Lawrence O’Donnell: Who smoked pot in the White House, and other tales from Pennsylvania Avenue.
Sam Seder: A Republican story of self-hate and projection.
Bill Maher: Zombie lies of science-denying Republicans:
Vsauce: When will be run out of names?
The 2016 Clown Car:
- Mark Fiore: Candidate Kit.
- Young Turks: Chris Christie wants to destroy senior benefits Americans want
- A delusional Chris Christie thinks he can beat Hillary
- Factivist: Meet Marco Rubio
- Sam Seder: Marco Rubio enters the clown parade.
- David Pakman: Rubio’s first candidate interview is a disaster.
- Maddow: Rubio running…without a net
- James Rustad: The Marco Rubio “Bottled Water” song
- Sam Seder: Megyn Kelly reprimands Rand Paul like he’s a whiney child
- David Pakman: Rand Paul ridiculous on “freedom” and gay marriage
- Sam Seder: Rand Paul’s women problem
- Factivist: Meet Rand Paul.
- Sam Seder: Is Rand anything at all like his father Ron?
- David Pakman: Rand Paul “supporters” are actually German stock photos
- Sam Seder: Ted Cruz warns about the coming Gay Jihad
- David Pakman: Rick Santorum brags about being a bigot.
- Sam Seder: Ben Carson’s gaffe-filled trip to Israel
- Maddow: Big money in presidential politics.
- Chris Hayes: The billionaires that own Rubio and Cruz.
Climate Change Denial Disorder.
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week.
Thom: The origins and true face of American Libertarianism.
Slate: Where does lightening strike?
Hillary Announces:
- David Pakman: Hillary Clinton is the most qualified person to run for President
- Jon: Republicans respond to the Hillary announcement
- James Rustad: “Wish they could all be like Hillary”
- What’s Trending: Hillary Clinton releases “Getting Started” campaign ad
- Thom: Will sexism trump racism in America?
- Chris Hayes: “Hillary Clinton for Millennials (A Guide to All the Ridiculous Garbage She has Had to Put Up With Over the Years)”
- PsychoSuperMom: Hill-ary!:
- Young Turks: The Clinton Chipotle conspiracy.
- Jon: The Burrito freak-out
- Hillary Clinton’s Chipotle order.
- José Díaz-Balart: About that couple in the Clinton launch ad
- Maddow: Clinton makes opposition to dark money in politics a key part of her campaign.
- Jimmy Kimmel pranks people with Hillary’s new “campaign logo”.
Minute Physics: How do airplanes fly?
White House: West Wing Week.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about history.
Indiana Legalizes Discrimination—Still:
- Farron Cousins: Repressive religious freedom bills bring America back to the 1800’s.
- Young Turks: Indiana still discriminates but does America care?
Larry Wilmore: Maybe Black people need to fly gyrocopters instead of marching
David Pakman: Walmart pharmacist refused to fill prescription for woman who had a miscarriage.
Thom: Montana Democrats and Republicans team up to get dark money out of state politics.
How ALEC lobbies for the private prison industry
Mental Floss: 20 facts about Abraham Lincoln (and his family).
What’s White and Black and Red All Over?
- Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA): “It feels like open season on Black men.”
- Young Turks: Scott’s killer jokes about adrenaline rush after shooting.
- Jon: Police shootings and the media
- Thom: Dear Police, stop treating us like ISIS.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Reserve deputy who killed Eric Harris had falsified training documents
- Young Turks: Reserve deputy’s records appear to be falsified
Matt Binder: Fast food strike for $15 grows into a larger social justice movement.
Maddow: Reid, “The Senate is a better place because of women”.
Jon: Who Actually Strengthened Iran’s Nuclear Program?
Pelosi on Corker’s innocuous Iran bill.
Mental Floss: What makes a permanent marker permanent?
Michael Brooks: Obama’s biggest accomplishment?
Lawrence O’Donnell: What woman should be on the $20 bill.
Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very Very Morbillously Ugly.
Matt Binder: NRA’s Nutjob Prez Wayne LaPierre: ““Eight years of one demographically symbolic President is enough”.
