ONN: Week in Review.
Mental Floss: Fictional Character Names Revealed!
Thom and Pap: Time to Stand our Ground against ALEC.
Spawn of Dick Cheney:
- Ann Telnaes: Lizz Cheney announces
- Young Turks: The Wyoming Senate race.
- Young Turks: Another Cheney brings a reign of terror in government.
Obama and soldier’s exploding fist bump (via Political Wire).
Maddow: The Smoking gun in the Gov. Bob McDonald corruption case.
White House: West Wing Week.
This week in the G.O.P. War on Voters™:
- PA GOP official admits voter ID law “helped a bit” to hurt Obama (via Political Wire):
- Sam Seder: Politician admits the purpose of voter ID law
- Maddow: Confession.
- John Fugelsang and Rep. Shelia Jackson: Bipartisan refinement of Voting Rights Act is possible.
John Oliver on Weiner and Spitzer.
Young Turks: Michele Bachmann on “spanking Obama’s magic wand”.
Thom: More of The Good, the Bad and The Very, Very Ugly.
Obama speaks on the Affordable Care Act.
Matt Binder: Lawmaker Proposes LGBT rainbow flag ban in Louisiana.
Stand Your Ground (and Shoot a Boy):
- Liberal Viewer: Why George Zimmerman was found not guilty for killing Trayvon Martin
- Thom: Should there be a boycott of Florida?
- Young Turks: Obama, “This could have been me.”
- Mark Fiore: Zimmerman is off the hook.
- Young Turks: Proof that Ted Nugent is a racist.
- Maddow: Trayvon Martin Civil Rights Act.
- Ann Telnaes: Wild West Mentality
- Liberal Viewer: Trayvon Martin family lawsuit could challenge stand your ground law necessity?
- Tavis Smiley “disarms” Bill-O by suggesting arming every black person in America.
John Fugelsang: ‘Rush Limbaugh is so racist…’.
The awkward moments when a Tea Party rally turns racist.
Stephen does Elliot Sptizer (via Political Wire).
Sam Seder: Republicans cave to Nuclear Option.
John Oliver: CNN’s “Rock Block”.
Red State Update: The week in review.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Ann Telnaes: Gov. Perry thinks the justice system is color-blind.
Cover of The Rolling Stone:
- Stephen on the cover of the Rolling Stone.
- Sam Seder: Rolling Stone got it right.
- John Fugelsang and friends: The Rolling Stone comver
- Young Turks: Was the cover wrong?.
Nancy Pelosi on the G.O.P. lady problem.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Senator Enzi(R-WY) is in a tough spot. He is still well liked, and good friends with the former VP. He also has a good rating from the American Conservative Union, but so did Former Senator Bennett of Utah.
@1 Wyoming isn’t big enough to have an insurgent movement within the Republican Party like Utah, most of whom were transplanted from somewhere else. Cheney will pick up some votes, how many depends somewhat on her Dad and his level and intensity of involvement. Regardless, she is an outsider, a glamour candidate living in Jackson Hole. Enzi will not be seriously challenged.
Now Reuters is reporting that a Michigan judge has ordered the withdrawal of the Detroit City filing, saying it is a direct violation of the Michigan State Constitution.
I wanna see how this all shakes out. Detroit, being the quintessential sweaty armpit of American cities, has been subject to every corporate scam there is over the last 40 years. Embezzled pension funds, misappropriated city revenues, several Police brutality and corruption scandals, all that should be addressed before the City is allowed to castrate itself through bankruptcy. $20 billion for a rebuilding/renovation project would be a good start. Hiring as many local folks as possible, giving them a good set of gloves and boots and feeding them real food that doesn’t come out of a 7-11 for a few years, and putting them to work tearing down old houses, planting trees and cleaning the garbage up.
Unfortunately, that would also mean gentrification for much of the city proper, and probably reclamation of much of the outlying areas for farming or even open space to be reforested and left to itself for a few decades. There are hundreds of sites that could probably be put under Superfund status for contaminated soil. It’s very doable.
