Here are some things that I’ve been too busy working on my fantasy football website to write about:
– Marc Emery is now in a Canadian jail awaiting extradition to the United States. Ian Mulgrew in the Vancouver Sun writes about how this is a monumental travesty that shows how Canada (like Mexico) lacks the courage to stand up to America’s policy makers when it comes to the drug war.
– While Marc Emery is expected to spend five years behind bars for selling marijuana seeds to Americans, the more extraordinary tragedy is that Dick Cheney is still a free man.
– The King County Deputy who was caught on a holding cell camera beating a 15-year-old girl was fired by Sheriff Sue Rahr.
– Rhode Island is preparing to set up its first state-sanctioned medical marijuana dispensary, hoping to learn from what has worked – and what hasn’t – in the two other states that allow them (California and New Mexico). Hopefully, Washington will be the fourth state to allow them. The Obama Administration’s hands-off approach is something that should allow for states to set up systems that have stronger regulations than what California has, where the Bush Administration’s no-tolerance approach discouraged transparency and led to a lot of shady characters getting involved.
Sarah Palin, made famous by all you tards is now gonna be filthy fucking rich. Her new book is coming out and the first printing 1.5 million copies. WOW, that 200k less than there were teabaggers protesting in D.C. She thanks all of you poor, downtrodden, tards. HAHAHAHAHAH GO SARAH!!!
@1 Presumably the majority of sales will be of the comic-book edition.
And who said quitters never win.
Fodder for armchair pundits
That piece on Darth Cheney is really good.
What an evil bastard.
I hope he gets what’s coming to him.
What is everyone being so proud of pot. It is a discusting drug. I am proud I never tried it and I never will. It is illegal. I hate drugs.
mark @ 1
No serious person will buy her book. We all know the book is ghostwritten. Plenty of wingnuts will buy the book, like you, because you want to masturbate thinking you could doink the governor who quit. There are most certainly 1.5 million wingnuts in this country with $25 to shell out for a book they won’t read, so your numbers are probably correct. You’ll just check the book out from the library, mark, because you don’t have that extra $25.
heh heh heh.. Wingnuts. The nightmare continues:
Meet the next Senator from the great state of TEXAS(?):
Yeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaa!
(ok it’s a longshot but it’d be totally cool!)
Why Do Texans Hate Californians?
Does anyone else find it ironic that a cocaine-snorting Texas politician thought smoking a joint in Berkeley ought to be a federal crime?
What the hell did Berkeley ever do to Texas? It’s not like Californians threatened to invade Texas, or anything like that. I mean, who the hell wants Texas? There’s nothing there except cattle, rattlesnakes, and Republicans.
I think Bush was just jealous of the Berkeley longhairs with their California babes because he, himself, could only get laid by a librarian.
@1 Printing isn’t the same thing as sales, but in any case, if she gets rich it’ll be because you wingnut idiots buy her book, because no one else will. I bet Levi Johnston’s book outsells hers — he’s gonna spill all the dirt on her scumsucking family.
@6 Yeah, stick with cigarettes and booze, they’re better for your health.
hey roger rabbit,
I do not smoke or drink booze or beer or wine or any intoxicant. please do not do any of those.
It would seem that the drug prohibition fruit does not fall far from the poison tree of arrogance and ignorance it grew from.
People who favored an earlier drug prohibition – that of alcohol – were regularly and publicly lampooned as the failures they were during Prohibition. And with good reason, as history proved what rank botch it was.
Do today’s DrugWarriors deserve any greater respect? Considering the damage they are doing, the answer should be clear.
Proud Leftist farted
You mean like we’re now finding out on “Dreams of My Father” and Bill Ayers involvement?
Gregoire and the Dems FAIL again!
This is Rog Rabbit’s old “client” which has cost us tens of MILLIONS over the years.
Waytogo Rog!!
By Christine Clarridge
Seattle Times staff reporter
ylb arschloch@8,
Once again you prove how you run to Daily Kooks for your daily Kook-Aid. But not so fast on Bill White. Puddy been watching Houston for a long time due to black-on-black crimes and how black men are dying in Houston. Search your tctmgr database ylb arschloch cuz Puddy has discussed Houston before. Search and show it to everyone, since finding a job is not Priority ONE!
“The Rev. Robert Jefferson, of the Houston Ministers Against Crime, said he was surprised by the mayor’s response.
“We need someone to study the problem. It’s getting worse. It’s unacceptable,” said Jefferson, the pastor of Cullen Missionary Baptist Church. “He helped the victims in Katrina, I guess, because it was a popular thing at the time, but we have victims on a daily basis. We’re a Katrina every day. Our boys are getting killed.”
“The study found that Houston topped a list of 28 cities, with a 139 percent increase in the number of young black men (ages 14-24) suspected in killings between 2000-01 and 2006-07. The number of young black men who were murdered in Houston during those periods also jumped, from 42 to 129.
Nationally, violent crime dropped between 2006 and 2007, with murders down 1.3 percent, according to the analysis of FBI statistics by two criminologists at Northeastern University in Boston.” PuddyEmphasis and notice violent crime dropped under Bush. Butt, you’ll never read that on Daily Kook-aid!
Apparently you didn’t get the memo since you live on the left-wing whackamole kook-aid…
And we also see friends of Bill White voted against the ACORN amendment in the House.
“The mayor is a little late, the congress has already voted to terminate funding for ACORN.”
Keep reading the swill and drinking the kook-aid fool!
How come SeattleJew, Goldy, Lee, David and others have no comment on this little BlackBerry transmission from an NBC (Now Barack’s Channel) “staffer”?
Seems like our HorsesAss Jews ought to be outraged at Jane Stone of NBC.
“Bite me Jew Boy”??
She will get bit alright…as in FIRED!
Won’t she be fired???
Where is the outrage Goldy, SJ et al??????
Puddy brought you this last year. Nobody reacted cuz it’s par for the course when you are a progressive. HA’s arschloch ylb can find it in his tctmgr database of PuddyMissives.
Puddy and Mr C believe that we need thought police ? Figures!
What else do they want .. mandatory loyalty oaths before uisng the toilet?
Thought police? That’s your side dude! Whenever a conservative does something like #17, it’s immediately trumpeted, screamed about by the most virulent here claiming “something must be done”. Shows how hypocritical “progressives are” when one of their own goes nutzo!
