Former Congressman reminisces on the start of email in Congress.
The 2016 Clown Parade:
- Sam Seder: Wait. What? Will Mitt get back in?
- Vaccine Trufer Rand Paul has some shushin’ and mansplaining to do
- Daily Show writers riff on the 2016 contenders
- Jon handicaps the 2016 presidential contenders
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Young potheads.
- Chris Hayes: Chris Christie caught receiving lavish gifts
- David Pakman: Mitt is out
- Pap and Sam Seder: Glasses won’t save Rick Perry from prison time
The Ash Carter conformation hearing highlight reel.
White House: West Wing Week.
The Flordo-Texico War of 2015:
- Jon knows who would win a war ‘twixt Texas and Florida
- Oh Nos! Florida Democrat calls the state of Texas “CRAZY” (and he calls his own state “crazy” too).
Mental Floss: More life hacks.
Sam Seder: You’ll never believe what Mitt Romney said to Obama.
Young Turks: FAUX News has a wargasm over King Abdullah in flight suit.
Vsauce: Did the past really happen?
Vaccine Trufers:
- Pap and Sam Seder: Republicans FAIL on the vaccination debate PART I
- Pap and Sam Seder: Republicans FAIL on the vaccination debate PART II
- Mark Fiore: How to avoid maiming and killing children.
- Maddow: Christie and Paul…the Vaccine Trufers:
- Young Turks: Measles killing kids is the new freedom
- Vax-trufer Glenn Beck: Anti-Vaxxers being persecuted like Galileo
- Sam Seder: Republican blames measles outbreak on “illegal aliens”
- WaPo: The politics of the vaccine conspiracy.
- David Pakman: Rand Paul falsely claims “profound Mental Disorders after vaccines”
- Sam Seder: Rand Paul demonstrates he is a genuine QUACK
- Young Turks: Rand Paul goes into Damage Control Mode
- David Pakman: Rand Paul also belonged to a fringe medical group that denied HIV caused AIDS.
- Young Turks: Where do the antivaxers get their information?
- Mitch McConnell is no vaccine trufer. Sort-of…
- Maddow: Anti-Vaxers are an extreme public health risk
- James Rustad: “She don’t use Vaccines”
- David Pakman: Right Winger, “I’m not going to vaccinate my kid so that some female won’t get cervical cancer…
- Sam Seder: Nutjob conservatives misunderstanding HPV vaccine
Greenman: Eric Rignot on Ice Sheet Retreat.
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Ann Telnaes: Sotomayor and Kagan backtrack on allowing cameras at the Supreme Court.
The week in Congressional hits and misses:
Net Neutrality:
- Young Turks: Net Neutrality wins big.
- David Pakman: Wheeler wants FCC to regulate internet under title II
- Chris Hayes: FCC makes the internet a utility
- Sam Seder: The historic net neutrality decision.
- Young Turks: Orwellian “Department Of Internet” ad attacks net neutrality
Sen. Reid: Republicans are more afraid of Dreamers than ISIS (with a cameo by Sen. Murray).
Thom: Why do we need black history month.
Greenman: Elevator pitch for climate change.
Young Turks: Obama at Prayer Breakfast warns of religion twisted to justify war.
Liberal Viewer: Did someone threaten Henry Kissinger?
Sam Seder: Crazy Republican suggests getting rid of Citizen United would destroy the Bill of Rights.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about crime.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
The ISIS Propaganda Department….
- Young Turks: ISIS owes FAUX News a big thank you.
- Thom: FAUX News is the PR department for ISIS:
Pelosi: Republicans are “baying at the moon” with their 56th ObamaCare repeal vote.
Greenman: Ken Caldeira on what climate models have told us.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
With the vaccine debate, I was concerned for awhile with getting a flu shot, but it was offered through my workplace. I did not want to be out of action due to an illness. So far, I am ok.
Still, politicizing vaccines is dangerous for public health.
In New York, the East Side Access, the effort to complete the 1970’s era tunnel to nowhere, continues, with the award of the contract to build the Long Island Rail Road concourse under Grand Central Terminal. 100 years ago, when Grand Central Terminal, I doubt that the Vanderbilt’ s would have envisioned this former Pennsylvania Rail Road property pulling into New York Central’ s terminus.
This is exactly who you want to represent you if you are the RNC. A man who thinks all other religions, including Judaism, as inferior to Christianity. Maybe because Jews don’t hate Gay people as much as Christians.
