Seth Meyers: : Al Gore calls climate change the most serious challenge humanity has ever faced.
Vox: The destruction of the Amazon, explained.
Samantha Bee: A #MeToo Thanksgiving.
The Dotard Трамп:
- The Daily Show: Трамп is totally healthy
- Lawrence O’Donnell and friends: Evidence against the President has been very overwhelming
- Jimmy Kimmel: Dr. Fiona Hill wastes The Dotard
- Bruce Nelson: Ten ways to make America great
- Stephen: Трамп attacked Yovanovitch on Twitter while she testified on live TV
- Ari Melber: The new bribery receipts fueling impeachment
- Conan: Impeachment committee facts
- Mark Fiore: Ao you’re getting impeached
- Jonathan Mann: Trump’s Handwritten Note (I Want Nothing)
- Tiny Fingers Resistance: Hair Plug Hitler:
- Joy Reid and friends: For Republicans, the cost of acquitting Трамп went up today
- The Late Show: Alter egos—Roger Stone edition
- Seth Meyers: The five phases of The Dotard Трамп’s annual physical
- The Daily Show: The Dotard’s never-ending call
- Chris Hayes: Rep. Heck on latest impeachment testimony, “Americans can sleep better tonight”
- Stephen’s catchy jingle makes the Трамп impeachment inquiry easy to understand
- Samantha Bee: Stephen Miller is garbage and needs to be fired immediately
- Rachel Maddow: Russian propaganda seen fusing with Republican Ukraine narrative
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп will “strongly consider” testifying & his health is “very good (great!)”
- Stephen: Lt. Col. Vindman claps back at Republicans during impeachment testimony
- Ari Melber: “Miserable” Трамп on edge as House Dems draft blueprint for impeachment
- Trevor: Трамп’s bad week
- Stephen: Gordon Sondland testifies—Pence and Pompeo were “In the loop” on Ukraine quid Pro quo
- Seth Meyers: Lt. Col. Vindman and Jennifer Williams give damning impeachment testimonies
- The Late Show: A$AP Rocky turns up at Трамп impeachment inquiry
- Stephen: John Heilemann & Alex Wagner—Sondland’s testimony “burned the House down”
- Chris Hayes: Breaking down the week of explosive testimony
- Seth Meyers: Gordon Sondland’s explosive impeachment testimony implicates Трамп
- Randy Rainbow: He’s just a GURL who’ll QUID PRO QUO!:
- Now This: Top 5 impeachment moments
- The Daily Show: Property Brothas—Трамп’s boyhood home is on the market
- SNL Weekend Update: Impeachment hearing testimony
- Ari Melber: Historic impeachment testimony ties Трамп to bribery plot
- Stephen: Small Town Big News—Anti-Трамп books disappearing from Idaho library
- Jimmy Kimmel: Sondland screws Трамп
- Seth Meyers: The impeachment evidence against Трамп is overwhelming
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Impeachment witnesses felt “moral obligation” to testify in investigation
- The Daily Show: LEAKED—Трамп’s impeachment hearing audition
- Samantha Bee: All the Dotard’s men colluded
- The Late Show: Vladimir Putin wins the MAGA challenge
- Rachel Maddow: Трамп’s role in Ukraine scheme uncontested after hearings
- Stephen: Трамп’s secretive hospital trip fuels speculation about his health
- WaPo: Fiona Hill’s most striking impeachment testimony moments
- Trevor: Jim Himes laying out the facts in Трамп’s impeachment inquiry
- Seth Meyers: Al Gore thinks the Трамп impeachment inquiry hearings are having an impact
- Daily Show: In Memoriam—The GOP’s “no quid pro quo” defense
- The Late Show: Трамп’s doctor holds press conference after mysterious hospital visit
- Rachel Maddow: Impeachment witness rips “domestic political errand” for Трамп
- Chris Hayes: The Dotard Трамп the emo songwriter:
- Stephen: Трамп holds televised cabinet hearing while Volker and Morrison testify
- Trevor: Trump Club—Fresh presidential excuses
- Ari Melber: How patriotism, the Kardashians and A$AP Rocky took the impeachment hearings by storm
- SNL: Days of our impeachment
- Lauren Meyer: It’s a jolly hearing with Fiona
- Bruce Nelson: Kiss my photo
- Jimmy Kimmel: Facts don’t look good for team Трамп
- Stephen: The Dotard reverses course on vaping ban
- Seth Meyers: Second week of impeachment testimony ends with more damning evidence
Jim Jefferies: This crazily expensive soup is also incredibly cruel.
Jimmy Kimmel: This week in unnecessary censorship.
Trevor: Steve Ballmer—Providing government data without partisanship with USAFacts.
Roll Call: “Impeachapalooza 2019”—Congressional Hits and Misses
Twenty-twenty Vision:
- Stephen: Presidential candidate fantasy camp 2020
- Trevor: 2020 November Democratic debate in Atlanta
- MSNBC: The Dem debate in 4 minutes
- Stephen: Breaking down the 5th Democratic Presidential Debate
- New York Times: Key moments from the fifth 2019 Democratic debate
- Daily Show: Democrats (2019)
- Stephen: Sen. Kamala Harris—Bring all the President’s men forward for questioning
- Stephen: Sen. Kamala Harris—Lindsey Graham’s Biden probe is “a bunch of B.S.”
- Conan: Andrew Yang & the latest Democratic debate
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Senator Amy Klobuchar on a potential impeachment trial and 2020
- Stephen: Alex Wagner & John Heilemann—Cory Booker’s “weed” comment will go far
- Trevor: Getting to know Dem—Andrew Yang
Robert Reich: The real deal with medicare for all.
Stephen: Regarding #Fartgate, whomever dealt it has nothing to be ashamed of
The Daily Show: Eric Swalwell—Fartgate 2019.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Getting to be interesting the impeachment witnesses. Would have been great to hear from the blocked witnesses.
Can’t have exculpatory information being presented in public, Railfan.
Fauxchahontas sent her son to private school and lied about it when she was confronted.
’cause she opposes charter schools for others.
Well, I’ll certainly agree that his continuous gaffes are a disability to his campaign.
Are Joe Biden’s gaffes related to a lifelong stuttering problem?
Kinda like Warren’s dishonesty.
2020 GOP election ad:
“Just in the same way I think that we have to — when you guys were talking about how we have to be more moderate or move to the center, that’s how we’re going to win next year, see, to me, I think moving to the center — I am the center. I am the mainstream now of the Democratic party,” Moore said.
Eyewitness: “We followed the president’s orders. Everyone was in the loop. It was no secret.”
Defense Counsel aside: (“I’m gonna see if I can get him to say that again, only differently.”)
@ 6
Defense Counsel aside: (“I’m gonna see if I can get him to say that again, only differently.”)
Schiff: “I’m gonna make up my own story and present the parody to my colleagues as if it’s true.”
But Schiff’s parody was outright false, as even Schiff partly acknowledged, in saying: “And I’m going to say this only seven times so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand. Lots of it. On this and on that.”
The memo doesn’t show Trump saying anything about “seven times,” nor does the president ask Zelensky to “make up dirt” on Biden.
This is how you get more Trump.
Immediately after his new status was unveiled, President-In-Waiting Pence wasted no time visiting the troops. Good on him! He has more respect for the troops than his draft-dodging soon-to-be-departing predecessor.
Nunes has been traveling, too.
Looks like just about everybody in the GOP was in on Giuliani’s scheme. Also looks like just about all the witnesses are gonna spill to keep their own butts out of the hoosegow.
