Mental Floss: Misconceptions from television.
Sam Seder: New PA Gov. suspends death penalty.
John Green: Understanding Boko Haram:
Thom with The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
The Fog of War:
- Mark Fiore: Brian Williams and the fog of war.
- Cenk on Brian Williams
- Pap and Sam: The scary pathology of Brian Williams
- Jimmy Dore: “Hey everybody, fire Brian Williams.”
- David Pakman: William’s name disappears….
- Maher: The real problem for Brian Williams
Jon: FAUX News wants a Muslim King for President.
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Ann Telnaes: Alabama resists civil rights again.
Young Turks: Senator Inhofe caught using fake photos of Russian invasion to push for military aid.
Climate Change and Denial:
- This is what 8000 people marching for real climate Leadership looks like.
- Sam Seder: FAUX News’ most batshit insane climate denial segment ever?
- David Pakman: Dumbshit Pat Robertson claims snow in Boston disprove climate change.
- Greenman: Climate change elevator pitch with Eric Rignot.
- David Pakman: FAUX News had to “give up her freedom” because of snowstorm and climate change “hoax”.
- Young Turks: FAUX News nutbag suggests climate change “hoax” costs us our freedom!
Obama: “Can I live?” The Buzzfeed video.
Young Turks: A woman without an identity.
West House: West Wing Week.
Perpetual War:
- Liberal Viewer: Should Congress declare war on ISIS?
- Thom with Alan Grayson: ISIS and perpetual war.
- Sam Seder: Obama’s perpetual war?
- David Pakman: Obama wants war authorization
Mental Floss: 23 weird awards.
Joe Biden misses his butt buddy?!?
David Pakman: NYC Mayor Calls for $15/hr minimum wage.
Matt Binder: The Crusades were in self-defense?: The bizarre Wingnut historical revisionism.
Jon is Leaving:
- Cenk: Jon is leaving
- David Pakman: Jon is leaving.
- HuffPo: Jon is is leaving….
- Chris Hayes: Jon Stewart destroyed Rumsfeld & CNN ‘Crossfire’
- Rush Limbaugh bloviates about what he thinks is the reason Jon is leaving.
- Young Turks: Who will replace Jon?
- James Rustad: Welcome back Kilborn
- Sam Seder: Jon Stewart’s legacy
Elizabeth Warren preempts GOP on Dodd-Frank rollbacks for large banks.
Young Turks: FAUX News caught reading RNC memo word for word.
Pap with Howard Nations: The IRS is soft on dark money.
Thom: Don’t be fooled…the Koch brothers are NOT social liberals.
Maddow: Dearth of inspectors raises pipeline risks:
Mental Floss: Why is the heart associated with love?
President’s Day: February’s sexiest holiday.
The 2016 Clown Parade:
- Sam Seder: Shock as Scott Walker dodges the evolution question.
- Young Turks: Scott Walker punts on evolution.
- Sam Seder: What does Rush Limbaugh know about Scott Walker?
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Rand Paul quickly caves to Bibi & principles
- Michael Brooks: Don’t be fooled…Republican (presidential candidates) are certainly not concerned about inequality!
- Young Turks: Rand Paul caught lying about his college record.
- Matt Binder: Alex Jones’ crazy sexist rant defending Rand Paul
- David Pakman: Shocking poll…58% of IA GOP think Joni Ernst has what it takes to be president
Thom: Even more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Maddow: Elvis leaves the Mississippi GOP.
Ann Telnaes: A flock of media sheep:
Kimmel: The collective wisdom of Pat Robertson.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Itwill be tough replacingJohn Stewart, and I doubt if Craig Kilburn is available.
Interesting story about the other story out of Salem, besides the Kitzahber Scandal. An Owl has been attacking joggers in a local park.
@ 2 ERf
Yeah, I read about that, I guess someone held an informal poll and now they’re officially calling it “Owl Capone”. Thats some funny shit right there.
In any case, watch thid video first, then this one.
