Please join us tonight for some politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. The festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at 8:00 pm.
Not in Seattle? The Drinking Liberally web site has dates and times for 340 other chapters of Drinking Liberally for you to shoot for.
Roger Rabbit rarely attends DL because there’s too many Republican drunks racing up and down Montlake Boulevard.
Darryl, why don’t you guys discuss how heterosexuals are murderers, rapist thieves. Disgraceful individuals whom the 10 Commandments were written for specifically. Even God new of the short comings of the heterosexual.
Someone may have that discussion; but, frankly, it doesn’t sound like a very interesting conversation.
Manny’s! I’m looking forward to drinking Manny’s tonight. I’m also looking forward to warming up a bit at the alehouse. The house is a bit chilly.
Rush has made MILLIONS slaughtering democrats and their retarded ideals. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Nobody can debate him and win. NOBODY. He’s the king.
Gman. We get it. Fudgepackers are superior.
Dont you get tired of the shit on your dick? Maybe you and Steve could date? YLB Might be a fudgepacker, I’m not sure. It’s worth a try.
Why not discuss how Steve Wynn smacked Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm on Fox News Sunday…
I tried raising your topic of conversation with two people. Here is my report:
The first person responded, “You sound like Gman!” and then proceeded to make fun of you.
The second person responded, “You sound like Gman!” and then wondered what psychopathology you suffer from.
I tried, man!
This is some sweet commentary about libtardo MSNBC.
Or you can discuss this about Canada’s wonderful health system…
Now Puddy wonders why correctnotright didn’t highlight this wonderful health case…
@8 – give it time, they will come around to realize that heterosexuals are nothing more than murderers, rapists and thieves. God hates Heterosexuals, he knew they would disappoint him hence the 10 Commandments; he had little faith in Heterosexuals and he was right – God hates Heterosexuals.
@9 – what a dried up old Jew. Couldn’t make it in life, so he tries to pretend he is some kind of Mush Limbooh hooo. God hates Mush.
Don’t you get tired of the shit in your head?
You know, where normal people have a cerebral CORTEX?
Is this@14 another of your read between the lines moments? Why are you really moving to SouthEast Asia?
BTW how many HA libtardos heeded your call for financial support for the Philippines flooding? Did your good buddy Bruce contact you with his charitable donation? How about ylb arschloch? Did he throw his “pennies from heaven” your way?
Now here’s a story to warm a Democrat’s heart… 15 abortions on purpose in 17 years…
gman angry…..starfish aching…..round muscle not working….adult diapers on shopping list…
14 Size 8 and using both halves baby. I had to dumb it down to lure you in. Worked like a charm. You a packer of fudge?
@5 “Rush has made MILLIONS slaughtering democrats and their retarded ideals.”
He didn’t get it from us, so it must be YOUR money. As you said, “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” — except the laugh’s on you stupes!
@9 Big deal. Any loon can post anything on You Toob. Having a soapbox isn’t the same thing as having something to say, dummy.
@10 Living here in Seattle, I don’t see Canadians lining up at our local health clinics, so their health care must be okay.
Heh. Stupes as usual has no argument so he leaves little droppings instead.
This thread is so polluted with right wing bullshit.. It stinks..
@13 Life? Why do you assume puddlehead is organic? I know rocks smarter than him.
@22 Yeah, the trolls’ heads are exploding tonight. Is there a full moon?
Roger Feral Dumb Bunny farts
Thank you soooooooooooooooooo much for describing Darryl’s YouTube post at the thread head.
You really know how to explain the obvious!
Hey Roger@23, When did Puddy become a Jew?
Oops… this was one of your exercises at thread comprehension. My bad.
Of course ylb arschloch@22 didn’t see his signature URLs on this thread so he uses his tired old words from a tired not so old unemployed moronic fool!
Why is that ylb arschloch?
Didn’t get your marching orders this evening?
Looks like AEI has it nailed.
Hey Puddy found ylb arschloch’s profile You need to add something pithy ylb arschloch…
and so is his head….
Ylb no worky……bills must be paid……send wife to worky…… internet all day…..
Rush Limbaugh is Buffoon-in-Chief of the Republican Party. Back in the day, Republicans would have been aghast that such could be true. Today? Not so much. There are no serious thinkers left in the Republican Party, just the dregs from the bottom of the keg–the marks, puddy, cynical, troll, whatever. You folks are sad. Get used to the marginalization coming your way.
Pud, try to get those 2 neurons to talk to each other for a moment here: I did not solicit any money to be sent to me. How the hell would I know if the people you’re sliming contributed. Did you?
Are you going to join your scintillating buddy Cynical in attributing ulterior motives to my future there?
I am cut to the quick. I do not know how I will survive without your confidence and approval.
Do you feel better now? Good.
34: “I do not know how I will survive without your confidence and approval.”
You must be a confident person. My self-esteem is entirely dependent on Puddy’s approval of whatever I do. I have to text him to see if it’s okay to pee. Don’t you recognize that Puddy’s a god?
re 5: “Nobody can debate him and win.” That’s because he won’t debate anyone. Even Colbert and John Stewart could knock him on his ass in a debate.