Well, seems to be coming to light that almost the entirety of the mortgage crisis can be directly laid on the banks and mortgage companies that actively blacklisted appraisal companies who refused to artificially inflate property values, and rewarded the ones that did with cash payments and white-list favoritism.
Gee, I wonder how much Mitch McConnell and Neil Bush made off that shit? Somebody got rich. Set fire to the national economy, then blame the folks who were burned out of their homes for the mess. Thats the Republican method.
Helen Thomas, indomitable White House journalist, has died at age 92.
From this distance, it’s weird to see Detroit as city in reverse, slowly and painfully dissolving back into a rural community as it’s life blood of business moves to other places to maximize corporate profits. I wonder, if in a couple of centuries, a new less destructive way of handling greed will emerge.
Yeah I heard she’s died. Always liked her even when I disagreed with her. One sharp cookie she was. And fun to listen to as well.
She will be missed. She was tough on Presidents. I wonder if she played herself in the movie “Dave”? Quite a few Congressmembers and Senators did.
5 – RIP…
Looks like Conservatives are also punishing their guys who don’t tow the line. Rep. Sensenbrenner(R-WI), who I don’t normally agree with, has been pushing for Congress to fix the Voting Rights Act in response to the Shelby decision. He has an ally in Rep. John Lewis(D-GA). Apparently FOX has not had him on lately, especially on this issue.
I may have seen this before. The book “It’s Even Worse Than It Looks ” was written by Brookings scholar Thomas Mann, and American Enterprise Institute scholar Norm Ornstein. They both came to the conclusion that while the Democrats are not entirely immune, the Republicans have been practicing asymmetric polarization. I have seen reports of the right going after Ornstein.
I don’t think Ornstein is too Liberal with ideas like this. In this article from, he said both parties are tied to the extreme bases of their parties.
Martin deserved exactly what he got. And If that could have been Obama, the dirty sonofabitch doesn’t belong in office.
Oh goody, a new Troll.
13 – No he’s been around a bit..
He’s anti-semitic.. Prolly manofidiocy renamed.
congrats Libs. Zimmerman and Owebamma now share the same approval rating…48%. Go figure!
So the ldiot was gassy shithead all this time?
Bush’s approval was down to 44 percent by the end of July 2005. Go figure..
The troll @ 15 that I call gassy shitforbrains had an old habit of wishful thinking..
You may have stolen this one, but you will not steal another on in this state.
After 8 years.. He’s still at it.
According to our pet klownservative jerk of these threads, we liberals let our kids “run wild”…
Well, well…
Who would of thunk California is now a red state?
As opposed to a klownservative state..
Owebamma is roaring past the 17 trillion line now. Good luck paying that sucker off when interest rates increase. Hello Greece.
Everybody know that Susan Rice is 2 term President Obama’s National Security adviser?
Maybe our pet klownservative jerk troll didn’t know.. He’s always saying the silliest things about Dem Presidents and the advisers they nominate.
Just checking..
LOL!! By that reasoning I guess we never paid off WWII.. The debt-to-GDP ratio hit its all-time record of 113% by war’s end.
Too busy building weapons that could destroy humanity many times over.
Nice review of the history of U.S. debt..
Words are too big for gaseous scheisse..
!! GREEEECE !! is all he comprehends.
Oh excuse me. 48% disapproval rate
Oh same as Bush in July 22-24, 2005.. See the link I left at 16..
Bush had an unpopular war and right wing corruption scandals coming out of the woodwork left and right..
Obama has a bunch of bagger degenerates creating jobs by holding bogus IRS witchunts, allowing interest rates to rise on students, even taking food out the mouths of right wing babes..
This bagger krackpot kongress is going down as the laziest and silliest in history.
Now watch..
@16 Yeah, somehow we overlooked GS Gasbag when we were compiling a rogue’s gallery of HA trolls recently. Maybe that’s because he’s so forgettable.
In a case with Florida echoes, a 22-year-old Renton man was stabbed to death early this morning when he and his brothers confronted a 16-year-old car prowler. If this were Florida, the killer no doubt would be claiming self-defense under “stand your ground,” because he was attacked by the victim and his brothers. Fortunately, Washington doesn’t have shitty laws that give street thugs and armed vigilantes a license to kill.
