Robert Reich: Why unions matter to you.
Chris Hayes: Florida Republicans say “fuck you” to voters, and try to restrict felon voting rights.
Daily Show: Who’s responsible for the rise of socialism in America?
Seth Meyers: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez breaks down what the Green New Deal really is
BuzzFeed: People share their experiences with cops.
Bill Maher: New Rules—reverse improvements.
Trevor: Boeing gets grounded and the FAA is broke AF.
The Dotard Трамп and Other Inhabitants of KKKrazyTown:
- Stephen: The President thinks he runs FAUX News
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп exaggerates wealth & attacks McCain again
- Ali Velshi: The Dotard Трамп tweet-rages as Robert Mueller report looms
- Lawrence O’Donnell: What happens now that Robert Mueller submitted his report
- Stephen: The Mueller probe might be maybe ending soon, possibly
- New York Times: The Mueller Report–how did we get here?
- Chris Hayes: Ben Carson learns to work like The Dotard Трамп
- WaPo: he Mueller report is complete. Now what?
- Ari Melber: DOJ insider on scoop about secretly taping The Dotard
- Stephen: The Dotard is ready for a non-metaphorical fight
- Jimmy Kimmel: Proof Трамп has narcissistic personality disorder:
- Rachel Maddow: Trial of Трамп transition official may expose new Mike Flynn details
- Trevor: Трамп’s rhetoric and the Christchurch shootings
- Seth Meyers: Трамп attacks Conway and McCain and Nunes sues Twitter
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard is lashing out at everyone
- Late Show: Ted Rye the science funding cut guy
- Lauren Mayer: Tweetin’ Dotard
- Rachel Maddow: Nation on edge for next steps as Robert Mueller probe runs its course
- Chris Hayes: Wajahat Ali, “The Dotard Трамп is a racist”
- WaPo: The Трамп administration’s own email scandal
- Stephen: “Kushner, Inc. author, “Only Melania can say ‘no’ to Ivanka”
- Conan: Трамп goes after McCain & Lincoln in new attack ad
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп thinks late night hosts are colluding with Russia
- Vox: What Mueller has already revealed about Трамп and Russia
- Rachel Maddow: Investigations multiply as The Dotard Трамп scandals spiral wider
- Trevor: Mr. Kellyanne vs. Mr. President—A Twitter feud for the history books
- Stephen: The President meets the “Трамп of the Tropics”
- Samantha Bee: The Muslim ban is still a thing
- Bill Maher: Whiny little witch:
- Ari Melber: Трамп exposed for undercutting trafficking victim protections
- Late Show: Mick Mulvaney asks “how many times?”
- Seth Meyers: Трамп ramps up campaign as Mueller report looms
- Ali Velshi: The Dotard Трамп stokes personal feuds, tells workers “you better love me”
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard Трамп Jr. running for President in 2024
- Stephen: All New Zealand asked from Трамп was “love”
- Daily Show: Unsolved mysteries: What happened to Rudy Giuliani?
- WaPo: What you need to know about George Conway’s criticism of The Dotard
- Conan: Don’t let Трамп speak at my funeral
Full Frontal: Black future month.
The Atlantic: Gaming disorder—What it’s like to be addicted to video games.
Seth Meyers: Rep. Steve King—couple things.
Roll Call: What is congressional recess? Explaining time off in the House and Senate.
Daily Show: Dumb solutions to policing problems
Kurzgesagt: The origin of consciousness—How unaware things became aware.
Nunes Has A Cow:
- Stephen with Chris Hayes: Welcome to Twitter, Devin Nunes.
- WaPo: Why some conservatives feel targeted by social media companies
- Lauren Mayer: Mocking Devin’s Cow:
- Mark Fiore: @DevinNunesLawyers.
- Jimmy Kimmel: Whatever you do DON’T follow @DevinCow on Twitter
- Stephen: Nunes is suing Twitter for being mean
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship
Vox: The conflict in Kashmir, explained.
Seth Meyers: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez responds to FAUX News’ weird obsession with her
WaPo: Is FAUX News “obsessed” with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?
Late Show: Just one question with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.
Jim Jefferies: Jim visits Australia’s massive anti-migration fence.
Twenty-twenty Vision:
- Stephen: Elizabeth Warren and get rid of the Electoral College
- Daily Show: Democratic Presidential candidate Andrew Yang’s campaign for universal basic income
- Jimmy Kimmel: Presidential candidate took mom to X-rated movie
- Mother Jones: Elizabeth Warren wants to abolish the Electoral College
- New York Times: Beto O’ Rourke in Iowa—Will his star power win votes?