LMAO @ the right wing tool @ 16
Houston has a fine progressive mayor who is making positive things happen in his city. He lent a compassionate hand during the Katrina crisis.
Yeah there’s crime mostly associated with the drug trade in most major cities. You concentrate people and that’s a market for drugs – fast money.
Reform drug prohibition laws and you deal with the problem. Maybe as a Senator, Bill White can do something about that.
and about that “kook-aid” bullshit?
broken record from a mindless idiot.
ACORN! Add that to the list:
Code Pink
That make right wingers soil their drawers…
Ahhh the arschloch arrived@22.
And who is in charge of the cities? Democratics?
Puddy placed real data from real URLs for all to read and what does the arschloch deliver…
Swill from Kook-Aid site
Useless Blathering
Thoughts of a moronic arschloch!
If you LYAO what do you sit on all day while not looking for a job? Your soiled diapers?
You make dumb bricks look bad!
23 – If right wingers would reach across the aisle to bring about drug prohibition reform then the violence could be minimized just like ending alcohol prohibition did.
But the right wing couldn’t kill Osama and they won’t help reform drug prohibition because those things served their interests.
Read some more WND if that makes you feel better.
20. SJ spews:
Huh, “Thought Police”???
Writing “Bite Me Jew Boy” isn’t trying to interpret ones thought SJ.
I KNEW you would protect the Anti-Semite Progressive Atheist at NBC!!
Predictable SELECTIVE taking offense only when it’s some Conservative who launches.
Progressives give Progressives free passes on all kinds of Bad Behavior, don’t they.
Check out the latest ELF Press Release.
Many HA Libtards covet this type of violence!!
Remember, ELF is PROGRESSIVE!!
ylb arschloch,
“You make dumb bricks look bad” got to ya huh? Trying another tack? No wind in that sail either fool!
Cynical, if someone from NBC News can call a person that are they entering manoftruth territory?
Where is Artfart?
Where is correctnotright?
Where is Proud Leftist?
Damn… where is the whole HA Leftist Pinhead Troup?
27 – zzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz…..
@12 Good for you! You should continue to avoid those substances until you’re at least 14 years old. Otherwise, they’ll stunt your growth.
@26 “Many HA Libtards covet this type of violence!!”
Really? Who? As far as I know, everyone here thinks eco-terrorists should be prosecuted. I’m calling you out, Klown — you’re a tin-plated, four-flushing, LIAR!!
Hey Mr. Kylinical,
I’m curious. Does the following accurately describe some of the tenets of your “conservative” views:
1) Work hard, earn as much money as you can, and save it.
2) the money a person earns or has is a good measure of that person’s worth.
3) Saving your wealth, investing it in your own business and in the businesses of other wealthy people, keep the costs like labor as low as possible, in order to sell as many goods at as low a price as possible. This will enrich the world and is a worthy calling in life.
4) Poor people are poor because they haven’t realized or done 1 through 3 above. It’s their fault basically.
Does this strike you as an accurate reflection of your views?
“Our ancestors understood that capitalism requires supervision; when you take it away — or when you defund the supervisors, or make them answer to the supervised, or replace them with a ‘voluntary compliance’ program –suddenly you’ve got diseased factories shipping salmonella-laced peanut butter throughout the country. You’ve got worthless mortgage-backed securities — rated triple-A, backed up by useless appraisals, issued by defunct banks — sickening financial institutions from San Diego to Budapest. You’ve got the world’s greatest Ponzi scheme spreading its gift of bankruptcy throughout the land.
“Thus did the conservative movement keep its appointment with destiny. Free-market techniques secured for it a world of free markets; criminal techniques gave it a land in which crime was triumphant. And with their eyes firmly fixed on their nineteenth-century utopia, its armies of privatizers, pressure boys, PAC men, political entrepreneurs, and professional victims made the world safe for predation. Putting civilization back together again is a job they left for the rest of us.”
— Thomas Frank,* The Wrecking Crew, p.288
* Author of What’s The Matter With Kansas
As Thomas Frank points out in his latest book, in one of the last ironic spasms of conservatism, as it flailed in its death throes in the closing days of the 2008 campaign, a bright-eyed, comely young College Republican mugged herself and carved a backwards “B” on her own cheek. Frank wrote:
“And so the curtain came down on a movement that once dreamed of permanence, now punching itself forlornly in the face.”
(p. 287)
You gotta love the GOP Clown Show for its laughs, if nothing else.
@32 It occurs to me that it’s a lot easier to work hard if your boss doesn’t send your job to India and China; and it’s a lot harder to save and invest when your wages are taxed at 3 times the rate on capital gains and returns.
At the Big G summit, dozens arrested and thousands of dollars in property damage. At Teabag on the Mall, attended by hundreds of thousands? A few naughty signs. Guess which menace to the republic (riots vs. Bury Obamacare) is pumped up by the Jayson Blair Times as news fit to print?
Clabbered Grrrrrl is picking on Rabbi Lapin either because CG is a quasi-closeted antiSemite, or because CG hates African Americans (e.g. Rabbi Lapin.) HNMT already noted the too-close relationship of Lapin to Abramoff, but retailing a preliminary smear from Decocrat(ick) Underground, as CG did yesterday, proves nothing about Lapin’s Toward Tradition.
In fact, there’s more circumstantial evidence linking our president to criminal rackets than there’s evidence for Lapin crimes.
And there’s astonishing stuff out there about our president’s cult of personality. Last month it was I pledge allegiance to Obama … Then it was jackbooting tiny tots into pledging themselves to help Obama. Then it was the Riefenstahl rumble (Riled up! Ready to blow!) at U of Maryland. Last week it was tiny tots swooning to Ummm ummm ummm BarackHusseinObama. Then it was artists being subsidized to cheerlead for Obamacare. Today it’s Obama hear our cry.
Goldy’s wicked cool about the half-vast right-wing Christianist conspiracy. So what about the religious fanatacism of our Great Obama Awakening?
And what about our national homage to the world’s Number One psychokiller? Why does history get whitewashed to bleed out the blood-red suffering of millions sacrificed to the socialist lies of Reds?
OK. So CG read something somewhere about Cardozo. Now he needs to read about Brandeis and about the problems of too many Democrats getting too much power. It was a problem that Brandeis saw clearly in 1937. We’re starting to see it now, thanks to good men like Glenn Beck.