Senseless Shooting Of The Day (TM)
“A 6-year-old girl remained in critical condition Saturday after she was seriously wounded in a shooting Friday night while … with her family …. The shooting reportedly stemmed from an altercation between two groups of men earlier in the day.”
Source: http://www.nbcchicago.com/news.....z2ZdkPXpGJ
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans get everything backwards. It should be easy to vote and hard to get guns, not the other way around.
Hey Rog, take a look at this. Is this really confusing or is the judge a dim bulb?
San Diego GOPer Petitions To Halt Calif. Same-Sex Marriages
“The San Diego County Clerk independently filed a petition with the California Supreme Court on Friday asking to prohibit county clerks from issuing same-sex marriage licenses.
“San Diego County Assessor Ernie Dronenberg, who is in charge of issuing marriage licenses, filed the petition Friday through a private attorney. …
“‘What we asked is for clarification of the law,’ said Sandra Banaga from the clerk’s office. Banaga also said 19 other counties … are asking for a temporary stay, meaning no same-sex marriage licenses would be issued should the California Supreme Court decide to take up the petition.
“‘When asked why the counties were filing this petition, she said the reason was simply for clarification. ‘We’re making sure to follow the constitution so there isn’t any confusion,’ she said.”
Source: http://www.nbcsandiego.com/new.....z2ZeJFc9hc
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Bullshit. There’s no confusion, and no clarification is needed; the U.S. Supreme Court just struck down DOMA, same-sex marriages are legal in California, and this is just a conservative Republican holder of a county office trying to use his public position to impose his personal anti-gay philosophy on all the people of California.
Who do I know he’s a Republican? Because Wikipedia identifies him as a Republican. See Wikipedia article on California Elections, 1994″ and scroll down to “State Board of Equalization, District 3.”
The reason he’s using a private attorney is because this lawsuit isn’t an offical action, for which he would need approval of the county board of supervisors, which he can’t get. I don’t know who his attorney is, but you can bet the attorney was supplied or paid for by some rightwing foundation.
This is nothing more than a last-ditch delaying effort by rightwing homophobes who refuse to accept the SCOTUS decision. Law of the land be damned! These people march to their own drummer, and no one else.
We had a similar situation once before in our country. There was a single-issue interest group, who insisted on getting their way, which came to a head in a lurid act of violence against an opponent that came to symbolize the breakdown of civilized political discourse that was occurring in the United States at the time.
Eventually, this single-issue interest group refused to honor the Constitution, the courts or laws, and initiated a political and social upheaval that killed more than half a million Americans.
Now, today, we have the same mindset — “my way or no way” — spreading the same ugly poison — bigotry and hate — from the same region of the country — the south — and doing the same thing their forbears — backward-looking conservatives — did 160 years ago: Defying the Constitution, courts, and law of the land. Obstructing and resisting. Fighting instead of reconciling.
What’s next, a second Civil War?
Fine, let Dronenburg’s case be heard — but NO stay should be issued. And if he refuses to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, suspend him from office and assign his official functions to a state-appointed conservator, because it’s the law. Any public official who refuses to carry out the law should be stripped of authority and have his functions reassigned to someone who will. Then he’ll be free to pursue his personal, private, non-official agenda in the courts full-time, undistracted by the duties and demands of office. That’s what works best for him, and best for the public.
Fine, let Dronenburg’s case be heard — but NO stay should be issued. And if he refuses to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, suspend him from office and assign his official functions to a state-appointed conservator, because it’s the law. Any public official who refuses to carry out the law should be stripped of authority and have his functions reassigned to someone who will. Then he’ll be free to pursue his personal, private, non-official agenda in the courts full-time, undistracted by the duties and demands of office. That’s what works best for him, and best for the public.
In our society, whether you agree with this or not, marriage is a legal institution created by the state for secular purposes. Such as: Taxes, property ownership, inheritance, responsibility for debts, access to health records, visiting someone in a hospital, etc. Those things have nothing to do with religion.
Confusion arises, and intense emotions get involved, because marriage ceremonies also have a long tradition as religious rites. Many religions also promulgate guidelines for marriage partners to follow. Thus, it isn’t surprising that people who were married in a church think of a weddings as a religious event and a marriage as a religious practice.
