Got student dept? So do these politicians.
Greenman: Dark Snow Project, 2014:
Massive Right Wing March on Washington to Overtake the Government:
- David Pakman: “Patriotic” group march on D.C. to drive Obama from office.
- Young Turks: Operation American Spring!!!
- Maddow: Arrest Obama, Pt 1
- Maddow: Arrest Obama, Pt 2
- Sam Seder reports on “Operation American Spring” that calls for millions to overthrow Obama.
Thom: Why Mitch McConnell should be fired for VA Death Panels.
Liberal Viewer: Are most terrorists Muslim?
Ann Telnaes: Chris Christie is back to his charming self.
Stephen takes on #BringBackOurGirls.
Pap: Big Pharma’s deceitful practices.
The Totally Normal Idaho GOP Gubernatorial Primary Debate:
- HuffPo: Lessons from the Idaho GOP Primary debate
- Highlights from the great Idaho debate.
- Young Turks: Idaho GOP debate gets kkkraaaaaaazzzzzyyyyyy.
- Chris Hayes: The Cartoonish GOP debate
- More highlights from Idaho.
Stephen calls BS on Amazon’s newest patent.
Thom: The GOP is no different from Boka Haram.
Donald Sterling’s inner monologue.
Jon explains India’s election.
ONN: The Onion Week in Review.
Jon on Rush on Michelle on the kidnapped Nigerian girls (via TalkingPointsMemo).
Mental Floss: The surprising hobbies of many well known persons.
Sam Seder: The humiliating GOP Obamacare hearing.
Thom: Cliven Bundy is The Ugly American.
John Oliver’s How is this Still a Thing? Dressing up as other races.
- Mark Fiore: Learn to speak BENGHAZI.
- Ed: Republicans engage in some more dishonesty….
- Sharpton: Why GOP’s Benghazi witch-hunt will never be Watergate.
- Ari Melber: The GOP fundraising stunt, Part I
- Ari Melber: The GOP fundraising stunt, Part II
- Alex Wagner: The big GOP recycle job, Part I
- Alex Wagner: The big GOP recycle job, Part II
White House: West Wing Week.
Stephen does Glen Greenwald.
Young Turks: White bred Republicans.
WaPo: The private life of Jacqueline Kennedy.
Morgan Ferretti: Brain damage and other awful things.
Dr. Karl Rove, M.D.:
- Young Turks: Karl Rove’s latest dirty trick
- Stephen is worried about Karl Rove’s brain AND ass.
- David Pakman: Hillary’s brain injury.
- Sam Seder: Disgusting Rove
- Jon: Donald Sterling and Karl Rove.
- Sharpton: KKKarl Rove gets schooled.
David Pakman: Right wing policies are literally killing women.
Eric Schwartz: STFU Ann Coulter:
Jon: The Media receive a miracle!
Thom: Why can’t we all be Sarah Palin?
Ann Telnaes: One man…lots of votes.
Young Turks: Free health clinics are closing…THANKS ObamaCare!!!
The FCC wishes happy 25th to the World Wide Web.
Sam Seder and Ari Berman: The Voter Fraud Myth.
Rubio Goes to School:
- Young Turks: Prof. Marco Rubio (R-Nutsville) on anthropogenic climate disruption..
- Sam Seder: Rubio thinks he knows more about climate change than climate scientists.
- Ari Melber: Marco Rubio, Rand Paul & the GOP’s “Flat Earth Society”
- Chris Hayes: Rubio and the GOP Climate Denialists
- Ed and Pap and Gov. Schweitzer: The dull brain of Marco Rubio.
- Joy-Ann Reid: Rubio on climate.
- David Pakman: Rubio is no climate scientist.
David Pakman: Even Mitt Romney says raise the minimum wage.
Jon rips Harry Reid for his Koch obsession and Adelson amnesia.
A Republican explains Godzilla:
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
As for the Massive Right Wing March in DC, how many actually showed up? I did not have much time to check the news today? Was it like the trucker protest?
The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority ordered new Light Rail Vehicles for the Green Line Extension. The 24 vehicles will be built by CAR Rail, a Spanish company, at their Elmira, New York plant. The Green Line in Boston is probably one of the toughest legacy systems to design rolling stock for. The AnsaldoBreda leg’ s currently in use are low floor, but since the driver still collects fares, it’s front door only boarding. The driver is in the high floor section.
