Thom politically corrects FAUX News Nutburger Steve Doocy.
Jimmy Dore chats with Rep. Peter King:
Sam Seder: Palin flubs on White House.
Women and Republicans
- The unbelievably BAD Rick Scott ad.
- Sam Seder: This insane ad shows exactly how Republicans see women
Jon: American priorities.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Young Turks: FAUX News has bullshit eruption after Obama calls bullshit on their bullshit.
Sam Seder: Bill-O blows a fuse over Colbert’s mocking of his stupid idea.
Mental Floss: 14 Money Saving Life Hacks.
Puppet Nation: Please hold for the President.
The Republican War on Voters™:
- Pap and Thom: Why doesn’t Congress reign in a Partisan SCOTUS?
- Thom: Why Republicans stop people from voting.
- Sam Seder: How NOT to cover Koch brother’s voter suppression efforts
- Ed and Friends: Robert’s court predictably screws Ohio
James Rustad: “The Ballad of [Texas Gubernatorial Wannabe] #GregAbbott”.
Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Cristie’s Tunnelgate will dwarf Bridgegate.
Jimmy Dore gets a call from Gov. Rick Perry.
White House: West Wing Week.
Young Turks: CNN’s cowardly attack on Reza Aslan.
Thom: How privatizing medical records will harm you.
Sam Seder: Michele Bachmann wants a global war with Islam.
- Mark Fiore: White House security breach–coming home.
- Ann Telnaes: Secret Service Director Julia Pierson steps down
- Jon takes on the Secret Service
- Young Turks: Secret Service director resigns.
- Al Sharpton and friends: Secret Service leaked Obama’s schedule to Romney’s campaign
- Ed: Attack on the Obamas & the Secret Service’s incompetence in the White House
John Fugelsang and Thom: Why the American dream is on the chopping block.
Puppet Nation: Vote Granny.
Jimmy Dore chats with President Obama.
Thom with more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
World War III Kickstarter update:
ObamaCare is Working!
- Ed: ObamaCare is booming.
- Sam Seder: Sorry Republicans…more children are now getting health care.
- Alex Wagner: ObamaCare is working.
- Reid: 10.3 Million as Obamacare turns one year.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Some on a railfan board actually applauded the decision to cancel ARC. THE reason? The stub-ended terminal annex near Penn Station. What is needed is a run-through tunnel, to increase capacity on the Northeast Corridor. As for diverting the money, that should not have been done.
Besides the Hudson River Tunnels, their are a few other choke points on the NEC.
CVS Fined For Cheating Customers
California has fined CVS Health using deceitful packaging to mislead consumers about how much of certain beauty products was in jars that had false bottoms and sides.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Show me a businessman and I’ll show you a lying, cheating, thief! Next to bankers, businessmen are the most dishonest people on earth. Think where we’d be without government regulation to keep their dishonesty from getting totally out of control.
CNN reports that former Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke has been turned down for refinancing of his Washington D.C. home, which is worth less than $1 million. Bernanke, who listed assets of only $1 to $2 million, was one of the Fed’s “least wealthy” members, according to CNN.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Bernanke made less than $200,000 a year as Fed chair, so it’s not surprising he’s relatively poor and can’t get credit. Contrary to how conservatives try to portray public service, government work doesn’t pay well, never has and never will. You’ve gotta be a private sector banker or businessman to roll in clover.
The Seattle Times editorial board now wants to tell Democratic candidates what they can say when campaigning.
Meanwhile Peter King was 100% right about ISIS while DUMMOCRETINS called King an islamophobe last year!
Sux to be a DUMMOCRETIN. So wrong for so long!
And think where we’d be without the Constitution to rein-in government. Too bad the constitution is being eroded, both by the far right and the far left.
Like Judge Napolitano says, government is force.
Republicans need to change the rules to support their policies that fail. Bruce Bartlet, who worked in Reagan and Bush Administrations even thinks so.
@6 I already know where we’d be with a government that thinks of the Constitution as an unenforceable scrap of paper: The Nixon Administration, the Reagan Administration, the Bush Administration.
