Roy Zimmerman: Everybody is Everybody Else.
Bill Maher: Tax the churches.
How to fix America’s corrupt political system.
The White Jet Pro.
What people did with presidential candidate cut-outs.
Who’s it going to be? Donald Drumpf or Hillary?
Always After Me Lucky Charms:
- Stephen: Reince Priebus’ cry for help is very specific
- Stephen and Tom Hanks share some Bailey’s and Lucky Charms.
White House: West Wing Week.
Young Turks: Gyrocopter pilot sentenced to prison.
Wicked: Denying Hillary.
The 2016 Crazy-Fest:
- Samantha Bee: Drumpf wins sooooo hard…
- Young Turks: Drumpf claims he helped clean up after 9/11.
- Jimmy Dore: Drumpf celebrates NY victory with disgraced G.O.P Teabagger.
- Michael Brooks: Rudy Giuliani wants to be very unclear about Donald Drumpf
- Maddow: Drumpf upends anti-LGBT GOP orthodoxy
- Young Turks: Drumpf clownishly confuses 7/11 with 9/11.
- Drumpf: Unpresidential
- Michael Brooks: Drumpf, speaking about what you shouldn’t forget, confuses 7/11 and 9/11.
- Stephen: Cartoon Trump is emperor of New York
- Chris Gethard: A solution for Drumpf’s tiny hands
- Maddow: Drumpf holds racist anti-Hispanic rally in New York
- James Corden: Running for President is hard for Ted Cruz
- Ted Cruz watching pornography on the internet.
- Samantha Bee: John Kasich goes to New York City
- Michael Brooks: John Kasich thinks he’ll be the GOP nominee despite all evidence to the contrary
- Stephen: Paul Ryan is probably open to being President.
David Hawkings’ Whiteboard: Life in the Senate after running for President:
Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Daily Show: The Carson twins debate….:
Stephen: Bernie said “do do”.
State Sanctioned Discrimination:
- Samantha Bee: Jeremy Durham is the Worst Person in Tennessee.
- Stephen with a word about North Carolina.
- Samantha Bee: Worst Person in Tenessee, Part II
- Young Turks: Classy Rep. Louie Goober mocks LGBT community.
Reporter fail: Attempt to make #DemocracySpring look stupid backfires!
Deprogrammed political news of the week.
Thom: Can social media seize control of our elections?
Stephen: New York primaried hard.
Mental Floss: 27 facts about James Bond.
The $20 Makeover:
- Stephen: Hooray for the Tubman $20
- Kid v. Drumpf on Tubman $20 bill
- David Pakman: Harriet Tubman “replacing” Andrew Jackson on $20 bill
- Young Turks: Harriet Tubman will appear on the front of the new $20 bill
- Trevor Noah: FAUX News and the new $20
Mark Fiore: Islamophobic Air.
How to stop Ted Cruz.
Obama’s weekly address: Building a fairer and more effective criminal justice system.
PsychoSuperMom: Gerrymandering.
Stephen: Everyone is mad about campaign finance reform.
Break Free Pacific Northwest.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
GOP Governor: “It’s better that people just die, than have their lives saved to continue their addiction.”
Yep, when they come home from our Wars hooked on the medicines we gave them to help save their lives, they should just die quicker. When people get hurt on the job, making money for a Job Creator™ and are prescribed high doses of one of the most powerfully addictive substances ever created, they deserve to die.
You just keep talkin’ ya fucking blackshirts.
Curt Schilling: ‘I Don’t Have A Racist Bone In My Body’
Ok so you are just ignorant. Great – dumb down America, become the leader in ignorant but not racist people.
Bigots, ignorants, racists – what ever your name is – you are the most fucking ignorant morons that every time they speak they put their dicks in their mouth.
I really think that the Repukes comment with respect to ignorance is overlooked. We want to call them Obstructionists, Partisan, etc….
But we overlook thier real attribute, and that is ignorance as demonstrated by trrying to convince some you aren’t a racist when you are really just ignorant. Or the ignorant comments made by the GOP governor comment posted @1
But their ignorance keeps us going – who would we give us such comic relief material to work with. The late night shows are loving it.
Boob speaks out about some guy with a Drumpf sticker getting his car vandalized and threatened by a “liberal”, or at least he thought it was a liberal.