The 4 branches of the Green Line are the heaviest patronized light rail system in the country, and the oldest subway line.
Dozens! The Sam Seder video covers it.
I heard the crowd was about 300. Chris Hayes had a fun clip from the Right Wing March in DC where some guy was yelling into the camera, livid that nobody showed up.
I heard they blamed it on the rain in DC.
First I have heard of a march. ‘s why I hang out here. Happy Saturday, everyone.
Obama’s going to appoint Julian Castro to a cabinet post.
For some reason nobody is saying which one.
Trivis Bickle @ 7,
“For some reason nobody is saying which one”
WTF?!? You go from a newspaper saying “It was unclear what post the president has offered the Democratic stalwart” to “nobody is saying.”
That’s some sloppy inference!
HA types frequently bemoan the inability of lower-paid workers to afford to live in Seattle.
Maybe if there were more places to live in Seattle, that wouldn’t be such a big problem.
Just sayin’.
@ 8
I chose my words sloppily, I agree.
My deep apologies to wordsmiths everywhere.
Will we see Julio Castro and Susana Martinez as competing Veep nominees?
I hope everyone enjoyed the Idaho GOP gubernatorial debate outtakes.
Like Kucinich but without the hot wife was my perception, but whatever.
Turns out there are a couple of other candidates you didn’t see in those clips. One is the acting governor.
Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter chose not to make a snap judgement, instead, he created a work group to study whether Idaho should create it’s own health insurance exchange, let the federal government create one for the state, or some combination of the two options.
Otter’s 14-member panel decided in October 2012 that Idaho should move forward with creating it’s own exchange. The governor followed suit, and Gov. Otter issued a statement on Dec. 11, 2012 that Idaho should create a state-based exchange.
Both sides have their crazy. Remember Cynthia McKinney?
The Constitution will force Obama out of office in 32 months or so.
Prediction: klownservatives will ignore the anti-climate science agenda of the Koch bros. Eventually..
Because there’s nothing sweeter to the klownserv mentality than the notion of CHEAP..
And there’s nothing cheaper than free.
While everyone is snickering about the Idaho GOP debate video, perhaps take time to reflect on something else that hit the news this week:
Sink declined to run again in the fall despite a concerted recruitment effort, leaving the party to turn to Jany, a former Republican who had to run as an independent because, under Florida law, he hadn’t been registered as a Democrat long enough. In an effort to help Jany, party leaders pressured local NAACP chapter President Manuel Sykes, a Democrat, to drop out of the race, leaving no one on the party line.
Imagine if the GOP had pulled that. It might have made Darryl’s list at the top of this thread.
I know I have to flesh this out so it doesn’t get deleted, so here are a few more characters:
Enjoy your day, all.
@ 13
… there’s nothing cheaper than free.
You’re HA’s resident expert on getting through life on someone else’s dime, YLB. I don’t doubt you one bit.
@15 Out the door on the way to the one of the public parks..
It really burns your ass that it’s “on your dime”.
Damn it must suck to be Mr. “Go it Galt”!
Republicans are more than whack jobs, they are Patriots that like to fuck the constitution – the Bible is the constitution.
3)With only dozens, I doubt that the traffic was that bad, I mean not worse than usual. In fact, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority was reducing service on the Metro for the weekend, track work needing to be performed.
Michael Sam and Sarah Palin apparently have the same PR team.
Michael Sam didn’t disclose doc plans, fearing it might hurt draft stock, per report
Michael Sam Documentary Postponed After Oprah’s Network Meets With Rams
This is not starting out well at all. Something didn’t seem right when I read that only ESPN had cameras in the room when the Sam selection by the Rams was announced, and yet when I saw the now-famous video of The Kiss I noticed that it included the hand of a second video cameraman.
Travis Bickle @ 10,
“Will we see Julio Castro and Susana Martinez as competing Veep nominees?”
Who knows. But what we can be pretty certain of is that, good guy or not, the U.S. is not ready for a “President Castro”.
Sloppy Travis Bickle @ 15,
“You’re HA’s resident expert on getting through life on someone else’s dime, YLB. I don’t doubt you one bit.”
Ummmm…saying something like this makes you the most ignorant person in the room.
That line is total bullshit from Puddybud, who is a work of performance art, not a real person. (Note that I have interacted in person with both YLB and the person playing Puddy).
Shame on you for being so gullible.
