Tool Time: Gays cause earthquake claims a nutcase Rabbi.
Dave Letterman does Rachel Maddow.
Frank McCourt (Los Angeles Dodgers owner) is Worst Person in the World.
Ed with more Psychotalk from The Donald.
Thom: Why 60% of Congress is not holding Town Hall meetings.
Stop the environment:
Young Turks: Gabrielle Giffords insane challenger.
Darth Cheney Re-emerges:
- He’s baaaaaack…Darth Cheney.
- Olbermann & John Dean on Dick Cheney memoir
- Ed and Pap with Lizz Winstead: The ugly life of Dick Cheney
- Young Turks: Cheney book will make “heads explode”.
- Sharpton: Cheney’s “no apology” tour
- Maddow: Very, very, very…..much wants Dick Cheney…
Ann Telnaes: D.C.’s version of “Duck and Cover”.
Thom with some Good, some Bad, and some Very, Very Ugly.
Tool Time: The donkey whisperer.
Young Turks: Pat Robertson’s on the earthquake.
Dave Letterman on Rachel Maddow’s reporting on him.
Libya Leaves Republicans Red-faced:
- Ed and Pap: Republicans are red-faced over Libya.
- Sam Seder: A senile John McCain BASHES Obama on Libya success.
- Sharpton: GOP hypocrites should apologize to Obama over Libya!
Olbermann: Has the partnership between the NYPD and CIA going too far?.
Ron Reagan: Turd-blossom vs. Moose-dung—The Palin-Rove 2012 smackdown continues.
White House: West Wing Week.
The Daily Show Explains:
- The Daily Show explains the two party system
- Daily Show explains the Democratic Party.
- Daily Show explains The Republican Party.
- The Daily Shows explains The Tea Party.
- The Daily Show Explains: The Socialist Party.
Ed: FAUX and friends tackle the big issues—hair.
ONN: Law gives all mistreated Americans right to open casinos.
Restoring Insanity: ‘Blubbering baboon’ Glenn Beck takes his act to Jerusalem: .
Unrequited Love:
- Ron Reagan: Somebody has a crush.
- Happy Hour: Qaddafi loves Condi.
- Buzz 60: Does Moammar Gadhafi have a crush?
- Young Turks: Gadhafi loves Condi.
Maddow: Tea Party is just re-branding of religious conservative Republicans.
Sam Seder and the Wingnut “50% of Americans Don’t Pay Taxes” LIE.
Seattle under siege by pod of California Orcas.
Thom debunks the “Jobs Creators” myth.
NPR “It’s All Politics”: Disaster edition.
Rep. Eric Cantor contradicts his way to Worst Person in the World.
Thom: Why is Paul Ryan using the Police to hide from constitutients.
The G.O.P. Primary Asylum:
- Republican candidates say the darnedest things!
- Buzz 60Looking for Mr. (or Mrs.) Goodbar.
- Mark Fiore: Dogged Daze.
- Liberal Viewer: Worst FAUX News softball question of Republican primary for Rick Santorum.
- Sam Seder: Rick Perry disavows himself.
- Ron Reagan: Hang-man-in-chief.
- Tool Time: Rich Perry channels Obama.
- Rick Perry gets a call from Jesus.:
- Pap: Bush without the “intelligence”
- Rick Perry saying some crazy shit!
- Sam Seder: Perry’s dysfunctional sex ed.
- Young Turks: Can Rick Perry win the Presidency?
- Sharpton: Rick Perry will not attend MLK Memorial unveiling, but will mingle with anti civil-rights racists.
- Ed: The Mittster’s Lockerbie somersault Psychotalk
- Mitt: flips on trying terrorists in the U.S.
- Mitt loses his cool at town hall.
- Sharpton: Mitt’s
crazyright turn. - Olbermann: Mitt Romney gets a little flustered on the campaign trail.
- Ron Reagan: Mitt Flips
- Sam Seder: Mitt-flops
- Maddow: Romney casts away pretense, goes full Thurston Howell, III
- Ed: Drunk with gasoline, Bachmann thinks she can drop gas prices below $2 a gallon.
- Ode to Michele:
- Mitt’s 11,000+ square foot house.
- Is Mitt out of touch with average Americans?
- Does Mitt have a “house issue”?
- Mitt’s ocean front house expansion.
