So…the President walks into this bar…
Michael Brooks: The fraud, Chris Christie.
So…’sup in Canada?
- Jon: Rob Ford is like a one man episode of Cops.
- Young Turks: Rob Ford stuns crowd with comment about oral sex
The GOP: Not fresh, not new:
Mental Floss: 24 untended scientific discoveries.
Thom: The real web of economic life.
Audience laughs as Sen. Ted Cruz claims he didn’t want a shutdown (via Crooks and Liars).
Is Bitcoin coming to a campaign near you?
The Tragedy of Affordable Health Care for All:
- Jon: fiasco has turned Obama administration into ‘This Is Spinal Tap’
- Totally Biased: Colorado’s weird ObamaCare ad
- Sam Seder: Congresswoman’s demented outrage at equal healthcare coverage for women.
- Chris Hayes: The only way out is through (via Crooks and Liars).
- Rep. Ellison: “I actually believe the President didn’t mislead the public”
- Best late night ObamaCare jokes
- Stephen wants in on Obamacare.
- The numbers behind ObamaCare
- Ann Telnaes: Our health care system is not the best in the world.
- Young Turks: ObamaCare web site model was bullied.
- Sam Seder: Serial plagiarist Rand Paul fears that Obama is after his doughnuts!!!!
- Jon on FAUX News’ Medical ‘A’ Team.
- Ann Telnaes: Sarah Palin talks health care.
Red State Update: Episode 52, The Fat Elephant in the Room.
Chris Hayes: Shrub and Jews for Jesus.
Young Turks: Koch brothers’ corruption on steroids.
Kshama Sawant goes national (via Slog).
Mark Fiore: Right-Winglandia.
Bill Maher with some new rules (via Crooks and Liars).
Minority Report:
- Young Turks: Gun ownership and racism linked in new study
- Elon James White: People who are wrong on the internet:
- Totally Biased: Anything to say to a black guy.
- Young Turks: White Supremacist gets a surprise
- Mitt Romney one year later: “My campaign fell short in attracting minority voters”.
- Stephen defends “totally not racist” Richard Cohen.
- Young Turks: Washington Post writer’s racist rants
- Daily Show: Racist or Not Racist?
- Young Turks: Politician pretends to be black to win election
Sam Seder: Gun rights group terrorizes mothers advocating for gun safety.
White House: West Wing Week.
Ed and Pap: The Rick Scott $1.4 billion fraud.
Young Turks: Trolls Invade AMA of Seattle Pastor Mark Driscoll.
Ann Telnaes: Our perpetual state of war.
Michael Brooks and Cliff Schecter: The Democratic Party’s future is progressive.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I see that you included the Rob Ford clips. Those are funny. The coverage I have seen on the CBC is beginning to treat the Toronto Mayor as a national embarrassment. I get the impression that they don’t like the mayor of their largest city being fodder for American late night comedians. Well, at least he’s not facing corruption charges, like the most recent former mayors of Montreal.
A Starbucks on Rails? That is just what the Swiss Federal Railways is doing. Now if only they can do it on SOUNDER.
Where is the corruption?
Useless Pap from the fourth tier of DUMMOCRETINS!
Bwaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa. Even though it was in the Federal Register in 2010! The things said by DUMMOCRETINS!
Since Da Perfessa was bring the Friday Night Comix… why not this headline?
Dayum FunnY!
@3 The Koch brothers are notorious lawbreakers. See, e.g.,
From the time we’re little bunnies, the work ethic is drilled into us. Work hard, we’re told, and you’ll succeed. Get a good education and there’ll be a responsible and rewarding job waiting for you. Be productive and you’ll get promoted. The rich are the people who worked the hardest.
This is all employer propaganda. Most of it is pure bullshit. In most workplaces, the only thing working hard gets you is more work. See that young man in the shirt and tie loafing at the water cooler? He’s the boss’s nephew, and he will get the promotion, not you. In other words, he may be only 19 years old, but he’s going to be your next supervisor. And then department manager. And someday he will be CEO when the boss doesn’t want to be CEO anymore and just wants to be chairman of the board so he can spend afternoons golfing and getting massages.