Yeah – I always found cheapshotBob’s wholesale adoption of the puddibigot’s criticism of YLB as a deadbeat to be uproariously funny.
It’s quite revealing of the cheapshot’s poor powers of analysis, and his nasty predilections for kicking someone he perceives as vulnerable.
” who is a work of performance art, not a real person. ”
or more commonly referred to as mentally ill
This is so crazy, that only one group of people can be behind this, and I doubt that they are liberals.
They probably go on the notion that you have to cut your clitoris otherwise you will be promiscuous like them gay people.
@23 You’re new here, and utterly clueless. Puddy is not mentally ill. His online persona is fake, and his whole act here is a great big put-on.
What a swine:
“Conservative blogger Clayton Thomas Kelly was arrested Saturday [for] allegedly trespassing at the nursing home where Mississippi Sen. Thad Cochran’s wife lives and posting a picture of the Republican’s spouse online without permission. Cochran’s wife, Rose Cochran, suffers from dementia, according to the Jackson Clarion-Ledger … [and] is bedridden.
“Kelly runs a political blog … where he posted a story … attacking Cochran and supporting state Sen. Chris McDaniel, who’s challenging Cochran in the state’s GOP Senate primary this year. The piece included a picture taken bedside in Rose Cochran’s room at the nursing home, where she has lived since 2000.
“… [T]he Madison Police Department said that Kelly … was charged with exploitation of a vulnerable adult, and his bond was set at $100,000. … [T]he Cochrans’ attorney … said …[,] ‘We became aware of an unauthorized picture, posted on the Internet, of Mrs. Cochran, taken literally in her room by her bedside at St. Catherine’s …. We notified the …. Madison Police Department.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: While reprehensible behavior by the swill constituting the rightwing blogosphere is hardly unique, invading a nursing home to snap a photo of a political opponent’s bedridden spouse is some kind of new low. He’s lucky the senator wasn’t there with a gun.
The blue collar horse won the second leg of the triple crown today. One more race to go.
“Puddy is not mentally ill. His online persona is fake, and his whole act here is a great big put-on.”
I doubt that, Rabbit.
Checking after an afternoon away..
Funny that puddyidiot is scarce..
Heh. Bob is finding it strangely difficult to “Go Galt”…
Damn! This salt miner is so dedicated to his “act” that he performs it even from his fancy-ass vacation resorts..
Has to mine salt at those places as well it would seem.
Ooops! Better link @ 29
@28 You don’t know shit from shinola.
@28 (continued) Some of us have been on this blog for years, know Puddy well, have even met him in person. Now go play with your blocks.
HA clueless crazed cretin now has a yob? who knew? If true congrats to the clueless crazed cretin!
BTW clueless crazed cretin, we’ve had some big time family celebrating this past week so Puddy been busy celebrating out of state.
Still sux to be the clueless crazed cretin!
You are a joke a nanosecond! When called out by the resident Wabbit, you still are a creep! Stay that way… we know there is no other way hands!
Oh my another slimy attack by liberal schmucksmegma… Can a leopard change his spots? NOPE Is liberal schmucksmegma still a dope? YEP!
Nothin new here move along.
Meanwhile in real news…
Of course Obummer doesn’t blame himself. Why? Because Obummer never thinks he doesn’t anything wrong. Obummer thinks people are beneath Obummer, therefore just don’t understand his lofty thoughts!
Anyone who has been to Israel understand the Palestinian leaders are still saying death to Israel, even in 2014. Their western statements to the press are complete fabrications and abject lies. Palestinians don’t want peace yet Obummer and Effin Kerry attempt to create something out of nothin and blame Netanyahu when it falls apart.
Low information voters (read DUMMOCRETINS) goosestep jackboot march right along not understanding or reading anything outside of the left wrong lamestream media or their stoooopid blogs. And they cheer Obummer not thoroughly understanding or just ignoring the real the issues. The NY Slimes displays it’s left wrong position and cheers Obummer too.
Yet this leftist idiot loved by Da Perfessa never gives any real evidence other than wanting to stop abortions?. And it’s so sad Da Perfessa demonstrates his true Christian hating colors by linking to this hateful jackASS! Thom equating the GOP wanting to stop the killing of unborn babies in America to the potential killing or selling into slavery 200+ girls by extremists who think like HA DUMMOCRETINS. Both boko haram and HA DUMMOCRETINS hate Christians. Those 200+ Christian girls did nothing wrong. Yet here is real evidence of boko haram and their real Christian hatred:
Yet Obummer and Clinton would not name boko haram a terrorist organization. So Puddy asks you both…
Thom/DA Perfessa: Did the GOP kidnap 200+ girls recently and forcibly stop them from having abortions?