@7 “nor does the president ask Zelensky to ‘make up dirt’ on Biden.”
True. He only says “I want you to do me a favor” and ties $391 million of military aid to that “favor.” And we all now know what the “favor” was, thanks to the testimony of witnesses.
“This is how you get more Trump.”
No, this is how you get more articles of impeachment.
@4 Doctor Dumbfuck’s bleating about “Warren’s dishonesty” is like Ted Bundy starting a neighborhood watch group because women are disappearing from his block.
@2 Especially when you don’t have any.
Over half a million pounds of pork products are being recalled because a Midwest pork processor produced them off the clock without inspection.
This is what companies do when you have government regulation and inspectors. Imagine what they’d do without government regulation, employing their own inspectors (or none at all), which is what every GOP administration since Bush2 has tried to do to our federal meat inspection program. This stuff would be going on unsuspecting consumer’s breakfast and dinner plates if they hadn’t been caught because of a — you guessed it — anonymous whistleblower.
Republicans are against whistleblower anonymity. They think whistleblowers should be outed so they can receive death threats, their children can be harassed at school, etc.
That’s who Doctor Dumbfuck votes for. Personally, I think he deserves all the scorn we heap on him. Even though he can’t help being a dumbfuck (he was born that way), he’s obviously making some choices about a lot of this stuff.
All parody is false. Once again, having to explain humor to a conservative is tiresome.
GOPProTip: Chevy Chase notwithstanding, Gerald Ford only fell down the one time, and never from a ladder.
Also: Murphy Brown – not an actual real person.
Thanks for playing Dumbfucks.
Bonus GOPProTip: Despite Gerald Ford only falling down the one time, George HW never actually saying “wouldn’t be prudent”, and Trump never actually eating cheeseburgers on the toilet, the vast majority of American voters believe otherwise.
Good information there.
YLB suffers IUD pain every time she has sex.
“Vindman is the first White House official to cooperate with Congress’s impeachment inquiry, which makes his testimony all the more damaging. So Trump surrogates rushed to discredit him before he even appeared before the House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, and Oversight and Reform committees. Their main tactic so far has been to accuse the Army veteran — who has a Purple Heart for an IUD injury in Iraq and served multiple overseas tours — of secretly working for Ukraine.”
“This story has been updated,” reads a note at the end of the article. “Alexander Vindman received a Purple Heart after being wounded by an IED, or improvised explosive device, not an IUD, or intrauterine device. We regret the error.”
Best for YLB that she not receive a purple heart. The color clashes with her eye shadow.
@ 14
Also parody: Hands Up Don’t Shoot
It’s hard to come up with exculpatory witnesses when everyone in your inner circle is in on the plot and is as guilty as you are, but that does have the potential to produce a cornucopia of incriminating witnesses when the indictments start coming.
Literally no one is against private schools. If you want to send little Track and Bristol to the school where they say the magic middle eastern created all and climate change is all part of the plan…go for it. I’m not paying for that.
You want to give the current Education Secretary $4,000/mo so your kid can go to the school where the
ownerPrincipal drives a M5 and they kick out anyone who gets less than 85% on standardized test and they have that South Asian kid for diversity…that’s ok with me too. But no, my taxes shouldn’t be paying a for profit business to ‘educate’ Baron.This is what I mean.
You think it isn’t parody?
The fact that this is parody is what makes it effective rhetoric.
I know you didn’t have time for Voltaire decades ago when you were staying up all night memorizing the names of nerves or pulling 100 hour weeks rooting around in the oozing scabs of Sterno bums, but you might want to think about it now that they pulled your ticket and you have all this extra time.
You clearly have a talent for cynical nihilism. But without a sense of humor to temper it, I’m afraid you only appear sick and cruel. Also possibly dangerous. Those who can make you believe absurdities, can also make you commit atrocities.
Anyone remember Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky?
Vulnerable Democrats spooked by GOP impeachment ad onslaught
She’s not just the other Grammy to Chelsea’s spawn.
@ 19
Literally no one who is not affiliated with or beholden to the NEA is against private schools.
It’s wrong to make up things other people said or did.
Like dancing on rooftops on 9/11.
Or what they were saying when gesticulating with your ‘retard arms’ “Uuuuh, I don’t know what I said, uhhhh”
“Pocahontas…”Uh what tribe am I let me think about that” ”
This is how the GOP is now. They’re true believers are in a twitter (see what I did there) about hyperbole. Call it ‘lies’.
Why do you lie about what the NEA has ever actually said. We should put you under investigation. Daffy Dumbfuck should be impeached.
Again, literally no one is against private schools.
“This is how you get more Trump.”
Cut to the chase, dumbfuck. What you’ve done so far is betray our country by giving us Putin, who now controls the executive branch of our government and half of Congress. You post here with the intent to further betray our nation, to give us more Putin.
@ 25
What you’ve done so far is betray our country by giving us Putin, who now controls the executive branch of our government and half of Congress. You post here with the intent to further betray our nation, to give us more Putin.
I’m sorry, Steve. Which administration, when provided information prior to the 2016 election that Russia was interfering with the 2016 election, chose a strongly-worded letter as its response rather than engaging Putin more effectively?
’cause I don’t think it was the Trump administration.
Think on your sins, Steve. After the next election you will have more flexibility to do so, you blame-dodging pansy.
Who are these vulnerable Democrats? Have you seen the top of the GOP ticket? Didn’t he just go on State TV and admit that the impeachment charges are true?
Doesn’t he stand by an avowed White Supremacist in a key White House position?
Didn’t he let the Russians have our bases in Syria?
“Ooooooh owie, the GOP is running anti-impeachment ads for the minority who think he did nothing wrong. We must hit back NOW!”
Judge Andrew Napolitano believes there is enough “there” there to impeach Trump. Good! Let’s go ahead with the process and have a trial in the Senate. That will be the end of this situation.
@ 24
Again, literally no one is against private schools.
You are literally a fucking asshole, Cz-252.
Political Confessional: I Think Private Schools Should Be Banned
Cz-252, being so wrong about your emphatic claim that Hillary had an “absolute lock” on 252 EVs should have taught you something about the stupidity of making such declarative statements without conclusive evidence.
You remain clueless as to reality. Continue your obliviousness at your peril.
Moscow Mitch
Go back to bed. You’re extra stupid this morning.
Wow you had to dig hard to find a 538 staff writer who heard a Podcast
O.K. You got me. Literally .0000000003% of Americans are against private schools.
But what was actually said,
“I would uphold a change banning these schools or promoting a requirement that an amount equal to the tuition of these schools must be paid into the public school system. This would have to also be upheld with ‘donations’ and monies earned with ‘benefit’ events. OR every private school has to offer a public school or two access to its classes and school offerings (teachers, sports involvement, travel, etc.).”
In other words, either reform or ban. Either or. Hyperbole. You should read occasionally. Even your ‘proofs’ don’t say what you assume.
But this is precisely why klownsurvaturds are so bad at it and what makes it dangerous in their hands. As amply demonstrated herein by The Lone Gunman they simply do not understand how parody works. It’s why things like Boat-Full-O-Dildos go wrong, why Daleiden is heading to jail, and why Laura Loomer shit her pants while chained to a Manhattan doorway.
Conservatives can’t do edgy. They become captivated by their own performance and internalize the belief. Next thing you know they are marching right past news cameras carrying torches and chanting “Jews Will Not Replace Us” with total conviction and certainty. It’s really only another step or two from that to strapping on a bomb-vest.