@6 “government is force”
And we need government because force is the only language some people understand.
And I bet glibertarian believes “re-distribution” is a moral wrong:
Here’s a moral wrong..
This economy is working just gang-busters – for the rich and well-connected ONLY.
Excellent article about the “doom loop” of oligarchy. Wealth buys power which buys more wealth. Here’s a taste:
Oligarchy? Shit, we’re pretty much there. Probably been there for a long time.
And the oligarchy wants to put pensioners into penury.. The oligarchy’s money is sacrosanct not the lives of ordinary worker-bees..
And the worker-bee lady doesn’t have Social Security to fall back on.
Franklin-Templeton didn’t have to extend credit to Stockton. They took a risk and now they don’t want to face the consequences of the risk going bad on them. Assholes.
College Republicans aren’t “comfortable” with on-campus voter registration.
Fuck off you vacuous, narcissistic twit.
Ssshhhhhh. Be vewy vewy quite about Ebola.. You wouldn’t want your kwackpot kongwess to lose its head and restore 600 million dollars of funding cut from the CDC..
Ssssssshhhh! Talk about political cowectness instead.
OH NOES, the klownservatives panicked and gave up 88 million dollars on the request of the (gasp!) White House.. What will the teahadists at home think????
LOL@14. You gotta laugh to keep from crying.. The “new breed” of klownservative krackpot Republicans are committed body and soul to stop people from voting.
Freaking unbelievable!
Can anyone find the figure “5.9 percent” in this piece of crap?
Yeah, things aren’t great but they’ve getting better NO THANKS TO AGENT ORANGE and his fellow klownservatives..
The asshole then says there’s “dozens” of good job bills stuck in the Senate. Yeah right…
@10 Hell, even Bernanke can’t get a refi. Evil bankers! Wait a minute, he IS a banker. When bankers can’t get loans, you know we’re in deep doo-doo.
@18 He charges 200/250k a speech. Recently he gave 3 speeches in one week. The guy should be able to get a refi to put an addition on the place with a decent interest rate and then write off the interest on his taxes.
Sounds like it’s damn near impossible for an ordinary two-income couple to finance their first home.
@12 Thanks to compounding, if a rich family invested $1 million at 10% and kept rolling it over, in 100 years they’d have $12.5 billion and in 150 years they’d have all the money in the universe.
@19 Yeah, if you want a starter home, you need $250k in cash, but a worker earning federal minimum wage can save that much in only 16.6 years, provided he has no taxes or living expenses. Of course, by then, it will cost $398k, assuming 3% inflation, so he’ll never have a home to call his own if Republicans implement their platform of no minimum wage increases and no help for first-time homebuyers. GOP motto: Let the working class live under bridges!
The Iowa GOP’s State Legislative Candidates Survey asked prospective candidates, “Will you support legislation to nullify ObamaCare and authorize state and local law enforcement to arrest federal officials attempting to implement the unconstitutional health care scheme known as ObamaCare?”
Roger Rabbit Commentary; I assume you didn’t get their endorsement unless you answered, “Yes.”
Michigan Republicans sent thousands of mailers urging recipients to complain about Obamacare by calling a Democratic candidate for state legislature. The phone number in the mailer is his dying mother’s private bedside phone in a hospice facility.
Meanwhile, Republicans have fucked up in Kansas so badly they’re in serious danger of losing all three of that state’s key races in this year’s elections.
The Republican View Of American Slavery
“Yes, we practiced slavery. But we also ended it voluntarily, at great sacrifice, while the practice continues in many countries still today!”
I dunno about the “voluntarily” part, but as for “great sacrifice,” yes, when Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation every cent of capital that slaveowners had invested in slaves went down the drain. So I guess we wanna teach kids to not make bad investments, huh?
Did you hear John Boehner’s speech about unemployment falling to 5.9%? Neither did I. [crickets chirping]
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You know, I don’t care what he says, or doesn’t say. Suppose we have a 4% unemployment rate when 2016 rolls around. How are Republicans gonna run against that? Are their ads gonna say, “We took unemployment to 10% and it took Democrats 8 years to get it back down to 4% again!”?
