ONN: The Onion Week in Review.
Liberal Viewer: Republicans crush students with debt rather than invest in the future.
Thom: Stop conservatives before they kill AGAIN.
Obama addresses the U.N.
Michael Brooks: GOP ad tries to attempts to reach women, demeans them instead:
Puppet Nation: Obama’s new security advisor.
Mark Fiore: Climate blah, blah, blah, change.
NFL Woes:
- South Park trolls the Washington Red Skins.
- NFL responds with official, tough new rules.
- Young Turks: Why Dan Snyder is the worst owner in professional sports
- Daily Show takes on the Redskins
Mental Floss: 29 early sports rules.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Puppet Nation: ISIS Needs Women.
Pap and Howard Nations: The Dixieland dilemma.
Jimmy Dore calls Luke Russert about “journalism” & false equivalencies.
The War President and Friends:
- Sam Seder: Anonymous vs. ISIS
- Stephen on Bill-O-the-Clown’s ISIS pipe dream.
- Young Turks: Nutjobber conservative’s heads explode over coffee salute.
- Jon on FAUX News on #LatteSalute: “Fuck you and all your false patriotism”.
- Stephen: Mad as hell about a latte salute.
- David Pakman: Bill O’Reilly’s ridiculous plan to overcome ISIS
- Sharpton: Pathological haters attack Obama’s ‘latte’ salute.
- Jimmy Dore talks to Peter King about ISIS
- Sam Seder: Bill-O-the-Clown schooled on is toy military plans
Late night political funnies.
Young Turks: Congress takes a stupid-long vacation.
White House: West Wing Week.
Rev. Sharpton on AG Eric Holder.
Jon: Schools Congress on climate change with a simple demonstration.
FAUX News Boob:
- David Pakman: FAUX idiot calls female fighter pilot ‘Boobs on the ground’
- Matt Binder: FAUX News Boob
- Young Turks: FAUX News sinks to new lows
- Ann Telnaes: A [FAUX News] boob on the Ground.
Pap: The Party of Voter Suppression.
Puppet Nation: Hot Air over New Jersey:
Thom with more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The Female UAE fighter pilot should have been a good story, but I wonder if the Fox host made the comment because it goes against some of the things that they say about Muslim nations. The UAE is not the only majority Muslim nation with a female fighter pilot, Pakistan has at least one female fighter pilot.
I just got the Kindle edition of next month’s TRAINS Magazine, and an interesting news item about the future of railroading. The railroads are exploring the use of drones, for bridges inspection and maintenance, fighting graffiti, Hazmet conditions after derailment. The rejected agreement between General Committee 001 of the Sheet Metal, Airline, and Rail Transportation Workers,and BMSF would have seen drones used by master conductors on lines equipped with Positive Train Control.
Sen. Blumenthal of NY wants to forgive student loan debt, but only for governemnt workers. That doesn’t seen very fair to me. What’s so special about student loan debt owed by federal government employees in comparison to student loan debt owed by people who don’t work for the federal government? Why the difference?
@3 To encourage people to go into public service, and because public service pays less than the private sector.
Once again real news was no where to be found on the Friday Night Comix!
Real News… http://newsbusters.org/blogs/t.....-beheading
Sounds just like a HA DUMMOCRETIN quote!
Notice the “reporting” from PMSNBC. What a joke. No wonder Da Perfessa in the HA DUMMOCRETINS heads has to post links from the 4th Tier Toilet Brigade about Fox News!
LMAO!!! The village idiot troll once again is caught playing the
Ty-D-Bowl man..
Notice the klownservative yachtsman’s attire! Too damn funny!
The military is upset of the Obummer salute gaffe! Even the Brits reported on the latest flub by Obummer! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....opter.html
Probably Valerie Jarrett in the helicopter told Obummer you goofed! So self-absorbed all the time!
No shit Sherlock!
Yawwwwn.. If that’s true they are little babies. They should be more upset at the klownservatives in the krackpot kongress who let the sequester happen..