It’s Every Republican You Know.
I HAVE noticed wealthier folks tend to send their kids to private school ata higher rate than people of more modest means…
Maybe not quite yet.
There’s still at least one federal ruling that is ripe enough, concerning whether or not private citizen Don McGahn can be subpoenaed to testify. That will have significant bearing on whether private citizen John Bolton, for example, can be called to testify. And then there are the two bag-men in pre-trial custody in New York.
I don’t blame you treasonous shit stains for yearning to see an end to this humiliation. But I’m afraid there’s a very good chance you’re sad fucks are going to remain tied to the playground monkey bars with your pants up the flag pole for at least another lunch period still.
“Go back to bed. You’re extra stupid this morning’
But that’s when they’re the most fun.
Like a puppy.
Slightly related, a candidate for an Eastside School board spot ran on a platform that public magnet schools should be outlawed because they aren’t open to everyone.
That and her kid with no diagnosis on the spectrum isn’t getting the accommodations allowed to Autistic and other special needs kids so the schools hate autistic kids (it was a really hard candidate statement to follow along).
She lost. Badly. like 75-21 on election night. Not sure what the final was.
Yeah that Native Ancesrty thing is really a problem.
She and Sharice Davids are the first two Native American women elected to the U.S. Congress. Haaland is a member of the Laguna Pueblo people.
“I’m sorry, Steve. Which administration…”
…betrayed our allies and then, as they were dying, hosted the perpetrator of their extermination at the WH? And as this is going on, sold our foreign policy for campaign dirt while Russian troops were taking selfies in an abandoned US military base and Putin was cracking jokes and laughing at America?
Three years into your watch and all these atrocities are happening because of what? Because Hillary was so…awful?
Three years into your watch and all these atrocities are happening because of what?
That’s a waste of time. Because the answer to your question is simply “for the lulz”.
So the better question would be
Three years into your watch and all these atrocities are happening at what cost to you?
Teh Dumbfuck and “his ilk” will sing themselves to sleep at night with lullabies about “tank-full-o-gas”, “immigrant caravans”, and FREEDUMBS. And that’s good. But president StinkFinger is destroying their political revolution from the bottom up. And the defense of president Russian SlutPuppet is gutting their political leadership class of its credibility from the top down. And the end of that, despite pleading like @28, is nowhere in sight. This unhinged racist lunatic clown car is their new normal. And if any “sane” Bushbots or elder statesmen like Willard wish to climb behind the wheel they’ve got to slap on plenty of grease paint and put on a red nose and big shoes. Because this is who they are now. And though it may leave them all doubled over with laughter, that is the real price they are paying for the casual cruelty and indifference.
People who giggle at funerals always end up being shunned.
@17 Yeah, we know they shoot anyway.
@22 If I’m not mistaken, I believe what the NEA opposes is giving taxpayer money to private schools that have no accountability to voters for how the money is spent, what the students are taught, or whether they learn.
@26 You post nonsense like that and then expect to be taken seriously? Who benefited from Russia’s interference in the 2016 election? Who benefits from Trump’s foreign policy decisions? Don’t bother to answer, everyone knows who Putin’s teddy bear is.
@38 Meanwhile, Trump short-circuits the military’s judicial system and not only pardons war criminals but orders the services to allow them to stay in the services. That’s only a short step away from ordering courts to find people he doesn’t like guilty. Like the Central Park Five, for example.
Donald Trump doesn’t pay taxes, and there’s nothing wrong with that, because money-losing businesses don’t owe taxes.
lmao.. Between cheap bourbon, ed meds, propecia and pd shots with a chaser of T, ofmarykay has been under the thumb of “the one” and its mistress – marykay, patroness of liberal causes..
all its “life” leads it to troll HA.. well – something had to take over for the babbling butthole.
had a chalupa one time at azteca.. was goood.. devin?
thas rite gym.. gonna serve that chalupa up… say it enough times and sean repeats it..
Not really. The way you get more of The Hump is if you vote for him.
The statement “This is how you get more Trump”, for reason you continue to state, is like saying that the reason why there are Islamic Radicals in this World is because of people like you, that keep them oppressed and they are just fighting back.
For one, you, Bob, are trying to place blame where it doesn’t belong, and you are inferring that there is justification for electing an individual like The Hump.
Bob, you should either denounce The Hump where you think he wrongs or pretty much keep your mouth shut….otherwise, the really looks like you support this guy wholeheartedly whether you say you voted for him not.
Keep riding that Pony Bob. You are here just to troll. You would think, with your standing, that you would have something better to do in life than troll here. Like fuck your wife (not the horse), or do something, anything, even take up knitting, than hang out here. Aside, you use to criticize others for having no life and posting here as often as they are here, but you are here no less. Get a fucking life. Do something useful in life. God didn’t put you here just to take up space and use up valuable oxygen.
146,000 pre-orders for the Tesla truck.
I was not impressed with the towing capacity. To get 14,000# you need to order the 3-motor version and wait until 2022. $70,000
Our RAM diesel tows 17,500. New in 2016 less than $50k.
If Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit saved his Barron’s subscription fee for 280 years he would have enough to buy the 3-motor Tesla truck. He’d have to save a few years longer to get one with the catheter waste collection option, tho.
@ 48
For one, you, Bob, are trying to place blame where it doesn’t belong…
That’s rich. For 3 years about half of y’all assholes have blamed me, personally and sometimes exclusively, for Hillary’s loss.
I never voted for Trump. I spewed hundreds of times in 2015 and 2016 warning y’all about the mistake y’all were making by backing a corrupt, horrid human being as y’all party’s standard-bearer.
Y’all didn’t listen and face-planted ’cause of it. Don’t fucking blame me for it.
Think on y’all’s sins.
“Don’t fucking blame me for it.”
Fuck you. Anything and everything that is wrong with this world is your fucking fault.
Bob to post something like you did, that illicits a reaction such as @48 by myself, only to further read thereafter that Steve responded to the same comment (and I haven’t yet been through all the comments yet) followed by Roger making a comment to your comment to Steve’s comment, should tell you something. It should tell you how delusional wrong you are. Again, you are here for no purpose of making the World (or this Country) a better place. You exude that this Country and World (or Earth) should be offering you something. You, and probably people you associate with, if there are any people that would want to associate themselves with you, but those few that would, need help. You are sick selfish minded individuals that thing the World owe you something. The World owes you nothing, not even the oxygen you breath. Really, get a life and do something good for once in your lifetime you Shithead.
I think I started the term Dumbfuck…..but I think Shithead is more like it, because you really aren’t dumb, but you are full of shit. You got shit for brains.
I know – the term shithead gives you a perfect lead to make some stupid homophobic comment. But it shows more about what a low life you really are.
$20 tee on etsy.
Fuck, he could get it tattooed on his face and it won’t make any difference. Dems get to go about their communities with pride that they still put their country ahead of their tribe and work to make things better. Groypers have to pretend to be EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE, gaze at their shoes, and mouth idiotic platitudes about “the corrupt duopoly” before they rush home to furiously choke-fap to images of Sobbing Guatemalan Toddlers™.
You did this, Dumbfuck. And you did it mostly to yourself.
That’s rich, as well as nonsense, because I’ve never blamed you exclusively, inclusively, or anyway otherwise for Hillary’s loss.
Aside, it could have been Bernie, the Socialist, that would have lost too. And then you would be talking about how Democrats choose the wrong candidate regardless, as you are already speaking now for 2020.