- Ann Telnaes: Huntsman’s Challenge.
- Huntsman points out just how out of touch Republicans are.
Thom with The Good, the Bad and the Very, Very Ugly.
Ed: Republicans hate Obama more than they hate taxes.
Sam Seder: The decline of American journalism.
Alyona: The funding of Islamophobia.
Tea Party chair Sherry Lanford Smith crazies her way to Worst Person in the World.
Hayes and Greenwald: “War criminal” Dick Cheney.
Happy Hour: Glenn Beck’s Israel #FAIL.
Thom with John Deans: How the Koch Brothers are endangering Americans.
Olbermann: Eric Cantor and his Scrooge-like response to natural disasters.
Maddow: New anti-abortion laws.
Alyona: Unions have “Stockholm syndrome”.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
WTF does anyone pay any attention to Trump? Oh, I get it, he’s good news copy for the same reason that serial killers are.
I wouldn’t loan Donald Trump money. Would you? I mean, really, I wouldn’t give that guy $20 unless he signed his balls over as collateral. (I don’t want his balls; I just assume he wants them badly enough to pay me the $20 back, which is the only way I’ll ever get it out of him.)
Oh, and before I forget, Glenn Beck says Hurricane Irene is a “blessing” because it reminds us that “God is in control.”
Mrs. Rabbit says Hurricane Irene is a blessing if it “flattens New Jersey because nothing good comes out of New Jersey.”
Once again no real “news” proffered by Darryl. What a bunch of horse MANURE! Wait for it…
Where’s the Jesse Jackson commentary on Pacific Radio?
AMEN Jesse… Wait a minute wujax will be weally weally pizzed at you Jesse! You traitor!
Where is the coverage of Joe Bite-Me on his comments about China’s one child policy.
MIA as always
Rachel Madcow wanting to interview Dick Cheney. Maybe she wants to ask him why Obummer is allowing El-Assad to slaughter all those innocent peeps. Maybe she’ll ask Cheney about the scatter-brained incoherent Obummer foreign policy Jesse Jackson referred to above.
Where is the PMSNBC interview by Martin “I Weally Love Obummer” Bashir of Ray “I didn’t Use those 400 Buses TO Evacuate N’Awlins” Nagin?
MIA as always!
Why didn’t Darryl accurately cover Bill Keller’s hit piece here?
1) Rick Santorum is Catholic
2) Jon Huntsman isn’t too religious
3) Nary a peep about Jeremiah Wright until it was too late
4) Nary a peep about DUMMOCRAPTS religious positions!
@ 9
1: Nobody cares.
2: Nobody cares.
3: As I recall, he was not running for President.
4: Maybe that is party because most liberals could give a rats ass about whats in that stupid little black book of leftover cave mans superstitions.
Thats the conservatives line. If it’s not in scripture, its socialism. If it is in scripture, it must be totally obeyed without question. Your promises of world domination. Your demands for a worldwide nuclear holocaust to bring back Jesus and convert all the Jews to Christianity to crush the heathen.
You people are just fucking insane. Tell me, how are you any different from the Taliban? How are you any different from the most radical Islamists?
You’ve turned Jesus into a Hitler figure, and made him into a hero.
The Straights are funny people, and Hasidic Jews are bigots. You are all one happy family – you bigots.
Sounds like Puddy is feeling a little guilty.
Actually, God is causing the earthquakes and killing innocent people because of some petty hissy-fit about living arrangements.
It is amazing and depressing to me that people can actually believe that God causes earthquakes because the religious right has not found a political path to suppressing gay people.
OR, like Pat Robertson, you could see that sort of ignorance as a great business opportunity (praise the Lord).
Roger @ 4- I’m afraid I have to disagree with Mrs. Rabbit, I can think of one good thing- Bruce Springsteen.
I do not feel compelled to defend Obama when he’s wrong. Pointing out that the Obama administration has made a mistake and (haw! haw!) he’s not a savior — well — you are just talking to a straw man that does not exist.
No ‘Dummocrapt’ is that ‘dumm’ — but PudWaxx imelian is.
If I’m lyin’, I’m dyin’!!!