Maddow and Harry Reid: That time McCain threatened to kick the shit out of Sen. Reid:
ObamaCare is Still Working:
- Sam Seder: ObamaCare is working quite well.
- Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV): More proof ObamaCare is Working.
Stephen Hawking sings the Monty Python Galaxy Song.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Montana is a good example of what dark money once did. One of the Copper Kings bought a Senate seat. Also, the CopperKings fought over the site of the capital. Glad Helena won that one, doubt Anaconda would have made a good capital, at least then.
So now Queen Hillary has been exposed again. This is epidemic. The largest contributor to the Clinton Foundation illegally trades with Iran while the watchlist of companies is under Hillary’s control as Secretary of State? Who would vote for this crook? Try Elizabeth Warren…although she has lots of issues too. Perhaps Elizabeth is Less corrupt.
And just so you don’t attack the messenger, her is the link from your own leftist news source TeeHee
This guy from New Jersey – Christie – would be an extremely bad choice for the presidential election that is apporaching. I disagree with his idea that we need to return to a Nixonian rules in regard to the legalization of marijuana. We voted to approve I-502 back in 2012, and last year shops finally opened where adults could purchase recreational marijuana. As far as I can tell, our choice to legalize has resulted in successful shops, employing other citizens and providing a product that many in the public want. Oh yes, don’t forget the taxes garnered by legalization.
Now this guy Christie is coming along acting just like Tricky Dick Nixon. I say no more of that insanity. It’s time to end the War on Drugs and de-establish the Drug Enforcement Agency. From the point of view of individual liberty, we don’t need Richard Nixon’s legacy and despots like Christie around any more.
Enough with the secrecy. President Obama needs to have a televised speech telling Americans why this trade pact is needed and what he will do to protect American workers and the environment. And, frankly, Hillary’s silence is deafening. She needs to speak up for American workers on this.
@2 & 3: I still like our crooks better than your crooks.
@4 If recent polls are any indication, Ben Carson has much better odds of winning the GOP nomination than Big Mouth Christie does.
Whining about Hillary is so…
Local Republican Shows Her True Colors
Jeanette Burrage is an anal asshole who occasionally gets elected to something but is mostly a failure as a politician, and for good reasons — she’s not only a radical conservative, but also a first-order jerk. Voters evicted her from the King County Superior Court (2000), where she became notorious for threatening female attorneys with contempt if they wore pants instead of skirts in her court, and she was defeated in elections for the state Court of Appeals (2002) and Supreme Court seat (2006) and state legislature (2014). She did get elected to the Des Moines city council, but I suspect her days there are numbered after this latest bit of Burrage jackassery:
“Elizabeth Lyshol’s 6-year-old autistic son needs structure, routine and usually a couple of days to prepare for new experiences. So when Christian Lyshol, a first-grader in a special-needs class at McMicken Heights Elementary School in SeaTac, was unexpectedly put on a school bus last month instead of the van he’s accustomed to riding in, it was like he was being set up to fail, his mother said. The driver — Jeanette Burrage, a Des Moines City Council member and a former Superior Court judge — slapped Christian across the face, according to Lyshol, who viewed a video of the March 10 incident at the offices of Highline School District Transportation …. On Monday, Burrage was charged in SeaTac Municipal Court with fourth-degree assault for allegedly striking Christian, court records show. By Friday afternoon, the school district had initiated a process to terminate Burrage’s employment …. ”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The first question to ask here is, why is an attorney and former judge driving a school bus? A quick search of the WSBA lawyer director reveals she’s an active lawyer, so why isn’t she practicing lawyer? Maybe because she isn’t that good? Or has alienated half of the planet’s population, and the other half lives in China? Who knows. But it appears she’ll soon be leaving both of her current gigs. My take is she’s just someone who’s very inadequate, both professionally and personally, and glommed onto conservative politics as a means to bootstrap her personal career fortunes. It seems not to have worked very well for her. Maybe she should have tried a “redder” state like Arizona or South Carolina. Or she could have tried for a municipal career in Ferguson, Missouri. They welcomed her type there, at least until recently.