The proper response to that is, fine, the state won’t make your church perform marriages it isn’t willing to perform. For example, nobody will force white supremacist cults to perform marriages for blacks or Jews. (Why would any black or Jew would want such a wedding anyway?
But neither are we willing to give white supremacist cults the power and authority to decide who gets a state-issued marriage license. We’re not going to let a tiny obnoxious minority call the shots for all of us.
And therein is the key. You conservatives are welcome to keep your fundie religion. We’ll defend your right to it. But if you get elected to a public office, you must serve all of us, and you must follow the law. Holding that office doesn’t confer on you any authority to impose your personal beliefs on society at large. We’re not going to let you do that, because when you start interfering with our legal rights, it becomes our business.
Is there any part of this you’re still confused about?
Watch what useless HA unemployed ASSHole?
Watch what? Your abject hatred 24X7X365.25 everyday while others work to support their families?
Watch what? Your cruising left wrong hate sites?
This moron is such an ASSHole… Bush disapproval rate was due to the libtard msm hammering him everday with their biased reporting and hatred. Just like you useless HA unemployed ASSHole!
When the useless HA unemployed ASSHole posts in a thread and no one reads it, is the useless HA unemployed ASSHole still wrong?
Remember, she didn’t get the post Obummer wanted to nominate her for! Sux to be you!
BTW libtards, why did Obummer have all the Benghazi survivors sign non-disclosure statements to stay employed?
Wait… nuthin here from the HA screaming libtards!
You crack me up sometimes, bigot.
It’s Libtard SCHMUCKO…
Regarding Benghazi… why did Obummer’s sadministration have the survivors sign non-disclosure documents if there was nothing “there”? Hmmm…?
Seems the sources Puddy finds are way more credible than the crap you post.
Hey Lbtard SCHMUCKO…
The msm isn’t libtard? Why did almost 90% vote for Obummer again? Can you say KAAAAAAAAAABLAAAAAAAAAAMOOOOOOOOOO?
Seems doctors are trying to escape ObummerCare through retirement! You’re stupid enough to stick around right?
The more we learn the worse this bill becomes. Unfortunately Pelosi was right! We had to pass this monstrosity to learn what was in it!
Yeah that would explain why every republican running for office distanced themself from him after the election
No, They’re Not Like Us
A 24-year-old Norwegian woman visiting Dubai who reported being raped to Dubai authorities has been sentenced to 16 months in a Dubai jail for having sex outside of marriage.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m sure we have some religious fundies here in America who would actually like Sharia law if they knew anything about it. This sounds like a familiar mindset. It’s very similar to, you know, the notion that being poor is a criminal offense.
Every time you buy a product in an aluminum can, you’re paying Goldman Sachs 1/10 cent to move 1,600-pound aluminum bars from one warehouse to another warehouse, and then move it back again.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Capitalism supposedly is efficient. How efficient is paying forklift drivers to play endless musical chairs with aluminum ingots? What, exactly, does that contribute to the economy — except higher prices? Which, of course, is the object. Oh well, I suppose you could argue they’re creating jobs for forklift drivers.
Proponents of free-market capitalism habitually forget that the ultimate goal of all capitalists is to destroy competition and control markets so they can impose monopoly pricing.
That’s what John D. Rockefeller, Cornelius Vanderbilt, and Bill Gates did; that’s what the Koch brothers and Monsanto are trying to do.
Laissez-faire capitalism isn’t about creating competition; it’s about creating monopolies. Free markets are self-destroying, because after competition has been eliminated, they’re not free anymore.
Government regulation, not private greed, is what keeps markets free and competitive.
Watch this!
Only one stinky last night! What happened? The old lady popping for real little blue pills with her “union thug” tainted paycheck?
Perhaps it’s finally dawned that hate sours the salt mining.
Here’s the details on your most batshit insane day, week, year…
My most prolific day: 85 comments 1/19-20, 2010.. Yours 125 comments 1/6-7, 2008..