I sent Norm Dicks, Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell emails advocating legalization of cannabis, but they all responded by saying they are against legalization. Kind of funny coming from ol’ Norm – I understand he likes a drink, now and then! Alcohol is still our worst drug problem, but making it illegal only gave us organized crime. When Prohibition was repealed in 1933, organized crime got out of the alcohol business (with the exception of hillbilly bootleggers). Legal products don’t have much organized crime involved in their production, distribution and sale. What’s the point?
If we want organized crime to get out of the drug business, we should start with the sane treatment of cannabis. Make it legal for adults to enjoy should they choose to do so. We can use our state’s liqour control system for distribution and sale of this product.
17 – If prohibition against MJ is to end then it has to end like alcohol prohibition: juries have to refuse to convict mj “offenders”.
Juries have to be outraged that the justice system would want to send someone’s brother, sister, son, daughter, neighbor to JAIL for possessing more than an ounce of pot or growing a pot plant.
But too many people still still have their heads up their you know what over cannabis and continue to see drug use and drug addiction as some sort of moral failing rather than a medical problem.
@14 Mrs. Rabbit doesn’t like Bruce S.
U.S. Kills Al Qaeda’s #2 Man
Another terrorist Bush couldn’t catch, Atiyah Abd al-Rahman, bit it yesterday.
A Libyan, al-Rahman was bin Laden’s operational leader and then became second-in-command after the latter’s death.
U.S. officials wouldn’t say how al-Rahman died, but his death coincided with a U.S. drone strike in the same area.
Here’s some real news for ya.
21,22 – That was some treasure trove the SEALS took out of that compound.
I hope they catch up to Ayman al-Zawahiri one of these days.
Yeah, once again the Friday Funnies contain no real news, imagine that. Wow.
Over the past few years, batshit crazy Wingnutters have shown up at town halls, yelling their representatives down, and pretty much doing everything to disrupt the town halls and prevent any chance for dialogue. As if that’s not enough, they started making “jokes” about shooting representatives, and turning up at town halls armed to the teeth. Then, “coincidentally”, a representative got shot–in the head.
Now, “all of a sudden”, representatives have stopped doing town halls.
Gee, we sure couldn’t have seen that one coming, could we?
@3 – So Beck believes that god seeks to actively murder people, kind of like a mafia don, just to show everyone who’s boss? And that’s supposed to be a good thing?
What a strange man Beck is.
Roger if you stop by here, please take a look at this piece (short) by gjohnsit:
Wall Street Running Out of Suckers
It basically points out that boomer demographics make equities a dicey bet going forward: Our folks and their folks sold their stocks to the boomers, who in turn have a much smaller group to sell to, leaving aside any wherewithal to buy stocks given the grim economic prospects of the coming feudal state.
I think we’d all benefit from your take on this.
This is a great thought piece. It deserves deserves to be widely read and distributed.
Five Rules for Defeating Hostage Taking Politics.
…maybe I shouldn’t post this. puddypussy might get ideas.
I passed through Rexburg today, and got twisted around in Rigby. Man, even just a semester in college there must still be painful. What a shithole. How many Mormons can a guy handle?
No. 6: Hostage takers who kill hostages will not be taken alive.
Has anyone noticed that just weeks ago New York began to allow same-sex marriage, and now (one of) the first hurricanes of the season is heading straight (oops!) at NYC during a high tide?
Must be GOD the LORD showing his celestial disapproval.
@27 I’ve already expressed my disdain for 401(k)s so I’ll skip that and go directly to your main question.
With any statistical modeling, you can miss variables that change outcomes, so that report is pretty speculative.
When you think about this issue, it’s important to remember that stock prices affect more than direct stock investments. They also underlie a vast array of annuities, pensions, and other vehicles that provide retirement income. So, a prolonged bear market will hit more than your 401(k) or direct stock investments. There’s a ripple effect that will spread far and wide.
Remember also, every stock trade consists of a seller and a buyer. If boomers cashing in stocks depresses stock prices, that’s an opportunity for Gen-Xers and Gen-Yers to buy cheaper stocks.
The lower prices they pay will translate into higher yields. Let’s say, for example, XYZ Stock has a price of $60, a P/E of 15, and a dividend of $1.50, which gives it a yield of 2.5%. If stock dumping by boomers pushes XYZ’s price down to $40, the P/E is 10, the dividend is still $1.50, and the yield has improved to 3.75%. The person buying that stock for his retirement portfolio doesn’t care what the P/E is; what matters to him is he only has to spend $40, instead of $60, to buy $1.50 of income.
