Jon: Kansas is America’s welfare queen.
Slate: The tide of every 18 years.
Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very Very Foveately Ugly.
White and Black and Red All Over:
- Larry Wilmore on the Walter Scott shooting
- Maddow: Police officer has been charged with murder
- Young Turks: Police dog savagely attacks unarmed black man
- David Pakman: SC cop plants taser next to dead body of unarmed black man
- Thom: Walter Scott’s killing is every black nightmare
- Young Turks: Walter Scott murdered and then smeared by press
- David Pakman: Killer S.C. cop has history of violence against blacks
- Thom: Is the SC shooting murder or terrorism?
- Young Turks: Cops’ history of violence against black people
Roy Zimmerman: What I Mean:
Slate: A year in space.
Mental Floss: What is the origin of the high-five.
Sam Seder: Louie Gohmert unhinged, “You’re playing God with the internet!!!”
Mark Fiore: Three-eyed Billy embraces the apocalypse.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren: How she learned to ‘stand up’ and ‘speak out’.
Matt Binder: Draft dodger Ted Nuget claims to know why vets are committing suicide (hint: Obama).
The 2016 Clown Parade:
- Maddow: GOP candidates dogged by political baggage
- Thom and Pap: Why the GOP is the party of the stupid.
- David Pakman: Rand Paul’s campaign is already a hilariously train wreck
- Maddow: Paul inherits bribery scandal from dad’s past
- Jon: Rand Paul’s weird announcement
- Young Turks: Rand Paul has a hissy-fit on the air.
- PsychoSuperMom: Sharp Tounged Man
- David Pakman: Is Ted Cruz a Republican plant for 2016?
- Richard Fowler: Ted Cruz is trying to repeal all climate regulation
- Young Turks: Nutcase Ted Cruz and the fabulous gay jihad against religious freedom
- David Pakman: Is disgraced Chris Christie really going to run for President?
- Thom: Should Jeb Bush go to jail for voter fraud?
- WaPo: Late night laughs…2016 contenders edition
Mental Floss: 21 Fandom Facts.
Jonathan Mann: Hey, hey, NSA, stop looking at my penis.
Maddow: TN tweaks gun laws ahead of NRA convention
Ask a homo: Gays and political groups.
Congressional hits and misses: Best of Dan Coats.
Pap: How Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert held the corporate media accountable.
Bill-O the Sociopath:
- Thom: Killing Truth—O’Reilly’s Lies Exposed.
- David Pakman: Bill-O is getting away with his lies.
Garfunkel and Oats: Rainbow Connections:
Liberal Viewer: FAUX News lies about “ban the box” law.
White House: West Wing Week.
Jon on the Rolling Stone scandal.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about dinosaurs.
Maddow: NC Lawmakers push sweeping anti-abortion bill.
The Bloody Neocons Are At It Again:
- Young Turks: Congress to Obama, “War, have at it! Peace, we DEMAND oversight!”
- Thom: The Chicken Hawks need to STFU.
- Pap and Abby Martin: Neocon War Hawks prep for Iran conflict
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Iran war or diplomacy?
- Michael Brooks: These insane people want us to have a horrible war with Iran
- Young Turks: Sen. Tom Cotton’s dumbass Iran warmongering comments
David Pakman: Republican to Gays, at least we aren’t hanging you.
Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very Very Foudroyantly Ugly!
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
At least charges were filed this time. Thankfully the video came out. I fear that it would have been swept under the rug without it.
These people look like a bunch of scum
Video shows Walmart brawl of Christian family band, cops
Sent from Daily News iPhone app
in my estimation, were the Graver Family non-white the shooting would have started the minute the first cop went down. By the reasoning of most LE shooting review boards, every single one of these people should be dead right now.
But instead, they’ll become celebrities in the foil hat community that passes for conservative politics these days.
And to think they didn’t even get shot, but I suppose maybe it’s because they weren’t black.
