Thom: Is Gov. Rick Snyder (R-MI) lying about election rigging?
Obama speaks on immigration reform.
- Sam Seder: Sen. McCain desperately seeking vindication for his Iraq war position.
- Maddow: McCain tries to use Hagel to justify his Iraq war position.
- Ed: The GOP’s total disrespect for a war hero
- Maddow: Ted Cruz thinks he is qualified to judge Senators Kerry and Hagel on military issues
- Sam Seder: Ted Cruz goes all Palin on Hagel.
SlateTV: Bloomberg on Joe Biden’s family jewels.
Ed: Latest GOP vote-rigging attempt hits a speed bump.
Stephen on Eric Erickson’s climate change denial (via Crooks and Liars).
Robert Reich: the hoax of “entitlement reform” (via Crooks and Liars).
Mark Fiore: Super Pacs and the Permanent Campaign.
Gun Lobbyists Don’t Kill Legislation, Legislators Kill Legislation:
- Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn on gun buy-back.
- Sam Seder: The NRA enemies list.
- Ann Telnaes: NRA and the gun show loophole.
- Pap: How the gun industry sells mass shootings.
- Thom: Typical school day in NRA utopia.
- Stephen: “Oh, Mississippi!”
- Lawrence O’Donnell: NRA wants women to arm themselves with assault rifles.
- Sam Seder: Young mother’s soothed by assault weapons?!?
- Young Turks: NRA lobbies against its own positions.
- Jon: Skeet-Gate!
- Thom: Why the hell is the NRA at Senate hearings?!?
- Sam Seder: NRA speaks at Senate Hearings
Hillary says “goodbye”.
Sharpton: Colin Powell takes Bill O’Reilly to school over voter fraud.
White House: West Wing Week.
Sharpton: Obama makes progress on his 2nd term agenda.
Thom with more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Palin’ Around With Terrorists:
- Liberal Viewer: Did Tina Fey soften Sarah Palin’s image?
- Sam Seder: Sarah Palin leaves FAUX News.
Bill Gates on education, health and Facebook.
Bill Maher with some new rules, Part I.
Bill Maher with some new rules, Part II.
Young Turks: Republican against voter fraud arrested for voter fraud.
Snohomish County plan to put police in schools.
Stephen learns that Gays are less stressed.
The G.O.P. Makeover Comb over:
- Maddow: The GOP’s War on Women™ continues to rage in Republican states:
- Ann Telnaes: Republican plan for the future.
- Sam Seder: Republicans take lessons to sound less hateful of Latinos
- Young Turks: G.O.P. has lost the culture wars.
- Maddow: Republicans learn to talk, Part I
- Maddow: Republicans learn to talk, Part II
- Alex Wagner: The tug-o-war for the soul of the G.O.P.
- Zina Saunders: Republican control press conference:
- Ed: The G.O.P. doubles down on the 47%
Thom: Why does the pro-life movement align with the pro-death party?
Obama honors America’s top scientists and innovators of 2011.
Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: Immigration.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Kap’n Kornflake – – Serial Reneger with fantasies of pedophilia,
Meet the obligation of the wager you lost to me 3 months ago predicting Rmoney would win the election.
Write a check for $1,000 payable to Northwest Harvest and mail it to Darryl.
Stop being a freeloading taker and start living up to your obligations. WRITE and SEND the check.
Recall that for 4 years we’ve heard how the socialist Obama would destroy the economy. Recall that the Republican candidate and his supporters consistently berated the President’s policies and the damage they had done and would do to business.
S&P 500 Off to Best Start Since ’97 as Stocks Lead Gains
Ah, 1997. Remember which political party had the White House in 1997?
Yep, Democrats.
“There are some people in politics and in the press who can’t be confused by the facts. They just will not live in an evidence-based world. And that’s regrettable. It’s regrettable for our political system and for the people who serve our government in very dangerous, difficult circumstances.”
Wrong about Clinton.
Wrong about George W. Bush.
Wrong about Obama.
Republicans – WRONG, now and forever.
Hannity: A New Recession Is “The Quickest Possible Way” GOP Can Make A Political Comeback
Limbaugh: “Maybe A Sour Economy Is Worth It” If It Distracts Obama From Other Priorities
So called ‘Conservatives’ don’t give a shit about you and your family.