Thom/Da Perfessa: Did the GOP attack 500 Christian churches between 2009-2011 during Obummer’s first term?
Thom/Da Perfessa Did the GOP kill over 200 Christians between 2009-2011 during Obummer’s first term? Sounds like something straight out of a DUMMOCRETIN playbook! DUMMOCRETINS hate Christians.
Thom/Da Perfessa: Did the GOP unleash a Christmas Day terrorist attack a Christian church, killing over forty people mostly by slitting their throats?
Thom/Da Perfessa: In 2012 did the GOP attack Christian churches on a sunny Easter Sunday killing at least thirty-six people?
We all know why Obummer and Clinton would not label boko haram a terrorist organization in 2012 on the African continent… It was for ideological DUMMOCRETIN power keeping reasons that’s why! Obummer was gearing up for his 2012 campaign and Clinton was complicit in this act! Hillary’s State Department refused to identify the boko haram as muslim terrorists. If the SoS identified them as terrorists this meant acknowledging Islamic terrorism. Can’t have that because Obummer claimed in 2012 Al Qaeda was on the run for his campaign. Al Qaeda was almost totally decimated per 2012 DUMMOCRETIN sadministration mouthpieces.
To claim boko haram was a terrorist group operating in west central Africa meant giving up the silly mantra that muslim terrorism was defeated. It didn’t mesh with the 2012 public campaign perception lie which was blown apart by Benghazi 9/11/2012 on the same African continent!
Here is evidence today senate DUMMOCRETINS don’t get it. Jeanne Shaheen needs to go! Scott Brown hopefully will deliver the blow…
Yet we know even the leftist leaning BBC admits who they really are…
Thom/DA Perfessa Did the GOP murder forty adult students attending a Nigerian training college last September?
Thom/Da Perfessa: Did the GOP murder fifty-nine defenseless young boys while they slept in their beds, and then burned their school to the ground this past February 2014?
Thom/Da Perfessa: Do you agree with Bill Maher
Puddy is sad Maher didn’t claim this when the 59 boys were murdered back in February. Apparently gender equality isn’t high on Maher’s list. There were 59 grieving parents of those boys. Puddy is amazed Maher went out on a limb here for the girls! Why? DUMMOCRETINS think talking to someone will somehow change their attitudes. Butt, it only happens when the GOP condemned boko haram first. Looks like Maher did learn some thing at Cornell!
Thom/Da Perfessa: Did the GOP create a useless hashtag thinking boko haram uses Twitter when their name means “Western education is forbidden”?
Very telling that link!
Puddy just posted a long comment on Thom Hartmann’s useless comparison of the GOP and boko haram and it’s under moderation. Of course it is! Truth hurts DUMMOCRETINS!
Puddy likes one comment on the Thom link…
How true David is. Thom Hartmann is clueless as always! Thom Hartmann is a crass horsesASS! Guess that’s why Da Perfessa likes Thom Hartmann!
@ 21
And for quite some time after the 2012 election my HA persona was that of someone who didn’t pay his debts. No doubt it will be resurrected some time fairly soon.
We all have our crosses to bear.
Wait, should I have said this in Bible Study?
Sloppy Travis Bickle @ 40,
“We all have our crosses to bear.”
Indeed…that is the burden of an idiot…or a professional liar.
“Wait, should I have said this in Bible Study?”
Oh I noticed…
Job? Business musta sucked for you at that “American Spring”. Full sized car rental costs and all pile up.
All work and no play makes the troll a very dull troll..
Fancy ass “vacays and celebrations”. And still “needs” this website.
“Crosses to bear” and all.. Yawwwn…
Klownservatives are always complaining that other countries laugh at the U.S.
They wonder why..
Disgraceful.. Such a mentality gives us the moronic troll @ 38!
@ 41
My post included the terms resurrection and crosses.
Religious symbolism. It’s Sunday. HA Bible Study.
Speaking of dumb. 58 percent of people in the State of Georgia lack a college degree… One of their own is taking a shot at a U.S. Senate seat:
LOL! That’s working so well in Kansas and Wisconsin! Go Karen Handel! High School graduates need you to represent them!
No means no.