- Seth Meyers: Getting to know Pete Buttigieg
- Samantha Bee: Guess Who’s Running?
- Late Show: The Electoral College basketball tournament
- Stephen: Biden’s accidental 2020 announcement
- Conan filled out his bracket of 2020 presidential hopefuls
- Jimmy Fallon: Jimmy checks in on the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates
- Jonathan Mann: Beto on a countertop:
- Chris Hayes: Democratic candidates want to get rid of the Electoral College
- Stephen: Sen. Doug Jones could be challenged by Jeff Sessions
- Trevor: Beto O’Rourke is born to run & born to apologize
- Jimmy Kimmel: Senator Kamala Harris on running for President, electoral college, her family & Star Wars
- Stephen with Chris Hayes: 2020 Town Halls
Chris Hayes: The lessons of the Iraq War 16 years after it started.
The Daily Show: Today in Obama scandal history—The bike helmet .
Mental Floss: Dogs don’t see in black and white and other animal myths, debunked.
Vox: How the British failed India and Pakistan
Trevor: The reparations debate—Should America compensate the descendants of slaves?
Seth Meyers: Mostly political monologue
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
So, Senator McCain still driving Trump crazy, even though he passed away last year? Senator McCain served in Vietnam, and his sons carried on the family tradition.
@1. What can one do? Bob took my cock up his ass, he moaned and groaned in great pleasure, but then he complains about it afterwards.
I’m the one who should be upset, seeing that a horse replaced me.
I’d like to thank The Hump of thy Dumbfucks for passing out more Truvada. What a great fucking Hump he is! Oh, and let me thank one more person, Thy traitorous Nazi, HA’s Dumbfuck, for helping pay for that Truvada. Now I know we have an exploding deficit, but allowing people to fuck like rabbits is very important. You see down South them Hillbilies even fuck within their own families. We need to keep them happy and stupid, so they are alive for every first Tuesday after the first Monday.
This guy has to be related to Doctor Dumbfuck. Maybe it’s his step-step-step Brother from another horse?
Donald Trump Just Picked A Laughingstock For A Huge Federal Reserve Job
Trump just fired Robert Mueller.
Wherein a Rightwing Flapping Jaw (RFJ) demands “accountability” and a “reckoning” for people who spread conspiracy theories.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: She’s going to be a busy woman. And that’s even before she gets around to our side.
@5 I assume you meant that metaphorically. You’re Mueller’s bitch, dude. You and all your ilk. He has you wrapped around his little finger. All he has to do is sneeze, and he made you look. That’s what criminals do who live in constant fear of being caught. Always looking over their shoulders. They’ll come for you. If not today, tomorrow. Guilt weighing on conscience. Even if the law doesn’t find you, God knows who you are, and where to find you. All of you are really and truly fucked.
So, the righties are already calling for vengeance, because Mueller filed only 200 charges against only 37 subjects of investigation, most of them for “process” crimes such as lying under oath (didn’t they impeach Clinton for that?), and because He Who Cannot Be Indicted wasn’t indicted (how predictable was that?).
I guess you gotta expect that from the kind of people who thirst for revenge against dead war heroes.
They’re angry because more of them weren’t indicted.
This was utterly predictable.
Even more funny is the running joke that is Doctor Dumbfuck.
“Donald Trump Just Picked A Laughingstock For A Huge Federal Reserve Job”
I have a feeling I know how this will play out. Mueller only went after the Russians, and people who impeded his investigation by lying to him, and didn’t concern himself with Republican dirty tricks. His concern was a foreign power, not domestic politics. From the get-go, he intended to leave that for voters to sort out.
@9 We know what Trump wants: Stimulus. He’s sending this guy over to supervise Powell to make sure he gets it.
Amateur hour at the White House. A president who knew what he was doing would eat a recession now, so the economy would be back on a growth track by the time the election rolls around.
Instead, he’s going to push it forward and, of course, when you’re falling from an artificial height the recession is always deeper. Instead of a little recession this year, he’ll get a bigger one next time.
No experienced politician would make that mistake. What a dumbfuck. I think he hears voices in his head. The divine inspiration type. God is telling him what to do. God wants him to lose.
So, yeah. Okay. Some “collusion”. Maybe some corruption. Maybe quite a bit of corruption. But not enough to charge.
@ 10
I have a feeling I know how this will play out.
