Young Turks: Bill-O bribes cops to investigate his wife’s lover.
Ed and Pap and Lizz Winstead: No adults at home in the GOP:
Alyona’s Tool Time: Megyn Kelly.
Thom: Presidential firsts.
Dem video blasts GOP on…angry town halls (via TalkingPointsMemo).
Young Turks: GOP—cut FEMA, first responders, and hurricane hunters.
ONN: The Onion Week in Review.
The Return of Darth Cheney:
- Pap: The criminal history of Dick Cheney.
- Young Turks: Cheney says it isn’t okay to waterboard Americans.
- Ed: Cheney’s tell-all book.
- Powell blasts Cheney.
- Ann Telnaes: Cheney says his book will make heads explode.
- Alyona’s Show & Tell: Charge Cheney with war crimes?
- Pap: Dick Cheney belongs in jail, not on a book tour.
Olbermann with Ambassador Joe Wilson: Cheney…Pt I.
Olbermann with Ambassador Joe Wilson: Cheney…Pt II.
TED: Fourth Quadrant Politics.
Piers Morgan asks Rick Santorum if he’s a bigot.
Thom: This is what anti-Americanism really is:
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is Worst Person in the World.
Alyona’s Tool Time: FL GOP doesn’t want you ‘living in sin’.
FAUX News viewers are, apparently, confused by Bill Nye, the Science Guy.
Newsy: Obama moves back joint session address.
Sam Seder: Gov. Rick Scott blows money & proves he’s wrong about welfare recipients being druggies.
Young Turks: Republican will lead Supercommittee.
Mark Fiore: The future now.
Newsy: Daryl Hannah arrested for environmental protest.
Olbermann and Makos: The Nat. Geo. Geo. Bush interview.
Republican Committee of Pima County, Arizona is Worst Person in the World.
Young Turks: Eric Cantor’s disaster relief flip-floppery.
Ed with some racist Psychotalk from Rush Limbaugh.
Thom: Sen. Chuck Grassley lies on camera.
Limbaugh: Melanin is thicker than water (via Blatherwatch).
The G.O.P. Primary Asylum:
- Ed and Pap: G.O.P. candidates think about disaster response.
- Newsy: And then there were two—Perry and Romney.
- Pap: GOP candidates embracing the “Sovereign Citizen” extremists.
- Actual Audio: Mitt on corporate personhood.
- Maddow: How Perry dumps waste in your backyard in exchange for campaign donations.
- Young Turks: No stimulus programs under Perry.
- Thom: Rick Perry is a big-government Socialist!
- Sharpton: Perry’s plan for America.
- Ed: Perry’s gangster government for rich Texans.
- Young Turks: How Rick Perry got rich on the job.
- Buzz 60: Perry Polls
- Pap: Perry, the French cuff cowboy
- Sharpton: Bachmann gasping for air with Perry on the scene.
- The Michele Bachman KKKRAZZZY Comedian video.
- Ed with some major Michele psychotalk.
- Young Turks: Bachmann—Christians should run government.
Young Turks: Tea Party wants blacks lynched.
Olbermann with Brian Beutler on politics of Obama’s EPA decision.
Newsy: Arizona GOP raising funds with Glock gun raffle.
White House: West Wing Week.
Rubio’s Ruin:
- Ed and Pap: Marco Rubio’s troubled financial history.
- Ed: Marco Rubio is so stupid he doesn’t even know when he is being offensive. Pt. I
- Ed: Marco Rubio is so stupid he doesn’t even know when he is being offensive. Pt. II
A big change coming to
NPR: “It’s All Politics” political news round-up.
Liberal Viewer: FAUX News attacks Google as anti-church?!?
Olbermann: The real-life impact of WI Gov. Scott Walker’s anti-union efforts.
Mike Shaw, the acting chairman of the Republican Committee of Pima County, AZ is Worst Person in the World.
Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Bill-O the Clown is Back! As Worst Person in the World.
Young Turks: Obama’s jobs speech cave.
PBS: The devastating Texas drought.
Goldy and his friends engage in some Podcasting Liberally at Seattle’s chapter of Drinking Liberally.
Pap: Republicans want climate science removed from text books.
Sharpton: Gov. Haley’s ridiculous response to question on new ‘Jim Crow’ vote rigging law.
Olbermann and Maysoon Zayid discuss O’Reilly-Gate:
Alyona’s fireside chat: US failing on civil liberties post 9/11.
Ed with some major psychotalk from George Pataki.
Young Turks: Strippers prepare for GOP convention.
Eric Cantor cuts the competition on the way to Worst Person in the World.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Bombshell: Gaddafi Tortured Terror Suspects For CIA
Reads like a tabloid headline, doesn’t it? The New York Times reported early Saturday morning,
“Documents found at the abandoned office of Libya’s former spymaster … provide new details of the close relations the Central Intelligence Agency shared with the Libyan intelligence service — most notably suggesting that the Americans sent terrorism suspects at least eight times for questioning in Libya despite that country’s reputation for torture.”