@1 I can’t think of any rightwing ignorance that’s good for public health.
how short your memory is
Fox Guest: Raising taxes could lead to an economic collapse.
Fox Guest: Infrastructure spending could lead to FEMA death camps.
Fox Guest: Forced vaccinations will lead to forced abortions.
Fox Guest: Requiring internet services to remain neutral will lead to government control of internet-based information.
Fox Guest: We need to preserve the natural state of our national wildlands by killing all the deer, bears and wolves and allowing private enterprise to determine for themselves how such land is to be used for maximum profit.
Fox Guest: It is important that we preserve our militaries ability to rapidly strike first in self-defense.
Fox Guest: Food safety laws will permit the Federal government to use food as a weapon for population control.
Fox Guest: Allowing anyone to use our national highways will lead to unsustainable degradation of our national infrastructure.
Fox Guest: Elimination of illegal immigrants will permit more inner-city populations to gain access to higher paying jobs and get off of welfare.
Fox Guest: Allowing an increase in the number of H1-b Visas will free up our own domestically educated engineers, scientists and physicians to serve our domestic industries.
6 sad but true. And lost on fox watchers
No links @6 must be in the vomit producer’s head!
The senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit doesn’t have a working memory. Senility has set in… Puddy brought this up last week and the moron forgot about it again. In 2008 Obummer’s vaccination words, forgotten by the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @4!
“We’ve seen just a skyrocketing autism rate. Nobody knows exactly why. There are some people who are suspicious that it’s connected to vaccines and triggers, but — this person included. The science right now is inconclusive, but we have to research it. Part of the reason I think it’s very important to research it is those vaccines are also preventing huge numbers of deaths among children and preventing debilitating illnesses like polio. And so we can’t afford to junk our vaccine system. We’ve got to figure out why is it that this is happening so that we are starting to see a more normal, what was a normal, rate of autism. Because if we keep on seeing increases at the rate we’re seeing we’re never going to have enough money to provide all the special needs, special education funding that’s going to be necessary.”
Sux to be the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Meanwhile in real news skipped over by Da Perfessa whom instead delivers toilet water from third and 4th tier tidy bowl dwellers; we see the hand of Ben Rhodes in da whitey house active again…
Looks like it takes Congressional Republicans to right many of the wrongs made by Obummer’s political operatives… Sadly skipped over by Da Perfessa…
Remember HA DUMMOCRETINS, Harry Reid blocked this. Oh you HA DUMMOCRETINS didn’t remember this…?
24 hour moronic moonbat memory malady lives all over this blog!
Meanwhile Brian Williams lies and it’s no where in this Thread! Looks like NBC News is taking much heat here. When DUMMOCRETINS lie in wars, only the military holds them accountable. For NBC to keep that pathetic liar Williams on the air at night is an insult to all the brave combat servicemen and servicewomen who are in uniform.
Just remove the CR/LF and the link works!
Why the Southern Poverty Law Center is becoming more irrelevant every day!
Such moronic statements form the SPLC. SPLC slanders anyone it disagrees with. Sounds like what HA DUMMOCRETINS scream about Dr Carson because there are no skeletons in his closet to attack! Saul Alinsky tactics front and center!
Of course stories like this never make it into the Friday Night Comix…
And this nugget was not covered in the Friday Night Comix…
Butt remember Obummer was infallible on the 2014 deficit! Well the Department of Education’s $740 billion in outstanding loans, this $21.8 Billion shortfall is a drop in the Obummer bucket.
What a scum this mother is…
@ 16 SP
What do you expect? She’s a conservative Christian.
4) Well said.
Got proof!
Now this will pick up the atheists on HA DUMMOCRETINS…
Atheist Summer Camp for Kids
Evolution this I Know Cause Charles Darwin Told Me So
No One Loves the Little Children of the World
This also was purposely missed by Da Perfessa regarding Obummer’s Christianity attack! Yes Obummer, the Crusades were really really bad
@9 “Wabbit doesn’t have a working memory.”
Probably because your mutterings are so utterly forgettable.
@11 I had no idea Harry Reid signs off on Purple Hearts. I thought the military awards those. I should get one for reading your tripe, because wading through it can cause brain injuries.
@18 ERF,
“committed to make investments to find the causes of autism, including possible environmental causes like vaccines.” – Hillary Clinton, well said on a questionnaire!
Thanks for playing ERF! Another LIV water carrier for DUMMOCRETINS!