Dave Ross has spent most of September implying that Beck is a jackass. So let’s keep score: Ross? He’s thrown mud, flipped shit, and dripped paint at his palatial lefty Mercer Island elitist estate.
Beck? Took down and deposed a red green czar. Aided the takedown of a criminal racketeering racket that spawned a president. Helped to launch the 9/12 populist insurgency.
Re: 33-34…
It’s exasperating and somewhat depressing…these right-wingers and their perversions of politics, economics and religion.
I suppose it’s amusing, but I end up being realy sad about how these people think and act the way they do. Kind of reminds me of the 1860’s-90’s or something.
Question…can’t we prosecute them for torturing logic?
A perfect case in point.
The Seattle Times Editorial Board plans to interview King County Executive candidates this afternoon.
What do you wanna bet the Rightwing Times endorses Hutchison?
HNMT gets nuttier by the day…
I don’t recall his beloved chimpanzee or in particular his puppet master Duck! Cheney reversing trade policies with China. The billionaires created by Wal-Mart would not be pleased.
And tiny tots in Jesus Camps across the nation laid hands on cardboard dummys of the dummy-in-chief who shuffled off to buffalo last Jan 20.
Roger Dumb Bunny@31,
Puddy recently placed comments from the HA faithful who had positive things to say about the ELF. Too bad that oxygen starved mind has memory issues. Libatrdo “Rabbit”? Need to be floor-flushed again?
Hey YLB! You already MovedOn? Or do you agree that what the Sandinista socialists did to the Miskitos was genocide?
Dori’s totally right about the ridiculous UN, but the UN’s where we have to go to ‘operationalize’ the genocide neologism. Without the ridiculous UN definition, as ridiculous as it is, we’d be spinning in circles like Potter Stewart trying to get a grip on porno. (Speaking of, wonder if Rujax! has seen any good movies lately.)
And since we agree about Sandinista genocide, then you’ll agree that Bill Clinton did genocide against Christian Serb civilians. Benjamin Schwartz at The Atlantic puts Clinton’s body count at about 3,000. That’s even more than the number of Chilean commies killed by Pinochet.
Isn’t it time to indict Clinton and remand him to the World Court? I mean, if Lee wants to beat down big swingin’ Dick Cheney, then big bent Blue Dress Bill has got to pay for genocidal crimes against humanity.
Lee can put big Duck! Cheney away when Lee gets the gonads to grab the gun from Cheney’s cold dead hands.
@41, 42, 43…
Do these guys have any idea how stupid their comments make them look?
Gotta give fat cat plutocrat Michael Moore a little (the only little thing about Michael Moore) credit: in Bowling for Columbine Moore had the momentary honesty to call out Clinton on Clinton’s Balkan war crimes.
Waiting for the rest of you Ru-jackoffs! to take the hint. Honesty. Even left-wing liberal socialist commie cretin progressives can occasionally do it.
No wonder the NY Slimes has readership issues…
Compare this puff story of the progressive demonstrations in Pittsburgh …
…to the angry reporting of the Saturday 9/12 march.
Did ya catch all the special key words? Notice how they are different for the two articles?
Amazing how the NY Slimes does it.
… how stupid the Ru-tards! look …
Coming from the dumb cinderblock… Thanks
Yeah… “Pray to Heal Goldy from the Heartbreak of Christophobia Does the Dallas Cowboys”
You seeemed to be enjoying yourself. I thought it was kinda perverted and turned it off.
Agree? My place is to mock thee sir!
The Miskito were caught in the crossfire between the Sandinistas and the brutal Somazistas funded by our taxpayer dollars.
To my knowledge you’ve offered NO credible scholarship on the issue.
Carry on with your piffle…
“big bent” heh.. Malloy would smile at this.
“Commies” killed by Pinochet? “Commies”? Hmmm. Orlando Letelier, first released by the dictator then murdered in an act of brazen international terrorism in the STREETS OF D.C.? And I’m sure the HNMT got a particularly acute orgasm at the “collateral damage” of Ronnie Moffit. Then how about that commie Charlie Horman – big lefty that guy for sure, who had the misfortune to get close to Americans involved in the coup – buried in a fucking wall – yet another powerful orgasm for HNMT! But Pinochet was a free-wheeling free marketer. Chicago boys all over his economic ministries just as they are in Obama’s White House.
Very good, 46. That’s what 36 was getting at.
More proof, if any were needed, that one Puddy Study is worth 47,000,000 Hershey Squirts from Rabbit, Rujax!, and YLB.
(About that 47,000,000 … number seems eerily familiar. Oh, wait, isn’t that the number HNMT deconstructed a few weeks ago? The alleged number of uninsured Americans and “Americans”? The deconstructin that got YLB all wee-wee’d up? A number so inviolable and inviolate (a Goldy word) that, YLB implied, it had to be accepted as fundamentally as the Christianist gospel?
Isn’t it odd that ummm ummm ummm BarackHusseinObama at his joint session chopped 47,000,000 down to 30,000,000? Did Obama, like, lie?)
Michelle Malkin, ylb arschloch’s favorite Filapina blogger hits another nail directly on the head. Like she does to ylb arschloch and his inane leftist blabberings.
Now here is something way way over rujax’s head.
To repeat: A google of Miskito Sandinista Genocide returns 4,400 hits. HNMT skimmed off the first two (so many hits, so little time) and left it up to you to dig through the other 4,398. Since you have more time on your hands than you can handle.
So why’d you break with tradition and roll out of bed today before the crack of noon? Assuming you’re not still in bed, blogging and jamming in your jammies?
LMAO!! Right wingers are getting their panties in a twist about Anne Applebaum?
The same Anne Applebaum who said this:
Just too purist for right wingers these days I guess. I guess that makes her a “librul” or something. Oh it doesn’t hurt that she writes for WAPO.
What knee-jerk idiocy.
Anybody else hear the divine Ms. M(alkin) on Dobson last week? She gives conservatism a reason to live. She and Peggy Noonan. And Krauthammer.
Love to see and hear Malkin v. Thomas Frank. Can’t imagine a more deserved and total takedown of a leftist fanatic.
(Been down on Rush so long that it’s starting to look like up. Am pretty sure he’s working for the Goldycrats and is being paid by Soros, like almost everybody else. But damn! Limbaugh was good this morning on the 0630 morning update. The best one minute on radio. Too bad Rush can’t keep it up, so to speak, for a three-hour run.)
53 – HNMT is an idiot returns 284 hits.