Will it be as ludicrous as your ‘fleeing felon’ feeling, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
You had a feeling you knew how GE would play out, too. One of your largest holdings at the time you recommended GE, wasn’t it?
Devin Nunes has a huge following of cows.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He should be happy about that, because his family owns a dairy farm.
@13 As I recall, it was one of my smallest holdings when I suggested shorting it at 23. What is it now? Ten bucks? God helps those who help themselves. You should ask PI to chat with you sometime about how to make money. He seems to be on top of it. Sometimes he scores +0.01234% in a single day.
“You cannot collude alone. So if there is collusion here, one would expect that other people will be charged,” Turley said. “The policy is you can’t charge a sitting president, but that doesn’t apply to other people.”
Jonathan Turley, CBS News, this morning
What’s it like to know you wasted two years on nothing, Steve?
Nunes has a shot at going down in history as the GOP’s greatest example of how to become an object of ridicule.
@16 “if there is collusion here, one would expect that other people will be charged”
Do 27 Russians and 3 Russian entities count?
On the other side of the ledger, He Who Cannot Be Indicted was not indicted, but that doesn’t mean he’s innocent.
P.S., ask Manafort if 7 1/2 years in the Graybar Hotel and millions of dollars in fines is “nothing.”
With half a dozen of Trump’s closest associates heading for jail, I suppose you could argue Trump was just unlucky to get stuck with a corrupt staff who conspired against him for their personal gain.
You can argue the moon is made of cheese and Mars is populated by little green men, too.
Move along, folks, nothing to see here.
The Mueller Report should be released in its entirety. Every word, letter, number, symbol and punctuation mark. We pay for this stuff and deserve to see the entire report without any hiding on the part of these government employees. The DOJ shoild put a PDF version, available for download by anyone who cares to do so, on its website. No more secrecy in government!
@ 18
Do 27 Russians and 3 Russian entities count?
If they counted, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, Rachel Maddow would not have been crying on camera yesterday.
If they didn’t count, Yertle wouldn’t have lost control of his caucus, Paul Ryan would be putting together the next Koch Bros tax cut, and there’d be thousands of D9s and construction trailers along the southern border instead of GOP rape camps.
“What’s it like to know you wasted two years on nothing, Steve?”
Beats me. I didn’t waste a fucking minute.
What’s it like for you to know that everyone thinks you’re a dumbfuck, Doctor?
“Nunes has a shot at going down in history as the GOP’s greatest example of how to become an object of ridicule.”
He’d have to displace Doctor Dumbfuck. No chance of that ever happening.
@ 23
What’s it like for you to know that everyone thinks you’re a dumbfuck, Doctor?
Hillary ClintonNeil Gorsuch
Brett Kavanaugh
7,000 Dow point increase
So far, Steve, I think the trade has worked out pretty much in my favor. Think whatever the hell you wanna think.
Try asking Teh Dumbfuck what it’s like wasting four years, a half dozen state leges, a House majority, the world’s 5th largest economy, reliable control over the Senate, Virginia, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and “The Party of Lincoln”, all for a wall that will never be built, a tower that will never be built, and an “unbreakable” coalition of white people that will never be built?
@ 26
Um, I’ll take “Profitable” for one thousand, McHillbilly.
If YLB’s wearing them, they’re redundant.
Fake Camel Toe Underwear is One of the Weirdest Fashion Trends Ever
Everybody “profits”.
Or a penniless, nobody, one time punk rocker in a summer dress wouldn’t have set one day records.
Still, somebody always gets to lose.
Only two and a half hours in and you’re already experiencing some gender dysmorphia? And we haven’t even mentioned OfDumbfuck yet.
@20 “The Mueller Report should be released in its entirety.”
Why bother? Doctor Dumbfuck already knows what’s in it. Ask him if you can borrow his copy.
@ 29
Still, somebody always gets to lose.
‘froggy’s gotta have a reason for existence.
@25 “Think whatever the hell you wanna think.”
Thanks. I will. I think people who support politicians who have no moral compass have no moral compass themselves.
You’re welcome.
To say nothing of Dino.
So long as they are without principle a Trumpist can find #winning in any circumstance.
Thus the one real loss they have all suffered permanently, and that they will never recognize, is the loss of all principles.
When all you stand for is #winning you can never lose, but you have absolutely nothing to gain.
Rapey boy is back… Yawwwn.. Wait for it.. Pervy link to weird lingerie is a prelude to another rape fantasy. Typical to what trolls bring to the table here.