It doesn’t matter how loyal you are to your boss, because your boss has absolutely no loyalty to you. You’re expendable. If you put in 30 years of hard, grinding work to make him rich, he’ll replace you with a kid willing to work for less without batting an eyelash. And the rich don’t work harder than the rest of us; they don’t work at all. The whole point of being rich is not having to work!
The Great Recession threw 8.7 million people out of work. Of course, that’s their own damn fault, because they’re out of work because their lazy. At least, that’s what the work-harder-for-less propagandists want you to believe.
As this article points out, once you hit age 45, your employability is done. The work world simply doesn’t want you anymore. It isn’t that you don’t have skills or don’t work hard or aren’t loyal to the company. It’s merely because you’re … old. And expendable.
So what’s a wage slave to do? First of all, unslave yourself. Escape! Flee the cubicle dungeon, see the “work ethic” fraud for what it is, liberate yourself from the need for a paycheck.
How? Simple. Just follow a few basic rules. 1. Don’t be a consumer. If you don’t consume, you don’t need a paycheck. 2. Get out of debt and stay out of debt. 3. Become a capitalist. That’s what your boss is. That’s why he’s rich and you’re not, and that’s also why you work and he doesn’t. A capitalist is an owner, not an ower.
It doesn’t really matter what you own, if you can flip it. It doesn’t have to be something tangible that you can see and touch, because you’re not going to own it very long, and you’re certainly not going to use it. Its sole function, and the only attribute it needs, is to be bought and sold.
Flipping doesn’t produce anything or add to the economy, but that’s unimportant, because creating jobs for people who make stuff is passe and workers are obsolete anyway. The only thing that matters now, and pays any rewards, is finance. Specifically, flipping financial assets. But we need to be even more specific than that, because mortgages, bonds, commercial paper, and Treasuries are no good anymore. Or at least not as good as they used to be. The only thing worth flipping these days is stocks.
I made $1200 yesterday from flipping stocks. That’s for a “work day” that started at 10 am and ended at 1 pm — 3 hours. If my rabbit math is any good that’s $400 an hour. How many people do you know who get paid $400/hr. for making stuff? or doing anything that’s actually useful? and adds value to the economy? Don’t be silly, working and producing are passe now. Capitalists took all the money from workers and gave it to themselves, and, trust me on this, they’re not going to give it back.
If you fight your way through commuter traffic to get to a job, then slave away for 8 hours, you might make $120 a day if you’re lucky, or if you live within the municipal boundaries of SeaTac. If you do this for 25 years, another recession will come along right about the time you hit age 45 — this is guaranteed — and then the “working economy” will throw you on the garbage heap and you either have to live on food scraps fished out of dumpsters or $1200 a day from flipping stocks. Hey, if a rabbit can do it, you can do it! Everybody else is. Nobody works anymore, at least, nobody who has any money works anymore. People with money are all capitalists now, because capitalism is the only thing that pays. If you’re a worker, well, you’re pretty much fucked from the beginning but after age 45 you’re just plain fucked all the way to Sunday.
I sure am glad I became a capitalist before it was too late.
Hmmm, I don’t know how the italics got fucked up in that post, but it doesn’t matter, because I’m a capitalist and don’t need posting skills. I get paid for useless and unproductive stock flipping, not for typing liberal propaganda. The latter is my charitable work. All of us capitalists do charity work to make ourselves look good and distract attention from the fact we’re completely useless in society.
A CNBC article tonight says Boeing wants to build the 777x wing in Japan, where the Dreamliner wing is built. I would guess this was their plan all along, and they deliberately made the union an offer they knew the workers would never accept. They probably schemed to do just barely enough of the final assembly here to get $10 billion of concessions and another $8.7 billion of transportation upgrades — a total of $18.7 billion — out of our gullible legislature.
