Samantha Bee: Fascists to watch 2018
WaPo: Wisconsin’s lieutenant governor candidate wants people to know that he is alive.
The Atlantic: Why the U.S. should provide universal basic income.
Seth Meyers: Senator Elizabeth Warren talks about the Democratic Party’s shift to the left.
Slate: Attention, cyclists, it’s fine for non-bikers to use the bike lane.
Vox: How ID laws can put trans people in danger.
The Atlantic: Is the dinosaur–apocalypse story wrong?
Trevor: Spike Lee, “BlacKkKlansman” and fighting the rise of racism in the Трамп era.
WaPo: FAUX News’ latest fringe theory—Robert Mueller is more dangerous than Vladimir Putin
GQ: Why bad cops are almost never held accountable.
The Dotard Трамп and Other Puppets:
- Seth Meyers: Rudy Giuliani and Omarosa cause problems for Трамп
- Trevor: Does the Трамп n-word tape exist?
- Our Cartoon President: “We built the wall”
- Stephen: Omarosa reveals Трамп’s secret staff nicknames
- Jimmy Fallon: Tweets with Beats—Трамп is hurt by these “clowns and losers”
- Jimmy Kimmel: Wolf Blitzer on Трамп attacking the media
- Bill Maher: Omarosa week
- James Corden: Pet names for the first family
- Late Show: Manafort’s legal team has a crazy plan
- Stephen: Melania Трамп responds to Omarosa’s book
- Seth Meyers: Omarosa says Трамп tried to buy her silence
- Our Cartoon President: Omarosa releases Трамп tapes:
- Rachel Maddow: Unlike Nixon, President Dotard Трамп admin pursues enemies list in public
- Our Cartoon President: “We should’ve built this wall together”
- Jimmy Fallon: A Трампy monologue
- Ari Melber: Watergate Lawyer says GOP may need a “smoking gun” to abandon Трамп
- Trevor: Трамп has met his match with Omarosa
- Stephen: Трамп’s obvious attempt to change the subject
- Jimmy Kimmel: Omarosa’s bombshells on Трамп, Kushner, Pence and Scaramucci
- WaPo: White House “can’t guarantee” Трамп didn’t use the n-word
- Mark Fiore: No guarantees
- Stephen: Трамп freely criticizes the free press
- Seth Myers: Senator Elizabeth Warren talks about corruption in the Трамп administration
- James Corden: The Omarosa-Трамп tapes you haven’t heard!
- Late Show: Destiny’s child reminds Трамп to “say McCain”
- Jimmy Kimmel: Mommin’ with Sarah Huckabee Sanders
- Trevor: Hating Трамп is a booming business
- Seth fires a dog
- Stephen: Geography 101—World maps Трамп can understand
- James Corden: “The Omarosa tapes” are real and they’re unreal
- Our Cartoon President: “I got some things to say about Lebron”
- Lawrence O’Donnell: What President Dotard Трамп said about being Black in 1989
- Stephen: W. Kamau Bell, “Yes, he’s a racist”
- Trevor: Omarosa on her secret tapes & Трамп’s biggest weakness
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard Трамп uses all kinds of “N-words”.
- Late Show: NOW that’s what I call racist
- Stephen: Another day, another Omarosa tape
- James Corden: Robert Mueller’s indictment song:
- Ari Melber: Robert Mueller Prosecutors say Paul Manafort is a lying criminal
- Seth Meyers: Omarosa says Трамп knew about hacked emails in advance
- Jimmy Fallon: Трамп News Network—Omarosa’s “unhinged” tell-all memoir
- Rachel Maddow: John O. Brennan—I gave Трамп a year to live up to the office. He didn’t.
- Stephen: Трамп’s NDAs are completely worthless
- Jimmy Kimmel: Why did Donald Трамп cross the road?
Amber Ruffin remakes art created by problematic men.
The Atlantic: Can the undocumented “earn” citizenship?.
WaPo: How “Respect,” Aretha Franklin’s iconic song, came to be
Jim Jefferies replaces his weatherman.
Mental Floss: The 2000s internet.
Trevor: Why people uncomfortable with breastfeeding should suck it up.
Seth Meyers: Spike Lee on the connection between Charlottesville and BlacKkKlansman.
Kurzgesagt: Wormholes explained.
Stopping Gun Violence in America:
- Mother Jones: The Parkland teens learned a huge lesson on their cross-country trek.
- Trevor: Matt Deitsch and Emma González on meeting counterprotesters
- Mother Jones: Sandy Hook and Parkland parents united by tragedy–and a shared mission.
