Mark Fiore: The Math of Democracy.
Stephen: Tips for potential VP candidates (not you, Carly)
Jimmy Kimmel: Wall of election results has a bad day.
Larry Wilmore: Cleaning up Utah’s porn.
The 2016 G.O.P. Self-immolation Comedy Show:
- David Pakman: This poll of Latino voters should terrify Republicans.
- Drumpf: The art of the sell
- Red State Update: Donald Drumpf is all nice now.
- Daily Show: “They Love Me” music video with Black Drumph:
- Stephen: Cartoon Drumpf admits it’s all an act
- Young Turks: Drumpf can’t stop digging his own grave with women
- Bill Maher: Andrew Dice Drumpf
- Donald Drumpf loves White power.
- A dangerous vision.
- Stephen: Side effects of being Presidential include drowsiness, sexism
- Young Turks: The silver lining of a Drumpf nomination.
- Jimmy Dore: Drumpf Attacks Hillary with ‘woman card’ while getting double Christie faced.
- Stephen: Drumpf goes all full lunchroom bully on Kasich
- James Corden: Donald Drumpf is excited for the exodus to Canada
- Young Turks: Drumpf’s foreign policy speech is a total mess.
- Jimmy Kimmel: Ted Cruz called a basketball hoop a “ring”
- Stephen: Wonder twin powers… agitate
- David Pakman: Politic’s creepiest couple
- Young Turks: Cruz appoints Fiorina Vice President of Imagination Land.
- Stephen: Ted Cruz names his loosing mate.
- James Corden: Why did Cruz pick a VP?!?
- Ted Cruz world domination.
- Maddow: “Lucifer in the flesh”
- Thom: Ted Cruz/Zodiac killer porn revealed
- Young Turks: John Boehner says about Cruz, “Lucifer in the flesh.”
- Jimmy Kimmel: Ted Cruz attack ad.
- Stephen gives Ted Cruz an inspirational coach speech.
- Bill Maher: 25 Things You Don’t Know About Ted Cruz:
- Young Turks: Cruz tries pandering to Hoosiers…fails miserably.
- Stephen picks a VP.
Stephen: The political week in review with the “Hungry for Power Games”.
Dark Night staring Sen. Patrick Leahy.
Sen. Franken: Obama’s Supreme Court nominee deserves a hearing.
Stephen: How are humans NOT the national mammal?
Daily Show: Felon voting rights.
Coach Convicted:
- Jimmy Dore: Child molester Dennis Hastert proves GOP ‘family values’ is hypocritical bullshit
- David Pakman: Former Republican House Speaker admits he raped students, gets 15 months jail for fraud
- Roll Call: 10 convicted ex-Congresscritters
Can you get rich by running for President?
Seth Meyers: Trump’s and Hillary’s running mates.
John Oliver: Puerto Rico.
White House: West Wing Week.
Young Turks: How Hispanic voters will crush Republicans.
Greenman: Surveilling the scientists.
Amy Schumer: Dr. Congress.
State Sanctioned Discrimination:
- Tenessee’s anti-gay bill.
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at bathroom laws.
- Conservatives disagree with GOP attacks on transgender Americans
- Farron Cousins: Right wing states are screwing themselves over with hate laws
- Stephen: Let’s talk about bathrooms….:
- PsychoSuperMom: Protest shopping at Target.
Jimmy Dore: Political news of the week.
Sam Seder: Dennis Miller is still incredibly unfunny.
Seth Meyers: A closer look at the NE primary.
Mental Floss: 36 facts about tea.
Daily Show: Confused Islamophobes target American Sikhs.
Bernie Sanders: Bernie Sanders on the crisis of the middle class.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Naming a running mate before the convention, or Beck having the nomination, happened before. Then again, 1976 was a special case.
@ 1
Ronald Reagan was a “Special” case.
“The University of California at Berkeley covers more than a square mile and has almost 700 janitors. A mile has 5280 feet, why does the University need a janitor for every eight feet?”
– Ronald Reagan, 1966 campaign for Governor
So while the Seventh Day lull in hate is in effect, I’m updating my comments on using Dr. Orpheus’ script with Chrome.