What a bunch of thieves! I sure am sorry I sold my Boeing stock last spring for only $85, even though I made a fat profit on it. It’s $136 now! It pays to invest in the most unscrupulous companies you can find because they make the most money. I don’t recommend marrying unscrupulous women, though, because they cost you money instead of making money for you. You should avoid high maintenance women like the plague! They are a plague.
Yay! I didn’t screw up the italics that time.
Where’s Puddidiot? In hiding?
So are 3M, Alcoa, Boeing, Exxon, General Electric, General Motors, Merck, Pfizer, E I DuPont and United Technologies!
Butt, the Koch Brothers use their money to identify DUMMOCRETINS and their scummy actions, which pisses off the HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Where is the SENILE AND LUNATIC SCUM Wabbit? Oh yeah I see it now @12!
Gonzaga students protect themselves with a registered gun! HA DUMMOCRETINS hated it!
“I grew up in a middle-class America where we pretty much knew life was an escalator,” he said. “You got on the bottom step, and if you behaved yourself, paid your dues, went to work, worked hard — you’d end up at the top of the escalator. And I think that escalator’s broken now. It’s a tougher scramble.”
I agree with rabbit. The bean counters would fire everyone if it would generate better shareholder value. “Sucks to be you, but I got mine.” I’m really surprised we have not had more violence as the poor and the middle class have nothing left, nothing else.
@13 “So are …”
And in your wingnut mind that excuses them all.
Somehow the truth is never posted on the Friday Night Comix
Where did Puddy excuse them? Once again SENILITY is strong in the DUMB Wabbit…
You HA DUMMOCRETINS get upset at the Koch Brothers and are not upset with any of those other corporations.
So sad senility is so strong in the stoooooooooooooopid wabbit.
And an exceptional doctor tells you Obummercare really sucks! He’s right again!
Looks like NBC may have a little credibility left after all! Too bad the morons used in that section by Da Perfessa are… well… morons!
Surprise surprise surprise… NOT!
Now that McAuliffe won we’ll see many more cancellations in VA since McAuliffe said full speed ahead on Obummercare!
An update on the Detroit Streetcar, called M-1Rail, which is a private project. They are putting out to bid the rolling stock purchase. Three builders, which were not disclosed, responding. I am guessing that two are CAF of Spain, and Siemens of Germany, since those two have contracts with American operators that have options that can be picked up. Both have factories employing Americans, Siemens in California, and CAF in New York.
Earlier today, Eastern Washington University beat California State Polytechnic, combined with earlier wins over the two Montana schools, and put the Eagles in the playoffs, for Division 1 FCS. We got Portland State next week, but the Dan Cup is important for EWU, as the trophy is a multi sport competition with with Eastern’s Rose City rival.
I see the puddibigot, @20, is giving us more bullshit from some obscure Teahaddist site…
The “exceptional doctor” is one Ben Carson, who the wacky website refers to as “World’s Best Neurosurgeon” This is in fact not true. What is true is the Carson is a notorious bigot and Creationist hack.
One nugget of Carsonian hackitude:
and this is good, too:
What a dumbfuck.
Now, back to the puddibigot’s link @20…
Betsy McCaughey? Where have I heard that name? Oh, yeah…
…until she quit those boards to avoid the dreaded “appearance of conflict of interest” when she saw greener pastures in being an anti-ACA hack.
Like this…
Death Panels, anyone?
Weren’t we subjected to the puddibigot blathering on about that a while ago? Of course we were, that’s what he does, re-spews paranoid, wrong, reich-wing propaganda aimed at idiots.
Here’s Fallows..
Yup, same old, same old from the ‘bigot. Lies, misinformation, toxic stupidity, hero-worship of the affirmatively dishonest and dumb. AND he’s still braying with his sig line about how he’s not a bigot.
When you have to screech with every post that you’re not a bigot, well….
