Stephen gives Mike Lee the Mike Lee treatment.
Chris Hayes: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Contemplates What’s Next.
Bill Maher: I don’t know it for a fact…I just know it’s true.
Buzz Feed: Eight women who saved us
WaPo: Six geniuses who didn’t get the credit they deserved—at first.
The Dotard Трамп And Other Non-Collusioners:
- Rachel Maddow: The Dotard seeks to take health care from tens of millions via courts
- Stephen: Трамп suddenly remembers healthcare is a thing
- Lawrence O’Donnell: A moral responsibility for Presidential candidates
- WaPo: Did Mueller “exonerate” The Dotard? It depends who you ask.
- Trevor: Team Трамп wants to rein in spending on the Special Olympics and hurricane relief
- Full Frontal: Immigrants in the military
- Chris Hayes: Swamp creatures crash The Dotard Трамп’s nominee’s confirmation hearing
- Jimmy Kimmel: Mike Pence goes where no VP has gone before
- Rachel Maddow: Low Трамп credibility necessitates Mueller report’s release
- Lawrence O’Donnell: “You almost felt sorry” for Defense Sec. on border wall
- Randy Rainbow: The Mueller Blues:
- The Late Show: William Barr summarizes classic texts
- Rachel Maddow: Democrats mobilize as Dotard Трамп tries to take insurance from millions
- Trevor: Mueller report series finale—No collusion, maybe obstruction
- Lawrence O’Donnell: A Republican challenge to The Dotard Трамп
- Stephen: Healthcare, Puerto Rico aid, Special Olympics! Everything must go!
- Rachel Maddow: Documents show The Dotard’s practice of misrepresenting his wealth
- Ari Melber: Holder To Трамп, “Exactly when did you think America was great?”
- Samantha Bee: Mick Mulvaney, bad scammer
- WaPo: Inside the Трамп financial statements that Cohen unveiled
- Rachel Maddow: Betsy DeVos Proposal To Cut Special Olympics Funding Sparks Outrage
- Jimmy Kimmel: Team Трамп basking in glow of Mueller report
- Lauren Mayer: Show us the Mueller report
- Mark Fiore: The Barr report
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The Dotard Трамп’s new attack on Obamacare may boost Democrats
- Chris Hayes: The White House cover up of The Dotard’s North Korea sanctions tweet
- Stephen: The Трамп campaign’s memo to TV producers
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Nancy Pelosi to Barr, “We do not want your interpretation” of the Mueller report
- Rachel Maddow: Courtroom surprise—Robert Mueller grand jury “continuing robustly”
- Roll Call: The back and forth on why Mueller’s report hasn’t been released yet
- WaPo Opinion: Yes, the media made mistakes in the Mueller probe. Covering Trump wasn’t one of them.
- Late Show: The Dotard Трамп could “go full animal”
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Rep. Adam Schiff’s controlled anger at GOP’s indifference on Russia
- Samantha Bee: Collusion collusion:
- Katy Tur: QAnon conspiracy theorists increase their presence at Dotard Трамп rallies
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп feels “exuberant” after Mueller report
- Rachel Maddow: Why did so many Dotard Трамп associates lie about contact with Russians?
- Ari Melber: Mike Pence “rebuts” Eric Holder’s MAGA critique
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Why does The Dotard Трамп love Kim Jong Un?
- Bill Maher: The Dotard’s “Got away with treason” tour
- Jimmy Dore: Sean Spicer’s new job is hilariously embarrassing
- Trevor: Democrats demand Mueller’s full report and Republicans seek revenge
- Rachel Maddow: Schiff Shames grandstanding GOP with litany of Трамп corruption
Chris Hayes: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explains why the Green New Deal is about more than climate.
Vox: Why baby cages were a thing.
Verge Science: Everything wrong with the young blood injection craze.
Chris Hayes: People seem to really like the Green New Deal despite what Republicans say.
Bill Maher: New Rule—Capitalism PLUS:
New York Times: Spinning water droplets that seemingly defy physics.
Twenty Twenty Questions:
- Trevor: Who is Pete Buttigieg and why is he killing it in the polls?
- Roll Call: Beto O’Rourke is running for president, here are some congressional basics
- Bill Maher: Mayor Pete Buttigieg
- Stephen: Sen. Elizabeth Warren isn’t asking wealthy donors for help
Mother Jones: AOC tears into Republicans skeptical about Green New Deal.
Roll Call: Myths of the Green New Deal debunked.
Chris Hayes: The case for the Green New Deal.
Trevor: Dr. Leana Wen—Planned Parenthood & fighting the politicization of health care
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Going after federal money for the Special Olympics, thought that would be a step too far. Then arguing over who in the administration actually proposed it.
@1 Really!
It would be nice if they (someone) paid those Athletes. Someone somewhere is profiting off of those athletes. They have grueling jobs being athletes – they not only want to take away their funding but want them to work for free.
