Blatherwatch: Vote for who’s next to get canned! (Look to the right sidebar)
Electoral Math: Nick Beaudrot on how the Sonics ownership want loads of cash for a new arena, and compares the deal to others around the league.
Washblog: Apparently, the Iraq War was illegal. Whodathunkit? Also, who knew Evergreen had a campus in Tacoma? I’m just playin’. Go read the live-blogging event of the year (so far).
A question to all you bloggers (political and otherwise) out there: Do you use so-called “social networking” sites? Friendster? MySpace? Why or why not?
I have a MYSPACE page. I don’t change it. It is there so that if someone is trying to find me they can.
I used myspace, PartyBuilder and anything else I can get my hands on. But, not Friendster for some reason… can’t figure out why.
There was a really good example of a candidate in the 43rd race using Myspace. He sent out messages to all the folks near him and got a pretty good response. I think social networking sites can be used to get beyond the activist core that will always pay attention, especially how Upthegrove uses his Myspace page.
Also, for all its potential, I haven’t liked Party Builder.
“A question to all you bloggers (political and otherwise) out there: Do you use so-called “social networking” sites? Friendster? MySpace? Why or why not?”
Until they have a “social networking” site for people on the geezerhood express I’ll pass.
There IS, in fact, a site being marketed as “MySpace for seniors” –
I block myspace at the router. (also several other sites and two asian countries)
The sheer volume of dangerous active-x and javascript snoopers embedded in the web pages of the clueless make that imperative.
Of course this was almost a year ago so if a massive cleanup happened I would not know about it. I suspect it would have been announced on slashdot if it had happened.
I have a couple of theories. . .about the proliferation of mindless blogweeds here.
Theory One: It’s obvious that the hacks from the right feel very little traction on their own political blogs. While else would the Minnow and other mindless bushit trolls inhabit the comment threads at HA? Their endless echo-chamber got kicked into oblivion in the recent election. This vanishingly small number of people, try less than thirty percent who support this administration, don’t know any ordinary Americans to talk to, or if they do they get treated like unkempt, dishevelled homeless types muttering and shouting to themselves as they shuffle down the street with a shopping cart full of mind numbingly stupid,bankrupt, and criminally looneytune political ideas.
So we get stuck with them.
Theory Two: The Chimpster-in-Charge’s mental shortcomings and mental defects have been thoroughly discussed in Bush on the Couch. . .I have to think his final, residual appeal must be to that small percentage of the population with their own mental difficulties. . .hence their die hard enthusiasm for this lunatic crew of whackjobs currently wrecking the economy and Iraq.
Political Intimidation?
Shhh! You’re not supposed to know that Tacoma has campuses of both the UW AND Evergreen. TESCT is a nice little secret that was here long before UWT. It doesn’t have as cool a campus but it does have a shiny new building with lots of doctors nearby (it is next to Tacoma General and Mary Bridge Children’s Hospitals) for when greeners overdose.
“Tree Frog Farmer” at #6
So if you’ve “kicked us into oblivion” why are you so angry?
Uh, Okay. Where do I start?
Something to watch in the next few weeks as we watch the Chimpsters excellent adventure of leading another 21,00 future casualties in to Iraq.
There is a theory around that Bushco want to blame the failure in Iraq on Al-Maliki’s lack of co-operation. Perhaps this might sell to th ignorant. Maybe not so much to others.
It’s been said many times that Al-Maliki’s power base is through the Shiite militias, particularly through the backing of Muqtada Al-Sadr. So, now we are calling on Al-Maliki to attack his own power base. . .unlikely. Despite public announcements of denial, it is widely reported that there is a move to replace Al-Maliki with a Sunni, or possibly Adel Abdul Mahdi, a Shiite with ties to Iran. This is how bankrupt our policy decisions in Iraq have become.
If, by some legerdemain or other we remove Al-Maliki, who believes we won’t have to face the 100,000 strong Mahdi army?
this retired old geezer uses Myspace, Facebook, for music festival production bizness and connecting with former students, family, and other friends around the world. It is just too damn easy.
Tacoma has multiple satellite campuses of Westside Universities. Over here in Spokane we have a blossoming and burgeoning expansion of our university district with campuses of EWU, WSU, and SIRTI across the river from Gonzaga. Of course no one could confuse this city for being a college town by any stretch of the imagination.
I have a MySpace page (betcha you can guess what the user name is) and use it for some interaction with my daughter and her friends, and a cadre of on-line acquaintances who all listen to a particular online “radio” station. (Luxuria Music for any of you who might be curious.) We mostly all pass bulletins back and forth about what’s going on in our respective lives, and swap jokes in terrible taste.
I don’t spend too much time with it other than that, because it’s indeed so damnable slow and ridden with Java junk, active X crap and advertising. It’s also rather amazing how so many people, with so little help, can create such awful Web pages.
Bill Cruchon…i believe you hit the nail on the head.
they are angry because any of the liberals with any brains at all know that there were an awful lot of conservatives that voted against the ones in office. they didn’t vote FOR the democrats. he’s angry because that’s their schtick…..and he’s thinking about ’08 when they will get their butts handed to them, yet again, as far as the white house goes.
just a little prediction.
hell, i even know a life long republican that works in a “special” alphabet agency that voted against the he put it so well…they needed reining in. but if you think he, or any other conservatives will vote for any of the dems stepping forward to run for president…it isn’t going to happen. the group running looks like a who’s who of old tired corrupt hacks. and obama? well, according to the crazy libs his biggest accomplishment is being black. WOW.
it isn’t going to make the american people think the democrat’s can be trusted with national security. and that’s because they can’t……..