BREAKING: Black Man Brandishes Firearm
And he looks like a soshuleest!
@4 Over here on the dry side we had a thousand or so gun rights people get together at a gun store on Iderho to celebrate the 2nd. At the time I wondered what the response would be if a couple of dozen black guys showed up armed to the teeth to help the festivities along.
Rags at (un)SP is raving manic in the latest pudge thread..
GOPers may be pulling back (slightly) from their Electoral College rigging scheme for now, because of negative media publicity, but that’s just so they can sneak up on us later. The GOP will never pass up an opportunity to rig elections, because with their agenda they have no chance of winning fair and square. And they won’t change their agenda to make themselves electablce because, well, because imposing their agenda is what it’s all about.
As for Michigan GOP Gov. Rick Snyder, he’s merely the most dishonest of the Republican governors, among a disreputable lot.
Since the HA Constitutional scholar @ 7 is weighing in about the Electoral College, maybe he might deign to enlighten us as to his unique method of working around it in a future presidential election.
Hey, RR, there’s a comment waiting for you
on another thread.
You gonna answer Darryl’s question? After all, you’re an attorney and a judge. Should be easy.
I’m just wondering:
Is it any worse to ‘rig’ @ 7 the Electoral College than it is to ignore
it by some sort of workaround scheme?
If only there were someone with the wisdom and experience of, I dunno, maybe an attorney and a judge to explain why one is an eeevvvviiiiiilllll Rethuglican approach and the other is somehow OK to a liberal.
Any thoughts, RR?
Obama Jobs Record
Excluding January 2009, when Obama was president for only 12 days, the economy’s net jobs creation is +685,000 through January 2013. In other words, more people have been hired than laid off during his presidency. (Source: Barron’s, 2/4/13, p. M1)
Snohomish County plan to put police in schools.
So, when the NRA dude suggested putting armed guards in schools, seems to me I recall people around here thinking that was a bad idea. If I could use the HA search engine thingy correctly I wouldn’t have to rely on my recall.
Newtown wants them:
Do we still think this is a bad idea? A knee-jerk reaction to what happened, perhaps?
And, if so, is this any worse an idea than most of the knee-jerk efforts we’re seeing to restrict gun use? (Notice I used the word most in that sentence, since I think the tightening of the background check, and the merger of all of those separate databases, makes good sense.)
@8 I didn’t bother to answer because everyone (except you) knows the answer, and also because I’m not your fucking research assistant (although I’m available if you pay me), but just to shut you up here’s the answer:
And in response to your question of whether the GOP’s electoral college rigging scheme is worse than this popular-vote workaround, my response is: Look up the meaning of “unfair” and “fair.”
@ 10
You can pick and choose all you want. I would simply look at the current trend line. Using that trend line the nation won’t be back to ‘full’ employment until 2022:
People like Deathfrogg really can’t wait that long.
We’re creating jobs at a pace either at, barely above, or somewhat below the natural rate of population expansion in this country, depending on the month one might choose, RR. Labor participation rate is falling or the unemployment rate would be reported far higher than it is.
Spin that.
Kap’n Kornflake – – Serial Reneger with fantasies of pedophilia,
Stop yammering nonsense and pay up.
Serial Douche Bag – Take the elephant out of your ass, it’s not a dildo.
Surely you did not TRUST a verbose conservative
to honor a wager??? Are you daft?
As far as he’s concerned you are a worthless liberal, unworthy of honorable treatment by his superior status
@16 Expat(!)Chad,
No, I never trusted Kap’n Kornflake.
But given that he made the wager, I intend to hound him to meet his obligation until he fulfills it.
You & I know he never shall. But by constantly reminding all who frequent here that this POS who talks so much ‘conservative‘ bullshit does not live up to his obligations, it provides a useful reminder of the utter nonsense he spews.
GO for it!
Could our state legislature possibly suck any harder? We’ve told them no on this before. We shouldn’t even have to tell them no. This is just stupid.
If the NRA is so concerned about school safety why are the following on their blacklist?
Could it be that the NRA really doesn’t give a fuck about school safety? I think that might be the answer.
