That Canadian Immigrant:
- Ted Cruz’s dad explains black people
- Liberal Viewer: Ted Cruz’s inappropriate joke after 9 year old kills instructor with Uzi.
Mark Fiore: The Presidential Painsuit.
Puppet Nation: ISIS Schmisis.
Cheap Labor:
- Thom: Economic terrorism paid for by goons.
- James Rustad: Fight for $15:
- Thom: Workers speak out about low pay.
- Some economist debunks Republican ideas about minimum wage increases.
- The McDonalds McPoverty Meal
- José Díaz-Balart: Fight for $15 leads to massive food workers protest all over the U.S.
- Thom: The GOP War on Workers™ kills again
- Ed: VP Biden slams Republicans over their ‘War-on-Labor’
Liberal Viewer: Nutburger Peter King’s bogus claim that al Qaeda planned to attack Ft. Knox.
Sharpton: Republicans go into warp-drive trivial by attacking Obama’s tan suit.
The Wrong Guys:
- Sam Seder: Scalia’s poster man for death penalty turns out to be innocent.
- Young Turks: 30 years of horrific injustice & how Scalia made it worse.
Mental Floss: 40 tremendous college traditions.
Sharpton: Right Wingers preaching impeachment to their racist teabagger base.
A Batty Story:
- David Pakman: Gun-toting militiamen catch “illegals” studying bats
- Young Turks: Armed border thugs BUST some people…biologists studying bats.
Richard Fowler: Go figure…Medicare is not such a budget-buster anymore.
Sharpton: Carpetbagger Scott Walker enlists out-of-state supporters for Senate election
What’s Black and Brown and Red All Over?
- Jimmy Dore on Steve King on Ferguson
- COPS: Ferguson
- Jimmy Dore: Voice mail from Bill-O-the-Clown
- David Pakman: Justice Dept. will conduct civil rights investigation of Ferguson PD
- Reid Report: “There’s a new sheriff in town and his name is Eric Holder.
- Pap and Howard Nations: The police state of America.
- Jimmy Dore: Black protesters hold open carry rally
Obama visits Stonehenge.
Maddow: Rand’s burdens.
Puppet Nation: NATO Plays with itself.
The Politician–Industrial Complex:
- Sam Seder: What Eric Cantor is doing now will not surprise you.
- Chris Hayes: Cha-Ching! Defeated Congressman cashes in.
- Young Turks: Former politician resigns early to get cozy position he is unqualified for.
- David Pakman: Eric Cantor resigns and runs for the MONEY
Some nutjob Republican tries to argue that health care can be harmful to health.
ONN: The Onion Week in Review.
Fruits of the Political Season:
- Jon: The craziest Senate race ads
- Young Turks: Nutburger CO candidate claims challenger wants to behead Christians
- Another Honest Political Ad
- WaPo: Best ads of the primary season.
- Why Gil is going to New Hampshire
White House: West Wing Week.
Pap: Republican obstructionism shapes Obama’s legacy
Young Turks: Dumbass politician from Oklahoma warns Christians about ALL Muslims.
Old McDonnell Had a Pen:
- A “sweeping conviction.”
- WaPo: The McDonnell trial in 3 minutes.
- The McDonnell corruption case: By the numbers.
- Ed and friends: Justice done.
Puppet Nation: Burger King hates America.
Jimmy Dore calls Mitt Romney:
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
If the prosecution of former Governor McDonnell was politically motivated, wouldn’t the charges had been filed during the election, possibly when he was in line to be Romney’s running mate?
@ 1
Silly question. Ask any TeaBagginista and they’ll say flat out that when a “conservative” is prosecuted for a crime, it’s political. When a Liberal is prosecuted, it’s justice. A Liberal is anyone who opposes a Conservative. So, burning a cross on a black family’s front lawn is protected free speech, but responding to that with use of deadly force is a crime. Sneaking a camera into a food factory to record the awful shit that happens there is a crime, but the owner of that factory lying to the Police to instigate a violent raid on your house is defensive and permissible.