Great news for the trolls, though..
Real Wage Growth Is Actually Falling
Translation: the very rich of this country, the ones the trolls fantasize being, are getting richer.
Tax scam is working as planned!
@ 36
YLB, you need to look at the bright side of things.
The ones getting poorer and unhappier? They’re your kids. Plus, they’ll be paying to fund my Social Security, which won’t be touched before I start taking it, thanks to Harry Reid’s proclamation that there’s nothing wrong with the Social Security trust fund.
See, YLB? There’s plenty to be happy about, going forward. At least if you aren’t you. Or your kids.
“Hillary Clinton”
Yeah, she was awful alright. To you and Putin. Look forward to saluting Russia’s flag when it waves over the White House much?
“Neil Gorsuch
Brett Kavanaugh”
Maybe when the next round of SCOTUS cases are decided the Boys from Georgetown Prep will quit daydreaming of gang-raping young girls and get their act together long enough to quit voting the opposite of each other.
“7,000 Dow point increase”
I’m glad you’re such a dumbfuck that you’re willing to get your ass handed to you on the same fucking thing over and over again.
Came back when it hits 50,000, dumbfuck. Your orange moron will finally be able to say the the performance of the DOW will finally have matched that of a Kenyan usurper. Until then, you’re only telling me that you’re a dumbfuck.
“So far, Steve, I think the trade has worked out pretty much in my favor.”
Yet more evidence you’re a dumbfuck.
“Think whatever the hell you wanna think.”
I think you’re dumbfuck traitor. And while you got a pickup truck and a horse trailer out of your treason, I think you would have sold out your country just to make dumbfuck remarks on a blog.
@37 Bust a rape fantasy while you’re at it. You might get an invite to Clarence Thomas’ private retreat for a “viewing”..
Better yet, Cindy Yang will cover the massage therapy.
Oh what else. Hmmm, there’s this from the same article:
Oh no boob it won’t be to fellate “the one” like you did back in the day and still do.
It’ll be more like pitchforks – the peaceable kind. If you’re lucky.
Trolls like Teh Dumbfuck have repeatedly and frequently conceded that their portfolios have performed better under Democratic administrations. They all live in western states dominated by Democrats with above average education, income, and soaring per cap GDP.
Gorsuch and DateRape represent nothing more than some random tinkering around the originalist margins. Aging liver spotted old white men living in trailer parks are as disconnected from the realities of reproductive health as they are from their wives’ dried up snatches. Nobody needs a clinic or a doctor to get an abortion. Modern abortions come in a bottle and go away with the flush of a toilet. And there’s nothing Gorsuch and DateRape can do about that. Nor will they.
For whatever that represents they’ve permanently traded away a huge chunk of growth in the DOW, the largest most economically significant regions of the country, about half of their gerrymandered advantage, about half of college educated white women, and the entire future of the Reagan Revolution. When Barack Obama was inaugurated it was largely uncertain if Mitt Romney’s Heritage approved market reforms of health insurance would be possible in a unified Democratic Congress. And any Democrat in order win a primary had to concede to a vast array of conservative and Blue Dog orthodoxies. We now have half the country openly conceding single payer, $15 min wage, free tuition, carbon tax, and 70% tax rates on the wealthy. And a 29 year old Latina waitress from The Bronx lives rent free in the troll’s heads.
I’d still be giddy with satisfaction right now, even without knowing that these GOP corruption scandal investigations are only just getting started, and that beer drunk Trump voters like our trolls weren’t absolutely 100% committed to WALL!!/SHITDOWN!!/WEETCHHUNT!!! from now until Nov. 2020
More great news for the trolls:
“Today I decided to get involved in my county’s Republican party. Everyone can do this without fear of getting doxxed. The GOP is essentially the White man’s party at this point (it gets Whiter every election cycle), so it makes far more sense for us to subvert it than to create our own party.”
Whiter and whiter and whiter… Hasn’t it always been that way?
@25 boy you are a dumbfuck….you didn’t even comprehend what Steve said. You are one big Dumbfuck!
I don’t think it’s what Steve thinks….like he said, it’s what WE all think. Even Puffy probably. Where is he to defend you?
@28 that Camel Toe – looks like your ass.
Unserious twat @ 39
Carter in 1980 was beset by the combination of high unemployment and high inflation referred to as ‘stagflation’.
Trump is beset by neither of those. Other than that, girlfriend, yo still haven’t brought an intelligent thought to an online conversation in several years.