Thanks for the compliment, christmasghost.
I think we on the right have a mighty steep hill to climb. The lefties control virtually everything. Education, media, entertainment and even now they are trying to stamp out “right wing talk radio”. And they call us Nazis. It’s amazing to watch these people.
I do believe though there is ample time for the left to fall on its sword. They have to define what they stand for and I’m quite certain they don’t want to.
re 15: Bill, you are such a poor little victim.
Well said, Wally. These are victim-hating victims! Isn’t that funny?
“re 15: Bill, you are such a poor little victim.”
Do I just call you a nasty name, or do I ask you what in the world you mean by that comment?
Stop, children, ‘What’s that sound?’ I think it’s Rupert Murdoch hurting himself laughing. . . .
Liberals control the media, indeed. . . .snort, laugh, guffaw. . . .you’ll make me expropriate someone else’s handle:Yer killin me!
Tree Frog Farmer . . . don’t confuse them with facts.
Ok “tree frog farmer” give me the names of conservatives at ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC,NPR,PBS,and the New York Times.
I’m with ArtFart. I have my own user page on MySpace. Mostly it’s for keeping track of the kids and grandkids. My son’s girlfriend forwards him these surveys that are obviously geared toward middle-school girls (“Who do you sit next to in your fourth-period class?”) and he amuses himself and us answering them and posting the results (“If I was sitting next to someone in a fourth-period class they’d arrest me”).
Other than that my social networking sites are blogs. I hang out there because it’s a good spot to find people who can help me take my country back.
Why in the world do you think I chose that screen name?
Two reasons actually. One is that some of the things that righties post are so ridiculous that I could laugh myself to death if I wasn’t careful. The other has to do with health care; sadly, I can’t blame that entirely on the conservatives.
Sorry to take your handle in vain. . . it just seemed so appropriate, somehow. . .
On the contrary, I don’t mind.
As for health care. . . think it’s seriously broken.
Curiously I would attack that problem with campaign financing reform. . .real reform. Public financing of campaigns
for example.
So what should our Legislators do about the $5.973 BILLION underfunded Washington State Retirement System liability?
See the current Financial Report at this link: ration/AnnualReport/SAFR/finan cials.htm
See the section entitled Funding.
These are not my numbers.
They are the State’s ACTUARY. Hot off the press.
Why not fund existing liabilities BEFORE any new program spending??
It’s as bad as GM, FORD, ENRON & WORLDCOM.
Unless you believe the State is never broke and can continuously raise taxes and do so whenever.
@21 An old proverb goes something like this: A fish in the Ocean doesn’t know the taste of salt.
“Tree Frog Farmer”, why can’t you answer my question at #21?
@29 because it’s a stupid question. ABC, NBC, CBS are all major corporations. They play to the market.
Are you going to argue the networks didn’t roll over for Bush in the run up to Iraq? And conversely, they wallowed in all the Clinton scandal stories, even when there was no substance.
So. The Sonics want to spend $530 million on an arena, with $300 million of it coming from car rental and restaurant taxes. And … “Trent House of the Washington Restaurant Association told the committee that businesses that agreed to taxes to pay for Safeco and Qwest would also support extending them to help pay for a new home for the Sonics.”
Hey waitaminute aren’t these the same restaurant folks who claim they can’t afford to pay their workers minimum wage … ?
Name me the conservatives at the major networks…any of you.
@6 “It’s obvious that the hacks from the right feel very little traction on their own political blogs.”
Why would they? Nobody reads their bullshit except them. Every 3 months or so, I glance at Sucky Politics because occasionally you find a gem like this:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
The kicker HA’s indomitable private investigator, Richard Pope, ID’d FCP as GOP legislative candidate Mark Griswold (who got 15% of the vote in his last race).
Wingnutz are fond of claiming there have been no terrorist attacks on U.S. soil since 9/11. Obviously they’re overlooking these:
“11/28/2006 10:25:26 AM
” … On September 11, 2006, … a man crashed his car into a building in Davenport, Iowa, hoping to blow it up and kill himself in the fire. No national newspaper, magazine, or network newscast reported this attempted suicide bombing ….
“Had the criminal, David McMenemy, been Arab or Muslim, this would have been headline news for weeks. But since his target was the Edgerton Women’s Health Center … media have not called this terrorism ….
“Since 1977, casualties … include seven murders, 17 attempted murders, three kidnappings, 152 assaults, 305 completed or attempted bombings and arsons, 375 invasions, 482 stalking incidents, 380 death threats, 618 bomb threats, 100 acid attacks, and 1,254 acts of vandalism, according to the National Abortion Federation.
