Daily Show: The Latinos are already here!
James Rustad: Christie likes to bully all the time:
Liberal Viewer: Fox News Worst Softball Questions to Gov Chris Christie on Bridgegate Scandal.
David Pakman: Drudge Report, “Coldest year on record”. Reality, “Warmest year on record”.
Dave Rubin: Why YOU should vote.
Mental Floss: 26 not so scary facts about Halloween.
Guns & Schools:
- Sam Seder: Another school shooting and no gun sanity in sight.
- Puppet Nation: Country of lost children.
Obama: Women and the economy.
David Pakman: Mitt Romney’s epic bitter rant about Obama.
Pap: The hidden dangers of fracking.
Stephen is just as concerned about about the new citizenship law as FAUX News.
Ann Telnaes: Sit down and shut up, Governor!
David Pakman: “Free” voter ID cost money.
Amy Poehler explains economic inequality with cartoon alpacas.
Jon on Texas NOT turning blue.
Ebola Politics:
- WaPo: Politician fueling ebola fears.
- Puppet Nation: Safety in numbers
- Ann Telnaes: Ready, aim, EBOLA!
- Sam Seder: Right wing lunatics fan the “ebola hysteria” flames
- Maddow: Fear-driven governors make Ebola policy mess
- Young Turks: CDC scores big with Americans on ebola
- Jon: Ebola (or meat) fever?
- Puppet Nation: Christie on ebola
- Judge rules nurse Kaci Hickox free leave house whenever she pleases
- Sam Seder: Ebola insanity continues
Red State Update: United States of Talladega.
Stephen admits he was wrong about Canadians.
Sam Seder: Chris Christie tries to weasel out of his ugly minimum wage statement.
Debates: what were they thinking?
Koch Klown Kandidates: Minimum Wage.
Thom: The 2014 voting nightmare.
Puppet Nation: Twenty Mitteen:
Jon: About those Koch brothers….
White House: West Wing Week.
Stephen announces the end of the Report.
Young Turks: Scott Walker hopes women are really dumb.
- Mark Fiore: Gamergate wants you!
- Jonathan Mann: Stop Making Us Look Bad.
- Jonathan Mann: It’s About Ethics in Journalism
Stephen beams in George Takei to save the midterms from indifference.
Lawrence O’Donnell: Rush wants Chris Christie quarantined.
Koch Brothers go after Social Security.
Thom and Brad Friedman: So how common is vote-flipping?
Richard Fowler: Cigarette smoke is so bad that Cigarette manufacturer bans it in the workplace.
David Pakman: Gas prices are astonishing low…rightwingers are silent.
Sam Seder: Nutburger Rep. Louie Gohmert knows a lot about gay massages.
Election spending by the numbers.
Thom: What has greed cost America.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
In 2012, wasn’t Christie working with President Obama during the time of crisis, just part of the job description? Although I guess this time around, Ebola was just somethin too good bit to politicize.
The Florida East Coast Railway is taking delivery of their first GE Evolution locomotives. They meet the current EPA TIER 3 rules, but the FEC does have Tier 4 compliant locomotives on order, but they are for their passenger rail subsidiary, All Aboard Florida.
I watched a little piece on John Stossel the other day about the Border Patrol goons stopping and questioning people inside America on roads that were within 100 air miles of the Mexican border. These goons were breaking peoples’ windshields and tazing them because they didn’t feel like submitting to a warrant-less search of their persons of their vehicles. The real kicker was an Air Force guy, I think he was an A-10 guy, who was stopped in the Texas town of Uvalde (been there – about half way between San Antonia and Del Rio on Highway 90). Anyway, the guy simply refused to let the Border Patrol guys search his car or his person. He even presented his military ID car and his driver’s license as proof he wasn’t a bad guy. They still harrassed the guy because he wouldn’t submit to the Border goons’ dominance.
The Stossel piece even had instances (recorded by the victims) of the Border Patrol breaking car windows and forceably dragging people out of their cars, simply because they refused to submit to government tyranny.
This is what happens today: our government, through its imperial foreign policy, stirs up hatred across the world so that terroists attack us. Then, in response to the terroists’ actions, our government goes on a massive campaign to attack OUR rights and liberties. When we refuse their intrusions on or liberties, they act just like the terrorists they are trying to defeat.
So much for the “It’s a free country” babble. It’s time for government to be controlled by the people and not by some outback tyrannical government bureaucrats.
Rightwingers want Hero Nurse Kaci Hickox’s head on a platter. (These yahoos can’t solve any of the world’s problems, not even little ones, so they need a new scapegoat every week.) But if they can’t cut off her head, they at least want to snip her credentials into tiny pieces. Ergo, the rightwing blogosphere is roaring with screams and howls for the Maine Board of Nursing to yank her RN license. But I’ll bet them any amount of money they care to put up (in escrow, thank you very much — trust, but verify) that the Maine Board of Nursing will NOT revoke Kaci Hickox’s RN license. (Spoiler alert: It’s a jurisdiction technicality.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What a bunch of dumbasses.