There goes the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit making stooooooopid comments @23.
The senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit farted… I had no idea Harry Reid signs off on Purple Hearts.
– He doesn’t senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! And that wasn’t the point! Butt, as always, a train wreck and derailment are always delivered by the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Did the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit read the links? – NOPE!
How does one know? – Because the answer to the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit’s question was front and center in the links! Harry Reid blocked the Purple Heart language change on purpose! Conservative Republicans do the right thing again!
Sux to be the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit with no working memory!
Meanwhile things happening 165+ miles south of Seattle and it’s purposely skipped by Da Perfessa
Oh yeah the guvnur is a DUMMOCRETIN… Never mind!
@ 26
As far as “scandals” go, this one is pretty minor. It’s not like he issued pardons and ordered the early release of mass murderers and rapists just because they started calling themselves “christians” after being incarcerated.
It’s not like he pushed his State’s legislature to fund a phony cancer clinic in a private/public partnership to funnel $40 million of taxpayer’s money into his party’s war chest.
It’s not like he disappeared for weeks at a time while his State’s legislature was in session so he could fly to the Bahamas to fuck his Brazilian supermodel girlfriend on the taxpayer’s dime.
It’s not like using his office to interfere with a family’s private medical decision and ramrod a flagrant Bill of Attainder through his State’s Legislature in an attempt to deny a husband’s decision to allow his wife to die in peace.
It’s not like he used his company to defraud the Federal Government to the tune of nearly $3 Billion before he ran for office.
@23. You could choose to ignore his posts, He wants desperately for someone, anyone, to pay attention to him. He is obviously not getting any at home or from his friends or community.
It’s not like he issued pardons and ordered the early release of mass murderers and rapists – Mike Dukakis maybe?
Oh and that Greg Abbott attack – EPIC FAYLE wasn’t it?
Keep on screaming while others are scheming!
And worser @ 28,
This is why you will always qualify as a LIV – low information voter!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor… No sentient life found in #28!
It just gets worser and worser!
Yeah, Puddy had to remember where that CPRIT article was vomit producer… Oopsie… it was an EPIC FAYLE…
You really need to expand your reading materials vomit producer. You are as stupid on 2/8/2015 as the first day you produced vomit as deathfrogg! Were you once known as tree frog farmer? Back then Puddy didn’t pay a lot of attention to that moron. Butt, it could have been you. Only the yellowishleakingbuttspigot knows for sure from the crazed databaze!
Another clueless crazed cretin!
@16 yeah Puffy some people are cruel. You in particular light to be selective in your cruelty.
What are you trying to say bb bb @32?
Kansas is not spending money on rural roads. Apparently the math doesn’t pencil to have no taxes and high services.
I wonder how bad it has to get before they revolt?
Are dems doing everything they can in every district to show them dems have better ideas. Change hearts and minds?
The troll is the LOWEST of Low Information Voters..
Its beloved always wrong wing bullshit told it that “everybody knows” China is ‘slant-drilling’ American oil for Cuba
Its beloved always wrong wing bullshit told it that TWO-TERM President Obama went on an “apology tour”. Every fact checking website called that a lie yet the troll repeated it COUNTLESS TIMES. Add that record to the record of every other Obama deranged internet troll out there and wow, guess that’s the ticket to TWO TERMS. Thanks for the bullshit trolls.
Its beloved always wrong wing bullshit told it that John Roberts from the bench turned a mandate into a tax.. Wow imagine a klownservatic judge with such magical klownservatic powers. Both the troll and its bookoo bucks legal beagle spawn are in thrall to such fantasies.
And lookee here:
>Both sides now expect Romney to win Florida – Mediaite!
Puddy said Jewish vote would be key! Y’all pooh pooh’d Puddy!
HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Nice “information” there village idiot klownservatic troll! TWO TERMS! Fact, troll, fact!
It goes on and on and on and on.. The troll is the LOWEST OF KLOWNSERVATIC LOW INFORMATION FOOLS here.
Oh my two more EPIC FAYLE ad hominem attacks using the crazed databaze. Puddy PWNS this moron! Puddy is a heat seeking missile and scores direct hits every day in every way with the yellowishleakingbuttspigot! That’s because the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot has no recollection of the web sites Puddy previously linked to! That’s because like The Altantic and more recently David BrokenAxelrod’s book; the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot throws up worthless material without thinking it through. Well its been here since 2004 as a name morphing moonbat (how many names so far absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot) spewing disgusting yellowishleakingbuttspigot trails in all the threads. The left wrong sites discussed the Jewish vote you IDIOT!