This should help the economy, because when people can get by with saving less, they can spend more on current consumption. That fuels economic growth that pushes up corporate earnings and stock prices. So you get some offset. And as stock prices rise, the selling of stock by boomers slows down, because each share they sell brings in more money.
I really don’t know how it all washes out in the end. I do know there are only two times when a stock’s price matters, when you buy it, and when you sell it. Those dates may be years or even decades apart.
For the individual, I have three pieces of advice. First, despite their ups and downs, over the last 200 years — through many generations, demographic changes, social and economic changes, and all kinds of economies — over the long run stocks have consistently outperformed all other types of investments by a wide margin. Second, your lifestyle choices are the main determinant of your financial condition, at every stage of your life. Third, if you anticipate a prolonged bear market in stocks, then you want to position yourself to be a buyer instead of a seller of equities. Me, right now, I’d rather pay $40 than $60 for $1.50 a year of future income. So it’s fine with me if stocks sell real cheap. Get rid of debts while you’re still working. Learn the difference between “need” and “want” — I mean really learn it — and ratchet down your spending on “wants” because this puts you in a position to add to your stock collection at low prices as opposed to being forced to sell your stock collection at low prices.
The golden rule is when all the other lemmings are running forward, you run backward or at least sideways. Let them go over the cliff. After they do, you have all the food to yourself.
@27 (continued) There are two factors I think could offset (at least partly) boomer selling.
First, most analysts think we’re moving into a prolonged period of high oil prices, and that will put petrodollars in the hands of foreigners who need to park it somewhere, at least some of which will come back to the U.S. stock market (and real estate, businesses, and other Western assets).
Second, despite talk about a “baby bust,” the overall world population is growing. That means larger markets, more sales, higher earnings, and in turn, businesses will be more valuable because they’re earning more money by selling more goods to more customers. So, at the macro level, I’m not going to worry about stock values crashing until I see the human population shrinking.
A large portion of those new people will be in other countries with developing economies. As they get better food and health care, they’ll live longer, and that’ll spur them to save more for old age. (People who don’t expect to live to old age don’t have much inclination to save for old age.) The U.S. has a zero or negative savings rate, but in countries like India and China, the savings rate is as high as 50%. Some of that will be invested locally, but financial markets are truly global now, and much corporate income is global too, so you’re going to see people in places like the Middle East, Africa, and Asia buying stocks in companies like Coca-Cola and IBM — both of which do a lot of business in overseas markets.
So, when people start doing demographic models, the macro picture is that 20 years from now there will be more people than there are today, and whether they’re in the U.S. or some other country really doesn’t make all that much difference, so there will be people for baby boomers to sell their stock to. It might not be their kids or grandkids; it might be some guy in Yemen who has 10 goats and 1 wife today but 20 years from now, thanks to his entreprenuerial spirit and hard work, will have 10,000 goats and all 4 wives that Sharia law lets him have, with about 10 kids apiece, to whom he’s teaching investing so they won’t have to spend their lives herding goats.
In short, these things have a way of taking care of themselves — as long as populations and economies keep growing.
If you ever see a human population collapse, both the economy and stock market are going to be in deep shit.
@32 Well, I hope the Good Lord in His infinite wisdom kicks the shit out of the stock market 24 hours after I get my inheritance check from the bank handling the late (sniffle) Pop Rabbit’s estate.
I haven’t talked about Pop Rabbit much in this blog. What he did, I mean. Some of you may understand me better if I tell you that I grew up in a newspaperman’s family. Pop Rabbit modestly went about doing his job of reporting local political news for decades and decades and decades. Over time, his reputation for accuracy and honest reporting grew and grew and grew and grew and grew. He outlived all of his contemporaries, and when he died at almost age 100, he left behind him several younger generations of newsies who hold the guy in absolute awe. He’s, like, famous now. He’s one of Wisconsin’s most legendary news reporters of all time.
When Pop Rabbit started out back in the 1930s, he was paid $25 a week. Thanks to Depression-era thrift and the magic of compounding, plus the fact he put money into annuities and insurance policies his kids didn’t know existed, it turns out his estate is worth more than a million dollars. Pop Rabbit had a lot of bunnies, so I’m not gonna get anywhere near that, but what he left me will approximately double what I’ve accumulated on my own in my IRAs over the last 30 years.