The documents are “three binders of English-language documents, one marked C.I.A. and the other two marked MI-6” (Britain’s equivalent of the CIA) that were “left behind as Tripoli fell to rebels” and found on Friday by journalists and Human Rights Watch.
Documents From Bush Era
The documents are from the time period 2002 to 2007, with many from late 2003 and 2004, and refer to the CIA’s rendition program. The New York Times reported,
“The flurry of communications about renditions … explicitly talked about having a friendly country arrest a suspect, and then suggested aircraft would be sent to pick the suspect up and deliver him to the Libyans for questioning. One document included a list of 89 questions for the Libyans to ask a suspect. While some of the documents warned Libyan authorities to respect such detainees’ human rights, the C.I.A. nonetheless turned them over for interrogation to a Libyan service with a well-known history of brutality.”
CIA’s Response
According to the NY Times, “A C.I.A. spokeswoman, Jennifer Youngblood, declined to comment on Friday on the documents. But she added: ‘It can’t come as a surprise that the Central Intelligence Agency works with foreign governments to help protect our country from terrorism and other deadly threats.'”
Libyan Rebel Confirms Authenticity
The documents show the CIA kidnapped a Libyan opponent of Gaddafi and his pregnant wife in Bangkok and handed them over to the Libyan regime. The man, now a rebel leader, “gave a detailed description of his incarceration that matched many of those in the documents. He also said that when he was held in Bangkok he was tortured by two people from the C.I.A.”
The documents indicate that American and British intelligence services also traced telephone numbers at the request of the Libyan intelligence agency.
So, thanks to the Libyan revolt, we now know Bush’s CIA employed one of the world’s most odious regimes to do their dirty work.
GOP Rep. Joe Walsh (of deadbeat dad infamy) announced he will boycott President Obama’s speech to a joint session of Congress next week, stating Obama is “abusing his position” by calling a joint sesson and that he’s unwilling to be a “prop” for “a political exercise.” Walsh accused the president of “making a career of making speeches” and claimed the economic crisis is largely of Obama’s making.
I’d just as soon we de-established the CIA and archived all their secret files and let anyone view them. Imagine logging-into their web site and getting to read anything in their files from the last 64 years!
Joe Walsh? I thought he sang for The James Gang and, more recently, The Eagles?
You sure have a hard-on for Fox News. You must watch them an awful lot!
If Bill O’Reilly does divorce his wife, you can bet she’ll be living very comfortably the rest of her life!
Young Turks: GOP—cut FEMA, first responders, and hurricane hunters. Seems the WSJ has the truth…
Wall Street Journal! Oh year the serial plagiarizing arschloch doesn’t like the opinion section of the WSJ. Too many truths are delivered and serial plagiarizing arschloch’s head explodes!
You see when the libtardo blogs and Darryl’s funnies sites tell their lies about disaster relief, who will clear the air except Fox News and the WSJ?
Young Turks: Tea Party wants blacks lynched. – Really Darryl? Stenk didn’t say that! Andre Carson leftist moron didn’t say that. Neither did Stenk’s black sidekick on the Stenk Turk show!
Why are you using that visual ya moron? Talking about lying in a link headline! Just listen carefully and watch to the tape HA leftists!
Then the PMSNBC failure Stenk claims some Black Caucii members were spit upon. Ummmm Stenk… as the HA leftist moronic progressive class would say… “PROVE IT”?
Person Playing Puddy @ 9,
“Young Turks: Tea Party wants blacks lynched. – Really Darryl? Stenk [sic] didn’t say that!”
Ummm…that’s the actual title of the video….
Well, to be accurate Carson added a “some” in there.
The lynching thing is ridiculous charge on Carson’s part.
Thom Hartmann has his finger on the pulse and has the big picture very well laid out. In his “This is what anti-Americanism really is” video (which, imho, is very much worth watching), he says this, which is about the best 50-word-or-less synopsis of the current situation:
“These economic royalists have returned to power in American and have been infecting this nation with their anti-American propaganda ever since. Trying to clog up everything this nation has accomplished…”
I recall the term “economic royalist” from my school days, and it is so apt TODAY in describing trans-national corporations and those who run them.
@8 “the serial plagiarizing arschloch”
What is he doing that you’re not, addled one?
Puddy’s taking his stupid pills this morning.
Roger DOPEY Rabbit, I give my sources through many links. The serial plagiarizer arschloch didn’t!
@16 Looks like I have to spell it out for you, dipshit. It’s “fair use,” not “plagiarism,” if you provide quote marks (“”) and attribution. Links aren’t required; they’re merely useful to readers wishing to delve into the topic in greater depth.
Btw, I wouldn’t dignify your “sources” with that particular word.
Young Turks: Obama’s jobs speech cave.
You stumbled upon something good here, the comment; “Obama’s strategy is brilliant. Sell out the democratic base to to (sic) his biggest campaign contributors, Wall Street. It’s a Nixon goes to China in reverse. Just like it took a Republican to approach China, Obama’s job is to do what only a Democrat could do; eliminate Social Security and Medicare as we? know them.”
