Congressional Hits and Misses: The essential John Boehner.
Stephen: Farewell whoever you were.
VSauce: Juvenoia.
Thom: Here’s what Democratic Socialism is:
Ending gun violence.
How to FOIA the NSA for data about you.
White House: West Wing Week.
Ryan Eyes:
- Members weigh in on Ryan’s first week.
- Pap: Teabaggers go after Paul Ryan.
- WaPo: Who is Paul Ryan
- Maddow: Why Ryan won’t pass 9/11 first responders’ bill.
- Young Turks: Paul Ryan’s sellout to the banks.
- Farron Cousins: Paul Ryan’s first act is to screw over the poor.
Maddow: The Teabagger scandal that won’t die.
David Pakman: Teabaggers are at a record low.
Trevor Noah: My first American Health Care experience.
Mental Floss: Why does daylight saving time vary by country.
Thom: Un-Koch my campus.
Redskins vs. Reformed Whores: Let’s get it on!
Was MSNBC too easy on the Koch brothers?
Ann Telnes: More proof that SCOTUS is behind the times.
Chris Cillizza: Why Joe not running matters.
Congressional Hits and Misses of the week.
The 2016 Festival of Clowns:
- Obama smacks G.O.P. whimps for whining about CNBC moderators
- Young Turks: Obama mocks the wingnut whiners.
- Sam Seder: Obama mocks whiney GOP candidates.
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Republican debate demands
- Mark Fiore: The Real Republican Debate.
- Trevor Noah: Republicans call for babyproofed debates
- Sam Seder: Even FAUX News is laughing at the G.O.P. candidates.
- Seth Meyers with Donny Deutsch: Trump vs. Hillary is the reality show we want to see.
- Latino groups say Donald Trump’s racism has no place in the White House.
- Maddow: Anti-Trump protests reach Saturday Night Live
- Mexican Donald Trump hosts Mexican Saturday Night Live
- Songify: The Donald sings and dances:
- Donald responds with the Trump rap ad
- Sam Seder: Trump dismisses Jeb! and talks of riding off into the sunset
- Stephen: Trump and Jeb! books out.
- Young Turks: New low for Bush as Jindal passes him in Iowa.
- PsychoSuperMom: Jeb Can Fix It!
- Ann Telnaes: Jeb Bush and the divine right of political families.
- Young Turks: Jeb!’s friends are leaving him.
- Young Turks: Christie and Huckabee get demoted to the kids table.
- Matthew Filipowicz: Ted Cruz says climate change is not science. It’s religion.
- Young Turks: Ted Cruz just cannot still whining about the CNBC debate.
- “Holy Lunatic Asylum, Batman”: Ben Carson’s unbelievably NUTZ-O theory about the pyramids.
- Sam Seder: Genius Ben Carson solves the pyramid mystery.
- Ben Carson thinks the pyramids were built to store grain
- Hey GOP candidates, no more hating.
- Richard Fowler: Carson compares rape victims who want abortions to slave owners.
- David Pakman: Carson and pyramid schemes
- Farron Cousins: Dr. Malpractice says pyramids were for grain storage
- Young Turks: Ben Carson’s pyramid scheme.
- Sam Seder: Ben Carson tells some classic archaeologist jokes
- Matthew Filipowicz: Rand Paul compares tuition free college to heroin.
- Trevor Noah: Iowa Republicans are afraid of The Daily Show
Anonymous KKK Hack.
Sam Seder: FAUX News infotainters have difficulty understanding jobs numbers.
Thom: Will ObamaCare survive in Kentucky?
Obama on Keystone XL.
Nancy Pelosi: “The Republican Committee to Attack Women’s Health”.
Seven mistakes in Bill-O-The-Clown’s book about Ronald Reagan.
Simone Sebastian: If you oppose Black Lives Matter, you would’ve abhorred Martin Luther King.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about famous composers.
David Hawkings’ Whiteboard: Wealth of Congress:
Red State Update: RIP Fred Thompson.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Interesting how the GOP candidates got together, or some of them at least, to come up with debate demands? Sounds like a little collective bargaining.
Mental Ben loses his nut.
Aww, poor baby, someone forget to remind you to take the yellow ones before doing these little Q&A sessions? People are going to ask uncomfortable questions at these events, Mr. Carson.
Now that you’ve been caught in several outright lies, in fact, some pretty serious whoppers about your personal history, and have some rather demonstrable mental health issues that are beginning to interfere with how you present your public persona, the cracks in your personality are beginning to become obvious for even the meanest intelligence.
Gee, could it be, Mr. Carson, that you’re just another lunatic who is now seeing his brief time in the sun blow away like a dandelion in a lawnmower, and people aren’t going to pay the sort of attention to you that you believe they should?