Indeed. Had a 40 cent a gallon discount through QFC – paid $2.43 a gallon.
Can hardly remember the last time I was able to do that.
It certainly won’t last forever but thank you TWO-TERM President Obama!
On Faux Snooze Channel?? You don’t say! For once a Faux Snooze tool complains about something Teabaggers totally support.
@3 I think you’re extrapolating too much. The problem isn’t our country, it’s (some of) the people now working in law enforcement. Our police agencies seemed to have hired a lot of people who think a badge is a license to bully. Maybe they’re hiring the wrong personality types. Or ex-military who, although veterans (God bless ’em) deserving of our respect, have issues that should preclude their being police officers. Or maybe the training sucks — or maybe there isn’t any training. Or maybe lousy supervision. I don’t know. Maybe all of the above. But it’s a police problem, not an American problem, or a government problem. There are many things about our country and government that are good. We even have plenty of good police departments and good cops. But right now, we also have a problem with SOME police departments and SOME cops, and the problem needs to be addressed on that level, not with broad-brush generalizations that don’t mean anything.
@3 blame it on government tyranny? Is that all you can think of that it’s the government’s fault. As if the government is ordering them to do that. Don’t you think the real blame lies with the individuals, propbably right leaning people, that are just overstepping their boundaries, because you know so many right wing people have made demonized the illegal immigrants as something to be fearful of. What about holding the individuals accountable, are they robots for the governement? We hold low income and minorities accountable for all that is bad with poverty. Should the assholes be held accountable. Or do you exploit it and turn it into government tyranny? Because the government is so bad.
How about doing an expose on how banning gay marriage is government tyranny?
You sad apples on the right that hate govenment are pathetic laughable assholes, that are allowing individuals to become assholes like the border patrol people that you speak of.
The lesson here is not that the government is out of control, it is right wing individuals are out of control and a detriment to this society.
@7 I didn’t read your comment until after writing my comment…but sounds like the idiot @3 can learn something, when two people have similiar thought, and state the real problem.
And for the record I support the Police….sometimes they are put in difficult situations. Sometimes people resisting arrest or questioning can make their jobs harder. I think it is a combination of some bad police and the difficult postiions they are put in that is causing the problems.
But I’m sure police are oversteeping their boundaries too. No question.
The reason we have the overall problem is because of our government’s actions overseas. It makes a mess on things and then tries to punish the citizens,
I’ve been stopped at one of the “internal” border checks. It was a long time ago in New Mexico and as soon as the agent saw me (a white, Irish-Swedish guy) he just waved me on.
Not so lucky was a UNM administrator. She is dark-skinned with a Mayan-like facial profile. Also from a family that’s been in New Mexico since the 1800s. She and her son were subjected to extensive questioning about their citizenship and activities. Not questioned were her passengers. Passengers who were all Spanish nationals with limited English. But they were fair-skinned, fair-haired and European looking. So much for border security.
All you folks concerned about “tyranny” – catch “citizenfour” – playing at a couple places here in town.
@9 The problem is they’re unteachable.
The fact two of us jumped on the same flawed reasoning in comment @3 verifies it is, in fact, flawed. The flaw, of course, lies in substituting rigid ideology for fact-based reasoning. Put another way, the flaw @3 is there’s no thinking going on in there.
But I don’t think this kind of flaw can be cured by trying to teach something to an ideologue. We’re pretty much stuck with the goo that’s gumming up their unthinking minds.
@11 Are you blaming Ebola on our government?
@11 again blame the government. How about the 330 million that make up the Country? You want the people to have a voice in this country? it is called democracy and voting, but the right wing is suppressing the vote, is that the fault of Islamist radicals? And the common person doesn’t give a shit about it. Try concerning yourself with this before blaming government – this suppression is by politicians that approximately 1/2 of the voting population will be voting for on Tuesday. So blame the voters for putting those assholes in power, not “Government”.
Don’t blame Hitler – Blame all the people that worked with him and those that just stood by as “innocent bystanders”.
Yeah, maybe our involvement in the affairs of other countries create more enemies, but what if nothing was done? Do you think that we would exist the way we presently exist? And I don’t know how you can connect what is happening overseas for the actions of border patrol or police that are abusing their powers. To live in isolation is like a liberals dream of economic Utopia.
If anyone is wondering why I comment under two different monikers, it is because I use two, actually three devices when you include my iPhone, when posting. And each device has different default names and I forget to change them out of laziness.
“Calling All Angels” by the music group Train has got to be the biggest bigoted and homophobic song going…..not sure how they get away with it. I guess the “innocent bystanders” just like it.
Libertarian maybe can look into that.
Government is nothing more than We The People.
Politicians = We The People
Corporations = We The People
Lobbyists = We The People
Religion = We The People
Musicians = We The People
Artists = We The People
Government = We The People – The Problem is 1/2 of the People or more are Assholes.