@ 20
None of those organizations are groups of children. They’re groups of people on the public dole.
We saw what Wisconsin educators really care about not so long ago.
Don’t conflate children and the people who are paid to work with them.
John McCain is still trying to justify the Vietnam Nam war. He really needs to retire and tour the nation eating chicken and peas while collecting big speaking fees. Perhaps a spot on Fox, where old out of fashion Republicans go to die.
Somehow, I doubt the NRA, a gun manufactures organization, knows more about kids, kids with mental illness, and keeping kids safe, than these folks.
American Association of School Administrators
American Counseling Association
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Council of the Great City Schools
Council of Chief State School Officers
National Association of School Psychologists
National Association of School Safety and Law Enforcement Officers
Interesting article in the Seattle Times on Seattle’s first, and so far, only woman mayor, Bertha Knight Landes. A good government reformer(at a time when the city needed it), and an irony on that. The unknown that defeated her in 1928, was later recalled!(Unlike Hiram Gill, Frank Edwards did the unpardonable, fired the head of City Light, voters worried about an attempt to sell, fought back)
Even the Market Street Railway in San Francisco has a good Super Bowl post. An article on San Francisco Municipal Railway PCC No 1063, painted in honor of Baltimore’s old streetcar operator(the fleet is painted to honor former operators of the type, including a few from SF Muni), The reason, they chose to do the article with a photo of the Baltimore car? They did it during the World Series with the one that honors the Detroit Department of Street Railways, but the caveat there, was the Detroit Tigers did not win the World Series when the city operated the type, but Baltimore won the NFL Championship twice during that era(1958 and 1959), and the article mentions this difference. Just thought it was interesting, either way.
American Sniper dead. A lot of good his guns did him or his partner. Two against one and they are both dead. I thought guns made you safer. Maybe the American Sniper can teach everyone how to die by the gun.
If you don’t play you can’t win (Lottery), if you don’t have a gun or are near one you can’t loose (Die).
Gas prices have been rising.. It wasn’t that long ago I paid $3.09 with the help of some Safeway gas points..
Now the local ARCO posted $3.43..
Anyway, this says it may go up to $3.90 by Memorial Day before it drops again to what I just paid..
Nothing like a sucky economy to keep gas prices in check.
Every third grade school curriculum should include the teaching of bomb making – the right to bear arms!
Isn’t this just like a right winger?
Punishing hybrid car owners for using less gas and polluting less..
Jawb kweatohs want tax cut..
The nation’s falling fertility rate underlies many of our most difficult problems. Once a country’s fertility rate falls consistently below replacement, its age profile begins to shift. You get more old people than young people. And eventually, as the bloated cohort of old people dies off, population begins to contract. This dual problem—a population that is disproportionately old and shrinking overall—has enormous economic, political and cultural consequences.
So, just as Lib Sci’s children hit their peak earning years, the younger generation they will be counting on to help them support the aging Lib Sci, YLB, and Deathfrogg won’t be there. Taxes raised, Social Security contribution raised, retirement age raised.
Yup, good thing all these liberal policies and attitudes intended to limit new life coming into the world have succeeded.
Think of the bright side, tho: All that debt Lib Sci has piled on to his children’s economic futures has made some really nice sidewalks to nowhere, bankrupt battery-makers bought by foreign corporations for a song, and windmills that will cut a bird into two pieces faster than any carving knife.
Progress, y’all.
Poor Willard (R-Money) is in mourning…
He was counting on that toy to win the Oval Office from the Kenyan soshuleest usurper.
This is the end… dum, dum, dum..
Beautiful friend..
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
Break out the popcorn fellow liberals!
Don’t Fire An Employee And Leave Them In Charge Of The Corporate Twitter Account
A Seal sniper with 150 combat kills dies by the sword..
Heh.. And right wing idiots want to cut the VA.. The “community” can better care for returning vets with PTSD..
Jawb kweatohs need tax cuts.
Link to this is now headlining on Drudge:
Today on Meet the Press Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta admitted that information gleaned from waterboarded detainees was used to track down al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden and kill him.
Waterboarding is bad. Except it helped the US, and Obama, get OBL.
Drones are bad. Except suddenly not so much since Obama quadrupled their use.
