Happy war on holiday.
* Mitt Romney gave a speech about freeance and religiosity. And he was introduced by a jackass.
* And, speaking of freedom needing religion, how about those moderate Muslims?
* And speaking of Romney, Goddamn are some of his supporters sensitive.
* And speaking of (is there a pattern here? I’ll stop) GOP whining. It’s bad that Democrats are allowed to ask questions of Republicans. And of Democrats.
* Democrats need not jump to defend the CIA when it obstructs justice.
* Political journalism is tough. But at least it’s easy to find the bias when people take short cuts and make up the news.
* Michelle Malkin and Freepers are delightful people.
* It’s nice to know what’s a real emergency.
* The complaint against Dino Rossi was dismissed, but to the Republicans who seem to think that makes him clean, you are an idiot.
* Dino Rossi’s idea man is having trouble reading the Constitution.
This is an open thread