Dear Tim Cook (or Tim Apple or Apple Tim – whatever your name is),
Good thing Apple doesn’t build Jet Airplanes. If they did, there probably would be millions of dead.
Your IPhones should be called SPhones, for Shit Phones.
I just purchased one less than a year ago, and now it doesn’t even hold a charge (or the Company that I work for did – they are paying for it. But You were probably counting on that though). You probably want me to purchase another one – well Fuck You! It’s time to find out a better source.
Does anyone here work for Apple? Who does it feel to be working for a blood sucker?
Regarding the NCAA discussion:
Before going further maybe we should define “payment”. It could help with the conversation. Would payment be in the form of
a.) them finding outside work on their own without all the rules that prevent them from doing so?
b.) direct payment in the form of a check to them from the NCAA?
c.) either a or b above (or both)?
The problem I have is with b and c. I see issue with a in the form of corruption and fraudulent activity, but the rules that prevent them from working at McDonalds or sweeping a broom are asinine.
“But as we speak, the NCAA is making $1B in profit off the basketball tournament. Without the players, who are getting a bad deal, that isn’t possible.” – Pilsner.
Without the Taxpayer, who are paying for the venues and salaries of the coaches, and etc., that isn’t possible either. Those players, as talented as they may be, don’t become anything, including improving in their talent, without the venue or the coach. They benefit (non-monetary form of compensation).
“But the players are the only people at the table of the event who get zero no matter how far their team goes” – Pilsner
That’s not necessarily true, they are getting the exposure and access to a Professional sports job. Sure you can toss out percentages of those that end up in the Pros, but that really doesn’t matter – If as talented, they get the same exposure and same opportunity to do so…..unless, maybe they come out as being gay and then they are fucked. Compensation doesn’t necessarily have to come in the form of money. Think of the gym membership $ that they save on.
To me it really doesn’t matter if the NCAA is making $1 Trillion, a Quadrillion, $1 Billion, or $100,000. I brought up ESPN and how they are profiting it from the little league kids (athletes).
“Meanwhile the athletes are missing weeks of classes and often exams” – Pilsner
That is the commitment that they make trying to make it to the Pro’s. Are they forced to do so. I get that the NCAA is unjust, again I don’t stick up for them, but are they really forcing one to be part of their gig? Or is the Pro’s that are doing this? The fans, creating the demand for their desire to reach the Pros. They have a choice. And some of them that eventually make it to the Pros, that feel that they were taken advantage of or fell that their college year teammates that didn’t make it to the Pros were taken advantage of – why don’t they do something about it? I don’t know form and NCAA themselves as a group. Just imagine if they had a gig or shoot for Nike or Adidas or Depends how they would have to manage missing classes then.
“Take the Zion Williamson shoe incident. Duke wears Nike. He’s playing for Duke so he must wear Nike. He has zero alternative except, don’t play, put your pro career in jeopardy if no one sees you play. The shoe failed on National TV fortunately he wasn’t injured but what if he was? What if he blew out a knee and never recovered? NBA said he couldn’t play so he went to college. College said, “You must wear this shoe.” Instead of the #1 pick in the draft and a bright financially secure future, you get nothing and didn’t have any input on the events leading to an early end. The best you can hope for is a lawsuit on potential future earnings and the player would be fighting that against a multi-billion dollar institution and a multi-billion dollar company. Good luck with that.” – Pilsner
Sounds like a major headache – Again, you have a choice – not to be part of the system. Just imagine you put yourself through all that and then they tell you that you suck because you come out as gay. Or again, maybe the players that make it to the Pros do something about it.
Look I don’t disagree with you and what else has been said here. I’m just looking for the answer either a, b or c. And disagree that taxpayers be part of this debacle. It does seem like a debacle the way you describe all of it.
On this blog it has been discussed how the Federal government spend a lot of money (from taxpayers) doing medical research, and researching technology, only for companies like Apple and Microsoft, etc. that make billions, and the government (or taxpayers) get screwed of their investment.
If the NCAA writes a check directly to a student that is what I have issue with. If the NCAA has the money (which is being said here that they do) to write the student a check, then they can write me a check for building the venues, and paying the coaches that are part of this debacle.
Or colleges stick with education peoples brains (I am not proclaiming to be the smartest as is evident by all my grammar and spelling errors), and get out of the Sports business all together.
And finally it seems like everyone who argues or says that these kids should be paid haven’t thought out how and who that would be done to.
Maybe, in the example that you brought up with the Nike shoe. Maybe neither the NCAA or the College or the kid gets to wear or show off any shoe, and that the shoe must be a generic or shoe that can be from Nike without the Nike logo.
Would that satisfy everyone who wants to pay the kids, that no corporation or the NCAA itself is making money off these kids and then everyone live happily ever after, and the kids don’t get paid.
