year-old suspect. The mural’s artist, the parks employee and the witness all independently identified the suspect in police photo montages ….
“Renton police learned the same man was investigated in 2018 for malicious mischief by the Sheriff’s Office: He was seen writing ‘Trump’ and ‘die u communists’ over bumper stickers on a vehicle parked at the Snoqualmie Casino …. He was driving a silver Honda Accord registered to his 73-year-old mother.”
Are we missing any trolls?
dear repukelican klown @ 86..
Next time do your worst.. Anything more “lenient” is weakness on your part..
Your master Vlad will not be kind to you.
Fill that tree.
Trump Names Pick to Replace Amy Coney Barrett on Seventh Circuit
All of the attention is on Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and now The Notorious ACB, but the real accomplishment of Mitch McConnell is the farm team the GOP has assembled.
Thank you, Obama, for wasting time with the likes of Goodwin (not Godwin) Liu. Thank you even more, Harry Reid, for streamlining the process for the GOP.
Y’all libbies were warned, and in no uncertain terms.
@93 We’re weighing our options.
Sturgis 2021
The money from last year was SO
North Dakota has the highest mortality in the world. Higher than ANY country.
@ 95
Sturgis is in South Dakota, dipshit.
@96 Is there a difference?
@ 97
You would be just as impotent and fecal-incontinent in either state, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, so no. Not to you there isn’t.
There’s a video alleging Mark Kelly made a racist joke at an event in 2018. Someone’s gonna have to explain it to me.
Heard any good jokes lately?
@ 100
Hey, Toob, enjoy the vacay.
You won’t be gone schlong.
“Ken Kurson, a friend of … Jared Kushner, and an associate of former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, was arrested Friday by the FBI and charged with a ‘pattern of stalking and harassment against three victims’ ….
“Kurson used aliases — Eddie Train and Jayden Wagner — when he filed false complaints about two of the victims with their employers and posted negative reviews online about one victim’s professional conduct ….
“The FBI only learned about the alleged stalking and harassment because Kurson underwent a background check when he was considered for a post in the Trump administration ….”
Nice people you run with, Jared.
“Lives with his mother”.
I think we may have found Richard Spencer.
Or Shortbus.
This is what “fuck you” looks like, trolls.
You should not, of course, expect amnesty after the election.
@ 102
Speaking of using aliases, apparently Joe Biden used the alias Peter Henderson in his emails with Hunter and various biz associates of the corrupt adulterous deadbeat dad addict.
And apparently the irony and hypocrisy of someone who posts dozens of times per day using the alias Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit finding anything noteworthy at all about the story he linked to is wholly unsurprising to anyone who knows what a fucking asshole Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has always been.
Flailing at this point.
McSally could have used you maybe six months ago.
Did you forget that rec weed is on the ballot this year or that the McCain fam have gone all in?
If you best available smears are jokes about shooting the candidate’s wife and “Rodrigo”, and with ten days to go and over half the 2016 turnout already in, you are clearly only interested in virtue signaling your Trumpiness.
Relax. You had us sold years ago.
@100,101 And it was only teh babblin’ butthole who circle-jerked with its own sockpuppet?
And the subject of the circle jerk was a dick.. It’s own dick of course.
What would this forum be without trolls?
This country hit a record in new covid infections.. The shit is just getting worse.
Thanks for all the help Republicans..
The voters are showing their appreciation as I write.
@107 “What would this forum be without trolls?”
Boring as hell.
Funny thing is, they entertain us for free. Best bargain in town.
This is how serious the Biden allegations are:
“President Trump has not asked Attorney General William Barr to open an investigation into the Biden family, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Friday …. ‘No he has not. The president wants these things to be looked into, and the media is really the avenue that should be doing that at this point,’ McEnany told reporters.”
Presumably she doesn’t mean the reputable media, which already have looked into it.
The GOP FailPresident will go on a Presidential pardon rampage as soon as the count if certified.
But he can’t save them all. Most of them are too dumb to figure it out, though.
“This country hit a record in new covid infections..”
Just in time for Crazy Uncle Libertard, Karen Rona-Rally, and Mr. and Mrs. Fuck-Your-Feelings to get scared and stay home on Nov. 3rd after 80% of Dems have already voted.
That’s right. It’s another #owngoal
@ 106
Effort might have greater reward if made to flip MN or MI Senate.
I don’t understand what is happening in either state, but both incumbents seem to be in some trouble. What if all that #BLM shit got people riled up enough to elect a black dude in MI?
It doesn’t get any better, Jeffrey. You, like me, are totally fucked for life.
Every Rapepublican You Know…
including James and Lewis who are both trailing by a couple hundred thousand votes already.
It’s already too late Trumpalos.
Now you just have to pray you can toss enough ballots in NC.
What are you talking about?
Here’s your “antifa”:
“The Department of Justice on Friday charged a … member of … the Boogaloo Bois, with … participating in a riot. Ivan Harrison Hunter, 26, traveled from Texas to Minneapolis … video from May 28 … showed Hunter discharging ’13 rounds from an AK-47 style semi-automatic rifle into the Minneapolis Police Department’s Third Precinct building,’ while people were believed to be inside the building. … After returning to Texas, … Hunter made numerous social media statements describing the acts of violence he engaged in during his time in Minneapolis.”
Not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, either.
Here’s your corruption:
“Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s former company landed a $5 million highway-shipping contract last month with the United States Postal Service. DeJoy continues to own a multimillion-dollar stake in XPO Logistics as of early October.”
Third Boog now facing charges for attempting to incite violence in Minneapolis following the police sport-murder of George Floyd, going after the police precinct with guns and bombs.
You’ll recall that Trolls4Trump all claimed that BLM, “Antifa”, “Pink-haired skate punks” and “AOC” were responsible.
Sure Jan.
@119 I’m on it.
Rapepublican county election officials in PA are now barred by court order from rejecting ballots of “those people” because of signature mismatches. Nor are party observer challenges to ballot signatures allowed.
They ran out of time.
In the latest of their fine, fine work locating “Everyman” types to impart “humanity” and “relatability” to election forecasting, the New York Times has included a registered sex offender, recently released from prison for attempting to lure two girls aged 11 and 17 into his van, in a profile of “swing” Pennsylvania voters.
The registered sex offender naturally indicated a very strong preference for the GOP FailPresident.
No Flynn decision before the end of voting.
Having fucked up and altered a number of exhibits presented as evidence to Judge Sullivan’s court earlier this fall, Barr/DOJ has now been ordered to produce sworn certification of all exhibits and complete, sworn transcription of all hand written notes by Monday. DOJ will need another do-over and a bunch more time.
Sullivan will be happy to give them until Jan 21st.