I’ve been around this little dance with some of the more derpier potato-people on my FaceBook. Some of my best friends from my younger days have turned out to be some of the most ignorant, stupid and bigoted people. I’ll never figure that out. Like the guy who taught me to shoot, and I mean really shoot, has turned out to be a complete headcase almost in the Gohmert/Bachmann/Keys mode. I would never, ever have figured that guy for a bigot like that. It isn’t how he was raised at all, his Mom is one of the sweetest and decentest people I know.
But, as folks get older, and ornerier and spend a fair amount of that lifetime in pain as he has, I suppose that can be expected when people just stop learning anything new and retreat into their base belief systems. The combination of being in a lot of pain and raising kids and managing a rather crazy wife is just too exhausting to allow for that extra time to educate oneself. There’s a lot of folks out there like that.
At any rate, Bob McDonnell’s primary issue is that he is apparently just dumber’n a sack of dogshit. Governor VaginaProbe has a phony degree from a diploma mill and has only himself to blame for his total lack of ethics and awareness of the basic purpose of Law. He really doesn’t understand what all t he fuss is about. I’m sure he’s still in shock about how he got caught.
What is certain that his hair, no matter how fantastically coiffed, didn’t protect him from having the DOJ crawl up his ass with a microscope after he openly bragged to the press about all the cool shit he gets as Governor, like $26,000 wristwatches and free rentals on mansions, complete with servants, when he went on vacation.
Maybe it’ll start to dawn on him after he’s been sitting in that cell at Leavenworth or Fort Knox for a few years.
Naw. He just isn’t that smart.
Although, he has managed to find a way to continue to live large on the taxpayers dime, so maybe he’s not all that terribly stupid after all.
Final notice – Come join Us Sunday (God’s Day) in Dallas to protest the Cowboy’s hiring of Michael Sam. The gays even want to start playing professional football, we can’t have any of that, it is a trampling of our rights to be haters and bigots. And the guy is even black! We should have started this movement years ago, way too many black now playing too. Let’s put a stop to freedom and prevent Michael from having a meaningful job. Bring your bibles! We can no longer tolerate this persecution. Sincerely yours, the American Taliban (conservative GOP).
Is our local village idiot troll gonna play the tidy bowl man again today?
After the dinner hour?
Here’s a picture:
F (as in forget) Tesla…
How about Proterra?
King County is taking an interest!
Steve Ballmer apparently had some practice being a basketball team “owner”:
What an ASShole!
Doesn’t surprise me in the least that the aristocracy at Lakeside would cheat to get what they want.
It’s the American oligarchy’s way.
7) I have my doubts about Battery Electric buses, but I say give it a try. They have some uses, just worried about their use in line haul applications, especially with our hills, but if they work out, plus charging stations, maybe the route to Madison Park could be replaced with electric buses. I guess the charging stations could be every stop. Anyway, the Swiss may have already beaten Proterra to the next step, an articulated battery electric bus.
Can’t the Koch Bros do anything any freaking thing better with their money?
Fund cures to cancer that their polluting causes? Anything?
Clean energy is out of picture. That’s for damn sure.
The Huskies need more strength at the corners.
As long as they keep scoring.. 31-21 Huskies ATM..
The Vagina Probe is the teahadist weapon of mass job creation. /sarcasm
Just ask Walker..
Damn, that EW QB keeps completing passes to the end zone. Are there any adjustments they can make at the half?
Huskies 31-28..
Ooops EW defense just keeps leaking.. First and goal.
A female muslim physician speaks:
What? No support for head chopping from this adherent to “the religion of peace”? What is she doing watching head chopping videos with a guy named Horowitz?
Oh my! What will our knee-jerk islamophobic village idiot troll do?
That was one crazy half of football.. Huskies lead.
This is an interesting Moonie Times article:
Sen. Bernie Sanders, a self-described socialist, called for a progressive estate tax on multi-millionaires and billionaires during a speech on Saturday.
The title of the “article” says he called for a “wealth tax”. Uhhh. I don’t think so..
The article then implies Sander’s motivation is to balance the budget or reduce the debt which is freaking stupid. The deficit has been plunging just fine all on its own as the economy recovers like a tortoise.