Rand Paul, who doesn’t understand many things, thinks of the press as a public relations department for his campaign, and behaves like a petulant brat whenever a reporter asks him about his flip-flops on foreign policy, foreign aid, abortion, and other issues.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Every presidential campaign produces spectacular flameouts, and Rand Paul is setting himself up to be 2016’s first shooting star. He’s making mistake upon mistake. Outside his cult following, he’s unpopular with both Republicans and Democrats, and he’s not helping himself by alienating the press. In trying to broaden his appeal, he’s sacrificing his loyal base. When you drill into his positions on issues, he’s a crank like his father was, someone you wouldn’t trust with important policy decisions. I strongly suspect he won’t still be actively campaigning a year from now.
And when the end comes, Rand Paul will say his failure was caused by the media mistreating him.
@4 Are you forgetting that one of them was killed by the police during the brawl, after shooting a cop in the leg? And no one is questioning that police shooting, which appears to have been fully justified.
A couple of states think it would be OK to ban people filming cops doing things like making traffic stops for busted tail lights and arrests. Cops think they are some sort of extension of the military and refer to citizens as “civilians.” They are not, and filming their activities is perfectly OK because no one, especially the cops, should have some sort of exemption on personal privacy grounds because they are out in the public every day, just like many of the rest of us. Additionally, the public recording good cops doing their jobs correctly will help weed-out the bad cops like this guy in North Charleston.
Paul’s fate in the primary campaign is a certainty. What’s interesting to me is speculating about what comes next for him. Given his youth and ambition, will he be content to throw his support behind the nominee and parley his elevated status into moving up within the Senate Goper ranks? Or will he pick up his libertarian youth vote football and stomp home?
@8 Many cops are extremely hostile to civilians video recording them, and are likely to become more so if a video sends a cop to prison for murder. This attitude probably initially arose from the fallout of the Rodney King beating. Cops tender various rationales for blocking and confiscating citizen videos. Common ones include: Obstructing police operations; violating wiretapping and/or privacy laws; the recording is being seized as evidence; violating laws against exposing the identity of undercover officers. Most of these arguments won’t stand up in court if the videographer stays outside the police perimeter and obeys reasonable police commands, but three states prohibit recording in public places without consent (Washington isn’t one of them). As a practical matter, the ubiquity of cellphone cameras ensures that out-of-ordinary police activity is likely to be video recorded, there’s nothing the cops at the scene can do to prevent it, and the recordings are impossible to suppress. Thus, modern cellphone technology is a powerful deterrent to police misconduct — but you’re always going to have some who misbehave anyway.
@9 I would go with repetitively stomping on and off stages until Kentucky voters tire of him someday.
North Charleston is a lot like Ferguson: Poor black community policed by white cops; racial profiling; blacks pulled over and subjected to vehicle searches for “driving while black”.
How stupid are Republicans? Plenty stupid, and in few places is this so visible as their visceral reaction to President Obama’s Iran deal. They can’t get past 30 years of “Death to America!” chants and do business with Iran. They’d rather throw away American lives and treasure on another military adventure than reap the fruits of a sanctions strategy that has succeeded in bringing Iran to its knees and to the bargaining table.
Believe it or not, there still are some level-headed conservative thinkers out there. This is what the editor of Barrons, an investing magazine with a conservative editorial slant, says about it in this week’s issue (4/13/15, p. 7):
“The new framework calls for scrapping much of Iran’s uranium-enrichment capacity, shipping out Iran’s existing enriched-uranium stockpile, and vigorous inspection and monitoring of Iran’s entire uranium supply chain. Overall, the proposed pact is designed to keep Iran a year away from developing a functioning nuclear device for the next 10 to 15 years. Even this is less ominous than it sounds, [because] Iran lacks the technology to build a deliverable weapon, [which] would take many more years.”