@37 I gotta hand it to you, doc, fucking horses was damn smart retirement planning, because you don’t have kids mooching off you in your old age.
“Neil Gorsuch”
“Brett Kavanaugh”
You’re overlooking something, doc, to wit:
Expand the Supreme Court, not to 11, not 13, but 15, then the court’s makeup will be 10 liberals and 5 conservatives. Enough to produce a liberal outcome … every … single … fucking … time.
Citizens United — gone.
Vote suppression — gone.
Partisan gerrymandering — gone.
GOP anti-abortion laws — gone.
Second Amendment — reinterpreted.
Immigrant rights — expanded.
Worker rights — strengthened.
Master Cake Shop — revisited.
Executive power — restrained.
Executive privilege — limited.
Death penalty — ended.
Single payer — upheld.
“fucking horses was damn smart retirement planning” –
he had it all planned out even before getting married. The guy couldn’t wait to retire, but until then he had to play it out as if he really was Hetero.
Every day, he hung tough. But towards the end, closer to retirement, he planted it into his “wife’s” head that Horses are nice. Subliminally – by first buying a rugged truck and then throughout the years on their daily evening ice cream cone run he went out of his way to drive by Horse Farms. As he drove close he would slow the truck down and put in some romantic music of neighing.
When he heard his wife’s words asking him what he thought about caring for horses he had to hold back and not show too much excitement, so he responded by saying “Honey horses are a big responsibility. The shit you have to shovel around is nothing like the shit I shovel around on my favorite Blog, HA”.
After making her beg, to make it look like he really was doing this just for her, he said “Ok, but you have to promise me one thing and that you’ll never spend too much time with the horse”. She asks why. Bob says, “Just that I want you spend more time with me, and I don’t want you to have to do any shoveling”. She agrees – no shoveling and to not spend too much time with the horse.
This was the moment of Bob’s dreams. Finally he and a horse could be alone at last, without any interruptions. The intimacy with the horse is heaven to Bob.
And they all lived happily ever after…….except for the horse, of course.
“…….except for the horse, of course”
What with Devin Nunes’ cow getting all the attention recently, decent of you to think of me.
silly rape fantasist @ 44
Carter? The guy who survived “the one”, your fellatee? Not even brain cancer could kill him.
drumpf is beset with the albatross of racism, sex psychopathy and greed that has held sway in this country way before you made the life decision to fellate “the one” – before 1973 even. People are getting tired of it which is why last November happened. People are tired of treading water since 1973.
Didn’t you vote for Carter in 1980? Yes yours truly recalls you admitted to that here in these threads. That and your laughable rape porn in these threads is your albatross.
Wear it well.
@48 no problem. Buy just want you to know I sacrificed an hour of my time this evening thinking of you.
Now time to venture out into the heart of the Big Apple – let the fun begin!
All the old timers here probably remember Jim Miller, the always wrong winger who blogged at “Jim Miller on Politics”..
In Miller’s world there was almost nothing a Republican could do wrong and absolutely nothing a Democrat could do right.
What a piece of work. Just thought I’d look at what he’s spinning these days and yikes..
His blog is no more. Did he croak?
tehgoogle cache shows activity till the end of January.
In civil wars, there are casualties on both sides.
I thought he knew that.
Bump Stocks are about to become illegal. Anyone in possession of will be a felon.
Thanks Mr. Hump for taking my guns away from me!
Well, fine. Okay.
Plenty of “collusion” or “coordination” or whatever.
But prolly not enough involving the Russian spies to charge a criminal violation.
Which is now the new “greatness”.
So drumpf was so “no collusioned” out it fired Comey – who handed the election to him. Hmmm. An election drumpf never planned on winning. So drumpf firing Comey was really drumpf’s way of say thank you for nothing? Nope, no obstruction to be seen there.
Worked out great for him. See last November.
drumpf WILL BE a one-termer. All the freak’s behavior points to wanting Russia as its bank to bail out its stupid money-pit businesses.
And now drumpf can only get that money if the a-hole revokes the sanctions. Good luck with being russian aggression enablers drumpf-lovers. Do you fools remember when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan?
Vlad Putin – your man-crush was a KGB pup then.
Well, the folks against Trump will have to try another strategy.
53)Bump Stocks illegal at the Federal Level? Very interesting if true.
Meanwhile, New Zealand also has a National Rifle Association, and it’s response to the proposed changes in the law? No march on Wellington, just a name change for the organization.
As for the changes, the main opposition is from the ACT NZ party, and they just seem to think they are moving too fast.
