I try not to get too caught up in the polls, especially the cheap-ass, robo-call variety that KING-5 commissions from Survey USA. Any race close enough to be worth the effort of polling is almost certainly too far within the poll’s margin of error to let either side rest comfortably at night. And with a large majority of voters now casting ballots by mail, even an accurate two or three day snapshot of voter opinion is only marginally useful in predicting the outcome of a three-week election.
That said, I’d rather be up than down, and with a recent round of polling results being bandied about in the comment threads, I thought I’d take a moment to share a few comments of my own.
Some of you may have noticed an apparently stunning turnaround in the race between Ron Sims and David Irons for King County Executive. On 10/17 Irons led Sims 46% to 43%. Two weeks later Sims leads Irons 48% to 41%. Of course much of this movement is likely explained by the rather zaftig +/- 4.1% sampling error rate. But the pollsters do point out one statistically significant shift:
Most of the movement is among women voters. Women support Sims by 21 points today, compared to 3 points on 10/17/05.
Why would women suddenly flock to Sims? Hmm, I dunno… perhaps it’s because he never beat his mother?
Of course, assuming these numbers actually represent a real swing in broad public opinion, there are a lot factors that might have contributed to the shift. Still, one can’t help but wonder how much of an influence Mrs. Irons’ story might have had on women… most of whom love their mothers, and many of whom are mothers themselves. Physical abuse and verbal harassment of women at home and in the workplace is much more common than we might like to admit, and so many women found a mother’s description of her own son’s abusive behavior both believable and disturbing. Knowing little about the Republican candidate other than his parents’ character testimony, it is not surprising if voters reject the undefined Irons’ “anyone but Sims” campaign.
The truth is, negative campaigning works, a fact that Karl Rove has made a career of proving. Had Christine Gregoire spent a million dollars during the final weeks of the gubernatorial campaign defining her opponent, there never would have been an election contest. Had the eminently fair-minded Dave Ross abandoned the moral high ground and gone negative on Dave Reichert’s ass, we’d likely have one more Democrat in Congress. I respect Ron Sims for refusing to sling mud… but not so much that I was going to sit back and watch him lose an election while voters remained blissfully unaware of Irons’ explosive temper and his well documented history of showing it. (Not to mention his pathological lying and embarrassingly inflated resume.)
Would I rather talk about issues? Sure… Sims kicks Irons’ ass there too. But I’m comfortable that my mudslinging was truthful mudslinging, and that I didn’t do anything to Irons he wouldn’t have done to Sims… had Irons actually had any mud to sling. (Remember, this is the guy who sprung a closed FBI investigation on Brian Derdowski the night before the absentee ballots dropped. What goes around comes around.)
All that said, I have no idea if my efforts have had any impact on public opinion, and I’m certainly not relaxing now that the KING-5 poll shows Sims with a 7 point lead. This race could still go either way, and anybody who throws away their vote on a third party candidate that is neither qualified for office nor has a snowball’s chance of winning, risks putting King County’s $3.4 billion government in the hands of a lying, resume inflating, mother beating, tantrum tossing, tool throwing, unqualified Bush Republican. Third terms are extremely difficult to win for any executive office, and Sims would be struggling regardless of the opposition. Irons biggest backers, the gambling and building industries, want you to believe that you have the luxury of casting a protest vote. You don’t.
Irons is all but guaranteed a floor of about 35% of the vote; this represents the Will Baker Wing of the Republican Party… those who will vote for any candidate with an “R” next to his name, regardless of qualification or pulse. Then there are those single issue voters who will reject Sims on Sound Transit or the CAO or the nixed SWA deal… or who have totally bought into the GOP bullshit that KC Elections is corrupt and incompetent. (It is not.) This puts Irons’ floor firmly in the low to mid 40’s.
The Democrats have their own robotic voters, but they are much less reliable than those in the GOP, eroding the D’s natural numerical advantage. The result is that Sims too has a floor in the low to mid 40’s, leaving the election in the hands of undecideds and would-be Greens. While I can certainly envision Sims winning with greater than 50% of the vote, Irons squeaking by on a 45% to 44% margin is just as likely.
So while I find the latest polls somewhat encouraging, I feel far from reassured. And neither should you. If you don’t want Irons to be King County executive… vote for Sims.
KING-5 also commissioned polls on Initiatives 900, 901 and 912, which make one thing perfectly clear: I-901, which bans smoking in public places, is going to pass. Of course, we all knew that.
We’ve also always known that I-900, Tim Eyman’s superfluous performance audits initiative is a bit of a toss-up. It’s a rather complicated subject likely to confuse voters, and so there’s the natural instinct to vote no. But it is vaguely anti-government, and voters like that, so I still think it’s likely to manage a couple point victory. Still, it won’t come anywhere close to passing with a kind of mandate that could be understood to say anything about the mood of the electorate.
But it’s the numbers on I-912, the anti-transportation initiative, that has spurred the most interest. Survey USA shows I-912 failing, 44% to 50%, but as encouraging as this may be, I’d take these results with a large boulder of salt. Eyman’s own anti-tax initiatives have routinely polled 10 points lower than the final vote — I suppose some supporters are embarrassed to reveal themselves as selfish bastards — so I-912’s defeat is anything but a sure thing. But clearly, the initiative has not generated the overwhelming support some had predicted.
A look at the crosstabs are in fact fascinating, with I-912 supposedly drawing only 43% in Eastern WA… statistically comparable to the 42% support in Metro Seattle. I find both these numbers hard to believe, but in different directions.
I’ve always felt this was going to be a close vote, and if voters really understood the gas tax and what it pays for, I-912 would go down to defeat. But win or lose, if Republicans were looking for some voter backlash to slap in the face of Gov. Christine Gregoire and the Democrat controlled Legislature, this poll suggests I-912 won’t be it.