Tsk, Tsk, Mr. Carson.
Personally, I don’t think we’ve seen the end of this. His brief, fanciful “campaign” may be dead, but he’s just not smart enough to know that. His antics aren’t over yet. The next couple of weeks with this guy are going to be really fun to watch.
“Only 271,000 new jobs were added last month. That is up from September as well. Analysts were expecting more than 180,000 jobs for October.”
Um, okay?
Me Neanderthal Thug.
Louisiana Cops Arrested For Killing 6-Year-Old Boy
Surely Puffy must care – he loves Russian little babies. Does he love American ones?
Me want to be thug police officer.
Ben Carson Bizarrely Attacks CNN Host In Hostile Interview
Good forCarly. I actually agree with her here. Although I don’t find the remark made about her that bad, depends on what context. Was it the person searching for a word and just used the wrong word or was it malicious?
But to many people, mostly republicans themselves, think it’s acceptable to be rude then cover it up by claiming political correctness is to much. I wider if Carly would feel that that is a double standard or hypocrite act?
Well Carly are you just looking for political correctness? Try being a gay person and having to put up with the crazy shit gay put up with every day.
Carly Fiorina Spars With Hosts Of ‘The View’ Over Comments About Her Looks
No, you don’t say.
Could have something to do with the being brought up in a Nazi like state?
When a female cop shoots an unarmed white guy, that’s the trigger for going to far, that being able to sue the cop for wrong doing won’t work.
“The first is that we ought to reject the idea that a condition of not having excess force used against you is bowing and scraping before cops. One of the key differences between a free society and a totalitarian one is that in a free society, being a jerk to someone in a uniform isn’t legally punishable by summary physical abuse meted out by the person wearing the uniform in question.”
“Second, the people most often targeted by bad police behavior are the least likely to be able to afford a lawyer. ”
“Third, this “solution” ignores what happens when private citizens take cops to court – which is, pretty much inevitably, that servile juries take the cop’s side pretty much no matter what”
Typical for red staters isn’t it. When it happens to them and their tribe, THEN they get upset.
@ 8
Um, Better?
It wasn’t a red state. It was Pennsylvania.
HARRISBURG, Pa. — A small-town police officer who fatally shot an unarmed motorist in the back as he lay face down on the ground was acquitted Thursday at her murder trial.
Better, if you had the reading comprehension skills to understand what is contained in the link, you would understand that the point of that linked post is to criticize the current system and to encourage more people to record police activity in hopes of
stoppingdecreasing inexcusable behavior by police.This may help you out some:
Here’s the reality – juries in America still show cops a level of deference that no one else in the country gets, and that most definitely includes plaintiffs who sue cops. The patronizing advice, “Wait until later and sue the cop” is worthless for the reasons outlined above. And the only thing that will change the unfair weighting of the current system is for more and more people to see that sometimes, cops really do lie and abuse their authority.
And the only way for that to happen is for people to assert their constitutional rights and to capture the response of cops on tape.
Better, the only part of ‘red state’ that applies here is the name of the blog that posted the piece.
Great way to start a Saturday, Better.
Damn! This Carson fantasy quest is imploding big time!
It’s all good Ben – you never were serious to begin with. This whole thing was about selling shit to fools.
Even your freak out is calculated to sell more shit.
Just more money for you and your greedy cult.
Reid, Pelosi pushing for repeal of ObamaCare’s ‘Cadillac tax’
The tax on high-cost insurance plans is at the heart of Obama’s strategy to contain costs across the marketplace. Health officials and economists close to the law are dead set against abandoning the tax, which they argue should nudge employers and employees toward cheaper insurance plans with less waste.
Last month, Obama’s top economic adviser, Jason Furman, called the tax “perhaps the single biggest leverage we have on health costs in the private sector.”
God forbid Congressional Democrats would leave in place anything that might help control health care costs.
These are the leaders Democrats retained after their 2014 drubbing.
Hillary Clinton’s back-door path to 270.
Seattlish @seattlish
Retweeted by Goldy
One man, one vote, sweetheart.
“It wasn’t a red state. It was Pennsylvania.”
The site is called RedState, a very influential conservative tea party site. Even they see evidence of police over reacting when it’s one of their tribe.
Good on you, for being able to reiterate the article’s intent , using somewhat different words.
@9 Pennsylvania is represented Congress by 14 Republicans and 6 Democrats. Choose one:
(1) Pennsylvania is a blue state that’s undemocratically gerrymandered in favor of Republicans; or
(2) Pennsylvania is predominantly a red state.
