O’Donnell: Sarah Palin is back to pickpocket Teabaggers.
Young Turks: Hypocritical new abortion laws in North Dakota.
Kimmel: This week in unnecessary censorship.
Jonathan Mann: George W. Bush paintings:
Young Turks: Veteran GOP Rep. blasted for ‘wetbacks’ comments.
Thom with more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Sharpton: Republicans “reach out” to minority voters by enacting stricter voter ID laws!
Oral Arguments for Same Sex Marriage:
- Maddow: The GOP’s “incoherent, low rent and … pathetic” positions on same sex marriage
- Stephen slams Sen. Saxby Chambliss on his anti-gay marriage reasoning.
- Jon: Supreme injustice.
- Young Turks: Scalia’s five worst homophobic statements.
- Ann Telnaes: Justice Kagan exposes DOMA’s intent.
- Maddow: An historic week for gay rights.
- Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: Santorum blames TV show for gay marriage.
- Adam Gabbatt surveys the crowd outside the Supreme Court
- Young Turks: GOP cat fight over gay marriage.
- Al Sharpton with Chris Hayes: Republicans are losing the culture wars.
- Stephen on the Supreme Court’s arguments
- Young Turks: How will the SCOTUS go on gay marriage?
- Mark Fiore: Dogboy and Mr. Dan: learn that love hurts.
- Ann Telnaes: Making babies and marriage.
- Stephen is shaken to the core by Bill-O the Clown’s flip-flop
Sharpton: Glenn Beck’s latest conspiracy is that Bachmann’s Ethics Probe is a plot by ‘Radical Islam’ .
Rep. Don Young (R-AK): Wetbackgate.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Maddow: A State of the Union promise kept–presidential commission on voting.
Young Turks: Republican OUTRAGE over spring break for Obama’s kids.
White House: West Wing Week.
Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-TX-1) “Pulls Rank”:
- Young Turks: Gohmert (R-TX-1) freaks out over parking ticket .
- Shapton: The rude teabagger.
Jon is unimpressed with GOP’s Post-election plan (via TalkingPointsMemo).
Washington’s groundbreaking (vaporized) pot bar.
Young Turks: Bill Maher vs. Catholic League.
Sam Seder: FAUX News mocks 102 year old woman who waited hours to vote.
Mental Floss: 45 presidential facts you probably didn’t know.
Gun Safety Reform…or Not:
- Obama: We have NOT forgotten (h/t howieinseattle):
- Joy Reid: Obama raises the stakes….
- Ann Telnaes: NRA’s LaPierre criticizes Bloomberg’s ad campaign.
- Matt Binder: NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre’s insane lack of self awareness.
- Young Turks: Jim Carrey causes the nutjobs at FAUX News to go totally insane.
- SlateTV: Rand Paul eyes gun control filibuster
- Thom: America’s latest penis enhancer…the AR-15 assault rifle
Thom: Science makes you a more moral person.
The Common Sense Alternative to the Columbia River Crossing (h/t Carla).
Maddow: The stuff Alan Simpson says.
Sharpton: GOP bigots and racists attack Obama’s children.
Finally…an honest cable TV advertisement.
Pap: Right Wing hate turns violent.
Young Turks: Should male politicians be able to vote on abortion?
Detroit’s Lost Democracy:
- Thom: Detroit’s bloodless coup.
- Al Sharpton files lawsuit against GOP’s emergency manager law in Detroit.
Bill Press: Michele Bachmann is a ‘one woman carnival cruise’.
Jeff Wattenhofer: Barack Obama is mint.
Sam Seder spars with a lightbulb Libertarian.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Sad news reported tonight, former City Council member and School Board Member Cheryl Chow has passed away at 66, from Brain Cancer.
Say, Planned Parenthood peeps.
Let’s say something with that late-term abortion goes wrong and you end up with a baby outside the womb, breathing, heart beating, moving around, and clearly alive and born that way.
What do you do?
Danial Patrick Moynihan foretold this answer.
Serious question: For some reason the only thing that bothers me about the marijuana legalization effort is this:
Can someone explain to me why we won’t have significantly more THC-related DUI incidents, specifically those that turn out like the North Seattle tragedy this past week, once the law is fully implemented?
Yes We Cannabis: The Legalization Movement Plots Its Next 4 Years
Al Sharpton files lawsuit against GOP’s emergency manager law in Detroit.
Resist we much.
Juicy Couture Employees Say The Company Has Eliminated Full-Time Employment, Benefits
That’s so they don’t have to offer health insurance to their workers — under the Affordable Health Care Act, employees who work 30 hours or more are eligible to receive health care benefits. Further, in order to qualify for sick days, Juicy says you must work more than 1400 per year, which is impossible on a 21-hour per week schedule.
Get used to it.
And YLB, now you need to return that new Juicy outfit you bought for yourself.
Al Sharpton files lawsuit against GOP’s emergency manager law in Detroit.
Actually, no, he didn’t. He stuck his name on the bottom of an effort by others and then took credit for it on MSNBC. Listen to what he said in the link. He ‘added his name’, marched earlier in the day, and now he’s the face of something silly and pointless, as he always has been.
Whatever liberals who mean well might be attempting in Detroit will be co-opted by this idiot and other equally useless fucks at MSNBC.
Al Sharpton – he’s the player who jumps on top of the pile after others have done the tackling, then runs off toward the sidelines with his arms raised in victory.
Fortunately he’s always got the YLB types in their cheerleading uniforms (not Juicy!), eager to parrot his idiocy.
President Barack Obama. Chained CPI proponent.
Separately, the Wall Street Journal’s Damian Palletta reports that Obama’s budget will likely back the use of a “chained” consumer price index in calculating future Social Security benefits. Backers of a chained CPI argue that the government’s current inflation measures overstate the impact of price increases; its opponents argue that the current measures already fail to keep up with real changes in retired people’s costs of living, including health-care costs.
He’s already known to be willing to increase the retirement age eligibility for Social Security.
Why, it’s almost like the GOP isn’t quite dead and buried.
So to whom did Juicy Couture give their political largess to?
Marketing Director – Obummer
Finance Director – Obummer
Division President – Obummer
Store Manager – Obummer
Liz Claiborne – Parent Company – bought Juicy Couture and 98% of their giving went to Obummer
Seems this company isn’t too thrilled with ObummerCare. Blows apart that Republican business model on ObummerCare you libtards love to postulate here.
The Common Sense Alternative to the Columbia River Crossing (h/t Carla).
Actually, if you look at Inslee’s just-released proposal/Xmas wish-list, he raises revenue by eliminating the sales-tax exemption for Oregonians crossing to WA to buy shit.
So, there’s already an alternative, since Inslee’s gonna eliminate one of the reasons Oregonians might cross to WA. Fewer trips means less need for new shit over the water.
Of course, there’s still that nagging issue of Washingtonians crossing to Oregon or Idaho to avoid the liquor tax.
So maybe we still need to spend tax dollars so Washingtonians can avoid paying taxes in Washington.
And the Daily Kooks morons are apoplectic.
From 3,
Marijuana was legalized in Washington because the people of Washington realized that the War on Drugs is stupid and prohibition never works.
If you’re so worried about THC and DUI’s, then why aren’t you beating the drum to make alcohol illegal along with returning to banning marijuana?
Marijuana should be legal because people have the individual right to ingest whatever they choose. If you don’t own and control your own body, what do you own and control? Wise- up SC.