So there you have it… I find the recent round of polling interesting, encouraging… but ultimately, meaningless. With the exception of I-901, these races are all too close to call. So don’t throw away your vote.
The problem with Polls is that there is no poll anymore. All are jaded to what you want to hear or what you want to believe or what message you are sending. The last phone polls I received were so blatantly biased in their questioning, I finally just hung up…both sides are doing it. So get of your horse and wait for what will happen.
However, speaking of previous blogs…last week you commented on some weirdo making racial remarks in a PI letter to editor.
What do you think about this here….ok with you ? I hope not.
Wow Goldy,
Apparently the money Simms spent sponsoring your smear camp[aign seems to be working.
What a snivelling little fuckin weasel you are.
‘Why would women suddenly flock to Sims? Hmm, I dunno… perhaps it’s because he never beat his mother?’
Or…we do not KNOW that Sims beat his mother. After all, much discussion by the HA “team” has focussed on why victims almost never report the abuse to authorities, or anyone in or outside the immediate family. Is there another story to dig into here?
Rabbitwho: It’s Ok for black people to call each other by the “N” word, in either complimentary of derogotory fashion, but completely unacceptable for a white person to use the “n” word, EVER. This is a commonly accepted more in our society. Similarly, it’s OK for black people to call this guy any other racial ephitets they want. That especially true in this case as he is stumping for a party whose policies are, in effect, anti-black. I say, let them call a spade a spade. (really, really sorry for the pun)
David CLOWNstein says:
“Most of the movement is among women voters. Women support Sims by 21 points today, compared to 3 points on 10/17/05.
Why would women suddenly flock to Sims? Hmm, I dunno… perhaps it’s because he never beat his mother?”
Ummmmmm, how does CLOWNSTEIN KNOW Sims never beat his mother?
How does CLOWNSTEIN know Irons did????
CLOWNSTEIN repeatedly cites an 11 year-old allegation from the pathetic BATTLE-AX of a mother who hates her son and hates his political beliefs.
She is yet another CLOWN in the KingCo Circus!!!
How many CLOWNS live in KingCo??? Look at Sims final vote total and you will know!
Re Mr. Cynical @5: Have you ever noticed that when you go to those weirdo web sites that have claims about UFO’s, messages form the Illuminati in the tax code, instructions on how to build spaceships in Mayan pottery etc, that they REPEATEDLY USE CAPITALS IN ORDER TO GET the point across? Does anyone know if this is symptomatic of a particular psychological disorder, or just part of web crazinesss?
Just wondering.
Rather than comment on rabbitwho @1, I’ll just point to a valuable commentary on the same subject. It fits in nicely with LtU’s point as well.
Why are you so eager to dismiss Mrs. Irons’ story? When almost her entire family backs her up? It is a big step for a mother to speak out against her own flesh and blood. But we can’t let a little domestic violence stand in the way of your candidate and your quest for more almighty dollars – whatever the cost!
Not to put a damper on Blogosphere Triumphalism, but didn’t Sims start running TV ads about how David Irons wants to pave through some particularly green area? Do we know what direct mail pieces have gone out?
Clearly the domestic violence story is bad for Irons. But there are other that may have shifted the polls as well.
I don’t think the folks who’ll be voting for I-912 are necessarily “anti-transportation.” They’re just mad at the way the gas tax increase was enacted.
Felix the Clown says:
“Why are you so eager to dismiss Mrs. Irons’ story? When almost her entire family backs her up?”
Almost her entire family??????????????
Where have you been CLOWN!
A Battle-Ax mother and an even loonier sister is far from the entire family. The fact is way more other family members (sister, aunts & uncles) back David and confirm the old BATTLE-AX hates her son because of his political views.
What kind of mother would do this publicly???? A MAMA CLOWN!
Folks would rather deal with Sims horrible leadership on Transportation, Election Dept., SWA and the CAO. These are issues that affect everyone. Now add to that, SIMS attempt to ram a smoke-and-mirrors budget!!!!
David CLOWNstein’s SHITSQUAD Tactics have lead to refocus the election debate away from Sims record and onto an 11-year-old allegation where the poor abused Battle-Ax NEVER filed formal charges.
David Irons has taken the high road on this. I respect him for it.
Sims on the other hand, tries to pretend he and his staff knew nothing about it.
But then POOF, CLOWNstein and SindelCLOWN admit discussing and orchestrating it.
Many voters are sick of Sims and his SHITSQUAD’s. They are offensive.
If SIMS loses====LoganCLOWN is FIRED!!!!!!!!
If IRONS wins====LoganCLOWN is FIRED!!!!!!!!!
Good enough for me.
I’m confident that Goldy outed mommybeater Irons without pay for the sheer pleasure of watching glass-jawed Rethug jerkoffs like you squeal like little piggies. Prove the allegation, or shut the fuck up.
You are one pathetic angry little white male, aren’t you?
Again, put up or shut the fuck up, bee-otch!
BTW – I agree w/Libertarian @10 (to vote no on the 4.5 billion Viaduct tunnel – vote yes on I-912 – it’s the only chance you’ll get!)
Has anyone heard the latest Irons’ radio ad? Since he obviously can’t get mom and dad’s support (or that of most of his other relatives), he’s got his daughter talking about how he’s rebuilding a car for her, just like he will KC govt. It would be laughable if it weren’t so pathetic. (Her last line – “he’s got my vote” – would be a lot more effective if she actually could!)
re 1: It is kind of racist, but the mental visual of black people pelting this Rep CLOWN with oreo cookies is just too funny for words. I call white people who suck up to power “Uncle Toms”. I don’t mean it in a racial way.
Goldy; great stuff by Siegal and Sims this am. Siegal said electtions in Baghdad more honest than Ron “bank accuracy” Sims….man that got the guy sputtering…. HA
Larry the Urbanite-4 ‘It’s Ok for black people to call each other by the “N” word..’