Guns are bad. Except when there’s a need for a timely placement of a photo-op photo of Obama using one.
Everything old is new again!
Heh. Hey Bob.. Didn’t know you were into “derpology”….
Two celebrations @26 @34 of the murder of a combat veteran.
Day’s young, yet. I’m sure there will be more. RR’s not here yet.
LMAO!!! Government workers you “stole our money”.. Now give it back to right wing jawb kweatohs…
awwww.. tax cuts weren’t enough.. jawb kweatohs need help..
37 – More like a repudiation of right wing “derpology”..
The VA will be cut.. Nothing stands in the way of jawb kweatohs and their tax cuts.
@ 36
I’m pretty sure that warning is to help out Chris Hughes, new head honcho at TNR. He pretty much was behind the Team Obama 2008 internet presence. But since his publication is too stupid to recognize an obvious photoshop
as fake, and linked to it as if it was the real thing, the White House figured they had to help him out and make sure people knew that photoshopping is bad. Unlike when Palin was newsworthy and it was cool to photoshop her head onto the body of a chick in a bikini holding a rifle.
People need jobs… Fixing this situation would help:
But jawb kweatohs need tax cuts.. GREECE!
@ 38
You misread this piece in your link. The funds would be loaned, not given. And yes, job creators need help.
Or, at minimum, less government hindrance.
ZZzzzzz… Everyone knew that was fake..
The real thing was enough of a joke..
From the “gubmint”??? What about the tax cuts Bob??
All they gotta do is keep their own money.. Then they can “work hard”, “use their hands”, “pull themselves up by their own bootstraps”..
If they need financing – just go to the “free market”. The friendly neighborhood bankster is more than willing to help.
What kind of a right winger are you?
@ 41
Again, you misread your link. It’s a state allocation issue. Concerns about how WA spends federal highway funds? Don’t blame the feds.
The Federal Highway Administration pays as much as 80 percent of the cost of states’ major road projects but it has little say over how they spend the money.
Cathy St. Denis, a spokeswoman for the agency, said it determined whether projects were eligible for federal reimbursement, and oversaw and monitored them.
“Ultimately, state departments of transportation and local planning organizations make decisions about which projects to advance based on the needs and priorities of local communities and the state,” she said.
It’s difficult to know how efficiently the states are spending funds, because the agency releases little data that’s useful for making state-by-state comparisons. The GAO and the U.S. Transportation Department’s inspector general have repeatedly faulted the agency’s data-collection methods.
Law requires the department to submit detailed annual reports to Congress on how the states invest federal highway funds. The reports categorize about one-quarter, or $10 billion of the total spending by the states each year, as “other.”
Read more here:
@ 43
Everyone knew that was fake..
My point exactly…..
41 – And you fail to see the point entirely…
Are you saying right wing states like Texas and the Carolinas aren’t “wise stewards” of the public purse?
A tidal wave appears in the distance..
It’s called “cap and dividend”…
Imagine that. “Re-distribution” that might just save the planet.
Typical double standard.
First he says
The Rich need less government hindrance on how they spend their and other people’s money.
And then he says….
The states need more government hindrance on how they spend their and other people’s money.
Who needed regulation hindrances more? Enron or Olympia? WAMU or Washington DC?
@29 – they are a bunch of nut jobs. Got their assholes turned inside out.
Bob @37 those weren’t celebrations, you would like to think they are too negate the meaning of the messages. You are a scum bag to stupid to understand the point of view.
yeah liberals are to blame for the low birth rate, how funny. what a dip shit Bob is.
Bob, take the elephant out of your ass you scum bag. You are nothing more than a negative voice bringing down the world.
Beyonce’s show was busy, busy, busy.. OK singer (and easy enough on the eyes) but her show was designed for the ADD generation..
And the power outage..
Another Republican family-values hypocrite bites the dust:
“Nebraska Lt. Gov. Rick Sheehy resigned abruptly Saturday in a scandal involving thousands of calls to four women on his state-issued cellphone … none of whom were his wife ….”
@ 56
Asked to comment on the Nebraska Lt. Gov. scandal, former congressman Anthony Weiner was at an uncharacteristic loss for words.
Hey, at least the Neb. Lt. Gov. knows that cell phones are for making phone calls.