From 10,
The reason Nancy Pelosi is backing Obama’s comments about possibly reducing the Social Security benefit for some is because it’s inevitable. Whether we like it or not, Social Security will be moving towards a system whereby an individual’s other resources will be considered as to receiving any SS benefits. It could be that successful people may not receive any of the promised benefits because they have assets and other retirement benefits.
So did Senator Heidi Heitkamp (DUMMOCRAPT)… criticize Bloomberg’s stooooooooopid campaign ad. But let’s not tell the HA mASSes of dumbASSes this fact… Da Perfessa needs Ann to spew here her vile vile bile.
Oh nooooooooooo, whitey people with guns and no one is dying.
Yet where is Ann on Chicago, Los Angeles, New York Prosecuted Fewest Federal Gun Crimes? MIA cuz it’s not good story when a libtard magazine slams Mayor Doomberg on not doing his job!
And no story on Soledad’s last day at CNN? John Sununu told her to
Oh wait maybe that’s the reason Da Perfessa realized she was a way out leftist kook like unemployed lunatic Pluto boy. You all know unemployed lunatic Pluto boy, creator of the crazed HA databaze. You all know unemployed lunatic Pluto boy, who would rather blog all day on HA and cruise left wrong sites like Daily Kooks vs. getting a job to improve the life of his teenage kids.
Well Roland Martin is worried about his job too. Apparently DUMMOCRAPTIC voting libtard leftist CNN whitey types are not friends of his…
Sadly no fair and balanced coverage in the HA Friday Night Comics!
And… no report of all the good looking bikini wearing Secret Service people needed in Paradise Island Bahamas and then another group of Secret Service people needed who can ski protecting the Obummer chillun while Obummer blamed closing down the Whitey House Tours on the Secret Service.
Sure is amazing what sequestration can do to the common folk but no change when you are Preznit Obummer!
And no comment on the left wrong Super PAC trying to get a Tea Party activist to run against Mitch McConnell now that Ashley Judd has said she won’t run. Puddy thought left wrong peeps hated Tea Party peeps. Oh… they will use their money to remove someone who they don’t like and use someone they don’t like to do it for them.
Puddy remembers the clamor on HA over Ashley Judd. Puddy would post the HA Friday Night Comics link but it gets thrashed by HA. Strange filter…
Well her own commentary KABLAMMMMMO’d her. So they turn to a Tea Party guy as their last resort. Now we see this is the same group of RACISTS who attacked Mitch McConnell’s wife because she’s Chinese. DUMMOCRAPTS are the party of racist scumbags. Only when caught and denounced by fellow DUMMOCRAPTS will a DUMMOCRAPT PAC apologize…
We all know Puddydope who spends so much time here on HA on skygod day..
Yawwwwn.. What a holier than thou creep!
For yucks I have to work up a report on how much he’s here after the dinner hour on Saturdays..
Psyching up for going back to the salt mines..
Wow Bob seems kind of mad at me for holding him accountable for his misogyny..
Twas’ ever thus with the wrong wingers..
We talked yesterday about the Obamas sending their kids on vacation on their own dime, Secret Service protection excluded of course..
No different from the Bush kids..
What’s next? Will our trolls whine about the kids of the one percent going on fancy vacays while Republicans are getting food stamps in droves?
What a bunch of commie lunatics. Oh wait a sec.. This must be something about the skin color!
Yawwwwwn. Again…
After a 2½-year investigation, Beverly L. Hall, a former district superintendent who won fame and fortune for her performance, was charged with racketeering, theft and other crimes in the doctoring of students’ test answers.
Why, in the photograph she seems like such a sweet, matronly union member.
And fortune — she earned more than $500,000 in performance bonuses while superintendent.
Ah. That sounds more like union behavior.
@2 Let’s look at what Planned Parenthood’s actually does. This is a breakdown of the health services they provide: Contraceptive services (35%), sexually transmitted disease services (35%), cancer screening and prevention service (16%), pregnancy/prenatal/midwife services (10%), abortions (3%). Now let’s look at a breakdown of the population they serve: Poor (75%) and teens (26%) (note, these categories overlap).
Conservatives want to destroy this organization because they don’t like 3% of the services it provides.
Conservatives have succeeded in eliminating all government funding for abortions. Now they want to make sure poor people can’t get abortions from private organizations either. (But you can be sure they’ll send their own girlfriends and mistresses to Switzerland or wherever to get rid of their own unwanted children.)
Is it a mystery why so many ordinary Americans find this country’s conservative movement repulsive? And why growing numbers of American voters refuse to vote for candidates of the party built around this movement?
Nope, no mystery here, it’s obvious why the majority of Americans think conservatives are obnoxious.
@5 So we’re supposed to reward bad behavior by businesses by giving them what they want? I hope all their employees walk and leave them high and dry.
@ 21
Conservatives want to destroy this organization because they don’t like 3% of the services it provides.
Not so. Conservatives would like to see 3% of its behavior change.
There’s a difference.
Meanwhile, liberals couldn’t give a shit about 97% of its existence but will fight to the death so that the other 3% can continue.
Look at it this way, RR: If Planned Parenthood’s services had been widely available when your parents brought you into the world, they might have had more of a choice and you might not be here.
Why on earth would I be opposed to that?
@19 Now why didn’t we see that one coming? We should have. Show me a welfare queen and I’ll show you a Republican voter (and someone who probably attends Teabag rallies, too).
@23 Who are you trying to kid?
From Congress to state legislatures, GOPers are trying to cut off all government funding to Planned Parenthood.
PP gets no government funding for its abortion services, so it’s the other health services Republicans are defunding.
Why? Because they’re taking out their anger at PP’s privately funded abortion services on the poor women and teens who need cancer screening, prenatal services, etc. What a disgusting gang of bullies!
@ 23
Who are you trying to kid?
Ask yourself this:
If Planned Parenthood eliminated a certain 3% of what it does, will it still have conservatives trying to defund it?
@26 Ask yourself this:
1) Do women who want abortions have a legal right to them?
2) If so, do you nonetheless have a right to coerce others to abide by your moral/religious beliefs?
3) If not, where does your ilk get off denying other health services because they won’t let you do that?
This isn’t complicated. Republicans trying to cut off funding to PP for the other health services they provide to poor women and teens are disgusting bullies.
Bob, you claim to be a doctor. Would you refuse to treat a sick woman if you knew she had an abortion sometime in the past? And if not, how is that different from what Republicans are doing vis-a-vis Planned Parenthood? I don’t see a difference.
It’s one thing to support candidates who will appoint SCOTUS justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade. That’s fair play. It’s something else to wage guerilla warfare against other people’s constitutional rights because you disagree with the law of the land. That’s not fair play, it’s thuggery.
@ 27
It’s very common for people to object to a small facet of what a company or other entity might do. Think boycotts of companies because they did business in Apartheid South Africa, or because they do business with Israel. The intent is to make the entity experience sufficient financial or social unease that it bends to the wishes of those protesting it.
If abortions are legal, fine. Go get one at a place that doesn’t receive government funding. If that were necessary, a lot of liberal dollars would materialize so that abortions could still occur, just not at sites that receive government dollars.
Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood, once freed from such overbearing criticism and inspection of its operations due to its abortion services, would probably receive even more money and could provide even more preventive services than it currently does.
Wrong wingers spend much of their existence mostly LYING about what people who disagree with them really care about.