But stop? Well, that’s open to some interpretation.
I always thought the term was California stop.
The drafting of Michael Sam to the St. Louis Rams was a shock to many. It was a shock to me. Missouri is a deeply klownservative state! No idea the St. Louis Rams organization was so forward-leaning.
All the shots of Sam smooching his boyfriend disturbed many klownservatives!
SNL did a BRILLIANT sketch about it:
@ 45
Speaking of lacking college degrees.
How many of those Georgians without one lied @ 14 and said they had one?
Is it worse to not have a college degree and seek a Senate seat than it is to not have a college degree, lie about it, and then run for the House, YLB?
48 – Any political office aspirant who misrepresents their education means I don’t vote for that person.
Promoting policies that obviously don’t work means exactly the same – to me anyway. It also doesn’t speak highly of either their education or their trustworthiness.
And before Bob goes off on the typical Darcy Burner tangent.
I didn’t live in her district so I couldn’t vote or not vote for her.
She earned a piece of paper from an elite university in this country that had the words “computer science” AND “economics” on it.
Was she qualified to represent the 8th district in the House?
Leagues more qualified than the “incredible brain shrinking man”..
@37 “wanting to stop the killing of unborn babies in America”
Trouble is, that’s not all the GOP does to women, which helps explain why the GOP has is losing the female vote.
Also, I think some people are still struggling with the GOP’s concept that a lump of a few cells is a “baby.” Yes, abortion becomes (at least arguably) morally problematical after those cells have morphed into a fetus, but the GOP doesn’t even try to make a distinction. Nor does the GOP make any effort to offer desperate women an alternative to abortion.
Sloppy Travis Bickle @ 48,
“Is it worse to not have a college degree and seek a Senate seat than it is to not have a college degree, lie about it, and then run for the House”
It is, of course, worse to lie about a college degree. Or, say, claiming you have a B.A. when you don’t.
Remember Rep. Dave Reichert bout of lying about his college degree?
@38 Are you being picked on again? Why don’t you ask Darryl how many of my comments have been deleted over the years. Maybe that will make you feel better.
@39 What should the penalty be for murdering a fingernail-sized cell mass? If having a cell mass removed from your body is criminalized, is the crime greater, and should the penalty be greater, if the cell mass, left unmolested, would grow into a fetus instead of a wart?
@ 52
What thinking people realize, and unthinking people don’t want to deal with, is the very difficult problem of drawing a line between a future human being (FHB)* and an actual human being (AHB).* In Roe v. Wade, the SCOTUS justices wrestled with this question and admitted no one (including them) could come up with a definitive answer.
Because courts are in the business of deciding disputes, SCOTUS opted for arbitrarily dividing the 9-month human gestation period into three 3-month “terms,” and in Roe v. Wade and subsequent cases implied that the law’s approach to the issue could vary depending on which term the FHB has advanced to. This is a pragmatic compromise answer to a question that does not lend itself to logical rationalization.
The reality is that every citizen has his/her own answer, according to his/her political or religious ideology, moral precepts, practical considerations, or whatever governs people’s thinking. Consequently, there is an absence of agreement on societal mores on the question:
1. Some people think using a condom or other method of birth control is murder, and want to criminalize use of birth control (and send police to break into people’s bedrooms to catch them in the act of using birth control).
2. Some people who are okay with taking steps before intercourse to prevent fertilization think taking a pill after intercourse to prevent the egg from implanting itself in the wall of the uterus is murder, and want to criminalize the sale and/or use of such pills.
3. Some people think miscarriage by any cause, natural or human-induced, is murder and would punish any woman who has a miscarriage for any reason.
4. Some people think aborting healthy fetuses is murder, but would not place legal restrictions on aborting nonviable fetuses, profoundly defective fetuses, or fetuses that threaten the life of the host (i.e., mother).
5. Some people think the law should not protect healthy fetuses if they resulted from rape or incest.
6. Some people think a FHB doesn’t become an AHB until it pops out of the womb and breathes free air, but would go along with the law protecting 3rd term (or late 3rd term) fetuses.
7. Some people think a FHB doesn’t become an AHB until it pops out of the womb and breathes free air, but would criminalize as “murder” the death of a non-human cell mass brought about by the intentional or negligent infliction of physical harm on the host (i.e. mother) by a third party. By way of illustration, if a drunk driver kills a pregnant woman, he’s guilty of two vehicular homicides, not one.