Like Pop Rabbit, I started out with nothing. Back in the early ’80s, I had only $7,400 to put into my and Mrs. Rabbit’s IRAs. Those IRAs are now well into six figures and almost all of it is money I stole from suckers, er, I mean “made” (whatever that word means) in the stock market. Like 90% of my investments is stock market winnings, not money I worked for and saved. Shit, I mean, do you see why I believe in stocks? It would be different if I had invested for 20 years and ended up with less than 90% of what I started out with, as has happened to some people who are forced to invest through 401(k)s, which are the most dishonest savings gimmick ever invented, this side of the mortgage derivatives that Wall Street sold to gullible pension funds.
Yeah, the stock market is a damned treacherous place, especially for the mutual fund managers who are forced to sell stocks to me at prices that should be illegal because the lemmings are pulling their money out of the mutual funds and sticking it in — ohmyholygawd — BONDS!!!! I think anyone who sells bonds for a living should automatically be sent to prison because there’s no way that’s honest.
Let me explain the problem with bonds. If the market has set interest rates at 2%, and a bond with a face value of $100 pays 1%, the price of that bond will be $50 because a bond paying $1.00 interest (1% of $100) has to sell for $50 to pay 2% interest, and nobody in his right mind will settle for 1% interest when the market is payign 2%. Of course, we all know the market doesn’t set interest rates, the government does, and right now the government deigns to set interest rates at almost nothing, so when interest rates are zero there’s only one direction they can go — up — and because bond prices move opposite to interest rates, the only direction bond prices can go from here is down. So why the hell would anyone buy a security they KNOW is going to drop in value? Yet that’s exactly what millions of people in this country are doing right now, to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, because for some inexplicable reason they think bonds are SAFE. Believe me, bonds are anything but safe!!! They’re fucking land mines. Why the hell would anyone PAY MONEY to step on a land mine, when our country’s enemies will let you do it free? Just enlist and volunteer for Iraq or, better yet, Afghanistan which has more landmines than goats.
(It occurs to me there may be a correlation between “more landmines = less goats” that some entreprenuerial academician could possibly parlay into a nifty grant for rendering this theory into a statistical report.)
Believe me, take it from the rabbit, the LAST thing you want to do right now is sell equities and buy fixed income investments. What you should do is sell bonds, cash in CDs, and bust open your kids’ piggybanks to raise cash — then wait for the European banking system to collapse. Trust me, it’s going to, the whole thing is under the supervision of politicians now and you know where that’s going to lead to, so just sit tight and wait for the European debt crisis to cause panic in the U.S. stock market. Fed up with CD and bond yields under 2%? Wait a little bit and you’ll be able to buy high-quality blue-chip stocks yield north of 5% — AND those dividends will go up every year, increasing yor income with no further investment by you, AND the IRS will tax your dividend income only HALF as much as it taxes your interest income.
I don’t understand why there’s still five cents left in fixed-income investments in this country. Believe me, you humans are NOT the smartest species on the planet.
@27 So, getting back to your question, I’m not real worried about my stocks right now but if things change I’ll sell them and buy an hacienda in Yemen and a bunch of goats.
You know, people talk about getting out in front of the crowd, but when millions of lemmings are running toward a cliff I don’t want to be in front of them, I think it’s better to be somewhere behind them. This stuff about being a leader is bullshit. I let other rodents, I mean, people do that. I wait to see where the herd is heading, then I get the fuck out of their way.
It has always worked out better for me that way.
This propaganda piece from Forbes is notable for this quote:
“As long as the U.S. enjoyed monopoly powers on the leveraging of talent and capital, it could impose high taxes, with large segments of the population benefiting from high wages and transfer payments. …
“The fall of communism and the political stabilization of what we now call ’emerging countries’ eroded the U.S.’s advantages, thus weakening these negotiating powers.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It seems our wingnut friends didn’t appreciate the communists while we had them. They sure miss them now!
Another progressive moron with no proof just his idiotic projections.
Read any National Enquirer lately?
Back from my latest American City visitations seeing great Real Americans and I started reviewing some of my favorite sites. I stumbled across a report the originators of the polar bears are drowning in the arctic are being investigated for fraud. Then I thought, hmmm… wasn’t there some attacks on Sarah Palin by the HA blogger leaders about polar bears?