I am reminded of an older NPR story about how so many of the younger black folks in the Southern States have had a lot of trouble with a similar issue, in that those states didn’t register African-American babies in their official records until well into the 1970s, and the only real records of those births were registered and kept in the local community churches.
An awfully large number of those churches were magically burnt down by the goddamn hundreds all through the 40s, 50s and 60s during the battles the black communities were fighting just for the right to be allowed to vote and do other shit like get jobs that didn’t mostly involve tipping garbage cans or mooching around the industrial areas for scrap metal.
Those churches that were burned and the birth records they did have were burned along with them. That means, that in states like Alabama, Florida, Tennessee and such, no real official state records of the births existed, and people couldn’t prove their identities when they wanted to do something like join the military, apply for a business license or get married.
The Federal government started requiring issuance of Social Security numbers at birth in 1980 and they had to correspond with an issued birth certificate. That didn’t help people much, who couldn’t prove their identities when they were arrested by the Police or applying for Social Security benefits or registering to vote. It also created huge problems for people trying to trace genealogy records for other purposes. This is one of the things that got Alex Hayley in trouble and was used as a justification for the reactionary media machine’s attacks on him after he wrote “Roots”. They couldn’t (or wouldn’t) verify his claims of genealogy and family history, and used the lack of those proper records as “evidence” of his supposed fraud in authoring the book.
Such as it is. Now theres some evidence coming out, concerning the young woman in my first link above that that her brothers do in fact have Social Security numbers and birth certificates, and her sisters do not.
So, this leads to some interesting questions.
Such as:
Is it possible this girl was kidnapped as an infant, and the parents are still trying to hide it? Or, is it possible that they somehow thought that they could keep her in the house for the rest of her life and have a permanent staff of servants that they wouldn’t need to pay? Or, perhaps they figured that she was pretty much a chunk of meat they could sell off to some other fundamentalist asshole who would keep as a brood mare while also never letting her leave the house?
Goddamn fundamentalists. They fucking crazy people. They’ll fuck their own kids over for life to prove how faithful they are to their bullshit “god”. These people should never have been allowed to raise children.
Man, if this picture doesn’t tell a story, nothing does.
These crazy cultists are mentally ill.
Incidentally, the father is under investigation by the IRS as he has not filed or paid taxes since 1996.
Yes, it will be difficult replacing Stewart, especially now that J.P. Patches is dead.
Robert Cruickshank @cruickshank
Yep RT @drgrist: Even if Kitzhaber did everything he’s charged with, it would barely warrant a footnote in Chris Christie’s criminal career.
Retweeted by Goldy
Well, there’s the stuff he’s been charged with, and then there’s the stuff we don’t even know about yet.
Eight days ago the OR state AG launched a criminal investigation:
Only yesterday we learned
that criminal subpoenas were filed by the US Attorney’s office as part of an investigation of Kitzhaber.
I’m sure there’s desperation to move beyond the embarrassment that Kitzhaber has caused to OR state Democrats and to minimize any potential national damage to the Democrat party.
The investigations of Christie didn’t nail him with anything.
The investigations of Kitzhaber are just beginning.
@ 6
The investigations on Christie are still ongoing, and they are finding things that he’d rather not come out. If Kitzhaber turns out to be a real crook, then hang his ass out to dry. I have no problem seeing a crooked scumbag politician prosecuted, I don’t give a damn about their ideological construct.
The primary difference between Liberals and Conservatives is the fact that Conservatives always circle the wagons on their crooks, or make up phony excuses about the criminality. Liberals for the most part aren’t bothered by the turns of justice when it affects one of their own. Sure, it pisses us off, and standards of evidence on any front need to be held to a high level. But we don’t go around telling the press that the ends justify the means for everything.
Remember when cheapshot bob scolded us all for rushing to convict Zimmerman in court of public opinon for murdering the black teen armed with scittles and not waiting for all the facts to come to in.
He’s being a hypocrite for not following his standard he demands of us.