But Drumpf supporter threaten the Delegates, and Boob doesn’t speak about that.
His response instead is to bring up some other cloud over the Democrats to talk about to deflect of his own reality of living in his world of a fucked up Repuke world. Kind of like turning to drugs or alchahol to mask your problems.
Hasn’t Trump used 9/12 in Earl I campaign rallies?
5) I meant 9/11.
“Hasn’t Trump used 9/12 in Earl I campaign rallies?”
“5) I meant 9/11.”
No, he uses 7/11. No shit. 7/11, a day that will live in infamy.
What a clown show the GOP presidential campaign has been.
The 2016 GOP presidential campaign in a nutshell – dick size, ugliest wife and toilets. And now it’s come down to a face-off between two candidates – the guy with an orange face versus the guy with a melting face.
I guess it’s nice to have friends, but if you’re a certain type of person, you need a different sort of friends. The kind who’ll stick up for a child molester:
“Former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, several other former congressmen and a onetime CIA chief were among 41 people who wrote letters asking for leniency for Dennis Hastert as the former U.S. House speaker heads to sentencing next week in his hush-money case.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you hang out with Republicans, it’s not difficult to find such friends. Hell, you’ll probably be sticking up for them someday, the GOP being a criminal gang and all.
@1 I’m sure glad I don’t live in Maine. It’s a beautiful state (the way Mother Nature made it, before you stupid humans polluted it with your presence), but I wouldn’t want as neighbors the kind of people who would elect a man like this to public office.
@10 It’s not the people who elected this man. It’s the people that don’t vote I have no respect for.
Remember the batshit crazy loon’s glee and taunts over the NYC voter purge? As one might suspect, where the right to vote is being suppressed in America, it’s always the Republicans doing it.
“Diane Haslett-Rudiano is a name long remembered by the people of New York. Slum Lord, Real Estate Con Woman, Voter Fraud Expert, and GOP Secretary, Diane was until last night the Borough Office Chief Clerk. She found herself suspended from her position without pay for her role in the voter purge.”
“As the stories came in, what was revealed was something far more insidious than some kind of voter purge used to eliminate voters who had died or moved out of the area. Instead they found fraudulent documents with forged signatures. And when the voter purge was looked at carefully, it became clear that the purge was being very specific, targeting people by street and apartment building.”
“In 2012, Mitt Romney with Karl Rove developed a voting tool the likes of which had never been seen before. This tool, called Orca, was a database so massive and finite that, using it, they could identify people on a street by street, or building by building basis. Orca worked in part by collecting data gathered by poll watchers, which would be funneled into a central database for processing. As a result, Orca gave the Romney campaign a tactical ability to target people not only who Romney wanted to show up to the polls, but to deny access for people who Romney did not want to show up to the poll. Unfortunately for Romeny in 2012, the hactivist collective Anonymous killed that plan, by overloading and crashing the central servers.”
“However, the data collected remains intact, and available to GOP insiders – insiders such as Diane Haslett-Rudiano. With access to such data, such a voter purge becomes trivial to perform. The question then becomes, who did she purge? What factor was she targeting?”
If you’re a Sanders or Clinton supporter and your candidate isn’t nominated, I say you need to get over it because the worst is yet to come. The Republicans are going to do everything they possibly can to steal this election and we can’t rely on Anonymous to save us again. We can only stop them with diligence, each of us verifying our registration status, as well as with a massive voter turnout.
Well, at least Sanders has got right ideas about ending the American Overseas Empire and ending the War on Drugs.
@13 Why not, considering the two are joined at the hip?
“In the pursuit of an exalted aim, men invested with high purpose and morally invulnerable need feel no pity. Their opponents were not in error; they were in sin. They could therefore be exterminated in good conscience.”
~ Lewis Coser
He wrote that about the French Revolution, but it could just as easily be pointed out that the entirety of the Modern American Conservative paradigm is taking the absolute opposite position to things that a complex social construct, (like a Nation for example), must maintain in order to continue it’s very existence. They’re not literal moralists, their purpose is entirely cynical. Their own (claimed) moral construct doesn’t apply to themselves at all. They’re not leaders, they’re just vandals. The Religion is just a tool to facilitate that.
It isn’t about creating anything. It is entirely based on destruction of anything that interferes with their control of the message.