Wow schmucko-moron,
Leetle pink panties are all in a bunch this morning. Did you have your cup of Daily Kooks hate already? Investment group Money Morning from Baltimore a Teahaddist site? Got proof schmucko-moron? Or as always that’s your standard screech to anyone who disagrees with your small world. So typical of schmucko-moron!
Did y’all notice the pick and choose of schmucko-moron? schmucko-moron only attacks the pro-life, anti-ObummerCare links! schmucko-moron has not response to the facts provided above. Just attack the person… the Saul Alinsky way!
Butt first, did everyone notice schmucko-moron skipped over the Gonzaga story? Why? It’s true about HA DUMMOCRETINS and guns. schmucko-moron would have rather seen the two students robbed than having the gun and defending themselves. We all know the “love” schmucko-moron has for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev! We all know schmucko-moron would rather had Dzhokhar Tsarnaev escape than being captured. Wanna review schmucko-moron’s commentary on the subject? Just Google “lib scientist muslim mooslim hate hatred tsarnaev”. Dayum funny stuff.
Then the Obummercare link which proves the CMS klowns knew the web site was not ready and no security measures were tested. No comment from schmucko-moron. Butt the system is working well per Sebelius. Cheers from schmucko-moron, while over 5 million have lost their health coverage so far! How many actual sign-ups so far; not people who left their insecure personal data on the web site but didn’t actually buy something? schmucko-moron skipped right over that.
PuddySources surely beat the crap you bring from Think Progress and Daily Kooks. Awww you don’t like Dr Ben Carson, conservative black Christian! Tooo bad schmucko-moron! When Carson was 33, he became director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins in Maryland, land of libtards. Did you know Carson became the youngest major division director in Johns Hopkins history? What’s your “claim to fame” schmucko-moron? Being a DUMMOCRETIN postman on HA? That gives you real credibility eh?
Time Magazine rated him as America’s Best and as a super surgeon. Here’s the link schmucko-moron. Enjoy the reading! His skillz set blows everyone away except schmucko-moron. And everyone knows you love peer review… Carson’s articles were accepted over 120 times in major scientific publications and peer reviewed journals all over the world schmucko-moron! R U published like that schmucko-moron? Well maybe in that expanded ego you possess here. HA is so peer reviewed! So he’s not a great neurosurgeon? The best? Must be in your single celled mind. Others with way more IMPORTANT credentials disagree with you schmucko-moron. Butt thats not the first time weve seen those with more impressive crdentials disagree with schmucko-moron! Oh no! someone besides Puddy disagrees with schmucko-moron. HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
Remember schmucko-moron… Dr Howard Dean agreed with death panels. Howard Dean is another hero of the HA Head DUMMOCRETINS; just like their liberal use of Daily Beast!
And no comment on Terry McAuliffe adding to the cancelled insurance rolls in VA with his full gung-ho jock strapping of ObummerCare? That is:
See ya.
As always… it really sux to be you!
Looks like ObummerCare has hit Charlie Daniels family.
Pat Sajak is dayum funny!
Butt hey, it will finally work for the stage IV gallbladder cancer lady Dan Pfieffer nastily dismissed! How about that breast cancer lady? Now both will finally be able to enroll in Obummercare and not have their original oncologists! Butt as schmucko-moron has proven over and over; if you are about to lose your health insurance plan, do not expect any sympathy (definition found between shit and syphilis in the dictionary) from HA DUMMOCRETINS who jock strap goose step frog march to the beat of Obummercare.
Remember rich white leftist pinhead Bill Maher, misogynist, who contributed $1,000,000 to Obummer’s campaign is satirizing Obummercare. Yet when Country Music stars did the same they were rich white racists!
You DUMMOCRETINS are a hoot!
Stollen from Reddit:
“Yeah, my mayor is a crack smoking embarrassment. But he knows the vagina doesn’t shut down during a rape.”
Charlie Daniels An intellectual heavyweight we should all be listening too right?