By the way, Republicans “won” 56.8% of the House seats with 52.9% of the popular vote in 2014; does that tell you anything about how representative, or democratic, or whatever word you want to use, these “elections” were? And that doesn’t even count the votes that Republicans spent million of dollars and countless manhours to suppress.
@12 Wow. Where did you dig up that nugget of wisdom?
@13 “One man, one vote, sweetheart.”
Unless, of course, you’re Black, Hispanic, Asian, or otherwise don’t look “American,” or you’re poor, elderly, a student, have to work on election day, or can’t afford to drive 300 miles to the nearest driver’s license office; in which case, you get zero votes.
@13 Oh, and btw, that’s supposed to be “one person, one vote,” asshole. A word of advice, don’t let your wife catch you posting that.
Caught lying about his biography by the media, Doctor Ben is showing the world how thin-skinned he is by attacking the messengers. You see, it’s the reporters’ fault for not spinning it his way; he thinks they’re supposed to work for him.
Here’s another Ben Carson whopper — and a coherent explanation of why he repeatedly lies about his personal history.
@ RR @ 20:
he thinks
Um, no. No he doesn’t. At all.
He’s vain and narcissistic. So much so that he worships himself as a god that can do no wrong, can be no wrong, and cannot ever understand how anyone would question his greatness.
After all, it’s there for everyone to see.
Bear in mind that he was asked to leave Johns-Hopkins, nice and quiet because his emails and his attitudes towards other staff were almost entirely about himself and his relationship with Jesus, and it got to be too much even for his own defenders. The man is seriously mentally ill.
@22 Coocoo Coocoo Coocoo
“Decreasing inexcusable behavior by police”
Funny how RedStaters sound like Black Lives Matter when they start getting shot
16)Next door in Ohio, they are beginning to fix it with independent redistricting for Legislative races in Columbus. Supposedly a measure for Congressional districts is in the works for next year.
@24 CBS reports that investigators are looking into whether the killing of a 6-year-old autistic boy by two Louisiana cops was motivated by revenge. Apparently there was bad blood between the boy’s father and one or both of these cops. If this is how the case pans out, it will be a case of cops believing they can hide behind their badges to settle a personal feud without legal consequences. I can’t think of any case where we’ve seen that since Mississippi sheriff’s deputies kidnapped and murdered three civil rights workers in 1963 — and by and large got away with it. Wearing a badge shouldn’t make anyone above the law.
Between Carson and the loon, there’s certainly been shortage of implosions these last 24 hours. Fuck, I ran out of popcorn yesterday while reading the open thread. Now it looks like I should go to the store and some more!
“Another Ben Carson tale implodes: No evidence supports claim he shielded white classmates from 1968 race riot”
I’m sure the loon will claim he only wanted to ram his, er, the fear of God into those girls.
“Christian youth pastor accused of sexually assaulting multiple victims at California church”
Kim Kardashian could run Kansas better than this moron.
@24 the truth always comes out, there is only so long you can pretend you don’t see things like normal people see things. They are the biggest fucking hypocrites.
I don’t expect people to be perfect, but when you are a hypocrite and think you are self righteous, that’s where the buck stops with me. Bunch of fucking hypocrites!
Maybe they didn’t vote fir Brownback?
Given the Carson implosion, the loon and his cult are probably fucking goats and sacrificing kittens like crazy tonight.
“Ben Carson may have fabricated a story about being the ‘most honest’ student while at Yale”
The Wall Street Journal again. Lamestream media DUMMOCRETIN scum. Oh, wait, my bad, that’s Rupert Murdoch who is taking down Ben Carson.
Sucks to be a batshit crazy loon.
It’s only getting worse. Westmoreland wasn’t even there.
“Carson’s Westmoreland story doesn’t match records”
“…the neurosurgeon tells of being offered a scholarship to West Point as a high school senior sometime after having dinner with the U.S. Army’s chief of staff, Gen. William Westmoreland, on Memorial Day 1969.”
“But Westmoreland’s personal schedule shows the general was not in Detroit on Memorial Day or during the days preceding and following the holiday. His schedule says he was in and around Washington, D.C., that weekend, according to Army archives The Detroit News reviewed Friday.”
Carson is plummeting in Iowa. Rubio and Cruz are moving up, but so is Trump, leaving both well behind. Bush is dropping. Jeb! hasn’t fixed it yet.
Trump continues to kick butt in South Carolina. Between them, Rubio and Cruz don’t even have half of Trumps numbers. Carson has stalled out, 15 points behind Trump.
It’s Trumps world. Carson, Rubio and Cruz just live in it.
This Forbes writer thinks Carson is onto something about the pyramids. It turns out the good doctor with the gifted hands is a closet Keynesian. I’m not sure how that will play with his base.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If Carson becomes president, to hell with repairing roads and bridges; America needs its own pyramids!