Again, nothing more than a Shithead. Do something respectful for once.
Stick to the facts….isn’t that what you would want? Factual information?
@ 52
Bob to post something like you did, that illicits a reaction such as @48 by myself, only to further read thereafter that Steve responded to the same comment (and I haven’t yet been through all the comments yet) followed by Roger making a comment to your comment to Steve’s comment, should tell you something.
It tells me I’m laying down some very effective trolling.
@55 and you can be trolled back…..the term Dumbfuck, it really bothers you, doesn’t it. Let’s see be a troll or do something to better the World, like say join Faux News, that’s the dilemma in life.
Be a troll, I don’t have a problem with that, but get your facts right and try to make this World a better place; be a Christian that you say you are. I think you are (other you wouldn’t be telling people you missed Christmas Eve services). That doesn’t mean I think you need Religion or to go to mass, if it isn’t for you, but you still can act like one. I would think that you would think acting like a Christian is good.
Hospitalized again, and yet still fewer indwelling catheters than Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit currently has.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, four-time cancer survivor, is back in the hospital
Had Hillary Clinton won that election, Ginsburg likely would have retired by this year, content to be replaced by another liberal associate justice. But with President Donald Trump in the White House, she needs to remain on the court for at least another 14 months – and hope a Democrat defeats him in 2020 – in order deny Trump a third nomination and conservatives a 6-3 majority on the nation’s highest court. Trump named Associate Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh in his first two years in office.
She’s had sex more recently than he has, too.
@ 51
Fuck you. Anything and everything that is wrong with this world is your fucking fault.
Some day, Steve, the two of us will sit down and have a beer together.
Try not to cry in yours.
I think that was the real reason why I logged on this evening, just to confirm that that you would be the first to comment on the Justice. A troll wouldn’t be a one trick pony, amirite?
Ok, everyone knows what time it is for me….gots to go wash up (already a little behind schedule)… Bob, that reply to this would not be very nice of you. Remember Bob, knitting isn’t all that bad.
@58 I doubt Steve is ever having a beer with you, but I could be wrong. I just don’t think he’s as big of a fan of Putin as you are.
@48 “You are here just to troll.”
@49 “If Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit saved his Barron’s subscription fee for 280 years he would have enough to buy the 3-motor Tesla truck.”
You forgot to compound the capital gains and dividends. But then, you’ve never been good at math. Or trolling.
@50 “I never voted for Trump. ”
In that case, your candidate didn’t win, and you’re as big a loser as we thought you were.
@51 Oh, I wouldn’t say “everything.” His mother has to share some of the blame. She gave birth to him.
@60 I’ll bet Putin would have a beer with him. He’s almost as faithful a servant as The Hump.
It tells me that it has finally begun to sink in how badly the Groypers have harmed themselves. I’ve never seen Bob protest his innocence quite this vehemently before. This all would sting even for one of them living in some Trailer hell like Oklahoma where at least the local school board is 100% Pro-Putin and the arm-fishing is always good.
But just imagine how this all must feel for Teh Dumbfuck knowing that his best hope to avoid this permanent humiliation involves re-inflating the trailer tires, kicking out the jacks, and heading to Twin Falls. My god. The horror. The horror.
@66 Twin Falls, is that like the end of the line in “Apocalypse Now”?
Very similar, but with more severed human heads and none of the cool music.
And instead of Dennis Hopper, you get Sean Spicer in a sequined ballroom dancing unitard. It doesn’t get more bleak and hopeless than that.
Give the Shithead a break….sorry Bob, I’m drunk and waiting for my train.
What Gym Jordan’s local newspaper thinks of him. It isn’t pretty.
Meanwhile, a Wisconsin newspaper does a profile on a local Trump voter. He isn’t pretty.
Might as well include a picture of Doctor Dumbfuck and his horse, too.
But most days and nights, if Trump is not on the campaign trail or a foreign trip, he happily stays inside his White House bubble and the residence — working late into the night and very early in the morning.
Not unlike Nixon in that regard as well.
Suits me fine. Tucked away in the residence he has less opportunity to harm children and insult our allies. And it’s harder for him to conduct his criminal conspiracies in secret if every one of his conspirators is forced to communicate with him on an unsecured mobile phone from an outdoor cafe.
Nav Sec Spencer has announced that he will ignore president Russian SlutPuppet’s angry rage tweet orders and proceed with kicking a nihilistic war criminal out of the SEALS.
Nobody respects a disgraced Commander in Chief who doesn’t fuck.
Looks like Devin Nunes (R), Not a Cow, may wind up in jail.
Parnas and multiple other cooperators have receipts. Alleged events date from late last year up to the last two months. Federal statute of limitations runs to five years. If Trump loses and Barr leaves he faces indictment.
Schiff, on a Sunday TV talk show, cleared up why the whistleblower didn’t testify: Because of Trump’s death threat against that person.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Don’t be shocked if the articles of impeachment include witness tampering. This is more serious than lying about a blowjob, which Republicans considered impeachable.
When the racist incel is lying or has an easily disproven or cherry picked giraffe hoarding story. He doesn’t include links.
@ 77
Schiff lied for two years about having seen proof of the Russia collusion crap.
You give him a free pass. I won’t.
Why do y’all Dems discriminate against the Asian minorities? It’s a soft bigotry against high expectations.
Andrew Yang 🧢
Verified account
They’ve omitted me from their graphics 12+ times, called me John Yang on air, and given me a fraction of the speaking time over 2 debates despite my polling higher than other candidates on stage. At some point you have to call it.
10:01 AM – 23 Nov 20
‘froggy needs that free money, y’all. Cut it out.
A Visual History of the #YangMediaBlackout
I then started to add each new example as a new reply, and that ongoing thread has now been covered over and over again with each new example as a source of entertaining absurdity. It’s been covered by traditional media outlets like The Guardian, Vox, and The Hill. It’s also been covered by new media like Ethan and Hila Klein of the H3 Podcast for their two million subscribers.
Compared to this,
JuanJulian Cruz has nothing to complain about.This is one of the worst. They included Booker, Harris, and Gabbard, all of whom polled at 3%. Oh, and Steyer at 3%. Included Bloomie, who hadn’t even announced but is at 2%, and Bennet at 1%. but not Yang.
Scott Santens 🧢
Verified account
MSNBC: “We’re getting a lot of complaints that we shouldn’t exclude any of the candidates, so let’s show everyone who polled above 0% in Iowa, except @AndrewYang at 3% of course. We just don’t have room for that guy in this graphic.”
#YangMediaBlackout #YangGang
6:55 AM – 17 Nov 2019
The list of examples @ 81 of Yang’s exclusion is so long it’s really hard to conclude that it is not intentional. While perusing it I just learned that his Q3 donations haul was $10M. That’s a shit ton of money and far more than Beto took in. I heard tons and tons about Beto. Zilch about Yang.
MSNBC should consider that if they gave Yang more air time people would hear significantly less about Tulsi Gabbard.
One of the examples @ 81 is a clip of MSNBC interviewing Yang, and they cut away from the interview so they can cover Bernie Sanders during a routine campaign stop.
Andrew Yang won’t return to MSNBC until they apologize ‘on-air’ to his campaign
Last time around DNC and its minions like Little George suppressed the ideas of others so that it could prop up an old white woman.
This time around it’s suppressing ideas of POC so it can prop up an old white man.
I fucking warned @ 50 y’all last time. I’m fucking warning y’all this time, too.
Think on y’all’s sins.