Spoken like a true lifetime government employee! You’re nothing if not consistent, Rog,
Government employees always like to trot out that lower pay meme. I worked for the AF for 20 years, and, let me tell you, I was paid pretty darn well! I have yet to make even half of what I was making when I left the AF.
@11 Yaaaawwwn.. Be a schoolteacher then glibertarian.. Pays “darn well” right? You might just mold a few young minds into preferring fascism over democracy.
I think senator blumenthal is from ct not ny. Since when do things have to be fair in life? Is it fair to exclude gay people from wanting to marry? You can join the big ape, you asshole!
Why do you prefer fairness in partiality? Please explain.
Anytime someone has a complaint in life just think about banning gays from getting married. It will ruin your whole argument. Talk about freedom . Then ask what freedom?
Talk about don’t tread one, then think about banning gays from marriage. Talk about a trampling!
Sayeth the most masturbatory klownservative troll in this comment forum’s history.
Stanford’s giving the Huskies a hard time.
Our local village idiot troll is always spouting off about Democrat’s ties to Wall Street..
Heh.. Yeah right.
Polemicist Michael Lind writing at Salon is the gift that keeps on giving:
He directs most of his ire at silly, klownservative servants of the greed and war classes but never lets weak-kneed Dems off the hook.
@11 It’s not my fault you don’t have marketable skills.
@11 My standard reply to morons like you who refuse to accept that public service pay sucks is this:
Who lives in mansions? Who drives sports cars? Who takes European vacations? Who owns yachts and fancy RVs?
Not public employees, asshole.
@8 “The military is upset of the Obummer salute gaffe!”
Really? If I were in the military now, what would upset me is repeated deployments to shitholes like Iraq and Afghanistan by an incompetent commander in chief who started wars he couldn’t finish. We both know who I’m talking about, and which voters put him in a position to do that and cheered him on. Yes, I’m looking at YOU, you stupid ape.
You know, it’s possible the public sector now pays better than the private sector, which if true is a sad commentary on what greed has done to private sector pay but certainly no justification for doing the same thing to government workers.
Cheap labor conservatives and their fellow travelers won’t be happy until everyone but them is working for $2 an hour. I’m not inclined to give them what they want. I’d much rather kick their whiny asses six ways to Sunday, which is what I try to do on this blog every day.
@21 – got to love the Rabbit!
Sorry to burst your bubble yet again village idiot troll but you farted this a few weeks back:
i.e. hint, hint: SUBURBS.
That was back in 2011 so it’s a freaking MAJORITY now! How convenient that the “black flight” phenom is strangely MISSING from your moronic screeds here.
I so love seeing the world change under the feet of dishonest, lying pricks like you.
Now does this mean that African-Americans are becoming more konservative? Maybe a little but with Republican-lite Dems like Barack and Hillary still holding sway – they’re not going to vote for clueless degenerates like an R-Money any time soon.
BOOYAH! The troll is so PWN3D!
America’s police departments seem to be hiring nincompoops with no people skills who don’t know how to do anything except pull a trigger. Here’s another case in point:
In 2012, a Pittsburgh youth was shot to death while trying to stop a fight. At the ER, his grieving stepfather, a minister, tried to pray over his stepson’s dead body. The police later claimed he was interfering with medics’ attempts to render emergency treatment, but the video makes clear no medical personnel were working on the shooting victim at that point — because he was dead. But even if we assume the police didn’t know that, and were justified in getting the stepfather to back away from the gurney where his stepson is laying prone, instead of trying to reason with the stepfather and talking to him diplomatically to get him to move away, they resort to physical force.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yes, the stepdad and shooting victim were black and the cops were white — did you need to ask?