At roughly 12:45 AM SATURDAY Morning, King County Metro bus 6964 made the last revenue bus run in the DSTT. As part of the festivities , the Metro Employees Historical Vehicle Association ran a last charter run through the tunnel, with Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle 5034, the last survivor of roughly 235 Breda Dual Mode buses built for the tunnel. Going to be tough for the MEHVA volunteers to keep it running. They were a maintenance nightmare when they were in service. Also, wonder if the HUSH mode will be removed from the articulated hybrids that replaced them, it was designed for the tunnel. It kept the engine from getting above idle, but the tradeoff, no HVAC in the tunnel.
Almost as much fun as election night 2016.
@56 Yeah, guilty of bad behavior, but not of criminal behavior. Let’s try voting him out. What are his approval ratings again?
@59 Election night 2016 was a disaster for America. A foreign power interfered in our election. A racist who surrounded himself with criminals won. His policies are ill-informed, wrong, and often immoral. His administration is one of the most corrupt ever. And you’re celebrating this outcome? You’re a fucking idiot. Garden slugs are more intelligent than you.
NBC headline: “Trump calls Mueller probe an ‘illegal takedown that failed’
Yeah, tell that to Manafort, Cohen, and the other slimesuckers who are going to jail.
Also, Mueller didn’t investigate Trump’s payoffs to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, he referred those possible crimes to other prosecutors, and we already know he’s guilty, the only question is whether he’ll be charged.
Technically, that’s a crime, but you’ll never convince Republicans that paying hush money just before the election to hide his adultery from voters is either a crime or an impeachable offense. Hell, for them, that’s not even immoral, it’s normal everyday behavior.
It’s what Republicans are now.
This will actually work to the Democrats’ advantage if it cools the impeachment talk. There is no chance impeaching Trump would remove him from office, and attempting it could backfire on the Democrats. So if this scares them away from impeachment, that will strengthen their hand going into the 2020 election.
I, myself, have always been cool to impeachment. It shouldn’t be used just because you don’t like someone or his policies. If one side can do it, so can the other. And it can come back to bite you, as Republicans learned when they impeached Clinton.
The voters put Trump in the White House, and it’s their responsibility to put him out. The Democrats’ task is to offer voters a nominee they feel comfortable voting for. Trump is so bad a president the rest should take care of itself.
Don’t know and don’t care.
Remember when trolls said Obama was a big spender? Running up the deficit? Adding to the debt?
One moron troll called him “Owebama”…
U.S. Posts The Biggest Monthly Budget Deficit In American History
Can you believe drumpf promised to balance the budget? Nothing but crickets from the republican hypocrites. Nothing but crickets…
@64 Of course you don’t. As one of the losers who helped flush this great country down a sewer, you could care less that the king of your tribe of ratfuckers is unpopular. That’s how we got to this place. It’s up to the decent citizens to keep the rats from ruling the city.
@65 “Can you believe drumpf promised to balance the budget?”
Only idiots believed him. Everyone not in a coma or a Republican voter knew he was lying. Republican voters? They all have liquefied brains.
56, 64,
Loyal America’s strategy is working very well.
Intelligent patriots never would want to see your beloved President FingerFuck removed from office by any means. Because that would install Pence.
The objective has always been to damage the Trumpublican’s credibility and standing by exposing all their corruption. So far so good. Mid way toward the next election and you venal fucks have lost half of college educated white women. If your strategy for getting them back is hip thrusting endzone dancing on the corpses of Guatemalan toddlers all I can say is more please.
Trump: He Persisted
The dancing, spinning and issue changing begins.
Please continue!
Actually it’s the seventeen other criminal inestigations in six different jurisdictions that begin.
Because #youbuiltthat
@69 Constant whining isn’t “persistence.”
@70 “Please continue!”
Thanks, we will, see #70 for details.
The Feds banning of Bump Stock speaks volumes of Repukes fake concern for the Constitution, for their 2nd Amendment rights and for the governing principles of the GOPussy Party. It goes to show that they are the biggest frauds going. The party of Hillbilly swamp lover’s.
The screamed bloody murder that the black guy would take away their guns at the mention of any ban on bump stocks. The Hump does it and they don’t peep.
On another note – the deficit was a problem for them when the black guy was President of the United States, but no longer.
Private emails were a problem when the black guy was President of the United States, but no longer.
The antics of terrorists is an issue, but no longer or at least their own home grown terrorists or the terrorists they support (Bibi).