IMHO, a targeted wealth tax could make college education free for anyone who wants it and provide some much needed poverty relief.. How about dental care for medicaid recipients, restore the food stamp cuts and shore up unemployment insurance?
It shouldn’t be permanent. We’re not class warriors here unlike the rich and their tools like our local village idiot troll. Give it a 10 year sunset or scale it back as goals are met.
@17 I’d go tit-for-tat. In 2010, billionaires got a freebie — no estate tax for a whole year. How about a 100% estate tax for one year in return? I’ll even let them pick the year (within 10 years).
@16 Not anymore. EW 45 – UW 44
Wear down that clock!
First and goal!
EW’s offensive line is wearing out. Had to call a timeout. Still a lot of football to play.
Huskies might score into the sixties.
EW to their credit keeps on fighting.
After an insane catch by EW, the Huskies have to call a timeout!
Huskies make a huge penalty that keeps EW alive.
Both teams look worn out. But EW scores.
Huskies have to recover the onside kick, wear down the clock and score.. EW will probably get one more shot at the ball.
Huskies keep making plays. Wearing down the clock. EW has run out of timeouts..
If the Huskies make one more first down, they got it. Maybe not even that. Nope not even that.
Game over. Huskies win 59-52!
Hat’s off to EW’s Vernon Waters and the Eagles who showed a lot of grit picking at holes in the Huskies defense..
But Cyler Miles was no slouch, making play after play, rushing, playing his freaking heart out..
QB Duel? It was a nailbiter.
@24 What defense? I don’t see no defense. In a 111-point game, they ain’t no defense!
24) We won the Division 1 FCS National title in 2010, and did well in the playoffs last year.
The Eagle has landed! Been landing here a long time… Congrats. That’s a scrappy team to root for.
@25 Huskies have a stronger defense and made some good defensive plays but may have some fatal weaknesses at the corners against talented receivers and a sharp quarterback. I don’t recall too many turnovers as a whole and they mostly worked to the Huskies’ favor.
The Eagles’ offensive line was heavily taxed in this game especially towards the end.
GOP Campaign Flyer: Look Out For That Scary Black Man!
Four years ago, during the 2010 campaign, GOPers distributed flyers warning North Carolina voters that “thanks to [Democratic legislator] Hugh Holliman, death row inmates could leave prison early and move in next door [to you].”
The flyer featured pictures of two black death row inmates, and continued, “Meet Wayne Laws. He brutally MURDERED two people. And get to know Henry McCollum. He RAPED AND MURDERED AN 11 YEAR OLD CHILD. But thanks to ultra-liberal Hugh Holliman, they might be moving out of jail and into your neighborhood sometime soon. Holliman voted to allow activist judges to weaken the sentence of Death Row inmates … making some eligible for parole immediately. Keep Death Row Inmates Where They Belong And Get Rid Of Criminal Coddler Hugh Holliman.”
State Rep. Hugh Holliman lost that 2010 election. But the GOP’s prediction came true anyway. Last week, death row inmate Henry McCollum walked out of prison a free man, after DNA evidence proved his coerced confession wasn’t worth the paper it was written on.
Also last week, New York City finally settled the wrongful conviction lawsuits in the Central Park Jogger case. The city will pay roughly $1 million per year of incarceration to the four black men wrongly convicted of that crime, about $41 million total, with the largest sum — about $13 million — going to a man who was imprisoned for 13 years.
Assuming rough parity in the North Carolina case, Henry McCollum should have about $30 million coming to him from the taxpayers of that state. Including the Republicans who paid for that flyer.
In Switzerland, voters will be voting on the 28th on whether to adopt Single Payer. Documents have leaked saying premiums under the current system will be going up in 2015. The current system, where private insurance is mandated, and consumers have a choice of around 90 companies.
Also from Switzerland, a photo of President of the Swiss Confederation Dider Burkhalter commuting to work, making it’s rounds on Twitter. People outside of Switzerland are surprised, he takes the train, with no bodyguards. One of the perks of being on the Swiss Federal Council(collective presidency, the President of the Confederation is largely ceremonial), is a lifetime Swiss Rail Pass.