The Seattle Times is miffed by having to endorse four incumbent state supreme court justices because no one is running against them:
“this is not a slap at the court — every member is a competent and respected jurist”
“This should have been a contentious year for state Supreme Court elections with robust campaign debate about judicial philosophies and separation of powers”
“the court’s position in the McCleary v. State of Washington school finance case encroaches on the Legislature’s decision-making authority and threatens a constitutional crisis”
“Recent high profile rulings should make Washington uneasy, as the court eases restrictions on state authority and gives itself unprecedented authority to dictate government actions”
“In 2012, the court threw out the two-thirds-for-taxes rule, wildly popular with voters”
“Last year, the court allowed the governor’s office to claim executive privilege in withholding documents from public records requests”
“Most worrisome is the court’s recent action in the McCleary case, … and while the justices wisely delayed sanctions, there is no telling whether they will be satisfied by reasonble movement during the 2015 legislative session … [and] the court could wipe every business tax incentive and preferential rate off the books”
but since nobody else is running except a disbarred attorney who “may be ineligible to serve if elected,” we’ll endorse these guys and gals.
Shorter: We don’t like taxes, especially taxes on business.
Cop Shot In Ferguson
A police officer was shot in the arm near the scene of protests in Ferguson, Missouri, this evening.
More from Brookings:
Damn! Can’t find any klownservative bullshit out there that refutes this.
So village idiot troll, has the “reservation” moved to the ‘burbs?
We know you’ll find some liberal plot behind it I’m sure.. Can’t wait to see it.
Mariners are still alive!!!
You missed this important point in the link
Seattle DUMMOCRETINS in it for the money! So where are these inner city blacks going to live? They are staying in the city!
And then you missed the second point… Educated blacks move to suburbs… Who runs suburbs you clueless freak show? Conservatives!
And it still doesn’t answer the question of the poor black person monomaniacal clueless crazed cretin. They can’t afford suburb rents so they have to move to worser areas. So all that bloviating did nuthin for your silly argument above. So college educated blacks are escaping the DUMMOCRETIN run cities. See they are getting smart by escaping from the DUMMOCRETIN bosses. Another of your missed points.
And http://www.debt.org/faqs/ameri.....publicans/ – Republicans are…HAPPIER!
And the article posted by Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit about the Standard Hotel in NYC being racist owned by a DUMMOCRETIN!
Sux to be monomaniacal clueless crazed cretin! Wait for it… Wait for it… Puddy you said…
It doesn’t matter you freakazoid… the remaining blacks are trapped and continue to vote black. You as always are too stoooooooopid to realize that!
In my post @2, I meant to say BNSF. Speaking of Positive Train Control, I was reading the article on it in this issue, and it appears that BNSF might be the closest to being in compliance, partly because they had been experimenting with it for years before the mandate was put into place.
The First Hill Streetcar, the line is almost ready, the problem is no rolling stock. The city and Sound Transit chose to stick with what worked, and went with the company that built the current fleet, Inekon, but with some local assembly by Pacifica Marine. The new vehicles flunked a fire test, as one of the delays.
I would have preferred that they went with United Streetcar down in Portland.
Crisis in Hong Kong, boy that Obama is really screwing everything up.
The monkey thinks every suburban town is controlled by Republicans. What a fucking stupid ape.
ISIS is killing anyone and everyone not willing to convert to their teaching of Islam. Sounds like the American Taliban, who think everyone should live by the Bible. The exploit ISIS to push their freedom of religion in this country as if The same thing is happening over here to Christians or evangelicals (whoever they are)
Apparently GWB saluted to a marine with the dog in his hand, kind of like the latte. But no fucking criticism from the right. Go fuck yourself you big ape.
Where is Bob? Bob if you are listening, I just want to tell you about my Generating Station (solar power system) – this is the third month in a row so far where I generated more electricity than I consumed. My electric bill for the last three months has been $16.00. The $16.00 is a standard lump sum charge added to everyone’s bill for distribution charges. In April of 2015 the energy company will settle my net usage or credit and if I have any credit at that time they will start to apply it to my bill and that $16.00 monthly charge might just be $0 for a month or a couple of months.