I’m testing using the Chrome Web Store version of Tampermonkey. Just installed to Desktop Chrome Version 50.0.2661.94 m. No problems so far.
Once peak hate launches tonight after sundown I’ll take a look to see how it handles the Fuckwad’s comments, and report back in the Bible Study. Sundown tonight is 8:18 pm PDT.
Smooth sailing so far.
Another delusional Republican.
If you want to vote, don’t move to Kansas. If your employer moves to Kansas, find another job.
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM).
Now that it’s clear he won’t win…
Obama also weighed in on the dispute between Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over how best to break up overly large banks and seemed to take a shot at Sanders.
“It is true that we have not dismantled the financial system, and in that sense, Bernie Sanders’ critique is correct,” he told Sorkin, with thinly veiled sarcasm. “But one of the things that I’ve consistently tried to remind myself during the course of my presidency is that the economy is not an abstraction. It’s not something that you can just redesign and break up and put back together again without consequences.”
Read more:
That’s Senator Sanders, Barry.
@6 sure, a dog bites someone and the dog’s owner can be sued, or the dog has to be put down, but you own a pistol and accidentally shoot someone and we all have to pay for the medical attention provided. If this guy had insurance and I was the insurance company I would sue to recoup my losses.
Ok is Boob for breaking up the banks or against it? Or is he just here to fucking whine all day? The hypocracy of the Tepublicsn Party and the disarray that it is doesn’t bother him. I think his way of feeling good about the shitty situation that he’s in is to shine shit on the other party. Sounds like an alchaholic in denial.
It’s much more cynical than mere whining. He leaves that to the other troll.
He’s not really “for or against” anything in terms of policy. Bob’s shtick at this point is all about promoting dismay.
Here he wants Sanders supporters to be insulted and discouraged believing that somehow this might reduce November turnout and tip the balance.
Realizing that Clinton will very likely coast to 270, he’s also about promoting dismay among Republicans, and voters in general, over yet another “illegitimate” President. And in that, he is in keeping with establishment Republicans. By now they understand what to expect in the next six months. And so they are preparing for what they hope will be a replay of the last eight years.
Like that has worked out so well for them.
Oklahoma courts say it’s not rape if you stick your dick in the mouth of somebody who is passed out. I’m presuming they assume the victim is female. Wait until the victim is a male. All hell would break loose.
HAHAHA! Throw the lever to Hillary,
F U to the HA trolls!
Works for yours truly. Cheers!
@11 what about if you are with your uknown gay buddy or soldier mate and your both come home drunk and he passes out but wakes to find you (not you) sucking his dick. Is that rape? Is that rape by any standard?
I dunno, I think we ought to cut Bob some slack. It can’t be easy being a white racist whose best bud is a batshit insane black loon.
Speaking of the loon, peak hate is almost upon us. I’m hoping the script for Chrome works.
Speculation aka always wrong wing bullshit.
Trey who????
“He continued, “The real danger is not people who are transgendered. It’s people who are predators.””
OK – point well taken… why does that mean that the “bathroom bill”, that requires someone to use toilet based on sex on birth certificate, will solve predators from preying on children or adults? Are we suppose to protect a woman from getting picked up in a bar and then getting raped by segregating the sexes into different bars and requiring you to only go into the one associated with your sex at birth? So as to prevent an atmosphere where predators can prey on the woman.
And how does this bill deal with a man whom use to be a woman at birth, that looks more like a man than some men born as men? Is he to use the women’s room?
This is complete asinine. Again, why does the Transgender person become the victim because a non transgender person is going to be a predator?
I thought Republicans were for small government and less regulation and legislation.
I have an idea on how to protect kids from predators – don’t let your kids go to the bathroom alone or go on trips with their coach or their pastor.
@16 “I have an idea on how to protect kids from predators – don’t let your kids go to the bathroom alone or go on trips with their coach or their pastor.”
Keep them away from Republicans and religion and they’ll be fine. Somehow all the child predators and molesters turn out to be either priests or Republicans.