8. Some people think any demise of a FHB they deem “murder” justifies the murder of any AHB they deem responsible for the FHB’s demise (e.g., killing the abortion doctor, his nurse, the abortion clinic’s receptionist, the children sleeping in the house next door to the abortion clinic that catches fire and burns down from the bomb that blew up the abortion clinic, etc.).
With such a variety of definitions and social mores floating around, the only firm conclusion you can make is that people don’t agree on this; and anyone with half a brain can readily see that a Republican Party that has accrued votes, campaign donations, and loyal followers from the abortion controversy for almost 45 years has absolutely no interest in actually resolving the issue, because if the issue gets resolved, all of that goes away. In other words, if all abortion came to a screeching halt in the U.S., that would be one of the worst things that could happen to the GOP because they wouldn’t be able to milk that issue anymore. Which explains why, for almost 45 years, the GOP has done little more than pay lip service and chip around the edges of abortion.
@39 As long as we’re talking about baby killers, how many babies were killed by the GOP’s recreational war in Iraq? Oh wait, foreigners’ babies don’t count, even in their own villages and homes. Anything outside U.S. territory is a free-fire zone.
@42 Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit for capitalism, so I don’t need a job. Working sucks! Capitalism pays me to not work.
Has anyone calculated how many people and rabbits are removed from the job market by capitalism? And what the unemployment rate would be if all us capitalists had to get jobs?
@45 Do they consider anyone who finished 9th grade an “elitist establishment type”?
@46 Do they want the “Idaho stop” rule at railroad crossings, too?
@50 Well, when you have a former Harvard dean saying Burner had a “degree in economics from Harvard,” some people consider that definitive while others continue insisting the world is 6,000 years old, there’s no climate change, Obama was born in Kenya, and the federal government has no jurisdiction over federal land situated in Nevada.
@55 Yes, indeed.
A long overdue common sense article on the glibertarians or losertarians:
And clowns they are:
We’ve had many glibertarians comment here in the threads. Some ok, some not ok.. Many liberals and leftists, myself included have something of a libertarian streak. Geov Parrish comes to mind..
That last part mainly applies to movement types I’m sure.
There are approx than 100,000 children in the United States are in foster care waiting for permanent families, children legally free for adoption. We adopted our child through foster care. I find it hypocritical that people who are against abortion and birth control, yet have not stepped up to the plate, put their money where their mouth is and done their level best to adopt every legally free kid. There are more ads for pet adoption then there are for adoption of actual humans.
Wonder Horse Might Not Run In Belmont Race
California Chrome won the Kentucky Derby and Preakness with the help of nasal strips, which improve breathing and help prevent respiratory injuries, but New York’s horseracing commission — the governing body in the state where the Belmont track is located — bans them. His trainer told CNN he might keep the triple crown contender out of the Belmont Stakes if he’s not allowed to use them.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’ve never heard of nasal strips for racehorses before. Does it give them an advantage over horses that don’t use them? Sort of a horseracing equivalent of steriods? Is it considered cheating? Does their use taint a horse’s track victories? Do any other jurisdictions ban them? I don’t know.
““Puddy is not mentally ill. His online persona is fake, and his whole act here is a great big put-on.”
Coming from someone who pretends to be a rabbit, that’s quite a statement.
“Some of us have been on this blog for years, know Puddy well, have even met him in person. Now go play with your blocks.”
Oooh! What a put down! Looks like the rabbit and the pudibigot have something very much in common!
@42 – Hilarious!
@57 – it isn’t so much as that they were foreign, its more so because they already have left the womb…..after leaving the womb it is a free for all, and you even get to live without laws if your religious beliefs say that you can. The bible is the new Constitution.
SWISS Voters have rejected what would have been the World’s highest. They also rejected the use of the defence budget to fund the purchase of Saab Grippen fighter jets from Sweden.
Meant World’s highest minimum wage was rejected by Swiss Voters. Although it was a landslide for the no vote, the backers did mention that businesses were raising wages anyway in the past couple months, while fighting the initiative.
@67 “Coming from someone who pretends to be a rabbit …”
Yeah, but I’m not hypocritical about it. I posted years ago, and numerous times since, that I’m a human pretending to be a rabbit. I’ve also admitted many times that I’m a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist.
“Oooh! What a put down!”
You read my mind.
When the person playing puddy start raving like that, I wonder what he is trying to distract us from?