1. “Them libruls are stealin’ our tax money!”
Here’s a fancy little nugget from my favorite sociopathic troll at Postman on Politics:
KingCo has already sucked up most of the transportation money with that rip-off called a gas tax.
Now Seattle believes the rest of the state should pay for their harbor beautification project?
Screw that.Posted by Hinton at 04:28 PM, Jan 24, 2007
Nevermind the fact that King County exports gas taxes to less populated counties. This is a common refrain among the wingnut “flying monkeys.”
2. “The Democrats control the ________!!”
Unless you’re talking about government in Washington state, what do Democrats really control?
Let’s face it, Washington is a tough state for Repubs because the Dems own the newspapers, the universities, the non-profits, ects.
Posted by thatcher at January 24, 2007 06:53 PM
Do Democrats “own” these things? Granted, most colleges have lots of liberals. But current UW President Mark Emmert was a college buddy of Mike McGavick, and they were still pretty close as of the beginning of McGavick’s campaign.
Washington state’s newspapers are owned by right-of-center families (like these two) or they are owned by big corporations. The Seattle P-I is liberal, but the Times? As if!
(I don’t know why this douche mentions “non-profits”, but the WA-based think tanks skew heavily to the right.)
3. The Seattle P-I and “Sound Off”
The P-I has a great little feature that is currently not available at the Fairview Fanny. What is it? Well, at the bottom of many articles, readers are invited to give their two cents. There are some gems, including…
A film about the Iraq occupation is nominated for an Oscar:
Posted by red-wind at 1/24/07 10:54 a.m.
Should clean up if it shows the US as the enemy, that type of story-line wins all the time!
Apparently, “the left” is intolerant for trying to teach science:
Thanks again for showing the tolerance and open-mindedness that the left demands of others, but seems unwilling or incapable of giving. That gives me such confidence that you are also better judges of science.
Finally, this in response to a P-I editorial blasting Bush’s SOTU speech just makes me giggle:
it was too funny watching the media after the speech. poll after poll after poll scored a very very high positve result for our president from those who watched the speech. even more interesting is that more democrats watched the speech than usually would. it was obvious the media wanted president bush to fall flat on his face, but instead, he came out quite well indeed.
It’s awesome that entire blogs have been dedicated to find these pearls of wisdom shit. Amazing.