Hey, didn’t you post something about Alex (sic) Baldwin recently?
Why is it DUMMOCRETINS like checkmate want to shut up people who disagree with them? Puddy says bring it on. checkmate is another prime example of let them post all they want and the comedy ensues!
Sure did about Alex Baldwin. Puddy has no respect for Alexander Rae “Alec” Baldwin III, so instead of Alec it’s Alex. Deal with it checkmate! He’s a PMSNBC DUMMOCRETIN buffoon who continues to get a pass with his hate speech!
Regarding Charlie Daniels… DIid Obummer bow to the Saudi King? Did Daniels’ son lose his health care coverage due to Obummercare? Facts are facts checkmate! Except DUMMOCRETINS like you hate facts!
checkmated again!
Oh no… MSNBC Suspends Alec Baldwin’s Show For Two Weeks
Oh look Obummer supporters are playing a new game. DUMMOCRETINS are “aghast’ what their policies beget!
MARK SHIELDS: Two points: Bill Clinton was doing him a favor. Bill Clinton was expressing the discontent and the alarm in the ranks. Democrats are terrified of 2014. You can forget 2016 if this thing craters and crashes, the Republicans could run a laundry ticket in 2016 and win. That’s the first thing.
The second thing is the lack of candor that Colby referred to. This was always sold that it was going to be painless and ouchless. There was never once made an appeal, “Look, this is in the national interest. There are those of us who’ve been advantaged , who’ve been very fortunate, and we’re going to give up something so that everybody can be covered, because it’s going to be a better, more humane, and more just society, and a healthier society.” That was never the argument. The argument was, “Hey, it’s going to be easy, it’s going to be painless, it’s going to be ouchless, and it’s going to save you some money at the same time.” It couldn’t work that way.
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: I’m going to recommend to my colleagues on the right that we do exactly that. 2016 we’re going to run a laundry ticket and we’re going to win.
PuddyCommentary: Amazing how DUMMOCRETINS are running from something they champeened in 2010! Run Forrest Run!
Why is it that we should celebrate the right of free speech for right wing celebrities but there are constant calls for people like the Dixie Chicks to, “Shut Up and Sing?”
Barbara Striessand…Shut up and sing
Kanye West…Shut up and sing
Janine Garafolo…shut up and act…oh and she’s prolly a lesbian
Jay-Z and Beyonce…shut up and sing
Ted Nugent…HE TELLS THE TRUTH…Get him booked on Hannity STAT!
Go against The Won and you lose your job!
More Mark Shields:
SHIELDS: It wasn’t this is mine and I’m going to make sure that it never happens again. I mean, this has got to work. Judy, this is beyond the Obama administration. If this goes down, if the Obama, if health care, the Affordable Care Act is deemed a failure, this is the end. I really mean it of liberal government, in the sense of any sense that government as an instrument of social justice, an engine of economic progress, which is what divides Democrats from Republicans, that’s what Democrats believe.
And that’s what Democrats believe. Time and again, social programs have made the difference in this country. The public confidence in that will be so depleted, so diminished, that I really think the change, the equation of American politics changes.
PuddyCommentary: The Tea Party, hated by HA DUMMOCRETINS, was trying to warn y’all about Obummercare from Sept 29, 2010. Y’all chose not to listen. Well, if Obummercare really crashes and burns; and as we learned Friday in the hearings, many policies will be way more expensive; see ya libtardoism! A mental disease eradicated by their own doing!
Krauthammer, Predicted Romney would win Nov. 3 2012
September of 2011, Krauthammer suggests Obama may suffer landslide defeat.
Big diff checkmate… What did the Dixie Chicks do checkmate? At a live show in London on Monday night (March 10, 2003 ), Natalie Maines told the crowd,
She couldn’t say that in America checkmate? “Shut Up and Sing” overseas!
Bawawa Streisand – The one who scream bloody murder when Google put her house on the nets showing how much energy she wasted with that stupid waterfall in her back yard? “Shut Up and Sing!”