“Abortion providers and activists received 77 letters threatening anthrax attacks before 9/11 …. After 9/11, Planned Parenthood and other abortion-rights groups received 554 envelopes containing white powder and messages like: ‘You have been exposed to anthrax. . . . We are going to kill all of you.’ …
“Which brings us back to car bomber, McMenemy. According to the Detroit Free Press (the only newspaper in the Nexis news database that reported his crime), he targeted the women’s health center because he thought it provided abortions. It doesn’t. (Oops!) It provides mostly low-income patients with pap smears, ob-gyn care, testing for sexually transmitted diseases, birth control, and nutrition and immunization programs for women and children. The attack caused $170,000 in property damage and left poor families without health care for a week. …
“Every fresh incident of anti-abortion terrorism is a reminder that women’s health supporters are not safe in a country where … zealots believe Jesus has empowered them to kill ….
“Is McMenemy a lone nut case, or a member of that network of violent extremists? We don’t know, because journalists haven’t investigated. Nor have they reported that just last year, nearly one in five abortion clinics experienced gunfire, arson, bombings, chemical attacks, assaults, stalking, death threats, and blockades, according to the 2005 National Clinic Violence Survey. …
“As we continue national debates on how to keep America safe from terrorism, journalists do us — and especially women — no good pretending that the threats come only from radical Muslims outside our borders. …”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete article and/or copyright info see
12/03/2006 at 12:23 pm
And wingnutz claim there’s been no terrorist attacks on Bush’s watch … yeah right …
Bill Cruchon says:
Thanks for the compliment, christmasghost.
I think we on the right have a mighty steep hill to climb. The lefties control virtually everything. Education, media, entertainment and even now they are trying to stamp out “right wing talk radio”. And they call us Nazis. It’s amazing to watch these people.
I do believe though there is ample time for the left to fall on its sword. They have to define what they stand for and I’m quite certain they don’t want to.
Bill Cruchon you mean that they are complementing me when they call me a Nazis? Wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You mean that funny Wabbit really likes me? Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That guy Mr. Let foot that calls me a Nazis really believes that I’m right? Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now you tell me that being a Democrat is not really a sin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Man you don’t want to be a Socialist Democrat they really hate real Democrats and Republicans.
P.S. they are so unaccountable for their actions that it would be impossible for them to fall on any sword.
klake, have you sipped a little too much cooking sherry? Cripes, I could drink half a fifth of Jack Daniels and still make more sense than you.
who is that pictured above? er, who are both in that photo?
@35 klake says: You mean that funny Wabbit really likes me? Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 01/21/2007 at 7:11 pm
You’re confused.
bluesky at 37
Here’s the backround:
The guy in the photo is David Postman.
Over two years ago, I encouraged military service people to do exactly what Lt. Watada has done, that is, to stand up for the constitution and challenge unitarian government! I hope to be the one that drops Bush and Cheney through the gallows with a rope around their necks. My website got hijacked and my protest, along with other words of wisdom, was deleted. Elected officials cannot afford to dismiss bloggers, no matter what Oxycodone induced Limbaugh is telling his ditto head demagogues. [LMAO]surely, Limbaugh is one of Bush’s senior advisers.
Don’t tell me that we aren’t making a difference. I have an MBA and 20 years of progressive technical work experience, including eight years in the military. But I have not been able to work for almost five years. People, you can’t be both, free and ignorant. I am wondering when America, like the French, is going to surrender to a foreign power. Will it be the Chinese that own $trillions of our debt? Will it be the oil rich Saudis, the puppetmasters of our Presidents? Oh wait, we’re supposed to be afraid of Al Queda – woooooooooo, be very afraid. No, really, we should all be verrrrrrry afraid.
“Tree Frog Farmer at #19:
“This is Liberals control the media, indeed. . . .snort, laugh, guffaw. . . .you’ll make me expropriate someone else’s handle:Yer killin me!”
Ain’t that funny.
But what’s really funny,(and revealing), is that no one on this blog can respond to my challenge at #21, “tree frog farmer” give me the names of conservatives at ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC,NPR,PBS,and the New York Times.
Not one single response.
I can beat you liberals up any day you choose just like I did today. You can thank your lucky stars that I have other things to do.
Bill Cruchon says:
klake, have you sipped a little too much cooking sherry? Cripes, I could drink half a fifth of Jack Daniels and still make more sense than you.
01/21/2007 at 7:39 pm
Nope don’t touch that stuff, but you get the point nobody make sense on this web site especially the Funny Wabbit name Roger.
Bill, you beat nothing, except possibly yourself. You ask a question and no one answers. So what. You did not answer my point about the networks being owned by corporate America (not generally believed to be liberal. Also no repsonse to the fact that these supposed liberals rolled for Bush on Iraq, and pounced on on Clinton. How does that display liberal bias?
Does your lack of response mean I beat you?
And Klake, for goodness sake, can’t you tell when you wander into incoherency?