I mean read that fucking shit blockquoted.. Especially given the context Roger brought up@ 21. It’s a lie.. It’s bullshit.. It’s disgusting..
It’s so.. wrong wing.. Great work Boberoo!
@30 I repeat, what right do you have to coerce Planned Parenthood into not providing a legal health care service?
I, too, personally oppose abortion on religious/moral grounds. But unlike the self-described “right to life” fanatics, I’m not going to shoot, bomb, burn, club, coerce, and bully other people into accepting my views.
That’s what living in a communist country like North Korea is like. I don’t want that here.
If you don’t want people to get abortions, then try to change their minds with persuasion. Try offering a carrot, like funding for adoption services, so they have an alternative. Preach against it in your churches all you want to.
But don’t try to force strangers to live according to your rules. You have no right to do that, and it’s wasted effort, because they won’t anyway unless you’re willing to build concentration camps to make them.
@31 Bob is too fucking delusional to be a doctor or anything else, except maybe a floor sweeper. His judgment is clouded by dogmatism.
I look at it from a cost standpoint. Abortion is cheaper than paying to raise a poverty-stricken child. I think lifting oneself out of poverty is just as valid a reason to support abortion on demand as is abortion in the case of rape or incest.
Why GOP efforts to revamp their party’s image are doomed to fail.
Heh.. We already talked about TexASS wrong wingers screwing themselves in their collective backsides over their war on women.
@ 32
I repeat, what right do you have to coerce Planned Parenthood into not providing a legal health care service?
I have the same rights to affect behavior through influence on my government as you do, RR. I suppose that right is provided to me by our Constitution, in that I may vote for the representative of my choice, and then advocate for that representative to act as I would prefer.
What right do you have to coerce a gun manufacturer into not manufacturing a legal firearm or accessory thereto? Doesn’t seem to stop you from wanting to bring all sorts of pressure onto them, does it?
Or perhaps your ‘right‘ is the desire to keep children alive. Well, conservatives who want PP defunded (note I have not included myself among them in this dicussion, since I do not agree) have a similar desire to keep unborn children alive.
@34 Certainly, many poor women seek abortions because an unplanned and unwanted child fathered by a man who won’t be around to help support and raise that child is a financial disaster for the woman, especially a poor woman who can’t support herself let alone be responsible for a child.
Conservative interference with other people’s constitutional right to an abortion might have a little bit more persuasive credibility if they didn’t also oppose welfare, food stamps, unemployment benefits, Medicaid, and other programs that help poor unemployed women without job care, transportation, child care, or basic nutrition take care of their children.
But, as has been pointed out countless times in this blog by myself and others, all concern and compassion that conservatives and Republicans mouth for unborn children vaporizes the instant those children are born. Once a kid is born, in their eyes, he’s nothing more than cheap labor or cannon fodder.
Which makes all of their anti-abortion arguments ring hollow.
32 – Yep, if you don’t like abortion, don’t freaking have one.
Wrong wingers whine about tax pay funder abortion..
Every time they buy products from Canada (gas, oil, cedar shingles, weak beer, Candidian bacon) aren’t they enabling one of the few countries who have no legal restrictions of any kind on abortion?
Last I looked their rate of abortion is lower than here which has a thicket of restrictions on abortion..
LOL!! Wrong wingers shown to be for BIG GOVERNMENT.
@37 “What right do you have to coerce a gun manufacturer into not manufacturing a legal firearm or accessory thereto?”
I’m not trying to. Don’t make shit up. You’re making a public fool of yourself with comments like this.
@39 And, of course, they’re not above shipping their own kids/girlfriends/mistresses to Canada or other countries to get the abortions they claim to be against. That’s why they did before abortion was legal here, and that’s what they’ll do again if abortion becomes illegal here again.
You see, Bob, that’s what conservatives are all about: Two sets of rules. One for themselves, and a different set for the rest of us.
Conservatives claim to have principles. They actually have only one: Do as I say, not as I do. That sums up the whole movement.
That’s nice Roger… Butt where does it say Puddy has to agree with the guvmint using my percentage of tax $$$ to fund abortions? Show Puddy that in the US Constitution. Puddy thought equal representation meant my view is equal to your view. It’s libtards who scream your way or the highway and there is NEVER any compromise from libtards. EVER!
As previously stated above
Was anything useful posted by unemployed lunatic Pluto boy? Nope cuz unemployed lunatic Pluto boy is a DOPE!
Notice unemployed lunatic Pluto boy will not tell us why it’s more important for unemployed lunatic Pluto boy to blog on HA during normal working hours than to get a job. In fact you can find unemployed lunatic Pluto boy on this blog any hour of the day!
41 – I’m glad you brought that up..
Banning abortion in this country will NEVER apply to the one-percent or anyone who has the cash to have the procedure done elsewhere.
Need RU-486?? Just a hop over the border..
What’s the wrong wing gonna ban next?
@ 39
Last I looked their rate of abortion is lower than here which has a thicket of restrictions on abortion..
YLB, do you think the difference in abortion rates between US and Canada has to do with laws and restrictions?
Or do you think, just possibly, it might be for some other reason. Say, oh, I dunno….
Maybe demographics.
When you’re done scraping the mucosa off your rectum with your tongue, pull your head out and have a look around some of those numbers, YLB.
I don’t think you’ll need a hint.
So tell all of us unemployed lunatic Pluto boy what it is about PP you care about!
We’ll wait… Watch, unemployed lunatic Pluto boy will claim I am making demands! Pavlov calls it!
46 – So what does this shit from you mean?
Abortions per unit x population in Canada vs. U.S. can’t be compared?
Uh what else? Laws and restrictions have no effect on abortions per unit population?
There’s good law and bad law.. It’s obvious to anyone who looks that the laws here regulating abortion aren’t having the intended effect.
I don’t know why you’re throwing crap against the wall over this Bob. It’s clear that you give as much a shit about abortion as you do the status and well-being of women anywhere.
Now for the gibbering idiot who clearly values HA time over skygod time..
WTF? Aren’t you supposed to be praying and remembering the divine personage who DIED on a freaking cross for you?
Can’t you keep anything holy?
Of course not! You’re a classic wrong wing hypocrite!
I’d be glad to anwser that question..
Looking over @21..
I support all of it. All of those services are clearly needed and I’m happy that PP is there to provide it.
It’s a freaking shame what’s happening in TexASS and I’ve pointed out already it’s costing TexASS MORE.
Just a bunch of wrong wingers needing a new scapegoat like ACORN was..
Typically disgusting wrong wing bullshit.
@ 48
So what does this shit from you mean?
Abortions per unit x population in Canada vs. U.S. can’t be compared?
Well, sure they can, YLB, but you can’t just stop there.
Apparently you DO need a hint. I gave you credit for actually pulling your head out of your ass. My mistake.
Here’s your hint (see Canada link @ 46):
The most common racial groups per province are as follows[47] (only percentages 3% or higher shown; ordered by percentage of visible minorities):
British Columbia (4,074,380): Not a visible minority: 75.2%, Chinese: 10.0%, South Asian: 6.4%
Ontario (12,028,895): Not a visible minority: 77.2%, South Asian: 6.6%, Chinese: 4.8%, Black: 3.9%
Alberta (3,256,355): Not a visible minority: 78.4%, Chinese 3.7%, South Asian 3.2%
Manitoba (1,133,515): Not a visible minority: 90.4%, Filipino 3.3%
Quebec (7,435,900): Not a visible minority: 91.2%
Nova Scotia (903,090): Not a visible minority: 95.8%
Saskatchewan (953,850): Not a visible minority: 96.4%
New Brunswick (719,650): Not a visible minority: 98.1%
Prince Edward Island (134,205): Not a visible minority: 98.7%
Newfoundland and Labrador (500,605): Not a visible minority: 98.9%
YLB, based on this data, can you suggest another reason that there might be fewer per-capita abortions in Canada than there are in the US?