“When I’m onstage, I’m in character — and my character is an idiot who doesn’t understand anything.” Stephen Colbert
Kind of like all the wingnut talking heads.
Heh. Yet more dropping from the too sick right wing…
and the hate… the fecklessness of it.. I find it hilarious..
Carry on fools.. You dig the hole ever deeper for yourselves..
it’s very, very important to love homo’s.
homo’s are cool because they screw each other in the ass and suck each other off and are very proud of it
proud enuf to have parades and celebration days.
it takes guts to be a homo 1st off and then it sure takes guts to celebrate it.
i’m tired of folks being mean to homo’s.
go out and love homo’s today.
Not only are the two neurons fully operational, but the other 100 trillion are working just fine. You made a plea for HA Libtardos to send money to Philippines. Puddy never said you received the money. Puddy was writing to see if anyone contacted you and said they were moved by your plea.
Mr and Mrs Puddy were moved and we sent. Your buddy Bruce made an ASS out of himself with his commentary on how conservatives are cheap. Well, we all know it’s liberals who will spend anyone else’s money. Check out the Salvation Army study. Ask the HA arschloch ylb arschloch for the original PuddyMissive on the subject. Very telling.
Regarding my questioning your ulterior motives for moving to SouthEast Asia, see how it feels when someone wonders about your motives? This is how HA Libtardos attack we who think right all the time. Butt if the foo shits… for ylb arschloch that’s if the shoe fits being a dumb brick of a “man”…
Regarding Proud Leftist, he has problems comprehending UW Professor commentary so Puddy discounts him all the time.
homo’s are cheap
they spend their money on themselves hoping to get screwed in the butt.
some of the homos on this blog don’t want you to know they are homos but they move to foreign countries to satisfy their urges & desires.
homos are cool and tricky
@11: Gee…do I have to document all the medical errors in our country under the current system?
wow, Puddy, another strong argument! hahahhaa
Anectdotal Puddy strikes again…failure to marshall a real argument due to excessive hubris.
Once again facts are lost on correctnotright.
This is why we who think right laugh OUT LOUD at your stupidity correctnotright the fool. Where in America do WE transplant smoker lungs? Then they added
Hello. We’re very sorry you received smoker’s lungs already containing cancer. We have a policy of when we screw up it’s your fault. So we can’t give you new lungs. We are absolved of any wrongdoing by the National Health Service because the government supports our medical practices.
Pavlov was waiting for his anecdotal claim.
correctnotright such a blatant ASS.
What a vapid, insipid little pinhead you are Puddy.
Why is correctnotright so stupid all the time?
You provided the most excellent template for being a vapid, insipid BIG pinhead. Roger Feral Dumb Bunny claims we should emulate your actions, deeds, thoughts and words, so Puddy wondered who should he emulate… Puddy decided you would be Puddy’s role model for vapid, insipid BIG pinheadedness.
Thanks a lot ylb arschloch.
A Badge Of Honor!
Hey Stupes,
Could this be the result of “conservative politics”?
And your buddy the gay hater, glort or whatever he’s calling himself is probably really into this:
A federal judge, appointed by George W. Bush, has issued a blistering ruling against the head “birther” Orley Taitz, and fined her $20,000 for wasting the court’s time with frivolous claims.
Source: http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....thers.html
Puddy supports all frivolous lawsuit judgments not just against birthers but against ambulance chasers, doctors who are right but are forced to settle because the insurance company doesn’t want to have to defend the doctor, etc.
Do you agree with Puddy?
What a fool ylb arschloch is…
Glort attacks your good friend and hiney buddy Gman because of his heterosexual hatred… Did you forget the conversation between Darryl and Gman above? Of course you did… you are a dumb brick with libtardo memory disease. You only focus on what you read because in another thread you told all of us it’s what you hear from others not what you personally experience. Hence the dumb brikc moniker. Now Gman is a hater butt, of course, that’s okay with you ylb arschloch cuz you are a well known hater too.
@45: Not my fault if you can’t make a cogent argument and resort to your usual third-grade level name calling.
Grow up, little Puddy. Once again you offer anectdotes….too bad you really have no dsata to support your illogical conclusions.
Still waiting on the republican health care plan. I have yuet to see a cogent argument on what changes the republicans would make.
More competition across state lines…hahha, we tried that and cut-rate insurance companies ripped people off. Then the big companies gobbled up the little ones. There is no competition.
Tort reform: Independent studies have shown this will alter costs by under 1%. In comparison, the insurance companies have over 20% profit and beauracratic overhead. the insurance exec’s make millions or more and get big bonuses as the rates are raised (but Medicare has under a 3% overhead).
We pay almost twice as much as for helath care as any other country in the world and we rank next to Slovenia (37th) in health.
The US pays more for drugs than any other country in the world (and it costs us tax money in Medicare because the republican bill refused to allow us to negotiate for lower rates – one more example of republicans in the pocket of the drug companies).
these are all facts….and your argument is?
some side topic…or some anectdote….
How sad.
@54…….is that the sound your ass makes when your “partner” pulls out?