@7 it’s all about polishing the bad apples for Republicans. Or better yet ignore the Republican corruption completely by covering your ears and saying La La La Dee Dah, La La La La.
They could care less about bob McDonald, oink oink Christie, etc
@8 bob like any other Republican is a complete fraud, I wouldn’t trust him with processing my urine sample.
It just dawned on me that the snowblower that I’ve been using to clear the driveway of snow didn’t actually do it, I did it!
“The upshot will be many people losing jobs to software and machines, says Silicon Valley-based futurist Martin Ford, whose book The Rise of the Robots comes out this year. He forecasts significant unemployment and rising inequality unless radical changes are made.”
Don’t worry, bob, I know giggle in glee when anyone talks about automation for all those workers who want a living wage, but, automation’s coming for you too
“Meanwhile, doctors are piloting the use of Watson, IBM’s supercomputer, to assist in diagnosing patients and suggesting treatments.”
“Individuals should cultivate skills, such as idea generation, where humans currently have the comparative advantage, and select job types that are not so subject to the head-to-head race against machines.”
@7. It is also the rights right to hypocracy. Do you think they would find it acceptable for Al Sharpton to call for 2nd amendment remedies to fight police brutality against black people? Or do you thing they would find it acceptable for Dan Savage to call for second amendment remedies to gain marriage equality or equality in general for gay rights. Or some American Muslim…..
There would be an outcry from the right. Hypocrisy and frauds. Religious freedom to discriminate. Bunch of sociopaths.
@12 like I said – I wouldn’t trust Boob to process a urine sample.
“it’s all about polishing the bad apples”
Interesting euphemism for turds…
“Individuals should cultivate skills, such as idea generation, where humans currently have the comparative advantage”
Sounds like we need to become a nation of Don Drapers. OK, I’m outta here. Gotta go pick up a bottle or two of Canadian Club.
Isn’t @13 essentially terrorism?
Republicans = ISIS wanabes
@ 12
Don’t worry, bob, I know giggle in glee when anyone talks about automation for all those workers who want a living wage, but, automation’s coming for you too
Google ” R2 mammogram”.
It’s already here.
@ 8
I probably did object to a rush to judgement about Zimmerman.
I also do think @6 that a premature judgement of Kitzhaber’s misdeeds, prior to the two just-initiated criminal investigations, also is wrong.
Those two sentiments are hypocritical on my part……
How, exactly?
Hey vomit producing master,
Those fundamentalists were DUMMOCRETINS in the 40s, 50s, and 60s. FACTS make the vomit producer head go
As long as we’re going to look at Kitzhaber’s emails and such for evidence of fraudulent and otherwise criminal activity related to his wife’s double-dipping and other conflicts of interest, we might as well also take a look at what the soon-to-be-former governor’s role was in the disaster that was Cover Oregon:
An investigative committee in Congress is looking into the role Gov. John Kitzhaber’s campaign advisers played in shutting down the troubled Cover Oregon technology project to move to the federal health insurance exchange.
Members of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform issued to Kitzhaber’s office a wide-ranging demand for documents on Friday, the very day the governor announced he was resigning.
Remember, when he was interviewed for TV and was asked some tough questions about his knowledge of Cover Oregon, Kitzhaber couldn’t handle the heat and walked out instead:
Although one can’t really blame him for not wanting to talk about his role in an exchange that cost nearly a quarter of a billion dollars and didn’t work.
Maybe he can walk out during Congressional testimony under subpoena some time real soon.
More vomit by the vomit producer… The primary difference between Liberals and Conservatives is the fact that Conservatives always circle the wagons on their crooks, or make up phony excuses about the criminality.
What a bunch of BULLSHITTIUM… Puddy been posting DUMMOCRETIN malfeasance since 2005. Where has your voice been butt covering for them every since you arrived here in your various name morphing moonbat moron postings? It’s only recently the vomit producer has a “level” response level.