I see that un(SP) is still in a coma and Puddy is still crazy. Works for me.
Stupid Solution Steve@27,
Good to see you too. Keep producing your namesake tonic and imbibing on it!
The Inspector General at the USPS has recommended that the USPS study moving mail in New Jersey, between major processing centers, by rail. Mail by rail has had some of it’s last stands be on the Northeast Corridor. That is where Amtrak last hauled mail and express, and before that, Railway Post Office cars(the latter was interesting, up until the end of en-route sorting, the RPO crews were armed).
In most cases, this could not be done nationwide, many postal sorting centers have relocated away from the rails. Out here, the center in Portland is close to Union Station, while the Seattle one, is not.
Meanwile HA DUMMOCRETIN morons are running around touting the “5.9%” unemployment rate while ignoring the truth!
Somehow nationwide DUMOCRETINS like to scream and shout about fictitious guvmint values. Puddy knows where to figure out the real FACTS!
For the really stoooooooopid dipSHIT called the monomaniacal clueless crazed cretin this org is LIBTARD… From WikiPedia…
FACTS… makes DUMMOCRETINS look as stoooooooooooopid as they mentally are!
Make me a grave where’er you will,
In a lowly plain, or a lofty hill;
Make it among earth’s humblest graves,
But not in a land where men are slaves.
I could not rest if around my grave
I heard the steps of a trembling slave;
His shadow above my silent tomb
Would make it a place of fearful gloom.
I could not rest if I heard the tread
Of a coffle gang to the shambles led,
And the mother’s shriek of wild despair
Rise like a curse on the trembling air.
I could not sleep if I saw the lash
Drinking her blood at each fearful gash,
And I saw her babes torn from her breast,
Like trembling doves from their parent nest.
I’d shudder and start if I heard the bay
Of bloodhounds seizing their human prey,
And I heard the captive plead in vain
As they bound afresh his galling chain.
If I saw young girls from their mother’s arms
Bartered and sold for their youthful charms,
My eye would flash with a mournful flame,
My death-paled cheek grow red with shame.
I would sleep, dear friends, where bloated might
Can rob no man of his dearest right;
My rest shall be calm in any grave
Where none can call his brother a slave.
I ask no monument, proud and high,
To arrest the gaze of the passers-by;
All that my yearning spirit craves,
Is bury me not in a land of slaves.
-Bury Me in a Free Land
Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
Two sodas.
Puddy wondered why Nate Silver is no longer being touted by the HA Head DUMMOCRETINS… It’s pretty obvious why…
Nate even claims Daily Kooks has the Republicans taking the senate in November. Puddy hopes so. Then DUMMOCRETINS will LOSE the nukular option Reid decided to use in his nasty partisan way!
Some humor and many truths…
So sad how he died…
Now if this was GW Bush as president, HA DUMMOCRETINS would blame the this on lack of maintenance or something stooooooooooopid. Since Obummer is at the helm nutin from the news media on this!
Once again Joe BiteME steps into it… PuddyCommentary: JoeBiteME is officially dumber than Dan Quayle. How many stooooooooooopid things has Joe BiteME said over the years?
Too numerous to count…
@ 34
Marines die in combat. Thats what happens when you send them into harms way. This would be totally unnecessary if the United States had not attacked Iraq and destroyed it in the first place. The entirety of responsibility for this is layed on the actions of the previous administration.
Don’t blame the firemen when a fire you start goes out of control.
Meanwhile… Will Nancy Stretch Pelosi die in Congress? PuddyCommentary:If Republicans gain more seats in 2014 as it seems possible, Pelosi will be waiting a long time. She could become a great-grandmother in Congress if Jesus delay’s His 2nd Coming to allow this.
Digging into the
Of course morons like HA’s Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit ignore this BLS statistic… Under Obummer it’s the lowest participation rate since February 1978. 1978? Wasn’t that the Jimmae Cahhhhrter years?