I love watching you libholes whine about your own chickenshit lib hero.
Where Did The Defense $$$ Go?
U.S. defense spending has ballooned from $400 billion in 2001 to $800+ billion today — more than a doubling in 10 years.
Where did all that money go? According to Business Week, “three-quarters of the decade’s increase in spending was chewed up by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and pay raises for uniformed personnel …. Only 16 percent went for equipment modernization.”
Here’s a general breakdown of the Pentagon budget: Troop pay and veterans’ benefits – 25%; operations and maintenance – 43%; weapons procurement – 20%; research and development – 12%.
The BW article goes on to discuss military entitlements (“providing 40 years of pension and health-care benefits for … 20 years” of service) and “out-of-control health-care costs” for military retirees (up 276% since 2001).
Putting overall military spending in context, “With 5 percent of the world’s population and 24 percent of global gross domestic product, the U.S. accounts for 42 percent of worldwide military spending …” (see link above).
With defense cuts of perhaps $1 trillion over the coming decade looming, the “culture of plenty” is coming to an end for military brass and defense contractors. The question now is what will be cut. Part of the answer is the Pentagon is trying to make contract bidding more competitive and shift more of the risks inherent in developing and building new weapons systems to contractors. But the really big money involves strategic planning: “Does the U.S., two decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union, still need 79,000 troops in Europe—and an additional 44,000 in East Asia? Could the three-pronged nuclear retaliatory force known as the triad get by with two legs? And perhaps most important, is it realistic for the military to prepare to fight two wars simultaneously on opposite sides of the globe?”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: As a stock speculator, I spend a lot of time crunching numbers, so I’m used to looking at raw data. Republicans love talking about “unsustainable” entitlements spending, but they don’t want to talk about the biggest entitlement of them all, the trough that feeds the fat hog known as the military-industrial complex. Try to cut that and they start waving the flag and mouthing words like “patriotism” and “America first.”
Hey, I’ve got nothing against paying our troops (remember, it was Bush, not Obama, who tried to cut combat pay for our soldiers in Iraq after only three months of what turned out to be an 8-year war) or taking care of our disabled veterans (whose ranks have swelled thanks to Bush’s Iraq adventure). We’ve got to do that. But I’m not so sure we need to spend $360 billion on a new generation of jet fighters (over $1 trillion if you count operating and maintenance costs over the life of the plane).
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns stock in Lockheed, the prime contractor for the F-35, and may suffer financial loss if the program is cut; but fuck that, cut it anyway, and screw Roger Rabbit!)
What I’m saying is, looking at the numbers I’ve posted above, there’s no-fucking-way that defense doesn’t get cut. If you’re not willing to discuss defense cuts, you don’t even belong at the budget table. Because there is no-fucking-way you get serious deficit reduction without dragging that overfed hog away from the trough, and the numbers paint a picture that’s not only unsustainable but also unjustifiable — 5% of the world’s population is supporting 42% of the world’s military spending … by what logic is that necessary or reasonable?
Let the America-firsters posture and whine all they want. They’re the ones who are weakening America. I’ve studied military history and military strategy for years. Ever hear the phrase “muscle bound”? You know, the bulked-up giant that gets pushed over by a feather because he can’t move? Remember David and Goliath? Here’s a lesson from more recent history: The latter 20th centuries two superpowers, America and USSR, both were defeated by peasant armies from tiny third-rate shitpot countries. That should tell you something about the limitations of military power. No amount of spending can buy military victories. The outcome of wars is a result of luck, blunders, and other uncontrollable facts. Just ask that von Schlieffen guy, who’d probably have a lot to say about General von Kluck, if they weren’t both dead. (Von Kluck was the German military’s version of the Peter Principle who lost World War I for the Kaiser on the banks of the Marne in the autumn of 1914 through a tactical blunder no second-year ROTC student would make — now you know where the commonly-misspelled phrase “dumb Kluck” came from.) Napoleon and Hitler, who commanded the world’s most powerful armies at the time, also were ground into the dirt by the intervention of hubris. (See Moscow, versions 1.0 and 2.0.)
In short, I would argue that military spending not only has a point of diminishing returns, but a point of reversing returns — i.e., enlarging a bloated military establishment makes you even more arrogant and overconfident than you already are, and therefore more likely to lose wars (see, e.g., Bush Quagmire, version 2003-2009). In addition, an overfed military is generally less willing to leave its barracks and do the grubby work it’s paid to do. There are just a whole host of things going on here, all of which add up to the fact that in military spending, more is less.
No matter what Republicans say, military spending has to be cut. As they say in baseball, keep your eye on the ball. The ball is that 5% population number and 43% military spending number. I suggest that $1 trillion of cuts over 10 years — $100 billion a year out of a $800 billion budget — isn’t enough. We don’t need 3,443 F-35 fighters. We simply don’t need them. We don’t need 11 aircraft carriers, with 2 more under construction, when no other country has more than 2 (and both of the countries with 2 carriers, Italy and Spain, are our allies). We don’t need a CIA whose budget exceeds the entire defense budget of Russia. (Russia’s defense budget is about $66 billion; the CIA’s budget is classified, but the most recent publicly available figures had U.S. intelligence spending at $44 billion as of 1998, and it’s reasonable to assume it has increased at least 50% since then.)