I can’t leave a comment for the Bible quote of the week, so I’ll do it here:
From the Air Force Times:
If we were back in Vietnam War days, and you weren’t able to join up if you wouldn’t utter the phrase “so help me God,” I bet I know what would happen.
Time to re-name National Airport, Commission a new Carrier, and propose that every single federal property on American soil be re-named Barack Hussein Obama ***** Building.
From those lefties over at FORBES:
Obama Outperforms Reagan on Jos, Growth and Investing.
Steve Ballmer – libtard DUMMOCRETIN… Aristocracy abounds!
Nuff said monomaniacal crazed cretin! BTW Puddy flying back from Japan… Someplace the crazed cretin may visit someday when a job falls into it’s lap! So it’s so bad you live vicariously through PUDDY! Let everyone know when you get a life because:
It really sux to be you!
YEAH, that old class warfare argument by the continuously unemployed village HA monomaniacal crazed databazed cretin. Somehow studies prove it doesn’t work…
Butt being the moron the village HA crazed databazed cretin is, the monomaniacal one will be looking for someone else to pay for his spawns’ college costs since his life choices has relegated his children to a subsistent lifestyle!
Eh? Where are the comments to the Bible Study thread? Anyway, here’s my Bible Study comment:
That’s nothing compared to what an asteroid would do to this place, and it’s just a rock.
Meanwhile Da Perfessa chooses to ignore real news that afects all Americans…
It’s good to see HA DUMMOCRETINS ignore that which the rest of the world discusses!
So Obummer was near tears when Obummer tlaked to James Foley’s parents… butt didn’t think to invite them to wherever he was playing golf to deliver personal condolences; butt onward to golf. Optics… something Obummer seems to miss all the time…
True to form, the Republican Times editorial board today endorsed a Republican for a 37 LD legislative seat. A Republican in the 37th? You’ve gotta be kidding. A Republican who got less than 8.5% of the vote in a 3-way primary. How could such a candidate possibly represent the voters of the district? But never mind, he’s a Republican, and that’s all that matters to the RT editorial board, who evidently feel the incumbent who got over 85% of the total primary vote is not worthy of re-election. Don’t worry, the RT endorsements means nothing, the 37th’s voters will take care of this discrepancy in the November polls.
Meanwhile Obummer playing politics again…
What else is new HA DUMMOCRETINS?
So how does one account for the Republican Times’ perplexing endorsement of a candidate who got less than 8.5% of the primary vote against one who got over 85% of the vote? Here’s their explanation:
“As chair of the House Education Committee, she consistently blocks reform bills. Her voting record falls right in line with some of the state’s most powerful special-interest groups.”
And therein lies the key: Translate “state’s most powerful special-interest groups” as “unions,” specifically “teachers unions,” and you’ll understand. The owner of the Republican Times can’t stand unions.
We could have learned Obummer’s ISIS strategy is becoming “clearer” by the day”!
Yet wasn’t it a few days ago Obummer claimed to degrade and then destroy ISIS until DUMMOCRETINS talked to Obummer. Then Obummer claimed the new Obummer goal was to diminish it until it’s “a manageable problem.” Puddy published these FACTS. Now it seems John Effin Kerry is the new foreign policy maker after all!
Meanwhile in the standard Friday dump the IRS loses more emails again…
Dayum… Has Cuba visited the UW yet? Many clueless crazed perfessas waiting to be plucked!
PuddyCommentary… When this breaks in WA State, it will be “shocking”, unprecedented”, “who knew”, “he/she was the quiet neighbor next door”…
Nuff said!
Heh. Hardly..
Does a liberal give 15 large to the RNC?
More cash to the Boehner and Cantor PAC’s, Senate Turtle McConnell, Reichert and Dean Heller?
Wow what a liberal that guy! Such an idiot, our local braindead troll.