The one thing Republicans are good at is creating a mess and then blaming it on someone else. Latest example: North Carolina’s GOP governor, who signed an anti-gay bill passed by a GOP legislature and is now trailing in his re-election polls:
“On Thursday, he said he suspected that the entire matter had been orchestrated by Democrats and the Human Rights Campaign, a national gay rights group, to give Democrats an advantage in a tight governor’s race. […] Mr. McCrory used the word ‘Orwellian’ twice. ‘You’ve got to be politically naïve if you think this is not coordinated by a very effective — a very effective — group,’ he said.”
Awwwwwww. It’s a vast leftwing conspiracy!
First, Republicans passed laws requiring photo IDs to vote. Now, they’re passing laws prohibiting counties and cities from spending money to issue photo IDs. Anyone still want to argue this isn’t about taking away American citizens’ right to vote?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The end game, of course, is to establish a GOP dictatorship in our country. Republicans don’t believe in democracy, and never have. Why would they? They’ve been the smaller of the two major parties for decades, and would never win if elections were fair. So their game plan is to rig elections, and ideally do away with them altogether, or at least ensure that only Republicans are allowed to vote. How else do you explain laws like this? The long lines at inner city polling places? Debacles like Arizona’s? Every single one of those electoral atrocities has Republican fingerprints on it.
Question of the Day
Why is Joe Arpaio such an asshole? Answer: Because he enjoys it.
@ 19
First, Republicans passed laws requiring photo IDs to vote. Now, they’re passing laws prohibiting counties and cities from spending money to issue photo IDs. Anyone still want to argue this isn’t about taking away American citizens’ right to vote?
Wisconsin cities can still issue photo IDs.
(3) Cities and villages. (a) If a city or village issues, or expends funds for the issuance of, a photo identification card for any resident of the city or village, the card must state clearly on its face, in 12 point type, “Not authorized for voting purposes.”
(b) A photo identification card issued by, or at the direction of, a city or village, as described under par. (a), may not be used for any of the following purposes:
1. As an identification document to establish proof of residence under s. 6.34 (3) (a) 3.
2. As proof of identification under s. 6.79 (2), 6.82 (1) (a), 6.86, 6.87, or 6.875.
3. To obtain public assistance benefits.
Counties can still issue photo IDs in several instances.
(b) Notwithstanding par. (a), a town or county may issue, or expend funds for the issuance of, a photo identification card to any of the following individuals or for any of the following purposes:
1. An employee or elected official of the town or county, if the photo identification card relates to the employee’s or official’s job duties.
2. An employee of a vendor or contractor that contracts with the town or county, or an employee of a subcontractor that contracts with such a vendor or contractor, if the photo identification card relates to the employee’s job duties for the town or county.
3. To use a transit system owned or operated by the town or county.
4. To use or access services or facilities owned by the town or county.
5. An employee of, or a student who is attending, an institution of higher education that contracts with the town or county, if the photo identification card relates to the employee’s or student’s job duties for the town or county.
So other than being wrong about nearly everything, your post is accurate.
If you have a child that you let go to the public restroom alone or unattended, it is child abuse. Child abusers should be jailed.
Repukes love to abuse their kids.
“Wisconsin cities can still issue photo IDs.”
How magnanimous of Wisconsin’s Republicans.
Whatever happened to peak hate? I guess the loon and his cult couldn’t find a goat to fuck or a child to molest to get them all stoked up.
What did that Jigga-boo say?
Looks like either it’s cousin-wife skipped town or it self-deported.
Time will tell.
Wow another day of smug libtardo disease on full display here on HA DUMMOCRETINS…
PuddyCommentariat: Yes the smugness of HA DUMMOCRETINS has so corrupted their synaptic responses that anything FACTUAL is called hate. That’s the latest in their Mike Rowe Agreshun playbook. Call FACTS and TRUTH hate. Denigrate the opponent. Except you FOOLS it’s not working. Puddy uses left wrong commentary to identify the smug diseased libtard mind!
Wait for it…
-QPPS will call it hate!
-crazed clueless cretin will fart something from the crazed databaze!
-HHTL will type something a decoder ring can’t decipher!
-vomit producer will write another inane comment!
-Dr Obnoxious will miss it like more truths!
-R senile will not get it above!
-checkmate will lose to itself again!
-And the Oregon moron will continue to exhibit the worst case of smugness here.
This article identifies the HA DUMMOCRETIN to a “T” and is:
I guess it didn’t self-deport.
Oh well. A boy’s gotta dream. Dr. Orpheus’ blocking script is the next best thing. Sorta like the Fuckwad is internally self-deported. Check the Bible Study comments for details.
It’s May 1st 2016. How may HA DUMMOCRETIN freakazoids will be downtown creating mayhem in Seattle?
Oregon moron @27,
It’s working… It’s working!
You are playing right into Puddy’s hands and it doesn’t even realize it! The only goat sex is the one you dream about in that femtometer brain!
Oregon moron’s claim to fame.
First, they came for Puddy…
Oh boo hoo you sad little whinging insurance cheat.
It’s just a user option idiot. Don’t like it? Don’t use it. Precisely what ethical principal is diminished when private citizens on a private forum opt to eliminate only from their own view expressions they find objectionable?
You fucking douche. You might just as well post
“First, they came for scat porn… ”
But the again, I suppose you would.
@ 32
The exclusionary new code should really have a name. How about
Echo Chamber Enabler?
As long as we’re excluding undesirable written text, can someone write code to exclude any post with more than three consecutive words typed in all-caps, and/or any post with more than one exclamation point?
Call that one DelYLBer Us from Stupidity.
Perhaps, but only if everybody chose to use it that way.
Obviously I’m still putting up with your stilted delusions.
But that Fuckwad has been over the line for long enough with not only the violent expressions of bigotry and intolerance, and empty threats, but in particular with the serial cut-and-paste, caps-lock schizophrenic word salad, and masturbatory repetition.
I check into its postings from time to time. Content-wise nothing has changed except perhaps that it grows worse.
“First, they came for Puddy”
Yeah, only it won’t be us. They will be wearing white coats. I hope the batshit insanity isn’t contagious, Bob, or they’ll be coming for you someday as well.…
“Echo Chamber Enabler?”
Call it whatever you want, Bob. I’ll call it a hate-blocker.
How it must suck for a racist white man such as yourself to be kindred spirits and a friend to a batshit insane black man. In the privacy of your thoughts, Bob, I hope you can console yourself with the knowledge that his insanity has driven him to hate blacks every bit as much as yourself.
One of the last loon comments I’ll ever see, but it was a loon head explosion for the ages.
Good riddance to the batshit crazy loon.
Another Republican success story.
You can’t stuff an 18 year old kid into a uniform, train him to kill people and fuck shit up, then put him in a place where he is actually killing people and fucking shit up for a couple of years, and then just expect him to jump back into life without a little education on how to do so.
Not to mention maybe a period where he could take a goddamn breather and get used to the idea of not killing people and fucking shit up. Thats what we did for the guys who came home from the second world war. They had a year or so after they came home to kick back, drink beer, screw pretty girls, find a job or start school and get settled into something of a normal life.
There are no good jobs for these guys nowadays, minimum wage doesn’t pay the bills at all. Their GI Benefits can be taken from them on the lamest of excuses, like losing a piece of equipment in combat or getting a DUI.
They don’t get that time to get their heads out of the shit. The GOP has blocked every single bill meant to address these problems.
I wanna know why.
@ 39
You’re right, a DUI shouldn’t be cause for punishment of any sort.
Nor a second or third.
And until this past week in WI, even a fourth wasn’t necessarily a felony.
The bill signed by Walker on Monday increases the maximum prison sentence for fifth and sixth offenses, from three years to five. Maximum sentences for seventh, eighth and ninth offenses increase from five years to seven and a half. The maximum sentence for a 10th or subsequent offense will rise from seven and a half years to ten. The legislation was authored by Senator Alberta Darling (R-River Hills) and Representative Al Ott (R-Mequon).
“Penalties in Wisconsin for repeat drunk drivers are less severe than neighboring states,” Governor Walker said. “It is time to match the severity of our penalties to this crime, regardless of when it occurs.”
Wisconsin remains the only state in the nation where a first drunk driving offense is a misdemeanor.
Scott Walker. Just taking away more Wisconsin freedoms, I guess.