I use to spend $700 a year in electricity bills. Maybe I will spend $150 over a 1 year period, a savings of $550. And because I also converted my domestic hot water from oil furnace to an electric hybrid water heater, I’ve been able to turn off my furnace since June, just after its installation (4 months now), saving another $100-$150 per month. At this rate I will have paid for the system in 6 years or less, if you consider that I will also be able to turn off the furnace next year a lot sooner, like in late March or early April
Not sure why you aren’t happy with your shitty system.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What’s wrong ASSHOLE??? Were you WRONG when you said:
You’re not refuting the FACT that I have reported on this website that MOST BLACKS NOW LIVE IN THE “BURBS! Since AT LEAST 2010!
You’re a klownservative MORON! You’re always supposed to be right! You’re always supposed to be on top of it with the latest FACTS. Now you’re shown to be freaking IGNORANT or a BULLSHITTING ASSHOLE. Big surprise there.
So what’s your LAME retort?
No asshole they aren’t. From the same Economist article:
Oh NOES. They’re going to Renton to live with Lee. Remember what Lee said?? We’ll remind you later.
What else?
That’s kinda sorta right dumbass. Since at least 2010 and that so-called “conservative” trend must explain why African Americans voted 93 percent for Barack Obama in 2012.
93 percent of that 51 percent in the ‘burbs. Eh ignorant troll? How you gonna refute that? Are the klownservatives in the burbs suppressing the African American vote and jacking up the African American numbers for Barack? Who’d a thunk that?
What else??
Yes it does ASSHOLE. Because you Oh so conveniently skip this:
From the same Economist article. Yeah it’s no secret there’s trouble in suburban paradise.
And there’s so much more to the picture that you totally ignore like the movement of blacks to the South.
So fill in the picture asshole. How is the Democratic Party leaving a “crumb trail” causing a MAJORITY of African Americans to live in the ‘burbs? Enlighten us please.
You miserable fiend.
Bottom line: You are ignorant about “black flight”. You DESPISE African-Americans. Your own people! You call them “sheeple” when all the while a MAJORITY of them have behaved OPPOSITE the way you say they do.
OPPOSITE the way your beloved WEST and CARSON say they do.
Heh. This is funny!
Remaining? So instead of “most” blacks living in the inner cities where they are trapped (no Renton for those folks), it’s the “remaining” blacks.. Wow just wow!
Nice to see you “evolve” fiend.
@37 No matter how many times you shoot his bullshit down, he always comes back with more. Closest thing to a perpetual motion machine the universe has ever witnessed.
Yeah I like it when he said “Puddy you said… It doesn’t matter”
Another day, more crap that “doesn’t matter”.
@ 39
SchizoPuddles is the Three Mile Island of bullshit.
“It’s just minor venting.”
@41 Looks more like a meltdown to me.
@ 42
Yeah, but calling it that doesn’t look good.
There’s still a 6 ton lump of corium under that plant.
I’m not a finance geek by any means. I fancy myself more of an industrial historian. So perhaps someone else could generate a well thought out opinion of what this video is trying to explain.
Seem to me that the parasite industry that the banks have developed for themselves should be taxed at a straight 50% of all profits and the people running them should be subject to a Federal cap on what they can take out of the system in salary, bonuses and benefits.
We could tax the wealthiest .1% income brackets at that and they’d still be the wealthiest .1%. And we could repave every street, clean up every park, build real, durable infrastructure and afford to maintain it. That means modernizing water treatment on both ends of usage, modernizing power generation and supporting research to eliminate fossil fuels.
Right now, that top .1% of income brackets pays nearly zero taxes, and they build gigantic houses for themselves that they don’t live in and can never be resold on a common market. There are around 3500 people in this country who have visible income in the 10 figure range who pay zero income taxes, and have managed to wheedle themselves near total exemptions from paying property taxes on their private homes.
New York City is full of gigantic apartments that are owned by people who have never lived in them. Every State in the Union has huge estates that are left to rot because nobody lives in them, nobody can afford to buy the lands and build housing on them for sale to the working class. That land is being hoarded out of the market by the same people that complain the most about the property taxes they’re already not paying.