The Chris Christie attacks are politically motivated. It seems when any DUMMOCRETIN feels they have been wronged, especially union peeps, they run to the FEDS and want to bring him down. Bridgegate was an EPIC FAYLE and now, it’s the Democratic-controlled New Jersey State Legislature who is working overtime to deny Christie a chance to run against Hillary.
At least Chris wasn’t taking sniper fire while overseas. Oh wait… that never happened!
@6 “Well, there’s the stuff he’s been charged with, and then there’s the stuff we don’t even know about yet.”
And here’s Cheapshot Bob taking cheap shots to a whole new level.
@23 “At least Chris wasn’t taking sniper fire while overseas. Oh wait… that never happened!”
Of course not. You’d never see that tub of lard anywhere near someplace where there’s sniper fire. Another Republican chickenhawk!
worser @8,
The jury made a decision on Zimmerman. Since Puddy wasn’t there and neither were you all you had was conjecture. NBC News decided Zimmerman was guilty by making up news. Guess they followed their managing news editor Brian William’s well known style. So he turns out to be scum in later activities.
It seems you HA DUMMOCRETINS convicted ex-officer Wilson based on faulty evidence. Puddy still waiting for the mea culpa from worser on the Wilson condemnation which even Eric Fast and Furious Holder first came out with that phony federal rights violation investigation which was an EPIC FAYLE. Seems that hands up don’t shoot was a false narrative that was first offered by the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit and you never rejected either worser. Now why is that?
Glass house livers love to throw stones at other locations!
Dunno if anyone has posted on this yet, but some legislators are talking about sending the class size initiative back to the voters for another vote on how to pay for it.
I’ve always thought this omission by the initiative drafters was intentional. In any case, the initiative was an unfunded mandate, and the drafters’ intent appears to have been to coerce the legislature into finding a way to pay for it. That was irresponsible.
If the idea was to force the governor and legislature to raise taxes, it’s likely to backfire. Anti-tax Republicans, who now control the senate, want to pay for McCleary and the class-size initiative by raiding other state programs, although it’s not clear where they intend to to rip a couple billion dollars a year out of the recession-pared budget. You can’t get that kind of money without making major cuts to prisons (which Republicans are unwilling to make) and social services (which Democrats are unwilling to make).
Sending the initiative back to the voters to determine a way to pay for it seems like a logical choice and now looks like a probable outcome. You can’t get that kind of money without raising taxes, and if voters want to approve a big new chunk of spending, then it’s really their responsibility to figure out what taxes to raise; and if the voters won’t raise taxes, then the initiative should be suspended until they do.
senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit,
That was Hillary’s commentary you senile moron! Oh yeah memory issues as showing up again!
@26 So now you defend unindicted perps from lynch mobs? Does that include Bowe Bergdahl? Or is your fake outrage still as selective as it always is?
@28 There’s nothing wrong with my memory. I simply ignore your inane commentaries most of the time.
@20 So were the Kluxer lynchers, but they’re YOUR buddies now. We didn’t want them, so we gave them to you, and you welcomed them with open arms.
@23 “The Chris Christie attacks are politically motivated.”
Everything everyone in politics does is politically motivated. Duh! Everything you and I post here is politically motivated! So what’s the BFD? Is that supposed to be some kind of epithet? Duh-uh …
senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit,
Seems DUMMOCRETINS rejected level headed reportage on this issue last fall…
Puddy remembered this last November by a certain blog owner…
Nuff said! Where’s the money? DUMMOCRETINS don’t care about any money! It’s the tax payer. It grows out of their pockets!
Chronological relevance senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! The vomit producer brought up the 40s, 50s and the 60s. Puddy reminded the vomit producer about the EPIC FACTS! Those kkker’s were your peeps senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @32,
It seems DUMMOCRETINS step up their attacks when it seems a Republican is making political head roads. Witness the Scott Walker attacks. Now DUMMOCRETINS are visiting Walker’s college years. Yet no one could visit Obummer’s Harvard years!
Sure is amazing to Puddy!
@33 Why do you assume I voted for it? Assume = ASS-U-ME.
