Mark Fiore: Smokey the Climate Scientist.
Mental Floss: Does ginger ale really help with stomach aches?
The 2016 Clown Show:
- This is The Republican Party
- Young Turks: Trump is in denial about his standing with Latinos.
- Ann Telnaes: President Trump…Twitter troll-in-chief.
- Jonathan Mann: Trump mocks Asian negotiators (remix):
- Sam Seder: Trump is now openly mocking Asians
- Donald Trump says “China” (234 times).
- David Pakman: White Supremacists flock to Donald Trump
- Farron Cousins: Donald Trump may put the final nail in the G.O.P. coffin
- David Pakman: Former KKK Grand Wizard and G.O.P. Congressman David Duke supports Trump
- Young Turks: Trump kicks Jorge Ramos out of press conference
- David Pakman: Donald Trump kicks Jorge Ramos out of press conference
- Donald Trump:“Positive influence?!?”
- Maddow: Trump’s racial comments causing GOP approval ratings to crash
- Young Turks: After Trump expels Jorge Ramos, Trump supporter tells Ramos to “Get out of my country!”
- David Pakman: Trump supporter tells Hispanic-American reporter to “get out of MY country”
- Kimmel: Trump’s newest ad
- Sam: Trump vs. Luntz…the battle of the right-wing pinheads
- Trump live-tweets The Kelly File
- Trump’s big movie role.
- Thom: A corporatist peek behind Trump
- Is Donald Trump an evil wizard?
- David Pakman: Does Donald Trump put an end to Republican ‘family values’ nonsense?
- Sam Seder: Why Donald Trump is so dangerous
- Maddow: Trump vs. FAUX News! Godzilla vs. Mothra!
- Megyn Kelly Kicks the shit out of Donald Trump. Makes him bleed from…wherever
- Young Turks: Trump v. FAUX News, Round 2
- Chris Hayes: Trump stumped by Bible question
- David Pakman: Trump’s brilliant answer to Bible verse question
- PsychoSuperMom: Trump’s the monster the G.O.P. created.
- Can Trump win without Latinos?
- Young Turks: Sarah Palin will interview The Donald
- Maddow: The Paul family scandal you don’t know about:
- Farron Cousins: Jeb gets desperate, and turns to his brother for fundraising.
- Jeb! and The Donald scuffle over “anchor babies”
- Sam Seder: Jeb Bush…When I say anchor babies, I mean Asians!
- Farron Cousins: Jeb Bush apparently hates Hispanics AND Asians
- Sam Seder: To stop “evildoers,” Jeb Bush wants to spy on more Americans
- Farron Cousins: Jeb Bush made millions by bankrupting Florida’s pension funds
- White House on Sen. Cruz’s & Trump’s pro-war rally
- Ann Telnaes: Ted Cruz courts evangelicals.
- Young Turks: Ted Cruz wants to deport millions, just please don’t talk about it
- Young Turks: Lil’ Bobby Jindal new 2016 strategy…copy Trump
- Sam Seder: Lindsey Graham, in a desperate attempt for relevancy, threatens to “Beat Trump’s brains out.”
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about cancer.
Young Turks: Terrorist attempts to bomb abortion clinic.
- Young Turks: Emotional plea for gun control from father of VA shooting victim
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Father of VA shooting victim calls for gun laws
- Thom: Time to start treating guns like abortions.
- American gun violence versus the World
- Young Turks: Science says…more guns, more gun deaths
- David Pakman: So far….U.S. averaging one mass shooting per day in 2015.
- Farron Cousins: Gun violence in America is out of control. Is the 2nd Amendment outdated?
- Young Turks: Mark Hamill’s gun tweet enrages conservatives
Mental Floss: 31 amazing facts about household items.
Bill Maher with some New Rules.
White House: West Wing Week.
New Orleans, Ten Years after Katrina:
- 10 years later: Has New Orleans been rebult…or just gentrified?
- Hurricane Katrina relived through media clips
- Maddow: The 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina (with a cameo by Heck-of-a-job-Brownie):
- George W. Bush back in New Orleans after 10 years.
Sam Seder: FAUX News, “It’s hard out there for white people”.
Congressional hits and misses: Best of Ted Cruz.
Eric Schwartz: Fuck You:
Nuclear Football:
- A real nuclear physicist explains the Iran deal.
- Is Sen. Wyden (D-OR) on the path to war?
Slate: What is sex like in space?
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.