Jim Jefferies: The best way to win an argument
Today I Found Out: Why were executions held at midnight?
Minute Earth: Why is lyme disease getting worse?
WaPo: The fight for access to birth control and abortion, explained.
The Dotard Трамп and His Ring of Co-conspirators:
- Trevor: Why “No collusion” doesn’t equal “No obstruction”
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The Dotard thinks Justices he appointed can overturn impeachment
- Bill Maher: New Rule—Crime and no punishment
- WaPo: Then and now—How Congress handled calls for underlying impeachment evidence
- Jimmy Dore: Трамп nominates Herman Cain To Fed Board:
- Ari Melber: Democrats hit Трамп for “massive, unprecedented” criminal obstruction
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Democrats threaten to jail Трамп officials who defy congressional subpoenas
- Rachel Maddow: President Dotard Трамп’s scramble to block Congressional investigations
- Rachel Maddow: Former Nixon attorney says The Dotard Трамп’s criticism of Don McGahn is “risky”
- Full Frontal: Historians roast Трамп
- Conan: Why The Dotard is losing Twitter followers
- WaPo: Hillary Clinton writes that the Mueller report documents serious crimes against America
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Even FAUX News’ Judge Andrew Napolitano believes The Dotard Трамп committed obstruction of justice
- Ari Melber: How Dotard Трамп’s bluff on House subpoenas may backfire
- Roll Call: Five ways Трамп is reshaping environmental policy
- Late Night: The Dotard Трамп and the big beautiful wall:
- Trevor: Трамп throws a tantrum over Twitter followers and tests the power of Congress
- Stephen: Robert De Niro on Трамп, “Even gangsters have morals”
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Трамп’s obstruction is disrespectful of the American public.
- Reflect: The worst moments of Трамп’s clown speech at the NRA
- Joe Biden SLAMS The Dotard’s “very fine people on both side” in presidential campaign announcement
- Trevor: Democrats are at odds over impeaching the Dotard
- Roy Wood, Jr.: What the hell does Ivanka actually do?
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The light at the end of the Dotard Трамп tunnel
- Vice News: The Mueller report
- Mark Fiore: Free advice for Democrats.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The Dotard claims his Charlottesville comments were “answered perfectly”
- Bill Maher: Rep. Adam Schiff on post-Mueller politics.
- WaPo: What is next for Democrats after the Mueller report’s release?
- Rachel Maddow: Mueller report shows The Dotard Трамп’s repeated efforts to obstruct
- Farron Cousins: The Dotard wanted to put detained children in Gitmo
- Lawrence O’Donnell: More video of Republican hypocrisy on impeachment
- David Pakman: Трамп threatens to use Supreme Court to block impeachment!?!
Jim Jefferies: You can attend your own funeral in South Korea.
Verge Science: This is what sea level rise will do to coastal cities
Ronny Chieng: Desperate ideas for a warming planet.
WaPo: Behind the speech—A joke that didn’t land. For a good reason.
Jimmy Fallen: Mostly political monologue.
Real Engineering: The truth about space debris.
Twenty-twenty Vision:
- The Late Show: The Democratic endgame
- Trevor: The CNN Town Halls—Warren talks cents, Klobuchar gets real and Buttigieg wings it
- WaPo: Where the 2020 Democrats stand on free college and debt cancellation
- Conan: Who has the best chance at beating Трамп
- Mother Jones: 2020 candidates respond—Is it time to impeach Трамп?
- Kamala Harris: Stop human rights abuse at the border
- Jimmy Dore: Bernie screams about his tax returns
- New York Times: Biden announced his candidacy. Will his record help or hurt him?
- Cory Booker: It’s not enough to just say “I’m not a racist”
- Bill Maher: A fresh face
- WaPo: From ‘perfectly reasonable’ to ‘no’—2020 candidates weigh in on impeachment
- Roll Call: Joe Biden is running for president, here are some congressional basics
- Conan: Bernie is building an unusual constituency
- Elizabeth Warren: Why you should vote for who you believe in
- Trevor: Joe Biden jumps on the 2020 train with a whole lot of baggage
- WaPo: Joe Biden’s biggest 2020 competitor may be … Joe Biden
- Ari Melber: Did Mueller prove Swalwell wrong on collusion?
Jim Jefferies: A simple solution to the retirement crisis.
Today I Found Out: How did flipping the bird come to mean “fuck you”?
Vice News: The evolution (or not) of school shootings in America since Columbine.
Farron Cousins: Devin Nunes is so afraid of the public he’s holding a fundraiser in secret location.
WaPo: Why do politicians switch parties?
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Fighting an impeachment in the Supreme Court. Chief Justice Roberts would have to be the one overseeing the Senate trial, so he would recuse.