Oh and our village idiot troll has said in the past that Larry Ellison is some kind of lefty. Nah he’s just slick greedhead who gave more money to Republicans than D’s in 2012.. Same link
Again, what a moronic jerk our village idiot troll…
@36. Thanks for the great link telling how effective our president is. Finally a grown up in the white house who can do many things at once and find a balance. Remember no matter what he does, in republican eyes, he’s doing it wrong.
Now why didn’t this make the Friday Night Comix? That crazy war on wimmenz wimens, wiminz eh?
PuddyCommentary: Oopsie… Optics doesn’t seem to be Blabbermouth Scultzie’s strong point either. Just say anything to get a DUMMOCRETIN erected! Then backpedal later when the news services bury it on page B-11. More deflection and misdirection from Blabbermouth Schultzie… Debbie must be a close friend of Dead Schultz of PMSNBC, who always sticks his foot in his mouth!
The Economist, a U.K.-based weekly magazine, is widely respected among liberals for its generally thoughtful and well-written articles despite its relatively mild conservative slant.
But The Economist poked a stick at a hornet’s nest when it ran a book review that came across as defending slavery, and a firestorm of protests forced the editors to withdraw the book review.
What were they thinking?
@37. Republicans. Appearance is more important than what you do. Why didn’t the President wear a flag pin? Why didn’t he say terrorist fast enough? Why didn’t he attend the funeral? It’s all about the surface, not what is accomplished.
Things are looking good there without any soak the rich tax, glad you mentioned it. Just like the last three summers when my youngest attended a certain elite private school where an RNC supporting ex-CEO sends his kids.
Want any details? I’d LOVE to smear your face in it. But you know which question you have to answer first.
Once again all can see the village monomaniacal HA crazed cretin doesn’t know BULLSHITTIUM from SHINOLA!
Bill Gates, Larry Ellison and Steve Ballmer are all DUMMOCRETINS!
It really sux to be unemployed all day everyday, and still NOT HAVE COMMAND OF THE INTERNET!
The village cretin provides another EPIC FAYLE!
Fukushima radiation therapy for the two remaining synapses eh fool? Both of those go it’s Death Valley Days for our local village idiot.
Poor troll..
@46. The new republican strategy. Attack lawyers for doing their jobs.
Over the course of 11 years and probably hundreds of cases, they found just 4 cases they could define as unpleasant. and two of them they STILL had to use the disclaimer of “allegedly” as in, it might not be true. We don’t know the nature of the cases, just summaries a right wing hit piece provided. They would define Jeffery Dalmer as a just misunderstood man who invited young men over for adventures in culinary if it would advance their agenda.
Does it bother you at all to spread lies and innuendo like that?
monomaniacal crazed cretin… Summers at a private school? So you don’t want your spawn in a public school for the summer? Now why is that? Since you brought it up was it Kids at risk (well there at risk with you as their father) or Seattle Foundation? Don’t worry Puddy doesn’t really care!
Butt for your reading pleasure
My oldest just graduated law school and has a associate lawyer job at a NYC top ten law firm. Just finished helping him with his NYC apartment in Manhattan. My job paid for Puddy to be there helping him get settled. Does your job pay you to do things like that? Oh wait you need a job!!!
Really sux to be you! Glad to be Puddy every day of the week!
So go and try to rub Puddy’s face in anything! Try!
Really sux to be you!
worser is still batting 1.000 for HA. It’s is DUMMOCRETINS who attack Republican lawyers for doing their job. Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit makes it a habit of providing these entries. When Blabbermouth Schultzie does it and the foo shits you libtards go nutzo just like you did!
Puddy, What would you like to see as the end state for Isis?
And what concrete steps would you take, as president, to go from right now, to that end?
You are big on telling us what the president is doing wrong. Tell us how you would do it right.
Still on that Fukushima rant eh monomaniacal crazed cretin? Since you’ll probably never make it to Japan, you’ll never see the shrines and other remembrances to those who lost their lives at Fukushima. You are a crass jackASS who doesn’t care how others feel espscially since they are those people over there.
It really sux to be you!
Puddy, why are you not encouraging your children to join the military? That why when you advocate war, you have someone at stake on the front lines.