It’s one thing to be a slave and you have a choice not to be. But to have a choice to be a slave and be mistreated and then decide to go along with the mistreatment because there are stars at the end of the rainbow that is another thing. Illicit drugs have the same effect. They lure you in for the big high, and addicted to the high, only for a big crash at the end.
Fuck! @3 – last sentence should say How not Who. I swear some of my errors are due to some form of dyslexia. Or it just comes with the advancement of technology.
“Clearly you want to argue with somebody else about something else.
I made myself clear enough. End the NCAA. Then paying college athletes becomes moot because the athlete rules are gone and they will be free to earn money as the market sees fit.” – EDM
Not sure I follow you on arguing. I think I made it clear, that the problem I have with Colleges/NCAA being part of the education system. Divorce the two. Let colleges educate and not churn out sports players. Or ban the commercialization as I indicated above.
Not sure if everyone would feel that the kids weren’t being mistreated if the NCAA was actually losing money. Meaning that they had to work their “jobs” so hard everyday to get to the Pros, while nothing changed except the NCAA lost money. How would it be any different to the Student whether the NCAA made Quadrillions or went bankrupt but still breathed enough life to maintain what they presently do.
“You ask should the plantation slaves be paid.
My answer is burn the motherfucker down.” – EDM
I agree with you. But I would add – maybe the kids (and society) should rethink what is more important, getting an education, or chasing a lucrative signing deal with a pro team. They should also look to what is more important in life – money and someone taking advantage of them because of their pursuit of it and them being exploited by the American people as a result of the demand created by Neanderthals that paint their faces and wear 2 tone wigs on Sundays, or an education and a real job that doesn’t necessarily give them head injuries.
I know this is off topic – but this would be like me wanting to work in the construction industry then complaining that I could get hurt doing so. If I am worried about getting hurt then I protect myself with the proper PPE (personal protection equipment) or decide not to do it at all if I felt that it still was too dangerous.
I can’t buy into this notion that we know Football can be dangerous, then have to feel sorry for those that choose to still play it at risk. We wouldn’t feel sorry for a smoker for smoking cigarettes. And a smoker gets addicted to the shit….a football player are they addicted to money?
Also, it seems like all the attacks on Nike and Adidas are a bit unjust. Yes they are probably the biggest offenders, but Beer companies to Food companies all get in on the action of benefiting from this “debacle”.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit would like to creep on women the way Biden does, but his indwelling catheters make him smell so bad he can never get close enough to them to do it.
really oh rape fantasy freak one?
Heh. In other news, once upon a time yours truly thanked the babbling butthole troll freak for joining in with its kult and praying for the swift recovery of Jimmy Carter from brain cancer. Damn, brain cancer – that’s a death sentence.
After all, that kult had the direct connect to the sky daddy, right? That had to be it. The kult prayed for Jimmy Carter. And then I teased the babbling butthole – would the kult do the same for TWO TERM President Barack Obama?? Hehehe..
Turns out yours truly was wrong – so wrong! James Earl Carter and so many others owes their lives to a pioneering scientist whose breakthroughs leverage the immune system to defeat cancer.
Well done. Nobel prize truly earned! Now if that scientist (from TexASS, drawl and all) hadn’t received “free stuff” from the gubmint, i.e. crawled on his hands and knees and begged for funds from the Koch bros and the like – Jimmy Carter and so many others would DEAD.
And rapey boy @8 would be so happy.
Trump has ordered a decorated Navy SEAL awaiting trial on charges of murder and other crimes under the UCMJ moved to a “less restrictive environment,” an action supported by dozens of Republican members of Congress, “in honor of his past service to our Country.” A GOP congresman said it’s “appropriate that he be treated as a decorated soldier who still has the presumption of innocence.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Remember the presumption of innocence Bowe Bergdahl got from these guys? I don’t either. Trump wanted to execute him without trial. Justice and fair treatment isn’t even-handed with these guys, it’s something they dole out to people they like and withheld from people they don’t like, while acting in our names, because that power and authority belongs to us and is merely entrusted to to them.
P.S., it appears Trump may be fixing to order the charges against this guy dropped, or to pardon him if he’s convicted, because all he did was murder a Moooslim foreigner in his own village, and that’s not a crime as far as Republicans are concerned.
@10 Bergdahl was a head-case who washed out of the Coast Guard due to a nervous breakdown and never should have been allowed in the Army.
But the military was desperate for recruits and took anyone who was available including small time criminals and head cases like Bergdahl..
Wow. TWO TERM President Obama had compassion for Bergdahl’s family and Bergahl himself whose impulsive actions cost him 5 years in miserable captivity. Oh my how awful. So the President traded him for tired has beens worn out by captivity of their own in Guantanamo. Something that’s been done time and again in that situation.
The racist, hateful always wrong wing went INSANE.
Have the “has beens” “returned to the battlefield”??? Don’t think so.
