Trevor interviews Stephen.
Vox: What DNA ancestry tests can — and can’t — tell you.
Jim Jefferies: The all-women group protecting animals in Africa from poachers.
The Dotard Трамп and Co-conspirators:
- Seth Meyers: Sarah Sanders says Congress is not “smart enough” for Трамп’s tax returns
- Lawrence O’Donnell’s initial analysis of the Robert Mueller report.
- Stephen gets his copy of the Mueller report
- The Late Show: The Mueller report audiobook
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Трамп team and Russians pursued relationship of mutual benefit
- Jimmy Kimmel: Schoolhouse Rock—Mueller report redactions
- Ari Melber: House Democrats subpoena full Mueller report in new clash with Barr
- Stephen: Wikicollusion
- Conan: The tidy mouse helped redact the Mueller report
- Jimmy Fallon: “(Can’t Take No) Redactions”:
- Stephen: There’s some crazy shit in the Mueller report
- Rachel Maddow: Robert Mueller report a road map for charging The Dotard Трамп with obstruction
- Conan: Infomercial for the complete Mueller report collection
- WaPo: The Dotard threatened to close the border. Here’s what could happen if he did
- Jimmy Fallon: Jimmy responds to the redacted Mueller report
- Stephen: The Dotard Трамп calls FAUX News “We”
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The end of the beginning of the investigations of Трамп
- Ari Melber: See Mueller’s damning criminal obstruction evidence against Трамп
- James Corden: The Mueller report has (mostly) been released
- Mark Fiore: Barring the Mueller report
- Rachel Maddow: Robert Mueller report—Outline for prosecution
- Chris Hayes: Mueller report reveals a mob-like presidency.
- The Late Show: Трамп’s solution for everything—Rebrand!
- Conan: Трамп’s Tweetstorm about the Notre Dame Cathedral fire
- Stephen: Stephen Miller’s even more extreme immigration ideas
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard Трамп’s nickname game is weak
- Joy Reid: Sarah Sanders caught lying. So she lies again:
- Stephen: Mueller made it clear who the bad guys are
- Lawrence O’Donnell and friends: Robert Mueller report says “It does not exonerate” The Dotard.
- Ari Melber: Why Трамп AG said “No collusion” when Mueller found no conspiracy
- Seth Meyers: Washington reacts to the Mueller report
- Conan: Bernie Bros were out in force at Bernie Sanders’ FAUX News town hall
- Stephen: Neal Katyal—Mueller’s report is “The end of the beginning”
- Jimmy Fallon: Talk like Трамп
- The Late Show: Color code your own Mueller report
- Ari Melber: Why Barr got the Mueller report wrong.
- Rachel Maddow: Robert Mueller report shows many cases continuing & hidden from public
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Robert Mueller exposes Sarah Sanders’ lies
- Chris Hayes: Robert Mueller report will be lightly redacted
- Stephen: Трамп’s bad advice for the Notre Dame Cathedral
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Comedy Central: White tax.
Chris Hayes: GOP Representative flip-flips on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez invitation.
Vox: The real reason Boeing’s new plane crashed twice.
The Atlantic: Internet free speech—Do you know your rights?.
Twenty-Twenty Vision:
- Stephen: FAUX News can’t contain Bernie Sanders
- Chris Hayes: Senator Kamala Harris—Robert Mueller should testify before Congress
- Jimmy Kimmel: Two Republicans, nine thousand Democrats running for President
- Seth Meyers: Democrats take on corporate profits and CEO pay
- New York Times: Who is Pete Buttigieg?