Lotsa scholarship on this issue for sure.
What’s up with this Arseloch?
57 – Be a scholar. Google it.
But that was before I stopped arguing with Glenn Beck. His Arguing with Idiots came out on Tuesday. Read it yet?
Google it … Yep, that’s how I found Klake’s cool hat.
“PAC Men”….Hmmm…This conjures a vision of a dramatic series on cable TV (or its technological successor) 40 years from now, depicting a bunch of ego-addicted, hard-drinking, philandering stuffed shirts working at a K-Street lobbying firm.
32. YLB spews:
Hey Mr. Kylinical,
I’m curious. Does the following accurately describe some of the tenets of your “conservative” views:
1) Work hard, earn as much money as you can, and save it.
Work hard–Absolutely
Earn as much money as I can–No
Save it—Save some, spend some, invest some and give most of it to orgs that do go things for folks who are trying to pull themselves up.
No–I believe a person ought to be measured by how they serve Christ, their family & others in need who are trying to pull themselves up.
3) Saving your wealth, investing it in your own business and in the businesses of other wealthy people, keep the costs like labor as low as possible, in order to sell as many goods at as low a price as possible. This will enrich the world and is a worthy calling in life.
No, I believe investment capital is critical to creating living wage jobs. High taxes are a detriment to desperately needed investment capital. I believe in eliminating the minimum wage for 21 and under so more entry level jobs are available. High-Schoolers currently have the highest unemployment ever…nearly 20%…mostly attributable to ever increasing minimum wage.
In some cases YES…in other’s NO. I do understand some folks are dealt a lousy hand. No doubt. They can CHOOSE to live in anger about it and live in the “Victim Mentality Cesspool” (You know YLB, where you live!) or CHOOSE to use it as a motivator to become good, productive citizens.
Does this strike you as an accurate reflection of your views?
Absolutely not. How I spend my money is waaaay better than a Bastard Child like Obama could squander it. I guarantee you I have helped more folks of all ages and races than you have.
You are a lost soul YLB. What a waste…living in guilt & anger & ENVY of those who are more successful than you
I’m sure you would love to pigeonhole me to feed your anger.
But it’s simply untrue…and untrue of all true Conservatives who I consider friends.
The purpose of life is simple…
To Glorify God and know him better.
Your goal seems to be to sit around unemployed, whine & waste your life..being jealous & envious of folks like me, Puddy, mark, Marvin et al.
Creating a boogieman won’t bring you happiness YLB.
I’d rather be me.
No doubt the Iranian LUNATICS in charge over there are rolling over in laughter at our kowardly leader Obama’s likely response….Sanctions with no BITE!
Obama is really out of his league here.
This isn’t Kommunity Organizing of fraudulent voter registrations…it’s National Defense.
Are we safer in the world today than the day Obama took office???
Cyn wants to be able to jack off over the lovely sight of a few mushroom clouds.
Daddy Love–
As for Hispanics, I take it you are voting for Sean Salazar (running against Patty Murray) Sean was there at the Glen Beck extravaganza with a well organized staff, mostly young people.
You don’t want to be a racist and vote for a White woman over a qualified Hispanic gentleman…do you?????????????
64. ArtFart spews:
So you think Obama’s pacificist, no significant consequences response is appropriate??
At what point should Obama get serious??
ANSWER: When it’s too late??
Do you hate Israel?
Sounds like it.
Hear an echo? Substitute Bill-O for gap-tooth Dave and that could have been Ba-rock Star Barack on Letterman last week. Obama’s line about being black even before the election was so closely paraphrased from Condi Rice of Bombingham that Obama owes Rice royalties.
James Golden/Bo Snerdley years ago defended capital punishment by saying nevermind electric chairs. We need electric benches, electric bleachers. Well, we got ’em. The whole Bush administration touched Iraq and got zapped. Condi Rice tried to steer clear of the quagmire, but she got fried too. Just when we needed her to bring back to life the burned-black party she joined in 1982 (after Jimmy Carter made it almost impossible for any decent woman or man to stay Democrat.)
More than ever the GOP needs a deep bench, but the only bench it has is the electric bench it sat on. The loss of Condi Rice to history is maybe the deepest tragedy of the tragic Bush interregnum.
I’d MUCH rather see a mushroom cloud over Iran than Israel or some US City.
I’m not say to launch today…but Obama playing pattycake with these kooks is feeding more confidence to the kooks.
They don’t think Obama has the balls or heart or stomach to hold them accountable.
They will keep on pushing until…………
Obama is naive…and a fool.
ANY terrorist attack is now clearly on his watch and a consequence of his inexperience and inability to lead and make tough decisions.
America will suffer.
Perhaps Obama doesn’t really care???????
Alot of his chums like Ayers, Van Jones et al will tell us we deserve it cuz America is EVIL!
I totally agree.
Condi Rice was the ultimate Patriot, the most brilliant of all SOS’s………losing her is a shame, although I don’t think she is done. Far from it. The Progressive LOONS are making such a huge mess of this world, it will take a Condi Rice to straighten it out. Condi is not a panderer. She is not one to go hat in hand to enemies pleading with them to comply.
Condi is a Leader.
Obama is a KLOWN….an embarrassment.
As usual mr dumbfuck, you’re so full of shit your ears stink.
Condi Rice was an absolute fucking disaster at State. She should have stuck with the piano.
If you fuckers are so smart, why did you lose the last TWO election cycles?
Why are your “party leaders” fucking laughing stocks?
Why won’t Bush and Cheney show their faces in public?
More Republican awesomeness.
We need her. Fear that we may not get her back. She was and is smart and wise, but was nevertheless lost to the meltdown.
Our new president is smart but not wise, not yet. Have seen nobody who can climb a learning curve more quickly, but fear that we’re imperiled while President Obama tries to gain wisdom and traction.
62 – Interesting answers and a lot of beating around the bush or dissembling in my judgement:
1) Basically if you agree with first part, working hard, then the next part earning as much as you can naturally follows does it not? Didn’t that follow for the Puritans and the Calvinists? In your case didn’t that happen for you? If we’re to believe you retired earlier than most people – then of course you earned as much as most people could possibly want. So I’ll take that as a yes.