One of the arguments of legalizing recreational marijuana is the lucrative revenue source. I don’t think the revenue that is generated for a wedding would compare to pot sales but it was never an argument for legalizing, yes legalizing a basic freedom, to marrying a member of the same sex.
Instead the argument against same sex marriage, protecting the sanctimony of marriage between two members of opposite sex (50 % divorcees), was more loudly heard. Whilst the potential negative effects of having people high on pot all day. Meanwhile you don’t get the freedom to have opioids.
Grab a hold of your megaphone. In Bob’s case, the horse’s schlong.
My radio got reset, so I was dial spinning to reload my stations I found a strong christian channel. The woman was railing against a new testament christian group called Thinking Biblically, that posted clips on YouTube about how they saw the bible dealing with immigration. They were all about caring and tolerance and helping. It seemed caring and nice.
Then she tore into them. She said it was pure propaganda. Who cares if they’re in the image of God, and compassion and all that, all that matters is a rule of law and that she HATED that some tiny fraction of her taxes go to helping them.
Why did a subset of christians become so cruel and bitter?
Why did a subset of christians become so cruel and bitter?
Because they were set upon by a majority of Democrats, for being Christians.
Red, I believe the proper terminology is now Easter Worshipers. Before that Christians was capitalized.
The Bible says to welcome immigrants. So why don’t white evangelicals?
“How did a religious group whose foundational sacred text explicitly mandates care for the poor, the sick, and the stranger become a reliable anti-refugee, anti-immigrant voting bloc?”
“Suddenly, she said, she noticed a “new sort of interpretation that’s floating around in evangelical circles about [verses in the Bible where Jesus exhorts care for the poor]. And the interpretation is Jesus does not mean everybody. That Jesus only means that you’re supposed to take care of the ‘least of these’ who are in the Christian community.”
That is messed up. It reminds of the way we write about radical islam, where they are cruel to anyone who isn’t them.
“The degree to which white evangelical identity is increasingly predicated on politicized whiteness — and on an insular and isolationist vision of community — reveals the extent to which white evangelicalism has become synonymous with Christian nationalism under the Trump administration. “
Because they were set upon by a majority of Democrats, for being christians.
Bullshit. You are attempting to play the Victim Card. Cite examples so we can see if you have legitimate arguments.
@4. Godwin, do you identify as Christian?
Verily I witnessed the outcry when the Methodists wanted to build a church near ground zero.
Add NCAA Champion Virginia men’s basketball to the list of folks invited to have Whoppers either a racist saying, “Nah. I’m washing my hair that night. Gotta do laundry. I’m dog sitting for a friend.”
The university is in Charlottesville, google…Charlottesville Trump…oh my.
@1 You’re being facetious, right? Impeachment can’t be appealed to the courts. The House’s decision to impeach and a Senate decision to remove are final and unreviewable. If Congress kicks you out of office, you have no recourse. You can go home and throw a shoe at the dog and yell at your wife, but that’s it.
@7 Bob doesn’t want to reveal any type of his identity. To do so makes him vulnerable and open towards any type of criticism. He wants the best of both worlds and never have to be held accountable for anything but horse schlong.
@2 I think, when you get right down to it, Republicans want to outlaw same-sex marriage because they’re afraid their wives will run off with other women. And take the dog with them. I mean, who the hell wants Republicans?
@3 “Why did a subset of christians become so cruel and bitter?”
They aren’t Christians. They’re hypocrites who go to church, put $5 in the plate for the overseas missions on Easter Sunday, and paste a little fish on the ass end of their Suburban for social acceptance. The elderly ones with a foot in the grave go through the motions because they’re afraid they’ll go to Hell if they miss a Sunday.
@4 “Because they were set upon by a majority of Democrats, for being Christians.”
Your posts get more laughable all the time. They weren’t “set upon” nor did they need help to become the racist, bigoted, gutter crawlers they are. That’s simply what’s in their DNA. Yours, too, dumbfuck.
@5 Forty years ago their “pastors” were preaching the virtues of endless war and environmental degradation, so why should we be surprised they’ve evolved into Trumper racialists?
Hitler, a paganist, missed the boat. For some inexplicable reason he failed to grasp that evangelical christianists are clay easily transformed into the most ardent Nazis of all. Look how they flock to Trump with practically no effort on his part. Just appeal to their inbred racism and bigotry, and you’re there.
These people bleat about “Sharia law.” Yet they would impose Biblical law (or, rather, their notion of it) on us all if they could.
We don’t want any particular religion to be a “national” religion. That’s why we went to all the trouble of stating that in the Constitution.
Despite the insecure manly-bros online campaign against a panty-wearing super hero movie….
Sometime today ‘Captain Marvel’ will become the second highest grossing single character Marvel movie trailing only ‘Black Panther’.
Sorry men. You might as well surrender all your testicles now. The witches are coming.
@ 10
If Congress kicks you out of office, you have no recourse.