- Joy Reid: Democratic field for 2020 still a toss-up
- Conan identifies Pete Buttigieg’s anti-gay heckler
- Rachel Maddow interviews Pete Buttigieg
- Jimmy Fallon: Pete Buttigieg is the avocado toast of Democrats
- Seth Meyers: Mayor Pete Buttigieg is unsure the Mueller report will change anything
- Chris Hayes: Senator Amy Klobuchar wants to hear from Mueller directly
- Roll Call: Eric Swalwell is running for president, here are some congressional basics
- Mayor Pete Buttigieg confronts Jimmy Fallon about his impression
- Rachel Maddow: Senator Elizabeth Warren first 2020 candidate to call for impeachment
- WaPo: Watch Mayor Pete Buttigieg speak many languages
- Jimmy Kimmel: Democrats’ best shot to win in 2020
- Seth Meyers: Mayor Pete Buttigieg on why sharing the stage with his husband is a reason to be hopeful
College Humor: Everyone is a Republican on tax day:
Jim Jefferies: Stop saying zoos are bad for animals.
Joy Reid: GOP Congressman hops fake border to prove how easy it is to cross border.
Robert Reich: Twelve myths about taxing the rich.
New York Times: How Communist East Germany held thousands of women as political prisoners
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Sanders sure was brave going on Fox, but then again, he’s an Independent Senator but running for the Democratic nomination for President.
So, lame stream people wanted to make a big deal about Jussie allegedly lying about those cock suckers that beat him up. Knee jerk reactions from the jerk. Guilty until proven innocent. The FreeDumb fuck Conservatives wanted to say that every black man and gay man is bad.
But how about The Hump supporter? Those FreeDumb fucks don’t think they have to be responsible or accountable for their own bunch of Neo Nazi terrorists.
Every heterosexual Caucasian’s nightmare – having the actions of one of their own kind put on display broad daylight.
Parents who starved and shackled children sentenced to life (from @AP)
Every parent’s nightmare is nurturing a child for most or all of two decades only to see that child grow up and behave like gman.
Can someone ask Goldy to weigh in on the Flyers/Kate Smith thing?
“A new Fox News poll finds President Donald Trump with a 45% approval rating and a 51% disapproval rating among voters. Last month, the same pollster gave him a 46% approval rating and 51% disapproval rating among voters.
“Fox News’ findings are in-line with the average poll, which showed the President’s ratings stayed steady after Attorney General William Barr released his summary of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: More evidence that Republican voters are impervious to facts, reason, and decency.
Of these attorneys, which is most stupid?
• Michael Cohen
• Michael Avenatti
• Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit
Tough call, I know.
Hey, I just realized something. Each of the three once claimed to be millionaires but no longer can credibly make that claim. Bonus!
I’m reminded @ 6 that Hillary Clinton’s approval ratings are no better. In fact, they are worse than Trump’s.
Hillary Clinton’s Favorable Rating Still Low
It’s from September, but really, does anyone really think that Hillary’s ratings warrant praise, ever?
She was awful. Steve, you chose so poorly. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you chose so predictably. You can always pick a loser, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. That GE recommendation is evergreen.
Obama had his own Manafort:
Former Obama White House lawyer to go on trial for alleged Ukraine lobbying
At least Hillary was smart enough to keep a one-sibling distance from similar malfeasance.
New hope for pork sauce! Puddy would benefit from this, too, if he were still alive; but, sadly, he was lynched by his friends.
Me talking about MIT Romney’s approval rating is about as relevant as Boob talking about Hilary’s, or the irrelevance of Boob himself.
I bet the Horse wishes he had a better “partner” than Boob.
“Two Virginia police officers were fired after allegations of involvement with white supremacist groups surfaced.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s obvious that police departments have been hiring the wrong people for quite a while and need to do a much better job of screening out recruits with antisocial tendencies and weeding their ranks of the sociopaths and psychopaths they’ve hire in the past. Kudos to the social media sleuths catching these vermin in the act.
Being an HA libbie means freedom to joke openly @ 10 about lynching of a black man because you know your friends will always look the other way for you.
@2 Looks like they’ll come for his guns now — the cops, not the Democrats.