2) Serving Christ? Hmmmm.. So I suppose you look down your nose at successful Jews in medicine, academia, business and other fields.. Naaah! That can’t be. Ok so a Jewish fellow or an atheist like myself can be a good family man. As I told Stupes the other day, my kids have no behavioral problems, both are in band, play sports, do well in school. My oldest learned to read at three years of age! This couldn’t come from an atheist couple, could it, who by the way NEVER used their hand in anger against their kids as was done to Stupes. (Was the rod spared with you?) In any case, since you’ve often inquired about the income levels of people here and the taxes they pay, and you’re always bragging about your money smarts and your earthly riches – I’ll take your dissembling as another yes.
3) Wow! I see another yes! You value investment capital so savings and investing is something I safely assume you’ve practiced. You rant about high taxes. No tax seems to be too low for you. Hedge fund operators seemed to agree – they couldn’t find enough billions to keep their Ponzi schemes going – those damned taxes! Wow you certainly believe in cheap labor and have pinpointed a productive source – underage youth. Those damned minimum wage and child labor laws! Indeed if you’re to inculcate conservative wisdom you have to start early. And again since you’ve practiced saving, investing, supported minimizing costs like labor and being productive – look at you. It did wonders for you! A definite yes!
4) You said it – YES! and dissembling of course you claim and NO…
And of course I can discount your NO on 4 because this inquiry was not about ME it was about YOU and of course you would TRY to make it all about ME. As for the rest of your trite judgements.. zzzzZZZZZzzzzz…
I gotta run an errand. I’ll be back to see what you have to say.
The indictments start…how high will they go?
Um… We’ve just caught us a couple of terrorists here in the US and blown up a couple more terrorists in Somalia.
Ahhhh Cynical, poor poor Rujax. He’s such a dumb stagnant air cinderblock he forgets history. He thinks one of the smartest women, let alone a black woman, who was SoS was a “absolute fucking disaster”. Where the hell is ROTCODDAM to stand up for this intelligent sister? Oh she’s conservative so it doesn’t matter. Oh well, stupid is as stupid does.
Of course rujax looks down at Condi, when the woman before her Madeline Half-bright was the “absolute fucking disaster”. Now she’s telling Ruskies we’re no longer gonna be a super power? WTF?
Of course rujax forgets how Ms Madeline claimed she was duped when it was determined that the “treaty” negotiated by her and Jimmae Cahhhhhhhhrter or North Korea nuclear enrichment was immediately abrogated by the Il One in North Korea. That’s because rujax is a stupid cinderblock.
@23 Mr. C
63. Mr. Cynical spews:
errr ahhh, howsit that the iranian economy, backed by oil! is in such trouble?
The TOTAL number of documented cases of freaudulent voting in the last 20 years. for the USA, is, according to the Republican appointed fefederal procecutor for New Mexico, …4
BIG problem!
We aren’t? Why is that? because the Repricans recked our economy or because thyey wasted about a trillion dollars in Iraq?
@62 Mr C
guess that leaves Mahatma Gandhi, Maimonides, Sacajawea, Squanto, Gompers, Romney, Jefferson, the three jews who died in Mississippi, out huhnn?
Is BHO a bastard? You mean like your Jesus?
You want to lay money on that one?
Ahhh! You APPROVE of the Ayatollahs, the orthodox Jews who refuse to serve in Israel’s army, ?? Hows about Father Sierra? Torquemada? The perps on Sept. 11? the IRA? the missionaries who spread smallpox? the crusaders?
@ 46. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
as opposed to what rightist paper? You like the Sun boobelah?
seems pretty accurate, what part do YOU disagree with?
Hey Michael, remember when the Lakawanna six were caught and the Fox Dix Six were caught how they were pooh-poohed by the HA Libtardos?
“Instead they feed us a story about a terrorist cell planning an attack on Fort Dix.” Carl of Two Left Feet…
“When the Bush administration heard that a bungle-brother gaggle of Muslim pizza delivery boys with “no ties to international terrorist organizations” were talking aimlessly about an attack on Fort Dix, NJ, they imediately sent FBI agents to offer to sell them weapons.” Daddy of Love
And there may be some interesting issues coming up with the prosecution of the conspirators. At least one of them apparently reported the conspiracy to a local police department. It appears that he reported that the FBI informant was pressuring him to get maps of Fort Dix for the attack. John Barelli
Which in your opinon is better for America; Bush catching the Lackawanna 7, or Bush trampeling the Constitutional rights of Americans? GBS
Or Goldy’s attempt at comedy here.
“If the JFK and Fort Dix conspiracies really were anything more than just idle, angry fantasies, then they were criminal acts, and our law enforcement officials should be thanked for yet another job well done. But these same officials do themselves and our national security a disservice when they allow their efforts to be manipulated for propaganda purposes by our war-mongering White House.”
Puddy doesn’t forget. You see we who think right take all attempts at terrorism seriously.
Butt here’s another take on Fort Dix…From
“They began building bombs to detonate at sites of their purported oppressors, like a hall in Fort Dix, N.J., that would be hosting an Army dance. But on March 6, 1970, the bomb meant for the American soldiers went off prematurely, blowing up the Greenwich Village town house where its violence-drunk manufacturers were living. Three of them were killed.” – That would be planned by “the messiah’s” ghost writer Bill Ayers.
SJ What does Puddy disagree with, the people characterization of both articles. The anarchists (oops sorry leftist progressives) came to perform damage to Pittsburgh yet they are called peaceful… and the peaceful 9/12 people are called angry.
Too bad you can’t see that dichotomy!
Again, Mr. Puddybud…your credibility here is….??????
@68 How about not seeing any mushroom clouds at all? Is that on your agenda?
Um… Puddy, there’s nothing in that post to reply to, it’s just rambling nonsense. It does seem to me that so far the Obama admin is doing a good job on the terrorism front. We should remember that most of the folks actually doing the work are the same folks that were doing the work in the Bush admin and in the Clinton admin.
re 77…
One word, dipshit:
Perhaps so but I have to hand it to her winning the battle over the Chimpanzee’s soul against Sith Lord Cheney. If she had lost..
Think we have it bad now? Oh my!
Condi can redeem herself still if she burns all bridges to the corrupt right wing paymasters she fronted for and tells all. Kind of like what Larry Wilkerson is doing right now. Her country can then appreciate her for it.
Otherwise like Wolfowitz after Papa Bush she can stew for eight years in the right wing stink tanks combined of course with a few lucrative stints in the corporate boardrooms.
I’m not sanguine about the prospects for her redemption.
