Last week’s Bird’s Eye View Contest was won by ChefJoe. It was Pocatello, ID.
As I mentioned last week, that was the final Bird’s Eye Contest. Last week, it was announced that my company is being acquired by the HERE group within Nokia. Up until now, this weekly contest was never about promoting a particular technology or mapping service, but since I’ll soon be working for one, that’s the one I’ll be using. HERE’s maps do not have the aerial views that I’ve used for this contest up until now, but it does have a large set of street views.
So starting next week, I’m planning to set up this contest as a ‘Street View’ contest, where instead of an aerial view, you’ll have to guess the location of a street view from HERE.
One aspect of the previous contest I’d like to continue is the rotation between random locations, single-state random locations, and locations related to news events. I may need to think through some other aspects of how this’ll work, so please let me know your thoughts in the comments.
As always, thanks for playing and making this a fun contest every week.
I was photographed by a HERE camera car two weeks ago. It is not available on the map yet, but I’ll let you know if I see myself on their street view.
That one definitely needs to be a contest location!