What I’m saying is you can make America stronger by cutting defense spending. Ask any top admiral or general and they’ll tell you that nothing weakens America more than a weak economy and weak finances. Ask them to make the armed forces leaner and more efficient, and they’ll do it.
It’s time to make serious cuts in defense spending. $1 trillion over 10 years isn’t enough; it should be 2 1/2 to 3 times that. We can do it without cutting soldier pay or hurting veterans. No country ever won wars by designing airplanes that cost as much as aircraft carriers. And when a $5 million missile can take out a $5 billion aircraft carrier, aircraft carriers themselves, like battleships, are becoming obsolete — so why build more of them?
@18 “I love watching you libholes whine about your own chickenshit lib hero.”
Enjoy it while you can. Yours are worse.
‘Arab Spring’ Protests Engulf Israel
Over 300,000 young protesters swamped Tel Aviv today, demanding the resignation of prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and fundamental economic reforms including middle-class tax cuts.
The protests began in a fashion somewhat similar to Tunisia’s vegetable-cart vendor: A female student who was forced out of her apartment by high rents set up housekeeping in a tent in Tel Aviv and was soon joined by thousands of others.
“Israel’s unemployment rate is 5.5 percent and the economy is growing. Still, wealth is becoming concentrated among a small group, The Associated Press notes, and the ranks of the working poor have grown dramatically.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sounds a lot like America, doesn’t it? Overreaching oligarchs took too much and the people are rebelling. In addition, although the MSNBC article doesn’t mention it, Israel’s culture of militarism and incessant warfare is a huge drain on the civilian standard of living. Maybe it’s time the Israeli government cut a peace deal with the Palestinians? Like everywhere else, it’s young people who are demanding change. Maybe when America reaches a critical mass of unemployed young — if we’re not already there, as I suspect we are — we can change our own system from one that exploits workers for the benefit of plutocrats into a fairer one that serves all of our people. In 2008, America’s young demonstrated they understand you can’t get there by voting for Republicans.
Turd for brains Roger DOPEY Rabbit,
Once again your memory fails you. Are you seeking help Roger DOPEY Rabbit because the simple tasks are eluding you lately!
The serial plagiarizing arschloch didn’t use one quote mark.
So who drank the stupid juice Roger DOPEY Rabbit? YOU DID!
Damn Spudds, thats some serious weapons grade derp right there.
Whattya do for fun, Spudds. Roast cockroaches and listen to them scream?
Puddydope is a dope.
Puddystupid is a miserable jerk
Puddyidiot can’t find his ass with a flashlight.
Nah, they’re protesting. In American that young woman’s tent would have gotten peed on and she’d have been hauled off to jail.
Btw, if you’re down on your luck, don’t run out of gas or blow a tire in Gig Harbor. These days we’ll impound your car and send you to jail for that sort of thing.
Wouldn’t know, don’t drink, smoke, or do drugs… all the things you love. Hence I have no idea what derp is.
Keep on drinking that “derp”. You make progressives proud!
Damn, talk about yer low-hanging fruit…
And how do you think that will work out for Israel Roger DOPEY Rabbit?<blockquote>73% of Palestinians want to kill all Jews 15 July 2011 Roger DOPEY Rabbit, reads PMSNBC for all his news.
So I can hear the serial arschloch plagiarizer saying Greenberg is like Rasmussen. Wrong!
With comments like this from Roger DOPEY Rabbit, what does he read from real news organizations?
Wow Puddydope. You are really losing it these days:
serial arschloch plagiarizer@23,
Thank you serial arschloch plagiarizer! Right on time! You are my beta! Don’t watch SouthPark. It’s for mental midgets! That’s why we see deadtoad using “derp”.
Geez. My bad on letting this go a while back.
LMAO!! Being a bought and paid for tool doesn’t change certain “facts” indeed:
Thanks for bringing it up again dope!
South Park is hugely popular DOPE!
With right wing dopes like YOU!
That’s great SouthPark is popular. I DON’T WATCH IT serial arschloch plagiarizer! Otherwise I would know what derp is!
34 – You been missing out on what right wing dopes like you write books about stupid!
You mean that’s one Regnery book you haven’t read????
Wow serial arschloch plagiarizer you bring back memories for Puddy.
Thanks for bringing up SouthPark.
I forgot this one.
Hey Deathfrogg – that was indeed “low hanging fruit”…
It’s mushing up around my ankles…
Notice how the serial arschloch plagiarizer @32 misses the whole point of the post. Offering a deal to palestinian’s would be Israel’s death knell.
Went right over the serial arschloch plagiarizer’s leetle teeny tiny “head”. Or was that his sphincter? The serial arschloch plagiarizer is all arschloch!