Just in case you still are too stupid to get it, YLB, let me lay it out even more bluntly:
Silent No More: A Major Crisis in the African-American Community
by Rev. John J. Raphael, SSJ
According to the CDC, since 1973, the year of the Supreme Court Decision Roe vs. Wade, 13 million (13,000,000) African American lives have been lost to abortion. The CDC reports that of the approximately 4000 abortions that are performed daily in the United States, 1452 of them are performed on African American women and their pre-born children. This means that although African Americans represent only 12% of the population of the United States, they account for 35% of the abortions performed in this country.
Gibbering idiot @ 47
Questions for you:
How may times have you seen that Mel Gibson torture pr0n movie?
Will you forgo after dinner ha time for a family viewing of this torture pr0n?
Will this film prime the pump for returning to the salt mines?
51 – Just throwing more crap against the wall Bob.. With a helping of neither here nor there fear-based hysterical bullshit about abortion in the african american community.
Same rules apply to african americans. If they don’t like them, they don’t have to have them.. There are effective alternatives like long lasting contraception which we’ve talked about here before..
Please point out to me where anyone is pointing a gun to anyone’s head to have an abortion?
Canada has NO laws restricting abortion..
We do a lot of trade with Canada..
Wrong wingers in effect support that.
Just like they support abortion in China when they shop at Wal-Mart.
Ultrasound wands won’t make that go away Bob.
Hey Bob,
You can’t google for shit.
Fuck you Bob.
And fuck you PuddyAsshole, you hateful, ignorant moron.
Seriously, WTF are any of you here today? It’s been a beautiful day! It still is!
55, I was just seeing how many had posted, and checking on a few things. Thanks to this great weather, I finally finished mowing the lawn for the first time this season. It is an electric, and the battery takes awhile to charge.(As I get back to doing it more frequently, will get it done in one charge)
As for electric cars, even AAA is coming around, deploying trucks to provide fast charging.
@34 You’re being facetious, right?
@16 It’s a free country, pigeon poop. Or didn’t you get that memo?
@30 “If abortions are legal, fine.”
They are legal, whether you like it or not.
“Go get one at a place that doesn’t receive government funding.”
Go fuck yourself. Those women don’t have to comply with your conditions.
@43 “Butt where does it say Puddy has to agree with the guvmint using my percentage of tax $$$ to fund abortions?”
This question has a 2-part answer. Let’s start with Part 1.
Part 1: Get your fucking facts straight. Your taxes aren’t paying for abortions.
Now let’s move on to Part 2.
Part 2: You have to pay the taxes the law requires you to pay. You don’t have to like what they’re used for.
We’re not quite done yet; there’s still an addendum to Part 2.
Addendum to Part 2: You can bitch, whine, and fuss all you want to about things other people do that your taxes don’t pay for. You can even lie about paying taxes for those things. This is a free country, and an uncensored blog. Therefore, you can make a public fool of yourself with comments like that one to your heart’s content.
Typo @43: “It’s Rethugs who scream your way or the highway and there is NEVER any compromise from Rethugs. EVER!”
That’s why Puddy went out this afternoon and enjoyed the sunshine! Butt as you can see unemployed lunatic Pluto boy, creator of the crazed HA databaze spent the afternoon here. You all know unemployed lunatic Pluto boy, who would rather blog all day on HA and cruise left wrong sites like Daily Kooks vs. getting a job to improve the life of his teenage kids. Spiteful too when someone posts truth about his lunacy!
Weally DUMB Wabbit? Weally?
Now onto moronic rant #2
Yeah butt it’s America and Puddy can complain!
Heh.. By next Sat I’ll have that report..
@54…Bwaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa, as you can see unemployed lunatic Pluto boy, creator of the crazed HA databaze spent the afternoon here. Now you would think if unemployed lunatic Pluto boy ACTUALLY reads black voices on Huffington Post or was that a Google search to rebut Serial Conservative. Puddy knows better unemployed lunatic Pluto boy! You sit unemployed so you do READ HuffPo from e-cover to e-cover. You have all day everyday unemployed lunatic Pluto boy!
Butt since Puddy is black and Puddy knows better this Veronica Byrd has to say that.
Did you read that? 3.1 times more abortions. Veronica has no commentary for this except something practiced in their offices! You see unemployed lunatic Pluto boy, Puddy has been crusading against black donkoinfanticide since Puddy been on this blog. If you were an honest merchant of the crazed databaze you would compile all the times Puddy has dicussed black issues. Butt being the lying sack of shit you are you can see unemployed lunatic Pluto boy, Puddy won’t wait for it.
Anyway everyone, Puddy visits this site from time to time. It’s time y’all learn it.
Headless Lucy has cheered her comments! Now why are most PP offices in Hispanic and Black areas? In fact it seems over 75% of their offices are in minority areas from these maps!
Butt libtards don’t let facts get in the way of “libtard truth”!
Is this report on why you don’t get a job to help Mrs SEIU with the money? Puddy will look forward to that report!
Wrong again DUMB Wabbit. Puddy wrote another truth. Facts are facts!
Sorry unemployed lunatic Pluto boy… Puddy is waiting for your answers to PuddyQuestions! Especially the one on why you won’t get a job. You answer, Puddy will start!
See ya. Thanks for playing!
Heh.. Look at him fellow liberals. This fiend really needs us to psych up.
That report will be hilarious!
Proves there isn’t much upstairs, and nothing under construction either! Puddy cares about his peeps. Would unemployed lunatic Pluto boy be an honest player? NOPE!
Gotta love Google… Instead of celebrating Jesus Christ they celebrate Ceasar Chavez.
Typical libtards!
Now this is DAMN FUNNY! Consider the pic Obummer’s peeps put forth instead.
Gotta hide that Chinese crane name! Oops the flag fell down!
Didn’t Puddy mention this last year?
No wonder certain people are upset! Even a former Moron.Org guy was interested.
And that’s why Obummer won! DUMMOCRAPTS… love the low information voter. Jimmy Kimmel looked at them earlier this month. Damn Funny!
A little bit more on the passing of former Councilmember and School Board President Cheryl Chow. She did a lot in her 66 years.
Last year, when she came out(at the same time she announced she had brain cancer), she called her life a waste, because she had been afraid to come out. She did a lot, and earlier in her life, she could not come out. She had said she had been afraid to earlier because of family and community , but with her cancer, she said what would her community do to her now?
Obummer’s Military… Just a local contingency operation, not terrorism.
Puddy wonders where DUMB Wabbit’s “support” of the people in the military is here?
Puddy wonders if Fascist Pigsty wants to bet if this judge is a libtard? Hint Fascist Pigsty… he’s from DEEEEEEEEETROIT!