@30 farts,
There’s nothing wrong with my memory.
Of course, you can’t remember anything senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Your M.O. lately!
@34 The Kluxers have been YOUR buddies for 50 years now, and still are, which is more “chronologically relevant” than your bringing up the 30s, 40s, or 50s.
@37 Why do you expect me to remember something I didn’t pay attention to in the first place? Are you taking stupid pills tonight?
Does that include Bowe Bergdahl?
Oh my senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! The Army is dragging their feet because of whitey house pressure from Ben Rohodes! You seem to forget Bowe Bergdahl’s platoon mates told the truth about his leaving. The NY Times even published the letter.
Sux to be the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
@40 So HE doesn’t get to be “innocent until proven guilty in a court of law,” that applies only to people YOU choose (i.e., corrupt GOP politicians). I see. Hmmm … that’s exactly what I expected from you.
senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit farts – The Kluxers have been YOUR buddies for 50 years now, and still are, which is more “chronologically relevant” than your bringing up the 30s, 40s, or 50s.
Puddy didn’t bring them up. You can’t even get it right in the same hour. It’s the 40s, 50s, and 60s. And the person who first brought it up was the vomit producer @3.
You see senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, you can’t follow a thread on the same day!
Sux to be the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
The leaks on Bergdahl’s case are from left wrong sites senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! The army claims a decision is forthcoming next month! We’ll see. Butt, his platoon mates are the best corroborating evidence! And the NY Times also weighted in.
So……….. senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, the NY Times is bad news now?
Why do you expect me to remember something I didn’t pay attention to in the first place? – Well we see the evidence @38! Even when you “read” you don’t pay attention to it in the first place!
Meanwhile more creeps who hate Israel like HA DUMMOCRETINS are at it again…
Meanwhile MELISSA HARRIS-PERRY on PMSNBC claims ‘Black lives matter’.
Butt to Planned Parenthood – Black lives are just matter!
Butt to Planned Parenthood – The white man doesn’t want another mouth to feed!
Oh no it’s in the NY Times… Remember, Maureen Dowd is a Hillary lover!
The senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit will reject it!
Sounds like a DUMMOCRETIN to Puddy
Acting like the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit with the senile schismatic IDIOT part!
@ 27
Anti-tax Republicans, who now control the senate, want to pay for McCleary and the class-size initiative by raiding other state programs,
Inslee proposes to pay for them, in part, by raiding the state’s rainy day reserve fund, which is a different type of state program. Only it ain’t raining.
See a couple of Goldy’s sidebar retweets for a different perspective. Am I the only one who reads those?
(Unrelated, but movie suggestion that features Twitter – “Chef”, on Netflix)
Seems it was random shootings at various random places attacking random people walking out of random synagogues and a random cartoon meeting by random peaceful religion attackers in Copenhagen… Puddy doubts the random attackers randomly know their random victim names…
Of course the Tea Party will be blamed first. ABC News Jim Avila will report that first.
Supposedly random Whitey House Press Secretary Josh Earnest will randomly comment on the shooting soon!
Butt remember.. 3 Muslims shot in a parking lot – hate crime. People shot outside of any foreign city synagogue or a deli – totally random.
Gotta be the crusades!
As long as we’re raiding funds for education, perhaps we could give the University of Washington’s Consolidated Education fund a $100M haircut for each of the next few biennia.
The UW CEF is $2.833B as of 2014. In 2013 it was $2.347B
Since 1998 this fund has more than quintupled in value.
As long as we’re looking for money for education, perhaps we could give consideration to shifting funding for the UW to other education needs in the state, and pointedly expect the UW to put some of that 15.8% investment return in the CEF last year back into the system.
Crusades? DUMMOCRETIN fantasy
Butt to a DUMMOCRETIN when has truth ever mattered? The ends always justifies the means!
Never liked the Forced Birth people’s ideology. Every child should be a wanted child.
Extreme science flew men to the moon. Extreme religion flew men into buildings.
