I’m a bit late on this story from December. Local GOP activists are elated, I’m told.
King County Executive Ron Sims was released from the hospital today following weekend surgery to remove his gall bladder.
According to his office, Sims was admitted to Virginia Mason Medical Center Saturday afternoon after complaining of abdominal pain. Doctors removed his gallbladder on Sunday.
The laparoscopic surgery is a common procedure, according to a statement from Sims’ office. The doctors expect a full recovery. Executive Sims will rest at home over the next week.
It’s hard to fathom now, but he was totally beatable in ’05, what with the Critical Areas Ordinance, the election stuff, and the whole Southwest Airlines thing at Boeing Field. The GOP then nominated a guy who allegedly whomped on his momma and lied on his resume. Nice!
The GOP’s new plan to oust him is clear: they’re going to take him out organ by organ.
Shit, while he was there, they should have put some brains in. The part that handles common sense.
Missed opportunity.
Did he ride a bus to the hospital and back?
Oh, wait… those things are for other people. I’m sure he rode in the chauffered limo and made mommy erf a little warmer.
Gopers aren’t very good at dismembering people, but they enjoy trying.
Hey Redneck! Pay your debt, fucking welsher! Or Goldy will sue you in bankruptcy court.
I suppose you’re gonna claim Clinton won because of Perot,* too.
* aka Alfred E. Neuman
Hey Rabbitfuckingfreeloader – How much have you contributed to Goldy’s fund? Or do you figure it’s OK just to use this for free?
Here’s the link: http://zme.amazon.com/exec/var.....11-1282067
Didn’t think so…
Damn, I wish they would take out my gall bladder…. They are painful when they act up.
Well, Mark, I don’t know if the Rabbit has contributed, but I have, just did so again, and even added a couple of bucks to the amount listed. Life is too short for cheap beer.
Now, about that money you owe Goldy…
Oh, and if there are enough folks out here in Gig Harbor that would like to get together over at the Float or the Hy-IU-Hee-Hee for a local “Drinking Liberally” evening, I’d be interested in hearing from them. (I am NOT driving across that bridge with even a couple of beers in me.)
Gee, Roger, Marky the Welsher is a little testy today. Perhaps you hit a nerve with your remark about bankruptcy. Perhaps we should do a little search of recent filings. . . .I can supply several surnames.
More to the topic. The only reason I can come up with for the GOP to run Mr. Irons against Mr. Sims is that they really like having Mr. Sims in office to pick on.
I’m hoping that Mr. Irons makes a run for Governor next time. Perhaps Mr. Rossi, Mr. Reichert and Mr. McGavick! could endorse him (with lots of pictures of them together), and the Speakers Roundtable could spend a whole bunch of GOP money sending bogus scare-mails out on his behalf.
Hey, I can dream, can’t I?
Mark the Poopdeck Kennedy
Mark the Linthead Kennedy
Mark the Asswipe( Ahs-wee-pey ) Kennedy
Mark the Dirigible Kennedy
Mark the Low-cal Kennedy
Mark the Red-Wing Shoe Kennedy
Mark the Butter Substitute Kennedy
Mark the High Def TV Kennedy
Mark the Shitheel Kennedy
Mark the Hooked on Ebonics Kennedy
Mark the Girl Kennedy
Mark the Last Guy Chosen for the Team Kennedy
Mark the Student Senate Treasurer Kennedy
Mark the Drive by Shooter Kennedy
Mark the Brand New Red Wheelbarrow Kennedy
Hey Goldy – Tim just took home an $86k payday. Are you up to 3 figures yet?
Don’t you wish you had even a fraction of the success he’s had?
Fucking loser.
Mark the Sensitive Date Kennedy
Mark the E-Harmony Guy Kennedy
Mark the Driveling Nose Kennedy
Mark the False Pregnancy Kennedy
Mark the Peashooter Kennedy
Mark the Mr. Potato Head Kennedy
Mark the Mr.Mashed Potato Head Kennedy
“Mark the E-Harmony Guy Kennedy”
Gads, MtWR went to e-harmony, and they said, “Don’t call us. We’ll call you.” He’s been hanging out here ever since.
I have a question for you moonbats.
Kooky Kucinich introduced a bill to outlaw conservative talk radio. I’m wondering if any of you think that’s a good idea, and what the Constitutional grounds are for doing such a thing.
Moonbats have tried many many times to get librul talk radio going and every one of them has been a “dismal failure”. AirMurka even stole money from poor kids in NYC to keep the lights on, and even with that they’re bankrupt.
I don’t understand why you don’t want to have a free and open debate of the issues? Why do you want to silence Conservatives? Could it be because when you are exposed for the socialist pigs that you are that you lose the argument? I think so…
Hey, MTR,
I’d like to share a pearl of wisdom with you that I’ve gleaned from life’s experiences: wanting something to be true does not make it true. I provide you this little pearl gratis (that means at no charge). You don’t need to thank me. As you know, I’m a liberal, so I like to help people out just out of the goodness of my heart, no compensation necessary.
umm leftist… go take yer meds…
I read the bill and I didn’t see anything to ‘outlaw’ conservative radio. Now, if he proposed a bill to exterminate neo-cons, then yes, it would be appropriate to support such legislation
So if some guy is on the radio speaking the truth, why does that need to be “balanced” by someone else?