Right now the batshit crazy loon is with his End Days cult getting stoked to come here to post some unintelligible hate in the name of little Baby Jesus.
Great – dumb down America…
Yep, the goal of the AFT and the NEA and their DUMMOCRETIN buds since 1965
What is this fucking moron talking about.
Donald Trump Shifts Position On North Carolina Bathroom Bill
He says that he thinks that LOCAL COMMUNITIES and the States have the right to have laws, without the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT interference…..
But this State bill denies the local communities their right that he is in favor of and the Federal Government isn’t interfering.
But in fact people and business have every right to do exactly what they have been doing and that is boycotting North Carolina.
Fucking Republicsns are the biggest anti freedom people in the world. ISIS probably has more freedom.
Even a Koch knows a goon or a monkey when he’s seen one.
Charles Koch: Clinton Might Make Better President Than Republican Candidates
Remember Puddy’s glee and taunts over the NYC voter purge? As one might suspect, where the right to vote is being suppressed in America, when DUMMOCRETINS are doing it… BLAME Republicans. Since QPPS copied four paragraphs so does Puddy…
You see when QPPS uses crooks and liars, their writing is full of DUMMOCRETIN crooks and always about DUMMOCRETIN liars!
Right now Puddy is with his church friends getting will later come here to post some FACTS in after acknowledging Jesus created Earth.
Actually QPPS, Puddy picked up a Parkinson’s Disease friend and we went to a King County hospital and visited another friend who is having his three left foot toes amputated due to diabetes.
Sux to be you!
That kult shit ends at sundown..
And the fiend “needs” HA to do you know what..
@ Schizo @ 20:
So you go to a Murdoch fishwrapper to support your position on that? The one and only Diane Haslett-Rudiano is a well-known and frankly rather famous figure in NY City. Old-school slumlord, has repeatedly been cited for rackrenting and other violations of City and State laws regarding how property is used and maintained. She is pretty much a pariah in NY City.
She used a tool developed by people working for the GOP on behalf of Karl Rove and the Romney campaign that was able to pinpoint likely voters based on their home address, to the point of being able to select who she believed should be allowed to vote based on their neighborhood or even the building they lived in.
Sorry Schiz, its all on her and the Rovians. She knew what she was doing, she did it very deliberately, and is now in some very deep shit as a result.
Here is the explanation used by Mother Jones…
According to the Daily News, Haslett-Rudiano was in charge of maintaining accurate voter registration lists, a job that includes updating party registration information and removing the names of people who’ve died or moved. That process had fallen six months to a year behind schedule, according to WNYC, which reported the day before the primary that 60,000 Democrats had been removed from the polls in Brooklyn. That number later doubled after the Board of Elections followed up on the WNYC story.
What the Daily News PURPOSELY didn’t say in their article and Mother Jones decided to stay with the DUMMOCRETIN article was Haslett-Rudiano only controlled the Republican side! Where did the issue happen? On the DUMMOCRETIN side. Who controlled the DUMMOCRETIN side? Read the link in #20 for the whole story.
NY Post – Fair and Balanced.
NY Daily News – Mortimer Zuckerman.. We all know what Mort jock straps!
Truth be damned and keep everyone as LIVs in NYC!
Slanted reporting and QPPS is a slanted moron!
How much ya wanna bet this is a Obummer jock strap…
This alleged killer, smirking Friday as he was led out of a Brooklyn station house, coldly said, “I don’t give a f–k. I’m here and they not.’’
Sound like words QPPS would deliver when caught!
Puddy knew the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch could not go more that 24 hours without commenting on HIS BOSS, Puddy!
Thanks for playing monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch!
So you go to a Murdoch fishwrapper to support your position on that?
ABSOLUTELY. No one learns there were two peeps in the Brooklyn office; one for Republicans and the other for DUMMOCRETINS…
Who is this DUMMOCRETIN?
PuddyCommentariat: This is standard DUMMOCRETIN procedure… graft, bragging, using people illegally, conflicts of interest. Bragging at a DUMMOCRETIN committee meeting. Those are attended by Republicans? Hmmm…?
Seems more is learned on this DUMMOCRETIN “will he vomit”…
DUMMOCRETIN Betty Ann Canizio-Aqil, the deputy clerk, remained on the job even though one of her main responsibilities is ensuring that her party’s voting rolls are accurate. Brooklyn DUMMOCRETIN Chairman Frank Seddio made sure she stayed employed as it said above to rubber stamp everything he wanted! She was “sick” until last November and then worked half days when she wanted!