@11 How Old are You?
@12 that is pretty funny, but not really funny, more like Ironic.
Apparently dancing is still illegal in Utah.
McConnell Tries To Scare Voters With Official-Looking ‘Fraud’ Notices
This is a pretty typical example of GOP campaign literature. In Kentucky, Mitch McConnell’s campaign is mailing official-looking “Election Violation Notices” and “fraud” warnings to voters that contain nothing more than a tirade against his Democratic opponent.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Would you give your credit card number to someone who sent you a letter like this? If not, then why would you vote for someone who sent you a letter like this?
“In quest to regain senate, Democratic Party targets a Democrat,” mouth breathes a Seattle Times headline above a story about the turncoat senator Tim Shelton’s re-election bid and his challenger, a real Democrat.
GOP voter suppression seems to be backfiring in North Carolina.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You know, while the pundits still expect the GOP to win the Senate, an election-night surprise isn’t out of the question. What’s happening is something like this: Republicans are pulling out the stops to keep blacks from voting. In response, preachers in black churches are exhorting their congregations to vote. Churches are a BIG deal in southern black culture and these preachers are highly influential. Their parishioners are listening to them. They’re also mindful of how how hard-won their voting rights are — people faced police dogs, fire hoses, billy clubs, and tear gas, and sometimes died, for these rights. When someone tries to take those rights away, guess what, that motivates them to exercise those rights. So, it appears black voters are voting in droves, and I strongly suspect they’re not voting for the party trying to prevent them from voting. Everything I’ve read about this election says it’ll come down to turnout, and everything I’m reading about early voting says the turnout is unexpectedly heavy. So maybe, just maybe, we’re going to have a pretty good night on Tuesday relative to what we’ve been told to expect. In particular, it looks like a whole bunch of high-profile GOP governors may get slaughtered. I sure hope so. Poor little lambs …
@23 Looks like McConnell’s opponent is asking a court for an injunction against that dishonest mailer, although I doubt she’ll get it; even obnoxious campaign speech is still free speech.
25)One Governor race surprising me, is Alaska. Governor Parnell is having a tough fight, and the person who made him Governor endorsed the fusion ticket. By the way, does the Governor who was also the former mayor of Wasilla even know that Bill Walker’ s running mate is a Democrat? Although it could be a shocker, but Alaska is a tough state to poll, so their could still be a surprise.
In Pennsylvania, I don’t know if polls can be trusted, but history could be made in Harrisburg. I had been joking that the trend of Pennsylvania Governors being reelected went back to Franklin, but it turns out second terms were only allowed since the 1970s.
Got my ballot off today I work nights, and I got a tight window on the bus and train to get to work. The D-Line is anything but Rapid.
I have been reading an e-book called “A World Class Transportation System” by Charles Mahron Jr, an urban planner from Minnesota, and author of the strong towns nlog. He says he is a conservative, but seems to be in the middle, and proposes a paradigm shift in transportation policy and funding. One idea is to use congestion pricing and value capture to fund highway and transit improvements, but limit those tolls to the specific corridor. The book was an interesting read.
EUROSTAR, the operator of the Channel Tunnel passenger trains, is proposing to launch a London-Amsterdam service, by 2016. I will believe that one when I see it. It has been proposed before, along with London-Western Germany services.
It is a wonder why 2nd amendment remedies don’t put this asshole and people like him out of their misery.
In Dallas, City Manager A.C. Gonzalez has been skeptical of expanding streetcars in the city. He had called San Francisco’s toys for tourists. After seeing some success on Dallas’ s own tourist line, and getting the new Oak Cliff line built(grudgingly), he’s now a believer.
Reminds me of the owner of Powell’s Books in Portland. He opposed the construction of the first new line in Portland, following the impacts construction of the Westside MAX Blue Line had on his neighborhood. Then he read up on the technology and the plan, and not only became a big booster, was recruiting his fellow business owners.
For the IDIOT Wabbit about North Carolina…
When you read Daily Kooks you are a kook just like them!
Another failure of Obummer’s foreign policies… http://www.telegraph.co.uk/new.....Qaeda.html
Oh boy they now have TOW missiles! Thanks Obummer!
Meanwhile another whack job jock strapped by HA DUMMOCRETINS… http://www.nationalreview.com/.....williamson
Written by leftards for leftards… http://www.politico.com/magazi.....FcGnPnF9vY
In my post at 29, meant to include an interesting part of the ownership of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link, aka HighSpeed 1, between the Channel Tunnel and St. Pancras Station in London. Two employee pension funds from the Canadian province of Ontario. The Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System and the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan. It’s a 30 year concession, with the management of the line in the hands of Network Rail, and operations are open access.
The Portland Press-Herald has endorsed the use of Ranked Choice Voting in Maine elections. With the Governor’s race being a three way, it would be a good idea. Right now, Portland, Maine uses it for their mayoral elections.
Interesting, emotional story about giving back.