Wrong. You can always run again.
Sometime today ‘Captain Marvel’ will become the second highest grossing single character Marvel movie trailing only ‘Black Panther’.
Hillary Clinton received the second-highest number of electoral votes in 2016, trailing only Donald Trump.
Three months from now Captain Marvel will be forgotten. For good reason.
9) They did that to North Dakota State, the FCS National Champs. I wouldn’t wish that on My worst enemy. Wait, I’m an Eagle, ND State is my worst enemy. I don’t recall if EWU got to go to the White House when we won the title, and we beat the sitting VP’s alma matter.
10) Yep.
I wonder, if he ever asked his sister how the law works? Then again, Nixon and Clinton were lawyers.
@19 You can also shoot yourself, which under the circumstances may be the honorable thing to do, but neither suicide nor running again falls within the definition of “recourse.” Here’s a suggestion: Get yourself a dictionary and learn to use it so you don’t post half-assed comments that make you look like an illiterate trailerpark Trumper.
Because Republicans insist on crazy people having easy access to military-style assault weapons designed for killing people in war, a woman is dead, and a rabbi and two other people are injured, after a shooting at a synagogue in the San Diego area.
It doesn’t help that Trump stirs these people up with his own brand of racism, bigotry, intolerance, hatemongering, and incitements to violence.
@17 The national religion of America is money. Nearly everyone in this country worships it. All other values, if there are any, are secondary.
Here’s a great big F-you from the Pope to Donald J. Trump.
The California synagogue shooter has been identified as a 19-year-old white male whose online “manifesto” claims responsibility for a mosque arson and says he drew his “inspiration” from the Pittsburgh and New Zealand mosque shootings. In other words, another one of Trump’s “fine people.”
The Poway, California, shooter is an alt-right hater who says he doesn’t support Trump because Trump isn’t anti-Semitic enough. He apparently admires Hitler’s death camps.
Last Wednesday, Texas executed another of James Byrd Jr.’s lynchers. This piece of human garbage needs to be put out of his misery, too. After a fair trial, of course.
Unfortunately, California is too squeamish to kill vile racists who have no compunctions about slaughtering innocent people.
Yes, I’ve noticed that you enjoy making money as much as the next guy. Your religion truly is making money by “flipping stocks” and congratulating yourself for doing so here on this blog.
You don’t have a problem with low self esteem, that’s for sure!
I just came across this FB page:
Seattle Looks Like Shit
Heard about the crane collapse – I hope everyone is ok.
Really chaps your hide doesn’t it.
There’s a bunch of folks who will remember $410m domestic and over a billion worldwide. They tend to decide what’s coming next at the multiplex. Did you know there’s a new Barbarella comic series out?
Hey, I never did see that Chappaquiddick movie. How’d end up doing? What about that little Christian film someone was so impressed with. Wow……$17m. Not bad. I mean less than the first day of Endgame by a factor of almost ten so I can totally see major studios pouring money into the genre soon.
@31 Unfortunately, 4 people were killed, 2 workers and 2 people in cars.
@29 What are you, un-American? Go back to fucking your slaves, commie.
@30 No worse than your dick dipped in horse shit.
Reminds me of some movie about some politician from another state who got into a car accident..
That state re-elected him to office a whole bunch of times.. He died in office. Yet braindead always wrong wingers babble about him to people who could never vote against him.
How feckless. No I can’t remember the movie’s name either.
Oh wonders. A study concludes that rich guys talk out of their asses more than the not so rich..
And Canadian rich guys have an edge over the murkan guys. That I find hard to believe.
Speaking of things that chap dumbfuck’s hide.
Washington Educators Association. Voted at their gathering today to create “Black Lives Matter at School” week starting in 2020.
BLM at School is the brainchild of activist/teacher…..
Jessie Hagopian.
@38 Isn’t he the guy who won a $100k settlement from Seattle PD?
I wonder how much dumbfuck has won in the options lottery lately. He should’ve shorted GE at $23 instead. It’s only $9.57 now.
He’s got the Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit seal of approval:
Joe Biden graduated 76th out of 85 people in his law school class.
For perspective, if Metro staffed the way WA public universities staff, each Metro bus would be manned by one driver earning $50k and two administrators each earning $100k+.
For perspective, if King County Metro shifted costs from taxpayers to passengers the way WA’s public university system has shifted costs from taxpayers to students, today’s $2.75 bus fare would cost $8.25.
Apr 23, 2019
At Least 1 Killed In California Synagogue Shooting
“At an afternoon press conference, law enforcement officials said a 19-year-old man from the city of San Diego has been arrested with an AR-style assault weapon. ”
And….. cue the thoughts and prayers, no sensible gun regulations, no banning of AR-style assault weapon, no increased money to mental health outreach, no increased monitoring of hate groups or hate sites, No increased money for gun violence research,
just thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers.
