Ann Telnaes: Making executions easier.
SlateTV: The times we made animals into bombs.
Political fashion chat.
How teachers are funding gun companies against their will.
Young Turks: Why are Republican Governors so pro-prison rape?
See the earth change over the past 200 million years.
The 2016 Clown Parade:
- Mark Fiore: Imagine Republican Dough.
- WaPo: Ted Cruz in his own nutty words
- Sam Seder: Peter King pretends to not be Ted Cruz.
- Confronted by Dreamers…Ted Cruz is already on the run!
- The Ted Cruz honest presidential ad
- Young Turks: Ted Cruz forces Liberty University students to attend his speech
- Pap and Cliff Schecter: George W. Bush lowered the bar for Ted Cruz
- Chris Hayes: It’s True! Ted Cruz is going on ObamaCare
- Maddow: Ted Cruz launches his campaign for Vice President
- Bill Maher and friends: The puzzle of Ted Cruz (and his changed taste in music).
- Young Turks: Ted Cruz thinks non-Christians have too much power
- Jon: Ted Cruz’s kiss rehearsal
- David Pakman: Nutcase Ted Cruz signs up for ObamaCare after vowing to repeal ObamaCare.
- Matt Binder: Ted Cruz launches his presidential campaign at university founded by racist who blamed gays for 9/11
- Ted Cruz: Imagine!
- Larry Wilmore, Lewis Black and Friends: Ted
- Richard Fowler: Idiot Ted Cruz wants to repeal Federal legislation that does not exist
- David Pakman: Lying hypocrite Ted Cruz falsely claims he was required to sign up for ObamaCare
- Chris Hayes: Cruz is ‘the elite of the elite’ acting like he is ‘folksy’
- Michael Brooks: Gov. Jerry Brown lays the smack down on Ted Cruz’s climate denial
- Young Turks: The insane conspiracy theories that Ted Cruz actually believes
- Chris Cillizza: Ted Cruz and Barack Obama have more in common than you think
- Sam Seder: Ted Cruz claims 9/11 made him love country music
- Sam Seder: Donald Trump goes all Birfer on Ted Cruz
- Maddow: Dark money probe raises questions about Scott Walker donations
- Pap and Sam Seder: Jeb Bush’s shameful past
- Maddow: Bush/Cheney running again for President?
- Richard Fowler: Jeb Bush wants to eliminate the minimum wage
- David Pakman: Rick Santorum meets woman who is crazier than he is!
- Sam Seder: Louie Gohmert is running for President?!?
Sen. Nelson slams alleged ban on climate change speech.
Sam Sacks: ALEC is too toxic for BP.
John Oliver: John Oliver hits Netanyahu’s ‘Michael Jackson-level’ walking back on two-state solution.
Sam Seder: Media darling John McCain says media favors “wacko birds”.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about the bible.
Maddow: The kids are alright.
Young Turks: Sean Hannity gets out-hannitied in his “War on Spring Break”.
The Duck Dynasty Child Rape–Murder Fantasy…for a Prayer Breakfast:
- Young Turks: Duck Dynasty patriarch paints bizarre rape & murder scenario “against atheism”
- Sam Seder: Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson’s horrifying atheist rape-murder fantasy
SlateTV: Can animals be altruists?
Why every new Macbook uses a different goddamn charger.
Jon plugs his ears and pretends climate change doesn’t exist.
If anti-vaccine parents rode the Magic School Bus:
Some Congresscritters read mean tweets.
Young Turks: Traitor Republican Senators used Israeli spies against their own country.
Jon and Kristen: Pay equality for women.
ObamaCare at Five:
- Obama: Marking the 5th anniversary of the ACA
- Media Matters Minute: Five years later, conservative media’s worst predictions for ObamaCare never came to pass.
- John Green: Is Obamacare working? The Affordable Care Act five years later
- Media Matters Minute: FAUX cites anonymous “expert” to suggest ObamaCare enrollment numbers aren’t real.
Go Green and save the earth…if you have time.
Mental Floss: 16 shampoo facts.
Michael Brooks: John McCain throws a tantrum accusing Obama of throwing a tantrum.
Jon Jon catches FAUX News “jerking itself off”.
White House: West Wing Week.
Pap: SCOTUS gets one correct for voting rights
Indiana—The Crossroads of American Homophobia:
- Sam Seder: Indiana Governor admits no reason for vicious anti-gay law but signs it anway
- David Pakman: Gen Con Gamers will move their Convention out of Indiana
- Indiana: A great place to be…a bigot:
- Young Turks: Gay people not welcome in Christian businesses in Indiana
WaPo with some Congressional dos and don’ts.