Wrong. Ellison gave more money to Republicans in 2012. No Democrat gives a dime to the degenerate RNC unlike Ballmer who gave 15 large.
Bill Gates grew up in a staunch Republican home. Like any other rich person he supports anyone D or R who supports his narrow interests.
Your bullshit broadsides are discredited. You once said Peter Thiel was a liberal Dem just because he funded Facebook when in reality he’s a nutcase glibertarian who gave millions to Ron Paul.
HAHAHAHAHA! What a jerk you are!
@56 Nothing but squid ink in that post.
worser@55, answer your own DAYUM question about ISIS. It rose during Obummer’s reign and Obummer doesn’t have a clue! You voted for Obummer so deal with it!
Precisely my thoughts.
A bedrock defense of freedom in this country is the adversarial court system and the right of a strong defense against accusations from the government.
The right wings love to bray about evil government, all the while demanding their hand-outs (see Bundy, Cliven) and attacking lawyers for doing their jobs.
But look at us….parsing the words of the congenital idiot and liar puddibigot, who spent the morning quoting the Washington Examiner, Pajamas Media and Freebeacon….loons and liars all of them. I have better things to do with my time….it’s spicy green bean pickling day!!
Putting idols before the sky god eh fool? Damn you’re one dizzy dope!
monomaniacal crazed cretin, the facts speak for themselves on Ballmer, Gates, and Ellison. You can scream to the high heavens butt you are still wrong as evah! Puddy provides link, you provide BULLSHITTIUM! You didn’t read the buzzfeed link?
I spent a lot of time trying to get the puddibigot to say something affirmative, rather than just his usual poop-flinging.
Never gonna happen.
Either, he doesn’t have the brains to formulate such an answer, or he’s just here to perform his little dance, shrieking the latest paranoia from the rightard fever swamps, all the while committing crimes against the English language.
Don’t waste your time.
Puddy has a plane to fly on so scream on monomaniacal crazed cretin!
Hasn’t been nice talking to you. It really sux to be you!
So schmuckosmegma,
If it’s the bedrock, why do you DUMMOCRETINS attack Republican lawyers who defend deadbeat dads, etc. on this blog?
Sux to be two faced forked tongue penile scum like you schmuckosmegma!
Why should Puddy dialogue with a hell-bent fool such as schmuckosmegma? It’s a waste of “squid ink”!
1) schmuckosmegma is always right! Just ask him!
2) schmuckosmegma is never wrong! Just ask him!
3) schmuckosmegma doesn’t ever see another side! Just ask him!
You’ll receive a more positive response from a brick wall!
LMAO!! That’ll make the world a better place for sure.
Just like your 40k+ comment legacy here.
Defending Wall Street from the SEC/DOJ shakedown for all the crimes they commited? At least the partners keep their bonuses and their fancy spreads in the Hamptons..
And no one goes to jail.
Nice work if you can get it. Yawwn – another rich man’s tool.
It is fun sometimes to wind the puddibigot up…walk away…and come back later to count the dozens of indecipherable posts he’s sputtered out while you’ve done something fun!!
Well monomaniacal crazed cretin, you child was in an underprivileged program… Whoop de do! Puddy read the jealousy in that #68 comment!
Sux to be your children with a hell-bent moron loser as a father! Keep demonstrating how not to be you when they grow up instead of trying to provide the best so they can be the best they can be!
LOL! What happened to “spawn” fool?
You’re slipping silly troll. Jealous perhaps?
Underprivileged? Having a jerk like you, who behaves as you do here in these threads is no treat… Feel sorry for them. Glad one of them is a continent’s length away from you.
The Free Beacon (chortle) says a postage stamp island that can’t even run off an enemy base on it’s own soil is doing something that is a grave threat to America and…Commies!
Piddles character is afraid of the 1960s still.
“Just back from Japan.blah, blah, blah”
I’m just back from Maui and next weekend I’m headed to Dallas to see UCLA play in the Taj MaJerry. And I didn’t have to step-n-fetchitt for a boss to accumulate miles so I can afford it.
Who is the Piddles character trying to impress?