“Former independent counsel during the Clinton administration Ken Starr changed his tune big time Friday and said Democrats shouldn’t pursue impeachment against President Donald Trump because ‘it’s so bad for the country.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republican hypocrisy has no bounds. But you also have to remember this is Ken Starr, the former Chancellor of Rape University, who isn’t Republican pond scum; he’s a piece of the original biological building blocks from which Republican pond scum propagates.
Meanwhile, Susan Collins calls the Mueller report “unflattering.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, that’s progress, I guess. Of sorts. I wonder what she would call Buchenwald if it were a Trump migrant detention camp?
Two years, millions of dollars, thousands of hours on CNN and MSNBC and you’ve @ 16 come up with “unflattering”?
Hell, Benghazi was unflattering to Hillary. The bathroom server was unflattering to Hillary.
You knew when you posted that the costs were covered by the Manafort seizures. So you made a conscious decision to rely on lying as a way of defending your incredibly shitty decision to back Trump.
You could not be more cowardly than you are right now.
But I know you’ll try.
13 is what it looks like when a racist defender of the KKK strategically adopts the trappings of enlightenment for bad faith purposes in between Tiki Torch night rallies and cross burnings.
AKA concern trolling. Serving douche nozzles since 2006.
Still stuck in that Time Masheen I see.
Imaginge that:
“There’s no evidence that liberal professors give conservative students bad grades.”
But the evidence is overwhelming that klownsurvaturds blame everyone but themselves for their habitual under-performance.
Andrew Anglin writing about Tucker Carlson:
“Once again, I feel like I’m watching a person on TV read my own thoughts back to me.”
That is called “passing the Gillum test”.
Starting to see think pieces arguing that the Mueller Report is “the left’s Benghazi”. No doubt the child molesters will seize on that as well either to ridicule or concern troll. And while I think there are some very obvious differences between the way partisans focus their attention on these power scandals, I would not argue that this analysis is completely wrong.
But the thing is, Benghazi worked. Sure it depended on an enormous lift from Russian bot farms and foreign funded NRA spending. But the point is you can track the aggregate change in positive/negative impressions of Hillary Clinton directly to the Benghazi misinformation campaign. And that campaign did not just work its magic in the trailer parks. A steady and very significant decrease in support for Hillary Clinton among Democrats and unaffiliated voters is directly attributable to the Benghazi/ButteryMales campaign.
People have got to be realistic about this. In the end this is still electoral politics. If pretending you are preserving the constitution is what does it for you, fine. But we still have to get the job done. That means both driving up Dem turnout and driving down Child Molester turnout. And a big part of that depends on driving negative impressions of Trump and the GOP among right leaning and independent voters.
Fortunately they give us a lot of really good ways to do that. The best of these is of course the beating up and caging of infants and toddlers. That shit is gold. The corruption shit is great too. But Mueller needs to be included in the arsenal. The key is to focus on the findings in the report that are most harmful to voter impressions of the administration and the party efforts to cover up and obstruct the truth. Trump’s cowardice, his fecklessness, his lack of control, and the obvious contempt his staff have for him are important parts of that.
The report shows a Republican administration riddled with cowardice, back stabbing, rampant habitual lying, and incompetence. Democrats absolutely should run with that. In hearings, in testimony, in speeches, on television, wherever they can. And if hearings produce evidence of obstruction that is sufficient they should move to impeachment. What we should not do is let both-siderist concern trolling scare us into unilateral disarmament.
Enough talk of lynching.
“Republican discussed violent attacks and surveillance with rightwingers”
“Washington state representative Matt Shea exchanged messages with far-right figures, chat records obtained by the Guardian reveal”
@ 22
But the point is you can track the aggregate change in positive/negative impressions of Hillary Clinton directly to the Benghazi misinformation campaign.
Er, no.
Hillary Clinton has had two popularity peaks. The first was when it came out that Bill Clinton truly did fuck around on her – that time with Monica – and it was popularity based on pity. Because the woman’s true awfulness was not yet known.
The second was just after she exited public service in 2013, as frequently happens to political figures when they are no longer in government. She was coming down from that second artificial peak at the time of the Benghazi investigation and hearings.