And another BLS value missed by the moronic twit IDIOT Wabbit was only 12,000 more people were really added to the workforce over the past year September 2013-Sept 2014. 12,000 people IDIOT Wabbit. Paradoxically, that’s the real fact the libtard press will not ADMIT! Didn’t Joe BiteME claim 500,000 jobs a month under Obummer?
There is so much more in this report the low information voting DUMMOCRETIN will never learn because the libtard led slobbering msm will never report these FACTS!
Dayum… Why didn’t Da Perfessa pick up on this?
Yes a mouse making a cat look stupid is bad. Can you say ISIS is the cat and Obummer is the mouse?
Does any HA DUMMOCRETIN remember how Senator Obummer criticized GW Bush on the Avian Flu outbreak?
Well the usual DUMMOCRETIN suspects are involved… ATA, ACLU and other civil liberties orgs were against this! And you wonder why Van Jones and HA DUMMOCRETINS are as stooooooooooopid as ever! Yet crazed COngressional DUMMOCRETIN Alan Grayson is touting the conservative line. Puddy wonders if Grayson is afraid of losing again!
This also KAAABLAAAAAAMMOOOO’s the Daily Kooks argument from and Jon Perr!!!
Well if you write on Daily Kooks you really are kooky! Loved by HA DUMMOCRETINS all over the US!
Once again the racist deadtoad misses the point. The Osprey had a mechanical problem. If Bush was the president his death would have been blamed on Bush.
Sux to be a racist deadtoad who can figger anything out!
So Seattle Schools will celebrate what October 13th? Oh goodie… Puddy’s American Indian ancestry will be celebrated over some white guy Christopher Columbus!
Meanwhile one less crazy at PMSNBC… Now just 1433 (?) left!
Maybe Grimes realizes the union support is a losing proposition?
Meaning the village idiot believes Dan Quayle to be dumb
11th commandment! Gotcha village idiot!
The monomaniacal clueless crazed cretin calls gotcha on Puddy? What an ASS! Puddy was a DUMMOCRETIN back then you dumbASS!!!!! Go back and check your crazed databaze clueless cretin!
Still dancing on Mike Webb’s grave eh? The Prosecution Rests Your Honor! This DUMMOCRETIN is one useless ASShole!
The Village IDIOT fits you perfectly Seems you agree JoeBiteME is an IDIOT! Thanks for playing and proving to all you really are the moron you appear again! CNN has announced the BiteME comments!
Damn. We learn his ancestors came from Europe AND America pre-Columbus..
Columbus was a mass murdering asshole if ya didn’t know moron!
There’s tons more jerk! World would have been better off had he never stumbled upon on the shores of Guanahani.
Columbus was an inveterate greedhead as well.. Again from Wiki:
Fits the klownservative mentality to a tee!
Once again the monomaniacal clueless crazed cretin gets it wrong wrong wrong… Where did Puddy claim to have Christopher Columbus in Puddy’s family tree? Puddy’s cares less what Columbus was or did! Sux to be you getting all in a lather over it. Sounds like Columbus is just like the crazed clueless monomaniacal cretin!
The monomaniacal clueless crazed cretin is really stooooooooopid!
How prescient of Obama to know that the klownservatives would cut CDC’s budget by 600 million dollars starting in 2010.
How is CDC supposed to implement new regulations? With klownservative volunteers? Klownservatives are greedy. They demand HEAVY COIN for doing NOTHING save enriching themselves.
Find where I said that asshole. Can’t read for shit as usual.
So what are you fucking complaining about over that school?
Wow what a lousy convert you made. Thought Quayle was dumb then and thinks Quayle is dumb now. Sheesh.. You’re supposed to believe the WORST klownservative is BETTER than the BEST DEM..
It’s back to klownservative reform school for your sorry ass.
No one around here is impressed with Biden you moronic windbag..
On my… Puddy loves how the monomaniacal clueless crazed cretin gets the the monomaniacal clueless crazed cretin pink panties all twisted up. Puddy thought you were the HA’s “hero”.
What a dumbASS! Hey dipSHIT, who controlled the purse strings in 2010? Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid! Man you are one dumb monomaniacal chronologically challenged mofo! Still the dumbest ASShole of the HA DUMMOCRETIN ASSholes!
HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR You better change your DEPENDS as you are leaking all over HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Awww the monomaniacal clueless crazed cretin didn’t check the crazed databaze first before making an ASS out itself for the 32nd vigintillionth time?
Sux to be you monomaniacal clueless crazed cretin! No one here is impressed with your blogging powess monomaniacal clueless crazed cretin!
Damn! First sending his kids to public schools and a liberal college in (gasp!) Seattle, then subscribing to a Seattle-based Health cooperative, now screaming “goodie” to the decision of the Seattle Public Schools.
Man this klownservative is SCHIZO!! A house divided cannot stand! LMAO!!!
Well monomaniacal clueless crazed cretin, Puddy has another flight to catch so look up who controlled the Congress in 2010 and let Puddy know how chronologically stooooooooooooopid you really are.
Puddy hopes you didn’t get that CDC cut from a left wrong site. If you did monomaniacal clueless crazed cretin, it proves you are just a parrot for the left wrong material!
Let’s say that’s right. What did klownservatives do to reverse that moronic village idiot jerk?
Not a Limbaugh and Hannity listener fool.. That’s YOUR CROWD..
Take your own advice idiot. LOL!
On a trip to nowhere but his own ignorance..
Flying away from all those black americans now living in the ‘burbs.. Settling for the “reservation” delusion.
Flying away from black women struggling with poverty. Settling for a black genocide delusion. Can’t support them getting affordable contraception so they’re not stuck with the painful decision of having an abortion.
Can’t fucking face reality to save his ass. Living in a concrete bubble.
CDC budget cuts since 2010…
Again what did klownservatives do to reverse this? NOTHING until recently. And why did klownservatives preside over these cuts?
To “create jobs”..
47)Seattle is named after a Native American, that has honored him with his likeness on the flag, city seal, and named a high school after him. Seattle University’s old mascot should have been considered another honor. Also, the city seal in the council chambers was a housewarming gift from one of the local tribes.
I’m willing to assume Puddy isn’t a descendant of Christopher Columbus if he’s willing to assume that none of his ancestors were raped by Christopher Columbus. (I wouldn’t bet money on that, though.)
One of the reasons that I am against removing drivers from Subway trains, is in the case of emergencies. Last week, Vancouver’s driverless SkyTrain had a break down, due to a faulty switch. Translink security warns riders not to force the doors open on their own.
The Supreme Court this morning rejected the appeals of several states which sought to overturn lower court rulings that gay marriage is a constitutional right.
I’m shocked. When SCOTUS took these cases under review, I expected the activist conservative majority to scuttle gay marriage by enshrining the “one man, one woman” mantra somewhere between the lines of this or that constitutional provision article or amendment. But they punted instead.
Technically, this is only a procedural ruling, a non-decision in substance; the Court only said it won’t decide the issue at this time.
But I think this is the ballgame. It means SCOTUS is allowing gay marriage to become entrenched in society, which will make it nearly impossible for a future Court to tear it down. We’ve see this with Roe v. Wade, a popular social policy that’s been in place for 44 years now. Even the current conservative majority that has done so much damage in other spheres is unwilling to abrogate it, and only nips at it around the edges.
The so-called “family values” bigots just lost a big one.
In other words, SCOTUS just pushed the bigots off a cliff.
@64 and 65 – Thanks Roger! Not that you did anything. But at least you are vocal to the issue. Not sure I am off base here, but I compare the following story to people that are not anti same sex marriage but stay quite because they don’t feel it is up to them to defend (or come out against) heterosexuals that are against same sex marriage. Not sure if I am saying this correctly
More needs to be done about Countries that are imprisoning or punishing gay people because they are homophobes and bigots.
@66 Of course I did something, I put voodoo on them to make their thoughts come out right.
On monomaniacal clueless crazed cretin…
2011 budget from the DUMMOCRETINS… October 2011 budget was the first from John Boehner’s frends. You are one history challenged moron!
And who pushed for sequestration? Obummer you JACKASS!
Sux to be so monomaniacally stoooooooooooopid it bleeds through the screen!