@79 Get serious. Anyone who claims Trump isn’t in Putin’s pocket is a fucking joke. The horse is laughing at you.
@80 Sez the moron who shills for a thug who discriminates against everyone except angry white male neo-Nazi tiki torch bearers and convicted war criminals.
@82 They’re all polling better than you are. What does that say about you?
They’re keeping the hospital bed warm for RBG’s pre-Thanksgiving re-admission.
Verified account
JUST IN: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been discharged from the hospital and “is home and doing well,” the court said.
Ginsburg was hospitalized this weekend after experiencing a fever and chills.
When Trump appoints her replacement, just remember, y’all: Without ACA to prop her up through improved health care, she would have resigned in 2014.
Just remember: It was the mainstream GOP that killed the Tea Party.
In his remarks to the group, which came during his unsuccessful 2010 run for Indiana state treasurer, Buttigieg discussed how he understood the economic concerns of the Tea Party voters and candidates.
“There are some, especially in my party, who think that the Tea Party is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Republican Party,” Buttigieg said at the time. “But there are many others who believe that the Tea Party is motivated by real concerns about the direction of our government and the responsiveness of our government to citizens—and above all, a frustration with business as usual. That is what motivated me to run,” he continued. “And so, while we may come from often very different perspectives, I believe we might have a lot in common on that front.”
This will likely boost Pete in the flyover states.
The racist incel is outraged about pecived giraffe hoarding towards a candidate he doesn’t give a f*** about
Looking forward to revisiting this when it’s revealed that Obama pushed the investigation of Trump based on the Steele dossier.
Goldy Retweeted
Walter Shaub✔
Questions for Senators who don’t think Trump should be removed:
Should Ukraine go ahead with that investigation of Trump’s rival now or should it wait until you finish the trial?
Should China investigate, too?
Should Barr?
Should they investigate all of his potential rivals?
Former president Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch met secretly after FBI opened probe into…
Epstein’s ‘madam’ Ghislaine Maxwell at Buckingham Palace after US prosecutors reopened probe into paedophile
If this was all it took to gain power, I’d be fucking emperor.
For 2020 candidates, eating tacos is the kissing babies of stumping for Latino votes
Kimmel, Tuesday.
Scott Santens 🧢 Retweeted
Andrew Yang 🧢
Verified account
3h3 hours ago
One reason I’m excited to go on @jimmykimmel @JimmyKimmelLive on Tuesday – I’m hoping he can help me get @tedcruz to live up to his word and play a game of one-on-one for charity. 😀🏀
If Cruz can “debate” Alyssa Milano, he can fuck with the Dem primary race by going one-on-one with Yang, no?
Breathtaking irony in any Trump voter complaining about the Dem primary after Trump has canceled primaries in five states so far, after placing control of the party process in the private hands of his campaign manager and consolidating all party spending approval in the White House.
That’s how dictators do it. And Trump voters approve.
It’s Every Republican You Know.
Not just foxholes.
Laurence Tribe✔
Here’s hoping Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is doing fine and will be released from the hospital this morning. Even if you don’t believe in the power of prayer 🙏🏼 it can’t hurt to try this once . . .
5:18 AM – Nov 24, 2019
If she kicks, perhaps Trump could nominate Tea Party-luvin’ LGBTQWTF poster child Pete from South Bend.
@93 You’d look even funnier with no clothes on than you do dressed in a white frock.
@ 95
That’s how dictators do it.
Yes, the RNC should be more subtle. Like Debbie did it.
RNC Research✔
WaPo’s Bade: some Democrats getting “cold feet” as worries grow about public opposition to impeachment
Embedded video
6:51 AM – Nov 24, 2019
“We are hearing behind the scenes there are more moderates getting cold feet.”
Yabbut Schiff is so convincing and he has such a strong track record of proven accuracy with his prior allegations.
33 seconds of video.
Impeachment means nothing to those who are still able to find a partner for heterosexual sex or otherwise can find gratification other than among their far-left counterparts on HA.
In the abstract, 37% saying that an issue is a priority doesn’t sound too bad, but among the 11 issues that Politico and Morning Consult tested, impeachment ranked last, well below the deficit at 74%, health care at 72%, and infrastructure at 70%.
33 seconds of video.
Aaaaaaaaand nuthin.
Like most of their work, incomplete, off-topic, and poorly composed.
It’s Every Republican You Know
Great news for the GOP then, since Acting President Stephen Miller has big plans for all of those.
Oddly enough each one of those plans involves the beating of Sobbing Guatemalan Toddlers™.
No need. Obviously Trump voting Republicans like you are only concerned with Precinct Committee elections for local Democrats.
I don’t have a clue how Mitt Romney’s niece came to run (nominally) the RNC. I really don’t care. Any more than I care to understand how David Duke became The Grand Wizard of the KKK, or how Ted Cruz came to be in charge of NAMBLA. I’m certainly not kept awake at night sobbing into my pillow about “unfairness” in those processes. That’s your bag, man. And your burden.
And I don’t feign concern over that in a futile hope that it will sow discord in your ranks. As far as I’m concerned, the more cohesive you Republican, racist, pedophile lemmings are the better. It’ll get the whole cliff dive thing over with that much faster.
@100 Impeachment also means nothing to asswipes like you who don’t give a shit about this country.
Bob, you missed this one.
My Opinion: This dude, Noah, and his little opinion piece, has sobering consequences in itself. He shills for a bunch of fuckwads and therefore is one himself.
When will a conservative ever take any responsibility for themselves and hold themselves accountable instead of always blaming someone else? Never.
gman @ 107
When will a conservative ever take any responsibility for themselves and hold themselves accountable instead of always blaming someone else? Never.
Steve @ 51
Fuck you. Anything and everything that is wrong with this world is your fucking fault.
This is how you get more Trump.
Drama queens with zero underlying substance possess limited persuasive talent. Just ask YLB.
One Week After NFL Workout, No Team Has Reached Out To Colin Kaepernick
Confronted by the military brass, Commander-in-Chief Chickenshit backs down.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You knew he would. Watch him turn his back on the Hong Kong protesters and coddle Beijing, too. That’s coming next.
What was it a right-winger wrote about John Kerry? “Unfit for command”? Yeah, that was Trump-bud and fellow draft-dodger Jerome Corsi. Republicans are a fucking joke. They’re all clowns.
@108 “This is how you get more Trump.”
I doubt it. Your vote won’t count for shit in 2020, just like it didn’t count for squat in 2016.
Soon Republicans will blame Democrat for the devastation of Climate Change because you know Democrats speak too much about it and if they wouldn’t then they would do something about it. But until then….
That’s how you get more Climate Change.
Keep it up Dems.
“This is how you get more Trump.”
More like this is how Republicans get more passengers as they drive their collective party/movement Coal-Roller off the cliff.
Like I said, I’m all for it. I see no particular advantage to Democrats in working to provide a safe haven for preening dildos like David French or William Kristol. The sooner they just get it over with, capitulate, and kiss the giant orange ischial callosity the better off we’ll all be. They’ll be happier having a tribe again. And the rest of us can get on with moving the country forward and making life better and more humane for everyone, even if Republicans always resent it when we do.
There’s really no good reason these assholes can’t find as much satisfaction bathing in the innocent blood of Sobbing Guatemalan Toddlers™ as they all seemed to find burning down the homes and neighborhoods of Iraqi children or crushing the testicles of Muslim toddlers. In the end all these nihilistic ghouls ever really needed was an enemy upon which to inflict suffering. What difference does it make who it is? And how on earth does that choice become elevated to be a moral one?