Those fucking Wisconsin Re-thug-licans again, making personal responsibility for repeated DUI offenses something more than a wrist slap. What’s next? Not requiring employees to have dues forcibly removed from their paychecks in order to enrich unions that have policies disagreeable to the employee?
The horror.
heh. More obsession with yours truly from the trolls.
Like Rujax before me. I must be doing something right!
We’ll have to be more active from here on out.
Heh. Living “rent free” in the “femtometer” sized matter floating in the vacuum between their ears. Too damn funny!
“The horror.”
He was talking about our troops returning from war and losing their GI benefits, you stupid motherfucker.
What happened to you? You used to be a rather clever, snide racist. Did hanging out with a black batshit crazy loon for a few years dumb you down or something?
Perhaps Bob is the one who needed the script most. Reading too many loon comments seems to have fucked with his head.
Echo chamber is all these HA DUMMOCRETINS have left. The Vox article, from an avowed leftist libtard admits how they look for their eager sycophants and then bounce their comments off each other looking for continual affirmation. The Oregon moron doesn’t comprehend that it is definitely displaying the smugness identified by the author! Puddy strikes and wins again! Wait for checkmate now…
Oh and QPPS, see la lata sucka! Another EPIC echo chamber WIN for Puddy!
“I must be doing something right!”
Indeed you have, as have others, perhaps including myself.
Fool @41,
Now it is using Puddy’s “femtometer brain” (™) commentary. Not an original thought between those ears attached to the neanderthal granite encased cranial orifice holding that femtomer sized single brain cell of the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS.
Remember that moron really thought Puddy’s last name was Pavlov! That was H I L A R I O U S!
Now bark again like you did in #41.
Sux to be the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!!!
BTW no call to the EPIC FAYLE blog it “created” from others work?
Actually, Barack, leaving a credible and effective US military on the ground would have been your better move, but it might not have gotten you that second term.
President Obama’s plan for fighting the Islamic State is predicated on having a credible and effective Iraqi ally on the ground in Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.
Thanks, Joe!
The chaos in Baghdad comes just after a visit by Vice President Biden that was intended to help calm the political unrest and keep the battle against the Islamic State on track.
Maybe we shoulda listened to him when he proposed splitting Iraq into three nations and giving everyone their own pie slice. Or maybe the protesters did listen to him, and the three-state solution is part of their plan. Hard to know with goofy Joe.
In a recent interview, the president said that by the end of the year he expected that the United States and its Iraqi partners will have “created the conditions whereby Mosul will eventually fall.”
Well, Mosul already fell, WaPo. Into the wrong hands.
Golly. I don’t know ’bout the rest of you fellas, but ol’ Boob’s startin’ ta get ta me. Shucks! Maybe we all oughta stop bein’ so gol durn smug and listenin to ’em fur a change. Seems them guys just might have a point.
We just might a’ been a whole lot better off back when we was invadin’ and occupyin’ every other country in the middle east, runnin’ up record deficits, purgin’ the Justice Department of heathen Catholics, shippin’ home mountains of body bags, electrocutin’ the genitals of cab drivers, sellin’ state secrets to milf reporters for blow jobs, blowin’ up the global economy, and sneakin’ James Guckert into the White House for sleep overs.
Salad days. (wink ;-)
(G-dropping and other quaint phonological and grammatical quirks as tribute to the alcoholic ex-half-term-Governor of AK Boob still yearns for – nuff said)
@2 Because you are taking a measurement of length and comparing it to square feet. If you consider square feet there are 27,878,400 and many buildings of multiple floors. With over 39.000 square feet per janitor why only 700 janitors?
“shippin’ home mountains of body bags”
Bob loves war, as long as it isn’t his ass on the line.
“Because you are taking”
It’s what Reagan said, not Willy.
@7 It also seems that the United States has some anti monopoly laws that your justice department seems reluctant to use. They alone could be used to break up banks or any other corporation that is a monopoly or has monopoly power or is too big to fail.