LOL! Doncha sense the foul stench of a DOOFUS about?
Ohhh, how sad, republicans are giving up on the fight of O-care. I guess they’ll have to double down on gay marriage to make up for it. What are all the teahaddists going to do, my guess is that they are going to run out and get some Obamacare.
@4. Libertarian. Can I ask you a question? You don’t have to answer, but do you smoke pot?
Weren’t Mitt Romney fans really not phased by Romney doing business or owning Chinese companies?
Sorry, I’ve got a bad case of the 5th Amendment.
@14 I’m just trying to figure out whether you as a libertarian believe in legalizing pot because of your libertarian views or whether your decision is influenced by your possible liking for pot.
And I’m wondering if you apply your libertarian views based on biased to your “lifestyle” and not on principal like Rand Paul. Like how does Rand Paul square him being a libertarian but can’t come out say that gay peel should be allowed under the constitution to be married.
The future of American labor under a Republican government.
Only they wouldn’t even bother to clean out the machine or throw away the tainted meat.
Why Republicans Want To Cut State College Tuition
I was wondering what their motive was, and now it’s clear:
“A measure that would slash tuition by as much as 25 percent at Washington’s public universities is the only such proposal in the country, and its sponsors herald it as a tax cut for middle-class families.”
Of course! It’s a tax cut! At least, that’s how they see it. You can always get Republicans on board for cutting taxes, especially tax cuts that benefit the upper crust. So what’s the catch? There is one, of course (maybe more than one):
“Not so fast, House Democrats say. They argue that the Republican approach wouldn’t lower community-college tuition, hurts low-income students in private colleges who receive state aid, and includes a budgetary sleight-of-hand that cuts benefits to faculty and staff.”
Democrats would rather increase tuition assistance to needy students. “My neighbors in Medina get their tuition reduced, which is nice, but not necessary,” said state Rep. Ross Hunter.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We’re created a generation of indebted students, who can’t buy homes or start families, because we’ve shifted higher education costs from society as a whole (i.e., taxpayers) to students themselves. As a result, young people are drowning in debt, and total student loan debt now exceeds total credit card debt.
The magnitude of this shift was pointed out in the Seattle Times article by Sen. John Braun (R-Centralia), who said the University of Washington’s tuition has grown from 7% of the average state wage in the 1980s to 22% now — a tripling of the direct cost of attendin the UW relative to family incomes.
At the very least, we should reverse this policy and have the state re-assume some of the higher education costs that have been shifted to students. Lowering tuition across the board does that — if the state makes up the colleges’ lost revenues. Otherwise, it’s just cutting higher education. That’s one of the catches of the GOP proposal:
“Braun acknowledged that the state’s colleges and universities are concerned that the Senate budget doesn’t backfill all the money that would be lost through tuition cuts. ‘We’re working through the details on this,’ he said.” Yeah, sure. Sounds like the Paul Ryan budget — grandiose promises, but short on explanations of how they’ll make it work, and like making sausage, you probably don’t want to know the details.
Here’s two more catches: “The House [i.e., Democratic] budget would do more to expand opportunities for community-college students by putting money into the State Need Grant, and it also funds a salary increase for faculty and staff. The Senate budget does not.”
Yep, that’s classic Republicanism, don’t pay the teachers to teach. Look, just raise taxes on the wealthy, who are paying next to nothing to live in this state and enjoy its public amenities and services, and use that money to adequately found education at all levels from K-12 to higher ed.
Not to be outdone by gangbangers, college frat boys are now getting on the spray-em-with-gunfire bandwagon. Another victory for the NRA.
“Delaware State University officials said three people were shot at a student event on campus. University president Harry L. Williams said in a statement the shooting happened at about 8 p.m. Saturday at a school-sanctioned fraternity and sorority cookout.”
Guns forever! Guns for everyone! Guns! Guns! Guns!
Some people have too much money.
Really. More of our society’s extraordinary wealth should go to the workers who produce ALL of that wealth, without whose labor all capital would be unproductive and worthless, who are struggling to pay rent and put food on the table because our fucked-up economic system undervalues work and has institutionalized low wages.