Hey ylb arschloch, she agrees with you on Afghanistan, so she can’t be that bad right?
Where did we who think right ridicule “the messiah’s” FBI for looking out for America? He has to. It’s his sworn duty to protect America. That’s his oath of office.
Puddy just reminding you of how the leftists reacted to The Bush FBI catching those groups on HA. Puddy displayed how the HA liftist faithful including Goldy ridiculed the FBI and Bush as trumped up charges. Puddy seldom forgets what a HA Libtardo says on most subjects. You see Michael, we who think right don’t think the way HA leftist libtardos think.
That’s the big diff Michael. Too bad you are blinded by the light!
three words. North Korea nukes.
three more words. Broken negotiated treaty.
three more more words. We were duped.
last three words. See ya fool!
85 – I just commended her for saving this country from Darth Cheney’s dark side, asswipe.
Maybe she’ll tell the whole story one day and apologize for enabling the WORST administration this country has ever endured not to mention the WORST foreign policy decision this country has ever made, the folly in Iraq.
Until then I have little respect for her.
It’s amazing how ylb arschloch always discusses chimps. Well they say you tend to gravitate to your own kind. Here are two videos of ylb arschloch! He seems to forget his actions. He always needs to see himself in action again.
Bwaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa
Hey ylb arschloch,
Don’t worry, “the messiah” will overcome the lead GWB gave him in regards to foreign policy…
“Foreign Events Force Obama to Turn to Plan B”
Did “the messiah” ever show the American public plan A? Did the NY Slimes see something others never saw?
How about French President Sarkozy? He’s a “fan”
“President Obama dreams of a world without weapons … but right in front of us two countries are doing the exact opposite.”
Best comment out there… “If Dick Cheney = Darth Vader, then Joe Biden = Dark Helmet.”
LMAO @ the moron in 90!
I’ve never ONCE clicked on the numerous ugly pictures and videos (I can only imagine) that illustrate your hideous, ugly fantasies about the people on the righteous side of the issues here fool!
Keep beatin’ that pole for all it’s worth if it makes you feel good. You’ve done it for years. I expect you’ll do it for many more.
Here’s the only depictions of the chimpanzee that has any relevance to my writing here:
That’s what I’m talking about fool.
Can anyone tell me what this idiot is babbling about in 91?
YLB asked me what I think…so naturally as a Christian, my answer is serving Christ. That is what works for me and is the right thing for me. I also believe God has given us all free choice to accept or reject his Son and all His Grace. I don’t look down my nose at that….I feel pity for the anger that accompanies the Atheist viewpoint.
The point is, YLB asked ME what I think.
How old are your kids YLB??
As Atheists & diehard Leftists, don’t you feel it is wrong to not expose your kids to God so someday they can make their own choice?
That’s what we have done for our kids.
They are on their own.
2 go to Church and live their faith…2 do not.
It’s their choice.
It seems like Atheism involves a lot of denial rather than an open dialogue.
YLB’s twisting diatribe trying to make me look like some selfish person who hordes my money and screws people to accumulate as much as I can is humorous.
What do you expect from a chronically unemployed person who sits around all day overflowing with anvy & jealousy of others?
Are your kids proud of the old man YLB??
Of course you will say “yes”….but you know at some level they know what Puddy & I know,,,you are lazy & angry.
Puddy is enjoyable to be around…because he has joy in his life.
Your life is fleeting YLB.
In your world, you die and that is it.
Not me.
yl arschloch,
You are still fixated the most on calling people chimps, so Puddy found the original ylb arschloch videos which show you in action. Guess that bothers you.
Of course the NY Slimes and French President Sarkozy are over your head ylb arschloch. You drink the Daily Kook-Aid!
Now we see the outcome of liberal Chicago politics. A good kid killed by gang violence…
FAIL!!! I call one guy a chimp – a guy you voted for twice..
And the moron can’t stop lying – that violates the ninth commandment fool or eighth if you prefer the Catholic/Lutheran reckoning.
Such a worthless idiot!
Oh man this is a real howler!!!!
LMAO!!! Just like the chimp took the August 2001 PDB seriously and dismissed the in-person briefing he got like “Ok you covered your ass.”
And just like Clarke barely squeaked in ONE terrorism briefing to your beloved Condi and crew before the planes hit the towers!
That was the “seriousness” of THOSE WHO STINK RIGHT!
Are you sure about that ylb arschloch?
Last chance!
97 – Matthew Shepard was killed in Wyoming – Darth Cheney land.
Was that the outcome of “conservative politics”?
How about that black man dragged by a pick up truck in Texas? Wasn’t that “conservative country”?
Hmmm. Sure is conservative there. Jasper is in District 2 in Texas which is represented by Ted Poe (R).
Ahhh yes, those videos really got ylb arschloch riled up. So where were you when they were shot fool?
100 – Asshole – give me your worst, I’d expect nothing less.
102 – yawwwwwwwwn.. Lie, I’ve never clicked on links to any of those perverted fantasies you post here.
Rejected! Socialists in Europe have lost in Germany, France, Britain. A shift to the right!
Ahhh arschloch has him riled. Well you are what you are! Earlier this year you said “Chimp gang” not the chimp and his gang. Now what is a chimp gang…
106 – That’s all you got???????
Yeah the chimp and his gang, that’s what I meant >> Duck!, Wolfie, Rummy, Karl, Condi, Karen – the worst gang ever to pretend to govern this country!
And you voted for that failing bunch twice!
What a losing moron you are!
105 – I bet those right wingers in Europe adopt our health care system.. Pfffft!
But I wouldn’t put ugly crackdowns on immigrants past them..
And now they should help our President defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan? Right?
We’ll see..
ACORN on trial in Nevada for ILLEGAL Voter Reg quota’s–,2933,557461,00.html
Can you say GOOD-BYE to Harry Reid!!
Just like Daschle…bye-bye!
@105: Hmm, the right in Europe looks a lot like the left in the US. For instance, health care – the “right” supports government run health care that is much more extensive then what Obama is proposing.
Our rightwingnuts….not so much. They still oppose SS, Medicare and breathing.
@94: Klynical claims to be a Christian – but he does not support the words of Christ.
Where haas Klnical turned the other cheek?
Where has Klynical supported taking care of the poor, feeding the hungry and getting medical care for the sick the elderly….he opposes all government programs that do that and he makes fun of the unemployed.
He will claim that is a private responsibility….but clearly the private charities are not doing enough and government has to do more.
