ONN: The Week in Review.
Mark Fiore: Obama’s reassignment surgery.
Maddow: Now N.C. G.O.P. giving high school students the finger: .
Weiner Outburst:
- Jon: Weiner shouldn’t have run.
- Matt Binder: There’s more to the Weiner video than meets the eye.
Alex Wagner: The Cheney family feud plays out on the national stage.
Ed: The moral obligation of Obamacare amidst GOP/Tea-Party heartlessness and racism.
Young Turks: Study shows that politics wrecks your brain.
Pap: Conservatives threaten our future.
Maddow: “Fiscal conservative” Gov. Bob McDonnell’s LOOT!
Pickin’ on John Kerry:
- Jonathan Mann: John Kerry Sorta Looks Like Odo.
- Young Turks: Is John Kerry a lizard person?
Mental Floss: 107 regional words.
Sharpton: Tea bagger racists outraged by a black man’s foot on oval office desk!!!
White House: West Wing Week.
Thom: Should Hurricane James Inhofe hit the East Coast?.
Pickin’ on McCain:
- Jon: John McCain’s gambling.
- Sam Seder: Disgraceful McCain gambles.
- Happy Birthday, Sen. McCain.
- Maddow: How many wars would we be in under Pres. McCain?
- McCain bitchslapped by constituents.
Matt Binder: What Republicans hear when Obama talks.
Bigger Pizzas: A Capitalist case for health care reform:
Seattle cop accidentally shoots unarmed woman in the leg.
Sharpton: Shameful Republicans push the poor to hunger.
Thom with The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Syria’s Consideration:
- Ann Telnaes: Familiar Drumbeat.
- Maddow: Bipartisanship all around!
- Sam Seder: Getting real on the U.S. Intelligence on Syria.
- Maddow: Hans Blix on Syria
- Jon hits Obama on “red line.”
- Tweety interviews Rep. McDermott on Syria.
- Young Turks: Rand Paul v. John Kerry.
- Matt Binder: Rep. “You Lie!” claims Obama using Syria as Benghazi, IRS coverup! BENGHAAAZZZZZIIIIIIII!
- Ed: Rep. Joe Wilson’s Imaginary War
- Stephen: Obama could learn from Bush how to sell Syrian war.
- Maddow: The “Bush Boys” pipe up on Syria:
- O’Donnell: War criminal Rummy opens his mouth on Syria.
Thom: Why prisoners should be allowed to vote.
Ann Telnaes: The “Job Creators” get a raise.
Michael Brooks: TSA will sell your freedoms back to you…for $85.
Sharpton: The GOP’s “family values” hypocrisy.
Pickin’ on FAUX News’ Eric Bolling:
- Stephen on FAUX News host Eric Bolling.
- Young Turks: Bolling makes a clown out of himself.
Clinton on Obamacare.
Pap: Fracking away our water.
Red State Update: Week in Review, Podcast #42.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
On the prisoners voting, two states already allow it, one of them is Maine. As for a country that allows it, North of the Peace Arch is one.
A Christian Buffoon – Puffy’s man calling for death. What a pro life individual.
@ 1
I believe that non-violent and non-financial lesser crimes shouldn’t ever bar people from voting. Too often such convictions are being used as a method of disenfranchisement rather than really about enforcing the law. Thats what the drug war was all about. It was about getting as many people off the voting rolls as could be legally possible without too many people speaking up about it.
The original purpose of shifting the law enforcement resources originally developed by alcohol prohibition to instead be used against mostly poor black voters was specifically testified as such during the original congressional hearings on the matter back in the early 1930s. Henry Anslinger said it outright. They had the support of the largest industrialists and their captive congressmen.
It wasn’t until the 1950s that Congress banned corporations from requiring their employees to submit to home searches and personal conduct oaths, including making sure they weren’t “wasting” their money by buying luxuries and “unnecessary” personal items such as alcohol or overly expensive clothing. It wasn’t all that long ago that the company one worked for had the right to search your home at any time they saw fit, and refusal to allow them to do so was grounds for termination. Anything they found that didn’t meet their requirements or violated their personal conduct dictates were also grounds for termination, and often the investigators would report to the Police what they had found during the course of such inspections if they deemed it to be illegal or a violation of the contract.
Thats what the TeaBagger/Fascist party wants to return to.
Now, I’m curious, why Bob McDonnell and his pet Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli haven’t been arrested yet. They’re so deep in the graft that they’ll never get out of it, if the FBI, IRS and the SEC actually do their fucking jobs. They exemplify Corruption.
LOL! Our goto fool for laughs around here (PuddyStupid) was bragging about farting up Sweden this past week..
Heh.. Those silly Swedes.. They keep 2 term President Obama’s NSA appraised of the tool’s klownservative intertube bowel movements while in-country..
I remember during the Assange extradition flap the head of the Pirate Party in Sweden claiming that Sweden is America’s lap dog.
No wonder the tool likes the place. Too damn funny..
Re: NSA chicanery…
I don’t see an (R) next to this guy’s name..
Laura Poitras is responsible for the Der Spiegel series of articles on the NSA (maybe Reuters as well?)
Here’s a new one:
Heh. I bet our goto freaking moron for laughs around here (PuddyMentallyIllin’) is very, very happy about two term President Obama’s NSA having this capability..
What is his bagger kook zero politicians in the krakpot kongress doing about it?
This Bruce Schneier article is a must read if you really value your communications privacy.