My most prolific week: 295 comments 1/16-23, 2010.. Yours 433 comments 2/17-24, 2009
My most prolific year: 4370 comments 12/18/2007 – 12/17/2008. Yours 8376 comments 12/9/2008 – 12/9/2009 The year of ODS, or did this have something to do with it?
You’re here a lot more than I am.. You NEED this website way more than me. And it ain’t for preaching love.
To the useless HA unemployed ASSHole above… Posting facts is not hatred. That’s the big diff between Puddy and the useless HA unemployed ASSHole!
So sad the useless HA unemployed ASSHole can’t figger that out!
And those statistics are sez you? When Puddy posted some of your most inane comments you begrudingly admitted to them when the date and time met the light of day. Remember you had BDS big time.
Well with useless HA unemployed ASSHole being a lower form simian Puddy supposes that why you called GW Bush a chimp. You wished you were one!
Sux to be you! ROTFLRHMBBAO!
Everyone sees how you@44 loath your life so much you WATCH everything Puddy does. You are such a fool useless HA unemployed ASSHole. Puddy posts when Puddy wants to. So you keep WATCHING, OK?
Now you are counting PuddyPosts. Your life really sux. MEanwhile track where Puddy is right now useless HA unemployed ASSHole. Gonna be real fun where Puddy gonna be this week.
herzog writes again in a thread and he’s still wrong wrong wrong. You are like the useless HA unemployed ASSHole; a chronlogically challenged idiot. No one was abandoning Bush in July 2005. That happened later you moron. Katrina happened later. And when the aftermath was finally evaluated, Kathleen Blanco and Ray No Bus Nagin were held at fault more than Bush.
Try again herzog… you may actually post something correct in your lifetime!
Puddy calls herzog posts Twinkie Entries… People look at them but no one actually “eats” them!
Update from Lac Megantic, from Reuters, about the CEO of the Montreal, Maine, and Atlantic. It involves his background as the CEO of Wisconsin Central. There was a fatal accident with one man trains and bad track, in 1996. At the time, Wisconsin Central was non-union, but this accident was the clincher, as at the next election, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen beat out the United Transportation Union, with enough turnout, to unionize the railroad. WC is now owned by Canadian National.The MMA is union, with the USW representing engineers in Quebec, and according to the article, the BLET in the US.
HAHAHAHAHA!!! “Facts” like the fantasy cuban/chinese oil wells, “Facts” like I was never for Obama… “Facts” like that pathetically stupid hammer you served up. “Facts” like the discredited hack Avik Roy..
Yeah 40 thousand comments from you and “truth” is a stupid hammer that not even creationist whackjobs believe in..
Prove me wrong, tehgoogle guy..
Yeah I found it hard to like some strutting idiot wearing a cod piece proclaiming “mission accomplished”. Many people would be KILLED and MAIMED afterwards.. Trillions in treasure pissed away. For what???? Have a beer with the guy? No fucking way will I have anything to do something so repellent.
I wish I could take that one back. It was an insult to chimps.. A chimp would have done a better job as President.
After 40k comments.. Insane much fool?
Heh.. No I’ve merely developed the code to get the big picture on your miserable tenure here and that of the other lying right wing tools who come here.
The FACTS on your activity I published above took 3 one liners.. Like
Substitue w (week) and y (year) for the d (day) at the end…
No shit sherlock.. As do I, as does the rabbit..
No water off my back. In fact I’d to thank you for showing everyone who bothers to look what being a klownservative is all about.. Any other tool walks in here, we have you to show them what they’ve gotten themselves into..
We have always have. We always will.
Just the facts tool.. It appears you’re a mystery even to your silly self..
Heh.. And being here and being stupid nearly 40 thousand times really adds to your life..
LOL! I’ll pass. And more likely than not. You will be here too in the threads.. As you have in the past.. Many times! LMAO!
Fool. You keep proving my point.. YOU NEED this website because without it – there’s just this little empty spot in your life.. Sad for someone who brags so much he’s got it made and how superior his ass is to everyone else.
Still dancing on Mike Webb’s grave?
Still taking the test?
Still plagiarizing from Daily Kooks?