Corruption was disliked and transparency was called for, no longer. They support corruption now for themselves and for the ones they support (Bibi). And they longer care for transparency.
They are against Illegals entering this Country, but they care less about The Hump employing them.
Does it really matter if the Mueller Report came out and said that there was collusion? No, they really wouldn’t care nor would they believe the fake news and think it was all rigged.
This is what Democrats need to tell the people. They need add this to the discussion of Healthcare, Global Warming, and Jobs (and Infrastructure investment).
Also, I really haven’t been closely following the news on the Mueller Report. Was it made public to Congress, or to the American public. Or is the “no collusion” being stated by the DOJ? And can we really trust the DOJ?
“Special counsel Robert Mueller said evidence doesn’t prove that Trump was involved in a crime relating to Russian interference.” – from NBC News website headline.
All that that says is that not enough evidence to convict. If the glove don’t fit you must acquit. OJ was innocent too.
“However, the report does not exonerate Trump; it simply finds insufficient evidence of criminal conduct.” – NBC News Website
“Here you have a president who I can tell you and guarantee you is in collusion with the Russians to undermine our democracy,” – Maxine Waters, (D) September 2017 +
“The evidence is pretty clear that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D) told MSNBC in February 2018 +
“You can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion — pretty compelling evidence,” – Adam Schiff, (DFebruary 17, 2019 +
“If Rosenstein or Mueller gets fired, it will be the clearest signal yet that Trump is willing to trigger a Constitutional crisis to save himself” +
Nancy Pelosi says firing Rosenstein would ignite a “constitutional crisis.” +
Rosenstein never fired by Trump +
Mueller never fired by Trump +
674 days +
$25 million +
19 lawyers +
40 FBI agents +
2,800 subpoenas +
500 search warrants +
230 communications orders +
50 orders for pen registers
+ 13 requests to foreign governments for evincing
+ interviewing 500 witnesses =
Finding ZERO collusion, ZERO Americans involved in collusion
Thing are not going well in the world of the misfit toys: “I do believe in collusion. I do believe in collusion. I do. I do. I do. I do. I do believe in collusion. I do believe in collusion. I do. I do. I do. I do.”
“Attorney General Barr’s letter tries to go much farther than what Special Counsel Mueller found on obstruction. The Attorney General, who Donald Trump appointed, tries to declare that the president did not obstruct justice, despite the fact that Mueller did not try to resolve that fact.” – MSNBC Website
Was the report of “no collusion” made public to congress? Why should we believe what is being said regarding this (I don’t have time to read the actual article).
@75 Barr, drumpf’s AG, wrote a 4 page letter summarizing “principal conclusions” to the Congressional Judiciary committees. He made the letter public.
No reaction to this ?
@75 “Also, I really haven’t been closely following the news on the Mueller Report. Was it made public to Congress, or to the American public. Or is the ‘no collusion’ being stated by the DOJ? And can we really trust the DOJ?”
We have not seen Mueller’s report. What Congress received today was AG Barr’s interpretation of Mueller’s report. According to Barr’s letter,
1. Mueller found that Russia interfered in the 2016 election in two main ways: (a) disinformation and social media, and (b) hacking the Clinton campaign and other Democratic organizations. (This hacking was criminal in nature, but recall that Doctor Dumbfuck bragged about it.)
2. Mueller found that Russians offered to help the Trump campaign, but concluded the Trump campaign did not conspire or collude with the Russians.
3. On the issue of obstruction, Mueller only outlined the facts, declined to offer any legal conclusions, and left it up to the AG to decide whether to prosecute anyone for obstruction. Mueller pointedly stated, however, that the evidence “does not exonerate” Trump. Even Barr didn’t claim the evidence exonerates Trump; he simply said the investigative findings were “insufficient” to support such a prosecution. That was Barr’s decision, not Mueller’s.
Here are some things to remember:
(1) The report hasn’t been delivered to Congress yet, so we don’t know if Barr has accurately characterized it.
(2) We know Trump, members of his family, and his associates had contacts with Russians they later denied took place. If those contacts were innocent why did they lie about them?
(3) Mueller farmed out a number of issues — and potential criminal charges — to other prosecutors, so his report isn’t comprehensive and doesn’t end Trump’s legal jeopardy.
(4) 37 individuals and entities indicted on 200 charges tell us crimes were committed.
(5) Half a dozen of Trump’s closest associates are going to jail, so it’s clear that Trump surrounded himself with criminals.
(6) Four of Trump’s cabinet secretaries have left office because of corruption, further evidence that Trump surrounds himself with unsavory people.