@14 until you respond to @15 I can only assume you don’t have an answer to why Rand Paul is s hypocrite or a LINO – Libertarian in Name Only.
Get religion, be a real American.
So now, we have a thinly disguised “faith” based economic system that fucks labor completely over in favor of the same moneyed families that deliberately built the Great Depression, and with that, built the Third Reich in Germany and the Fascist movements in Spain, Italy, Greece and most of South America. They tried it here, but Americans were generally better educated than Germans back then, especially where politics was concerned. Now, it’s the opposite, and the Tea party is leading the revolution.
Heil Jesus!
Mark Fiore, Young Turks, Factivist, Sam Seder, David Pakman, Rachel Maddow, James Rustad, Chris Hayes
Da Perfessa’s usual 3rd and 4th tier toilets bringing useless, insipid, vapid, feckless commentary to real issues. This is the reason why they are where they are! Barely watched or mostly unknown! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Instead they are tone deaf to this: When did Hillary know her illegally created persona; State Department email address server was hacked and what did she do about it?
Why did she break the law and not produce all emails? Why did she break the law and not allow the FEDS to review all the emails?
DUMMOCRETINS always love illegal activity when it gains them political clout. LIVs have no clue about the real Hillary. 15 months of continual truth telling should do it.
Puddy waiting for Jilian Assange to WikiLeak to us the server contents. That will be G L O R I O U S! Remember libtards, we already know the server was hacked! It was reported butt being the LIVs you are missed it!
Hmmm DSU eh senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Why you picking on black colleges/universities and gun violence? You actually think they are NRA members?
Got proof? dumbASS!
What are you trying to say about these black fraternity members senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Black frat boys are wild and crazy with guns and bullets firing indiscriminately while white frat boys sing racist songs? It’s that racist quality of your senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit shining through again!
So how is this a victory for the NRA senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Please elaborate if that early onset senility will clear for a couple of minutes. What if the DSU barbecue shooters were not DSU students senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Hmmm…? Would you classify them as NRA members?
You probably didn’t expect anyone to ACTUALLY read the link just your horseSHITTIUM commenary around it. EPIC FAYLE!
Remember your silly ASSed commentary on the Morgan State stabbing last month? No? Ask the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch with the crazed databaze for a replay!
Stooooooooooooopid as evah the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
Absolutely no coverage in the Friday Night Comix of the ESPN reporter Britt McHenry going DUMMOCRETIN on what the vomit producer would call a tea party candidate: a single mother with three children missing some teeth. The video surfaced of the single mother being berated by Britt, some blonde from NJ working for that well known libtard ESPN organization as a WA DC sports correspondent.
ESPN and McHenry only reacted with her non-apology apology when the tape surfaced and when it went viral. Only one week? Well that how libtards punish their own. A slap on the wrist!
Get religion, be a real American. – Yeah Puddy heard of this anti-religion fool from Princeton before!
Delivering an article from a book by a person who his highlighted on Facebook Atheist pages all over vomit producer? Any biases there? A featured person on The Nation, NPR, Salon, Atheists United, writes on the Richard Dawkins Foundation site (hint hint), highlighted on various progressive “values” e-rags!
Yeah no biases there right vomit producer? Right now it looks like two minorities shot and killed a white student at University of Kentucky. From the silly ASSed commentary of the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, they must be NRA members too!
PuddyDisclosure: This made the news big time while Puddy was on the east coast! White guy shot and killed and per the other guy who got away… suspects were not white!
Why DUMMOCRETINS Want To Tax You More for State College Tuition
It’s simple… The House figgers throw more money at the problem!!! Where will the house get the extra money? Ummm… capital gains taxes of course! They claim it will only affect 1% of Washingtonians. Really?
@ 16
When I was 16 I worked at a Shakey’s Pizza Parlor in LA. While joking with a co-worker and otherwise not watching what I was doing, my fingers went through the dough-roller.