@8 That isn’t how this works here in these United States. If the man has medical insurance it should cover his injury. The doctor may sue him. His insurance may very well go after the mans insurance medical or other. Or go after him. In a singe payer system though their injuries would be cover without regard to the cause. There will always be penny counters or button counters who will want to go after the guy who had the accident, but that twists the intent of a single payer system that should pay for the medical cost of the injuries without regard to cause, saving society a great deal of money in overhead costs.
The doctor could still sue for pain and suffering and lost work, so I guess attorneys are all for the current system and don’t want their work to go away.
@8 Did they really have to go with that photo of the assassin doctor? Holding a nine mill and putting a silencer on it? IS the media trying to manipulate me here?
@10 There is that old saying all is fair in love and war.
Also this has not been your typical primary season. California matters to both parties. More so the Republicans, still it can be a last hurrah for Bernie supporters.
If there were an indictment of some sort on Clinton or something weird happens then Sanders is poised to be the nominee as those super delegates are supposed to act in the best interest of the Democratic party.
@11 Technically depending on how Oklahoma law is written that is entirely the case. Law on this subject has changed considerable over the past 100 years. Rape in it’s original legal context could only happen to a woman and it would have involved violation of her vagina by a penis. So only a woman could be raped. Sex involving the ass or mouth would have been covered by other statutes, but those acts were themselves generally criminal and even more so should they involve individuals of the same sex.
Of course sticking ones penis in the mouth of an unconscious person seems to violate the laws of common sense. Unconscious people can still bite involuntarily and they do have a gag complex.
@16 The problem with what they are saying is that there are specific laws on the book that are supposed to deal with that kind of predator. They do not always work nor are they always effective. The problem here is that it turns anyone going into the restroom that doesn’t match their biological sex into a criminal. Even if they simply went in to use the toilet because their room was full, a shitty mess, closed, ect. They went in with their spouse who needs assistance. They go into the room to clean it.
There are laws on the book that deal with voyers. Whether police properly enforce those laws is another matter.
The other day I was at a rest stop near Blaine. An individual who looked sexy, Had on a miniskirt and a beard, long black boots with stiletto heals. I went in the rest room and a momen later they came in and used the stall next to me. I do not know if the individual was at the rest stop because of the whole issue. I don’t know if they are in a particular profession. Yes I felt a little uncomfortable, but as far as I could ascertain they were doing their business though I did keep my feet a bit closer than usual on the toilet. Seems some airport cops look for guys or congress people who use a wide stance on the toilet.
Yes I was uncomfortable, but it’s the same kind of discomfort I feel when I see a guy in the toilet, and something seems off. Maybe they are drunk. Maybe they are motorcycle gang members. Maybe they are a drug dealer. Maybe they are a prostitute and they are going to make a pass and I’m going ot have to decide if I’m going to do an Australian hand shake or tell them no. Worse if they mistake you for an expected date. Thank you but no I’m working right now.
LMAO @ the idiot @ 46…
Once AGAIN living “rent free in the “femtometer” sized two sputtering synapses!
Stay obsessed, stay stupid!
Oh was it your middle name instead?
No matter! The fool remains an idiot.
@14 You do realize there are ways around your script. The obvious one being he creates a new account or persona. Yes that would violate the lists rules, and most like Goldy or the list owners would ban the troll, but then they would just be in a long game of whack a troll.
I do find what your doing as pernicious as the hatred and drool being offered and overlooks the first amendment and no one is forcing you to read what they have to say. It maybe necessary to occassionally say something in response as silence means you are in agreement with them in some schools of thought.
Most of Puddy’s post are painfully obvious. He occassionally says something as an opponent though that should not be entirely ignored. Some of his rantings deserve a reply and it’s only with practice that one can develop an argument to the other sides politics, issues, and facts. So sometimes one must go down the rabbit hole. On occasion one discovers ones own side isn’t as full of rainbows and unicors as one thinks. Sometimes one must take off the rose colored glasses. I disagree with you providing and seeking them out on such a list as this. After all we all are occassionally supposed to be horses asses on here. Which means we should be stoics and able to take it.
@18 Or that there are consequences when one signs a bill into law and one consequence is the people toss you out of office. Ahh too bad.
@19 How Orwellian of them. Though sex was definitely in and so were drugs by big brother. Gay sex was just fine and so was being transgendered.