They are already well on their way. It looks increasingly like all 63 million of the beer-drunk, hate-filled, “aggrieved” racist wife-beaters who were down with president FingerBang in 2016 are excited to do treason again if only just “to show those damn hippies”. Good. We should want that.
It’s too bad that it took the last three years to drive the point home, but we are all better off knowing exactly who these motherfuckers are so we can deal with them swiftly and appropriately, if mercifully. Nothing changed. At least not any of the things these assholes claim. Crime didn’t go up. “Meskins” didn’t “tik yer jerbs”, and “fags” didn’t wreck your marriage. Nothing changed except Trump came along and gave them all permission to be themselves in all their toothless, casually cruel, red-hatted glory. They’re hard to miss now. And that’s exactly how we should all want it.
I think Steve will apologize to you that day where you and Steve share that beer…..of course, while he’s crying in it.
Breaking News — The Secretary of Defense has fired the Navy Secretary.
WaPo article title, 11/22:
Barack Obama, conservative
Libbies this is how y’all should realize that y’all went too far left.
Why should the military really be any different?
Like Teh Dumbfuck, like Kansas, like Every Republican You Know, they all went along with this campaign of utterly pointless ghoulish nihilism believing that in return they would get some goodies. Their simpering blood-drunk Cheeto Geebus has of course failed to deliver and instead is humiliating them all by jerking off into their faces. They all cheered his inane nationalist sloganeering and corruption imagining that within that monstrous pile of shit there surely must be hidden a pony or two. And if they all agreed to grab a spoon and just take a few small bites…
Everything Trump Touches is Debased and Humiliated.
Mitt Romney learned it.
Richard Spencer leaned it.
John McCain learned it.
Billy Graham learned it.
Ukraine learned it.
Why should the Navy be any different?
The Secretary of the Navy termination seems to indicate that Trump did not back down, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Sec Def didn’t cashier Spencer without WH approval.
And there’s Teh Dumbfuck greedily spooning up as much of the pile as he possibly can, fiendishly grinning through a face smeared and dripping with shit, and insisting that it’s somebody else who went too far.
All any of us can do is laugh and back away slowly.
They just released her to head home and get back to work crushing your dreams.
I sure hope your ecstatic death watch and voodoo rituals were everything you hoped they’d be. So sorry you’ll have to go back to PornHub for relief now.
Be brave.
@119 The Secretary of the Navy termination seems to indicate that breaking the chain of command, i.e. going around the Secretary of Defense by negotiate a deal directly with the White House, pissed off his boss, the Secretary of Defense.
But you’re probably right that Trump won’t order his rank, pay, and privileges restored. After all, he didn’t kill anybody.
@120 “back away slowly”
I dunno, with a smell like that, I’d back away fast.
@121 Look at the bright side. When Doctor Dumbfuck is sticking pins in dolls, he might miss the RBG doll and nail the Trump doll right in the heart, due to bad eyesight, shaking hands, etc. In fact, that could explain Trump’s unscheduled visit to Walter Reed last weekend. Maybe we should ask Mrs. Dumbfuck if he was playing with dolls then.
You have to be kidding. Why didn’t they pen that article in 2009-2016?
How far right can you guys go before they utter Fascism? Fascism Lite is ok with them I guess.
“Seekrit Mooslim Kenyan Userper Mad Man” = “Conservative”…
…if that’s what it takes to cage-rape another baby and close another “energy consulting” contract.
I’m now in possession of my copy of “A Warning” by Anonymous, and less than a dozen pages in, it’s clear that John McCain’s death and Trump’s behavior in the following days — “when the loss of a good man revealed the true nature of a troubled one” — “led to the writing of this book.” (p. 2)
The author, as you know, wrote an op-ed for the New York Times a little over a year ago. Since then “the instability within the Trump administration has intensified. One element has remained constant, however. The president still lacks the guiding principles needed to govern our nation and fails to display the rudimentary qualities of leadership should expect of any commander in chief.” (p.5)
This, of course, is obvious to any who care to see. The real difficulty is not Trump, for he could be easily removed either by impeachment or the 25th Amendment were not those who hold in their hands the power of removal so fearful of his supporters. The real difficulty is the latter, who refuse, for whatever unfathomable reasons to see this charlatan for what he is and what he has brought our country to.
We, the denizens of HA’s cesspool, know it is useless to reach out to them or try to make understand their error. They have made themselves blind and impervious to reason. So, …
Fuck you, doctor, and your entire tribe. You are adversaries of the America we love, admire, and respect. We are the true patriots, and we scorn you. Never forget that your horse is laughing at you, too.
The confirmation of Trump’s nominee to replace RBG on SCOTUS will be gift-wrapped
by Cocaine Mitch.
Dems may really have overplayed their hand with this impeachment thing. If witnesses aren’t called by the House, they’ll be called by the Senate.
Paul Sperry
BREAKING: No fewer than 3 Senate committees are now formally investigating Obama-Biden solicitation of Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election, as well as Biden family corruption in Ukraine. Investigators seek records from the DOJ, FBI, DOS, DOT and the U.S. National Archives
10:39 AM – 24 Nov 2019
@129 Well, since that conspiracy theory has already been debunked, good luck with those investigations. Of course, they will play well with the ignorati of your tribe, referenced in #127 above; you can, without skill, get the Fox crowd to believe anything. This has already been amply demonstrated. But you will not get the college-educated suburbanites, the women, the blacks or Latinos or Asians or Muslims, or the 51% who think Trump should be impeached and removed, or the 54% who won’t vote for him under any circumstances.
Of course, validating a debunked conspiracy theory is not their purpose. These investigations will serve the same purpose as all the rest of Trumpland’s favorite conspiracy theories: To distract attention away from the real conspiracies and the train wreck of this administration.
And you will be there, hooting and whistling and cheering the train wreck on, like someone who enjoys seeing houses burn down and the like, and even throws gasoline into the fire to prolong the entertainment. Because that’s how dumbfucks are.
Just one question: Who will be your Three Stooges in the Senate? Lindsey Graham for sure. I’m curious who you think they’ll cast for the other two roles.
White kid shoots beloved black sheriff. In Alabama. Guess we’ll have to wait to see how this plays out in the justice system there.
But one thing is certain: Another punk who shouldn’t have had access to guns had no trouble getting one. None at all, thanks to the policies foisted on America by the NRA and its willing handmaiden, the Republican Party.
So I spent the day doing all of Tiger Mountain Trail for the first time. South to North.
Did anything happen?
Anything about Ukraine?
Anything with the military?
Did Nunez do any damn fool thing?
Oh my…..
And the very instant any records are produced there will be instant motions granted for discovery orders in a dozen cases yet pending in federal court for the exact same records from Trump, Trump Org., Trump Inaugural Cmmt, Melania, Ivanka, Jared, McGahn, Kelly, Pompeo, Mulvaney, and Barr and all those very same agencies. How wonderful!
So all I can say is I wish them all the luck! And I hope they are granted everything they are asking for.
On the other hand I’m not going to be too surprised or disappointed if the only result of these announcements is seven more months of announcements. And after seeing the shock and disappointment Groypers had to absorb from the Horowitz report, I’m even looking forward to it!
Nothing has been more fun than watching Republicans grow steadily dumber as this Trump-cult unravels. Perhaps soon we can witness Teh Dumbfuck chain himself to an office entrance and shit his pants too!