You need medical help. It’s a Psych 101 Thang!
Later. This one is so sad! ROTFLRHMBBAO!
Oh look village idiot troll:
No worries little troll. It’s a report from the country that can no wrong..
No boots on the ground required. Just people in the region pissed off at murderous whackjobs. John McSame is sad right now.
How’s those gas prices treating you?
This yellowishleakingbuttspigot tool doesn’t get it. How many of your ISIS friends has the US killed? How many of your ISIS friends did US airstrikes kill before Jordan entered the fray? How many of your ISIS friends has US airstrikes killed since Jordan joined the fray?
This is why Puddy PWNS this yellowishleakingbuttspigot moron. If the yellowishleakingbuttspigot moron had a brain it would have those answers up front. Butt as all can see it’s all arschloch (ASShole) all the time!
Those Saudi bred gas prices are great, no thanks to Obummer. Wanna see those six sentences again where Obummer said no to hydraulic fracturing yellowishleakingbuttspigot? It’s wonderful people didn’t listen to Obummer’s hatred of hydraulic fracturing and did it anyway. It forced the Saudi reaction we are all benefiting from above the intransigence of Obummer and his sadministration!
BTW whackamole yellowishleakingbuttspigot, the WA Post claimed almost as many replacements have arrived to cover those friends of yours killed by air strikes! Amazing huh?
So why doesn’t the yellowishleakingbuttspigot join his friends whom hate Israel as much as the yellowishleakingbuttspigot does? Put some action behind your hatred yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Man… the shrieking puddyfuckwad sure goes apeshit (pun intended) when he gets exposed (again and again and again) as the ignorant, shallow, arrogant stupid fuck he displays to the entire universe in and on these threads.
Nuff said!
I notice the troll keeps complaining about what is not in the Multimedia Extravaganza. As for me, I work hard, and conervatives tend to go after overtime pay. If one works weekends, time and a half is proper compensation. I don’t go into specifics about my job, as I do not believe in putting everything about it online. I like where I work. Been a long week for me.
I was reading this interesting column I found while checking the news earlier. It’s about Alabama’s controversial chief justice, trying to defy the courts on marriage equality, and asking if he is protesting too much.
Interesting results on the readers poll so far.
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott survived an attempt by a few of his Liberal/National Party coalition MP’ s to unseat him, but still 39 of the conservative MP’ s voted against him.
One of the latest challenges, was after the recent Queensland State Election, where the governing state party, the Liberal National Party, suffered a big loss as voters gave a 11 point swing towards Labor. The third state election the coalition has lost since the Abbott Government came to power.
What is not in the Friday Night Comix is real news from real news organizations. Look at the presented lineup. PMSNBC, the toilet dwellers of Cable. Pod Cast Peeps who lost their seat at the cable video table. Now they are 3rd and 4th tier toilet dwellers. Then you have the obsequious freakazoid @40 whom drops its weekly ad hominem attack turd with no FACTS or links to back up their position. Just appears to agree with its big brother!
So ERF, here are some facts… You are only allowed three links per entry. You can Google these inconvenient FACTS which make DUMMOCRETIN heads go
Dec 16, 2014 in the NY Slimes by Peter Baker
Obummer has the pen and Obummer uses it even though you see ERF, even with oil prices lower Obummer has basically banned future exploration in Alaska… everywhere, to the detriment of jobs. The worst job killing president ever. Remember the labor participation rate under Obummer is the lowest since Jimmy Carter.
Then January 25, 2015 in the Detroit Free Press Obummer bans more drilling in Alaska.
Another Obummer land grab. As Puddy told the egregious yellowishleakingbuttspigot, oil prices have dropped in spite of Obummer.
Another FACT you see ERF, well being a DUMMOCRETIN, you start our with ocular issues, oil prices fell because of a changed world supply. Now how did that world supply change? Over Obummer objections to hydraulic fracturing. This new technology created over 100,000 jobs Obummer WAS AND STILL IS AGAINST! You just read two paragraphs regarding his actions over the last two months. Yet those third and fourth tier tidy bowl swill producers are what’s important? You want to pay over $3 a gallon again?