Interesting in the Texas State Rail Plan(I just like to read to see what is being proposed, Chapter 4 of which covers all passenger projects, and I was surprised how much commuter rail was in the planning station. In 2000, the only thing running was Trinity Railway Express in Dallas running between Dallas and Fort Worth, now, a suburban operation in Denton County feeds the Dallas Area Rapid Transit light rail system at Carrolton(where passengers transfer to continue into Downtown Dallas), a joint operation between Dallas COunty and Tarrant County(Fort Worth) is being studied, and several other lines are being proposed. It helps that in the case of the Metroplex, it was once a major passenger hub, and is still a major freight hub. Besides Houston, and the Metroplex, I was surprised about Hidalgo County on the Rio Grande, a county population of around 800,000, county seat is Edinberg, and biggest city in the county is McCallan. It’s just in the planning stage, but might as well start now. What is being proposed, could help one of Texas’s major industries out, the less fuel they consume, the more they can sell elsewhere. The A-Train in Denton County is an interesting start-up. It was operating before the rolling stock is delivered. When TRE got conventional locomotive-hauled coaches, they kept the Budd Rail Diesel Cars that they bought used from Canada’s VIA Rail, and lent them to the DCTA, while the Swiss DMUs were being built.
With all the rail transit being planned or built in HOuston, Dallas, FOrt Worth, Austin, and San Antonio, might as well connect the cities too. THey are planning that, but they used to have a network of passenger trains criss crossing the state, the one I liked the most, was the Texas Eagle Network of streamliners. That’s right, a network, not just the Chicago-San ANtonio train today operated by Network. Sometimes the train operated as three leaving St. Louis, and starting in Little Rock, it would begin being split into smaller trains, to San Antonio, Laredo(with through cars on to Nuevo Laredo and MExico City), El Paso, Houston, Corpus Christi, and Brownsville. By 1970, it was down to a St. Louis-Texarkana, Coach-only local.
(The above schedule was from the early 1950s, it includes references to something that was a bad reminder of Jim Crow. A later schedule, from 1967, shows a network that was being trimmed)
Back when Cheryl Chow was on the City COuncil, it was a time when 7 of the 9 members were women, a record. Not surprising for the city that was the first major US City to elect a woman mayor.
Texas Prosecutor Shot to Death Two Months After Assistant’s Killing
For a moment there it seemed like we have a terrorist problem, but now that we know that the suspects are neither brown nor Muslim, we should all rest easy.
The dummy babbled till 11pm last night??
Heh.. What happened salt miner? No luck with the pick axe?
Been working all weekend, alas. Just checking in to see what’s up, and of course find dumbasabrick piddl wailing about Planned Parenthood and the Black GENOCIDE!!1!!!
With all new links to the Moonie Times!! and ‘investigations’ by Texas Republican Congresscritter – yeah, that’s convincing. And your statistics about race-specific abortion rates – did you consider that a simple and unifying explanation for that might be poverty?
Now, I would agree with you, piddl, that non-white, non-male people are at a structural disadvantage in our society. That’s the whole point of PP – providing medical care to all women, but economically disadvantaged ones in particular. Women’s control of their own fertility is a key to economic security for women. Period.
Asswipe @ 65..
Fuck you again…
You have no argument.. Except tin foil hat bullshit…
Margaret Sanger has been dead for years and the organization she founded does not reflect any outmoded views she may have had. Margaret Sanger is a worthless red herring from you.
I admit I was wrong a little bit.. For years I’ve asked in response to your BULLSHIT about the higher rates of abortion among black american women – where’s the gun to anyone’s head to have an abortion?
There is a gun of sorts when it comes to black women and that gun is POVERTY! Where’s your support for affordable contraception? Oh you don’t believe in it because you support shutting PP down which does A LOT MORE in the way of effective contraception like IUD’s than abortion.
FUCK YOU VERY MUCH YOU HATEFUL IDIOT! What a freaking waste of time you are, miserable whackjob.
And your silly tin foil hat bullshit hardly registers in the strongly pro-choice black community as Veronica Byrd so ably points out.
Sure is amazing how white and almost white people claim to KNOW black abortion rates.
Hey Lib da schmucko. Facts are facts. You love to attack the messenger but you can’t attack the message. That’s A-OK with Puddy as your argument falls flat on it’s face as always.
Black genocide is at an all time high. 13,000,000 black babies and counting Lib da schmucko. Where are your reBUTTal facts? Nowhere to be seen. Just the standard screaming into the wind!
Notice unemployed lunatic Pluto boy hasn’t proved Puddy wrong about unemployed lunatic Pluto boy! Sez the fetid cretin unemployed lunatic Pluto boy who created the crazed databaze while he could have been getting a job to support Mrs SEIU and the kids during that time.
Butt nooooooooooooooooooo, can’t do that sez unemployed lunatic Pluto boy. unemployed lunatic Pluto boy must cruise HA all day and left wrong sites.
Tell that to the Planned Parenthood here… and here… Can’t find a reBUTTal to her views by Planned Parenthood. Can you unemployed lunatic Pluto boy?
Worthless red herring? Been reading Daily Kooks again unemployed lunatic Pluto boy? Sure Puddy saw their Feb 2013 attempt to rehabilitate Sanger’s legacy. It failed! Yes, unemployed lunatic Pluto boy, YOU ARE A FUCKING LIAR! You have no business discussing black issues – WHATSOEFFINEVER! On this blog or in public unemployed lunatic Pluto boy! Wait for it… unemployed lunatic Pluto boy will claim Puddy making demands.
So hateful all the time. unemployed lunatic Pluto boy’s crazed databaze use proves it every day. Puddy asked can unemployed lunatic Pluto boy be an honest broker? NOPE cuz unemployed lunatic Pluto boy is a real DOPE! No tin foil hat needed! for that analysis. Never seen someone like unemployed lunatic Pluto boy, who is so self-absorbed with his unemployed lunatic Pluto boy self, unemployed lunatic Pluto boy won’t get a job!
Thanks for playing!
@56 Why don’t you just get some rabbits? Then you won’t have to recharge.
@63 Washington Times? is your source? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
@81 “Women’s control of their own fertility is a key to economic security for women.”
That’s why they’re against it. If women of color stop having babies where will they cheap labor and cannon fodder?
@83 “Sure is amazing how white and almost white people claim to KNOW black abortion rates.”
Oh I see. Now we have to be African American to know what African American abortion rates are. I see how this logic extrapolates to other things. For example, only Republicans know how many votes Republican candidates have … if Democrats count them the numbers are no good, see Whining Republicans Ver. 2004 …
Yes, DUMB Wabbit… Facts are facts… You even said that once DUMB Wabbit.
Ummmm… No you can’t DUMB Wabbit. Logic fail! Black abortion rates are from the CDC. The CDC is the only US source for annual abortion data. Unfortunately states like California don’t provide abortion data. Puddy can surmize why!
Another of your extrapolate EPIC FAYLEs!
I struck a nerve with the worthless waste-of-time whackjob salt miner @ 84!
Shit! What does that PP rep say to that right wing JOKIII styled asshole?
What a joke that was.. Money is money and facts say only 3 percent of it goes to abortion..
Any response to affordable long-term contraception for black women? It’s been proven to work. Of course not. Tin foil hat conspiracy theories suffice.. We have a black genocide troofer amongst us folks!
FUCK YOU VERY MUCH YOU MISERABLE LIAR! It’s obvious that stroking yourself with HATE is WAAAAAY MORE IMPORTANT to you than any people you claim to care about.
One more thing..
I will discuss ANYTHING I care to discuss if I have sufficient facts on my side..