Question: How can you determine the skin color of someone who comments on HA?
Larry the Tool.
The use of the word Nigger is never acceptable, by anyone.
Trying to justify it’s use just makes you an asshole, calling it the “N” word makes you a little bitch.
The decline in the polls of I-912 has a lot to do with the incredible amounts of money being spent by the no campaign and by the DOT. Money buys people’s opinions. And this state has been bought off by Bill Gates, Paul Allen, the lawyers who will collect millions from the bond offerings, and the construction companies who will build the boondoggles. I swear the voters in this state are idiots.
The DOT will be found to be in violation of campaign finance laws, but it won’t be until December, and it will be a slap on the wrist.
Hey Goldy – I know you read DailyKos, where they also love to watch polling. SUSA has some of the best, if not the best record in the business. The robo call format seems to actually encourage people to tell the truth, since they don’t have to admit their shitty choices to a real person. I don’t know much about the King5 polls – they probably have a survey set way too small to do this accurately, but don’t knock SUSA for accuracy – they seem to be one of the few outfits that gets it.
The use of the word Nigger is never acceptable, by anyone.
Wait a minute. You just used it.
Damn it! Now I did too!
So based upon these polls, Ron Sims won’t have to dip too deeply (if at all) in to the double-registered/not-registered/non-citizen voter pool. Stunning proof that his “turnaround team’ at KCE has done the job.
Another TJ,
So yes, I did use it, so eithe none of us do or we all do.
BTW, Aren;t you supposed to be working?
So which is it? None or all?
Var at 4, 7 and 16:
Your attitude displays exactly what’s wrong with all of this. Either it is ok to insult and use racial slurs or it’s not. Just because the one group fits your “view of the world” it’s ok, but I can guarantee that if a black republican group would have use the same against a black democrat, you all would be up in arms over it. Racism will not stop unless we stop having double standards on either side. You want it both ways and it’s wrong. Unfortunately, there are racists in both the white and black community (and in each and other group). We should all work on stopping racism, and not vilify the one and praise the other. As long as you support racism when it fits your purpose, you are no better than the racist you detest.
A question for the BUSH-DAVIDIANS:
How many of you voted for Will Baker ?!?
I know Cynical/Irrelevant and ASS didn’t. How about DOOFUS, YeaWrong, WrongOne and the rest?
Never use it unless you name is head-in-de-ass lucite. He was allowed to use it because Goldy didn’t & wouldn’t tell him not to in September. Goldy in real ASS in HorsesASS, supporting racial bigotry at ever turn.
Lucite, I didn’t think it was funny throwing OREO cookies at someone because they are not on the same reservation as you are. The problem with BLACK LEFTIST PINHEADS is the same as WHITE LEFTIST PINHEADS. You frog march to the same jackbooted leaders.
Rabbitwho: they are smearing Alito with Mafia comments direct fromt he DNC. Dumb Nuts Committee
Here is more Liberal Hyprocrosy. From the book “Do As I Say”:
* Filmmaker Michael Moore insists that corporations are evil and claims he doesn’t invest in the stock market due to moral principle. But Moore’s IRS forms, viewed by Schweizer, show that over the past five years he has owned shares in such corporate giants as Halliburton, Merck, Pfizer, Sunoco, Tenet Healthcare, Ford, General Electric and McDonald’s.
* Staunch union supporter Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) has received the Cesar Chavez Award from the United Farmworkers Union. But the $25 million Northern California vineyard she and her husband own is a non-union shop.
The hypocrisy doesn’t end there. Pelosi has received more money from the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees union than any other member of Congress in recent election cycles.
But the Pelosis own a large stake in an exclusive hotel in Rutherford, Calif. It has more than 250 employees. But none of them are in a union, according to Schweizer, author of “The Bushes: Portrait of a Dynasty” and a regular contributor to the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and other periodicals.
The Pelosis are also partners in a restaurant chain called Piatti, which has 900 employees. The chain is – that’s right, a non-union shop.
* Ralph Nader is another liberal who claims that unions are essential to protect worker rights. But when an editor of one of his publications tried to form a union to ameliorate miserable working conditions, the editor was fired and the locks changed on the office door.
* Self-described socialist Noam Chomsky has described the Pentagon as “the most vile institution on the face of the earth” and lashed out against tax havens and trusts that benefit only the rich.
But Chomsky has been paid millions of dollars by the Pentagon over the last 40 years, and he used a venerable law firm to set up his irrevocable trust to shield his assets from the IRS.
* Air America radio host Al Franken says conservatives are racist because they lack diversity and oppose affirmative action. But fewer than 1 percent of the people he has hired over the past 15 years have been African-American.
* Ted Kennedy has fought for the estate tax and spoken out against tax shelters. But he has repeatedly benefited from an intricate web of trusts and private foundations that have shielded most of his family’s fortune from the IRS.
One Kennedy family trust wasn’t even set up in the U.S., but in Fiji.
Another family member, environmentalist Robert Kennedy Jr., has said that it is not moral to profit from natural resources. But he receives an annual check from the family’s large holdings in the oil industry.
* Barbra Streisand has talked about the necessity of unions to protect a “living wage.” But she prefers to do her filming and postproduction work in Canada, where she can pay less than American union wages.
* Bill and Hillary Clinton have spoken in favor of the estate tax, and in 2000 Bill vetoed a bill seeking to end it. But the Clintons have set up a contract trust that allows them to substantially reduce the amount of inheritance tax their estate will pay when they die.
Hillary, for her part, has written and spoken extensively about the right of children to make major decisions regarding their own lives. But she barred 13-year-old daughter Chelsea from getting her ears pierced and forbid the teen from watching MTV or HBO.
* Billionaire Bush-basher George Soros says the wealthy should pay higher, more progressive tax rates. But he holds the bulk of his money in tax-free overseas accounts in Curacao, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands.