Bill Cruchon…thanks bill. i wouldn’t hold my breath if i were you waiting for them to name any names or answer any questions. but i think you got that already didn’t you???
no…if you are talking to the seattle “progressive” liberals all you will get is name calling like a simple minded 10 year old.if you don’t agree with them 100% you must be a white-racist-nazi that is also a homophobe and on drugs that can’t hold down a relationship [they aren’t worried about you holding down a J-O-B…they got that one covered themselves]and fresh out of the mental institution.
yup….it’s a regular intelligence-fest with these guys.
but the laughs are really worth it……..
as for falling on their swords…they have already begun. think about it. two whole years of listening to nancy “where is the nearest microphone” pelosi????
people are paying attention.
one of the most telling moments for me was when i went to vote. okay…i live out in the sticks and i vote in a barn….but that aside, as i walked outside after voting i ran into a guy i know from town. he’s a democrat and the first thing out of his mouth was [this was the primary] “jesus christ on crutches…there was no one to vote for!!!”
so i chimed in sweetly [so he KNEW i was up to something] and asked why not? and he said “the day i vote for those commie shrews from san francisco is the day hell will freeze over…and the rest of them! a bunch of commies too.”
i just laughed and said “well…there’s your problem…you must be a democrat!!!!”
he just rolled his eyes and said “yeah…and i have been all my life but this is not the party i joined”.
my point is…it ISN’T the party most democrats joined.
and while the democratic party has been pandering to the nuttier and nuttier people [and dimwits like pelosi] the republican party has changed too…only for the better. i, personally, don’t feel like i lost the senate or house. i ,along with all the republicans i know, could care less. while “reining in” the republicans we didn’t like very much we also handed the democrats enough rope to spend two years hanging themselves.
and they will do it too.
Ok, that picture’s a crackup — I don’t know why but that’s quite absurdly good. I can use a laugh after listening to soldiers’ testifying about their experiences in Iraq yesterday. Thanks for referencing that story.
and K….you are typing on a computer built by CORPORATE AMERICA you complete dolt…….look around you!
gawd….can’t you libs ever come up with some new boogie men to try and scare your peeps into line with?
how about the hag in that picture above? that would sure do it………..
My Left Foot says: I have a MYSPACE page. I don’t change it. It is there so that if someone is trying to find me they can.
01/21/2007 at 1:55 pm
You on the prowl Carl?
I never heard of adults on myspace before unless they are predators!
Why is it wingnuts think everyone is one the prowl? Anybody?
re 46: Do you know what a “FREERIDER” corporation is. We do not need computers built by such as them.
Building corporate near-monopolies on world production of goods does not mean only large corporations can produce good computers (or any other product you might care to mention) at reasonable cost.
For instance, corporate farms in the US are taxpayer subsidized and the produce they sell (thanks to “free trade” agreements ) canbe sold very cheaply in ,say, Mexico, where the indiginous farmers can’t compete. Then, when the local farmers are destroyed, the price of corn goes up.
Should the Mexicans thank their lucky stars for the cheap American corn they temporarily get?
Everyone needs to go to BlatherWatch and vote for David Goldstein! He is winning the contest for the local radio talk show host who is the most likely to be fired:
@15 “Bill Cruchon says: I think we on the right have a mighty steep hill to climb. The lefties control virtually everything. Education, media, entertainment … 01/21/2007 at 4:25 pm”
It’s always entertaining to listen to wingnutz feeling sorry for themselves! They were talking this way back in Goldwater days, too. Absolutely nothing has changed in 40 years.
@15 (continued) “Bill Cruchon says: … even now they are trying to stamp out ‘right wing talk radio’. 01/21/2007 at 4:25 pm”
(snicker) How are we gonna do that? Buy up all the radio stations? (guffaw)
Just last week I heard from your side that lefty talk-radio is on its last legs …
@15 (continued) Bill Cruchon says: … And they call us Nazis. 01/21/2007 at 4:25 pm”
Why not? You guys call us commies, parasites, traitors, and terrorists (among other things). So why shouldn’t we call YOU names? Why should Republicans have a monopoly on name-calling? Besides, you guys behave like Nazis, so it fits.
@15 (continued) How’s that castor oil taste, boy?
@15 (continued) “Bill Cruchon says: … I do believe though there is ample time for the left to fall on its sword. 01/21/2007 at 4:25 pm”
You certainly have a penchant for melodrama! Have you tried writing for Hollywood? I’m thinking “Ben Hur.”
@15 (continued) “Bill Cruchon says: They have to define what they stand for and I’m quite certain they don’t want to. 01/21/2007 at 4:25 pm”]
It’s hardly a secret:
Free speech
Liveable wages
Health care
Child labor laws
Minimum wage laws
Collective bargaining rights
Injured workers benefits
Unemployed workers insurance
Social Security and Medicare
Public parks and recreation facilities
Rational defense policies
and last, but not least,
As Bill is having a deuce of a time figuring out what liberals stand for, I’m gonna help him out by pasting some stuff from my archives, starting with this:
“Day in the Life of Joe Middle-Class Republican
“By John Gray Cincinnati, Ohio
“Joe gets up at 6:00am to prepare his morning coffee. He fills his pot full of good clean drinking water because some liberal fought for minimum water quality standards. He takes his daily medication with his first swallow of coffee. His medications are safe to take because some liberal fought to insure their safety and work as advertised.
“All but $10.00 of his medications are paid for by his employers medical plan because some liberal union workers fought their employers for paid medical insurance, now Joe gets it too. He prepares his morning breakfast, bacon and eggs this day. Joe’s bacon is safe to eat because some liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing industry.