Kanye West – You mean that drunk buffoon who attacked Taylor Swift on stage and made an ASS of himself? Butt then Kanye West had second thoughts 5 EFFIN Years later.
So now Kanye is more open now – he had an epiphany after being called a racist by his own DUMMOCRETINS! Self-inflicted wounds! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
Janine Garafalo – She’s a singer? Skip this dunderhead. Her whole it’s about oil argument was debunked!
Jay-Z and Beyonce – You mean the fur loving rare animal skin loving Perfectly Made Kicks duo who decided to stay with Barney’s over their racial profiling? You mean the traveling to Cuba duo? Then we learn from Jay-Z he got direct approval from Obummer and da OutHouse claimed it was the State Department! “Shut Up and Sing!”
checkmated again!
Because nobody knew the IRS was depressing the Tea Party vote with their 298 501 C3 application non-approvals!
Now we do checkmate!
checkmated again!
“celebrities…they’re dumb!
Mr. Daniels…can I shine those boots you wear on stage when you sing about the south rising again?”
You can’t see me, but I’m laughing really hard. We’re back to it, “If only the IRS would have let 501 c-3s that are barred from political activity break the law and engage in political activity “Mitt” would have won. Yaaaaargh! Give the Governor a harrumph.”
BTW, so Krauthammer had no access to Nate Silver who was spot on? Hell even HA’s resident statistician had the race near perfect. But Krauthammer knew the day before the election that none of those polls were true and “Mitt” was going to win.
Yeah, he’s an oracle…some might say a soothsayer.
I see. So one must be ideologically pure to stay in the movement. Hint…that’s why the Tea Party is finished.
@41 Puddidiot sez: “Because nobody knew the IRS was depressing the Tea Party vote with their 298 501 C3 application non-approvals!”
Without doubt, this explains why the 47% didn’t vote for Mittster. Otherwise, Obama would have only gotten the Muslim vote.
@40 I’m not ashamed your organ grinder monkey is from Texass. That’s what I expect from Texass. I would be ashamed if he were from Washington, but he’s not, nor is there any chance Washington would ever elect a monkey for governor, even though the WSRP keeps trying.
@38 Yeah, if Republicans succeed in wrecking Affordable Health Care, I’m sure the people will turn to the party that stands for wrecking the rest of the government, too, for succor. Not!
Putz, you’re such a delusional fuck. Where does that come from? Where you born stupid? Or did your mother drop you on your head?
I see Boeing got a $130 billion order for 777x’s from Dubai. Now all they need is someone to build it. Maybe they’ll put some Arkansas chicken farmers to work on that.
yep it was just yesterday that aviation exert Piddles was bleating about airbus dominance this year…
Current score in Dubai Boeing $130B Airbus – $40B.
Other Score 777X – 259 planes A380 50 Planes
Boeing also booked orders for about 250 other models including the 737 and 787
You know, the underlying psychology of Piddles rooting for Airbus is Anti-Union and Anti-Socialized medicine.
Cause they don’t have either of those in France.
Oh my goodness…..the puddibigot is on quite a roll this morning…he must be stuck in a Motel 6 lobby somewhere with nothing to do on a Sunday morning in Ponca City.
He takes issues with my critique of his mancrush, Ben Carson, notorious bigot and pin-head about science.
While Dr. Carson may be a competent surgeon (though TIME magazine is not equipped to determine who is the “best” – doubtful that designation could ever be rationally awarded, hence my point) – that gives him NO CREDIBILITY on any other topic, which is manifestly appropriate given the stupidity and hatefulness of his words on a variety of topics.
One of his colleagues at Hopkins, who actually does have expertise on gender studies, and seems to be a decent person, commenting on Carson’s equation of marriage equity with pedophilia and bestiality …
Here’s the Dean of the Medical Faculty at Hopkins…
Carson is a bigot, and that is a moral failing.