She has always been awful and has always been disliked, with two narrow exceptions. You link her declining popularity to Benghazi, which is a coincidence. Her declining popularity at that time was merely a reversion to her norm from the post-SoS peak.
She’s corrupt, conniving, and wholly unlikable. She’s why you have Trump, QoS McHillbilly.
How Democrat AGs behave:
When Attorney General Reno testified to the House Waco hearing on August 1, 1995, she was challenged on FBI’s use of 54-ton tanks to assail the Davidians. Reno replied that the tanks were “not military weapons… I mean, it was like a good rent-a-car.”
“She was awful. Steve, you chose so poorly.”
Your inability to give us even one reason why Hillary was so awful and your inability to come up with a single crime has left your Hillary batting average at fucking zero. Thousands of swings and you haven’t hit the ball even once. But as you’re a dumbfuck, I’m sure you’ll keep on swinging.
You chose Putin’s pussy-grabbing orange stooge, someone truly fucking awful who has committed actual fucking crimes. That must be what a dumbfuck calls “choosing wisely”., founded to help Bill Clinton during the impeachment period a couple of decades ago by advocating that he, er, not be impeached, is now advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump.
Bob seems very bored and out of material today – that horse must be exhausting to “work” with.
Republicans just can’t help themselves. It’s gotta be a birth defect of some sort. They must be born with half a brain and both feet in their mouths.
@25 I would’ve used F-16s at the Cliven Bundy ranch. Cluster bombs and napalm. If those fuckers want to fight the government, I’ll show them what war looks like.
It’s a shame for the BENGHAZIIIII!!! dupes like Teh Dumbfuck that Hillary was not elected.
It deprives them of the most BENGHAZIIIII!!! excuse for why they have nothing on her. Now two administrations from each party and three Congresses from each party have had their chance to dig through Jerome Corsi’s gay porn stash and come up with nothing.
Even with a President ordering his DOJ to fabricate a case it has gone nowhere. I guess that just means Trump, Sesh, and Barr are all part of the conspiracy to protect her.
Yup. Sure Jan.
@25 I certainly understand why you don’t want to talk about how Republican AGs behave.
Unfortunately for Bill Barr, no Democrat will ever trust him again. From now on they will conduct all their business with him through subpoenas.
An AG gets to lie to the opposition party only once. Barr has used up his once.
I’d use ’em on Davidians.
An ultra violent militaristic sex cult of pagan worshiping freaks who manufactured machine guns, and giant fuel bombs, declared war on the US, barricaded themselves inside a fortified compound, ambushed and murdered multiple federal law enforcement officers and stabbed their own children to death.
And just like the KKK, these are the people Teh Dumbfuck defends and weeps for.
@27. is calling for different actions because the level and type of wrong doing are wildly different.
I grew up in a red area, republicans are terrified of consensual sex, and someone must be punished. Only republicans think a consensual blow job is an impeachable offense and what trump is doing is not, because he’s hurting the right people.
Remember when Boeing opened a plant in South Carolina to build planes with non-union cheap labor? You get what you pay for.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns Boeing stock and benefits from the company’s union-busting and use of cheap labor. Hey, I don’t own a controlling interest or make them do it. I’m only along for the ride.)
Any Republican will tell you giant corporations have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders to use the cheapest materials possible, pay their workers as little as possible, charge the highest prices they can get away with, and use their lobbying and political influence to dodge regulations and pay no taxes.
@33 “barricaded themselves inside a fortified compound”
People who build plywood forts aren’t the brightest military thinkers.
@35. Ouch.
@36. Sad but true. How do we structurally fix that?
@39 Government oversight. Material standards. Workplace regulations and unions. Inspections and certification. Let the market set the price. Reform the tax code, campaign finance, and lobbying practices. We know how to do all of this stuff. Elect people who’ll do it. Which rules out Republicans holding public office insofar as we can prevent it.