Why would Iran agree to this? Because, “The American-led sanction programs have devastated the Iranian economy,” and Iran’s new president has broad public support for cutting a deal that trades nuclear weapons for economic revival. Whaddya know, the sanctions worked. And having worked, Republicans who can’t think want to throw those efforts away and are beating the war drums. This may play well to the red-meat mobs comprising the GOP’s grassroots, but thinkers in the conservative camp are rolling their eyes and shaking their heads along with the rest of us.
This is what a psychopathic bullshit lying excuse to refuse to do one’s job looks like:
“There is no specific language in the bill that would protect the rights of those dealing with parentage, child support and support orders from a foreign country that would contradict our laws here, ” said Sen. Sheryl Nuxoll (R). “There are other countries listed in the treaty—France, Belgium— that have recognized Sharia courts as quasi-courts. So I just feel that you should be aware of those facts.”
It’s got nothing to do with “sharia law”, it’s all about openly refusing to accept the terms set by the Federal Government to access the database in question. This isn’t anything but vandalism. This is a bullshit excuse, and this fucking asshole knows it. She’s not just a liar, she’s a goddamned liar, and it’ll get her re-elected, again because 99% of the population of Idaho doesn’t have more than a third grade education.
Thank the Noodles I don’t live in Idaho.
@7 yeah, I just thought that they’d all be shot at.
@14 Maybe they want to become the Paraguay of child support fugitives. Idaho is already mostly populated by neo-Nazi skinheads, fired ex-cops, and Federal Witness Protection Program participants. Deadbeat dads will fit right in.
The way to end the war on terror is to withdraw from the fight.
“Southern heritage” displays its true colors:
“League of the South to Celebrate Abraham Lincoln’s Assassination”
“This 14th of April will mark the 150th anniversary of John Wilkes Booth’s execution of the tyrant Abraham Lincoln,” wrote LOS president Michael Hill. “A century and a half after the fact,” writes Hill, “The League of the South thanks Mr. Booth for his service to the South and to humanity.”
Hey worser and teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla… Are these your next targets?
Now why didn’t this make the Friday Night Comix?
Oh yeah the page has 3rd and 4th tier toilet tidy bowl men and women!
David Pakman: Republican to Gays, at least we aren’t hanging you. Yeah butt ISIS will throw you off a roof. Puddy is sure worser and the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla want to experience that flying method soon!
Or they hang you in Iran… http://www.thenewcivilrightsmo.....9/06/26460
And there you have it… FACTS!
– Already in Britain and coming soon to America… So teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla and worser… your partner can slap you silly and no repercussions… Yeah that’s exactly what libtard progressives want… Violence against partners, the FASCIST way to treat domestic squabbles… Shut up the other side ASAP!
Yeah don’t defend yourself in Iran if you are being raped… You get hung too…
As long as it’s not happening in America, progressive FASCIST libtard DUMMOCRETINS care less! A woman’s life means nuthin under Sha’Ria butt libtards care less about her life butt have a RFRA law in Indiana and all hell breaks loose!
In other news… – This is your Obummer sadministration you morons! Campaigned on how evil GW Bush was and Obummer is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse.
Awww… How sad it is to be a worthless low life DUMMOCRETIN where all you have are low listenership podcasts and internet clips… Yet Da Perfessa has all these 3rd and 4th tier toilet dwellers on web bookmark. Maybe their subscription services? Are these listened to for anthropology studies? HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Thom: Killing Truth—O’Reilly’s Lies Exposed.
David Pakman: Bill-O is getting away with his lies.
The fourth tier toilet tidy bowl men are not getting any traction on their attacks. This exposure has been “happening” for a while now. Even CNN gave it up!
Meanwhile – Rand Paul smacks Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz and there is no reply. DUMMOCRETINS are the party of death! Let’s kill a seven pound full term baby! Rand Paul doesn’t suffer slobbering MSM libtard fools and the slobbering libtard msm doesn’t like being shown to be the fools they really are.
Maddow: Paul inherits bribery scandal from dad’s past – only in MadCow’s puny necrotic mind! Only in the minds of sily libtards will Ron Paul affect Rand Paul! Does the sexual sins of Wee Willie Cigar Clinton affect Chelsea? Or maybe Hillary?
Wow! Of course MadCow hasn’t even touched this and we all know why…
Strange that Obummer’s Holder Just Us Department is careening down the highway to attack Menendez over Salman’s money deliveries while sex with underaged girls is off limits? We all know that Bill Clinton is a sexual predator without a conscience and the NOW gang continues to turn a blind eye because being a DUMMOCRETIN means you never apologize and you never demonstrably show remorse to your crimes against women. Yet… the war on women is from Republicans.
Young Turks: Congress to Obama, “War, have at it! Peace, we DEMAND oversight!” Why is it Stenk Weegur and friends have no memory? Libtardism is a mental disease. Y’all never remember what was previously said by the same morons who now scream and shout bloody murder now…
Only two paragraphs –
Thom: The Chicken Hawks need to STFU. Hey Thom you need a mind… Oh nevermind. You have a Biden brain… Why is it Thom Fartmann and friends have no memory? Libtardism is a mental disease. Y’all never remember what was previously said by the same morons who now scream and shout bloody murder now…
Two paragraphs…
Nuff said suckas!
I thought spamming was against the rules in this place. 9 copypasta posts in 13 minutes.
You spend your whole day writing that vitriol Mr. Spittles? Maybe you have a preset template and just fill in the blanks to smooth those turds out.
The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen has asked the National Mediation Board that they be released from mediation with New Jersey Transit. This is the first step before strike action can be taken, under the Federal Railway Labor Act. Railway collective bargaining is a tricky process, under a law passed during the Coolidge Administration. After this request, cooling off periods are imposed, then governors of affected states can ask President Obama to appoint a Presidential Emergency Board, and while they are convening, no strikes or lockouts can happen. Even if Governor Christie does not make the request, Governor’s Cuomo and Wolfe(Pennsylvania), can make the request, as Commuter trains of NJT serve their states too. Any strike or lockout at New Jersey Transit would affect the NYMTA and SEPTA, as they share facilities, and in the case of SEPTA, one of their regional rail lines serves Trenton via the Northeast Corridor. Under secondary boycotts, which are allowed under the RLA, these facilities could be picketed.
While Electro Motive Diesel is winding down domestic new locomotive production(until the Tier 4 prototype is ready), General Electric is about to begin production of their own Tier 4 locomotive.
While Electro Motive Diesel is winding down domestic new locomotive production(until the Tier 4 prototype is ready), General Electric is about to begin production of their own Tier 4 locomotive.
@20 and you can’t handle being called nigger.
Grow up.
Those rules were set by progressive FASCIST libtard DUMMOCRETIN heroes Al NotSoSharpton, John Lewis, Jesse HiJackson, James Clyburn, etc. etc. etc.
Sux to have those types on your side teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
Deal with it.
Now why is the vomit producer’s pink panties all twisted up? Because Puddy went back into the memory archives to replay DUMMOCRETIN words.
FACTS explode the libtard mind.
Oh BTW, when Da Perfessa delivers useless junk each week with no research, it’s so easy to deliver reBUTTal commenary! This is why Puddy can rightfully call these “link references” each week third and fourth tier tidy bowl toilet dwellers. And vomit producer, it took about 30 minutes to research and compile those retarded DUMMOCRETIN comments from yesteryear. The information is readily available.
These third and fourth tier tidy bowl toilet dwellers assume you’ll accept their podcast and low viewership broadcast smorgasbord without question. They know their audience to be the low life dregs of America; the progressive FASCIST know nothing libtard DUMMOCRETIN. They know you get your “news” in 30 to 90 second sound bites; accept it as gospel and will run to libtard sites linking their “comments” for like minded morons to drink up. This is why you are a LIV! Just the FACTS dude. FACTS, something anathema to your libtard existence. Puddy always questions everything delivered on Friday Night Comix Pages.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The vomit producer’s head went
@33 no, actually it is good to have those people on my side. They know what it means to be discriminated against, and don’t put up with bigots like you and your American Family Association.