“Joe takes his morning shower reaching for his shampoo; His bottle is properly labeled with every ingredient and the amount of its contents because some liberal fought for his right to know what he was putting on his body and how much it contained. Joe dresses, walks outside and takes a deep breath. The air he breathes is clean because some tree hugging liberal fought for laws to stop industries from polluting our air. He walks to the subway station for his government subsidized ride to work; it saves him considerable money in parking and transportation fees. You see, some liberal fought for affordable public transportation, which gives everyone the opportunity to be a contributor.
“Joe begins his work day; he has a good job with excellent pay, medicals benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation because some liberal union members fought and died for these working standards. Joe’s employer pays these standards because Joe’s employer doesn’t want his employees to call the union. If Joe is hurt on the job or becomes unemployed he’ll get a worker compensation or unemployment check because some liberal didn’t think he should loose his home because of his temporary misfortune.
“Its noon time, Joe needs to make a Bank Deposit so he can pay some bills. Joe’s deposit is federally insured by the FSLIC because some liberal wanted to protect Joe’s money from unscrupulous bankers who ruined the banking system before the depression.
“Joe has to pay his Fannie Mae underwritten Mortgage and his below market federal student loan because some stupid liberal decided that Joe and the government would be better off if he was educated and earned more money over his life-time.
“Joe is home from work, he plans to visit his father this evening at his farm home in the country. He gets in his car for the drive to dads; his car is among the safest in the world because some liberal fought for car safety standards. He arrives at his boyhood home. He was the third generation to live in the house financed by Farmers Home Administration because bankers didn’t want to make rural loans. The house didn’t have electric until some big government liberal stuck his nose where it didn’t belong and demanded rural electrification. (Those rural Republican’s would still be sitting in the dark)
“He is happy to see his dad who is now retired. His dad lives on Social Security and his union pension because some liberal made sure he could take care of himself so Joe wouldn’t have to. After his visit with dad he gets back in his car for the ride home.
“He turns on a radio talk show, the host’s keeps saying that liberals are bad and conservatives are good. (He doesn’t tell Joe that his beloved Republicans have fought against every protection and benefit Joe enjoys throughout his day) Joe agrees, ‘We don’t need those big government liberals ruining our lives; after all, I’m a self made man who believes everyone should take care of themselves, just like I have’.”
I saved this one from a letters-to-the-editor column:
“We all live in a liberal democracy in which, ironically, the word liberal is being distorted and made negative. If one looks up the word ‘liberal’ in the dictionary, one will find defining words such as: freedom of individuals, representational form of government, tending to give freely, generous, tolerant of ideas or behaviors of others. Which of these thoughts do you find offensive? Which of these would you like to have taken away from you, or your neighbor, or your country?”
Thanks to the liberals:
If your workplace is safe; if your children go to school rather than being forced into labor; if you are paid a living wage, including overtime; if you enjoy a 40-hour week and you are allowed to join a union to protect your rights — you can thank liberals. If your food is not poisoned and your water is drinkable — you can thank liberals. If your parents are eligible for Medicare and Social Security, so they can grow old in dignity without bankrupting your family — you can thank liberals. If our rivers are getting cleaner and our air isn’t black with pollution; if our wilderness is protected and our countryside is still green — you can thank liberals. If people of all races can share the same public facilities; if everyone has the right to vote; if couples fall in love and marry regardless of race; if we have finally begun to transcend a segregated society — you can thank liberals. Progressive innovations like those and so many others were achieved by long, difficult struggles against entrenched power. What defined conservatism, and conservatives, was their opposition to every one of those advances. The country we know and love today was built by those victories for liberalism — with the support of the American people. — Joe Conason, writer for
The American Liberal Creed
Liberals recognize the value and rights of all people;
Liberals recognize that we share the world with others;
Liberals support the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights
and champion their equal application to all citizens;
Liberals champion knowledge above ignorance, learning above dogma;
Liberals recognize that the concept of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
is futile without education, healthcare and employment;
Liberals recognize that government of the people, by the people, and
for the people is for the service and protection of all, regardless of economic status;
Liberals recognize that public works and institutions serve the public interest, and taxes support those works and institutions;
Liberals recognize that “every person for themselves” leads not to a diverse,
enlightened and viable society, but only to jungle-like “survival of the fittest”;
Liberals recognize that an individual, not government, controls their own
Liberals recognize that neither government nor commerce is suitable to meet all
of our nation’s challenges, that there is a place for both;
Liberals propagate this message, defend it, and vote for and support those who do.
© Warren Brown
Thanks for playing “Liberals Don’t Know What They Stand For,” Bill! You lose.
Regarding the question Bill keeps asking: all of ’em, except the ones who are so damn dumb that they wouldn’t recognize a political issue if it peed on their shoe.
And have no doubt that wingnutz NEVER EVER are lacking in moral certainty or the certitude of their cherised beliefs! To wit:
“The liberals are coming!
“And their wives are bitches. And their kids probably sell drugs on street corners for spending cash. They are ineffectual and ambulance chasers and they hate America. They have a subversive plot to destroy the country because…ok, I can never quite figure that one out, but dammit, I know they must be really really BAD people who are out to destroy American families. They have BAD values. I am not real clear what those BAD VALUES are, but I know they have them. They are BAD.