Yes there were! And it was Jon DeVore, friend of J Allen Stanford leading the way!
Then there were other postings about polar bears throughout this blog.
Now we see this could be another instance of “junk science“. And Big AlGorebasm used this “information” in his stinkumentary “truth”!
Why Did Darryl miss this story for the last three weeks? It’s well known the climate positive side has spent over $79 Billion since 1989 while the climate negative side has only received $23 Million from Exxon-Mobil for a ratio of 3434.78:1 in spending!
38, 39 – What the hell are you doing up this late? Are your parents out partying? Did you sneak a laptop under the bedcovers? I’m going to tell on you!
@40 Wow puddy! So does this mean all the satellite photos of the arctic ice pack are FAKE???
And this critter is standing on a massive polar cap that stretches all the way from Alaska to Siberia, right?
And anyone who says arctic ice is MELTING is bullshitting, right puddy?
Holy shit, you are one gullible idiot. You gotta quit reading all those rightwing blogs or your head’s gonna explode.
So Roger, Why is Europe falling in? Socialism and Debt
And your Idle Obama’s middle names (Socialism and debt)
So your question of the day is:
If Europe falls because of socialism debt, why won’t the USA fall for the same reasons?
By the way I generally agree with your financial advice except if you are getting into this stock market, you better know exactly what and why you put 1 blasted dollar in it.
And I also recommend Gold and Silver, you can adorn your christmas tree with flashier sparkles which you can later use to buy food when the dollar is worthless.
@ 43
Vacuums don’t explode, they implode. When you get to the point of neutronium, only the mass of the object itself prevents further collapse into a black hole. As the mass of the object in question here is so small to begin with, that level of collapse is highly unlikely. It’ll get to the point of a brown dwarf then float around in the universe until it bumps into something heavier, then be absorbed.
Thank you, Roger. Lots to ponder.
@30: At least when I was there many years ago, I can tell you that Mormon women love to fuck.
Did you see Napoleon Dynamite? It was filmed close by.
There goes Roger Dumb Rabbit making his useless cause and effect arguments.
Where did I discuss arctic ice melting Roger Dumb Rabbit? The reason the study is under review was it’s premise about polar bears not about arctic ice! Read you stupid mofo! You are truly truly getting more stupid as you age!
Do you actually read anything useful? And we can all see Roger Dumb Rabbit doesn’t discuss the spending. Nooooooooooooooo…… he screams about the ice when the study was about polar bears! He can’t separate the two just like the study. That’s why it’s under review Roger Dumb Rabbit.
Stupid is as stupid is and you Roger Dumb Stupid Rabbit are stupid!
And all can see the slobbering fools above jump right in without any thought.
Mindless moonbattery of zitz and deadtoad!
Gawd, mental illness is amazing to behold. No wonder my mom was attracted to becoming a psychologist.
Spudds, yer just crazy as a rat in a shithouse. Nuttier than a squirrel turd. Bookoo dinky-dau. All that derp and stupidity must take huge amounts of effort to maintain.
As everyone can see deadtoad didn’t read the article yet he attacks. Moron!
And you spout off on taking meds and other drugs.
poor gman..
you tell he got a little pre-teen diddling from his pink triangle pops.
how come gman wasnt commenting on the gay man who sliced the throat of his 2 year old adopted son?
gman was eerily silent on that one.
gman too busy playing busta-nut-in-a-strange-guys-butt to notice the news story?
shorter ylb: progressive politicians fail to have any backbone to actually take a vote.
the rabbit seems to have mastered cut and paste. I always thought plagiarizing was a no-no.
52 – shorter dumbass bigot lobotomy: I haven’t a fucking clue that “progressive” politicians are a small minority within the Democratic party.
@44 “So Roger, Why is Europe falling in? Socialism and Debt”
Really? If you need socialism to go into debt, why are so many of your Republican friends up to their asses in debt? I don’t see any correlation between socialism and debt. The Soviet banking system never collapsed (but I’m not endorsing Sovietism anyway — their system sucked for other reasons).
@44 “By the way I generally agree with your financial advice except if you are getting into this stock market, you better know exactly what and why you put 1 blasted dollar in it.”