What was her party “will he vomit”? Was it DUMMOCRETIN? The party of patronage and graft at it again in NYC!
Notice the troll has primed the pump with HATE.
goes the babbling jackass.. – explains the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS in #29 PERFECTLY!
The babbling jackass troll NEEDS HATE to perform its weekly duty with its salt mining buddy.
It’s hilarious!
@21 does your Parkindon friend shake like a retard?
“Notice the troll has primed the pump with HATE.”
The loon starts to run out of energy by the end of the week, then comes his Saturday night cult rituals which get him stoked back to a state of peak hate. Predictably, this thread is now littered with the loon’s hate and head explosions. What a miserable, fucked up existence.
“does your Parkindon friend shake like a retard?”
Not as much as the hate-filled retard loon.
Today I am going do some city exploring on my bike with my sister and after that I am going to acknowledge that religion is all hogwash created by people that would have been Harry Potter fans.
Why does this article seem so odd to me? Sounds like trying to put a positive or up-beat spin on 8 people being murdered.
Massacre leaves Ohio town shaken, but resolute
How fucked up is this? The presidential candidate the hate-speech spewing loon supports is an illegal Cuban-Canadian immigrant who represents a state which is trying to secede from the union.
“Texas Fights To Secede From The United Damn States Of America”
That is truly fucked up.
“Why does this article seem so odd to me?”
That link doesn’t seem to work, although it might be my cpu at fault.
Looks like the hate-filled loon actually belongs to two death cults now – the SDA and the GOP.
“Death Threats Pour In From Rabid Trump Supporters To GOP Delegates”
Sucks to be the batshit crazy loon and the rest of the GOP death cult.
“Charles Koch Admits Hillary Clinton Could Be the Best Candidate in November”
Koch says, “that the infighting GOP candidates are “terrible role models” and thus unsupportable.”
Ouch! Is that the loon’s head I hear exploding?
Hey salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS, the blog has been missing that single monthly visitor so you advertise it twice?
Puddy PWNS this moron. Can’t go 24 hours without Puddy on the femtometer brain!
Now there is real DUMMOCRETIN compassion from HHTl on my Parkinson diseased friend.
What a tard HHTL is!
@7 Cold be brain freeze from Slurpee’s. Can’t help but wonder what his favorite is. Couldn’t some intrepid news reporter find out. Or are they too intimidated to talk to the poor low level lackey who has to go to 7/11 and pick up Trump’s addiction. Or is it a high level advisor. So the key to success in the Trump organization is pick up donuts and bring enough for everyone. Seems a little liberal or humanist, but if it works go with it.
(Keep picking up those Slupees low level lackey and you could become undersecretary of forest management in the Department of Interior. Screw up and it’s off to Greenland with you….nope “Your fired!!!”
@9 It’s also entirely possible that he did not do anything illegal at the time depending on the age of the minor. The age of consent at the time would have been 16. If the victims were all over 16 then he didn’t break any laws, Of course he would have been fired. The issue at the time would have been the gay aspect. If that had come out he could not have even run for dog catcher.
So it’s possible there is a lot of noise over acts that were unethical but not illegal at the time. He’s gotten in trouble for paying a bribe over gay sex. The man is not a pedophile as everyone is saying because these were all members of the high school wrestling team and therefore were all teenagers. Some of whom may have been sexually active in a hetero or homosexual way. Or at least curious.
Yes it’s fun because he’s a Republican and former speaker and this smells of hubris and hypocrisy. Just lets not be carried away with all the remarks of the officials who also have political reasons to make those statements and be satisfied with this simple representation of the complexities of the underlying issues here.
Has the individual the money was paid to been charged or at least forced to return the money to the treasury? If not then some officials need to do their job and enforce the law. Something that Progressives stand for.
@10 I didn’t think rabbits particularly cared about lines on a map about political boundaries. If you were a rabbit in Maine you would not know or care, but may be a winner in the climate change that the humans are causing.