Regardig Avik Roy… CNN agreed with him you idiot. CNN posted a follow-up post after his. You ran to Journolist Ezra Klein who NEVER responded to the CNN Money post after Avik posted. You will still have a large deductable in CA depending on the silver or bronze plan you choose YOU MORON! useless HA unemployed ASSHole lives by Ezra Klein, he stays as stupid as Ezra Klein.
Of course useless HA unemployed ASSHole can afford those costs… he lives off the state being all lazy staying at home unemployed all the time, while his wife pays for the “chilluns” healthcare!
Stay stooooooooooopid useless HA unemployed ASSHole. U R all arschloch! Being all arschloch, does your wife have to clean her mouth with Listerine after “kissing” you?
And you touted the NY Times article of ObummerCare lowering NY healthcare costs. Need to see that link again useless HA unemployed ASSHole? NY has already implemented most of ObummerCare so the costs are astronomically high and 2.6 million people will still be without health care after ObummerCare begins.
BTW here is Avik’s latest deconstruction of ObummerCare bragging of Cuomo’s NY State cost reductions!
And we all know you’ll be mooching from your wife’s SEIU plan. Go get a f’ing job you lazy slob and be productive in America!
The beat goes on and on and one useless HA unemployed ASSHole…
You checked? Wow whodathunkdat? Jealous cuz God gave you Koro disease with a shrunken package? Should have been born black! HAHAHAHAHA!
Puddy don’t need a crazed databaze!
Puddy wonders if Obummer has any “words of wisdom” for black wounded warrior soldiers returning to America? Would that been Obummer 33 years ago?
Great deflection useless HA unemployed ASSHole. Yeah you developed code that is a joke. Puddy showed that to the world with tctmgr.
“tctmgr search -pv -ord count numdesc .ha/data/lexicon/puddymoron.tct ” – From one of your insipid links
Download tctmgr.c – Free Download from bitbucket.org
Yeah you are such a great programmer. Plagiarizing someone else’s code and bragging about it.
U suck all around useless HA unemployed ASSHole!
Actor James Woods
Ted Cruz has come out in favor of trigger-happy vigilantes murdering unarmed teenagers:
“Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, blasted Obama … during a speech this weekend in Iowa, a traditional stomping ground for candidates eyeing their own future bid for the presidency.
“‘It is not surprising that the president uses, it seems, every opportunity that he can to go after our Second Amendment right to bear arms,’ Cruz said Friday ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So Cruz sees senseless murders as “opportunities” for people to criticism, um, senseless murders?
John McCain seems to be the only voice of reason left in the Republican Party, so they’ll probably run him out pretty quick.
@52 Ah yes, slant-drilling from Cuba to tap into Gulf oil reservoirs. Those clever Chinese! When they’re done with that, they can come to my burrow to put in a new water line for me. Local plumbing outfits wanted $16,000 to $20,000 to do that. I’ll bet the Chinese can do it much cheaper. I’ll have them run the line all the way to the reservoir up in the mountains and then I’ll get free water for the rest of my life.
53 – Heh.. Deflects so much.. Desperate are we?
You did that here.. Imagine that.. The moron who sock-puppeted as and circled jerked with “Mike Webb Sucked” crawling like a slug into a thread about justice being done over Mike Webb’s murder.. And then he went stupid about it over many, many comments. “chronological” – what a dope! Keep it up stupid. It’s funny behavior and sad too.
I think I passed. I’m a whole lot saner than Mr. 40 thousand comments who checks into these threads on his fancy ass vacays..
Oh what did I claim from this as my own work? Poor fool failed reading comprehension.. His worthless fellow right wing tools will claim it was because he went to public school.
Now for his hysterical and worthless defense of the hack Avik Roy..
LOL!! Shades of “Remember what Lee said..”
Oh did they agree with his worthless mining of teaser rates from a ripoff website?? Not that I can see.
And CNN never does anything stupid..
Oh look I even quoted from the “keep the dope alive” website…
Wait a sec.. Large deductible? Is that 2k? I thought right wingers want us to buy catastrophic with 10k deductibles and use HSA’s???
I don’t believe I said anything about New York’s exchanges.. Prove me wrong..