I’ve been saying for a couple years now that investors should put their money in dividend-paying blue chip stocks. That’s not my idea; almost every investing guru on earth agrees with that. Right now you can buy a lot of blue chips at a P/E under 15 and a yield above 3%, for example Johnson & Johnson at 12.8 and 3.6%. You can play it safe by sticking to food and beverage stocks like Heinz, Campbell, General Mills, Coca Cola and Pepsi, and household products like Procter & Gamble, Unilever, and Colgate-Palmolive. It’s not hard to make 3% or 4% yields (big telecoms like AT&T and Verizon pay over 5%) in stocks that have good records of raising their dividends every year.
“And I also recommend Gold and Silver, you can adorn your christmas tree with flashier sparkles which you can later use to buy food when the dollar is worthless.”
And if Gold and Silver lose half their value overnight, you can still decorate your Christmas with it, and your womenfolk always like Gold and Silver ornaments no matter what the market price is and won’t even care if you lost your ass on them. And if your rib doesn’t get a new car this year, you can blame it on Gold and Silver prices. The beauty of Gold and Silver is you can get away with a lot more bad investment decisions than you can by losing money on stocks or bonds; after all, whoever wore earrings made of stock certificates?
I don’t like Gold and Silver because they don’t pay dividends or interest, you can’t eat them, and they’re basically not good for much of anything beyond what someone else feels like paying for them. You’ll have a hard time talking me into buying Gold at $1,800 an ounce. Could it go to $2,500? Sure, but it also could go to $1,100 or $400. If you’re confident of your ability to time commodity markets, then go for it, but looking at the last 30 years as a whole, precious metals didn’t outperform stocks (or anything else).
It seems to me the rightwingers flocking to gold dealers are buying into an ideology of doom a lot more than they’re making rational investment decisions. The goldbugs have been around since I was a kid and they’ve gone through their whole lives hoping the demise of the dollar is just around the corner. A lot of them ended up eating dog food in their old age.
@45 You raise an interesting point. We’d damn well better hope the wingnuts’ craniums are perfect vacuums and not singularities of massive concentrations of bullshit, or one day this planet may suddenly disappear. If every wingnut walking around today is an incipient black hole, then we’ve had it, because the mathematical odds are overwhelming that at least one of them will reach critical mass within our lifetimes.
@53 There’s no rule here against posting “fair use” excerpts of copyrighted news stories, jackass. The rule is against posting copyrighted articles in their entirety because that violates the copyright and could get the blog in legal trouble.
@46 Information overload is a danger. Don’t let yourself get lost in the data or opinions. It’s really pretty simple. Forget about momentum investing, capital gains, growth stocks, and all that stuff — none of those things work in a stalled economy. Buy income! The bank will pay you 1/10th of a penny for using your dollar for a whole year, which they turn around and lend out to their credit card customers for 28%, or 280 times what they’re paying you to rent that dollar from you. It makes more sense that to spend that dollar on something that will pay you 4 or 5 cents a year, in perpetuity, and which you will own. It’s not rocket science.
@53 (continued) But if it pisses you off, I’ll be happy to do more of it.
Unlike Obama, I don’t pander to rightwing jerks. I bite their ankles and kick their shins.
Reagan Dunn (R-Cedar County) wants his party to give Cantwell a free pass.
Republican Pervert #11-09235178-020
“A Puerto Rico lawmaker has resigned following reports that explicit photos of him surfaced on an iPhone application for gays and bisexuals, the head of the U.S. territory’s Senate announced Sunday. Sen. Roberto Arango, a Republican who represents the capital of San Juan, presented his letter of resignation after a weekend meeting, Senate President Thomas Rivera Schatz said.”
in other words, you like to portray to everyone that you know what youre talking by passing off other people’s writing as your own – the fact is you dont know shit and do nothing but paste other people’s ideas and opinions.
honest lawyer indeed(insert laughter here)
it doesnt piss me off – far from it. It just makes you look more phony, which is just fine with me since I have always thought you were fake and full of bullshit anyway.
@65 “passing off other people’s writing as your own”
Good lord you have your head up your ass! When I post quotes from news stories, I put them in quote marks (you know, these things — ” ” == ever see those before? do you know what they’re for?) and post the link.
Obnoxious trolls I can live with, but STUPID trolls are hard to stomach.