(7) There are still 17 active investigations to go.
(8) We know Trump paid hush money just before the election to conceal his adultery from voters. We know that was illegal. We know Trump tried to obstruct investigations into it. Mueller didn’t address this part of the legal case against Trump; it’s being handled by other prosecutors who are not under DOJ’s special counsel guidelines against indicting a sitting president.
Trump tried to paint a picture of no Russian interference. The bottom line is that Russia did interfere with the election, and he benefited from it. He and his team did have contacts with Russians, and they lied about it. There may not be criminal guilt here, but Trump and his crowd sure as hell aren’t innocent; and above all, he’s not the innocent victim of a “witch hunt.” That “witch hunt” caught Russian intelligence by the balls.
tool @ 76
Thanks for enumerating PART of what the American people got for their money.. You left out
34 indictments
34 liars and criminals. Just some of fishes in the polluted sea your beloved preznit stews in.
The Russians INTERFERED with the election. The Russians VIOLATED U.S. Sovereignty. Who did the Russians want to win?
25 million? Money well spent.
@76 No collusion, but hundreds of other crimes, dozens of charges, at least five Trump associates going to prison, and a specific statement by Mueller that his investigation “does not exonerate” exonerate Trump.
Keep bleating “no collusion,” because it’s all you’ve got.
Oh, and that $25 million? Mueller squeezed over $40 million in fines and asset forfeitures out of Manafort alone. Since $40 million is more than $25 million, Mueller made a cool profit for taxpayers. Good thing you’re not running a business. You don’t even know how to calculate profit and loss.
@79 Ah yes, KOMO, our local Sinclair Broadcasting station. I’m not saying the reporting is false, only that the story is being framed by a media outlet notorious for pushing conservative propaganda.
Nor am I saying Seattle doesn’t have a problem with homeless people camping, littering, shooting drugs, and committing crimes. Many cities do, and we’re no exception.
My Mrs. watched this program. I’ve had many discussions with her about it. I asked her, “What’s the solution?” She said buy them a one-way bus ticket to Florida. “What will you do when Florida sends them back?”
These people are going to live somewhere. If there’s no housing for them, they’ll live outside, in tents, or simply sit or lay on the sidewalks or in alleys. Whatever they do, it’s a physical impossibility for them to not be somewhere.
The Republican solution invariably is to simply run them out of town. And fine or jail honest citizens who give them food. I guess their plan is to starve them out. Like Stalin did with uncooperative Ukrainians. I thought we Americans were better than that, but I guess some of us aren’t.
So tell me, have you got an answer for this? What would you do, if you were given the power to do it? Yes, we need to clean up this mess. Somebody needs to house them somewhere. Someone needs to feed them. Someone needs to pay for all that. Who will pay?
The answer to that question is extremely obvious: Only government has the resources to house and feed that many people. But wait, Republicans are against government programs, and they’re especially against government helping people who can’t make it on their own. Maybe that’s why we have this problem.
@81 “Money well spent.”
Especially given that we got it all back, and then some, from the criminals Mueller caught.
Guys, I hate to say it but @79 is embarrassing – might be worse than NYC. Letting people live like that is abuse. They need to have some responsibility for themselves.
I couldn’t watch the whole thing. Not sure saying Seattle is dying is a true statement but embarrassing is pretty accurate
@83. Don’t have time to tell you what I would do but another time I will. Have to work in the morning. But that’s part of my answer.
@79 Yeah, I agree it’s bad and things have to change. People who’ve been arrested for dozens of crimes obviously shouldn’t be on the streets. Saw an article recently about a street person with a history of assaulting people tried to throw a woman off an I-5 overpass. These people need to be in a controlled setting, and judges need the authority and willingness to commit them.
But you have to distinguish between criminals and people who are merely homeless. They’re not the same, they don’t create the same problems, and those situations call for different solutions.
79, 83, 85, 86, 87,
This is not a police problem.
Mr. Derakshande needs to be able to call someone for help.
But not police. That is not what they are for. This is not a law enforcement issue.
This is not a police problem.
@88 It’s a police matter when they threaten, harass, assault, rob, steal, shoplift, and set fires. Remove them from the streets, then turn them over to a treatment facility, and don’t give them a choice about participating.
Seattle is “dying”… Too funny!
If Seattle is “dying” then so is every big city on the west coast.. Name the city, it has a bad homelessness problem
So when did seattle hating always wrong wingers ever care about this?
Answer: never..