P.S.: the podcast “Serial” covered the Bergdahl story in great depth and included very interesting interviews including several with all-time drumpfist fuck-up Mike Flynn.
This video is worth watching for a couple reasons. One, there’s nothing really new about white Republican Christians being assholes to racial and religious minorities, but it gives context to what I want to call out, which is not only the bleating by Tony Perkins, the head of a rightwing Christian lobbying group, but his remarks at the very end of the tape, at 5:23, to wit: “We’re the only country that has the tolerance that we do.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What tolerance is he referring to? The tolerance of his rightwing Republican Christianist crowd who attack mosques, taunt Muslims, and want to run them out of the country (including native-borns)?
Perkins tries to talk, sound, and look like a reasonable guy. But he’s full of shit. His salary is paid by bigots, he promotes a bigoted and racist agenda, and he defends intolerance.
Like I said, he’s full of shit.
Another interesting thing about that tape is the perp claiming she’s “not going to apologize for praying” when nobody has asked for an apology. Rightwing victimhood in full bloom. It must be spring.
@5 Not a problem. We knew what you meant.
We know what it means, too, every time Doctor Dumbfuck steps outside onto the back porch, yawns, stretches, and casually starts sidling toward the barn.
@8 You’re mistaking me for one of your patients. You wouldn’t have this problem if you changed their catheters once in a while instead of spending all your time fucking around in the horse barn.
@9 “Jimmy Carter and so many others would DEAD.”
Well, actually, that would suit them just fine. They don’t miss Daddy Bush or McCain, either.
This crowd treats their own brother Republicans so badly everyone might has well be Democrats.
@11 I think they want to get this SEAL back in circulation so he can kill more Moooslims. They’re not particular about whether the Moooslims he kills are enemy combatants, suspected enemy combatants, wounded and disarmed enemy combatants, prisoners of war, civilian noncombatants, or old men, pregnant women, children, or babies. Any Moooslim will do. Oh, and by the way, we came to your village to liberate you.
“Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza!”
You missed one:
He’s a self-aggrandizing, power grubbing, thoughtless prick and he’s YOUR self-aggrandizing, power grubbing, thoughtless, prick. Governor “I doodle” is your perfect Metroboy.
(Metro-Inslee does have one thing going for him. His name is easily pronounceable. Buttigieg is not. His campaign signs should come with phonics.
“Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza!”
You missed another one:
Attention whore wants more.
@ 11
Have the “has beens” “returned to the battlefield”??? Don’t think so.
You’re so right, girlfriend. Those guys are now telling other guys how to kill Americans.
5 freed from Gitmo in exchange for Bergdahl join Taliban’s political office in Qatar
Others fear the five, all of whom were close to the insurgent group’s founder and hard-line leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, bring with them the same ultra-conservative interpretation of Islam that characterized the group’s five-year rule that ended in 2001 with the U.S.-led invasion.
“The Taliban are bringing back their old generation, which means the Taliban have not changed their thinking or their leadership,” said Haroun Mir, political analyst in the Afghan capital.
What was different about Bergdahl’s trade was that the tone-deaf Obama administration figured that a traitor in uniform would be seen by Americans as a guy in uniform and not as a traitor. Team Obama did that silly Rose Garden event with Bergdahl’s fucked-up father as the main attraction and then were truly surprised when it blew up in their faces.
Ever the unserious twat, you are. Ever the cheerleader for The One.
“Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza!”
OOPS! You missed this one, too!
Federal Court Strikes Down California Gun Magazine Ban
Woo hoo.. Rapey one is inflamed..
Long distance generals. Remote control w/o the drones.. NSA listening in by any chance? Last I heard drumpf wanted Americans out of Afghanistan when his mancrush Vlad whined about it. What are you gonna apologize for next rapey? drumpf turning tail because of the high-fivin’ muslim guys in Qatar? How’s the Kushner’s gonna keep that white elephant tower in Manhattan? Yawwn.. next…
That’s you in the picture right o rapey one?
Where’s the firing squad rapey? If military justice could send Manning up the river why not Bergdahl? A “traitor” to you is anyone your tribe gets their blood up to kill – like almost all Democratic voters.
LOL! Honor thy father and mother is lost on you, rapey. Bergdahl’s dad is highly religious – a Calvinist, mom stayed at home and Bowe was homeschooled. Combine that with the red state address and it all smells republican to me. Daddy issues have you?
But to you, daddy Bergdahl’s a democrat because he appeared with THE black guy on a stage and was shock! grateful for the black guy’s help in aiding army policy to leave no one behind.
But then Martha McSally is a democrat to you because she didn’t keep shutting up about it.
Ooh ever the serious rape fantasy head case you are.. And we will go round and round this right through 2020. Count on it oh freak.
Arizona state law demands that public school curriculum condemns Mary Cheney.