Hmmmm. SEIU is not in the insurance business.. Regence administers the State’s uniform medical plan. How ignorant are you?
the rest… blah, blah, blah.. worthless idiocy.. he still needs his little blue pills of hate most Sat nights.. 70 percent of them as I’ve blogged about. And he keeps proving it.
We love you, Pud. HA would be terribly boring without you:
Plus, my good friend YLB would die of atrophy.
LOL!!!! Where did I claim I was the author of tctmgr? If I had used mysql or postgresql or gdbm would you claim I wrote those? Only an idiot would do that.
Such an idiot proves yet again his miserable reading comprehension..
I did write gcp though.. I claim authorship of that. Maybe 30 lines of my goto scripting language.. Of course it builds on other code I’ve written for other tasks..
Sure sux to be you reading comprehension challenged. Maybe this is why you’re a klownservative.. You’ve been reading it wrong for a long time.
Fool.. The moron birfer gs crows that Obama’s disapproval is 48.. It was the same for Bush in July 2005..
Heh.. We have a fanboi here folks of a certain dirty old man..
Funny that DOMs and paying taxes don’t often seem to mix.
LOL! Yes people the Limbaugh listeners and Faux News freaks are inexorably marching into depends land..
And now this..
It’s been rough lately to be sure but perhaps it’s simply the darkness before the dawn..
I may have mentioned this before but our favorite klownservative jerk should be happy to know that this kook with a hard-on for power wants to throw our pet’s ass in jail.
Kids are out of the house.. When you gonna move south fool for the warmer weather?
I suggest VA! LOL!
Wow the useless HA unemployed ASSHole popped a hemmorrhoid being all arschloch. Looks like ape-boy lost it.
All gibberish and nothing but hate hate hate! useless HA unemployed ASSHole has perfected his hate hate hate!
ROTFLRHMBBAO over your hatred and vitriol above!
Keep it up stoooooooooopid! At least you are good at something. Oh and tctmgr… that’s child’s play! But then again you are a child.
Be sure to cross reference this post.
So how many posts does Puddy have to date?
goto scripting language…
go to’s? Really… still thinking in dos basic. Yeah that’s the ticket.
Thanks for playing… your own words useless HA unemployed ASSHole!
Puddy didn’t say it was you moron. SEIU provides a plan your wife buys insurance from. It’s offered by SEIU through Regence.
Puddy’s job offers four plans. They are still called _____ plans!
Man you are stooooooooooopid.
Puddy didn’t say it was you moron. SEIU provides a plan your wife buys insurance from. It’s offered by SEIU through Regence.
Puddy’s job offers four plans. They are still called _____ plans!
Man you are stooooooooooopid.
@67 “gibberish”
You’re the expert on that subject around here. Nobody else comes close in practicing the art (?) of gibberish.
I found this interesting article on Lac Megantic:
Turns out that the Canadian regulations on securing handbrakes lack specificity, and the railroads don’t have to disclose.
Looks like public pressure is finally forcing federal regulators to investigate commodity price manipulation by Wall Street banks.
You pay about 1/10 of a cent to Goldman Sachs every time you buy a beverage in an aluminum can. Doesn’t sound like much, but it adds up to billions of extra profits for the bankers.
Well, well what else is there?
Yawwwwn.. Nope.. People not in SEIU in the wife’s workplace have the option of the same plan.. Uniform Medical is available to all workers getting a state paycheck.. Does WSNA “provide” uniform medical? Other stuff like Group Health is an option.. Even the right wing catastrophic/HSA type stuff is available and an option for members of SEIU at the wife’s workplace.
Are you saying SEIU “provides” that right wing shit? What an ignorant fool you are!
Pfffft. Lame. “Goto” as in Breitbart being your “goto” website for ridiculous fatuous batshit insane right wing bullshit…. Yet another reading comprehension brainfart or some such lameness.
Does dos basic have first class objects as in “everything is an object”??? Is dos basic the basis for the web application framework all others are compared against?
Typically moronic and stupid remark from you..
What else…
Yawwwwn.. More stupid. You say you’re going on vacay or some “fun” place. Will you be checking in here?