“And I know that because my Republican leadership tells me so. They HAVE to be really REALLY AWFUL so that my Republican leaders can make George W. Bush and Dick Cheney look good by comparison. Since my Republican leaders will not tell me why I should vote for Bush or Cheney, just why I shouldn’t vote for Kerry/Edwards, I have to go on the theory that Kerry and Edwards are actually the reincarnation of evil divided into two bodies to fool the American public. And I also know that anybody that supports them is LIBERAL!! HOLY JESUS!! RUN!! RUN AWAY(or shoot them. Maybe we should just shoot all the liberals) !!! THE LIBERALS ARE COMING!! And we all know that LIBERALS are all out to destroy American families, too. And why do they want to destroy American families?? Because they have BAD VALUES!! I know this because the word LIBERAL means something horrible and evil and BAD. And…you guessed it…I know this because my Republican leadership told me so.
“Do you know what those horrible, stinking LIBERALS want to do??? They want to make it so that anybody that works hard can afford a higher education. Bastards. They want to insure that the only reason we go to war and kill a thousand of the bravest people in our country is because we have PROOF that the country we are attacking is a clear and present danger. Pussies. Don’t they know that its good enough to really strongly suspect that there might be a danger?? Hey, isn’t that what a pre-emptive strike is all about?? Stinking LIBERALS want to make sure that their children are not left with trillions of dollars of budget deficit to pay off. HA! Don’t they know it is far more important that we live well RIGHT NOW than that our children live well?? And stinking LIBERALS think that the measure of a society is not how well the highest of its members live, but how well the lowest of its members live. Assholes.
“Now, I can’t really tell you anything factual that illustrates why George Bush would be a better choice than John Kerry. Oh, and I in no way believe any of the repeated stories about conflict of interest or ethical misconduct that are reported. That is just the LIBERAL media with their political agenda talking. I get my news from politically neutral sources like FOX and CNN. They NEVER slant a story or report with any kind of bias, so I know that I can trust Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity and all those guys.
“But I don’t have to have any facts or proof of why George Bush is the best choice for President. Because GOD HIMSELF personally has chosen George Bush to lead this country. My minister told me so right after the local GOP organizer called and asked for our congregational directory. That was when my minister said that Bush would never do anything ethically questionable, so I know that he must be both chosen by god and ethically sound.”
@62 No, Art, it’s just another wingnut propaganda game. They know very well what we stand for; how could they hate it, if they didn’t know what it was? Bill has been taught by his puppet masters to repeat every lie many, many times because if you say something enough times it will sound true to some people. Like every other loyal wingnut flunky, he has been trained to say, “liberals don’t know what they stand for.” It’s Talking Point #8 or #9 or #13 or something. It doesn’t do any good to try to reason with him; just call him what he is, a fucking liar.
I wondered about CG’s sudden acquisition of psychic powers in being able to determine from a distance just what kind of computer K has.
Had CG said that to me I would have laughed. My computer is made from parts from the Far East, assembled by me (it’s about as hard as putting together a kid’s bicycle), so the only involvement corporate America had was that Fedex delivered the boxes. Even the operating system was created by programmers from around the world rather than a corporation.
Actually, Art, I don’t agree. Most of the media figures you see on the tube really don’t reveal their personal politics in their reporting, with a few exceptions like Keith Olbermann, Cokie Roberts and most of the talking meatsticks at Fox. They report what their editors, producers, and ultimately the bosses who run the companies tell them to. The bosses are part of the moneyed elite in this country, so guess who they’ve been on the side of the past few years?
These people know which side of their bread has the butter, though. As soon as the winds start changing and the bosses realize that George Bush is dragging the Republican Party to the bottom as surely as if he were the anchor on the Titanic, they’ll start changing their tune. They’ll still be conservative, but they won’t be Bush conservatives anymore.’
In any event I don’t see it as my job to be a research assistant for some sock puppet who is more interested in scoring points against big, scary Liberals than he is in any kind of honest debate. Anyone who thinks the media is biased in any particular direction can use Google to do their own research.
YKM: Thanks for the laugh in #62.
1988 Presidential Debates – Dan Rather showed his liberal streak through his questions to Bush41.
2000 Presidential Primaries – Dan Rather attends Al Gore political fundraiser coordinated by daughter
1994 Congressional elections – Peter Jennings commenting on the populace threw a temper tantrum
2003 Saddam Hussein Bombing Run that missed – Katie Couric “hoped” Saddam got away
2006 After Gerry Ford died – Brian Williams INCORRECTLY said Ford was against the Iraq WAR. Ford came out four times during the war saying he supported it. Didn’t read the transcript?
2007 NBC’s Jane Arraf admits the war coverage is slanted
2000 – Now – Bill Moyers: Nothing more to say once you watch him once
2007 – Diane Sawyer fawning all over Nancy Pelosi in interview
I threw in the obvious from years past from memory. The latest ones I just found in less than ONE minute on the web.
This is just a start.
He who farms cute little froggies typed: I have a couple of theories. . .about the proliferation of mindless blogweeds here.
Theory One: It’s obvious that the hacks from the right feel very little traction on their own political blogs. While else would the Minnow and other mindless bushit trolls inhabit the comment threads at HA?
Some of us stay here to correct the pollution put our like YKM above. Mindless: No one answered my charge on global warming in the open thread. No one dared tackle post #38 in another thread in the Saturday Radio Goldy thread.
I agree with you at #46, Christmasghost.