Heh. Is that the HNMT again? Only he would bring a shit head like Monson here..
Monson crying about an “illegal” cop killer. The “legal” cop killers get considerably less crying..
Oh but the “illegal” was enabled by sanctuary policy. Ummm no freako.. The “illegal” is federal responsibility.
If undocumented folks are afraid of cooperating with police, more deaths result.
Yawnn.. Enough toying with trolls today.
Well, almost. Almost exactly alike.
Only for the comparison to be fair every employer in the construction industry would have to be joined in an anti-trust agreement to fix your compensation at room, board, and free tuition, forbidding you to seek or accept any other work, income, assistance, or compensation, and deny you workers compensation protection for any on the job injuries while exposing you daily to a very significant risk of permanent brain damage and crippling injury.
Other than that, it’s exactly identical for sure.
What’s that make Mike Flynn?
When you’re a Lt. Gen. you don’t have to hike across indian country to bitch about the boss.
You just take a towncar to the Turkish embassy for a giant paycheck.
A hero. Not for anything he did on the battlefield. oh no. He cued up the supreme shithead cheer:
“lock her up”..
Now look where he is. Smart guy. What a hero.
“Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza!”
Dude, you missed another one!
HHS announced on Friday they will be awarding Obria, a pro-life California health care group, $1.7 million each year for the next three years.
How can you ignore so much relevant information? Unless of course you are playing to your FIVE (woohoo!) poseurs, um, excuse me, POSTERS, (EvergreenRailfan, WTF, YLB, RogerRabbit, Elijah Dominic McDotcom) who spelunk & lurk in this website, by singing only the songs they want to hear, telling them only the news that matches their prejudices, purposely keeping them mushrooms in your cave.
Nah, that couldn’t be it.
@28.. What’s next on your list.. multi-millions for abstinence?
We’ve seen that record played before.. like before 2008? You know those tax cuts lift all boats kind of days.
And that “missed another one” – that was so poodebutt’s shtick..
Thanks for the laughs. Please serve up some more. This will be so entertaining!
Huge win!
It’s a truly innovative care model of eleven mobile clinics/prayer rooms co-located with a Cracker Barrel adjacent to a trailer park.
Staffed entirely with student CNAs smuggled into the US from El Salvador and overseen by a strict Church Lady.
They’ll be using the grant money to buy used, jizz smeared Gideon Bibles from bankrupted Trump hotels and the balance will be used to pay for a 73 foot “hospital” yacht.
Lost among all yesterday,
Cesar Sayock plead guilty to mailing explosive devices to prominent Democrats and former Presidents out of love and admiration for Donald.
Each charge carries a potential life sentence.
The carjacker who shot a Metro driver, then killed 2 elderly men and wounded 2 other people is, um, not an illegal immigrant from Mexico.
@18 A wingnut whining about “callous tweeting” is like Ted Bundy complaining about the crime rate in his neighborhood.
@20 “What was different about Bergdahl’s trade was that the tone-deaf Obama administration figured that a traitor in uniform would be seen by Americans as a guy in uniform and not as a traitor.”
No, what’s different is Obama’s administration didn’t prejudge Bergdahl’s guilt or innocence before he had a trial, which is something Trump routinely does, which compromises the government’s ability to prosecute these people.
There’s a rumor going around that Doctor Dumbfuck showed up for work with hay stuck to his butt. Let’s start a GoFundMe to send him a case of TP.
@23 Could be worse. At least she’s not in Brunei.
@25 I disagree a bit with your statement. All I said, as you quoted me, was
“…this would be like me wanting to work in the construction industry then complaining that I could get hurt doing so.”
The intent of what I was saying was not comparing the profession of the Construction Industry with NCAA. All I was saying was that if I didn’t like the terms of the Industry in which I work I wouldn’t choose to do work there. Think of a Coal Miner. Maybe growing up in West Virginia it is a dream to be a Coal Miner. I think you have to think twice telling the Coal Miner(s) or those that choose to start a career in Coal Mining who later complain that there aren’t anymore coal mining jobs, that they picked the wrong profession.
You ask some Professional Football Players if they would allow their kids to play football and they say no. So the answer is to entice them further to do so by paying them?
If the Construction Industry were like the NCAA, as you laid out so correctly, then I wouldn’t choose the construction industry.
To me the purpose of College is not to become a Professional Athlete, and you take the risks that come along with trying to achieve such a Profession.
Let’s move on from this, my opinion. And instead maybe you can tell me more of the specifics of your suggestion or thoughts of how these individuals get compensated. Is it strictly by being able to seek other “employment” gigs unrestricted? Or is direct payment by the NCAA? Or is it payment by the College?
And then tell me your thoughts or suggestions on how it is determined what that compensation is for individual players. Is it even at all levels of sports? Is it even with all individuals?