This is funny:
May klownservatism long keep “not losing”…
@8 The RW whiners on investing blogs I read are well aware they lost the 2012 elections. As they correctly point out, a majority of America’s voters decided government handouts are more reliable than 401ks.
Lots of Diarrhea from HA’s juvenile unemployed ASSHole moron arschloch polluted this thread.
Smells soooooooooooooooooo bad!
In the Australian Election, the Liberals and their partners the Nationals won the House of Representatives with a comfortable majority over Labor. That’s the good news for the trolls, the Australian Senate is, as of July next year, have more power in the hands of the Crossbenchers. Despite the Liberals preferencing the Greens last, the Greens may have picked up a seat. Also a couple other minor parties picked up seats. Will be interesting to see.
Besides the landslide for the center right in the House, history was also made in the Australian Senate, in the Northern Territory, not enough Labor voters went below the line to override former PM Gillard’s decision to oust their incumbent at the top of the ballot. That means, the first Aboriginal woman has been elected to Federal Office. Since she will be representing a territory, and not a state, Nova Perris takes office immediately.
In the 2010 election, the Liberals had the first Aboriginal man elected in the House, from West Australia.
The Wikileaks Party came in last, behind the Australian Sex Party. So no Senator Assange.
Greetings from Bemidji, MN!
Sunday morning in Minnesota means that just about everything that isn’t a chain store is closed down. Which is nice. Lazy Sunday mornings are the best and it’s nice to see people able to have them. Wisconsin seemed to be the same way.
Bemidji seems like a nice town lots of pretty, well cared for houses, and the Paul Bunyan State Trail, which I’m going for a ride on in a little bit, runs through town.
Now why didn’t this make the Friday Night Comix?
Or this?
Which leads to this outcome…
Money grubbing DUMMOCRAPTS… screwing the little guy… making them carry the burden of Obummer economic policies… And what do we see on HA ASSWipes every day from the ASSWipe crowd… Republicans this and Republicans that…
Well we see the IRS is screwing waiters and waitresses. No wonder they want $15/hour, (wait for the stooooooooooooopid attacks from the usual suspects) not comprehending the REAL issue here, just posting hate hate hate.
Yep, screw the little guy for a few more “tax investments”. DUMMOCRAPTS, makes you sick to the stomach!
Hmmm…? What will the next load of IPCC BULLSHIT be in October…
@10 Never fails
Notice that our goto dummy for laughs around here “isn’t allowed” to shirk salt mining duty..
So a top off to the pharma assist is required at the hour of peak hate.
Oh my.. How that pharma assist is burning a hole in your pocket!
Remember what Lee said:
You are the saddest!
Just stumbled on this..
Remember what SJ said:
I am an American, I hate bigots.
Remember what our goto bigot for laughs around here said:
We already know how her vineyards don’t hire union labor but cheap relatives of ylb.
Heh. Remember when the asshole asshat troll piled on:
Confucius say “never listen to cheap castillians”
The headline from the page puddybigot linked to @16…
Some other headlines from that page…
You’d think he would at least try not to appear like a total buffoon.
Go back to church, puddybigot, your preacherman needs to give you some new instructions.
Ho hum..
Perhaps these right wingers will breath easier now. I’m sure they’ll pull the lever for their food-stamp cutting bagger politicians anyway.
@15 Puddy, concerning your rant about tips, if I understand the issue correctly, the IRS rule relates to WHO is supposed to report tips — the restaurant or the servers — not WHETHER tips are reported and taxed.
Of course, you can bet a lot of those servers DON’T report all of their tips, so what we’re really talking about here is cracking down on tax evasion, which you seem to be against.
Why do you support tax evasion, spud?
Just a little fact-checking on the nature of Puddy’s “source” @16:
“The Daily Telegraph has been politically conservative in modern times. The personal links between the paper’s editors and the leadership of the Conservative Party, along with the paper’s generally right wing stance and influence over Conservative activists, have resulted in the paper commonly being referred to, especially in Private Eye, as the Torygraph. Even when Conservative support was shown to have slumped in the opinion polls and Labour became ascendant in them (particularly when leader Tony Blair rebranded the party as ‘New Labour’ on becoming leader after the death of John Smith in 1994), the newspaper remained loyal to the Conservatives. This loyalty continued after Labour ousted the Conservatives from power by a landslide election result in 1997, and in the face of Labour election wins in 2001 and the third successive Labour election win in 2005.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t suppose Puddy would ever use an unbiased source, would he? Wingnuts can always find someone willing to publish what they want to hear. It isn’t that hard, given how well organized and funded the rightwing noise machine is.
Second Amendment Report
Iowa has decided to issue concealed carry permits to blind people.
“‘When you shoot a gun, you take it out and point and shoot, and I don’t necessarily think eyesight is necessary,’ said Michael Barber, a blind man interviewed by The Register at a gun store in Iowa last month.”
From the shoot-first-ask-questions-later blotter:
“Eighteen-year-old Premila Lal was returning to her parents’ Colorado home with her younger cousin Friday evening. The two entered in the back door and hid in a closet, planning to scare Premila’s 15-year-old brother and family friend 21-year-old Nerrek Galley. When Lal and her cousin jumped out, Galley, who was armed, shot and killed the teen.”
One of the reasons that Vancouver keeps adding to it’s Skytrain network, is that it may carry more than conventional light rail. The new Confederation line light rail in Ottawa will challenge it. Then again, the Light Rail vehicles that Ottawa will be using, carry more people than what Seattle or Portland uses.