Congressional Hits and Misses: The essential John Boehner.
Stephen: Farewell whoever you were.
VSauce: Juvenoia.
Thom: Here’s what Democratic Socialism is:
Ending gun violence.
How to FOIA the NSA for data about you.
White House: West Wing Week.
Ryan Eyes:
- Members weigh in on Ryan’s first week.
- Pap: Teabaggers go after Paul Ryan.
- WaPo: Who is Paul Ryan
- Maddow: Why Ryan won’t pass 9/11 first responders’ bill.
- Young Turks: Paul Ryan’s sellout to the banks.
- Farron Cousins: Paul Ryan’s first act is to screw over the poor.
Maddow: The Teabagger scandal that won’t die.
David Pakman: Teabaggers are at a record low.
Trevor Noah: My first American Health Care experience.
Mental Floss: Why does daylight saving time vary by country.
Thom: Un-Koch my campus.
Redskins vs. Reformed Whores: Let’s get it on!
Was MSNBC too easy on the Koch brothers?
Ann Telnes: More proof that SCOTUS is behind the times.
Chris Cillizza: Why Joe not running matters.
Congressional Hits and Misses of the week.
The 2016 Festival of Clowns:
- Obama smacks G.O.P. whimps for whining about CNBC moderators
- Young Turks: Obama mocks the wingnut whiners.
- Sam Seder: Obama mocks whiney GOP candidates.
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Republican debate demands
- Mark Fiore: The Real Republican Debate.
- Trevor Noah: Republicans call for babyproofed debates
- Sam Seder: Even FAUX News is laughing at the G.O.P. candidates.
- Seth Meyers with Donny Deutsch: Trump vs. Hillary is the reality show we want to see.
- Latino groups say Donald Trump’s racism has no place in the White House.
- Maddow: Anti-Trump protests reach Saturday Night Live
- Mexican Donald Trump hosts Mexican Saturday Night Live
- Songify: The Donald sings and dances:
- Donald responds with the Trump rap ad
- Sam Seder: Trump dismisses Jeb! and talks of riding off into the sunset
- Stephen: Trump and Jeb! books out.
- Young Turks: New low for Bush as Jindal passes him in Iowa.
- PsychoSuperMom: Jeb Can Fix It!
- Ann Telnaes: Jeb Bush and the divine right of political families.
- Young Turks: Jeb!’s friends are leaving him.
- Young Turks: Christie and Huckabee get demoted to the kids table.
- Matthew Filipowicz: Ted Cruz says climate change is not science. It’s religion.
- Young Turks: Ted Cruz just cannot still whining about the CNBC debate.
- “Holy Lunatic Asylum, Batman”: Ben Carson’s unbelievably NUTZ-O theory about the pyramids.
- Sam Seder: Genius Ben Carson solves the pyramid mystery.
- Ben Carson thinks the pyramids were built to store grain
- Hey GOP candidates, no more hating.
- Richard Fowler: Carson compares rape victims who want abortions to slave owners.
- David Pakman: Carson and pyramid schemes
- Farron Cousins: Dr. Malpractice says pyramids were for grain storage
- Young Turks: Ben Carson’s pyramid scheme.
- Sam Seder: Ben Carson tells some classic archaeologist jokes
- Matthew Filipowicz: Rand Paul compares tuition free college to heroin.
- Trevor Noah: Iowa Republicans are afraid of The Daily Show
Anonymous KKK Hack.
Sam Seder: FAUX News infotainters have difficulty understanding jobs numbers.
Thom: Will ObamaCare survive in Kentucky?
Obama on Keystone XL.
Nancy Pelosi: “The Republican Committee to Attack Women’s Health”.
Seven mistakes in Bill-O-The-Clown’s book about Ronald Reagan.
Simone Sebastian: If you oppose Black Lives Matter, you would’ve abhorred Martin Luther King.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about famous composers.
David Hawkings’ Whiteboard: Wealth of Congress:
Red State Update: RIP Fred Thompson.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.