I understand the concept of each individual player seeking their own deals with someone such as Nike. But for the players that don’t get any Nike deal, how do they get compensated? Do those individuals get compensated by the NCAA directly? Do you think that there will be any adverse effects among the team members as a team? Do you think that there would be any adverse effects among the different types of sports, such as Football, Basketball, Soccer, Golf, Curling, Rugby, Lacrosse, Field Hockey, Track and Field, Baseball, etc. I think I read that there are 420,000 NCAA Athletes. Do all 420,000 athletes get paid? How are they paid? Will Nike want to give a deal to all 420,000.
I’ll say it again, it seems like it is one big debacle already with risk of injury. And by paying them it even a bigger debacle.
If you want any solution, as I think you even said??? Explode it?? I agree get schools out of the Sports Business. It’s not the same as it was 50 years ago – it has a different meaning today.
“How can you ignore so much relevant information? Unless of course you are playing to your FIVE (woohoo!) poseurs, um, excuse me, POSTERS, (EvergreenRailfan, WTF, YLB, RogerRabbit, Elijah Dominic McDotcom) who spelunk & lurk in this website…”
Fuck You – you forgot me!
@23 didn’t Mary play Softball in College…..poor girl, she didn’t even get paid.
Republicans. If they’re not fucking farm animals, they’re fucking your children.
“Former AZ lawmaker David Stringer reportedly solicited sex from teen boys”
@28 After 15 years and a quarter million posts, I suppose you could accuse me of lurking on this blog, but spelunking? I dunno about that one. Doctor Dumbfuck is the HA lurker who obsesses over other posters’ plumbing, not me.
@28 “singing only the songs they want to hear, telling them only the news that matches their prejudices”
I’m a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist, either live with it or live with it.
Uncomfortable truth for the Five Mushrooms:
Hmm. How about she? Sexist aren’t we? Or paternal towards the fairer sex?
Have an abortion.
A good ol’ boy gets fucked over by his dog.
@43 I have an idea. If you can force women to have babies, then that guy can force you to take his dog off his hands. Sounds fair to me.
No abortions, no sex; no sex, no abortions; then everyone’s happy.
I wonder how many right-to-lifers are deadbeat dads?
32)Brave Metro driver. I ride the route that bus turns into, the 32 Seattle Center via Fremont.
Speaking of terms… change much?
Okay. So now we’ve shifted the ground to the point that I don’t even recognize where we are and I can’t see back towhwer you started from.
So I’ll make this brief. The IOC used to have some very assinine rules about amateurism. The USOC clung to those rules even longer than the IOC. As those rules were being debated a lot of people made statements and expressed opinions like yours. Some insisted that allowing athletes to take money would ruin the games. Decades later and the Olympics are an even bigger success. And while not every athlete gets seven figure endorsement contracts, they dont have to steal to survive.
It’s a perfectly good model. Seems to have worked. Might turn the PAC 12 into the PAC 6. I can live with that.
When did it happen? That’s all you have to do to make your little gambit pay is state a non arbitrary scientifically valid precisely identifiable “happening”.
That shouldn’t be too hard for you, Mr. Science.
Good luck!
Biden about to get what he has long deserved.
Warren, Castro support author of op-ed accusing Biden of inappropriate contact
Hey, let’s not forget about how many years Bill Clinton got away with it.
“inappropriate contact”
Just look at what Doctor Dumbfuck, our increasingly rabid supporter of an orange pussy-grabbing Russian stooge and a gang-rapist of prep-school girls, has been reduced to babbling about.
What a dumbfuck.
In other news,
LA had elections for State House.
GOP didn’t win any of them.
D-18 In 2016 was Donald 58-40. Dems held the seat with 68% of the vote.
Nobody ever claimed that Bannon’s strategy was good for the down ticket races. That’s their problem. We’ve got Walls to build and pregnant wets to lock up.
@ 53
Steve, please explain to me the difference between Donald Trump’s historic inappropriate contact with women, and Joe Biden’s historic inappropriate contact with women.
Other than it was a porn star who outed Trump and it was a former Democrat candidate for NV Lt. Governor who is the first to specifically come out and accuse Biden of boorish behavior, I mean.
Why would the behavior of Trump be disqualifying while the behavior of Biden is not?
It’s 400 pages of conclusions, not including graphs, charts, appendices, and GJ transcripts.
That could leave a mark.
By way of comparison, the final report from House Judiciary on Richard Nixon’s impeachment was about 500 pages.
And by the end of this week, under increasing legal pressure to come clean with the people, AG Barr revised and retracted his earlier summary of the SCO report by saying nobody has been exonerated, and that his four page summary did not summarize the anything.
Yup. Adam Schiff should be so ashamed. Yup.
Better lock him up too.
Among the major parts of the report that the GOP wants withheld include classified FISA documents.
Thing is, Devin Nunes Cow already obtained release of FISA reports and Rosenstein went along. That may be why Rosenstein was held over. Can’t unbreak.