It’s a crazy world.
@44 That video is ok in parts. I like this part in particular:
LMAO!!! Uh.. CRA anyone?
And this part:
LMAO!!! Free stuff anyone?
Any economist worth his salt in my view recommends taxing rentiers (parasites) heavily..
Rentiers also include credentialed professionals who charge outrageous fees for their services. People should go into those professions to help people not make them poor. A good first step solution for them is to revive the progressive income tax.
Well past time for a wealth tax on the tax dodging greed class.
Read Piketty’s book for the latest greatest solutions to the scourge of inequality – which in itself is such an inadequate word to describe the current outrageous, out of control situation.
@44 It took a little digging to track this video down, but in a nutshell, it’s libertarian propaganda.
Slick and expensive propaganda, too, which makes me wonder who paid for it. Is Koch money behind this? That might be a decent guess.
This video, titled “Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis,” is based on a book called “Financial Fiasco” by a guy named Johan Norberg, and was directed by a guy named Martin Borgs. Both are Swedes, but the book and video focus on the U.S. financial crisis. Here are excerpts from Norberg’s Wikipedia biography:
“Johan Norberg (born 27 August 1973) is a Swedish author and historian, devoted to promoting economic globalization and classical liberal positions. He is arguably most known as the author of ‘In Defense of Global Capitalism.’ Since March 15, 2007 he has been a senior fellow at the Cato Institute. … He studied at Stockholm University from 1992 to 1999 and earned a M.A. with a major in the history of ideas. His other subjects included philosophy, literature and political science. During his time at Stockholm University he was active in the libertarian network Frihetsfronten (‘the Liberty Front’) and was the editor of its journal Nyliberalen (‘The Neoliberal’/’The Libertarian’) from 1993 to 1997.”
This guy isn’t an economist, nor is he an academic historian or political scientist. He’s not an academic or scholar at all; he’s an evangelist for the libertarian worldview, and here’s what an Amazon reviewer posted about his book:
“Typical Cato hatchet job. Start with the answer first: the government is always the problem. Then build ‘the case’ from there. And ignore the fact that the greatest excesses came from non-government sub-prime issuers in feeding the Wall Street sausage-making machine. And underplay the role that the rating agencies played in perpetuating this huge fraud.”
And another Amazon reviewer posted:
“I’m not likely to agree with anyone who is a fellow at the Cato Institute, but I thought I might like to see what the author’s perspective is on the Great Recession of 2007 onward. It is absolutely laughable how Norberg tries to hang as much of the blame as he can on government, principally federal government. Since Norberg and his ilk have a theocratic belief in the holiness of laissez faire capitalism, the recession certainly couldn’t be the fault of scheming, speculating, immoral, criminal capitalists. Oh no. The government wasn’t successful in regulating these low-lifes, so it’s the governments fault. What I’ve noticed is that capitalism breeds the most despicable Bernie Madoff type criminals. Unlike Norberg, I don’t blame the government for Madoff’s crimes, I blame Madoff. While I look up to companies that look out for the welfare of their employees, Norberg favors sweatshops. Let the strongest criminals survive, let the company paying a living wage perish. What a philosophy.”
Not worth your time. Nothing there but cherry-picked quotes and facts that were chosen because they buttress the author’s and filmmaker’s preordained conclusions.
@44 America got wealthy by making things. We don’t make much anymore. Now, our economy largely consists of financial shell games. This can’t possibly have a good outcome for anyone but the bankers and asset flippers who skim off wealth they didn’t produce. It’s really no more complicated than this.
When I buy a stock, I don’t capitalize a business. Most of the stocks I own are in businesses that were capitalized long before I was born. I’m simply giving the previous owner cash in exchange for the right to collect the rents.
@46 – Nice catch.
I used to think glibertarians were relatively harmless – “losertarians” as that Romney tool Michael Medved ranted..