Carson is a Young Earth Creationist, and that is an intellectual failing – it makes him a dolt, one blinded by his irrational religious dogma.
The reason puddibigot loves him some Carson so much is that he’s a better version of the puddibigot – but essentially the same – technically competent in some science-informed process (but not science itself), who harbors some really nasty, really hateful, really stupid tribal notions that result in actual moral and intellectual failure.
Carson might be somebody you’d want to operate on your kid’s brain, and puddibigot might be able to wire some computers together….but it’s obvious that neither has a functional moral compass or the critical thinking skills to get them out of a wet paper bag.
For too many people, religion makes them stupid and nasty. It’s like drinking – some people are fun, and some get addicted, and some get violent. Religion may bring some people to love and humility and peace, but for others it’s a stupid pill that really only gives them a sence of tribe, and a fear and loathing of ‘other’.
The puddibigot is a useful idiot pushing every right-wing trope that gets beamed from the Teahaddist mothership.
He’s the house slave toiling for the master, dutifully not thinking, desperately identifying with people who despise him (and all of us). He’s a frightened peon hating on everything ‘other’ – as defined by his preacherman.
It’s a great big grift, and puddibigot is the paragon of marks.
@49, @51 “You know, the underlying psychology of Piddles rooting for Airbus is Anti-Union and Anti-Socialized medicine.”
I thought it was because he admires the French for standing up to Texas when they invaded Iraq because New York was attacked by Saudi terrorists operating from Afghanistan.
Nope checkmate you dope. Puddy discussed the auditor who was talking about plane costs.
You delustionally think it was about something else.
Moron… CNN/Time only…
Since you have issues with facts… Been that way since day one with you…
The rest of your rant is feckless, useless and worthless as ever! Same useless rant each post. A rerun!
Yet it was checkmate who screamed it’s not about the orders, it’s about deliveries. Puddy showed from WikiPedia, Boeing delivered more planes but AirBus had more costly deliveries.
checkmate… Puddy already proved to the unemployed moron arschloch ylb through links how 3+ Million votes were suppressed in 2012. BTW you all know how the unemployed moron arschloch ylb always had to have the last word. Well Google it checkmate and you’ll see the arschloch with his crazed databaze HAD NO ANSWER!
I see…Piddles wants to make a point about Airbus and evil Unions, thinking France doesn’t have unions, using orders as the metric.
So now that Boeing is pulling even in orders Piddles doesn’t want to talk about orders?
Deliveries are still more important.
Did you have a point? You want to show that Wikipedia link again? Want to claim a win?
You do know the Washington Examiner isn’t a real paper?
Google Phillip Anschultz.
“3 million votes suppressed. I have PROOF. Here’s the bogus right wing tabloid. Yaaargh! Laughner was a Satanist!”
@53 “Butt minorities can’t be bigots!”
Bullshit. Minority-against-minority bigotry is in a class by itself.
@55 “Boeing delivered more planes but AirBus had more costly deliveries.”
Sure, because AirBus pays living wages, while Boeing is sparing no effort to get their labor costs down to $1.00 per plane.
Some wag pointed out last week that JP Morgan Chase is not only America’s largest bank by assets, but also has the most diversified business lines: “It has Mortgage Fraud, Market Manipulation, Credit Card Abuse, LIBOR Rigging, and Predatory Lending.”
(Source: Barron’s Magazine. Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit doesn’t own JP Morgan Chase stock. Are you kidding? Paying billions in fines is bad for dividends.)
I don’t mind flipping crooked companies, but I do mind them getting caught while I’m trying to flip them.
What do they think when the child is being raised by a gay couple? Who stays home?
Made it already.
checkmate again!
More of a real paper than Daily Kooks is a web rag!
Facts scare DUMMOCRETINS! So they are left discrediting the source. Saul Alinsky tactics!
checkmate again!