Schweizer writes: “Liberals claim to support affirmative action but don’t practice it. They support higher taxes but set up complicated tax shelters to avoid paying them. They claim to be ardent environmentalists but abandon their cause when it impinges on their own property rights.
“The reality is that liberals like to preach in moral platitudes. They like to condemn ordinary Americans and Republicans for a whole host of things – racism, lack of concern for the poor, polluting the environment, and greed.
“But when it comes to applying those same standards to themselves, liberals are found to be shockingly guilty of hypocrisy.
“The media and the American people need to hold them accountable.”
Puddy: I know, and it’s wrong. The problem is that this seems to be accepted by the left and MSM or as someone above puts it: It’s funny”.
No it’s not. But it certainly explains a lot to me.
Puddybud @ 28
“You frog march to the same jackbooted leaders. “
Wow…I’ll add this one to my mixed metaphor collection!
Goldy: “So don’t throw away your vote.”
Every once in a while, Goldy gets it right. Do NOT throw away your vote. Otherwise, some Lefty digging through your trash will try to forge and cast your ballot.
PLEASE READ: http://www.davidirons.org/truth.html
I hit the truth button…
BTW, David Irons will fire Dean Logan.
Is that a lie, too?!?
Of course, I hear from reliable sources (that I consider reliable) that Mary Lane will NOT replace Dean Logan. Breathe regular – Marummy won’t be counting King County ballots.
How do we know Mr. Cynical never beat his mother?
If their feet hurt, do they cut off their feet?
@10 (continued)
If I-912 passes, their feet will hurt plenty, because they’ll be doing lots of walking.
Comment by Mr. X— 11/2/05 @ 11:49 am
Are you sure Goldy’s posts aren’t all satire designed to be lapped up by willing pawns?
I’ve got an idea, let’s make King County vehicle maintenance supervisor an elective position, and elect David Irons to it. I understand he knows how to fix cars. And it’s okay if he takes out his temper on the garage mechanics, because they’re all white males who are used to being treated like that.
1, 16
Personally, I don’t think blacks should fling racial epithets at each other, but we all know they do it, and it seems to me that’s an internal matter for the black community to deal with.
Dutiful liberal that I am, I’ve got a job — no, a mission — for you prr. I’m gonna send you into the ghetto to lecture the good folks there about the evils of using the “n” word. If you don’t return alive, so much the better.
How do we know that Dean Logan isn’t being blackmailed by Ron Sims, and will assure that Sims will win the election?
How do we know that Ron Sims didn’t get a major payoff from the $40 million software debacle?
How do we know that Goldy hasn’t been guaranteed a major consulting contract with the next Sims administration?
Better stay inside on Election Day so you don’t get kidnapped by a UFO, Rick.
Josef @ 41,
Most of us are pretty tired of hearing you publicaly air your “Marummy” fantasy. Go m a s t e r b a t e on your own blog, kiddo.
Why shouldn’t we smear Alito? You guys smeared the Clintons, Celand, Kerry, and a long list of others. Turnabout is fair play. I think we should smear EVERY Republican who runs for office so you bastards know what it feels like.
Comment by dj — 11/2/05 @ 2:21 pm
Just having fun w/ you all :-). I know how much you all HATE my girlfriend.
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 11/2/05 @ 2:21 pm
Well, if I may chime in: I understand what you’re saying in one word – turnabout. But be careful…
Josef the Dinolackey @35
Is this the pic you whack off to? Is that a Zit I see at three o’clock, between the nose and mouth? Say, isn’t her nose a little longer than, uh, normal?
Janet S @ 44
How do we know that you have REALLY kicked your crack habit?
How do we know you aren’t an escapee from a mental institution?
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 11/2/05 @ 2:23 pm
I did a Google for her name and a Tinypic to add fuel to the fire and divert your attention from the Goldy crap machine!
“Well, if I may chime in: I understand what you’re saying in one word – turnabout. But be careful…”
Be careful about what? What are you guys gonna do to us? Steal elections? Appoint wackos to the Supreme Court? Smear Democrats? Start a war? It appears to me that, if we get nasty, there’s not much your side can do about it, because you gusy have already used up all your options.
Josef @ 48
“I know how much you all HATE my girlfriend.”
I know nothing about your “girlfriend” and therefore do not hate “her.”
All I know is that you should go see a child phychologist.
The kid will probably do you some good!
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 11/2/05 @ 2:27 pm
Obviously being rational with you is irrational.
Comment by dj — 11/2/05 @ 2:27 pm
Well, I know you DESPISE her and this is working oh, so well.
My dear, dear, Josef — you are suffering from delusions of grandeur.
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 11/2/05 @ 2:28 pm
Keep talking about Marummy… PLEASE!
Keep this up and David Irons, Jr. will be one happy man!!!
So will Gentry Lange, who humbly asks for your vote against left wing whacks and right wing warriors.
If you love your “Marummy” please tell her to NEVER EVER be in a room alone with David Irons Jr.
So now I am confused. Are you still sticking with your motherbeating lyin’ Irons? Or have you flip-flopped over to Gentry Lange? It is hard to keep straight on your hero du’jur.
Roger Rabbit-43 ‘..but we all know they do it, and it seems to me that’s an internal matter for the black community to deal with.’
Obviously there is no need to criticize the practice beyond “I don’t think blacks should fling racial epithets”. It is not like it might spread to the airwaves via radio, TV, etc. And it is not like the receiver of the slur, and anyone within earshot might be offended or hurt. (Children, teachers, etc.) NO, we should give a wink and a pass to the practice, and hope the “black community” will police itself. i.e. There is something different and beyond reproach about the “black community”, and if we criticize them for things we would not hesitate to criticize in our “own community”, they may not like us.