Notice how this troll denigrates the children of those who got less materially than his kids got.
We should all thank this troll for showing what compassionate klownservatism is all about..
Thank you klownservative jerk of a troll!
He’s in a public school the other 9 months. What’s wrong with letting him see how the other folks live? Any good parent wants to broaden their children’s horizons.
The youngest took physics this summer. It was a bang up class!
Thanks for mentioning it.
@66. He pulls some imaginary factoid out of thin air and claims it’s a theme of the blog. No proof, no list of links, just words he made up to make him seem like his lies are justified.
Besides the Low Cost light rail line in Besancon, another French City had to one-up the other going a step further. The French City of Aubagne decided to operate their new tramline the same way they operate their buses, zero-fare. I believe Tacoma LINK operates that way, but Sound Transit has been trying to change that.
@46 Another moron who confuses lawyers and their clients. If clients were perfect, they wouldn’t need lawyers, so by definition a lawyer’s job is to clean up his/her client’s messes. Someone who’s good at this has useful skills for legislative functions, which is partly why there’re so many lawyers in Congress, legislatures, and county and city councils.
@65 They allow you on planes?
Good question.
Vicious Hacker Attack
An email from an Oregon friend says hackers used malware to plant child porn in his computer then called him on the phone to demand money in return for not turning him in to the FBI. He said the caller had a Russian-sounding foreign accent.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not for outlawing guns, because there are some really bad people in the world, and not only Republicans, and I want to reserve the option of perforating their asses if they come to my doorstep.
Mars Hill’s Troubles Deepen
The Seattle Times reported this afternoon that Mars Hill Church will combine its downtown and U. District congregations with its Ballard branch, and further reduce its paid staff of about 100 employees by another 30% to 40%, because of dropping attendance and income. Mars Hill branches in Phoenix and Huntington Beach may also get the axe. Mars Hill has lost about a third of its membership since January of this year.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not a Mars Hill member, and have never been in one of their churches. Generally speaking, I’m very reluctant to criticize someone else’s religion. It seems to me, though, that a Christian church advertising itself as such should be about Jesus and his teachings, and not just a vehicle for a megalomaniac pastor to strut on a stage showing off his gift for theatrics and histrionics, and maybe getting rich in the process. Just as a well-meaning suggestion, if the elder who run Mars Hill get rid of Driscoll and focus on Jesus, maybe their disappearing congregation will return. Most of those people probably came to Mars Hill in the first place looking for Jesus, not Mark Driscoll.
Perfect opportunity for our local village idiot troll.. He’d be almost perfect to pick up where that a-hole Driscoll left off.
As pastor of Mars Hill, the village idiot troll would surely plunge the attendance to ZERO..
Ooops.. there goes the getting rich part.
Scott Brown, the GOP carpetbagger who’s running for U.S. Senate in New Hampshire after losing in Massachusetts, is trying to woo female voters by handing them inscribed plaques.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I suspect they’d rather have equality.
I wonder if he’ll try Guam after losing in New Hampshire?
85) Wouldn’t put it past him, and probably would not let the fact Guam not being a state stop him.
Interesting article about Pullman Rail Journeys running a few special Chicago-Madison runs. This will be for a few college football games, and not the same route that the cancelled high speed rail line would have taken. This company has done a good job restoring old passenger rolling stock, recreating as best as possible, a classic era of rail travel. Their are some things of the classic Pullman Era better left in the past.
Hey worser, Puddy produces links all the time. What do you produce besides smelly farts!
Hey monomaniacal crazed cretin… You bragged how your spawn was attending some rich fancy school. Yet when Puddy discovered it was for chillun of parents too lazy to find jobs, you scrote got all tight!
Then you have the audacity to make jokes about Fukushima, where many thousands died? You are pond scum!
Sux to be you!
Hey schmuckosmegma,
You were the one all spun up over the right to counsel. When Puddy correctly reminded you of previous EPIC FAYLE posts over Republicans desiring the same right to counsel you went apeshit like always!
Did checkmate write something worth reading…? Nope!
Butt checkmate will fart a lot!