Most probably. Your checkins from vacay are documented. I’ve proved previously you find it VERY HARD to stay away from here for more than a week. You’ve only managed it 12 times over the last 8 years..
Which reminds me.. What were your absences from HA like during that magical year of ODS late 2008/2009. Heh.. Surprise, surprise.. The longest you were able to stay away from HA was 6 days – 4/26-5/2 – ONE TIME that whole year. After that 3 days – two times, 2 days – 6 times, 24 hours and change 11 times Look:
The lower the number implies the MORE time you spent here.. Late 2008/2009 was a “special” year indeed for you.
For some fool who crows how much he’s got it made, you sure do feel the NEED to keep up with a bunch of liberals who don’t care for your miserable company.. Fine.
Check in.. We’ll be laughing at you when you do.
Yah he’d say you are so fucked if you think anyone on the right will not try to fuck you over. So Puddy need not wonder any more. Doofus
Over at daily kos, they asked an interesting question
As some one with a black husband, I don’t understand this racist attitude. But I have see at work indirectly. As a white man, I can do things that he is not allowed to. It’s like that SNL clip where Eddie Murphy dresses up like a white man and gets away with stuff. A personal example, we were at an event and there was a roped off area. I ducked under the rope to look at something. I returned and when my partner did exactly what I did, and THEN the security guard went into action and stopped him and sent him back.
Earthquake in New Zealand overnight, 6.5-6.9, moderate damage, a few injuries. In Wellington, the damage to the Beehive left it a mess, but not enough for PM John Key(of the center-right National Party) to cancel an overseas trip.
I wonder if the American religious right willbe jumping on this for a vote that happened in the before mentioned building earlier this year, a certain issue we voted on in Washington State last year, and I do not mean I-502. Some were jumping on New Orleans Southern decadence and Katrina.
@34 “Bush disapproval rate was due to the libtard msm hammering him everday with their biased reporting and hatred.”
My impression is Bush’s approval ratings tanked because he was an incompetent who fucked up everything he touched (see, e.g., Katrina response) and ran the most corrupt administration since Grant. The media couldn’t possibly have done as much damage to him as he did to himself. At least the man had enough sense to go into hiding when his term was up.
Public pensions like Detroit is failing over, are underfunded by 4 trillion dollars. Try digging out of that hole.
That’s a lie birfer moron.. Here’s what that Boston College study actually said:
You’re a hate-driven klownservative fool.
Wow you are really infatuated with Puddy useless HA unemployed ASSHole. Well it must be you envy Puddy.
BTW useless HA unemployed ASSHole. the family will be touring Asia this year. Something you could be doing with your family if you “had a yob” useless HA unemployed ASSHole!
Sux to be you. Keep tracking Puddy. Puddy owns you! How do we know… Post #73 proves it. Your own fingers. No prompting. Every day in every way.
Oh yeah really stoooooooooooooopid comeback useless HA unemployed ASSHole. Apparently Puddy struck the truth nerve AGAIN! As Puddy wrote earlier… U R a programming idiot Here are the facts…
Here’s a reason…
Here’s a reason…
Here’s a reason…
Here’s a reason…
You wouldn’t get past the first two interviews in the org Puddy works for, hence you’d never meet management, hence you’d never get hired. Maybe that’s why you are a useless HA unemployed hateful ASSHole!
Sux to be you!
Puffy butt is a moronic prick and a bigot .
81 – LOL!! More reading comprehension fayle..
Some people’s “goto” scripting language is perl..
Other’s “goto” scripting language is lua..
HA’s “goto” right wing reading comprehension moron is the jerk @ 80,81..
zzzzZZZZzzzz… His moronic reading fayles are getting so booooooring…
Having “fun” stupid? Back so soon?
Your goto scripting is perl. Your goto scripting is lua.
Still doesn’t make it good code you moronic useless HA unemployed ASSHole.
Still tracking Puddy oh useless HA unemployed ASSHole? How many posts to date?
Our “goto” pet klownservative jerk troll concedes that he’s a reading comprehension moron..
85 – And he sooooo wants me to know where he is..
Don’t flippin’ care fool.. Different place, same old idiot. No matter where you put yourself, you come crawlin’ back to these threads..