How do ya balance truth? Hmmm… what’s the opposite of truth. What kind of speech would you have to do to balance truth?
Oh yeah…lies… fucking librul socialist lies.
Now that’s a good idea…
Moonbat quiz: Who is NOT commander in chief?
1) The Smartest Woman In The World
2) Stretch Pelosi
3) Below The Ovaries Boxer
4) RINO Snowe
5) The Inventor of The Internet
6) Botched Joke Teller
7) Ted The Swimmer
8) All of the above
I’m sorry Mr Redneck, what was the question again?
Redneck, Redneck,
The truth, I would agree, should never require balance. But, like I told you above–and I’m not going to share this little pearl of wisdom with you again, so please try to get it–just because you want something to be true does not make it true. Mark, you’re not a dumb guy, like antiliberal, for instance. You are just delusional, misguided, and sexually conflicted. You can overcome such obstacles with a little dedication and hard work. Go for it, man.
He could, for example: start by paying his gambling debts.
Frankly I’m not sure why this disruptive, self involved Onanist has’t been 86’d from HA already.
Pay your gambling Debt, Mark the Jerk-off!
Bad News for Wingy Warmongers — Soldiers Don’t Support the War
“Jan. 15, 2007 – If there was one constituency President Bush could count on to back the war in Iraq through the past four years, it was members of the military. Now, their support is also ebbing. A poll conducted recently by Army Times, a commercial publication, showed only 35 percent of service members approve of the way Bush is handling Bush is handling the war, down from 63 percent in 2004. When asked if success in Iraq was likely, 50 percent said yes, compared to 83 percent two years ago.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://tinyurl.com/2tovfb
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Read ’em and weep, warmonger trollfucks! For years, you’ve bleated that the troops support the war, and we don’t support the troops unless we leap aboard the Rape, Burn, and Kill Bandwagon with you nazis. Well guess what — I’ve caught you LYING again.
Soldiers Petition Congress to Block Troop ‘Surge’
“In rare public display, troops collect signatures against buildup in Iraq
“Seattle Times news services
“WASHINGTON — President Bush’s plan to send additional troops to Iraq is facing public opposition from a slice of the American population that rarely speaks out: the military rank and file.
“A group of service members came to Capitol Hill on Tuesday armed with signatures from more than 1,000 military personnel who want Congress to stop the troop escalation and find a way to bring forces home.
“’We will not be silent while thousands die,’ said Sgt. Liam Madden, 22, an active-duty Marine and Iraq war veteran who is helping lead the effort to organize resistance to the war from inside the military.
“Madden said he believes that the war ‘benefits neither the United States nor Iraq, and especially not the American military. … If you are funding a war that puts them [U.S. troops] in harm’s way, you are not supporting them.’ …
“[A]ccording to the group, those who have signed … include about 100 officers. Approximately 70 percent of signatories are active-duty military, while the rest are reservists or National Guard members ….
“The statement … reads: ‘As a patriotic American proud to serve the nation in uniform, I respectfully urge my political leaders in Congress to support the prompt withdrawal of all American military forces and bases from Iraq. Staying in Iraq will not work and is not worth the price. It is time for U.S. troops to come home.’
“When the campaign began three months ago, White House spokesman Tony Snow dismissed the first signatories as ‘65 people who are going to be able to get more press than the hundreds of thousands who have come back and said they’re proud of their service.’ …
“The servicemen who came to Capitol Hill were greeted Tuesday by newly energized anti-war lawmakers, including Reps. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, and Jim McGovern, D-Mass. The servicemen also were joined by an organization of anti-war families of military-service members, Military Families Speak Out, which claims more than 3,200 members. And … a group of Vietnam veterans … also stood up with the soldiers outside the Cannon House Office Building across the street from the Capitol. ’The movement in the military is growing just as the movement grew in the military 30 years ago,’ said David Cline, president of Veterans for Peace, a St. Louis-based group founded more than two decades ago. …”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://tinyurl.com/2l3z9r
Roger Rabbit Commentary: More proof the wingy warmongers are LYING when they claim all the troops support Bush! Man this is embarrassing for the wingnut liars who have been hollering for treason trials for those who “don’t support the troops.” I personally think such trials are a damn good idea — starting with the wingy warmongers who haven’t been supporting the troops!
P.S., the signature count is now over 1,150 and the story is getting national play, so expect a lot more. To check the current total yourself, click here: http://appealforredress.org/
This has been a week of HUGE DEFEATS for Redneck-In-Denial — first Exxon broke ranks with the anti-global warming propagandists it has bankrolled for years, and today the journal Science announced a new study shows,
“The Indian monsoon … drives weather patterns for a vast region that stretches from eastern Africa to Indonesia. Now scientists have found that global warming may have a much bigger impact on this key driver of Asian weather than previously thought.” http://tinyurl.com/2xrynr
Meanwhile, while the Bible-thumpers on the Federal Way School Board catch buckets of flak for treating the educational film “Inconvenient Truth” like a “graphic novel,” evangelicals are teaming up with scientists to combat global warming. http://tinyurl.com/yp6zl9 Looks like they didn’t get the word in FW about God’s policy change.