Did anyone notice… prolly no one really cares about schmucko-moron; he was reduced to only attacking Dr Ben Carson, which was a total loss? Carson is a Library of Congress hero, well published and makes schmucko-moron look like a janitor! Dr Dean referred to death panels. CMS peeps knew about the Obummercare web site problems.
Maybe schmucko-moron is a test tube washing janitor masquerading as some medical quack! Well he’s a HA DUMMOCRETIN “hero”. NOT!
57)In France, I believe that the doctors belong to a union.
Even the USA Today has come around on Obummercare…
PuddyCommentary: This was known back in 2010. For Obummer to claim ignorance means he’s not the smartest man in the room after all! Everyone knew Sebelius changed the rules and by her not being fired proves this was well known! And…
Finally people and libtard msm are waking up!
Notice what? Something you wrote, puddibigot? Likely not. I assume most here are like me and skim over most of your neologism-laden, cackling, poorly-sourced, usually-factually-wrong, diatribes filled with fear and hate.
I bother to respond when I feel like it.
You want to talk about your hero, Ben Carson? (and ‘total loss’ it wasn’t – not for me, anyway – Carson is a bigot and a fool, and everyone here who doesn’t have a mancrush on him knows that – more on that later)
You used a Carson quote from a loon site, one that extensively reference another loon, Betsy McCaughey – we’ll get to her in a sec, too – to attack the ACA.
You don’t like the ACA? Fine, make your point. Support your argument by facts and rational analysis. As if that will ever happen.
However, using Carson and his statements like this, excerpted from your link:
is nonsense. Using Carson this way is termed a logical fallacy, in this case the appeal to authority. You, and he, are using his renown as a surgical technician to make him a compelling critic of political economics and healthcare economics.
That he can operate on children’s brains is wonderful, I hear he’s good at it – he should stick to that. His accomplishments in that realm, however, do not give him special authority in others.
For example, one of his colleagues at Johns Hopkins said this about him (also quoted above, repeated because you obviously didn’t get it the first time)….
“Nasty, petty, and ill-informed.” That was in response to Carson’s bigoted, theocratic, Bibul-thumping linkage of marriage equity – the notion that any two adults should be able to marry should they be so moved – to bestiality and pedophilia. His later non-apology only cemented the fact that he’s a bigot, just one that knows when the political heat is on, and that thinks that if only he had worded his bigotry better, then all would be OK.
So, Carson is a gifted surgeon, and a bigot. He also (at least when a few people were paying attention to him) went on FoxNews and other political outlets to lend his credibility to that cause.
So he’s a bigoted political hack who thinks gay people wanting full citizenship rights are like child molesters or goat fuckers, and he happens to be a good surgeon, too. Why should his commentary be at all relevant to a discussion of medical economics or politics?
So, good surgeon, political hack, and bigot. At this point he’s been thoroughly discredited as a commentator on the ACA – but there’s more.
He’s a scientific idiot, as well! And no, medicine and science are two different things, and that he is a gifted surgeon of children’s brains does not make him an authority on all things scientific. Thank the Goddess for that, because your Dr. Carson is a YEC – a Bibul-thumping believer that Sky-Daddy created the universe in six literal days about 6000 years ago – just like you do, puddibigot!!
So, puddibigot, your hero and fellow Bibul thumper Ben Carson is bigot and a scientific illiterate, as well as an Alinsky-obsessed right-wing political hack who can’t quote Lenin correctly
Why should we listen to him, or to you, for that matter?
What is most fun about impeaching Carson’s credibility is that the puddibigot is such a fanboy. Is it that they go to the same church? They’re both blah people? It’s always tribal with the ‘bigot, after all, fear and loathing of all things ‘other’.
Here’s an apt visual metaphor for the puddibigot after an exchange around these parts.
I love the smell of irony in the morning. Let me know when you spot it.
Plus, typical Piddles and his intellectual inbretheren. When the fourth leg of your argumentative stool is cut away, name check Alinsky. (Or Wright, or Soros….)