The legislators will never be able to find the funding for unfunded mandate. I’m ok with them pushing it back to the voters.
Sad to see you are a Planned Parenthood – Black lives are just matter – adherent!
Puddy, as a Forced Birther, you have to explain why you think so many black women don’t want to give birth that you must force them to carry the fetus to term against their will,
Every child should be a wanted child.
Don’t do the deed with the steed if you can’t stand or have the final consequences planned. Black lives are more than just matter. There are many childless couples who want children. They go overseas because of draconian adoption laws in the US.
Yeah black lives matter. I went out with a black friend of mine last night, gay black friend. Oh and his parents/family really not close anymore, you know because he is black, I mean gay.
Black lives matter but Puffy didn’t mean all black lives. Abandoned at birth or abandoned at life. What difference? All lives matter.
Hypocrites will stay mute and not reply or Puffy will reply with something stupid of course.
I on the other hand have a family that doesn’t care that I am who I am and love me none the less.
No lives matter if some if the lives don’t matter. At that point yeas we are just matter.
Holy shit! The village idiot troll @52 REALLY NEEDED HA last night!
On Valentine’s Day!
The fool turned in his last of a dozen stinkies after 11 pm and then it was
Damn that’s hysterical!
That’ll go down in the books as the Valentine’s Day “Nut Rage”…
A special case.. Every day is a “nut rage” for an ha troll.
Dana Perino: Pants on Fire liar…
Ho hum… Yet another day in the life of a former Shrub maladministration turned Faux Snooze stooge.
Over at Zombie (u)SP, some dumbfuck poster from New Zealand named Nicholas Kerr has advocated that, for Seattle to address its homeless problem, it needs to rid itself of construction codes and zoning laws. This will unleash developers to house the homeless. Or something.
No more burdensome and profit-sucking codes and their costly requirements for wind loading, structure and seismic, egress and exits, fire walls, smoke barriers, panic hardware, sprinkler systems and alarms. No more intrusive and costly inspections. No more lot set-backs or roof-slope requirements robbing developers of potential profit. It’s for the homeless we do this. Or don’t you care about them?
It is for the homeless that we shall return to the the days of the the NYC Triangle Shirtwaist fire and the San Francisco earthquake, with the bodies of the dead littering the sidewalks of Seattle and other American cities. And if you don’t agree with the man from New Zealand, you don’t care about housing the homeless. End of discussion. Thread closed.
I’ve been involved in design, construction and code development in this city for over four decades, and I’m more than a little bit intolerant of bullshit when it comes to building occupant life-safety. If I heard this bullshit in person and in a foreign fucking accent, I’d probably have to kick somebody’s ass from one end of Seattle to the other and back again, and see to it that it was his sorry fucking ass that was laying on one of our goddamned fucking sidewalks.
Once again the yellowishleakingbuttspigot proves Puddy PWNS it. How? Just look at the the rage above!
Straight up ad hominem attacks! Thanks for playing yellowishleakingbuttspigot.
BTW if you treat your wife as the Valentine she is every day of the year, then Feb 14 is a mop up day! That’s the big difference between Puddy and the yellowishleakingbuttspigot, AKA klownfish!
Sux to be the yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Awwww… was the buttbusting buttbigot abandoned at birth?
Sorry to read that!
@63 Steve,
“Doc Z” and Tensor did a fine job of attempting to give Little Nicky the opportunity to explain himself, but it turns out the rope given was just enough to hang himself.
There’s no accounting for the idiocy in such concern trolling by people like Little Nicky. But sometimes the pain can be eased when we point and laugh.
Tea Party Loon Dave Brat: Socrates Would Want Us To Slash School Funding For Poor Kids
63 conservative meme that it’s the poor’s fault that we are all not living like kings
@67, the Republican meme around its concern trolling for the less fortunate is that it is everybody’s and anybody’s responsibility but theirs. Blame the poors. Blame the Blahs. Blame taxes. Blame regulation. ….