Here’s a google search where the babbling jackass troll proclaims to the world (“of” it obviously) that it is “Pavlov”:
@22 Ummm this comment can only be made by someone without children. a parent is stuck going to the bath room if they have very young children. They properly celebrate when their child can go without them being there. School restrooms are of course public restrooms and no sane parent wants to be in one while their child and their classmates are in one. Just ask any elementary teacher of the joys of their classes and the rest rooms.
@39 There are other options in dealing with this phenomenon. The former Soviet Union use some different techniques. So have revolutionaries of successful revolutions. Generally hasn’t ended well for the 18 year old former soldier.
Is there some bill in Congress about instituting the draft or changing the draft? The unintended consequences of allowing women in combat positions. Some military officers have been trying ot point this out as the reason for the prohibitions of women in these positions is the real reason why women do not have to register for the draft. If we are doing a draft this is gonna be fun.
Though I don’t think the panel members I was listening to on NPR are well informed. If you are drafted you get the same pay no matter your sex. You draft for combat positions but you are going to draft a lot of people who are going to be in the tail. As I pointed out it was not clear to me whether they were talking about a draft taking place or registration. And they did not realize that a lot happens to keep the aperatus oiled for the US to do a draft. Of course not doing registration and not having the mechanism to do one is an option. One that Congress may take so as to avoid this sticky subject.
Puddy continues to PWN the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS
Maybe we all oughta stop bein’ so gol durn smug and listenin to ’em fur a change.
Didn’t the Oregon moron claim not to read Puddy?
Lyin Fool!
Bush Approval Rating May 2008: 28 percent
Most recent Obama approval rating: 51 percent.
Suck on it trolls!
Watching crazed libtard DUMMOCRETIN bred whitie children in the May Day “celebration” on 4th Ave.
You DUMMOCRETINS are whack job nut cases!
woooo hooo!
Is the Drumpfhole still calling Kruzz “Lyin’ Ted”?
Of course it is! Drumpfhole is not a klownservatic. Some klownservatics call Drumpfhole a progressive!
Then why have so many Republicans thrown the lever to Drumpfhole?
HAHAHAHA! You trolls are f’d!
Someone create a script for Mark Adams.
Dont worry dumbshit. It’s only for 48 hrs while testing out Doc’s script. Right now I’m surfing mobile. Don’t spend much time at the desktop after Friday pm. No plug-ins for Chrome for Android.
But a top IT expert like you doesn’t need a smug Hippie lime me to tell you that.
There’s always Dolphin.
Doc’s script let’s the user specify whoever. You could block my comments if you like. But according to the voices in that Fuckwad’s head, I’ll just come right back as Liberal Scientist.
The oregon moron is calling you #72! Didn’t realize the script can be used for anyone!
I’ll just come right back as Liberal Scientist.
Interesting how his Oregon moron “thinks”!
It just seems white identity politics trumps the “principles” of klownservatism. The fig leaf is off, withered into dust.
Oops there’s that T word.
White identity politics?
DUMMOCRETINS Sanders and Clinton.
Aren’t they whities?
@75. Ohhh how stupid the fuckwad is (you, as in puffed puked one)….I knew the script could be used for anyone….
Only a fucking moron like you would believe differently. And if you knew any better I was joking regarding an Adam’s script.
But I understand – what could one expect from a bible translator.
A jew and a woman. Two more firsts for this country. In 2008 Democrats elevated the first African American to the highest office in the land.
And white? The choice of David Duke? Oh that white identity nationalist/supremacist is for the Drumpfhole!
The choice of Republicans (like the kook-a-nut karson) – it figures!
Oh my. Crud is an immigrant. I wonder if he’s a raper. Wonder if Heidi was raped up the ass by Tool.
Next we’ll find out he is transvestite too.
HHTL @79,
Remember you typed #72. Who forced you to type #72 HHTL?
Sheeeesh what a moron!
I think it’s nice that a little kid from a strange foreign land can rise from the ruins of his family’s bankruptcies, debts, and failures to show so much ambition. But I’m not sure he shares our American values. It’s also very troubling the way he misled so many voters about Dr. Carson and then lied about it afterward. Very un-Christian.