- Late Night: 3D Guns—What are they and how do they work?
Vox: Why is California always on fire?
Trevor: Washington D.C.’s Unite the Right rally is a flop and Leo Deblin comes to the rescue.
Seth Meyers: The kind of story we need right now—waitress body slams groper.
The roots of racism in Charlottesville.
Samantha Bee: Undocumented immigrants make your food.
Minute Physics: The twins paradox hands-on explanation.
The Atlantic: A surprising U.S.-Canada border dispute
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Aretha Franklin will be missed. Liked her role in the Blues Brothers, and the sequel. She earned her nickname of the “Queen of Soul.”
98% of Judge Kavanaugh’s record of work is being withheld from public examination prior to his scheduled conf hearing.
You’d think Child Molesters who cut deals with Russian spies were trying to hide something from Real America.
“He looked at me, goes ‘Hey you f***ing hear me … and then he looked at me, he goes ‘Bitch, get the f*** out of my house,’ and he started to try to drag me off the bed,” Monahan said. “That’s when I put my camera on to video him.”
Lyin’ bitch set him up.
Bet Leahy wants that double standard now.
On Thursday, June 24, Sessions added that, in his view, the American public is entitled to
know why some of these documents have been withheld, and that “we have no
certification that the archivists . . . have fully complied with the request of the committee.
. . I just hate to go forward with the hearings before all documents have been received.”
However, Senator Sessions backed off an earlier comment that Republicans might
boycott the hearings if they are unable to view all the documents.”
Senator Patrick Leahy, the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, responded that he is
“not willing to accept that these professional archivists are biased . . . I’m not going to
have a double standard.”
Finally, Keith X had had enough of the infidel bitch.
Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband’s] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance – [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.
Surah 4,34
@ Doc D’schweine @ #5
Perhaps if one wasn’t such an utter, flaming misogynist all the time, one wouldn’t fall into situations like that.
I would make a note of that if I were you.
Speaking of double standards, I’ll bet Al Franken thinks one is playing out right now.
It’s now clear why Manafort’s lawyers presented no defense: He doesn’t need one. Regardless of whether he’s found guilty or not, he’ll go free.
@3 Damn! Those lying cameras! Just ask any cop how much cameras lie …
I wonder what the food’s like in Uganda jails. Or if there is any …, riffing on the cancellation of Michelle Wolff’s Netflix show:
All in all, it lasted three months. Don’t think of it as being canceled, conservatives sniffed last night on Twitter after the news broke, think of it as being terminated in the first trimester.
Hell, souls are cheap. Just ask Doctor Dumbfuck. He sold his for a pickup truck and a horse trailer.
“Trump warnings grow from forgotten Republicans”
“To me, it became a matter of how much of your soul are you willing to sell.”
Hmm. No loon for a week. Did the loon’s luck run out and his white supremacist friends finally lynched him? SAD!
@ 12
“Forgotten” Republicans?
The forgotten Republicans — people like former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake, South Carolina Rep. Mark Sanford and Ohio Gov. John Kasich — have been unwilling to sit quietly as Trump steers the GOP away from free trade, fiscal responsibility, consistent foreign policy and civility.
With the exception of Jeb Bush, each of these guys has been in the news lately for one reason or another.
The root of the problem isn’t Donald Trump….it is the Republican Party….always has been always will be. They deserve what they are getting today, and they could do Donald in, but they don’t.
Wash, Rinse, Dry…..and repeat.
@13 no need to cry….things could have been worse for him….just saying.
Forgotten Republicans:
1. Condi Rice
2. Mitch Daniels
3. Bill Frist
“think of it as being terminated in the first trimester.”
Typical fascist styled “joke”.. It parodies itself…
Brennan was on Maddow last night (video here: She brought up that Brennan had said that Trump’s Helsinki comments were “nothing short of treasonous”.
Brennan was forced to state that he did not mean that Trump had committed treason.
Well, OK, then.
They aren’t being withheld by National Archives.
NA review will take until the end of October. So the document review is being conducted by Toddler Torture party hacks from the committee instead. And they are simply refusing to look at 98% of the work because “ain’t nobody got time fa dat!”
In other words, this is not a case of documents being withheld for privilege or for national security reasons. These work records aren’t being reviewed at all. 98% of the record is off the table. 98% of the nominees record of work is unavailable even for review by the National Archives.
The entire document production can be reviewed and completed according to the law and according to precedent if the nom is just delayed a few weeks. Child Molesters still retain control of the committees and the vote. In fact the vote timing is even better for the mid terms.
The fact that they are rushing the hearings in order to prevent full document review, and the fact that Dumbfuck and other child molesters obviously have to lie about it, is strong evidence that there must be something pretty damning in Kav’s document history. Perhaps something that would be obviously disqualifying. Like telling the committee multiple sworn lies about his work as WH staff secretary during his confirmation hearing to the appeals court.
This will become Anthony Kennedy’s legacy.
“Forgotten Republicans:”
i.e. fossils hopelessly out of tune with what the always wrongist kids are into these days.
If an old fart like pigsty Rohrabacher can go there why can’t they?
There’s always hope.
@12 A story in today’s Seattle Times says Trump is dividing the country in a way nothing else has, not even race or religion. The acrimony he’s stirring up is even breaking up friendships and families. Democrats increasingly see supporting Trump as a character failing — which seems perfectly appropriate to me, because if you support Trump, you’re endorsing his bad character and immoral behavior.
@19 You’re right, subordinating our national interests (and national security) to Trump’s private business interests isn’t, technically speaking, treason. Because we’re not at war with Russia. But it’s the next closest thing to it. And you can’t blame ordinary folks unschooled in the technicalities of legal nomenclature for thinking Trump’s abject surrender to our longstanding Russian adversary in order to line his own pockets is something akin to treason. Which makes you, Doctor Dumbfuck, an apologist, shill, and supporter of near-treason.
Fuck you, almost-traitor.
“subordinating our national interests (and national security) to Trump’s private business interests isn’t, technically speaking, treason.”
High crimes and misdemeanors definitely.. The emoluments thing just won’t go away..
Impeach the asshole.
That’s what happens when a family member joins a cult…
…and it turns out the cult is into all kinds of treasonous dealings with foreign spies…
…and sticking their fingers inside children for lulz.
Sure. That shit breaks up families. Bound to. The thing is, do you really want to put a higher priority on “family cohesion” than protecting children from sexual assault?
Welp, turns out quite a few Roypublicans do. A remarkably high percentage of Roypublican voters strongly disagree with the worst of the Cult 45 depravity. But when asked to make a choice, like any good enabler, they feel it is more important to overlook that shit “for the good of the family”.
Keep it up long enough, and as the depravity continues to escalate and get worse, then pretty soon they find themselves openly defending the torture of infants and the molestation of adolescents – both of which are now actual features of the Republican Party and its candidates for office.
There’s a criminal statute definition of treason. But there’s also the common usage understanding of the term.
Chances look pretty good that a not very small handful of the top people in the campaign engaged in a criminal conspiracy with Russian spies, the object of which remains to exchange United States national interests for personal and political gain. Most people would consider that treason as the term is understood in common usage.
The level of coordination and cooperation is probably a lot more than we suspect right now. GRU and FSB didn’t go from running clowns like Anna Chapman and The Illegals to hacking voting systems, penetrating election databases, and running massive and precisely targeted bot-farm operations in less than eight years without some help. And it was more than just Cambridge Analytica.
PornSweat is simply too stupid to understand most of it, much less to have participated meaningfully. But some of the people who gathered around him were certainly smart enough. And the opportunity was unprecedented. If the campaign was open to freaks like Carter Page, or Mike Flynn and son, it was open to anyone.
“That’s what happens when a family member joins a cult…”
Speaking of which, I recall our village idiot loon said it had a “progressive” minded brother..
Imagine when the loon (an admitted former liberal) broke the news that it had joined a loony ahh.. “association” of sorts.
Oh and here’s a little something for A1 pork sauce, out latest addition to the local fascist set:
“The end times and the eschatological meaning of politics will not realize themselves on their own. We will wait for the end in vain. The end will never come if we wait for it, and it will never come if we do not. . . . If the Fourth Political Practice is not able to realize the end of times, then it would be invalid. The end of days should come, but it will not come by itself. This is a task, it is not a certainty. It is an active metaphysics. It is a practice.”
Oh my, maybe the babbling butthole loon will get more from that twaddle.
“Lyin’ bitch set him up.”
Here we see boob channeling Rob Porter, the freak who could have sat at the right hand of Willard Romney, the used car salesman who “understands [vulture] capitalism”..
Heh. COS for a junior senator of Utah would be such a step down but a white as a sheet, woman beating, always wrongist is always entitled to some sort of a second act even after committing the ultimate crime.
The crime of getting caught, pants down, pasty ass flapping in the breeze.
Porter deserves something for ruining Scott Pruitt and driving off Hope Hicks. Even if it was his “little head” that did all the work. How little? My Hopey knows.
Even a “man-slut” has its uses from time to time.
Supposedly Bannon is trying to make a comeback advising drumpf on the midterms – from a distance
But when the freak admitted to MSNBC’s Ari Melber about losing a fight to impose a 44 percent marginal rate on incomes above 5 million..
Shit the fool is totally deluded. Did it really think the likes of Adelson and the Mercers would support that?
When you don’t trust your crooked boss, the safest thing to do is squeal on him:
“Don McGahn, the White House counsel, has been cooperating extensively with special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation largely in order to shield himself from charges, The New York Times reported Saturday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We all know what happens to rats, but nowadays, that happens only in the movies.
Frankly, given the mindset of Trump supporters (think Comet Pizza and death threats against Manafort’s judge), I’m surprised nobody has tried to assassinate Mueller yet. Or maybe somebody has and we just haven’t heard about it.
@29 “The crime of getting caught, pants down, pasty ass flapping in the breeze.”
This looks like a typo. Shouldn’t it read, “patsy ass flapping in the breeze”?
@28 I’ve always had a sense the end-timers were itching to get their fingers on the nuclear button. That wouldn’t be a good thing.
@26 “Chances look pretty good that a not very small handful of the top people in the campaign engaged in a criminal conspiracy with Russian spies, the object of which remains to exchange United States national interests for personal and political gain. Most people would consider that treason as the term is understood in common usage.”
Manafort did to the tune of tens of millions of unreported and untaxed dollars, and Trump is already calling his prosecution “very sad” and calling him a “very good person” who’s being treated unfairly,
so draw whatever inferences you like from that.
@24 Seems to me this is exactly the sort of thing the emoluments clause takes aim at. Foreign dignataries hoping to influence his policies staying in his hotel is small fry. That building is probably a tax write-off anyway, as we all know Trump can’t profitably run a real business as evidenced by his four bankruptcies.
Recent addition to the ever-growing list of Trump descriptors:
Mango Mugabe
National debt jumps $500 billion in less than six months
“Under current law, the government is allowed to borrow as much as it wants through March 1, 2019, which is still more than six months away. After that, the debt ceiling will take effect again, and limit borrowing to whatever the size of the national debt is at that point.”
Don’t you worry, republicans will care about the debt again, once Democrats are in power.
My guess is that four to six senior campaign officials can be charged with conspiracy to defraud and that PornSweat can be charged with obstruction. Everything they are doing in response to the investigation indicates as much.
So the magic trick is to discredit the rule of law sufficiently to get enough people to shrug when PornSweat pardons everyone and Roypublicans refuse to impeach under any circumstances. That is all well and good and entirely within the law.
The job for Democrats is to rub Roypublican voters’ noses in it forever and ever until they simply quit.
Wherein Rudy The Weasel is confused about what “truth” is.
But then we’ve always known that about him.
Headline of the day
I think what they meant to say is millennials have lived their entire lives in a world where defining a waitress specifically or women in general by any particular body part is kind of, well, gross. And it should have been obvious years before that. And aren’t we really just talking about millennial straight men?
Plus their food is really shitty.
Maybe they could try automation?
Still no loon. I fear the worst has happened and the loon got lynched by his white supremacist friends. SAD!
Hey, Steve, I think your lynching joke is about as tired as my #CrookedHillary reference.
I’d bet Puddy isn’t around because he’s got better things to do on a summer weekend. Conversely, this also explains Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s continuous presence on HA.
Resist we much.
Steve, God Bless. Your concern for the Loon is of outmost exemplary in character. Without your concerns for the Loon things would be much worse – the incidents of racism could actually involve rope god forbid. Let’s hope Puffy is safe and sound and no where near Bob’s ranch house.
I have noticed something. It occurs to me, in the context of this story, the Trumpanzees, apparently being without exception guilty of something, therefore seem to believe that everyone else must be guilty of something. Thus in their minds investigating crime isn’t a matter of law or justice, it’s just a matter of partisan politics as to who gets investigated. This also explains the “either you support Trump or you want the FBI to investigate him” mindset that so many of them get all frothy about.
The notion that someone might not commit crimes when presented with the opportunity to do so, apparently isn’t something they are capable of understanding. To them, a thief like Fat Donny is a hero simply because he never got caught, and got rich in the process.
“I don’t want everyone to vote,” he said. “Elections are not won by a majority of the people… As a matter of fact, our leverage in the election quite candidly goes up as the voting population goes down. We have no responsibility, moral or otherwise, to turn out our opposition. It’s important to turn out those who are with us.”
Yeah. Unshocking.