Like this fact:
b cs -t puddymoron -c
| count |
| 37484 |
1 row in set
Add 313 more comments I have in the snapshot I took of March just a few days ago. 13 COMMENTS A DAY for almost 8 years asshole..
HATE is high priority for YOU!
It was hilarious Bob’s only response to the lower abortion rate in Canada was the “black genocide” card..
No end of idiot madness from the interminably wrong wing.
Did you read the report you unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron?
Per the CDC – Unintended pregnancy rates went up during their study period!
And two single paragraph grabs that KAAAAAAAAAABLAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMOOOOOOOO your fetid comment above…
From the CDC 2008 – Among the 35 areas that reported race for 2008, white women (including Hispanic and non-Hispanic white women) accounted for the largest percentage (52.4%) of abortions; black women accounted for 40.2%, and women in the other races category accounted for 7.3% (Table 12). In contrast, black women had higher abortion rates and ratios than white women and women in the other races category (Table 12). Among the 26 reporting areas that provided data every year during 1999–2008, the percentage distribution of abortions by race changed little; although the percentage of abortions among women in the other races category increased, the percentage remained low (Table 13). Abortion rates decreased among women of all races during 1999–2008. However, among white women, decreases in abortion rates were greater during 1999–2003 than during 2004–2008. Among black women, decreases during 1999–2003 did not continue during 2004–2008, and from 2007 to 2008, abortion rates increased. Abortion ratios decreased during 1999–2008 among women of all races, and these decreases occurred both during 1999–2003 and during 2004–2008. However, this trend reversed among black women from 2007 to 2008 when their abortion ratio increased (Table 13).
From CDC 2009 – Among the 29 areas that reported cross-classified race/ethnicity data for 2009 (Table 12), non-Hispanic white women and non-Hispanic black women accounted for the largest percentages of abortions (37.7% and 35.4%, respectively), whereas Hispanic women and non-Hispanic women in the other races category accounted for smaller percentages (20.6% and 6.3%, respectively). Non-Hispanic white women had the lowest abortion rates (8.5 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years) and ratios (140 abortions per 1,000 live births), whereas non-Hispanic black women had the highest abortion rates (32.5 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years) and ratios (477 abortions per 1,000 live births). Among the 24 areas**** that reported by race/ethnicity every year during 2007–2009, abortion rates decreased for all racial/ethnic groups. The abortion rate decreased 7% for non-Hispanic white women (from 9.1 abortions per 1,000 women in 2007 to 8.5 in 2009) and 6% for Hispanic women (from 20.5 abortions per 1,000 women in 2007 to 19.3 in 2009) but only 1% for non-Hispanic black women (from 34.6 abortions per 1,000 women in 2007 to 34.2 in 2009). In contrast, abortion ratios decreased among non-Hispanic white women but not among women in any other racial/ethnic group. For non-Hispanic white women, the abortion ratio decreased 3% (from 143 abortions per 1,000 live births in 2007 to 138 in 2009), whereas the abortion ratio increased 4% for non-Hispanic black women (from 481 abortions per 1,000 live births in 2007 to 501 in 2009) and 2% for Hispanic women (from 192 abortions per 1,000 live births in 2007 to 195 in 2009). Data also are reported separately by race and by ethnicity for 2009 (Tables 13 and 15) and for 2000–2009 (Tables 14 and 16).
When you grab a Google search but you don’t study the data you provide another unemployed lunatic Pluto boy EPIC FAYLE!
Now to correctly utilize the unemployed lunatic Pluto boy phrases above!
FUCK YOU VERY MUCH YOU MISERABLE LIAR! It’s obvious that stroking yourself with HATE with the unemployed lunatic Pluto boy crazed databaze is WAAAAAY MORE IMPORTANT to you than getting a job and taking care of the three people you claim to care about.
Thanks again for playing! Sux to be you!
94 – Worthless lying with data..
Notable quotes:
Oh why was that? Discussed already. It sure wasn’t teabagger shit after 2010. And this?
OH NOES WHAT HAPPED???? I’ll tell you stupid fool
BUSHIT HAPPENED! Jobs lost at 7-8 hundred k clip.. Poverty happened!
But you got yours right? Oh maybe you didn’t. Hard times for Mr. Perfect.
Damn! You’re a miserable liar! Have your proved your tin foil bullshit yet???
NO! YOU FAILED. Just like YOU and your ilk failed last Nov 6 as long as you continue to HATE instead of think you will fail!
Any support for affordable, effective long-term contraception for black women from the hate-driven puddyhater?
It’s been proven to work. To lower the rate of abortion even.
PP does a lot more of that than abortion.
Did everyone notice how unemployed lunatic Pluto boy changed unemployed lunatic Pluto boy’s tune? Oh more EPIC FAYLE with the crazed databaze! When all else fails try attacking with the crazed databaze. ID10T.
It was unemployed lunatic Pluto boy who threw this up
Well now unemployed lunatic Pluto boy claims contraception doesn’t work because of the recession? Did Puddy hold a weapon to that Neanderthal cranial orifice forcing unemployed lunatic Pluto boy to Google search and find a link to claim contraception worked? Did you read the info? Did you compare it to the CDC data? NOPE you DOPE!
100% prime time BULLSHITTIUM artist! Tin foil hat? ROTFLRHMBBAO! That’s all you got? Stoooooooooooooooopid!
Thanks for playing your latest EPIC FAYLE!
Where you unemployed lunatic Pluto boy idiot? You haven’t proven anything! The link you provided above KAAABLAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMO’d!
Then unemployed lunatic Pluto boy idiot forgets the rest of the paragraph…
Sux to be you unemployed lunatic Pluto boy idiot.
Thanks for playing.
97 – Yawwwn… Any argument there? Any link to a reasonable counter-argument?
No.. Just name-calling and more worthless ad-hominem..
Yeah I said contraception works.. AFFORDABLE CONTRACEPTION.. I backed it up with links IN THIS THREAD.
Any support for that from your miserable ass? None that I’ve seen.. Prove me wrong.
What a joke you are! Mr. “Perfect”..
Sorry YOU FAIL AGAIN! Just like you did last Nov 6.
@100 Pffffffffft,
More BUILLSHITTIUM from unemployed lunatic Pluto boy idiot. Taking about you being unemployed lunatic Pluto boy idiot is ad hominem? Not when one is talking truth! You are the nastiest leftist on this blog. HATE HATE HATE! Just look at your ad hominem attacks on Serial Conservative last week! Watch… unemployed lunatic Pluto boy idiot will copy this post and change words…
You contradicted your unemployed lunatic Pluto boy idiot self from 91 and in 95. Contraception worked per 91 then failed per 95.
Thanks for playing. Why do you hate your family so much and not get a job?
And what’s your problem? Why you only got two kids? Of course I assume abortion is not an option unless rape is a factor..
No different from me on that score.
You shooting blanks? You wrap it? The wife’s union benefits include (gasp!)
101 – Wow still no support for affordable long term contraception for black women.. Just more name-calling…
Damn! I’ve PROVED he cares more about spewing his bullshit hateful tin foil hat conspiracy theories than he does about black women.
What did Veronica Byrd say??
You’re so stupid… Yawwwn.. Enough toying with an idiot for today.
WTF you babbling about? Puddy provides for my children AS A MAN! Why do you hate your family so much and not get a job? Must be unemployed lunatic Pluto boy idiot is NOT A MAN after all! <blockquoteWow still no support for affordable long term contraception for black women.. Just more name-calling…Where did Puddy make a comment on your fetid thoughts? Remember you answer why you hate your family and Puddy will answer your “questions”. Until then talk to the hand unemployed lunatic Pluto boy idiot!