Reports from Libya indicate Gaddafi’s men have been systematically murdering detainees and randomly shooting unarmed civilians.
im talking about the long winded diatribes that you dont use quotes for.
sorry, but your game of diversion and misdirection isnt gonna fly.
Judging from how many Busheviks are knifing each other now, that whole crew must be hard up for book royalties.
“A visibly angry Colin Powell used an appearance on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday to blast former Vice President Dick Cheney for using ‘cheap shots’ and ‘barbs’ to drive up sales of his new memoir….”
@68 Maybe you’d know what “plagiarism” is if you had completed grade school.
@68 If it doesn’t have quote marks and attribution, I wrote it. End of story.
Funniest line of the day!
Acting like progressives!
Roger Dumb Rabbit humor!
Just what Puddy always said… If the perp is Republican the fifth word is Republican. If the perp is DUMMOCRAPT, you’ll hardly ever see it in print!
Butt Puddy finds it, one way or the other!
Once again I will have to disagree with Roger. A 3% – 5% dividend year over year hardly compares to a 156% growth in my gold carrots since 2008. Silver has doubled from $19 to %41 in the last year alone. Palladium has increased 347% since 2008…
As long as this administration is on a spending spree like no other, precious metals will continue to stomp on a failing DOW and interest rates that are being held in the tank to make the debt look smaller to service.
Washington (99%) ranks #3 of the 50 states in pension funding, behind Wisconsin (100%) and New York (101%).
Puddy, please quit posting until you refill your prescriptions. Your pharmacy will be open in the morning. Keep quiet until then, please?
72 – 74: Put on ignore list.
Washington Among “Least Socialist” States
A website called — I haven’t heard of it before, and have no idea what it is — ranks Washington as “10th least socialist state.”
They arrived at this ranking by dividing “Total State Expenditures” by “Gross Domestic Product” (sic; the correct terminology is Gross State Product) to get “Expenditures as Proportion of GDP,” using 2009 data. Which, if you ask me, is a strange definition of “socialism.”
But, whatever, under their ranking system Illinois is the “second least socialist state” (behind Nevada) and the top-three “most socialist” states are West Virginia, Alaska, and Alabama — all three of which voted for McCain in 2008.
There are a lot of reasons why the size of a state budget, as a percentage of gross state product, doesn’t equate with “socialism” but I won’t go into that very much here.
Let’s just say that anyone who thinks spending public money on snowplows in a snow-belt state is “socialism” hasn’t given real deep thought to the subject matter.
By that definition, you’re a “socialist” if you favor spending tax money to lock up child molesters in state prisons so they can’t hurt our kids.
Somehow, Washington and Illinois don’t strike me as wingnut states, but I guess math doesn’t lie, does it?
Puddy likes to talk about his tours of out-of-the-way places where he comes into contact with “real Americans.” Most Americans, of course, live in big cities or their suburbs, not in small towns or rural places. Regardless, I consider all of us, even Puddy, as “real Americans.” Sitting in a motel room in a place that Puddy would consider real America, I’m watching tv. I rarely do that. I see that Lynyrd Skynyrd (or what’s left of them) will be appearing in the nearest city of consequence on their “God and Guns” tour. There is something really wrong with that concept, but I’m sure that Puddy’s heart warms to the people who would attend such a concert.
@74 Putt, how long have you been referring to yourself in the third person? Do you have brilliant conversations with yourself? I’ve suspected for a long time now that most of your social interactions are with your own asshole.
proud leftist… why all the references to drugs?
Is that all you got with all the leftist diarrhea on this blog?
Sorry Roger Dumb Rabbit,
There are many ASSholes on this blog… all of them leftist including you. The arschloch is the primary one here, and you are in the top five!
I talk in 3rd person when I want to. It works so well.
Keep projecting your own worthless thoughts on others proud goatist. I have taken more photos this year than ever before! And you HA libtardos are definitely in the minority.
Did you see how many of your kind love Ron Paul? Do you actually read anything besides left wrong kook sites?
Hey pussybitch…
@85 “I talk in 3rd person when I want to.”
I’ll remember that next time I print out one of your comments to use as toilet paper.
Wow! Looks like rujax needs meds now. Where is deadtoad when the misogynist needs him!
That’s nice and stupid too! Ink jet or laser? I hope it’s ink jet!
@88 and 90
you know damn well rujaxoff the failed musician isnt man enough spout off like that to someone in person.