@ 60
If by GOP you mean the careerists at the DOJ, I guess you are correct.
All of those renewed FISA warrants to spy on Carter Page, who wasn’t charged with anything. Those renewals ceased once Mueller began his investigation.
Any time the AG wants to release the FISA warrant applications, I’m OK with that. You apparently are asking for current-day Valerie Plame-types to be unmasked at the same time, QoS McHillbilly.
Colorado Republicans would rather sacrifice peace officers’ lives than take guns away from crazy people.
@43 “The ‘reproduction’ has already happened, resulting in a new and distinct human being.”
The Supreme Court ruled otherwise, so that’s only your personal opinion, not the law, and you don’t get to impose your personal beliefs on your neighbors.
@52 Glad to see you’re against sexual exploitation of women by powerful politicians. When are you going to call out the most prolific groper of them all?
Off the top of my head, I can think of at least two senior Democratic politicians from Washington State who were forced to leave office by accusations of sexual misconduct — Brock Adams and Mike Lowry.
Republicans operate under different rules, though. No, the two parties aren’t the same. Your party has no moral standards, but does have an unlimited supply of hypocrisy. After Trump, no Republican can ever again criticize Bill Clinton’s behavior with a straight face.
That’s not an endorsement of Bill Clinton’s behavior, by the way, in case you’re having trouble figuring that out.
@53 See #64.
@56 “Steve, please explain to me the difference between Donald Trump’s historic inappropriate contact with women, and Joe Biden’s historic inappropriate contact with women. … Why would the behavior of Trump be disqualifying while the behavior of Biden is not?”
That’s so fucking obvious even a third-rate moron like you shouldn’t need it spelled out. Republicans vote for Trump anyway, knowing what he is. See third paragraph of #64 for additional details.
@61 “You apparently are asking for current-day Valerie Plame-types to be unmasked at the same time, QoS McHillbilly.”
Suppose we’re not and don’t unmask any covert agents. Would you still vote for the party that did and attack the party that didn’t?
When we were kids, changing the rules in the middle of a game in order to win was considered cheating, and winning that way was never considered legitimate.
But it’s okay. It cuts both ways. If they can do it, so can we.
We’re now getting a real good look at how much Republicans care about police officers’ lives when they have to choose between guns or cops’ lives. See #62.
If you really want that strawman to stand up on its own you’ll need to give it a bit more stuffing.
I hear corncobs are good.
That’s convenient for you.
Anyone responsible for such an outrageous betrayal of national security should be captured and dragged into the public square and flogged…
…just as soon as we can get Devin Nunes’ Cow to move out of the way!
@ 62
Colorado Republicans would rather sacrifice peace officers’ lives than take guns away from crazy people.
Chicago Democrats would rather sacrifice peace officers’ lives than give them the resources to take guns away from criminals.
Mob Surrounds Chicago Police Officer, Forces Him To Release Suspect Or Be Shot
@ 67
Richard Armitrage.
Not exactly a pillar of right-wingedness.
@ 68
If they can do it, so can we.
You already did. First. And you were warned, very explicitly, when you did. You stupid fuck.
The vast majority of the time when you think you have something to contribute, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you really don’t.
Too stupid to be good in bed.
Tom Elliott
According to AOC, Congress amended the Constitution to prevent FDR from being re-elected:
“They had to amend the Constitution of the United States to make sure Roosevelt dd not get reelected.”
(Reminder, FDR died in office in 1945; the 22nd Amendment came in 1947)
5:17 PM – 30 Mar 2019
@72 “Chicago Democrats would rather sacrifice peace officers’ lives than give them the resources to take guns away from criminals.”
How did a gang of drug dealers surrounding an outnumbered cop trying to arrest one of their pals morph into “Chicago Democrats,” doc?
That’s a long stretch even for you.
@73 He’s a “Chicago Democrat” now, too?
At the rate Doctor Dumbfuck is creating Democrats, there’s gonna be a hell of a lot more Democrats by next week.
@75 Even a little is better than, in your case, none.
@76 That’s a matter of how you interpret AOC’s words. If you take them literally at face value, then yes, she said the 22nd Amendment was enacted to prevent FDR from being re-elected. If you take the Bible literally, the Earth is 6,000 years old.
But politicians often speak in shorthand, and this is a shorthand way of saying that Republicans pushed the 22nd Amendment in reaction to FDR’s four terms, which is historically accurate.
As a supporter of the party that peddles the narrative of a 6,000-year-old Earth, I expect you to interpret everything literally.
Except the 2nd Amendment, which preserves the right of well-regulated militias to keep and bear flintlock muskets. Somehow your ilk reads that to mean judges can’t confiscate AR-15s from deranged meth-fueled cop-killers.
And you wonder why we call you a dumbfuck?