Comment by Josef for Honest Elections— 11/2/05 @ 2:21 pm
“Just having fun w/ you all . I know how much you all HATE my girlfriend. ”
No, I just think it’s weird how you seemed compelled to talk about her here so much.
Janet Liar S. @ 44
Because we know how opposed conservatives are to cronyism!!
Run along now. The honest adults are talking. You go over to the correctional facility were you’ll find your kind.
Thanks, and buh-bye!
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/2/05 @ 2:21 pm
“You guys smeared the Clintons, Celand, Kerry, and a long list of others. Turnabout is fair play. I think we should smear EVERY Republican who runs for office so you bastards know what it feels like.”
You keep telling us the Dems are better than the Reps. But if you do the same things that you criticize the Reps for, what does that make you?
Roger Rabbit-47 ‘Why shouldn’t we smear Alito?’
You have my vote. Smear away. And please, please, please get the dems to keep the Senate closed down.
And on another topic – perspective on oil company profits:
The smearing becomes he-said she-said. If you want a crystal clear comparison just look at how the Clinton WH and supporters treated all of the investigators/councils during those times. Then compare to the attacks on Fitzgerald during the Plamegate affair. My guess is that it will actually be the dems who end up trashing Fitzgerald.
Besides, the smear is all the lefties have left. Embrace it and realize that the number of lefties in the US is being reduced over time by both the “smear-titude” methods, as well as the bias inherent in the unfortunate practice of abortion. Sprinkle that with the knowledge that many of the most vocal lefties came of age during the 60’s and early 70’s, and that they are just about to enter retirement and the subsequent slowdown preceding assisted-suicide tendencies.
Janet S:
How do we know that Dean Logan isn’t …
How do we know that Ron Sims didn’t …
How do we know that Goldy hasn’t …
How do we know that Janet S is a wingnut troll? We need only look at anything and everything she transcribes here.
Comment by dj — 11/2/05 @ 2:34 pm
I want you to vote AGAINST Ron Sims and not FOR anybody. Preferably FOR David Irons.
Roger Rabbit,
Did you take your medicine this morning? Maybe you need to up your dose.
Tell us about your mother….
We’ve already established that the left on this site will believe fantastical tales. I was just playing along.
I am so pleased, though, to see that Sims hired some babysitters for Dean Logan. And at a cost of only half a million dollars! I wish that was a fantastical tale.
janey S…
Don’t worry, when Dean Logan is given his walking papers, I am sure they will retire hin for medical purposes and give him a nice fat pension.
And the left has the balls to complamin about Cronyism……
Yearight @18: I never claimed or implied I knew the race of a poster. That was your (willful and deceptive) misconstruing of my post.
Prr@ 19: What right have you to say so?
Yearight @64: Ditto last comment to Prr. I thought you conservatives were all about letting people do what they want? NOW you want ot legislate people within a community doing what they want? What a hypocrite. If I want to call a white Republican, say, a “racist honky hate-mongerer” I don’t think anyone in my (I’m white) community would object to the word honky, although it is derogatory. Who made you the fucking judge of all that is acceptable in black communities? That would imply you think you are better/smarter than everyone, wouldn’t it? Oh, wait, you are a conservative, so I guess that goes without saying.
Why don’t y’all post something that is actually fucking germaine instead of all this drivel? What a waste of bits.
yeaWrong @ all
We’re not “smearing” or “swift-boating” you or your fellow Bush-Davidians. We’re just havin’ a little fun.
What do you expect when you mostly come here and regurgitate the brainwashing by Newsmax, WND, Townhall.Com, WSJ Editorial, NRO, Limbaugh, Hannity, Medved, Wilbur, Carlson and on and on and on and on?
912 will pass by overwhelming margin. Not even close. Polls were way off on I-200 and I-776. I still predict 912 will pass by 15. The elitists will get lose again, as they always do.
Josef the Dinolackey @57
What on earth are you talking about? Are you responding to my post @55?
What’s irrational about saying that Republicans have done so much dirt to us liberals, there’s nothing left they haven’t already done to us, and therefore they have nothing by which to deter us from doing dirt to them?
The current political situation reminds me of an occasion in Vietnam when I told a sergeant to fuck off: “What are you going to do to me? Draft me into the army and send me to Vietnam?
WTF do you expect ME to do about it? Why don’t YOU find yourself some racist blacks and teach them manners? You’re the one who’s bitching about it, so you should do something about it, instead of expecting someone else to do it for you.
Oh, I forgot, Republicans NEVER get their hands dirty. They ALWAYS want someone else to do the dirty work. That’s because Republicans are
“You keep telling us the Dems are better than the Reps.”
I do? Well, maybe MOST Dems are better than the Reps, but I never said I was better than the Reps.
What I did say is I used to be a Goldwater Republican. I’m a mean bastard like you Republicans precisely because I WAS a Republican. That’s where I learned it.
But now that I’m a Democrat, I’m humble — unlike you arrogant wingnut bastards. Far be it from me to suggest that I’m morally superior to you fuckers.
No, I crawl around in the same sewers you do, looking for you bastards. I use your own filthy rotten tricks and devices against you. The way you get rid of a sewer full of rats is to send a bigger rat in after them.
Welcome to Armageddon, scumbags.
Let’s see, as I recall, the Republicans threw a temper tantrum and shut down Congress in 1994 because they didn’t get their way. Now they’re bitching because Democrats are threatening to shut down the Senate if the Republicans scrap the filibuster rule they freely used themselves for generations, in order to cram an extremist judge down the Democrats’ throats? Fucking hypocrites.
@68 (continued)
Did I complain about oil company profits? When? Where? I don’t remember complaining because my oil stock is up 50% since June.
It’s amazing how frequently, and massively, these trolls get simple facts wrong! Apparently “yearight” assumed that because Roger Rabbit is a Democrat, Roger Rabbit is against oil companies making gobs of money off saps who drive gas guzzlers.