However they’re so freaking obnoxious like Bezos and Thiel when they’re not over the top crackpots.
It doesn’t help that this forum has attracted so many of them over the years.
(continued) Rents are necessary in a capitalist system to provide an incentive to make capital available for investment. But it takes both capital and labor to produce anything, and the distribution of output between rents and wages has gotten out of whack. Consequently, rent collecting has become over-incented and work has become under-incented. So now we see financial manipulation dominating the economy (and occasionally bringing it down), and workers dropping out of the workforce in droves. None of this is healthy for our economy or society in the long term.
So how do we restore health to our economy and social community? Simple. Reverse those incentives by redirecting tax incentives away from capital to labor. Instead of wage earners paying twice the tax rate paid by rentiers, it should be the other way around.
We musn’t leave out the most dangerous and nutty glibertarian crackpots of all: the Koch bros.
They are thieves:
they are liars and cheaters:
and they are murderers:
That article is a freaking classic!
Almost forgot the TABOR was the dream of a glibertarian with too much money in his bank account..
That was so popular it had to be suspended in Colorado for 5 years and has been rejected by just about every other state where it’s been proposed like here in WA.
So now CO is 49th in per pupil K12 spending
Higher Ed funding has dropped 34 percent
CO is 50th in the share of children receiving vaccinations..
It goes on and on and on!
Glibertarians are a hazard!
Looks like Texas is giving it up to the Athletics..
Even though the Mariners are beating the Angels, it’ll be a miracle if the M’s see post-season play.
Why couldn’t they win one more game in Toronto? Oh well there’s always next year!
Althetics won only 10 games in the last 30? And they’re going to the playoffs?
Felix plays 5 1/3 innings and gives up only 1 hit. Good season Felix!
It’s kind of quiet in the stands right now.
The M’s did ok delivering a relevant September but no cigar.. Next year!
Seattle rents continue soaring, and elderly tenants are losing their long-time homes.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Meanwhile, the Zillow estimate of my burrow’s market value is up over 14% this year. I’d hate to be home shopping in this market — low wages and high housing costs are a toxic combination for the young!!
The dog was in his left hand while the right hand was free for the salute you stuffed butted puffed anal ring! Of course the libtards had to scream over nuthin!
Whatever monomaniacal clueless crazed cretin! You partially hijack certain parts for your argument. The last decade was 2000-2010. Blacks are still in Seattle and other cities. Educated blacks escaping cities like DUMMOCRETIN Seattle. Things you choose to ignore!
@45 “Rentiers also include credentialed professionals who charge outrageous fees for their services.”
You mean this guy?
“In Mr. Drier’s case, the primary surgeon, Dr. Nathaniel L. Tindel, had said he would accept a negotiated fee determined through Mr. Drier’s insurance company, which ended up being about $6,200. (Mr. Drier had to pay $3,000 of that to meet his deductible.) But the assistant, Dr. Harrison T. Mu, was out of network and sent the $117,000 bill.”
Or these guys?
“Patricia Kaufman’s bills after a recent back operation at a Long Island hospital were rife with [inflated] charges, said her husband, Alan, who spent days sorting them out. Two plastic surgeons billed more than $250,000 to sew up the incision, a task done by a resident during previous operations for Ms. Kaufman’s chronic neurological condition.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This guy, Mr. Drier, had a 3-hour neck surgery for herniated disks. The nominal charges were $310,000. And then there’s the two greedy bastards who billed a quarter million dollars to sew up an incision.
Anyone who thinks we have a free market in health care has rocks in his head. How can there be a free market when you’re unconscious in an ambulance, don’t know what services you’re buying, who you’re buying them from, or what you’ll be charged? How many people shop around for an ER doctor?
Unless someone regulates what health care providers can charge — whether a private insurance company or the government — patients are at the mercy of hospitals and doctors who have less compassion than Mafia loan sharks and will send bills that no ordinary mortal could possibly pay.