Lots of screaming until someone came over and opened the gap so I could extricate myself. Lots of bruising and a permanently mildly enlarged knuckle.
No one’s fault but my own. To this day I have no idea what the politics were of an owner and a manager who hired a teenager to do a job.
But then, I wasn’t looking for someone else to blame.
Nick Hanauer @NickHanauer
If the law of supply & demand says “when wages go up, jobs go down,” why isn’t Walmart laying off workers?
Retweeted by Goldy
That was February.
Reported yesterday:
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is eliminating a layer of in-store management, part of efforts to simplify operations at the world’s largest retailer.
The company will cut the role of zone manager and transfer the duties to other managers, Wal-Mart spokesman Kory Lundberg said. The change, affecting about 14,000 employees, is meant to reduce bureaucracy and put more power in the hands of people running Wal-Mart’s 4,500 U.S. stores. The company began notifying employees of the decision this month, Lundberg said.
Employees at the lower end of the Wal-Mart payscale got a boost, sure. Of course, since a net 6,500 management positions will be cut, those employees now see their advancement options within Wal-Mart significantly narrowed.
“Employees at the lower end of the Wal-Mart payscale got a boost, sure. Of course, since a net 6,500 management positions will be cut, those employees now see their advancement options within Wal-Mart significantly narrowed.”
With over 1.4 million employees in America, over 1% of America’s workforce, I’m sure that’s a real fucking game changer. And WTF did it have to do with pay except being an opportunity to lay yet more Toonerville snide on the working poor?
I was trolling solar sites for carport designs and found this:
Ballard Earth Day this Friday, 4-8 pm.
“Of course, since a net 6,500 management positions will be cut, those employees now see their advancement options within Wal-Mart significantly narrowed.”
Is Wal-Mart too stupid to figure out how to promote people without making them managers, or are you simply that stupid?
“In lieu of flowers, memorials may be sent to Shriners Hospital for Children …. Also, the family respectfully asks that you do not vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016. R.I.P. Grandaddy.”
Larry Darrell Upright is no longer upright. The dead can’t vote – at least, not for Republicans – but perhaps their voices can still be heard.
Businesses have laid off people and restructured for decades to be more profitable (but one businessman has said that owning a business should always be based on profit but serving….where are all the religious people now!) but now Boob wants to explicably tie it to wage increases for the lower tier. Oh well shit happens. Blame the lower tier for getting better wages and not Walmart for making billions of profit. You never held walmart accountable previously for laying off people why are you now concerned or trying to hold those at the bottom for getting a better wage? Is this just an attempt to discredit taising wages?
My sister was one of tens of thousands that Citigroup laid off in the Great Depression of 2008. I guess she should blame GWB.
I’m sure puffy will claim that they were all demmocretins.
Cops Resign After Their Town Elects First Black Female Mayor
Of course, because he wasn’t black or Mexican.
WATCH: Officer Takes Down Murder Suspect Without Firing A Shot
@33 I’m going to enjoy watching you writhe when our country elects its first female president.
@36 Looks like the good ‘ol boys relocated from city hall to front porches.
Amazing. That there are conservative science fiction writers and that they have to cheat to get themselves nominated. Don’t mess with my science fiction!
“I have often wondered when the conservative right wing would recognize the importance of fiction in shaping attitudes and ideas. … And since social justice (and diversity) is an idea that is contained in our fiction, that too must be controlled.
This might be more difficult, because while they may hide the fiction that reflects the increasing diversity of our world, they have nothing with which to replace it. If their ideas were ones that still interested readers, or if their writing was good enough to lure readers, they would have no need to rig the system. Sadly, their time has passed and no one thought to tell them.”
Actually, I don’t see Rand Paul as a Libertarian. He’s a Republican. I won’t be voting for him or any other Republican candidate.
(The reason for the delay in my repsonse is that I was not available – I was away from the computer.)
Bob i didn’t see anything in the link tying.higher wages for some workers to job cuts.
“After those shifts, the company still will need to hire up to 8,000 new department managers, Lundberg said.”
@42 Lundberg … that name sounds familiar.
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