What a spineless Democrat sounds like, as if we didn’t already know.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Just because 45% of our fellow citizens have gone rogue, and 0% of the Republicans in Congress are upholding their oaths of office, is not a reason to give up on what the Framers created. It’s better to try and die than to fuck and duck.
The biggest advantage Republicans have is the double yellow stripe down some Democrats’ backs. Some of them should be on the centerline of a highway instead of in Congress.
The FBI on Saturday arrested a man described as a commander of an armed group that has been detaining migrants in New Mexico, the state attorney general’s office said.
“Larry Mitchell Hopkins, 69, of Flora Vista, New Mexico, was arrested for allegedly being a felon in possession of firearms and ammunition, New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas and the FBI said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Good! He should be charged with armed kidnapping, conspiracy, and making terroristic threats, too. Give him a fair trial, then send him away to ADX Florence.
Well this explains a lot. Syphilis is rampaging through rural counties in red states.
Probably should check the livestock, too.
Fuck that.
Florence costs over $75,000 per year.
Two words: bomb collar
@45 “Florence costs over $75,000 per year.”
No problem, make Amazon pay taxes.
I’d love to see Ammon Bundy and his gang of subversives go to Thailand and fuck with their sovereignty.
I am shocked! Shocked, I tell you to learn that there is syphilis going on in Branson.
At least one of the more enlightening reveals of the investgative pages in the Mueller report is the discovery that the effort Eric Prince funded on behalf of the campaign to obtain the ButteryMales was pure catfishing. These are very, very wealthy people. Yet so utterly dumb they don’t know how to validate digital files or even the difference between the word “provenance” and the word “providence”. And these were the people advising the campaign at the highest level and making extensive contacts with Russian spies.
@49 Erik Prince was immersed in seawater too long and now his head is permanently swelled.
There once was a time during which Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit would on a near-daily basis regale us with tales of his stock market exploits. He would tell us how much he made on a given day and it was always money taken from a stoopid Republican.
I started doing some calculations based on his claims and repeatedly demonstrated that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit possessed far fewer assets than claimed.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit also used to claim, repeatedly, that he is a millionaire. I have hammered him mercilessly about that, because his claim is false by most objective standards of what a millionaire must hold. He’s stopped making the millionaire claim, too.
You are welcome, HA libbies.
PREDICTION: The next Democrat president will not be Hillary Clinton.
PREDICTION: The next Democratic president will be tried, convicted, and executed for failing to pay the fine on an overdue library book. But, you know, both sides!
As someone who plays a doctor on the internet:
Would Teh Dumbfuck care to describe to us the amount of penetrating force would take for a truly devout and pious adult to stab a toddler through the sternum with a hunting knife?
Because this really is “the status quo” for Republicans now.
Less force than if one turns the blade transversely and approaches off-axis to go intercostal and miss the sternum.
Ohh goody! Many Christians dead in bombings this morning! Now I’ll be able to go on the tweevee and tell everyone how Christians are under attack. Fuck the Pope. The Pope doesn’t know the Christians like I know the Christians.
That helped. Makes you people look almost human.
Good job, libbies. You helped Russia get Trump re-elected.
Scott Shane✔
Most interesting question about the bogus claims in the Steele dossier, post-Mueller: were they fed to his sources by Russian intelligence? My story with @adamgoldmanNYT and @AllMattNYT
6:16 AM – Apr 20, 2019
“Rudy Giuliani, a lawyer for President Donald Trump, suggested Sunday that the American people had a ‘right to know’ about the private Democratic emails released during a state-sponsored hack by the Russian government aimed at bolstering Trump’s 2016 election.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Let’s skip over the part about stolen property and cut to the chase: If the public had a “right to know” about Democratic emails, then it also has a “right to know” what Trump’s son and campaign operatives discussed with Russian go-betweens, and what deals Trump cut with Putin in their private one-on-ones.
In reality, the GOP is a den of weasels. Shills and hypocrites like Giuliani, Graham, Romney, Collins, Sanders, et al., have sold their souls to the devil in service of a charlatan. They don’t have a shred of self-respect left. My response to their bleating? Derisive laughter.