President Obama: Take our daughters and sons to work day.
Aasif Mandvi mocks the media in brutal RTCA dinner speech.
David Pakman: CA AG goes to court to keep ‘Shoot the Gays’ initiative off the ballot.
Mitt Romney and Jimmy Fallon face off on the Tonight Show.
Sen. Reid Announces His Retirement:
- Young Turks: Kick Ass facts about Sen. Reid
- Sen. Harry Reid announces he will not run again.
- Young Turks: What will happen after Sen. Reid retires?
Mental Floss: Fourteen ways technology has improved our lives.
Jon: The daily show fixes the VA’s “crow problem”
Young Turks: Germanwings Flight 9525 right-wing conspiracy theories.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The courts will probably rule on the California measure, but unfortunately it is too early in the process. Needs to be a way of sorting out the constitutionality of initiatives before they make the ballot. By the way, only $200 for the filing fee in California? Then again, ours has not been adjusted since 1912.
For the fake religious people out there, don’t let your bigotry show. If you were real religious people you’ll have to believe in all of religion like this guy. Don’t let it trouble you, to be only half religious, or should I say a fucking bigot!
Here is religion at work. Apparently they aren’t racists, just a bunch of fucking scum no better than ISIS.
Puffy did you read this one? Where are you Oamacare stories that offer factual evidence of lost jobs?
You moron! You and this bitch should sit down and cry together.
Your truly was reliving those wonderful days of yesteryear when a greedhead worshipped by our trolls, Willard (R-Money) made his legendary remarks about the 47 percent.
This got lost in the shuffle…
Good news for Romney: The 47 percent are now down to 40 percent
Willard R-Money thanks you President Obama!
Little low-life Scotty Walker was an Eagle Scout..
Ready to “lead” us in the next war.
So much for the rights of free peoples in these United States.
Some people shouldn’t have guns. And there are places where guns shouldn’t be allowed.
Walker imminently more prepared to president than what you libtards voted for the last two elections! US foreign policy is in total shambles!
Saudi Arabia attacks Yemen and doesn’t tell the United States. Obummer attacks Israel and tells them if they attack Iran the US will obliterate their airplanes as they fly over Iraq. Yes, Obummer has his priorities in a mess!
@9 Dreary night in the salt mine, was it?
Washington Gives Aerospace Suppliers Tax Breaks In Exchange For High-Paying Jobs. Employers Renege And Pay Low Wages.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I know where to find the money to close the state budget shortfall, and fund the class size initiative too.
Wait for the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch to attack Newsmax!
Wow, feckless Iran nuke negotiating…
Meanwhile Obummer plays both sides…
12-14 Damn that’s some weak gas there troll.
Back to the salt mines goes the babbling jackass!
Meanwhile Hillary’s emails just aren’t going away… The senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit’s favorite klown Sidney Blumenthal appears again… Have the crazed databaze arschloch look for this grom guccifer…
American Short Line rail conglomerate Genesee and Wyoming has concluded it’s purchase of British rail operator Freightliner. G&W owns over 100 railroads, most in North America, with a few operations in Australia, and now a major player in Europe. They already had a small operation in Holland. Not bad for a company that started as a 15 mile pike serving a salt mine.
More indisputable FACTS HA DUMMOCRETINS can’t run from…
Google owns Obummer… That’s why the FTC investigation died. Another reason net neutrality was pushed by the FCC … Google and George Soros, Obummer’s right and left marionette controllers.
Meanwhile another whom acts like rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, but in this case when the FACTS were presented she non-APOLOGIZED apologized (standard for libtards) for being an race baiting ASShole! Never seen a mea culpa from HA’s own race baiter rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!!! When the police video appeared for her son’s traffic stop and her son had “hash oil, a grinder and marijuana” the tune suddenly changed. Butt her despicable attack on USC and Glendale were never retracted. She only discussed kindness of the officer, not her original word choices. http://www.hollywoodreporter.c.....ale-785010
You libtards and your non-APOLOGY apologies were discussed last week by Eric Wemple of the Wa Post! Being a libtards means you never have to say you’re sorry for being the scum of the earth!
When DUMMOCRETINS are in charge of government departments you can see the filthy scum layer they produce; once Real Americans start digging for the truth and put forth the cleansing sunlight on the issues…
To add more to this comment…
Oh rush to judgment libtards… why do FACTS always escape you? Apparently a manufactured crisis is just what Saul Alinsky likes. Apparently HA DUMMOCRETINS didn’t realise separate eleven states from the 20 below have judicial precedents that constitute a RFRA policy in their courts.