I thought you give all credit to your republican friends for back justice!
Pap and Abby Martin: Neocon War Hawks prep for Iran conflict
Lawrence O’Donnell: Iran war or diplomacy?
Why is it Lawrence O’Clownell and friends have no memory? Libtardism is a mental disease. Y’all never remember what was previously said by the same morons who now scream and shout bloody murder now… Two paragraphs so the harpies don’t get the wings in an uproar
Shocking? Well here are Obummer’s own words on diplomacy… Two quotes from your preznit from other web sites… Puddy placed them here before. Just ax the crazed databaze deal the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch for a replay! Or you can find them too…
Butt wait… to a Washington, D.C., audience in December 2013.
PuddyCommentary: Now we know they are keeping the Fordo mountain facility in the negotiations with no changes. What’s so creepy about the links proffered above is the Wa Post went over this and everyone knows this paper leans way left! Yet the third and fourth tier bozos above keep screaming Republicans want war. Now why is that? Because ridicule and deflection is Saul Alinksy’s directive #5 –
Libtards are irrational. Read their mindset above!
We all know puffy the bigot, racist ran to the Republican Party to get away from all the bad blacks.
Michael Brooks: These insane people want us to have a horrible war with Iran
No Michael, another of your DNC call train wrecks. Just deliver a better deal Michael…
Young Turks: Sen. Tom Cotton’s dumbass Iran warmongering comments
Why is it Stenk Weegur and friends have no memory? Libtardism is a mental disease. Y’all never remember what was previously said by the same morons who now scream and shout bloody murder now… Joe BiteME is a known ASSkissing and kow-towing DUMMOCRETIN! Two paragraphs so the harpies don’t get the wings in an uproar
PuddyCommentary: Instead of ridiculing the FACTUAL sources, why not try to find the same material on left wrong sites? Probably because it’s not there. Then look up their words on “neutral sites”. There were many sites that carried this from Kaveh Mohseni!
Yeah kiss their ASS like Biden did eh Stenk and Friends? Stenk is a joke! No wonder he didn’t last, even on PMSNBC. Stenk’s viewership rating cratered when people finally realized how much of a real bozo he was and still is today!
Your comment from above made no sense
and this one too! Who was attacking Puddy’s back? Puddy always looks over his shoulder for attacking idiots such as you!
The teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla is irrational as evah!
Why is teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla all up in arms wanting to use racial epithets against Puddy?
— The Navajo Nation: “Marriage between persons of the same sex is void and prohibited.”
— The Cherokee Nation, based in Oklahoma: “No marriage shall be contracted … between parties of the same gender.”
Any attack on the American Indians by the FASCIST progressive gay agenda freakazoids would be ridiculed to the moon! Read the rest in the ABC News link above!
@36 “he has sought to befriend the Syrian and Iranian regimes”
Lest we forget, Jeb Bush’s granddaddy sucked up to Adolf Hitler’s buddies and financially benefited from Auschwitz slave labor.
@40 smart of you to figure out that it was a typo. Black not back.
Wow. An outbreak of kompassionate klownservaticism in WI..
Damn! That money could have gone to make the Koch bros and their fellow rich suck-ups richer!
Hear, hear!
Our local village idiot jackass is nothing special aside from its “need” for this website. Just deranged like the rest of the kooks.
Too funny, the babbing jackass has a ways to go before it attains the degree of batshit insanity of this kook:
But the babbling jackass is getting there! We have a role model here in Keyes for our pet jackass.
Oh a Wall Street big shot supports Ted Cruz..
I thought our pet babbling jackass babbled that Wall Street only supports Dems like TWO-TERM President Obama and Hillary. It was too funny when it ordered us to stop talking about Wall Street and Republicans. Order ignored.
You know TWO-TERM President Obama won 126 more electoral votes in 2012 than used-car salesman R-Money.
Hillary Clinton, if she’s the nominee, will most likely win in 2016.