New shale oil fields were discovered to have decades of oil and natural gas; so we could stop being dependent on Middle East oil. NOPE can’t have that under Obummer. So Saudi Arabia is deluging the world with oil. The gas price continues to drop except for last week when gas prices went up again due to a barrel being bid over $50 again.
The klownfish yellowishleakingbuttspigot brags Obummer is the cause Venezuelan and Russian economies are struggling. Yeah right… More inconvenient FACTS to explode libtard heads… Direct from the mouth of the two term community organizer!
“This is one emergency we can’t drill our way out of.”
“The reason you never heard me say drill, baby, drill because we can’t drill our way out of the problem.”
“Easily accessible oil has already been sucked up out of the ground.”
“If we’re serious about addressing our energy problems, we’re going to have to do more than drill.”
“Even if we drilled every square inch of this country right now, we’re going to be relying on other countries for oil.”
“There’s a problem with a strategy that only relies on drilling, and that is America uses more than 20% of the world’s oil. If we drilled every square inch of this country, we’d still have only 2% of the world’s known oil reserves. We’ve got a math problem here.”
“I would have preferred a gradual adjustment”. – to high gas prices ERF!
“Still driving their big SUVs and their big trucks”. “You need a hybrid van.” Obummer is GM’s car salesman eh ERF?
“If everyone will just inflate your tires and getting regular tune ups you can save just as much.”
“These aren’t your father’s wind mills.”
“Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket”
It’s the standard marxist progressive action where if something good happens the creepy yellowishleakingbuttspigot gives credit to Obummer while it’s Bush’s fault when something bad happens even seven years later.
You see ERF, you DUMMOCRETINS either missed this from your left wrong whack job web sites or you purposely missed it… Puddy remembers! The libtard Oregon state sued this farmer on his 172 acres for collecting snow and rainwater ponds on his land!
So Oregon libtards think they own the rain and snow pack runoff. You turds are a wonderful bunch! What’s next, the state will claim they own the sun so those solar panels you install will be taxed because you stole the sun that plants could use to absorb carbon dioxide and create oxygen to fight greenhouse gases!
@ 44 – does the labor party actually mean a party that tends to side with the workers on political issues?
Bwaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
It’s too hard for you to figger out whom the Liberal/National Party vs the Labor Party worser? No wonder you are a LIV. You need others to figger things out for you! You believe everything written in libtard e-rags.
@44, EvergreenRailfan, I’m at a better computer now and looked up the Australian Labor Party. I wasn’t sure if it was “Labor” in name only, if it had morphed into something different over time. Like the way the Republican Party used to be progressive in Lincoln’s day, but has completely changed to become a party for the 1% that panders to the religious right.
“It maintains that “Labor’s traditional values will remain a constant on which all Australians can rely.” While making it clear that Labor is fully committed to a market economy, it says that: “Labor believes in a strong role for national government – the one institution all Australians truly own and control through our right to vote.” Labor “will not allow the benefits of change to be concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, or located only in privileged communities. The benefits must be shared by all Australians and all our regions.” The Platform and Labor “believe that all people are created equal in their entitlement to dignity and respect, and should have an equal chance to achieve their potential.” For Labor, “government has a critical role in ensuring fairness by: ensuring equal opportunity; removing unjustifiable discrimination; and achieving a more equitable distribution of wealth, income and status.” Further sections of the Platform stress Labor’s support for equality and human rights, labour rights and democracy.”
Puddy, Since 1909 this has been the law
“Under Oregon law, all water is publicly owned. With some exceptions, cities, farmers, factory owners and other users must obtain a permit or water right from the Water Resources Department to use water from any source— whether it is underground, or from lakes or streams. Landowners with water flowing past, through, or under their property do not automatically have the right to use that water without a permit from the Department.”
” The new law was a major improvement over previous conditions. But it also provided the framework for many of our current problems. The four major principles of the 1909 Oregon Water Code are:
1. Water belongs to the public;
2. Any right to use water is assigned by the state;
3. Older rights take priority over newer rights; and,
4. Water must be used for “beneficial” purposes and it cannot be wasted.”
An older vested water right can, in a drought situation, take water from someone else with a new water right.
Once again, puddy sides with the guy who feels he is above the law of the land.
Once again worser doesn’t get it. Puddy sides with God whom created the water!
Rain water is from the first HEAVENS. Man you are one idiotic moron.
Yes, DUMMOCRETINS want to own it all!
Sux to be worser!
I hear gasoline prices just went up some recently…
Damn! Whose fault is that?????