Klynical claims to ba a Christian – but he actions and words are contrary to the words of Christ.
@91: Maybe you should actually READ the article Puddy:
And yes, Iran is a problem. During the Bush (mis)administration, Iran built a secret nuclear plant (good job Bush!).
Afghanistan was neglected and got worse.
Pakistan was considered a strong ally in the fight against terrorism – but the Bush pet Musharaf was actually collaborating with the Taliban.
Yup – ol’ Bush and his gang of incompetents sure left a lot of messes.
Look, it’s Mr. X with his guitar!
Yo, Yo, Yo – I’m a heterosexual. A murdering, raping, and thieving heterosexual. Society’s scum of the earth.
Golly correctnotright you are myopic…
Regarding the Bush Administration, it was the Democrats who told Bush not to go at Iran alone. We had to work with the IAEA, remember? Butt of course you are a libtardo. You forget Pakistani scientist A.Q. Khan, sold nuclear secrets to North Korea and Iran and no one knew. You forget historical issues.
Remember this ya mental midget?
“A group of Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives is repeating concerns about the possibility of military conflict with Iran. VOA’s Dan Robinson reports, lawmakers met with reporters, at the start of a two-week break, to signal that Congress will demand that President Bush seek congressional authorization before launching any military strikes against Iran.”
And you forgot what the Russians said when “the messiah” decided to scrap Bush’s Europe Missile Shield.
“At the same time, Russia’s top diplomat warned that Moscow remains opposed to new punitive sanctions on Iran to stop what the West contends is a drive toward nuclear weapons.”
111. correctnotright spews:
And you think I care about your judgment because_____________________________?????
Atheist Progressives can throw all the darts they want. It will not impact my faith one iota…in fact, it strengthens it.
Keep it comin’ if it makes you feel good.
Have you noticed cnr’s vile anger continues to swell as the Obama agenda tanks??
If cnr was happy and confident, he would act like it.
Instead, cnr acts like an angry LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWN…wasting his energy and most of his life being PISSED OFF!
Too Damn Funny.
Cynical, it seems this is happening to most of the HA Libtards
I can just see cnr’s Tombstone…….
Here lies CNR
He posted on and Died an Angry Man!
These KLOWNS are more humorless every day.
Hey Puddy, I used to think cnr was just joshin’ us with his moronic posts. Then one day it was apparent the KLOWN actually believes the sh*t he posts!!
Wow…can you believe there are stoners like cnr stumbling around all over King Kounty??
Scarey, huh?
You can’t sing Silent Night Holy Night
Butt can sing Silent Night Obama Night
Cynical remember his virulent attack over a downward slope being off by 0.105°C on equatorial temperatures?
That was pretty funny.
The moron gets his facts from HuffPo and the DailyKos….what can we expect?
Certainly not accuracy.
Hmm, it looks like Mr. Klynical’s narcissistic personality disorder has gotten the best of him again. Narcissism, wingnuttia and Christianity – that’s obviously not a healthy mix, folks, though it certainly is good for a laugh.
You have regularly made mincemeat outta this poor bastard. It’s like shootin’ the same half-dead varmint over & over again…where is the sport??
I really wish these guys had at least one ounce of intelligence like SJ.
I’d say SJ has a good ounce of intelligence…which flickers in and mostly out.
SJ is the best they’ve got.
Not sayin’ much, is it.
Kind of a dryhole for Leftist Intellect over here at ol’!
94 – Interesting… I don’t know about SJ, but I asked if those 4 statements I posited accurately reflected your views on things.
Despite all your hemming and hawing, you gave me little reason to believe otherwise. You pushed back somewhat strongly on number 2 but that certainly is contradicted by your behavior here. You believe you’ve got it made! And someone like me? Well – I’m all kinds of things, undesirable things it would seem that you almost gleefully run off every chance you get in these comment threads. Gee a million bucks or so in my bank account and I’m probably ok in your book despite my political views.
Well here’s what I’ve been leading up to if Stupes hasn’t already tipped you off.
What did Jesus think of THOSE 4 THINGS?
1) Work hard, earn as much money as possible and save it.
2) The money a person earns or has is a good measure of that person’s worth?
3) As for saving your wealth, investing it, in your own business and those businesses of other successful people, minimizing costs and making a great profitable business?
4) Finally, if I’m poor, you said YES, it is basically my fault if some perfect storm or overwhelming circumstance hasn’t knocked me down. Well let’s look at the Sermon on the Mount:
Read that carefully – it’s pretty unconditional in my view..
I noticed above you didn’t regard someone being in prison very well. When was the last time you visited someone in prison?
Klyn, every day you and your dinner pal Stupes here are preaching a strange Gospel – you’ve wrapped Jesus’ teachings around your tortured political views instead of the other way around or at the very least you’ve kept them strangely at odds with one another. Jesus had something to say about that as well:
You look forward to everlasting life Klyn but if you don’t follow Jesus’ path as he meant you to it’ll be as if he never knew you. Heed the warnings in the scripture.
123. Steve spews:
Any new imaginary Black Friends?
Make sure your next make-believe Black Friend is actually alive.
Kountry Klubber….no Blacks allowed
Yacht Klub Kommodoreo blacks allowed
And African-American Activist.
Steve—you are such a phoney,
@119 “He posted on and Died an Angry Man!”
It’s called “projection”, Mr. Klynical. In case you didn’t know, it’s a Psych 101 thing.
And I care about your judgment because___________________________???
Answer: I don’t.
Atheist’s are angry people who cloud all rational judgment with pure hate.
No thanks.
I smell the sulfur every time you post.
You must be proud of your Atheist children!!
Someday they will hate you for it.
Be prepared.
You never came them a chance.
127. Steve spews:
Au Contraire Steve…I’m a very happy guy.
Great wife, 4 kids, 2 grandkids, successful career…and most importantly, Jesus is the Lord of my life!
How can you beat that?
The Boston Globe has a great collection of photos of Afghanistan.
You got anymore racist jokes, Klynical? That last one’s getting a little stale in the retelling.
In fact, Mr. Klynical, I’ll be seeing three old black pals of mine Saturday night. George, he was president of the high school Black Student Union and a Black Panther. Terry was in on a cop killing. He didn’t pull the trigger but spent a couple decades in prison for being there. And yet another David.