WRONG!!! Roger Rabbit is a capitalist, and owns oil stock!!!
Hey “yearight” — know what happens when you assume things? You make an ASS of U and ME.
National Oilwell Varco actually closed today at $64.86
You got in at $40.
You are actually up 60%!!!
I got in around $50…
Still not bad!
So now “yearight” is gonna lecture Democrats about smearing people?
Let’s review.
When it appeared Kerry would win the Democratic nomination, a right-wing propagandist named Matt Drudge published a false story accusing Kerry of having an affair with a woman named Alexandra Polier.
Suddenly, Ms. Polier saw her name and photo on front pages of newspapers all over the world. So did Mrs. Kerry. To say these women were angry, is a massive understatement. If either one of them had killed Drudge, a prosecutor would have had a hard time finding a jury that wouldn’t let them off on grounds of justifiable homicide.
And what about Kerry? He was angry, too. Wouldn’t you be? If someone told a lie like that about you? How would you like it if some fucking liar tried to bust up your marriage and family by plastering all over the internet that you were screwing a young woman you barely knew, when you weren’t?
Unfortunately, the phony “Kerry affair” story was not an aberration. It is typical of the kind of shit right-wingers dot to trash their opponents and win elections. Right-wingers are dirty, filty liars.
That’s why liberals and Democrats should have NO compunction about fighting dirty against these sewer rats. They’re filth. They’re vermin. They’re subhuman.
And “yearight” — a right-wing troll — deigns to lecture us liberals about smearing people?
Fuck you, “yearight.” And fuck the armadillo you rode in on, too. Screwing armadillos is the only thing you’re good for.
No quarter for you unpatriotic, America-hating, fascist bastards.
WELL, WELL HERE WE GO AGAIN: http://www.soundpolitics.com/a.....tml#005257
Who gives a fuck what you want, Josef? Even Marummy doesn’t care what you want. Otherwise, you would have gotten a date with her by now.
My mommy weighed about 5 3/4 lbs. She had brown fur, buck teeth, and pink ears. Her ears were longer than they were wide. She had two powerful hind legs with razor-sharp claws and two small front legs with furry paws. She had a cute cottontail. She loved to eat grass, lettuce, carrots, turnips, and other ymmy vegetables. L loved my mommy, but unfortunately, she got run over by a Republican bastard driving too fast on Green Lake Way. However, I got even with that fascist rabbit-killer. I climbed into the engine compartment of his parked SUV and chewed the wiring all to hell. You should’ve seen the look on that asshole’s face when he popped the hood and saw what was left of his electrical system!!! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR
Like Joe Kennedy Sr. said, “Don’t get mad, get even.”
Does somebody actually PAY you for your opinions? Hard to believe.
If your boss is paying you 1/10th of what you claim he is, I’m pretty sure you have to justify your numbers to him. How about if you justify your claim that the KING 5 poll on I-912 is off by 25 points? What do you base that on? Besides your wishful thinking?
Oh, and one more question, Mark — if you’re so fucking rich, how come you can’t afford a 9 1/2-cent gas tax hike?
What I mean, Mark, is that I could understand your bitching about the gas tax if you were making, say, $7.36 an hour working the night shift in a convenience store.
Which leads me to suspect that you may in fact be a trailer park redneck making $7.36 an hour working the night shift in a convenience store because he dropped out of 7th grade.
Yeah, I saw that, Cyn! Hey, when it hits $70, come to DL and we’ll buy each other a beer.
I got in at $44, not $40.
Larry the Urbanite-75
‘I never claimed or implied I knew the race of a poster.’
Never said you did. Just not sure how any commentors can criticize the use of words by non-blacks if the skin color of the writer is not known.
‘NOW you want ot legislate people within a community doing what they want?’
Who said anything about legislation? How about some opinions, along the lines of “smoking is bad for you”, etc.?
‘..that is acceptable in black communities.’
What makes it acceptable? Are you aware of how many in the “black communities” despise that language? Should we not all try to be working towards a single community that includes everyone?
Roger Rabbit-82 ‘Democrats are threatening to shut down the Senate if the Republicans scrap the filibuster rule they freely used themselves for generations..’
Please shut down the Senate, and the Congress. Seriously.
The lefties will look out of the mainstream when they do to Alito what they did with Roberts. Have at it.
Roger Rabbit-86 ‘And “yearight” – a right-wing troll – deigns to lecture us liberals about smearing people?’
Who was lecturing? I was commenting to a fellow righty about a reasonable prediction. I must have hit a soft spot.
How many of you voted for Will Baker ?!?
I know Cynical/Irrelevant and ASS didn’t. How about DOOFUS, YeaWrong, WrongOne and the rest? -Comment by For the Clueless— 11/2/05 @ 1:37 pm
Who the heck is Will Baker?
Baker is the unstable one (that’s as nice as I can put it!) who ran as an R vs. Sonntag for State Auditor.
I can see no real reason to cash out of NOV at this point.
If it hits $70…..it’s probably a thinker….
But what other Oil Sector stock is this good?????????
I got into a Bank sector stock Wachovia (WB) on October 13th @ 47.
It’s currently a little over $50…..but I think it can go to near $60 in the next 3 months. Watch it.
I got out of Citigroup around the same time at around $45….it’s still around there somewhere.
Good luck—
I don’t mind seeing a CLOWN like you make money!
I voted for Sonntag… against Baker who’s only public service was archiving on his website 1998 KING 5 research about vote fraud…
“The lefties will look out of the mainstream when they do to Alito what they did with Roberts. Have at it.”
Yeah, we’ll look like Republicans, but we should do it anyway because you bastards have it coming. You blocked dozens of Clinton’s judicial nominees, and now you bitch if we block 1 of yours? Fucking hypocrites.