Yep, it appears Redneck-In-Denial is becoming increasingly isolated and lonely in his quixotic charade* against global warming science. Soon, he’ll be the only ostrich left with his head in the sand dune, as the hyenas close in.
* Sic; not a misspelling of “crusade”
@23 What’s the big deal about being C-in-C? Any damn fool can run out on a battlefield and get his men slaughtered. Happens all the time.
I imagine it flies right over Reddick’s pointy head that the Constitution gives Congress control of the checkbook. Or does he think Bush can fight a war from his own pocket?
@22 “Mark The Redneck KENNEDY says: Hmmm… what’s the opposite of truth.” 01/17/2007 at 5:40 pm
I’m glad you asked! Here are the answer options:
[ ] 1. Anything Lush Flatulence says
[ ] 2. Anything Sean Hannity says
[ ] 3. Anything the Coulterbeast says
[ ] 4. Anything the Reddick Lying Welsher says
[ ] 5. All of the above
Hey Rabbit – Ya havin’ any luck finding somebody to pick up the tab for your medical bills?
Have ya put any money into the Help Goldy fund?
Fucking freeloader…
Rabbit – Do that chi squared thing and get back to me.
Holy Shit Rabbit – The researchers say it’s a natural phenomenon…
“Is this a result of increasing global warming?
IOD is a natural phenomenon, and through the work we have done on the corals we can see that IOD events have happened naturally, going back at least 6,000 years but probably much longer.
So tell me Rabbit, how many fucking SUVs were there six fucking thousand years ago? How many billions of dollars did XOM make six fucking thousand years ago?
Mark The Redneck KENNEDY says:
what’s your fucking point bill. Do you have one?
I NEVER said I owned a small bidness. Never even implied it. You got me confused with somebody else.
12/26/2006 at 11:42 pm
Redneck, you mean last December in “Open thread 12-23-05″ when you said: “people from around the world contact me personally for consulation and advice on a variety of complex technical topics. “, you weren’t implying that?
12/30/2006 at 6:40 pm
Mark The Redneck KENNEDY says:
And by the way dumshit… when the fucking have I EVER resorted to name calling. Give me one example you stoopid lazy fuck.
12/31/2006 at 7:08 pm
MTR, I’ve decided you are suffering from a”failure to communicate. So I volunteer to provide a little friendly
editorially help.
Allow me to restate your last post(s): MTR Sez: dah,dah,dah,dah,dah,dah,dah,dah.
Or perhaps better: MTR Sez:
geez bill… again… ya got me…
everybody knows that employees of corporations are NEVER contacted by customers and suppliers for help. NEVER fucking happen. Ya caught me…
and you are a dumshit. and a stoopid lazy fuck.
TFF – do that chi squared and get back to me.
never mind… the researchers say it happened six fucking thousand years ago.
This little question is directed to part of the dumbshit consortium known as MarkThe Retarded RedNeck: Tell me, Jeff, how’d that beowolf cluster work out. . . .?
Oh never mind. . .
@33 Why shouldn’t I be a fucking freeloader? It works for Republicans, doesn’t it? Look where it got them! Why should I work for anything, when the system pays squat for work, taxes the shit out of work, and hates workers? Work is for suckers, freeloading is cool! I’m freeloading on YOU right now, Reddick! Keep driving that Hummer, ’cause I bought another 100 shares of NOV this week.
Let’s check … oh my … NOV is up $1.17 today, on top of $2.05 yesterday, that’s $3.22 in two days … thank you for your business, Reddick! I appreciate your patronage. Really, I do. Sure beats workin’!
Mark The Redneck KENNEDY says:
Moonbat quiz: Who is NOT commander in chief?
1) The Smartest Woman In The World
2) Stretch Pelosi
3) Below The Ovaries Boxer
4) RINO Snowe
5) The Inventor of The Internet
6) Botched Joke Teller
7) Ted The Swimmer
8) George W. Bush (the whining pussy deserter)
9) All of the above
sgmmac, sorry to hear you have gall bladder trouble too. Yeah, it’s pretty damn painful and they won’t take out mine either. I commiserate and hope you don’t get it acting up anytime soon.
Thanks for the commiseration! I found out that I have a stone in late Nov. It’s been on and off pain every since, while I try to figure out what I can and can’t eat.
Throw in some acid reflux and menopause and you know that I am miserable lately. The gall bladder also threw my pancreas out of whack and my blood sugar is just now starting to get back to normal.
I wish you well and hope yours stops hurting too, if I find any magic rememdies, I’ll post em!
by Will, 01/17/2007, 3:28 PM
He’s still totally beatable. Unfortunately the Republicans have no candidates better than Sims. A sad commentary on the Repbulican “bench” in King County.