I doubt for folks in Maine what the Gov said is particularly shocking and many of both parties probably agree. It’s a very individualistic place, and weakness of any kind is abhorred. Men must be strong and women stronger. And all of the children learn to make a fire naked outside in the winter with nothing but a couple of sticks. And they go hunting gigantic lobster with nothing but bare hands. It would be considered unsportsmanlike to do these under the spell of intoxicating liquors or any chemical stimulants.
While beautiful there is a reason we humans haven’t polluted it more it’s a nasty unpleasant place nearly as bad as any wasteland out west.
Heilary Clinton on Friday said…
Where was this on the Friday Night Comix?
Of course the lamestream Heilary super pac media ignored it. Butt if a Republican said something like this a COW would be birthed by the same fools! Imagine if Trump or Cruz said gangs were family, & join a positive gang(TM) lamestream Heilary super pac media would come unglued on them. They’d lynch either of them! Yet, Heilary enjoys the Gang/Thug life.
It takes a village of gang members eh? Or maybe a family of “Super Predators”? Which gang Heilary? Crips? Bloods? La Raza? Maybe members of the Clinton Crime Family Foundation (CCFF)?
One thing Heilary forgot to mention. In most gangs you don’t get to leave except in a pine box!
Not a peep from the DUMMOCRETIN fools here on that! Seems Da Perfessa just can’t be an honest broker… EVAH!
@12 Of course this is a Presidential election the Republican’s should win. The odds are or at least were in their favor. Things they have done. The Trump and Bernie factors have made it much more of a coin toss.
The smart bet is on whoever the Republican is versus whoever the Democratic candidate. The Democrats have more work to overcome this advantage. I do see a lot of hope they are on that road. Still they might do better to lose and take back the Senate and House as holding the Presidency seems to be a curse to holding Congress than in the past.
@14 Ok Art I think that is an interesting statement saying America’s Overseas Empire and the war on drugs are joined at the hip. Could you explain your position, please. To me the connection is a bit tenuous. Though we were able to stuff our drug policy down the rest of the worlds throat in the past that is changing. Though those places that are remnants of our empire like Guantanamo, Puerto Rico, the Marshall Islands, Virgin Islands have to follow the laws our Congress impose on them. So much for equal representation, and yes Puerto Rico has asked to become a state.
Oh no Puddy… More FACTS soon to be called hate!
Wait for the next head explosions from QPPS and the crazed databaze deala!
@17 Dumbing down America clearly is not a goal of either of those unions. Neither is smartening up America. Both unions have effectively supported their members. That is what their real job is. Of course their members who are teachers and generally of a professional bent want to educate their students. Just like workers in a steel factory want to turn out ingots of steel or girders, ect.
Teachers are not responsible for the intellect or lack thereof of their students. Other factors determine that.
@36 Hey we have our own group or groups. They want to form Cascadia. Perhaps they are little cuter and friendlier than the Texans, but they suffer from the same disease. If we had a Democratic or Republican running it would be very unfair to pin Cascadia on them after all they may say some things in order to get votes from those Cascadia folks.
In any case these Republican supporting succession aren’t going to install Cruz as their new President. It’s just good Texas politics to go to their shin digs and have a steak and beer with these umm patriotic Texans!!! Some of em have guns and politicians never know when you might run across one of these long horns which is what the Texas two step is for.
Puddy you can tell your friends here at HA that you are listening to Purple Rain and feeling nostalgic. We will not tell your Bishop and we will acknowledge your pain for this loss.
Meanwhile try not to pick up any rabbits take them home, feed and pet them, and name them George. At least until RR gets back on his soft little computer feet.
The loon has anxiety attack over…
“Joining a gang is like having a family. It’s feeling like you’re part of something bigger than yourself.”
Of course. So fucking obvious. What a loon!
The loon whines about…
…which happened on Bush’s watch as he read “My Pet Goat” after which he invaded the wrong country. And now the present bewildered leading GOP candidate memorializes 7/11.
But that was sure one hell of a loon head explosion. That might have been the biggest one yet.
Friday, the Denver Regional Transportation District opened the University of Colorado A-Train between Union Station and Denver International Airport. It is one of the first modern electric commuter rail operations west of Chicago. It’s only the first
One in Denver to open this year, including more mileage on the light rail network, in the form of the restoration and expansion of the former G-line, a suburb to suburb line, ending at a connection with the A-Train. Two A-Train stations are on the former site of Stapleton International Airport.