Line 3 “Total Number of Mail Ballots Tabulated” = 245,641
Line 7 “Total Mail Ballots Accounted for and Valid to Count” = 246,031
How could this be?!?!?
Mary Lane is calling the shots right now, we just had a spiritual strategery session helping me drive the moonbats and dingbats and Robert Rabbit nutzoid.
Aaah, the silence of the lost. The unprincipled. The lackluster.
But I’m going to throw a “Hail Marummy” Pass right your way. Better get ready to catch, boys…
Christine Gregoire: “Counting every vote is the only right thing to do”!; “We should be proud to live in a state where Democrats, Republicans and independents are so committed to protecting our sacred right to vote.”
Gary Locke: “We need to be confident that all legitimate votes were counted.”
Kristin Brost: “What we are looking for is a standard that will hold statewide, so every legal vote is counted”!
Hey, start Googling yourselves… can you catch this Hail Marummy?
Heck, I quoted your (mini-)Marummy(-wanna-be-brat)!
When are you going to demand the truth? When you do, you’ll catch the pass…
Notice my handle change…
More quotes to shame you – this time from Paul Berendt:
“We are asking that every vote be counted,†said Paul Berendt, Chair of the Washington State Democrats. “We want to be sure that votes in Okanogan are counted the same as votes are counted in Spokane, the same as votes are counted in Bellingham.â€
(Yeah, and come 8 November you BET this will matter!)
“We’re trying to count every legitimate vote in every countyâ€
“It may take a little while longer, but it’s worth three more weeks to count all the votes and provide four years of legitimacy for the next governor,†concluded Paul Berendt.
“We’ve been saying from day one that every vote should be counted.â€
I have more in a minute…
(Note the bold)
SEATTLE – Washington State Democratic Party Chairman Paul Berendt released the following statement this morning following the Supreme Court’s ruling in the case of McDonald v. Reed.
“Today’s Supreme Court decision is disappointing. It means that counties across the state will continue to use outdated and inconsistent procedures. Our goal all along has been to get mistakes corrected. Legitimate ballots were thrown out because of a variety of governmental mistakes. We’ve been trying to get those mistakes corrected.â€
“We will always be proud to stand up for people’s votes. …â€
“We’ve heard stories over the last few weeks from these voters. They’re real people who played by the rules, but their votes weren’t counted.â€
“We’ve already seen, for example, that King County mistakenly ignored 561 ballots that should have been counted. Mistakes were also made in Rossi counties, and correcting those mistakes has helped Rossi as hundreds of votes were added after the first count. As Republican Secretary of State Sam Reed said this morning on KIRO radio, canvassing boards will continue, as they always have, to correct errors as they find them.â€
“These are the kinds of mistakes that need to be corrected in order to count every vote. As is clear in the King County case, errors have been made and those errors should be corrected to allow these votes – and voters – to be included in the process.â€
You write: “Physical abuse and verbal harassment of women at home and in the workplace is much more common than we might like to admit”
Actually, it is LESS common than the divas would like you to think, but what is more common than we would like to admit is the violence against men. When the twisted and inaccurate is repeated over and over, until it becomes fact, then it reminds me of Goebbels.
Of course, your mentioning Irons disfunctional family reminds me of the same.
The Geezer
390 voters didn’t have their vote counted in a primary election – an election that was a dress rehersal for 8 Nov’r… now I quote Paul Berendt: “These are the legal votes of registered voters. To let them be thrown away because of a government mistake would be criminal.â€
Good Gawd, where are you Democrats?!?!?
Berendt again: “It is upsetting that a clerical mistake could have robbed hundreds of citizens of their right to vote.â€
I am going to shame you tonight for your lack of moral fiber and sense of patriotism in demanding accountability if that is the last thing I do.
Mary Lane would demand it out of her legionnaire.
Our soldiers overseas would demand it out of us.
Our nation deserves better.
I just cut and pasted each of those quotes, BTW. All Berendt quotes are from postings at http://wa-democrats.org/news.php for the month of December 2005.
Now, if there is more fraud in King County Elections and David Irons, Jr. wins – what will you do?
You flatter yourself too much, methinks. Just because I pay attention to you does not mean you’re important. I pay attention to fleas, too.
Mothers are SUPPOSED to smack their kids, when they’re mean little shits like David.
Josef, this isn’t a new story, and you are making much ado about little. It’s the same old story that was hashed and rehased last spring — no election is perfect, and a small number of discrepancies out of a quarter million ballots is normal and NOT proof of foul play.
Here is Dean Logan’s statement:
“Nov. 2, 2005
“Dean Logan statement on Primary mail ballot report
“The Canvassing Board examined the reconciliation process at its September 30 meeting – including a series of detailed reports and spreadsheets detailing the security and accountability of the ballots and noting anomalies. An explanation of how ballots counted is tracked through the tabulation system and how voters are credited was also provided.
“The Election Center, which was brought in by the King County Council to audit the Elections section, addressed the issue of voters credited and ballots cast. In their presentation to the Council at the completion of their audit, they explicitly stated that small discrepancies in reconciliation are normal and expected. They said that a discrepancy in these numbers would be common in elections conducted anywhere in the country.
“The procedures in place today are tighter than ever and there is no evidence or indication of foul play or additional uncounted ballots. It was in the days following the Primary, during the Sheriff’s recount, that the uncounted ballots were identified. The fact is the system in place is working and we have made vast improvement in the documentation and reporting since the 2004 election. State law requires any discrepancies be reported to the Canvassing Board and that was done.
“Following the close gubernatorial election, the 2005 state legislature placed greater emphasis on reconciling ballots counted to voters credited in the voter registration system with voting. It established a reporting process to help ensure transparency in that process. King County followed that process during the 10-day certification process for the primary and fully disclosed the discrepancy.