David and I lived in the projects and had had a fight in fourth grade that went from one end of the playground to the other. Some years later, I was sixteen or so, I was in this place where the only black kid to be put there a couple years earlier had been murdered. They announce that they’re going to try bringing in another black kid. They say they’re hoping there won’t be no trouble this time. Fuck, it turns out that the kid they’re bringing in is David, the kid I fought in grade school. I’ll tell you this, Klynical, where I lived the state had gathered a dozen of the most murderous fucking kids imaginable and, though I was not the toughest, I was probably the most dangerous of the lot. I did let it be known that David was my old friend, even though he really wasn’t, and that nobody had better even think of fucking with him. As it turns out, nobody did. David and I became good friends. Within six months we added another black guy, Rory, who nobody was going to fuck with, period. Rory had been one of Bruce Lee’s students and he certainly taught me some shit I didn’t know.
There was an incident that I’ll never forget that happened shortly after David showed up. The kids didn’t fuck with David but that didn’t mean that the adults didn’t. Anyways, David was there because of an incident involving him being ordered to mop a floor that gotten out of hand. One of the adults in charge of us that shift had David downstairs late one night, had a mop and bucket of water out, and was yelling at David to mop the floor, pulling out all these racial slurs, the most irritating to my ears for some reason being “Buckwheat”. It made me burn. I’ve always stood up against this racist shit, Klynical, and this was the one time in my life I didn’t. Yeah, the adult was a big SOB, a tough ass SOB, but that isn’t what it’s all about. There are times to stand up no matter the fucking cost and that was one time I didn’t and I’ll always fucking regret it.
You bring nothing, goatfucker, nothing at all.
“Atheist’s are angry people who cloud all rational judgment with pure hate.”
What a load of generalized bullshit. Of course, it’s coming from a stupid goatfucker, praise the Lord.
“I’m a very happy guy”
Well, if yelling “Praise Jesus” while disciplining your goat makes you happy, then go for it.
When Steve has nothing left it’s GOAT time. That’s all you have left Steve. So predictable. So stupid.
@134 Wrong. Again. As in every damned time. Charming, but how do you do it?
You can look this up, Puddy. Google it, if you please. The standard definition of having nothing fucking left in the tank is when Mr. Klynical goes off the deep end pulling a statue of Jesus from his ass, spewing gross generalizations about people who don’t share his faith as being haters, and then follows that up by making up shit about imaginary friends. So, yeah, Puddy, it’s goat fucking time for our narcissist KLOWN. Damned straight. When I’m done with that stupid fuck there’ll be Klynical goatshit on all the walls, ceilings and floors of this fucking cesspool. An exploding wingnut head can result in quite the mess, you know. You do recall last November, don’t you?
Steve the Atheist–
You must be disappointed so many Black folks are Christians…devout Christians.
Ever attend Brooklyn Tabernacle??
What a spiritual place.
Making up Black Friends is really pretty pathetic Steve…and your story about Buckwheat…would be heart-wrenching if it were true.
But alas Steve, you are a chronic liar who goes deeper off the deepend.
Get a grip steve.
You aren’t Black.
Neither am I.
Your chronic obsession with goat fornication would not go over very big in most Black Churches.
Are your pretend Black Friends Atheist like you are???
And steve…I can accept things like Obama winning…no problem.
I can also say he is a failure by his actions and policies…
He has blown virtually all his political capital.
He loves hearing himself talk and being in the limelight.
He is unfocused…worrying about the Olympics in Chicago when those thugs brutally murdered that wonderful Honor Student. Brutally murdered him. But it’s ok, right steve?
In the ‘hood, you and your bro’s write gangsta rapsh*t sayin’ it’s all kool.
The l’il dude musta had it comin’…right?
Even though the killers are caught on tape…it’s whitey’s fault.
Obama should be totally focused on more troops in Afghanistan…or get out now.
Obama procrastinates on important issues and runs around being on Leno, Letterman and off to Denmark??????????
Cynical sure likes to flaunt what a stupid fucking asshole he is.
138. Rujax! spews:
Another stellar post by Mr. 60 IQ RUJAX!!
BushCheneyRumsfeldRice took eight years to totally fuck this nation over…Obama’s gonna neeed more than eight months to start fixing it.
Fuck you you misanthropic pig.
141. Rujax! spews:
Sadly, this is the very best Mr. 60 IQ Rujax can do.
Sadly…this is all you are worth.
Ah, yes us leftist pinheads and our “outsiders” making rules for everyone to follow have fucked up the state so bad that our per capita personal income has been higher than the national average every year since 1990 and hasn’t been below the national average since before 1980.
Yeah Cyn, we’ve really made a muddle of things.
Michael, the intersection of “facts” and the “Cyniclown” does not exist. is the top liberal blog in the Seattle area. It is where local liberals “spew” there ideas. So would someone please tell me; how did GOPAC wind up advertising here. It makes about as much sense as a condom machine in the Vatican.
“Keep your friends close…keep your enemies closer.”
It amazes me how some people can claim to be so enlightened yet don’t hesitate to condemn others for what they themselves admit to total ignorance of.I won’t tell you how to live if you’ll give others the same right.Prison is no way to treat non violent people for personal choice as long as that choice does no harm.How many presidents have admitted to using drugs?How many actually have?
@136 Um, you delusional goatfucker, I am a Christian. Does your Jesus whisper in your ear and tell you it’s OK to make up shit and to tell lies about people?
@137 You must be fucked up in the head from too much goatfucking, Mr. Klynical.
@138 It must chap Klynical’s ass to know that illegal immigrant brown people are nearer to God than the lying, pathetic Klynical KLOWN will ever be. After all, the God Klynical really worships goes by the name “Rasmussen”.
Rasmussen is in the Obama Derangement Syndrome promotion Business.
The more tools like Mr. Klynical knee-jerk Rasmussen propaganda on-line, the more Rasmussen gets paid by anti-Obama interests with money to burn.
Another silly and stupid argument made by ylb arschloch on Rasmussen. Rasmussen was found to be the most accurate pollster in 2004, 2006, and 2008.
So don’t let being the dumbest brick on HA stop you from giving us another laugh at your moronic attempts at providing information…
Rasmussen is so obviously in the tank. I see that Pew has our President at 55% approval. That must suck for our freaky wingnut friends. After all, the intrusion of reality always sucks for these loons.
Steve, why does that suck.
If you remember Pew had “the messiah” close to 70% approval so he has tanked a lot.