Oh wow. Even though Hillary has significant shortcomings in my view, I wouldn’t mind in the least seeing always wrong wing pin heads explode. It would be such sweet justice.
HA’s special yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch forgets with another EPIC FAYLE its foolishness. Notice how the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch is now using it as Puddy does all the time against yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch? It is a real re-run copycat!
Anyway, last week Puddy wrote Obummer is taking GW Bush’s actions to new lows after campaigning Obummer would end them…
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. This yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch has 24 hour moonbattic moronic memory malady!
The yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch thought our great conservative Puddy offered that Wall Street only supports DUMMOCRETINS like TWO-TERM mistake Obummer and Hillary.
Got proof on that? Puddy wrote how Wall Street loves Chucky Schumer. What’s happening yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch? The crazed databaze is failing you again?
Alan Keyes probably read that from the WA Post!
Dayum the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch is a real moron!
This is the new thing with republicans – that every liberal must boycott something otherwise the are hypocrites. Like Apple has to boycott Africa, even though puffy will always say the Middle East and not Africa. And now Hillary is a hypocrite for not calling out Saudia Arabia, which I’m sure she has. And republicans don’t have to do anything because they even know themselves that they are bigots.
Rand Paul: If Hillary Cares About Women’s Rights, She Should Boycott Saudi Arabia
It was too funny when the babbling jackass thought Peter Thiel was a rich liberal for being a big investor in Facebook..
Thiel was and is still a fatuous, glibertarian Ron Paul contributor to the tune of 2.6 million dollars.
And the babbling jackass was a big-time idiot for saying different! 2.6. MILLION – hahahahahahahaha!
Rand Paul ever thought ml about boycotting Saudia Arabia because like he has a wife! What a fucking useless piece of shit. All of them, everyone of them republican fucks
@52 I remember when Republicans wanted to invade Saudi Arabia and take their oil without paying for it.
To no one’s surprise, Hillary announced today she’s running for president again. She has no serious competition for the Democratic nomination, and the Republicans don’t have a Barack Obama, so maybe this time will be the charm. Look for the GOP to try stacking the Electoral College in the months ahead. That, combined with a pull-out-all-the-stops vote suppression campaign, probably is their only chance, because the electoral vote map certainly isn’t in their favor.
It’s still awfully early for predictions, and presidential campaigns are very unpredictable, but right now the odds appear to favor a Hillary-Jeb matchup. This could turn into one of the ugliest campaigns in American history. Hillary will be savagely attacked. Republicans will do almost anything to keep her from being president. But she’s more than tough enough for the road ahead.
Proterra, which makes battery-electric buses, will be building a second factory, this time in California, to complement their main one in South Carolina. It was helped along by a state grant, and another order from Los Angeles count’ s Foothills Transit.
Guns don’t kill, 3 year old kids kill.
3-Year-Old Boy Shoots, Kills 1-Year-Old
This is the new thing with republicans – that every liberal must boycott something otherwise the are hypocrites
How does it feel teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla to have the same attacks used by FASCIST progressives turned back upon freakazoids like you!
Libtards were against big business “You didn’t build that” until they were for big business “RFRA boycott by Apple and others”.
Libtards were against big wall street banks until their money lined libtard political coffers.
Libtards were against big religion until some allowed gays to be “married”.
See how that works teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
Naaaaaaaaaaah you too dopey!
Hillary will be savagely attacked. – Oh really senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
– like Ted Cruz was savagely attacked.
– like Rand Paul was savagely attacked.
– like JEB Bush was savagely attacked.
Don’t think so! The slobbering libtard loving DUMMOCRETIN msm was there leading those attacks! Hillary will get a pass! She’s a DUMMOCRETIN!
Puddy is always on the mind of the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch@53 !!!!!
Puddy PWNS this moron. Not a thread passes without the archloch ass posting a Puddy attack!
Scared to be exposed by alternet for what the
yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch racist really is! So it still runs away from the seven questions! Hate is awfully strong in this one!