Unless we get either regulated or socialized medicine in this country, there won’t be a single living American who doesn’t live under a constant threat of medical bankruptcy. Because if a doctor can get away with charging you a quarter million dollars to sew up an incision, he will.
@55 Here, educate yourself. http://handbill.us/?p=34586
NoBalls@54, just like the link monomaniacal crazed clueless cretin posted about blacks facing higher rents. Thanks IDIOT Wabbit!
A Republican could salute a Marine guard with his exposed dick and Puddy and his ilk wouldn’t say a word. Like deficit spending and losing wars, a sloppy salute is only a problem when a Democrat does it.
L M A O!!!
How’s that “reservation” in the ‘burbs treating you you miserable FOOL? What’s that name you calling the majority of African Americans living in the ‘burbs? Sheeple?
Go ahead asshole! Tell us how the Democrats engineered that!
Pitiful idiot.
Don’t know if this has been mentioned here, but Friday, a fire was deliberately set at Chicago Center, disrupting air traffic throughout the Midwest, and across the country. O’Hare and Midway are at 60-75% of normal scheduled traffic, and Chicago Center may not be back to normal until October 13th.
As for alternatives, it’s probably swamping rental car and intercity bus providers, but Amtrak has it’s Chicago Hub services to help take some of the load, as far as Milwaukee, Quincy, Carbondale, St. LOUIS, Grand Rapids, and Detroit. Not much extra rolling stock, or host railroad co-operation to allow for extra trains.
Of the state supported services, the Hiawatha Corridor, Chicago-Milwaukee, has the most services. The Lincoln Service, Chicago-St. Louis, has 4, and the Chicago-Quincy and Chicago-Carbondale with 2 each a day. Not exactly the frequency that could help out in a regional transportation emergency like this.
Hey klownservative butthole village idiot troll,
You keep venting your spleen over inadequate schools in the inner city right?
Now that you know THE TRUTH about a MAJORITY of African Americans living in the ‘burbs (and the trend shows no signs of reversing) you still still gonna support that charter school and voucher (i.e. more dollars for greedheads) BULLSHIT for African Americans???
Public schools are better in the ‘burbs right? Your kids went to the Everett Public schools right? All African Americans gotta do is keep moving to the ‘burbs like THEY HAVE BEEN DOING FOR A LONG TIME.
“BUTT” NO! You believe that African Americans are “sheeple” who had the gall to vote 93 percent for Barack. They should stay on your delusional “RESERVATION” so you can still worship your beloved CARSON and WEST and RANT on HA!
You miserable JOKE AND DUMBASS!
Hey miserable klownservative JERK TROLL,
I challenged you to find a liberal plot that moved African Americans, “sheeple” (as you call them) to the ‘burbs.
I’ve been thinkin’.. There is a plot!
And I even POINTED TO IT in this thread!
Damn! The charter school and voucher greedheads will be so disappointed.. Oh well ancient history now.. And no “the plot” is not the sole cause of “black flight” but I believe it certainly moved it along!
Hmm, I didn’t know (until just now) that Anderson Cooper comes from a once super-rich family. He’s a great-great-great-grandson of railroad baron Cornelius J. Vanderbilt. Unfortunately for him, previous generations of Vanderbilts spent all the money, so he doesn’t have a trust fund.
This gives us a pretty good picture of the character of people who oppose raising the minimum wage:
“Americans toiling away in low-wage jobs already struggle to earn a living, and a new report says these meager paychecks are winnowed down by wage theft with alarming regularity.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What kind of employer would steal from workers who are already being paid almost nothing? I’ll let you fill in the blank _____________________________________ .
Man the monomaniacal mutant clueless crazed cretin is s monomaniacal. Living the dream again… Seattle anecdotal. http://www.census.gov Maybe in Seattle you jackASS.
Not in NYC.
Not In Philly.
Not In Chicago.
Not in Houston.
Not in Atlanta. etc., etc. etc.
Sheesh this freakazoid doesn’t perform its homework.
Dancing on Mike Webb’s grave again!