@133 Never a dull moment, Pils.
Bloomberg entered the Democratic nomination race.
Ginsburg was released from the hospital.
The Navy Secretary who defied Trump on military discipline was fired.
The Hong Kong pro-democracy movement won big in local elections.
Confidential emails reveal the White House coordinated with OMB to manufacture an excuse for withholding military aid from Ukraine after the fact.
King County prosecutors hate Santa.
For 35 years the Metro Employees Historical Vehicle Association has done the Santa’s Lights Tour, but it is been cancelled based on an opinion by KingCo prosecutors office saying Metro’s insurance pool did not cover the excursions. It’s a shame, all the buses used were operated by Metro at one point, as per the organization charter.
None dare call it sosheeleesm…
Bet the 1600 residents of that (whitepower!) burgh wouldn’t be caught dead voting for a black guy for guv…
They’re agin’ “soshulisum”..
From Spencer’s resignation letter.
“Unfortunately it has become apparent that in the respect, I no longer share the same understanding with the Commander in Chief who appointed me, in regards to the key principle of good order and discipline. I cannot in good conscience obey an order that I believe violates the sacred oath I took in the presence of my family, my flag and my faith to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Commit war crimes and get a pardon, go against the miserable failure in the White House and get fired.
@137 “Notably, these experiments in communal ownership are taking place in deep-red parts of the country where the word ‘socialism’ is anathema.”
And where capitalism is failing, they could have added. Capitalism seems to work better in deep-blue places like Seattle, which has plenty of grocery stores. But then, the stock market does better under Democratic administrations, too.
Bottom line, if you like capitalism and private enterprise, vote Democrat. And when you really stop to think about it, Republicans bear more than a little resemblance to Stalinists and Maoists (e.g., their affection for dictators, concentration camps, summary executions, etc.).
Various main stream veterans groups are all over this.
Donald losing 5% of bets and active duty voters from his tally in 2016 leaves no road to reelection.
Remember when the military was going to rise up because “Clinton never served and who is he to think he can lead us. He could never possibly understand military culture.”
@ 5
If I only lost 5% of my bets I’d never leave the poker table.
Hey, Cz-252, how much did y’all lose by betting Hillary would win the presidency?
I suppose y’all saw the Emerson AND Rasmussen poll results, in which Trump’s support among black respondents was 34%.
Speaking @ 140 of roads to re-election.
Today the worst-performing major index is the DJIA. It’s up more than 0.5%.
Oh, and Conan the hero US Army dog is hangin’ with Trump at the White House.
Sorry, Steve.
I’m guessing it’s because it spent the hundreds of millions of dollars on union employees.
Colorado has spent hundreds of millions to help kids read. Now, it will spend up to $5.2 million to find out why it’s not working.
But the state didn’t have the authority to delve into districts’ budget details.
“In the past, there wasn’t any language that outlined that authority,” Cobb said.
“The department does not have data regarding how the [districts or schools] actually used those READ Act per-pupil funds,” state officials wrote in response to a question from WestEd.
Did I say guessing? I’m betting that way too many districts figured that poorly performing kids would be helped if only their NEA dues-paying teachers were paid more.
Always follow the money. Especially when unions are involved.
@141 Hillary, as awful as she was, did win the popular vote by nearly 3 million. Trump is president only because of an archaic and undemocratic electoral-vote system that was created to preserve slavery and now functions to establish a tyranny of the minority.
@143 “Hangin'” isn’t the right word. He’s there only because duty — and a leash — requires him to be. He clearly isn’t enjoying it. The reason is obvious. Dogs can smell shit from a mile away. That’s why Trump, unlike most other presidents, doesn’t have a dog — that, and the fact he has no more empathy for animals than he does for people. Don’t be surprised if Trump kicks this dog in the ribs before the morning is over. After all, that’s how he treats our war heroes, Gold Star families, former POWs, and service chiefs, when he’s not busy pardoning war criminals.
@ 145
Trump is president only because of
an archaic and undemocratic electoral-vote systemthe same Constitution that guarantees all of your freedoms.Your opinions are archaic, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Ever the proponent of changing the rules once the game ends.
Of course, Doctor Dumbfuck sides with the draft dodger who pardons war criminals, because he’s a dumbfuck. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was that young medical student who spat on me and my buddies when we got off the plane from Vietnam, too.
Y’all HA libbies better keep an eye on Trump’s black support.
The case for taking Trump’s black outreach seriously
I love the subheadline:
There’s some evidence Democrats have lost ground with black voters.
Instead of bitter-clinging to the 2016 popular vote result, like @ 145 Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, maybe keep an eye on the black unemployment rate, too.
Yeah. Y’all are gonna getcha more Trump.
@ 146
You can’t afford a dog.
@147 “the same Constitution that guarantees all of your freedoms”
Hey dumbfuck, when the tyranny of the minority created by the slaveholders who helped write the Constitution installs a president who ignores the Constitution and laws, has contempt for judges and due process, and thinks and acts like a king, the only provisions left to guarantee your freedoms or mine are Article 1, Sections 2 and 3, but you’re too blind to see that. The rest of us who aren’t blinded by Fox or InfoWars propaganda see it very clearly.
@150 Rabbits don’t keep dogs, idiot, we run from them. Gawd, you’re stupid. How did someone so stupid become a doctor? At least they had enough sense to stash you in a basement radiology lab away from the patients.
Arnold’s illegitimate son has grown into a body-builder, like his dad.
Joseph Baena spitting image of dad Arnold Schwarzenegger in bulging bicep snap
Joe Biden’s illegitimate latest grandchild will grow up to be a corrupt loser without a moral compass, just like its dad.
Like father, like son. Which is why Biden doesn’t want Graham peering too carefully at the Biden family secrets.
@153 It’s beyond hilarious to see a Trump shill accusing Joe Biden of being “a corrupt loser without a moral compass.”
Thanks for the laugh. You’re funny without even trying to be.
@147 “Ever the proponent of changing the rules once the game ends.”
Where did this come from? Out of your ass?
I’ve recognized this election as legitimate from the beginning, even though Trump invited Russia’s illegal intervention, even though he lost the popular vote by millions, even though he’s been a way-beyond-awful president. Moreover, I’ve never suggested impeaching him because I don’t like him or his policies. To the contrary, I explicitly draw a distinction between that — for which the remedy is voting him out of office — and impeachment, which is the means by which Congress fires a president for misconduct in office. Notwithstanding Republican bleating about “a coup” and “overturning the will of the voters,” the Democrats initiated their impeachment inquiry because of the latter, not the former, and acted with restraint until there was overwhelming and indisputable evidence of actual misconduct personally committed by the president himself.
@143 The stock market is more than a little fascinating these days. It’s going up while economic fundamentals continue to deteriorate. (For example, the Fed expects U.S. GDP growth to drop from 1.9% last quarter to 0.4% this quarter, despite an uptick in the housing sector.) Why is the market so happy these days? Well, irrationality, for one thing. A study of stock market history would show it doesn’t move in lockstep with the economy; in fact it’s quite often disconnected from economic reality, not infrequently going up while the economy is going down. But the current rally is relatively easy to explain: It’s a product of irrational investor optimism combined with the knock-on effects in the financial markets of the Fed flooding the banking system with cash injections following the collapse of the repo market two months ago. In other words, the Fed’s efforts to repair the interbank overnight lending system are artificially juicing stocks. Did you notice the big boys aren’t buying this rally? The world’s largest hedge fund just bet over $1 billion on a market decline in the next three months. Would you like to bet against that trade, Dumbfuck? Go ahead, they’ll gladly take your coin.