No batshit loon to prime the pump before Sat night salt mining duty?
Guess the cult will have to play second fiddle to Pfizer and Walmart.
It’s sad times in cults-ville as old tall-tales Doc Carson fades from the scene.
Should we start referring to Jeb! As Jeb:(
Idiotic editorials are a Seattle Times trademark. I’m reading the Sunday Seattle Times I got free at the public library (I didn’t become a millionaire by paying for newspapers), and encountered an editorial that says the “courts should move quickly to block I-1366,” Timmeh Lieman’s attempt to blackmail the legislature into turning 1/3 of the state’s voters into a supermajority, a proposition so rank even the Republican Times is against it. But for the wrong reason: “I-1366’s irresponsible flaw is that it would cut needed spending.”
No, dummies, I-1366’s irresponsible flaw is that it allows 1/3 of the people to overrule the other 2/3, and that ain’t democracy. By the way, if Eyman can get a majority of voters to pass his tax-cutting initiatives, then what’s the problem with letting a majority, instead of 1/3, decide whether to raise or lower taxes? It looks like he doesn’t trust some of the people who vote for his initiatives.
While I’m on the subject of the Seattle Republican Times, even those guys think Doctor Boob’s claims about the $15 minimum wage forcing restaurants to close are bullshit. In fact, they said that way back in May, but Boob either didn’t read the article or believes repeating a lie an endless number of times makes it true.
Bickle @40 “Being a millionaire in Seattle is about as notable as having a GED in Yakima, RR.”
In that case, a $15 minimum wage for Seattle shouldn’t be a problem.
Bickle’s comment @40 strangely disappeared. Looks like he tried to yank it before I could quote it. Too late.
@ 42
Went back in to edit one word and the server decided it was spam.
Goldy @GoldyHA
As an @Eagles fan, why do I watch? The process is more painful than even writing, and the result rarely as satisfying.
In football, Goldy, the other side gets a chance to handle the football, too.
Would writing be as satisfying if you addressed both sides of an issue?
So, the Washington Traffic Safety Commission took a stab at traffic fatality data between 2010-2014. Not enough data for firm conclusions but some interesting tidbits.
Drivers with only alcohol greater than/equal to BAC .08 were involved in fatal crashes that occurred
most frequently on rural roads (58.6 percent), whereas the majority of drivers with only THC were
involved in fatal crashes that occurred most frequently on urban roads (58.9 percent).
I’ll try to stick to Whidbey roads. That way I can die the old-fashioned way.
. In 2014, among the 75 drivers involved in fatal
crashes positive for THC, approximately half (38) exceeded the 5 ng/ml THC per se limit.
And another 13% or so had THC and alcohol and/or other drugs in their system.
Sloppy Travis Bickle,
“Would writing be as satisfying if you addressed both sides of an issue?”
What the fuck kind of analogy is that, you moron?
We don’t force players to play for both teams, do we?
Gawd…what an imbecile you are.
In Maine, it seems that the Mayor of Portland is elected in a better way than the Governor. When Portland restored the office to a direct election, they chose to use ranked choice voting.
@31 I’m sure that’s how they are winning every election. To try to rig and steal the election in a democrat zone would be too obvious snd they would get caught more easily. But to do it in their own territory, hey everybody will just move on.
“Would writing be as satisfying if you addressed both sides of an issue?”
Sometimes writing about “both” sides would make no sense like having Neil deGrasse Tyson on to talk about science, and then having a Flat Earther on as a counter point.
It’s so easy to resort to arguments of “I will if you will”.
I think that fox news or conservative talk radio should also apply that same level of balance and equity that you would like progressives to provide.
Can you imagine a world where Focus on the Family would discuss not having abortions by encouraging abstinence and marriage but then talk that that birth control is a viable option?
How about Cheap Labor Conservatives who discussed both sides of an issue and cover the benefits and successes of a living wage?
Tell you what, bob, be the example you want other to live up to, consistently show you can write both sides of an issue and encourage other to follow your lead. Show us how it’s done.
Puddy PWNS the clueless crazed databaze deala @37!
It’s only getting worse. Westmoreland wasn’t even there.
Westmoreland was there earlier in the year Triple Pressure Packed Steve…
Puddy notices the manure is seeping from your nose and ears now!
I see that the loon is still batshit insane.
@43 “the server decided it was spam”
If that’s so, why didn’t the server delete all your posts?
@44 “In football, Goldy, the other side gets a chance to handle the football, too.”
Not really. You don’t get the football at all unless (1) your defense stops their offense from getting a first down, or (2) lets them score. Nothing in the rules guarantees your team will even get to touch the football during a game. You have no right to get a turn at handling the football.