Mental Floss: What is dirt made of?
The “Duke” of Louisiana:
- Steve Kornacki: GOP manages political fallout of Scalise speech to racist group
- Chris Hayes: Conservatives clash with GOP leaders over Scalise
- Ed: Steve Scalise claims ignorance after giving speech before a hate group
- Young Turks: Hate group scandal engulfs top Republican Congressman
- Steve Kornacki: Steve Scalise addressed racist group in 2002
- David Pakman: House majority whip was honored guest at White supremacist group
- José Díaz-Balart: Republicans eat their own over Steve Scalise’s speech to David Duke group
- Sharpton and friends: Steve Scalise and David Duke
Thom: Who should be drug tested?
Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Republicans have moved to crazytown on immigration reform.
White House: West Wing Week.
Obama messes up wedding…but helps makes it memorable.
“President” Michele Bachmann delivers on $2/gal gasoline (via Crooks and Liars).
It’s Back, Baby:
- Sam Stein and Jared Bernstein: Americans show confidence in economic recovery
- Steve Kornacki: Americans feeling effects of improved economy.
- The Rundown: 2015 marks turning point for economic recovery (and G.O.P. re-messaging)
- David Pakman: Obama’s approval rating matches Ronnie Reagan’s approval rating:
Thom with some Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Al Sharpton: Six years and running…Obama’s greatest accomplishments.
Michael Brooks: Freedomworks hilariously attacks net neutrality.
Mental Floss: 21 things that turned 21 in 2014.
Reflections and Resolutions:
- Young Turks: Police brutality launched a new civil rights movement in 2014
- Mark Fiore: The Year in Crazy.
- David Pakman reviews Pat Robertson’s 2014 predictions:
- Ed: The Robertson’s predictions of 2014
- Roll Call: Best Congressions hits and misses of 2014
- Young Turks: 2014 was the year the Right Wing fell in love with Putin (and then fell out of love again).
- 2014: Restoring faith in humanity
- Rubin Report: 10 most admired women of 2014.
- Rubin Report: Most admired men of 2014.
- Farron Cousins: 2014 was a shitty year.
- Ann Telnaes: Good riddance to 2014.
- Alex Witt and Beth Fouhy: The top political scandals of 2014
- Young Turks: Right wing lunacy dominated the 2014 elections
- Ana Kasparian and Dave Rubin’s best and worst moments of 2014.
- Hank Green: Best and Worst of 2014
- Ed and friends: The worst of conservative media in 2014
- Young Turks: Ebola caused more freak-outs than (U.S.) cases in 2014
- Michael Steele and friends: A year of scandal and sleaze in politics.
- Grace Parra: New Years resolutions with the probability fairy
- Young Turks: Craziest politicians of the year
Hylp: A app for ladies.
John Green: Racism in the U.S. by the numbers:
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about exercise.
Sam Seder: Republican admits G.O.P. Benghazi report is “Full of crap.”.
David Pakman: 20 states raise minimum wage in 2015.
Young Turks: West Virginia finally gets some justice, Don Blankenship is indicted.
Grimm Reaper:
- Steve Kornacki: Grimm resigns
- Michael Grimm quits over felony tax evasion
- David Pakman: Republican convicted felon Michael Grimm resigns
- Young Turks: Rep Michael Grimm resigns after criminally embarrassing Republicans
- Steve Kornacki: Fossella eyed to replace Grimm despite two-family scandal.
Thom and Pap: How the Kochtopus is reaching for our criminal justice system.
Vsauce: Reduplications and other language curiousities.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Interesting how the previous Rep from Staten Island is considering running for Grimm’ s seat, despite his own scandal.
Wrong link on Pat Robertson 2014 predictions. It links to Reagan/Obama popularity rating. Please fix. I need to see what the crazy man was thinking. Thanks
That was quick
Pat Robertson predictions are kind of like Bob’s. All wrong.
The richest man of the country that can do no wrong did obvious wrong:
Wow. What a story! Now this Steinmetz character has really circled the wagons. Read about it at The Intercept.
Awww look at this klownservative take kredit:
Klassic. Thanks are properly due to TWO-TERM President Obama.
I mean if gas was in the high 4’s he’d be getting all the blame. Right klownservative trolls???
The price of gasoline has nothing to do with Obama.
Former Senator Edward Brooke has died.
Meanwhile, (u)SP sustains its political vibrancy with a new rant by Nicholas Kerr against Seattle’s plastic bag ban. In other words, out of all the things that happened in the world between Dec. 6 (the previous posting) and Dec. 30 (the latest posting), the only subject (u)SP writers could think of to write about was plastic bags. Those people must be living under rocks or something.
@7 you may be right, but you didn’t seem to defend him when he was getting all the blame for the high price of gas. Nor are you commenting about the nut bag taking credit for it.
You and you Ilk are scum. You should be drowning below the surface of water, but instead you sit on top.