“Additionally, the legislature lengthened the certification period for the General Election to 21 days to allow for more detailed reconciliation processes. We expect the additional time will allow for more precise reconciliation and that is why election administrators around the state have pushed for an earlier primary date to enable a similar certification period for all elections.”
Updated: Nov. 02, 2005
The bottom line is that wingers like Josef exploit KCRE’s inability to achieve unattainable perfection as an excuse to cry “fraud!” where there is no fraud.
Wabbit @ 91 – It’s not that I can’t afford it. Of course I can. I just want to take this and shove it up the asses of the elites who think they know better. And I want the problem fixed which 912 doesn’t even pretend to do.
The poll predicted 70% voter turnout. That ain’t gonna happen in an off year election. Polls on I-200 and I-776 were off by 15 to 20 points. I think the Yes people are way more energized than the No people, so our side will get better turnout. That’s why I continue to think it will pass by a wide margin.
Go ya one more. I think the antismoking thing is gonna be close. I’m hearing a rising tide against it. I won’t predict its defeat, but it could be within 5%.
Rupert Wabbet: Were you a bastard when you arrived into this world? You like to use that remark like harry poon needs a penis!
Goldy, Sims criticized your blog entries about the Irons story and called it dirty, or some such thing. Did you think he was sincere?
To Mr. David CLOWNstein—
It appears your fellow CLOWN, Dean LoganCLOWN, is struggle with reconciliation basics once again.
LoganCLOWN got off the hook last time because the law was so vague, it encouraged Logan’s incompetence.
However, reconciliations are now REQUIRED starting with the Primary. Lo & Behold, the esteemed CLOWN from KingCo Erections stands before us all once again….390 missing votes per his own reconciliation.
LoganCLOWN looks some like this:
Kind of hard to take this guy seriously, ain’t it!!!!
But you CLOWNS all stick together….thru incompetence and Fraud!
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 11/2/05 @ 9:41 pm
Yeah, and for all we know most of those mystery votes are stashed in King County Elections employees’ desks…
Oh and you still don’t want to count every legal vote!
Sims trading permits for cash?
Wow, first Heidi Wills and Jim Compton and Collucio, now Sims and racetracks.
You guys are CORRUPT
Paul Berendt: “These are the kinds of mistakes that need to be corrected in order to count every vote. As is clear in the King County case, errors have been made and those errors should be corrected to allow these votes – and voters – to be included in the process.â€
Where are you now?!?!? I guess the Hail Marummy pass didn’t get caught by your team…
Comment by righton — 11/3/05 @ 7:56 am
They are corrupt in lacking the moral fibre and standing up for democracy.
On the other hand, I supported the hand count (regretfully, sigh). I was in front of former SecState Ralph Munro in calling for a runoff. I support counting every legal vote and still do.
Our opponents, I believe, are starting to hate this country. If they were smart, Dean Logan would be fired.
Maybe all these Horsesass.org people are going to skip school again…
NOW..if this doesn’t just tell everyone exactly who “lucy the loon” really is, i don’t know what will.
after all kids, it’s just KINDA racist. that’s so much better than being really racist, right?
sugar coating anyone????
but hey, it’s okay….we have her word on it that she doesn’t mean it in a racial way. isn’t that what THEY always say?
lucy says……………….
re 1: It is kind of racist, but the mental visual of black people pelting this Rep CLOWN with oreo cookies is just too funny for words. I call white people who suck up to power “Uncle Toms”. I don’t mean it in a racial way.
Comment by headless lucy— 11/2/05 @ 12:04 pm
ChristmasGhost: What do you expect from the HEADRACIST of the CLOWNSTEIN’S blog? And just think this shithead on a man teaches school chirren in Seattle School District and is a wrestling coach? I wonder if he’s a pedophile? If the Seattle School District reads this they have to have records of the fucking bullshit from this real waste of a person. Every month he shows how racist he is. He kind of reminds me of Bill Romanowski.
These women who the poll claims support Sims by 21% don’t get it. Do these women know or care about corruption in elections and credibility in Government which is currently absent from the 3rd most corrupt county in the USA in the 2004 elections (as rated by an independent survey in June, featured on Orbusmax.com) ? If a majority of women re-elect Irons, they deserve what the mediocrity that they get or anyone who votes for the slick, incompetent and corrupt incompetent. You think that is smart and cool – but what you end up getting will be once again Stuck on Stupid.
The bottom line is that it appeart that HA is out to promote the agenda of;
Socialism and corruption run amuck – good, free-market, business and honest elections – bad. Chumponomics 101 !
puddy……….it is chilling to think that this complete moron actually teaches children. and i don’t use moron loosely here. i have never read even one post that was thought provoking, illuminating or anything but crude and childish name calling from “lucy”. so if you are correct and this is a man and he teaches….very interesting choice of a name.
california used to be the poster child for nuttiness but i am very happy to say that we have given the title quite happily to washington. for instance ,here, if i had the IP of someone using a school district computer to post all day on a blog…..the district would actually look into it and heads [pun intended] would roll.
but, then again, we are evolved enough to elect both parties to the office of governor. washington is such a lovely state and it’s full of great people but until you get a handle on the election fraud that happens every election cycle you will be stuck with the ‘headless lucys’ of the world running the show, and worse yet……teaching your children.
@ 129 Ditto your comments. It would a major advancement to witness critical thinking being used by those who vote who view this blog. For one, we would elect better quality people – instead its too much about voting for those who are perceived to be on their side in the culture war, who may end up being in some cases despicable when given the power – one current County Exec and sitting governor come to mind…
Not enough attention is paid to issues and as long as the mass remain apathetic – the elected politicians will continue taking advantage of the situation and reducing our freedoms and rights, in the name of being progressive and in some cases neo-cons. If the people would elect more accountable and responsible legislators in this state- Tim Eyman would not be nearly as much of an influence as he is today and I-912 wouldn’t need to be on the ballot.
Hey Goldy.. Any new poll data available?