Now unemployed lunatic Pluto boy idiot returns to the Veronica Byrd argument when all else fails.
Hearsay in a courtroom unemployed lunatic Pluto boy idiot! Puddy blew that apart long ago ya moron!
You contradicted your unemployed lunatic Pluto boy idiot self from 91 and in 95. Black contraception supposedly worked per 91 then it failed per 95 because of the recession. Any argument as needed even when they contradict each other.
Enough slapping this unemployed fool around! Gotta go outside in a little while! Thanks for playing!
Fact (cited by the idiot):
No conspiracy I can see. And no support from the idiot for affordable, effective, long-term contraception for black women.
Just worthless babbling. NEXT!
FACT…you so conveniently forgot to post
Why does unemployed lunatic Pluto boy idiot continue to contradict himself?
And you won’t learn Puddy’s response until we all learn why you hate your family and won’t get a job!
Why do you have Mrs SEIU and your son and daughter? Why do you blog all day when others work hard?
Sucks to be you! Thanks for playing.
Here’s an interesting contradiction:
What does this show?? Is the idiot ashamed of his wife? Or ex-wife? Or just a silly pathological liar?
“Butt” (to debunk the worthless lying with data above)
The abortion rate among ALL RACES DECREASED from 1999 – 2008
LOL! I thought according to you I don’t have a daughter..
But you sure have fantasies about the daughters of people who don’t care for your babbling:
I lost my virginity today. God it hurt but he later ate my pussy and I got a male induced orgasm. Clueless daddy, it felt so good that I’m gonna fuck behind your back!” So if that’s the case cluelessASS how would you feel knowing your daughter has chosen to be a nympho slut?
is your daughter turning tricks yet?
Whoa nelly! Pretty twisted fantasies. And that last one? Heh. One can speculate the sort of “comfort” you seek on the road.
She’s Canadian isn’t she? That other part? Well…
Hey asshole (puddyidiot):
The rate of unionization in Canada is 31.7 percent..
That’s f’ing MIND-BLOWING…
Just strengthens my claim about the strong link between poverty and the rate of abortion..
What’s the poverty rate in Canada: 10.8%
Poverty rate in the U.S: 16%
Your old lady is wise to be a “union thug”..
Oh silly me..
He lied about his wife’s skin color because it’s “less stressful” when he bullshits to Steve.
What a fucking idiot!
No inclination whatsoever to say anything to the voices inside your head silly..
That’s for your shrink, cabron.
Hey asshole (puddyliar):
I looked at that exchange between you and Steve..
So who or what would find stressful on a 24/7 basis? Go ahead and lie about this. It’s what you do best.
Steve, Puddy married a dark skinned foreigner.
Now who can really say what the truth is at this point? Not you certainly because truth seems to mean as much to you as your daily solid-waste contributions to the nearest toilet..
I suppose this lets you off the hook.. Whatever you said, you can say (lie?) that Steve made you do it.
Don’t say I never did you a favor.
Qui est veritas? You wouldn’t know what that was if it slapped your unemployed arschloch from WA State to MA State. My my my, it seems Puddy struck a nerve with the unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron! Post #109-#115 with absolutely nothing at all in them. Like the mind of unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron! Stoooooooooopid mofo went ballistic. Still hasn’t told us why he posted #95 to contradict #91?
Is that the best you can do with the crazed databaze unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron? Sad so sad!
Notice he still won’t answer why he enjoys being on HA and left wrong sites all day while staying unemployed and not BEING A MAN! unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron asks questions of others and runs with his tail in his pink lace panties when questioned about his lunacy and hatred!
Good. May be a job will be in his future! Notice the moron forgot
If… Such a sad sack of HorsesASS manure.
And Roger DUMB Wabbit is sadly mistaken in his memory. Maybe the DUMB Wabbit should ask his wife as Mrs Puddy and Puddy shook her hand when SJ introduced each of us to each other. You seem to forget how the DUMB Wabbit’s memory is failing him. Puddy has many of his memory failures cached, like you do. Butt you won’t be an honest broker with the crazed databaze.
BTW you haven’t even got anything correct about Mrs Puddy. All that searching and nothing correct from the crazed databaze. Stay stupid!
Thanks for playing. Puddy PWNs you unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron!
116 – Pfffft… More empty bullshit from a documented liar…
Like I said.. Who can say what the truth is… Certainly not you! You’re a pathological liar!
I won’t bother RR about this again. You’re not worth it..
You don’t care about black women fool.. If you did you’d drop that worthless “black genocide” bullshit and support effective solutions for them.
Poverty rate among black women is 25.9 percent..
That contributes way more to a higher abortion rate than your worthless conspiracy theory droolings…
More facts:
IUD’s (99 percent effectiveness rate) have a very expensive up front cost.. Comparable to an abortion procedure..
You OWN no one (for an african american, a strange fantasy) save for own your madness and ignorance.
You dismiss your calling your ideological adversaries daughter sluts and prostitues.. At least Limbaugh apologized when there was money at stake.. You? Of course not. No money is at stake.
You lie, lie, lie and name call over thousands of comments. It did you no good last November.. It does you no good now..
Oh this isn’t true anymore?
She let the market decide after all.. Congrats to her.. I guess all your ranting and raving about “union thugs” had its intended effect.
But I have to remember this is coming from a documented pathological liar who’ll say anything to stroke himself.
@116 One of the things we try to do here is be fair to everyone, so I asked Mrs. Rabbit, and she says Mrs. Puddy looked like “light-skinned Eastern Indian” to her, or maybe “biracial” such as English and Eastern Indian. You know, kind of in-between, could look “foreign” to one rabbit and “caucasian” to another rabbit.
It should be pointed out that Mrs. Rabbit is especially sensitive to such nuances because she herself is a product of two different rabbit sub-species, so I guess you could say she’s “bi-rabbit.” So she picks up on nuances I might miss.
Mrs. Rabbit suggests we go with “multicultural.” I’m not sure who she’s referring to.
No contradiction moron.. Just another nail in your stupidness coffin..
More people dropping falling through the cracks of the idiot son Bush’s economy means more women choosing between food/rent and birth control. Divorces, breakups, foreclosures and other shit happens and more abortion procedures are then needed in a mad scramble to survive.
If you have no health insurance how are you going to have the baby? In an ER? When you’ve lost your job, where’s the money for proper nutrition and doctor’s office visits much less support a child after birth.
Did you go to college to get this stupid???
Thanks for the clarifying RR..
Dark skinned? Heh.. Sounds like the idiot was still bullshitting Steve over what’s “stressful”..
What a dickhead!
What was that I kept hearing about pipelines being safe and in great condition?
Reuters) – Exxon Mobil on Sunday continued cleanup of a pipeline spill that spewed thousands of barrels of heavy Canadian crude in Arkansas as opponents of oil sands development latched on to the incident to attack plans to build the Keystone XL line.
@123 Yeah, based on my allegedly defective memory and Mrs. Rabbit’s impeccable memory (trust me, she never forgets a damned thing), puddy can quibble with “caucasian” if that’s how he wants to get his jollies, but “dark-skinned” isn’t very supportable.