Hours after I stopped my comments these guys were still screaming at me, and trotting out old “the country would have gone to hell if it wasn’t for liberals” silliness. If I didn’t know better I’d think they might be questioning their own ideology. I guess they never heard of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, or Ronald Reagan. Maybe they want to go back to the wonderful economy we had when Jimmy Carter was President and see how much fun it was to be young and not even be able to find a minimum wage job. I was there, kiddies. You don’t know how good you have it. I wonder if they know which party destroyed reconstruction and turned the south into a land of bigotry and hatred,(hint, one of your current senators was a member of the KKK).
You’d think they’d be happy after the recent elections, wouldn’t you? But no, the left is always angry, always “outraged”.
One commenter even said “liberals believe in free speech”. Then why do they wan’t to restore the “Fairness Doctrine”? It’s so telling that they can’t name a single conservative at any of the major networks.
It’s satisfying when you sense that you have at least a few of them questioning their ideology. They all should.
Well well. It’s nice to be noticed.
Memory can be a tricky thing. I find that unless you look things up, your memory can play tricks on you.
For instance, I don’t remember posting #62.
Oh, I just looked it up. Turns out I didn’t!
Funny, I also don’t remember seeing Dan Rather on CBS lately.
Oh, look at that, turns out that’s because he left the CBS Evening News on March 9, 2005. Apparently he didn’t have a meaningful role at CBS from then until his departure from the network in late 2006.
And it’s rather odd that I can’t remember seeing Peter Jennings on ABC lately.
Oh, wait! I looked it up and it turns out that he died in 2005. So maybe it’s not so odd after all.
So let me see if I can recap our story thus far. You give me seven individuals out of the hundreds in broadcast media, one of which is dead and two of which are not currently on the air (although he is slated to return in April). Would that be an accurate summation?
Now let’s take a look at the statement I believe I made about reporters reporting what they’re told. (Yep, that looks like my post up there.)
Commentator Robert Perry agrees with me:
Apparently so does E. J. Dionne:
Or maybe this from the San Francisco Examiner:
Yes, I know Michael Eisner has retired, but anyone who thinks Robert Iger is any different is deluding themselves.
Or how about Bill Kristol, quoted in The New Yorker:
He should know, being one of the chief architects of the current brand of conservatism.
There are more where those came from, but I have things to do today. Like, do what any intelligent person should do if they think there’s a bias in their news (and there’s always a bias in news reporting, even if it’s not a conscious one) — go check all my sources, foreign and domestic, print and broadcast, traditional and new, and make up my own mind on the issues.
#78, “The biggest lie fed the American people by conservative pundits is that the United States is dominated by the ‘liberal media.’ As if Rupert Murdoch, Michael Eisner, General Electric, Time-Warner AOL and Viacom are owned and operated by liberals.
“Not only are these folks ultra-conservatives, but the people they hire to voice their opinions are so far to the right, they give independent journalism a dirty name. No, my friends, the corporate media is in the hands of right-wing kooks parading as moderates and pushing the political envelope further and further to the right.”
God, this is so good. Again I challenge you lefties to name the conservatives on ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, PBS, NPR, or The New York Times.
Surely you can come up with one, or two, to back up these absurd claims such as the one above.
I’m just looking for a little honesty here. Maybe that starts with you folks being honest with yourselves.
And no, I don’t think the answer to my question is “fuck you”.
My how quiet it gets when I ask a question that upsets your little liberal apple cart.
Gosh, do you think that maybe a lot of what you believe is garbage?
Well, Bill, since you insist on having things spelled out for you, here you go.
Neither I nor anyone else on this blog or any other is obligated in any way to respond to, or even read, anything you post.
I for one have no interest in dancing to your tune, and in fact am going to avoid reading or responding to any further posts from you. Unless, of course, I bloody well feel like it.
I have already shown that broadcasting is covered by the Golden Rule: “He who has the gold, makes the rules.” The only conservative that matters at ABC is Robert Iger. The only conservative that matters at CBS is Sumner Redstone. Et at nauseam cetera. Their employees understand that if an issue is to be covered in a certain way, they cover it that way or risk losing their jobs.
But this answer doesn’t seem to satisfy you, and apparently no answer will. I have posted the truth. But you don’t want to hear the truth. You want to hear someone parrot back what you want to hear. Forget that.
So have a nice life, bon voyage, adios, hasta luego, arrividerci, auf Wiedersehen, sayonara and mazel tov.
And when did Sumner Redstone become a conservative? I used to work for the guy, I know better.
You can’t answer honest questions so you make a nasty little post.
“yer killin me”, isn’t it time you started being honest with yourself? If you can’t answer simple direct questions perhaps there’s something flawed about your belief system. Don’t you think?
It’s blogweeds like Bill Cruchon who keep making Democratic victories. They keep liberal ideas looking good, and they keep the stupidity of the conservative/neoconvict mind clearly in focus.
Please, please, keep posting here, Bill, you’re making us look good. You’re performing a valuable service. . .sort of like The New Carissa, acting as a guidepost against the shipwreck of a human mind.
I’m kicking your silly liberal butt, “tree frog farmer” and you know it.
Not even one of you libs can answer my question I’ve proposed repeatedly…most recently at #81.