@57 “Good job, libbies. You helped Russia get Trump re-elected.”
Let’s skip over the fact this is like blaming banks for bank robberies (which is to be expected of a dumbfuck) and cut to the chase: Are you for or against Russia getting Trump re-elected?
A simple “yes” or “no” will suffice.
@52 PREDICTION: You will never be anything but a dumbfuck.
@51 “I have hammered him mercilessly about that” because a dumbfuck who’s wrong about everything else has little chance of being right about that, either.
Roger Rabbit’s financial statement for credit purposes lists assets of $1.425 million net of liabilities. This doesn’t count the value of an owned business; non-financial assets such as cars, jewelry, artworks, sports gear, etc.; or the present value of future pension payments, etc. A conservative valuation of these assets likely would put Roger Rabbit’s estate value well north of $2 million. Note, however, I’ve never claimed to be a “multimillionaire.” I do, however, claim you’re a dumbfuck.
The truth is, dumbfuck, you’ve never been right about anything. That’s a harder reality to face than any financial spreadsheet ever will be.
@59. Getting an answer to that will never happen. Bob has no convictions just a bunch of dumbfuckery .
This video, in and of itself, without any further extrinsic evidence, is sufficient to convict Matt Gaetz in a court of law of being a complete fucking idiot.
Gay is the way to go.
A world too hot and dangerous for children? Some millennials think so
@64 You don’t have to be gay to be childless. It’s sufficient to be impotent. For example, Doctor Dumbfuck has no verified children. It’s possible, of course, that his wife has children. It’s also possible his horse had foals. But no DNA testing I’m aware of has shown Doctor Dumbfuck to have had a role in any successful reproductions by either his wife or his horse. They probably wouldn’t let him. Even a horse would be afraid its offspring might inherit his intellect.
@ 58
“They shouldn’t have stolen it, but the American people were just given more information about how deceptive, how manipulative her campaign was,” Giuliani said. “I wonder if there isn’t an argument that the people had a right to know that about Hillary Clinton.”
Somewhat less than a declarative statement.
“I wonder if there isn’t an argument that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is too stupid to continue to breathe air that could be used by someone smarter.” is not the same as declaring “I wish Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit were dead.”.
Do you appreciate the difference, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
A well-regulated North Carolina militia has been demobilized after Second Amendmenting two young children during a traffic dispute with their father.
@66 “I wonder if there isn’t an argument that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is too stupid to continue to breathe air that could be used by someone smarter.”
Certainly you can argue that — you can argue anything — but you’re better off not submitting that issue to a jury, because even your horse will conclude that the oxygen molecules inside me are far more useful to society than the oxygen molecules inside you.
@66 If you really want to tackle the substance of the matter, what distinction — if any — would you make between the right of the people to know what’s in Clinton’s stolen emails and the right of the people to know what Mueller’s investigation uncovered about the Trump campaign’s dealings with Russian spies and his obstruction efforts? Is there any? Are you capable of logical consistency? Can you add 2+ 2 and get “4” two times in a row?
Tell you what. I’ll stipulate, for negotiation purposes, that Hillary and Trump are two birds of a feather. Let’s lock them up. Seems fair to me. Deal?
@68 Especially your horse.
@65 impotence for Bob was God’s plan. But God didn’t intend or want him to have sex for fun. Bob should repent hi sins but not to God but to Mike The Prude Prick…. he’s waiting….
Actually I don’t think God gives a fuck but The Prude does!
30)I would have used the Oregon Air Guard against them during the wildlife refuge occupation. Just have the F-15s do some low level passes on training runs between Portland and Klamath Falls, but then again, it was a bird refuge.
Interesting provincial election coming up this week in Prince Edward Island. The Green party has led most opinion polls, but the single seat districts, could determine the outcome. Ironically, a referendum on adopting a Mixed Member Proportional system is also on the ballot.