LMAO!!! What a miserable DOPE you are PuddyFOOL!
That show is tailor made for a “mental midget” like you!
38 – STOOOOPID.. The point is that you never argued the point that Nate Silver exposed Rasmussen as a TOOL for Roger Ailes and Faux News.
The ENDS justified your ugly MEANS…
What a tool!
serial plagiarizer arschloch@39,
Where did I write anything about South Park’s creators in this thread? I don’t watch South Park. When it comes on Saturday night I am taking care of Mrs Puddy. This is the reason my marriage is strong and I get it when I want it moron!
Another useless train derailment from the HA’s biggest useless fool, teh serial plagiarizer arschloch!
Yes you are a miserable dope, who should be hanging from a rope!
And what did you do about it??
Vote for McSame???
Who cares serial arschloch plagiarizer? Rasmussen called the 2010 election almost perfectly on the 63 seats lost by DUMMOCRAPTS! So how could Rasmussen be influenced by Fox?
Man you are really stupid serial arschloch plagiarizer
PROVE IT moron from your vaulted databaze serial arschloch plagiarizer
Any right wing DOPE can tell you it airs on Wednesdays!
Notice the real questions in this thread are skipped by the serial arschloch plagiarizer!
Don’t have to prove anything moron!
Can’t even follow through on his stupid guilt by association convictions!
Yawwn.. Been fun DOPE…
I’m gettin’ bored..
Tell your “SEIU wife” I said hello.
Proves my point even more serial arschloch plagiarizer! I work during the week moron. I have no idea it comes on Wednesday. Thanks for proving my point for me.
You on the otherhand are at home all day living off of Mrs arschloch sweat. You can stay up late at night and watch South Park!
Isn’t that what Puddy said earlier to you? Remember you are my beta!
Man you are really stupid serial arschloch plagiarizer. Sucks to be you!
Wow! Did you notice how many topics the really stupid serial arschloch plagiarizer tried in this thread? Sucks to be him!
Now here is a book libtardo HA progressives won’t read…
Will the serial arschloch plagiarizer read it?
Nope, he stays stupid!
Wow Apple is getting really thuggish!
LOL! Still silent about the wife and SEIU…
Speaks volumes…
All you gotta do is deny it fool..
─$ b cs -h puddybud -b “seiu wife” -c
| count |
| 17 |
1 row in set
What is the serial arschloch plagiarizer farting about now.
Ohhhhh your SEIU wife!
I’ve been pointing to your FIRST remark in these threads about the SEIU and it wasn’t negative.
You said you had nothing bad to say?
Why? You said you revealed it previously but again I’ve been pointing to your FIRST mention of SEIU. You’re either lying or imagining things.
DENY IT FOOL! YOUR WIFE is a member of SEIU!
Where did Puddy ever say his wife is a member of the SEIU?
OMG you are a real moron serial arschloch plagiarizer! You still don’t know what the SEIU did in 2007.
Bwaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa
You haven’t denied it yet.. Confirm or deny.
Tell us why you had “nothing bad to say” about SEIU to that point.
My theory is that someone close to you is a member of SEIU.
Confirm or deny.
Democratic Crook #2011-000000001-01
Although it’s extremely rare to discover a crook in the Democratic Party, occasionally a bad apple gets into our barrel, despite our best efforts to weed them out.
In California, a long-time Democratic campaign treasurer has been arrested by the FBI on mail fraud charges, for what appears to be embezzling campaign funds from candidates. Apparently good old fashioned Republican greed got the best of her. Well, people are happen, and that can happen to anyone, I guess, although “going Republican seems to happen to Republicans on almost a daily basis.
Been telling ya’ that the corporatists think they own the place and the people. Also been tell ya’ that there’s a much bigger divide between the rich and the working class than there is between the so called left and the so called right. The wealthy and the powerful are just the wealthy and powerful. Regardless of person political views, they are one group.
Just remember, when the shit hits the fan put on your old Carharts and leave the Lexus in the garage. I fuckin’ hope it doesn’t come to that.
Remember when the HA dipshits were complained about Comcast taking over NBC?
Seems Comcast peeps donated almost $200,000 this year to Obummer’s fund in 2011.
Somehow this was missed in the Friday Night Funnies!
Clueless fool serial arschloch plagiarizer, you need to search the crazed databaze. Her job is known. It ain’t the SEIU. You are the beta. I am the alpha!
Your brain is unknown. You still don’t know what the SEIU did in 2007.
Bwaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa
Man this gets funnier by the minute! He has the crazed databaze and he can’t figger it out!
Moron. You don’t have to WORK for the SEIU to be a member!
Wow, the wealthy and powerful giving money to the wealthy and powerful. That’s a fucking first. They’ll give to whomever emerges as a front runner on the Republican side as well.
Perry’s been hobnobbing with everybody’s favorite fascist Sheriff Joe.
Perry’s pretty much done.
You missed the point Michael. Are you dense like others? Can you hear the whoosing noises?
HA morons complained about Comcast firing Keith Odormann. Now we see Comcast gave Obummer much $$$. They sure were weird about it then.