Yeah right.
Teh Dumbfuck’s latest troll.
Associate Justice GangBang gonna BeerBong the Dems 2018 mid-terms.
The Dairy Queen Pedophiles gonna SWEEP yer Senate special elections.
Trump gonna Lock-Her-Up McCabe.
Horowitz gonna Lock-Her-Up Comey.
Horowitz gonna Lock-Her-Up the whole FBI.
UkraineGate is all FAKENEWS gonna Blow Up!
And now Trump gonna C’Ville DeathCar the Huey Newton vote in 2020.
Yup, shur thing.
And to prove it he gives us yet another thin analysis from VOX that for all its length cites but a single longitudinal voter study from just eight states, half of which are small rurals with 5 or fewer EVs the other four of which are not swings, three are solid blue, and only the third is trending blue.
So… Trump gonna win back Pennsylvania by conquering the Angela Davis vote in…. Virginia?
African American voters are not a fucking monolith. I’m pleased however if Republicans think they are. If Brad Pubescale is doing more than just producing events to create pleasing optics for guilty racists that’s good. Especially if he’s doing it in a way that assumes a retired African American public employee in Minneapolis has exactly the same politics as an African American single mom working two jobs while going to school in Michigan. Based on current models both have a similar likelihood of voting next November. Only one of those votes will be decisive in the outcome.
ProTip: it’s not the vote being measured by Catalyst Analytics.
There’s some evidence Republicans have lost ground with black voters.
“New administrators at the district, forced by the Colorado Board of Education in November to hire an outside management consultant, said they’ve discovered the reading curriculum they were using was ineffective and not suited to the district’s heavily bilingual student population. ”
How many read this and assume the racist incel wanting to use this to pit the locals against the immigrants?
Show of hands. how many think that Moscow Mitch is going to wait till after the election to replace a Supreme Court Justice, like last time?
@160 He and Doctor Dumbfuck think it’s a disaster that they have to wait for one to die.
What ought to be of greater concern to Trumpers is that according to Catalist, and even with their adjustment model which some argue over-measures old white uneducated voters, they still see a substantial and sustained surge in voting among racial and ethnic minorities and among young people never previously measured in their data going back to 2008.
There are obviously serious problems with trying to use mid-term data to predict party movement ahead of a national general election. People are mostly seeing local Congressional candidates on their ballots, or state races. Partisan polarization is not as evident. And for any given sort by race sampling, turnout still skews much older. So the correlation to party shift is weak and full of noise.
There’s always “some evidence” of any goddamn thing anyone wants to see. And if angry white racists want to see African Americans lining up to support their abuse, they can see that. But other than Diamond and Silk, that’s probably not an actual thing. And perhaps even more importantly, however much that thing is being measured in Iowa or New Hampshire, it may not tell us anything at all about what will happen in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
Teh Dumbfuck neeeeeds to believe that Dems are going to lose African American voters so he can be spared having to think about the GOP losing suburban white women. That’s a shift that will go waaay beyond Dino Rossi and wind up right at the feet of Susan Collins. The same people VOX relies upon to speculate here also concluded that Trump’s improbable 2016 victory was built out of a rickety assembly of latent resentments concentrated among older, uneducated white people. The evidence emerging from actual elections since then is that this fragile assembly has already begun to fall apart. They won’t be replacing it with Blacks for Trump.
And I don’t mean to pick on Catalist. Their machine learning tech has been enormously useful in steering registration and recruitment in a bunch of key states in the last couple of years. But their products are not cheap and their alignment is far more oriented toward great big huge campaigns with tons of money.
“…affluent, elite, healthy, and highly educated coastal progressives.”
@163 Well, naturally educated people tend to earn more, so are more likely to be healthy (better diet) and affluent, and what’s wrong with living in a coastal state? Nothing, unless you’re talking about the southeastern and Gulf coastal communities that vote red and get their subsidized flood insurance from the government because insuring their property against destructive storms is too risky and unprofitable for private insurance companies.
stuck in 1950 with an ossified image of African American voters living in high rise public housing and working as doormen, or living in shotgun shacks and share cropping.
So I guess that means all the white folks are named Ralph or Archie, live in Queens, and work at the tool and die, right? Or maybe they’re named Ward, live in the ‘burbs and drive in to Mayfield to work at the regional office?
The world has moved on without them, and they are no longer capable of understanding it. Their biggest grievance of all. That black kid with dreads he was so scared of the other night that he crossed the street? He’s an EE/MBA works at Adobe and he was born in Kamloops. Into LARPing. Listens to Taylor Swift.
Crazy, angry, radical, uppity FAKE Obama Judge defies Generalisimo BoneSpurs and orders former White House Counsel to testify about all the bribery solicitations and criminal obstruction.
120 page ruling.
Had blood coming out of her.. wherever.
-Slade Gorton
My GOD! The DERP STATE got to him too!
I will agree with the racist incel that MSNBC is breathlessly gushing over the rich white billionaire ex republican for president from New York in a way they did not promote Yang.
@167 Slade Gorton is what Republicans used to be — rich, snobbish, not very pleasant to be around, and with little or no understanding of working people — but not reeking to high heaven of lies and corruption.
Oh, for the good old days, when all we had to do was beat them in fair elections. Before gerrymandering, voter suppression, and Russian interference submerged our democracy in the swamp of fetid Republicanism that exists today.
Some Gay people are stupid enough to vote for The Hump or any other Repuke. Why should the blacks, yes the Blacks, as in the gays, be any smarter – let them hang themselves as you gloat and watch and blow hot air from your shithead.
@170. Gay people who voted for trump thought republican policies wouldn’t hurt them.
How are prosecutors going to know whether the horse or goat is enjoying the sex?
@171 aside from being shortsighted in thinking that life is all about money. And with that said, they too are a bit racist/sexist/bigoted in thinking that all the Mexicans and Blacks are stealing from them.
With that (@173) said.
I think Democrats need to keep from straying to far left. I pretty much call myself a liberal, but maybe only because it was branded on me by Repukes that love their Brother P-Touch Label maker.
I really think that I am a Moderate, I do think things can go too far left. I don’t necessarily disagree with the “progressive” polices of Free education and medicare for all, I just think that it should be thought out more clearly and changes made to make it more affordable in various ways, but not be completely “Free”. The world changes and the needs change and the policies need to change and progress.
I am not a fan of Mayor DeBlasio, thank god he dropped out. He is the worst, but I don’t disagree with everything he does or his ideology. I don’t think he’s done enough to prevent and police waste, aside from corruption. I am not opposed to doling out services but they need to be managed properly and not overly wasted with a blind eye.
@174 When you consider that the three richest people in this country have more net worth than 50% of the population, taxing the wealthy to provide free education and medicare for all doesn’t seem quite as far-fetched. Not advocating, just sayin’.
At 173 should read I think they think life…
I forgot the “they think”. Just in case Puffy is resurrected and he wants to tell me what I didn’t mean to say
@175 agreed.
Some of what pisses me off, that kind of proved my comment, is the way DeBlasio is dealing with the homeless, or San Fran is handling it or even Seattle, with people living in tents, shitting in the streets, and littering.
4 years ago I didn’t like it and I wrote DeBlasio’s office to say how I think it wasn’t being handled Incorrectly – I’d go on into further detail explain what I mean but I have to get going now to get ready for work. Maybe I can continue at another time.
@177 provoked not proved
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