Lee Camp: Hell frozen over? A CEO is jailed!
PBS & NPR: Are pesticides to blame for the massive bee die-off?
The 2016 Clown Auditions:
- The G.O.P. is the party of the past.
- The G.O.P. Health Care plan? Repeal ObamaCare.
- Sam Seder: Bedtime stories with Ben Carson…the imaginary crafting of the Constitution.
- Young Turks: The bizarre “end times” beliefs of Dr. Ben Carson.
- Sam Seder and Farron Cousins: Ben Carson’s stupidity is a national security threat
- Maddow: Is Cruz courting the violent religious right?
- Farron Cousins: Scientists confirm…Ted Cruz is roughly as intelligent as Kindergartners.
- Maddow: Ted Cruz embraces religious radicals with violent message.:
- Farron Cousins: Ted Cruz could win the nomination…and that should terrify Americans.
- Stephen: The all-seeing NostraDonald
- Chris Hayes: Trump doubles down on lies and violence.
- Harry Shearer: Trump is the O.J. of politics.
- Kasich PAC goes after Trump
- Lawrence O’Donnell & friends: About that anti-Trump ad
- Maddow: New devastating G.O.P. ad rips Trump!
- Young Turks: Press now needs escorts for bathroom breaks at Trump rallies.
- Sam Seder: Trump Mania—Waterboarding? Torture? Absolutely!
- Farron Cousins: Is the Trumphole the most racist presidential candidate ever????
- Maddow: Trumphole sticks to 9/11 lie & his campaign takes a dark turn.
- David Pakman: Donald Trump calls for “registering” Muslims like animals
- PsychoSuperMom: (Trump Can’t Hide) Your Lying Eyes.
- Chris Hayes: Many Republicans are now calling Trump the “F-word”.
- Jonathan Mann: Donald Trump reminds me of Hitler.
- Inside the Trump hat factory.
- Farron Cousins: G.O.P. wants Trump to disappear before he costs them the presidency
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Trump’s racist claims:
- Young Turks: Trump retweets fake statistics from a neo-Nazi.
- Thom: Trump’s White Fascist Brigade
- Farron Cousins: Trump and FAUX News want to bring back waterboarding.
- Sam Seder: Trump Mania—Saw thousands of Arabs in N.J. cheering 9/11
- David Packman: Huckabee says there will be no abortion when he is President.
- Farron Cousins: Mike Huckabee wants Obama to wipe out Muslims
Minute Physics: Why isn’t it faster to fly West?
Pap: Corporate media wants you to be stupid. Let’s fight back.
Mitch McConnell drinks.
- Young Turks: Asshat Congressman (R) says refugees just want paid vacations.
- Jonathan Mann: Jesus was a refugee.
- David Pakman: Obama explains to Republicans that you can’t keep refugees out of your state.
- Richard Fowler: Obama calls G.O.P. stance on refugees “shameful”
- Young Turks: Game of Thrones author schools Republicans on refugees
- Stephen: Presidential Medal Of Honor recipient Gloria Estefan knows what it’s like to be a refugee
Thom with Steven Gaffney: Really! How do you know a politician is lying?
Jimmy Dore: God refuses to apologize for Paris.
California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom (with Bill Maher): Why raise the minimum wage.
Redacted Tonight comedy special with Lee Camp.
Farron Cousins: Corporate media is hungering for a war.
Actual Terrorism That Happened in the U.S. This Week:
- Young Turks: Armed masked men intimidate Black Lives Matter protests.
- Terrorists strike in Minneapolis
- Young Turks: 5 BLM protesters shot
- Liberal Viewer: FOX News omits key Planned Parenthood statement on Colorado Springs shooting.
- News coverage: Terrorist attack in Colorado.
Congressional hits and misses: Thanksgiving leftovers edition.
John Oliver: Pennies.
Thom: The Good, the Bad & The Very, Very Gallionicly Ugly!
David Pakman: World hunger is a social construction.
Young Turks: Koch brothers building their own CIA to spy on progressives.
Surviving the survivalist game.
Quagmire Happening:
- Young Turks: Turkey shoots down Russian fighter plane
- Turkey shoots down Russian fighter.
- Assad talks peace while chemical weapons become routine.
Jimmy Dore: Not drunk Bill O’Reilly calls about Muslims, responsibility & Muslims:
David Pakman: More Mexicans are leaving U.S. than coming in to the U.S.
White House: West Wing Week.
Maddow: Origin of the “freakin’ Presidential turkey pardon”.
Thom: Why the Kochs really embrace criminal justice reform.
Stop war and start cuddling.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.