Rob Mckenna’s campaign was asked about why they exclude The Stranger (and God Bless the reporter who asked it). It seems the fact that Dan Savage gave Jay Inslee’s campaign money and the fact Goldy is technically in charge of a PAC that hasn’t done anything in several years, that the whole paper should be considered biased against them.
Maybe. But if you’re a human, it’s impossible not to be biased. So one of The Stranger’s reporters wears, or several years ago wore, that on his sleeve. If he’s not fair on those calls or press conferences, well the rest of the media there will see that.
And look, I’m not sure how much news actually gets generated at press conferences and phone ins to the campaign staff, really. I mean this is the first time in a while I can remember something from one of these making the news.
Further, McKenna can run his campaign however he wants. It’s not his official office. But if he wants to run it like a whiny, pathetic baby, well, people are going to notice.