You know, I was just thinking about Obama, you know that “dark-skinned” guy wingnuts despise so much they even made up shit about him being born in Kenya and educated in Indonesian terrorism schools.
Obama hasn’t been any great friend of liberals. On the other hand, he’s been a tremendous boon for every Bushevik apparatchik who was facing potential jail time for warmongering and/or torturing. Obama gave legal immunity to all of these swine. Nobody went to jail for the crimes against humanity committed by the Bush administration. It’s probably not a good idea for Cheney and some others to plan a vacation to Canada or Europe, but otherwise they’re home free.
This is what you’d expect from a Republican president, but not from a liberal one. Of course, Obama is more Republican-lite than liberal on a host of other issues, too.
So where did these stupid wingnut fucks ever get the idea that Obama is their Public Enemy #1? They should be glad to have him.
Keep that thought unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron! It will explode in that unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron face!
Hey DUMB Wabbit,
You be at Drinking Libtards on Tuesday? If so you’ll eat those caucasian words. Then we’ll discuss your fault memory! And other things you are losing lately!
the rest of unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron rants above are pure lunacy! pure lunacy!
Hey DUMB Wabbit,
Mrs Wabbit has a much better memory than you do DUMB Wabbit. But there is no biracial in Mrs Puddy! See you Tuesday DUMB Wabbit?
Hey Roger,
The fool @ 128 just did you a favor!
Now did it sound more like a threat than a promise?
Liberals will do well to steer clear.. Who wants to share the same space with something so repellent?
As long as the unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron isn’t there that will be fine enough for the Puddys’. Will the unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron be looking for a job to provide additional support for Mrs SEIU? Puddy doubts it. unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron is NOT A MAN!
unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron is lazy and shiftless. Witness his continual posting while Puddy was outside enjoying the day with Mrs Puddy!
Everything is a threat to the unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron! unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron is neurotic, and very stoooooooooooopid!
Sucks to be unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron. Thanks for playing!
Like your genocide and tin foil hat bullshit?
Yaaaawwnn.. Hardly..
64 percent of African Americans who support choice don’t see themselves as victims. Probably not even most of those who oppose choice. You? You’re just a paranoid idiot..
Heh. That was funny! I called that one perfect!
After the dinner hour on Saturday night:
Comments 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75 and 76.
Primes the pump in his own special way.. Hating liberals.
unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron@133, that is still true today… Where is Jesse and Al on those issues?
unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron – AKA ID10T!
And 70% of them support marriage as one man and one woman.
Sucks to be you unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron. All you have is your couch and a sad life. Puddy is all over the world all the time. unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron sits there are counts Puddy’s entries. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Thanks for playing!
Today on Fox News Sunday we learned Jared Loughner, devout libtard, shooter of Gabby Giffords passed a background check even though he was a loony tune like unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron! You can thank the ACLU who blocks mental issues from being checked in a gun background check.
The little granddaughter of Dallas Green paid the price for ACLU intransigence!
Off to dinner and some fun tonight..
See ya loser @ 136..
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa this unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron can tell between all black peeples and Republican black peeples!
Damn unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron is Stooooooooooooopid!
Interesting from NPR. Polygamy? Didn’t libtards ridicule Rick Santorum over his comments of gay marriage could lead to polygamy? Yes libtards did!
Actually, puddles, the mockery was over the “man on dog” portion of his quote.
But keep making stuff up.
You mean man on goat… ekim! Not making it up!
Hey K,
Don’t let facts slap you up de ASS!
Once again “K” steps in it.
Butt keep making stuff up O-“K”?
Bwaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
Don’t know who “Obummer” is.. But it would be a LIE if someone was to say second term President Obama is trying to do anything to overturn any vote of the people in CA..
It’s late but the only cause of any “vote change” in CA pertaining to marriage that comes to mind is Hollingsworth vs. Perry (formerly Perry v Schwarzenegger then Perry v. Brown), a lawsuit filed on behalf on two same-sex couples deprived of their constitutional rights by CA Prop 8.. Plaintiff’s attorneys were David Boies and Ted Olson – former solicitor general of the George W. Bush administration.
Prop 8 was struck down as unconstitutional just like Eyman initiatives in this State have been struck down..
Voting majorities can vote to pass unconstitutional laws – that’s why we have courts to act as a check on the popular will. Anyone who doesn’t know this flunked or forgot basic civics.
This says to me that some of “ALL blacks in CA” have changed their minds.. Let the momentum continue! Minds were changed in the Military.. Let minds continue to change among black people in CA.
145)Cultural disaproval is one of the reasons that former City Councilmember Charyl CHow kept being a Lesbian a secret, even after she was out of politics. I liked what she said in an interview after coming out last year, “What were they going to do, kill her” as she was dieing of cancer.
I just finally got to see Lincoln. Very interesting movie, and one thing that has stayed the same, is that we have 2 parties, one that is uniform in opposition, one that is like herding cats. The party labels have just changed. The Conservative Republicans and the Democrats were pushing for peace, even while the Union Forces were laying siege to Confederate strongholds in Petersburg, right out side of Richmond. The vote over the 13th Amendment occurred at the end of January, the Civil War would be over within 6 months(although Richmond and Appomatox ocurred in April, the last Confederate armies in the field did not get the news, until June). One of the Ladies shouting in the Gallery was played by the sister of a later president(Ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith). Another thing I liked about the movie, was the conflicts that President Lincoln had with his cabinet, especially Secretary of War Stanton.
This is one story I could not believe. I always thought that Montana’s Rimrock Stage Lines(also does business as Rimrock Trailways) was a well run company, but late last month, the Federal Motor Safety Administration, issued an Out of Service Order, citing an immediate hazard. Apparently, the company’s safety controls had suffered recently. Rimrock hopes to fix the problems and be running again, but the shutdown created a big void, as Rimrock had the bulk of the non-Greyhound route in the Big Sky state. Among other companies moving in to fill the void, Minnesota-based Jefferson Lines.
For the bulk of US2 in Montana, there is no bus services, with Amtrak providing ground transportation. The last time that a passenger train called at Great Falls was when the last Great Falls connection of Burlington Northern’ s Western Star ran, 1971.
Alex Jones nails it!
Chris Matthews on MSNBC!
NY Times… Phil Ramone dead at 79.
NBC News… Phil Ramone dead at 72. – The KLOWN station got it wrong.
More biased news of 2013? – He won by more than twenty percent
@128 No, I won’t; the Mrs. and I have dance class on Tuesdays. Sorry.
@130 Don’t make a special trip just for me, because I won’t be there, see #153.
@138 Sounds like we need tougher background checks.
@138 (continued) I’m not sure how one can “learn” anything from a propaganda studio … whatever.
Good to see the fucking puddypussy is still as much of a complete moron as he always was.
I really respect consistency…even if in a total fucking loon.
Oh my rujaxoff reappears. Did you get a call from the unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron asking for help? Prove me wrong above rujaxoff!
157 – Remember Emerson rujax..
“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds”
Welcome back man! Few drive these little minded right wing fools to fits better than you.
Versus a leftist hobgoblin with no mind whatsoever – unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron!
Hey your buddy Benson (the great black hope) is all butt-hurt by being outed as an intolerant bigoted jerk. Then he blames liberals for him being an asshole.
Must be taking a page from the puddypussy playbook…looks like a sack and a safety to me (that play NEVER works).
Welcome back, Rujax!.
YLB tried to take your spot while you were away.