All you can do is post mean spirited blather. There isn’t a molecule of substance in crap like,
“It’s blogweeds like Bill Cruchon who keep making Democratic victories. They keep liberal ideas looking good, and they keep the stupidity of the conservative/neoconvict mind clearly in focus.”
Can’t you do any better than that?
Your as thick as brick, Bill. Keep ’em coming. We need about ten more Senators. I’m counting on you.
Can you engage me in actual debate “Tree Frog Farmer”?
Of course you can’t. All you can do is name call, “thick as a brick” is your latest.
I can kick your ass any day. You haven’t got shit.
“I can kick your ass any day. You haven’t got shit.”
I’m just briefly stooping to the level of discourse here. Wouldn’t it be be better to actually have a civilized discussion?
I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been told to “go fuck yourself” or “fuck you” when simply trying to engage in civil debate.
Grow up, folks.
Horsesass and all his loyal readers were kicked in the teeth by their senators recently.
As a response to all of your hard work in the last election, both senators from Washington State voted to impose regulations that would have strangled your ability to organize at the grassroots level. Even the ACLU was against this one
“ACLU Letter to the Senate Urging Support of the Bennett Amendment to Senate Bill 1 (1/17/2007)
Dear Senator:
On behalf of the ACLU, a non-partisan organization with hundreds of thousands of activists and members, and 53 affiliates nation-wide, we urge you to support Bennett Amendment S.A. 20 to S. 1, the “Legislative Transparency and Accountability Act of 2007” when it comes to the floor for a vote. This amendment would strike Section 220 of the underlying bill.”
Vote Summary
Question: On the Amendment (Bennett Amdt No. 20 )
Vote Number: 17 Vote Date: January 18, 2007, 08:21 PM
Required For Majority: 1/2 Vote Result: Amendment Agreed to
Amendment Number: S.Amdt. 20 to S.Amdt. 3 to S. 1
Statement of Purpose: To strike a provision relating to paid efforts to stimulate grassroots lobbying.
(NAYs —43)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Murray (D-WA)
Make sure that you take the time to thank them for their loyalty to you.
bill…… doesn’t this just say it all about our liberal “friend” here….
“Neither I nor anyone else on this blog or any other is obligated in any way to respond to, or even read, anything you post.
I for one have no interest in dancing to your tune, and in fact am going to avoid reading or responding to any further posts from you. Unless, of course, I bloody well feel like it.
in other word….NAH NAH NAH.
he doesn’t respond because HE CAN’T. he literally can’t… he has nothing to say of any value, no answers….only bitching.
***and as for yer killin me…..oh please! did you read what you wrote? did you also make all the plastic parts too…or did you leave that to a child in a third world country? “Had CG said that to me I would have laughed. My computer is made from parts from the Far East, assembled by me (it’s about as hard as putting together a kid’s bicycle), so the only involvement corporate America had was that Fedex delivered the boxes. Even the operating system was created by programmers from around the world rather than a corporation.”
good god…are you really this stupid? corporate america is so far above the government run “facilities” [or as they are called in china…slaves] that you are talking about it’s not even funny. not funny at all as a matter of fact.
you are too ignorant for words.
and then there’s your fed ex comment. so you make an exception in your little moral ‘code’ because it’s expedient for you?
christmas ghost says. “in other word….NAH NAH NAH.
he doesn’t respond because HE CAN’T. he literally can’t… he has nothing to say of any value, no answers….only bitching.”
Exactly. And it would just be amusing except that the left really is actively attempting to crush free speech.
It’s a tragic state of affairs when you have a political ideology that is so terrified of debate that it simply wants to cut it off. Can you say Soviet Russia, Communist China, North Korea, or Cuba?
Most amazing of all is when these folks claim the mainstream media is biased towards the right. Can they back up their claims with facts? No so far. But my challenge for them to name conservatives at the major media outlets remains on the table.
bill…..they can’t, and if they could they WOULDN’T name them. you are absolutely right…. all they are doing is trying to STOP free speech and truth from coming out.
think about what our little ‘rocket scientist K ” has to say here…i can’t believe i missed it before.
“K says:
@29 because it’s a stupid question. ABC, NBC, CBS are all major corporations. They play to the market.”
so, K, they play to the market do they? so what you are saying is that MOST americans are not liberals? because you have stated that all these corporations are conservative right? so what is it?
i will be so glad when the last 60’s reject is gone…..and i mean the peace-love-mework?????no way!!! guys are gone.
these are the people that really think anyone would vote for shrillary….not going to happen.
It’s so incredible. These folks call themselves “progressives”. If “progressive” means avoiding debabte, calling nasty names, and stamping out opposing ideas I’m more proud than ever to be a conservative.
Here, all you have to do is ask a simple question and instead of a rational response you get something like, “yeah, well what about Iran Contra you conservative right wing Christian f***wad?”.
That’s “progress” I guess.
bill…have you ever noticed that when a doctor [or scientist] is describing the path of a disease they refer to it as getting “progressively worse”?
things hardly ever get progressively better….do they?
need i say more?
all these people want to do is scream in an echo chamber of their own making. i don’t see why they don’t move out of horrible old america to the virtual paradise of ,say, china for instance. you know…where free speech is so highly valued and people aren’t bigots and racist nazis like they are here. ahem……..