And who controlled Congress back in 1993 libtards? Clinton? really? Libtard states Connecticut an Rhode Island have this law. So why aren’t libtards boycotting these other 19 states?
FACTS mean nuthin to libtards!.
Butt there is more… RFRA has three legal means tests libtard DUMMOCRETINS! Where is anyone arguing except on libtard blogs and slobbering libtard led DUMMOCRETIN approved msm sites that exercise of religion excuses bigotry? Not in the courts. Christians have not objected to providing services to LGBT customers, but to being forced to participate in same-sex weddings by a state like Oregon against Aaron and Melissa Klein or Jack Phillips, the owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, in Lakewood, Colorado, either by baking a cake for one or having to photograph it, and then getting forced out of business by fines when they refuse out of religious conscience. Remember the Hobby Lobby case? Why did the Obummer sadministration lose? Because HHS had to admit they didn’t use the least intrusive method available to them to try and settle with Hobby Lobby. HHS was caught because they ignored the issue of whether the contraception mandate intruded on sincerely-held religious beliefs of the privately held Hobby Lobby. Instead Obummer went for the jugular and SCOTUS said nyet!!!
Remember Kelo vs. New Haven Connecticut where your libtard SCOTUS voted businesses have rights and against Scalia, and Thomas? Well it came back to bite y’all in the ASS!
You see libtards, you are turning working Christians into religious refugees. Is this the grand progressive utopian society libtards want to live in? One where all Christians are driven out of business? What about all those who are now unemployed and agree with you morons? Oh they are just political casualties because to a libtard the end always justifies the means!
Butt don’t let FACTS get in the way of a loserville argument! Read the fine print libtards! Even WA state has a type of RFRA!!!!!
Puddy wonders if Nich Hanauer knew this or was it another useless rant to make news?
Puddy realizes this is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over the synaptic response of almost all HA DUMMOCRETINS so the standard gutter sniping ad hominem attacks will appear shortly!
This is pretty pathetic. When something like this happens, whether it can be classified as a hate crime or not, it needs to be dealt with in a special way. For any group, mob, or gang of individuals to think that they can terrorize other individuals, is the most heinous crime.
The perpetrators need to be put down for life. After being found guilty beyond a 100% reasonable doubt they should be hung in a public square. Prior to hanging, for about two days, any individuals should be allowed to spit on them.
This is your progressive, anyone can do anything without consequences society y’all been preaching for decades! Now you decide to scream about it? Hate Crime? Well it was blacks wailing on blacks so Al NoSoSharpton won’t say anything. Jesse HiJackson could care less. Does this predominantly DUMMOCRETIN 33rd CA District leadership teach respect? Doubt it!
Wow the babbling jackass must believe it’s Jesus..
It’s risen old Saul from the dead!
Too funny this braying jackass.
Now read the fumbling bumbling yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch response @25!
Nuff said Suckas! The yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch is a gutter sniping ad hominem attacking moron! If the answer can’t be found in a left wrong web site, then ad hominem attack! It’s all this yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch has left in the quiver!
ROTFLRHMBBAO! Thanks for playing. Pavlov called it! Remember this gutter sniping ad hominem attacking yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch thought Puddy’s last name was Pavlov!
A writer at The Atlantic explains why he expects a deal that will allow Bergdahl to walk. As for me, I think there’s still too much we don’t know to pass judgment or predict an outcome.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now wait. Ring bell, Puddy comes out of hole in woodwork, and sniffs at cheese … SNAP!!!
How did the Left do in the French Elections?
Why are comments deleted from the open thread?
Why are comments directed at Puddy always left in threads but PuddyReponses erased?
Why are the HA heads so biased?
Meanwhile after Comment #30 is deleted we learn this about the Iran Nuke Talks and the feckless and wimpy skills of Obummer’s SoS John Effin Kerry…
Shorter puddy: it’s not fair that people are so intolerant of the intolerant!
Clearly this idiot can’t see what an idiot he is.
LOL! It’s ok jackass you don’t have to prove that one. Everyone knows where you got it.
Just answer this one question:
Which union is it?
Keep asking arschloch… Keep asking…
Spoken by the house “genius”? .NOT.
It’s you whom are intolerant… Always ready to shut up the opposition!
Puddy you love to play the victim.
Puddy it’s amusing when you post almost any ignorant thing that crosses your mind, then get so upset that we call you on all of it.
Just like Indiana.
For all your wailing of being silenced, yet you keep being allowed to post here.
Go post as a liberal on free republican or red state and tell me how long you last with their tolerance
And until you do, here’s the answer to all your questions: