So… on each and every one of the 1,944 voter registration challenges, Lori Sotelo declared “under penalty of perjury” that she has “personal knowledge and belief that this person is not qualified to vote, or does not reside at the address given.”
Hmm. And yet, according to WA state GOPolitburo Chair Chris Vance:
Although Sotelo’s name appeared on the challenge affidavits, Vance said, the list of voters to challenge was actually created by volunteers and interns cross-referencing storage unit addresses with voter registration rolls. Sotelo just signed on the dotted line, he said.
But wait… if Sotelo just signed on the dotted line, then she didn’t really have “personal knowledge and belief”, now did she? And if she didn’t really have “personal knowledge and belief”, then didn’t she just perjure herself… 1,944 times?
I’m not an attorney. So I’m just asking.
The scan of Sotelo’s affidavit was posted to The Stranger’s forum by one of the challenged voters. Credit where credit is due.