The problem is hoodies.
“the nut bag taking credit for it”
You mean like this nutbag?
“Republicans have been successful and the economy has been improving with two things: gridlock and opposing Obama. The economy has been getting better!”
Laura Ingraham, Fox News
“The price of gasoline has nothing to do with Obama.”
True, according to wingnut talking head Laura Ingraham. Rather, it is a Republican party which does nothing but indulge in Obama-hate which deserves credit for the lower gas prices and an improved economy.
When hoodies are outlawed, only outlaws will have hoodies. I suppose that makes sense if you’re a wingnut.
@13 No, you don’t get it, wearing a hoodie makes you an outlaw (and therefore okay to shoot on sight).
Kudos to those NYPD police officers who respected civilian authority by saluting the mayor. Raspberries to those cops who continued to repudiate civilian authority by turning their backs on him again. The latter should get the Truman Treatment.
Clearly, the Saudi oil minister is responsible for lower gas prices. We should elect HIM to Congress.
“Clearly, the Saudi oil minister is responsible for lower gas prices. We should elect HIM to Congress.”
I think Republicans are still hoping that Putin will throw his hat in the ring. They absolutely love his “rule with an iron fist” style of, er, governance.
@13 it’s not the people that kill people, it is the hoodies that kill people.
@17 Putin – the great leader. They even love Putin over the current Pope.
True oppressors -The GOP – The Grand Ole Problems Party.
The ideological bi-partisan consensus between glibertarians and klownservatives:
When gas prices are high and the Democratic Party controls either or both the Congress and the White House, Democrats and their policies are to blame for high gas prices. Period, end of story..
When gas prices are low, Democrats can NEVER get ANY credit. Period End of story..
Responsible Gun Owner (TM) Shoots Himself
Last week, a police chief shot his wife in bed. This weekend, a cop shot himself in an elevator.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Frankly, I don’t have a death wish, so I wouldn’t want to be married to either of them.
Why didn’t the cops shoot to kill that crazy woman in Chattanooga, Tennessee? Was it because she was a honkey?
Why didn’t the cops shoot to kill that crazy woman in Chattanooga, Tennessee? Was it because she was a honkey?
The pice of gasoline has nothing to do with any politician, monkey boy, Democrat or Republican!
And remember, as hominem attacks don’t support your arguments.
@24 – where were your comments when they were blaming Obama for the higher prices?
Maybe you should let your Republican friends know, you seem to let them go misguided without making any comment. Or if any liberal wants to give Obama credit then you should shut your trap just as if you would when Republicans blame.
Do you tend to be bias in your political comments?
“monkey boy” “And remember, as (sic) hominem attacks don’t support your arguments.”
Too funny.
i will say this every time the name of Al Sharpton comes up. The man is a fraud and the lowest form of opportunist. I am tired of reposting and reciting the man”s horrible record, so look him up on Wikipedia. To continue to support this man does great violence to the liberal tradition of supporting civil rights for all. The historical oppression of African American men by our police is one of the great social sins of our history and using the fraud Sharpton as a spokesman for this much abused minority compounds the damage. Right now there is a dirth of national black leadership that is recognized by the media so the networks reach out to what is available and that means the reverend (reverend?) Al. I sincerely feel that President Obama can become the African American leader our country needs after his term is done. Sharpton is so odious, and there firing of Olberman crushes any claim MSNBC may have as the television voice of progressive America. If it weren’t for Rachel Maddow i would delete the channel from my dish finder page.
From 27,
Olbermann as fired because the bigwigs at Comcast didn’t like him.
No politician, Republican or Democrat, can take credit/blame for anyting to do with gasoline prices. That’s the point. I don’t always criticize Republicans/Democrats when they are dolts because I don’t spend my life on this blog as many of the regulars do.
Then you must really enjoy the mis-use of the word “bias” in 25.
“Then you must really enjoy the mis-use of the word “bias” in 25.”
No, but I got a laugh out of you calling a commenter “monkey boy”, immediately followed by a whine about ad hominem attacks.
@24 “The pice of gasoline has nothing to do with any politician, monkey boy, Democrat or Republican!”
That may be true, but it has never stopped Republican politicians from starting wars to grab other countries’ oil.
@29 “No politician, Republican or Democrat, can take credit/blame for anyting to do with gasoline prices.”
They do anyway, and the public plays along with them, so what’s your point? That our public discourse is overflowing with nonsense a gullible public swallows whole? (See, e.g., Benghazi, Ebola, and numerous other manufactured scandals.) Okay, I concede that many politicians (especially Republicans) are liars and airwaves (especially Faux News) are filled with bullshit. So? Where are you going with this?
Cheap gas is putting people out of work.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Oh, and those “tens of thousands”* of Keystone XL jobs? Pffftt. (* More like 35 jobs, but I’ll save that discussion for another time.)