I don’t understand why Republicans are so afraid of AOC. She’s only 29, and can’t ride a wave of anti-GOP sentiment into the White House before 2024 at the earliest.
Maybe they think she can get in sooner because a Kenyan was allowed to serve and the original meaning of the 2nd Amendment isn’t enforced anymore.
Unlike Corncob Bob, she was not alive at the time.
My estimates have him about half way through his second year of sniffing hobo taint for 18 hours a day at half min wage when that passed.
MAGA indeed.
Here’s a good law school problem.
The apartment rules state, “Tenant shall not, without permission, … physically alter or redecorate the premises … or attach or display anything which substantially affects the exterior of the premises or the property of which it is part.” The landlord has allowed other tenants to display American flags and flags supporting the police.
When the tenants in question displayed a Green Bay Packers flag, the property manager ordered them to take it down because it promoted a commercial enterprise. They complied.
The tenants displayed a gay pride flag. The property manager again ordered them to take it down. They refused. He has threatened not to renew their lease. They’ve lived there 6 years.
The property manager told a local TV station it’s about the property’s appearance, not discrimination, and also said he doesn’t want to evict them and is willing to sit down and talk with them.
The tenants assert they’re being “bullied” and claim they have “a legal right under the First Amendment” to display the flag.
First, the fact the property manager rented to them, renewed their lease several times, has stated he doesn’t want to evict them, and is willing to discuss the issue with them, evidences a lack of discriminatory intent.
Second, the First Amendment doesn’t apply to private citizens. A landlord can impose reasonable and non-discriminatory restraints on exercise of speech on his premises, e.g., prohibiting loud noise and use of vulgar language on his premises and disallowing displays of political signs.
Third, the apartment rules are contractual in nature, the tenants having agreed to these terms by signing the lease, and courts generally will enforce contracts that are not illegal or violate a compelling public interest.
When evaluating a discrimination claim, a court may consider whether a landlord has enforced its rules even-handedly or in a discriminatory manner. Allowing American flags while prohibiting other flags is not discriminatory or unreasonable. There is no evidence the landlord has allowed other tenants to display other types of flags, other than police flags, nor has the property manager prohibited these tenants from displaying either of those types of flags or ordered them to take them down. Thus, there is no evidence he has treated them differently from other tenants.
I do not see a legal basis to uphold the tenants’ discrimination or free speech claims, but this does not leave them without remedies. They can try to persuade the property manager to allow their flag, or they can shop for another landlord who will allow them to display their flag.
“That Bitch” will not be available.
So instead, now that the GOP is in the hands of beta-male incels like Ben Shapiro and Corncob Bob, they plan to “Trump Whatever Bitch You Got”.
Act I
Dramatis Personae: Cast Iron Skillet, iron Dutch oven, charred firewood.
-Skillet (to Dutch Oven) “You’re Black.”
Act I
Dramatis Personae: Cast Iron Skillet, iron Dutch oven, charred firewood.
-Skillet (to Dutch Oven) “You’re Black.”
An Alabama Militia visited his estranged wife and got into an argument over their separation. He proceeded to shoot his wife’s Grandmother, then murder his six month old child and then disbanded the well regulated force with a fatal self inflicted gunshot. He left the mother unharmed, presumably to grieve a murdered baby.
The wife had filed for a protection order.
Now remind me how abortion is a crime against nature but free and easy access to firearms is a right. Now remember that the Republican Party opposes the ‘Violence Against Women Act’ specifically because the NRA doesn’t agree that people under protection orders should be denied easy access to firearms.
I predict South Dakota’s shiny new anti-protest law, which imposes vicarious criminal and civil liability on all participants in a protest for any violation of law by any protester, in derogation of First and Fourth Amendment rights, won’t survive a court test.
Anybody know where Corncob got to?
I was hoping he could come back and ‘splain to us “libbies” ’bout the two invisible secret Mexicos his Preznit just discubbered.
It’s destined to be overturned.
But it is worth pointing out that its a door that swings both ways, in my opinion. And if pipeline opponents are wise, besides challenging the law in federal court, they’ll also use FOIA to discover how many times TransCanada and South Dakota officials engaged in “riot boosting” themselves. And then make claims for civil damages under the law.
An Illinois Republican has filed a bill to deny state film tax credits to any movie or TV company that employs Jussie Smollett.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A plainly unconstitutional bill of attainder; see United States v. Lovett, 328 U.S. 303, 66 S. Ct. 1073, 90 L. Ed. 1252 (1946).
Republican legislators specialize in passing unconstitutional laws. The GOP must have a training academy for that.
93)Probably ALEC.
In Local Elections in Turkey, the ruling AKP party lost Ankara, and Istanbul is in dispute. It would be ironic if Istanbul did fall, it’s Erdogan’s power base.
@95 when democratic processes fail to support erdogan, will he then ignore the process and go full dictatorship? Asking for a republican acquaintance.