@49 The rainy day fund is not a program. It’s money set aside for when tax revenues come up short. If Republicans won’t spend it on schools, what will they spend it on? More handouts to rich business owners?
Yet another study shows Washington has the nation’s most regressive tax system, which taxes the poor the most and the rich the least.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Enough is enough. If we can’t afford the class-size initiative except by raising taxes on the poor again, then we can’t afford it. Same with transportation projects, light rail expansion, and everything else. We’ve reached the point of no return in this state where tax reform has to precede any spending requiring more taxes.
adding to @68
And this line of non-thinking is best exemplified by the GOP’s likely 2016 nominee, Jeb!
The other day when confronted by the miserable failures of decades of Republican policies (where his father & brother where calling the shots) Jeb! said “I won’t talk about the past,” “I’ll talk about the future.”
And then George Santayana stood up from the grave and retorted Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
It is, of course, the obstructionist Republicans in the legislature who oppose tax reform. They’re perfectly content to make the poor pay for everything, so they and their rich pals don’t have to pay for anything.
@72 Roger,
Reform of any sort is scary. What might happen if all of the built in advantages and disadvantages were taken away and reformed?
I got mine, and GD it I want yours too!
Where Mississippi House of Representatives member Gene Alday (R- because of course he’s a Republican) sticks a perfect dismount in his Epistemic Closure:
“Doc Z” and Tensor did a fine job of attempting to give Little Nicky the opportunity to explain himself, but it turns out the rope given was just enough to hang himself.”
I’m Doc Z. Thanks. Given the way that cowardly POS Kerr closed his thread, I needed to vent.
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
That dumbfuck of all dumbfucks Nicholas Kerr of (u)SP would do well to recall the likes of the Loma Prieta and Northridge earthquakes, the MGM Grand Las Vegas and NYC Triangle Shirtcoat Building fires, and the Hyatt Regency Kansas City structural bridge collapse before calling for an end to building codes. To help the homeless.
@75, yes I know. :-)
@76, Little Nicky is (obviously) not interested in the purpose of building codes.
His argument was a 2fer. He gets to bash regulation while claiming compassion for the homeless as his motivation.
Same sh*t, different Republican.
Pregnant woman charged in death of boyfriend’s 2-year-old
How does the Bible apply to this?
Or this?
Swinger magazine inspired woman to sleep with 3,000 men
Our winger friends are gloating over Brian Williams’ de facto firing from NBC (does anyone believe he’ll return when his 6-month suspension is over?) … so, my question is, when is Fox News going to fire Bill O’Reilly for pretending to be a combat veteran when he never even served in the military at all?
“A 44-year-old woman has died after being shot in the head in an apparent road-rage attack outside her home in Las Vegas. … Investigators say the suspect vehicle appeared outside the home, multiple shots were fired and the victim was struck by one round. Three men were believed to be in the vehicle. ”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: “An armed society is a polite society,” or so the NRA wants us to believe, but I say that’s bullshit. What do you think?
@ 79
…when is Fox News going to fire Bill O’Reilly for pretending to be a combat veteran when he never even served in the military at all?
I hear that a package is being negotiated that will result in the firing of Bill O’Reilly and the expulsion of Richard Blumenthal
by the US Senate.
Sad but who cares.
Not lot things would change if the WBC held signs that said “God hates Nuts”, or “Family Values aren’t just for the Gays”, so why try!
@81 or Rand Paul for having numerous Biology degrees.
How many aliases are you going to post under in this thread?
@83 as many as I can think of
“Same sh*t, different Republican.”
To be a Republican is to believe that there isn’t problem on earth which can’t be solved with either privatization, deregulation, tax cuts for the rich, suppressing the rights of minorities and women, or senseless war.
Got a homeless housing problem? Deregulation! Of course. Don’t you care about the homeless?
@81 Huhn. I remember when I couldn’t tell people I was a Vietnam veteran because everyone hated us. Now politicians and public figures, Republicans and Democrats alike, are falling over themselves trying to pretend they’re one of us.