The serial arschloch plagiarizer is grasping for straws now. You are the beta. Search the crazed databaze. Mrs Puddy’s job will become so apparent you’l know all about your Wife’s SEIU.
This moron still can’t figger out what happened in 2007 with the SEIU!
Bwaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa
Man this gets funnier by the minute! Now it’s LOL time. He has the crazed databaze and he can’t figger it out!
Please don’t come back until you figger it out. Otherwise you’ll be on ignore!
Speak to the hand until then serial arschloch plagiarizer. All crazed databaze and still a chronological monomaniacal fool!
The oil and gas industry has given at least 11 million so far to scary Rick Perry…
Michael, more for you…
Then in WikiPedia
So The Obummer loving Comcast CEO hanging at the Vineyard? So much for that Odormann firing argument!
So much for that nepotism argument of inheriting their $$$$. Oh wait… that only works for Republicans.
68 – No denial yet..
And your remark about SEIU on 5/17/2007 was the FIRST remark about SEIU of any kind in the comment threads in 2007.
Yawn… You’re an idiot.
serial arschloch plagiarizer ignored! See the hand? You’re talking to it until you search!
That feels so good!
@52 Ha ha ha … another puddydope “source”!
First of all, let’s make clear the author isn’t this Richard Bernstein:
“Richard Bernstein … is an American journalist, columnist, and author. … He was a book critic at The New York Times and a foreign correspondent for both Time magazine and The New York Times in Europe and Asia. Bernstein joined the staff of Time magazine in 1973. In 1979, he opened the magazine’s first bureau in the People’s Republic of China and served as the first Beijing bureau chief. While on staff at The New York Times his assignments included United Nations Bureau Chief, Paris Bureau Chief, National Cultural Correspondent, book critic, and Berlin Bureau Chief. Bernstein’s first book, From the Center of the Earth: The Search for the Truth About China (1982), was named one of the “Notable Books of the Year 1982″ by The New York Times and solidified his reputation as a China expert.”
And he isn’t this Richard Bernstein either:
“Richard H. Bernstein … is an American lawyer …. He also is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Michigan and served on the Wayne State University Board of Governors for one eight-year term, including two years as vice chair and two more as chair …. Bernstein has been classified as legally blind since birth …. Much of Bernstein’s legal work has focused on protecting the rights of people with disabilities, which is done pro bono. He successfully represented disabled Detroit residents in 2004 in an action against the City of Detroit to fix wheelchair lifts on buses as required by federal legislation. He also represented the Paralyzed Veterans of America in 2007 in an action against the University of Michigan for failing to include adequate accommodations for spectators with disabilities when planning renovations for the stadium. The suit resulted in increased seating for people with disabilities and their companions and enhanced accessible parking, restrooms and concessions.”
And he’s not this Richard Bernstein either:
“Richard B. Bernstein, Distinguished Adjunct Professor of Law, B.A., 1977, Amherst College; J.D., 1980, Harvard University; Ph.D., in progress, New York University; Book Review Editor for Constitution Books, H-LAW; Senior Research Fellow and Director of Historical Research, Council on Citizenship Education, Russell Sage College. Courses: American Legal History; Law & Literature.”
Nope, he’s none of the above. He’s this Richard Bernstein:
“Forrester Publishing Company has a location in Deerfield Beach, FL. Active officers include Richard Bernstein. Forrester Publishing Company filed as a Domestic for Profit Corporation on Tuesday, May 26, 2009 in the state of Florida and is currently active. Richard Bernstein serves as the registered agent for this organization.”
Forrester Publishing Company is the publisher of a book by Richard Bernstein titled “Duped America.” In other words, Richard Bernstein is a nobody who self-published his own book. Btw, he’s not a practicing attorney in Deerfield Beach, FL.
In fact, he’s not even admitted to practice law in Florida or any other state.
Here’s a sampling of Amazon customer reviews of Richard Bernstein’s Duped America:
“Unintentional comedy—Huge laugh right at the start of the first chapter! …
“Here’s the first sentence of the first chapter: ‘Before 9/11 I thought Democrats and Republicans were equally competent in protecting the citizens of this country.’ Now, keep in mind this is right after a security lapse that killed thousands of Americans and allowed the pentagon to be attacked. With comedy and irony like that in the first sentence the book promises to be a riot of unintentional laughs, despite it being only another Republican rant.”
“For readers with the attention span of Glenn Beck …
“Eight pages per chapter? Seriously? … Don’t waste your money, people, if you want to hear exaggerations, stories taken out of context, and absolute lies, watch any of the myriad of idiots who have their own shows on Fox News.
Just please don’t vote….”
“Facts or conveniently incomplete?, …
“Bernstein’s claim of ‘facts’ is already dubious to me since he takes the opportunity to claim in this book that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican. … In his own words from ‘The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.,’ which was published after King’s death from his written material and records, King called the 1964 Republican national convention that nominated Goldwater a ‘frenzied wedding … of the KKK and the radical right.’ … He also voted for Johnson in 1964. Martin Luther King III said, ‘It is disingenuous to imply that my father was a Republican. He never endorsed any presidential candidate, and there is certainly no evidence that he ever even voted for a Republican. It is even more outrageous to suggest that he would support the Republican Party of today, which has spent so much time and effort trying to suppress African-American votes in Florida and many other states.’
“Also, this book purports collusion by Democrats and their ‘allies’ in the mainstream media. Has Richard Bernstein ever BEEN a journalist in the mainstream media? I have for several national magazines and daily newspapers and I can tell you right now his claims in this book are totally incomplete without the proper discussion of the elimination of the Fairness Doctrine and Deregulation of media ownership under Reagan. Clinton was guilty too with the 1996 Telecommunications Act. The facts and evidence show that both parties are beholden to corporate interests, but to eliminate the Republicans and conservative interests (who hold the lion’s share of the blame for deregulating and destroying the wall between journalistic ethics and corporate profit ethics … is worse than incomplete. It’s an outright deception. …
“This book is dangerously incomplete, incorrect and can be debunked or countered easily in many ways. … All I am asking is don’t rely on this book alone to get your ‘facts.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Typical puddy “source” if you ask me — this is the kind of off-the-wall shit that puddydope swallows whole every time! In puddydope’s own immortal phrase,
Se ya!
OMG!!! Someone complained, on the internet! We’re having all sorts of firsts here tonight!
Besides, the political leanings and culture of a company are not necessarily the same as the man running company.
Olbermann got fired because he’s a bit of pompous ass and the folks at Comcast are spineless weasels. OMG someone complained!!!! I used to have a boss like that. It didn’t matter if a complaint had any weight to it. One of our co-workers would just make shit up and the boss would freak out because SOMEONE COMPLAINED!!! I never regretted leaving that job.
And like I said before, left and right don’t mean shit when it’s really all about money and power.
Morons indeed (from the thread pointed to by puddydipshit):
Oh wait that last one showed some independence of thought!
Puddy @ 41, @ 6:41: “When it comes on Saturday night I am taking care of Mrs Puddy. This is the reason my marriage is strong and I get it when I want it moron!”
Hey, I may be a liberal and therefore totally out of touch with reality, but I believe this is Saturday night, isn’t it? So, why is Puddy posting here when he should be “taking care of Mrs [sic] Puddy?”
To inspire such vitriol from right wing idiots in that thread pointed to by Puddydipshit…
Olbermann was doing something right!
I thank Keith Olbermann for his service to our country.
Your orders are ignored. I’ll be coming back again and again and it’s just a matter of time before you’ll attack me for calling it as I as see it..
Just a matter of time.
let’s review Odormann quit.
Michael it doesn’t make sense. If Odormann was fired, you know it would have leaked. If PMSNBC paid hush money to Odormann, someone else would have leaked it. Odormann was a chief cheerleader for Obummer. Maybe PMSNBC management got tired of Odormann’s rants.
Because proud leftist… tonight was Comcast movie night. Now we’re watching Washington’s Most Wanted. You can get some clients! These are definitely peeps you can identify with!
Oh wait a minute! The cretin put me on “ignore” in
68 and then contradicted itself in 72.
Nice to see.
It’s now coming out the CEO of Comcast is an Obummer jockstrap and the Comcast peeps love Obummer too.
Facts… they explode liberal minds!
serial arschloch plagiarizer ignored! See the hand? You’re talking to it until you search!
That feels so good!
@80 “Now we’re watching Washington’s Most Wanted.”
Wow! Now we know how puddy and his mrs. spend their time together!
I suppose he monitors that TV show to see if he’s on it. Maybe he has a secret yearning to be a TV star.
I’m not going to spend any more time here because I have a lot of reading to do before the stock market opens Tuesday morning. There’s gold in them thar hills …
Wrong again Roger DOPEY Rabbit… I see the average leftist in action!
Spending time together is important Roger DOPEY Rabbit. I remember seeing you with your wife at a certain event. Remember my BEAUTIFUL wife Roger DOPEY Rabbit? Remember what we told you her job was? Was it involved with the SEIU?
The serial arschloch plagiarizer, such a useless tool!
82 – YLB calls it! The cretin contradicts itself a second time.
This time you’re on ignore dummy..
Again tell that “SEIU wife” of yours I said hello.
“SEIU jockstrap”
I disagree with him more often than not, but I do wish the Republican Party had more people like him, people who at least make sense. My boy, Chuck Hagel (Obama, please, give him a job):
@7 – You got to love it when a guy decries a woman for getting millions from their divorced husband…you know stop getting married or stop getting divorced you Barbarians. Like the injustice is trumped by an asshole husband for being an asshole – he gets what he deserves. Tell your woman she isn’t worth a million dollars, I dare you, go ahead and do it, you pussy whipped morons
Puddy Nutz just feeling more guilt, so he has to defend the idiocy. Praise Alla.
89 – Hagel on a lot of issues is “reasonable” sounding (like on defense spending) but his voting record in the Senate is knee jerk against raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations.