@41 Way to beat up that Straw Man, It’s not what Goldy said, but that’s never stopped you from lying.
godwinha, are you a christian?
@40 Which means he’s smarter than you. You didn’t graduate in any law class. And you’re proved time and again that any dumbfuck can become a radiologist.
@41 How much does the doctor sitting on his fat ass and furiously posting to HA get?
” … alleging that a small group of executives, contractors and vendors affiliated with the NRA ‘have extracted hundreds of millions of dollars from non-profit’s budget.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Given that Wayne LaPierre has been running the NRA for essentially forever, it’s inevitable the group would become his and his cronies’ personal piggy bank. When the members who furnished these hundreds of millions realize this — and they’re beginning to — if they can’t vote him out, they’ll vote with their feet.
“President Trump falsely claimed that babies in Wisconsin can be ‘executed’ after the Democratic governor Tony Evers said he would veto a bill that would require doctors to provide medical care to babies born alive after a failed abortion attempt or face a large fine or/and imprisonment.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You know what will happen when some impressionable low-information twit with a closet full of AR-15s and an itchy trigger finger hears or reads Trump’s words, right?
@42 Until they and theirs get blown away. Then it’ll be the fault of “Democratic hate rhetoric.” (Cue Steve Scalise shooting.)
They got $2 million. We got a corpse.
Wherein AOC shoves Kellyanne Conway’s b.s. right back up her ass with a sour cream topping.
@28 actually better than putting the man to death. I would tie him up in shackles nude and put peanut butter on his cock and balls and then put a couple of grizzle bears in the room with him.
I’m sure Boob would agree – he doesn’t like Jew haters. Right Bob? Do you have any convictions Bob? Or are just a useless piece of silent shit.
@44 godwin a Christian…..as fake as The Hump is Christian. There is your answer. And it will remain the answer unless the useless piece of shit would like to clear the air or state any correction.
The Hump and Boob are probably brothers.
@52 I’m not into torture, but as I’ve posted on HA many times, I support judicious use of the death penalty. I think there are people who deserve to be, and should be, put to death. Ted Bundy, for example. The Nazi war criminals the Allies hanged. Texas got rid of one such person last week — the mastermind of the horrible lynching of James Byrd Jr. Good riddance to that revolting piece of human excrement. Won’t surprise me if even the worms don’t want him.
@53 People who brag they’re Christians usually aren’t. See, e.g., Franklin Graham.
I got blocked by Franklin Graham yesterday in the Twitter.
After he tweeted Melania “The classiest First Lady We’ve ever had.” I started tweeting the nekkid pics of the classy woman next to every other First Lady. Started working backwards and only got to Rosalyn before I got blocked.
NRA board going to go “second amendment solution” on itself tomorrow.
Whatever happens it will be spectacular and very, very expensive.
“Last week, President Donald Trump said his administration was ‘fighting all the subpoenas’ from House Democrats. The comment came after Nadler’s committee subpoenaed former White House counsel Don McGahn to testify on his comments in the Mueller report. In the report, McGahn details at length Trump’s efforts to have the then-White House counsel oust Mueller. Trump called that subpoena ‘ridiculous,’ adding, ‘These aren’t, like, impartial people.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I extracted this paragraph from an NBC story about Barr; I won’t comment on that aspect of the story here, I simply want to address this stupid remark by Trump, which has gotta have every lawyer in the country in stitches.
When you get a subpoena, you’re not entitled to be questioned by someone “impartial.” There’s no such thing as “impartial” lawyers anyway; every lawyer in legal proceedings represents one side or another, and pursues/advocates for that side’s interests. While congressional subpoenas are different from judicial subpoenas in some respects, they fundamentally work the same way; it’s an adversary system, and there are no “impartial” congressmen.
I think what Trump is really saying is he doesn’t want witnesses with damaging information about him being subject to hostile questioning. Too fucking bad. That’s how our adversarial system works. He can challenge the subpoenas in court on grounds of executive privilege or whatever, but if they’re upheld by a judge, he doesn’t get to write the questions or limit what the witness can be asked or say. If he doesn’t like the answers, fuck him. He’s not a dictator, at least not yet. The purpose of this whole exercise is to keep him from becoming one.
Chalk this up as empty, meaningless, childish whining. I and my fellow lawyers are laughing at him.
50) Did we pay? For the Pueblo crew, we apologized, then renounced the apology later.
@59 Unclear because the Trump administration refuses to say whether the money was actually paid; but Sue Mi Terry, a North Korea expert, said on on NBC News that “North Korea does not do anything for free” (beginning at 34:00 in the video below).
Who would you believe, her or Trump? Also, Sarah Huckabee Sanders didn’t deny the money was paid; she said the administration “doesn’t comment on hostage negotiations.”
60)If he reneged, might have been the one good thing about his business reputation to use in the White House.