His one criticism of the Dems in that video was a knee-slapper. He called the Simpson-Bowles plan “bi-partisan”.
It was ANYTHING BUT. The debt and deficit commission never voted on the “plan”. It was something cobbled together by Simpson and Bowles for general consumption by the press and the pundits and the rest of the political class.
So Hagel totally had a brainfart there.
Who wrote this? It’s Truthout so it’s gotta be a lefty huh?
Nope – 16 year Republican Congressional staffer..
This piece is really interesting:
Read the whole thing – it’s great!
It just keeps getting better:
I can’t emphasize it enough:
@87 “Remember my BEAUTIFUL wife Roger DOPEY Rabbit?”
No. I don’t look at other women. All I remember is how skinny and underfed you looked.
Unions are frustrated with Obama.
So are environmentalists.
But that doesn’t mean they’ll vote Republican. They won’t. They’ll hold their noses and vote for Obama, but he won’t get the love he got in 2008.
All he consumes is vacuous right wing bullshit – 24/7.
HAHAHAHAHA 6’3″-240 Try again Roger DOPEY Rabbit!
serial arschloch plagiarizer@99… whatamoron!
That is a great piece. I would bet, however, that not one of our trolls could sit still long enough to read it, however. Laying bare the stark, unprincipled emptiness of the contemporary GOP is a beautiful thing, but something that someone like Puddy could not possibly endure.
@100 BFD. I’m 2’6″ and I weigh 220.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
“A male teen allegedly gunned down eight people at a house party in New York City early on Sunday morning, … according to New York City police officials.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Guns don’t kill people; people with guns kill people, and guns make it much easier for them to do it. But don’t ask Republicans to take guns away from people who shouldn’t have them. They think everyone should have guns, no matter how immature, stoned, irresponsible, crazy, or homicidal they are.
@73 Doesn’t look like puddydope had anything more to say about that goofy book he cited @52 after I took it apart @73. I didn’t think he would.
Puddydope was dumb assed ignorant about a Regnery book written about “South Park Conservatives” and the South Park show in general.
Puddydope said South Park was for “mental midgets”..
Well considering that South Park seems to attract right wing viewers…
Even a fucked up in the head wing ding like Puddysilly is right twice a half-century to a lifetime or so.
Oh Roger DOPEY Rabbit@73,
Nope you Dopey Rabbit… I skip over your long winded cut and pasters. Butt since you proffered leftist swill deal with it…
First comment found by Roger DOPEY Rabbit 2 of 39 people found the following review helpful
Second comment 8 of 50 people found the following review helpful
Third comment 2 of 39 people found the following review helpful
So here is what Puddy quickly found…
34 of 35 people found the following review helpful:
Or this one – 48 of 52 people found the following review helpful:
Or this one – 36 of 38 people found the following review helpful:
See ya Roger DOPEY Rabbit. So much for your “reviews”. Facts always trump you HORSEshit!
To the serial arschloch plagiarizer@105… the above comment continues to make you look as stupid as ever!
wait a minute… you are as stupid as ever!
Now I know why Roger DOPEY Rabbit didn’t include the likes of his “reviews” and the serial arschloch plagiarizer didn’t check as always. That’s why the serial arschloch plagiarizer is a bottom feeder eating whale shit from the Mariana Trench!
proud leftist@101… I gave this to you and your ilk some time ago. Did you read them? I doubt it because I know something that someone like you and other HA libtardos could not possibly endure. So if you missed them, since you read serial arschloch plagiarizer links when he actually posts them, ask the serial arschloch plagiarizer for the original links from his crazed databaze! Go on, be a man, grow some marbuls. You’ll learn much why blacks, latinos, and whites like you are leaving the DUMMOCRAPT party, if you can sit still for a while.
@106 Puddydope, you can always find a few rightwing dupes like you in any population sample larger than 10, simply as a matter of statistical probability.
It works like this, puddydope. When crows pick corn kernels out of pig shit, they take the kernels and live the shit behind. Crows, who aren’t all that smart — they only have bird brains — know how to do this. Why don’t you?
A lot of nonsense — and outright lies — ends up between the covers of books. That’s why a lot of books end up in landfalls. To know the difference between pig shit and corn kernels you need a critical mind. So get one.
Should read
Then he jumps to this
I wouldn’t know Roger DOPEY Rabbit. Were you watching this from your bung hole? Being a lawyer has some unknown benefits. You can watch crows pick corn kernels out of pig shit! Who knew this was the outcome of three years at UW law school! I’ll post this on FB and watch the peeps crack up laughing – at you!
The rest of the Roger DOPEY Rabbit rant is just a bunch of pixel waste.
Facts, difficult for Roger DOPEY Rabbit to admit too, so he creates a world of corn in pig shit!
loon @111 You wouldn’t recognize a FACT if one goosed you.
Apparently I do Roger DOPEY Rabbit. Still waiting for your “facts”.
So far MIA! So how is that pig shit flavored corn tasting?